Dangerously in Love

By Shawn Edwards

Published on Jun 10, 2014



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As I lay there with Dexter I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside my head. It felt as though I was two people both wanting different things at the same time and in the same body. Part of me wanted to stay with him and make him happy. Would it make me happy too? I knew I had made a mistake by telling him I loved him more. It was just in the heat of the moment and soon as I reached the low of my orgasm I was having regrets and second thoughts. Though difficult to admit if I stayed I would stay because of the money, love would come later. I was young but I was not that greedy and stupid. I had to do the right thing and that was to go and live with my sister and start afresh. The more I convinced myself about starting afresh the ore I felt repulsed about the whole idea. New York was an awfully big place and I would be alone, no friends, nothing. The last time I had seen my sister was when my parents broke up. I was only four and without the slightest idea what was happening. She was older and she understood. We had been apart all this time there was nothing to talk about it would all just be awkward. To make matters worse there was this huge age difference and we wouldn't talk about the same things. Lastly I was gay. My deep dark secret which no one knew about. Basically I was screwed if I went to New York but it was the lesser evil so I had to go. I had only known Dexter less than 24 hours and it was beyond stupid to shack up with him. I looked at him, we now lay cuddled and from his breathing I could tell he was sound asleep. I slid away from him and dressed. This was the only way to end it.

Tony smiled soon as I walked in. he was a very healthy distraction. His sapphire blue eyes, his long straight nose that ran all the way down to his full pink lips. He was Adonis in all his glory. I smiled back then sat at the bar.

It's a bit early to start drinking isn't it?' he asked and chuckled. Rough times?' he came and leaned on the counter facing me.

`Well it never rains.' I sighed.

`Indulge me.' He winked.

Over Jack and Cola.' I raised an eyebrow. Yes.' I giggled.

`Okay then.'

Reeva the female bartender came just as he was about to start making the drinks. He turned to me.

`Well my shift just ended why don't you go over there and find a table for two I will come with the drinks.'

I left the bar and went for a corner table near the wall. Tony came after some ten minutes or so dressed in his casual clothes.

`So?' he asked.

`I went home with blonde hottie who by the way you said was out of my league.' I gave him a look and sipped the drink he had brought for me.

I didn't say that.' He spoke with a high pitched voice then laughed. I just simply said you would make a fool outta you.'

`Well you were kinda right. The man is loaded. Hell he lives in a mansion and we did it in the limo and I did wake up with a diamond ring on my finger.'

Get out!' his eyes opened wide. Show me.'

I gave it back.' I showed him my bare hand then rushed to my defense before he judged. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow and I had barely known the man 48 hours I mean...' I raised my shoulders and wore a quizzical look on my face.

Timing is a bitch.' He said then sipped his drink. So how do you feel about all this?'

I put my glass down and nodded in agreement. `The man is like a love sick puppy, yeah he is attractive and all and I think I might have fallen for him I mean I left him twice, first when I found the ring in the morning and after we had sex when I had gone back to set things right.'

`For someone you just met I think you are starting to care.'

No! I just... I...' I stammered. Realizing Tony's words were true and made perfect sense. Well it doesn't matter. Either way I am leaving.'

`New York has so much to offer any way.' Tony encouraged.

I downed my drink and pushed the glass away. I need to go home.' I stood up. Thank you.' I dug into my pockets to pull out some money.

`I got it. I insist.' He said sternly seeing I wanted to object.

I smiled.

`Come to my house at 7pm.' Tony ordered rather than asked.

I had known him and we had gotten closer over the years and I have had a crush on him every now and then but he had never invited me to his house.

`Don't ask just come.' He smiled.

`Okay then.' I said then began making my way home.

I slept for a bit then woke up around half five and started preparing for Tony's. I had always found him hot. Like hell he was the reason I went to that club and I had episodes of crashes on him but I had always dismissed the possibility of him and me ever... Over the years we had just talked and kinda slipped into the friend zone.

I looked at my watch. It was 7 sharp. I knocked on his door and listened in. it was dead silent. I looked at the directions he had sent me and I had followed them and I was just where he had said I should be. I knocked again and peered into the keyhole. There was complete darkness and the key was not in its hole. I knocked for what I decided would be the last time and crossed my fingers. I was really disappointed he wasn't there. I had spent the day looking forward to my last night in Houston with him. I would be gone and most probably never come back. In a last desperate attempt I tried the door and it opened. I stepped away from the door and looked around in the hallway there was no one who would think I was breaking in. I took a cautious step forward and stepped in. the light flicked open and sooner than I could react the people I knew and loved popped up from their hiding places and screamed.

