Dangerously in Love

By Shawn Edwards

Published on Jan 3, 2013


I threw in the last of my clothes into the suitcase and zipped it close. I sighed and sat besides it on the bed. My life in Houston was over and though i thought it would be a good thing i now had my doubts. Houston was my home. I was born and raised there and all my life was there. Leaving felt so wrong but there was no option. I would leave for New York in three days and begin living with my enstranged sister who was 13 years older than me and i had seen her not more than thrice. I was single-handedly raised by my mum and my sister was raised by my dad. Both our parents had died now and it was just the two of us. I had heard she was married with a child but i had never seen the husband and my nephew. It would be my first time. My joy and my best friend had gone and left me. My pillar of strength was gone and i was alone in this big empty world. The death of my mother had devastated me and i would never find happiness again. I stood up and slowly walked out of the room. I was too young to worry. I was only 18 and i had to make the most of my life. Life was too short to be sitting around miserable. I had to shake the stress away.

I knew exactly where to go. There was one place that would make me happy. I locked the door and headed straight where my feet took me. I stopped at the entrance and slipped past security. It was quite easy given my height and my slender built. I was starting to grow my first facial hair and i looked 21 though i was 18. I entered the bar and wormed my way through the dancing couples to the bar. I looked at the bar from the corner of my eye and saw a couple kissing. The top guy who was obviously in control was sitting on the couch and the bottom guy was sitting on his laps with his tongue down his throat and his hips grinding on him. I looked away and sat at the bar then saw Tony the hot bartender. He was partly the reason i came to this club. It was always a joy seeing him. He was a vision he literaly melted ice. If he were in the titanic it wouldn't have sunk. That iceberg would have melted. He wasn't as hot as the guy on the other end of the VIP lounge though. I gave him a short glance and looked away. I would deal with him when i had taken a few. Plus i would have known if he were alone by then. A guy that hot would have someone with him. Maybe he had gone to the bathroom or he was just waiting to pick.

Tony came to me with a huge smile on his face.

'Hey Shawn, what can i get for you today?.' he asked.

'Get me two shots of tequila please.' i said raising an eyebrow. Tony gave me a look that warned me not to take those shots but i ignored it anyway. I needed to get drunk real quick.

Tony came right away and gave me my shots. I gulped the first one and felt its hotness as it went down. I pulled a face and braced myself for the second one. I took it, passing it down quickly before its strong taste ruined my tastebuds. I felt the same sensation again and pulled a face.

'Boy, you really need to get drunk real quick don't you?.' Tony said. He had been watching me all along.

'You have no idea.' i said. 'Get me a detroit ice.' i ordered. Tony shrugged but he had no choice but to give me what i wanted.

Two bottles of Detroit ice would just do the trick. Tequila was 43% and i had taken two shots now that was 86%. I would take two bottles of detroit ice each 7% and that would make it 14% so if i did the math i would be housing 100% alcohol in my blood. That was more than enough to drown my sorrows. I took down the first bottle of detroit then opened the second one. It was my last so i had to take it slow. I sipped it slowly now taking glances at the hot hunk on the other end of the VIP lounge. He was still alone. By now i had figured he hadn't found his type yet. I knew i would land him. I was his type. I had the looks that would make straight men gay and it would take me less than ten seconds to get him in bed with me. I was quite sure of that and i had alcohol to back me up. I took the last sip and placed the empty bottle infront of me. Tony came right then and i handed him his money and said thanks.

'I see you got your eye on that lone hunk.' Tony said.

'He ain't lonely anymore. He got me.' i said standing up and nearly fell. I got my balance back and began making my way to him. Tony must have said something about making a fool of myself but i ignored it. I was now feeling light-headed and my vision was a bit impaired. My hearing was now poor and as blured as my vision. The lights were now brighter but i still managed to make my way to him.

He kept his cool when i stood before him but i was too drunk to care.

'Shawty what tour name is?'. I said then gave him a wink with my sexy emerald green eyes. He ignored. 'Look sweety, i'm hot and you're hot and we both drunk and horny. I know you want me as much as i want you. Let's just do it.' I said boldly. That's the one thing i like about alcohol. It gives you confidence like no other. I wanted to go with him to his place.

He tapped his lap and i figured that was an invitation to sit on his lap. It seemed he had other plans. I sat without hesitation then stared deep into his sea blue eyes. He had angelic features. Sexy almond shaped eyes, a long nose and sexy Chris Brown lips. He smiled and i did so too without thinking.

'Work your magic.' he said in a deep calm voice that i found irresistable. Even if he told me to shoot myself in that voice i would put a bullet straight through my brain.

He had just summoned me to give him my all. I began swaying my hips from side to side grinding and rubbing my smooth ass on his crotch. It took a while of rubbing before i finally felt him begin to rise and get hard. I positioned my ass crack on his hard on and began moving faster and shaking my ass every few seconds. He was liking it because i could hear him moan and grunt with pleasure. He was now feeling my whole body. A few minutes ago i had been sober and watching a couple