`Surprise!!!!!' they all said in unison.

I smiled, honored and touched by this gesture. I would miss this life and I would miss all my friends. I opened my arms when I saw them approach me for a group hug.

Thank you guys.' I let go and wiped a tear. I think I have something in my eye.' I said in a broken voice.

Well remove it soon as you can. We got a whole night of partying ahead. You gon sleep on the plane.' Tony said patting my shoulder. `Turn the music up in this baby!' he shouted and some electro dance jam started playing. He disappeared into the crowd.

I talked to my friends exchanging goodbyes and saying how much we would miss each other and wishing each other luck. It was very sad. I had grown attached to this people and in a few hours I would savor my attachment and simply go on to start a new life. Tony came with two drinks and pulled me away from Luke. We simply smiled at Luke, he smiled back and nodded then I walked away with Tony. We sat on an empty couch. Sipping and chatting the night away.

I really can't believe you are going.' He laughed sheepishly then tried to crack a joke. I just said can't doesn't that sound naughty' he laughed again.

I knew where he was going. Cant and cunt simple sounded the same but meant two totally different things. I looked at the table and then quickly knew the reason for his joke. The table was now full with empty beer cups and three quarters were his. I was still level but I was getting there.

You get it?' he asked after seeing my cue awkward silence. I wasn't silent that long though. His judgment must have been impaired. I was simply silent for the ten seconds it took me to process the joke and look at the table for how far drunk he was. You know cant as in cannot and then the other cunt...'

I pressed my index against his lips. He was so darn cute trying to explain his joke. In slow motion I removed my finger and pulled it towards me. I looked at him and our eyes met. For a full half minute he held me in his gaze. I was hypnotized. I knew what was about to happen but it was still a surprise to me and I was looking forward. Like magnets our faces raced towards each other. In the moment of impact we exploded into a passionate kiss. Our lips becoming one, our tongues wrestling in a friendly match. His lips were cotton soft, warm and moist, sending the world inside my shut eyes into frenzy. I found my hands behind his head and his behind mine simply forcing ourselves towards one another. I was now hard and wet with anticipation. Like a thirsty vampire I had one thing on my mind in that moment, sex. I knew I couldn't delay my hunger. I had to do something before it engulfed me and made me lose myself. Losing me in that hunger was the worst that could happen. I knew what I was capable of doing. The last time I lost it at a party in a situation like this I ended up doing it while everyone watched and turned the whole affair into a sexpo. With every breath of him I took my conscious slipped away into the abyss becoming too heavy for me to deal with, my subconscious simply rose to prominence becoming lighter and easier, a Libra scale in my own mind. Tony was too drunk. I simply switched and substituted my conscious.

I sat on his lap, never breaking the kiss and went for his shirt. I grabbed it by the neck with both hands and ripped it. I had no time for buttons. I had no time for anything I had lost it. He parted from my lips and looked into my eyes, not shocked and definitely not disapproving. He had seen the devil in my eyes and simply submitted, telling me he was mine for the taking. I knew some of them were all staring by now and whispering. I just didn't care. I had lost it all I had nothing more to lose. Our lips locked again this time our hands not behind our heads forcing towards each other but our glorious bodies out of their clothes and into their birthday suits. He went for my t-shirt first and I put my hands in the air and he pulled it off. I leaned towards his sculptured chest which was now bare and free of clothing. His body was warm and his skin smooth and soft against my own. It must have generated electricity, my dick was now throbbing. I could feel his huge hard on poking my ass under his own jeans. By instinct I simply undid his belt and button pulled his zipper down. I grabbed the waist of the jeans and started pulling them off. He raised his butt from the couch lifting my weight as well in the process. He was strong. His hands were busy undoing my jeans and cupping and squeezing my soft bubble butt as I was undressing him too. I got his pants off to knee level he had to take it from there. As though he read my mind he removed his shoes using his legs and started pulling his legs out from the jeans all the while his warm soft palms feeling my ass.

I grabbed my jeans and pulled them down. There was no way I was removing them without his help. He stood up with me still clutched onto him. We switched positions and he pinned me under him on the couch never unlocking lips. He was now on top of me. His entire weight rested on me. There was nothing sexier than my body looking tiny under his heavier and bulkier body. I wanted him naked and his boxers were the only thing left. I simply pulled them down and he kicked them of. Tony removed my jeans in one quick pull and my boxers followed. We were now in our birthday suits. We stopped kissing and stared with lust filled eyes. Tony breathed on my neck and I gasped. He licked inside my ears and I let out a moan. It tickled my senses and sent waves all over my body. He kissed and bit my neck, the warm wetness of his mouth and the bite force of his pearly white teeth sending chills all down my spine. I couldn't hold it in. I couldn't keep my body still. I closed my eyes. This sweetened the sensation even more. The couch was getting small for me. As if we were in sync he carried me up and we took it to the floor. I parted my legs soon as my back hit the floor and he came between my legs. Still working his magic on my neck and ears. He went down onto my chest and bit slightly my now hard and erect nipples. I gasped and increased my breathing.

He began sucking them taking regular soft bites releasing bursts of unbearable pleasure from within me. This made me arch my back from under him. I clutched his back with my legs and hands pulling him closer to me. He stopped and looked at me. I was so filled with passion. In the moment I loved every ounce of his being and I wanted to fuse with him and become one, to me there was nothing more than two men locked in passion, a forbidden passion, a guilty pleasure, one acceptable and understandable to only a few. A passion which some simply were indifferent about. To partake in it knowing all those factors made it the more interesting. I pulled his head toward mine and we kissed hungrily, I had missed his lips. I was ready for every inch of his manhood now. He was also ready for my cherry pie which now pulsated with anticipation. We slowly broke the kiss and he looked deep into my eyes and I into his. I felt his hand brushing past my belly button reaching for his shaft which he was now eager to slide into me. I felt his head explore the ring of my man pussy then entering slowly but surely into my mangina. It must have been about nine inches because it took a good few seconds sliding into me, invading the inside of my hole. He stopped and I shifted trying to accommodate it he had filled me and I felt a bit of a sting and discomfort but all it did was make me want it even deeper. Something about the pain made it intriguing.

All the while he looked at me intensely. He began thrusting slow and with each thrust I couldn't help but let out a gasp. I didn't want to lose the passion in our eyes and we kept staring at each other. I reached for my own dick, now oozing pre cum. I began stroking in sync with his rhythm, never shifting from his gaze. This was beyond divine. He was buried deep in me and he was thrusting and enjoying himself inside me. I could tell from the way he was panting like a dog on a hot summer day. Our bodies were in unison, they had become one, on a quantum level. We were nuclear, fused together in passion. I rolled over and was on top of him. His cock slid out and I reached for it to put it back in place. I met a hand there. It wasn't one of his for they were busy greasing my chest and pinching my nipples. I stumbled upon reality for a moment and was shocked as to what I saw. Two bottom gays were simply watching us as they stroked their hard rods and kissed. One of them was simply sliding Tony's cock into me so I wouldn't stumble and delay the show which we both gave them. The rest of the room was busy and I realized the temperatures had gone up from all the sweating.

As soon as he got it in I started riding Tony, slow and sure at first like he had done when he entered me and then I increased my pace as his breathing got heavier. I looked down at him and he had his eyes closed and his head back. He was feeling my chest, pinching my nipples and rubbing my ass with his hands. I was in control now and loving it, knowing it was my pace that determined how he was breathing. I wanted to make him cum. I placed my hands on his chest, rubbing it and massaging it as I now rode him hard. He was moaning now as I pinched his nipples as well. I knew he wasn't going to last and he was closer to his goal and I wanted to get him there as soon as I could. He had other things on his mind. He rolled over and I was under him in less than a second, it was still in, it never slipped for he started pounding me. I opened my mouth letting out gasps from under him. He was staring right into my eyes his sweat now dripping from his wet hair and face onto my abdomen. He was panting, his mouth open to. He thrust hard and groaned in pleasure. At that moment I felt his cock throbbing inside me releasing jet after jet of warm cum filling me. His thrusts became jerks like the pleasure was electrocuting him. He had erupted inside of me. He leaned in and we kissed passionately. Tony and I had just made love rather than have drunk sex.

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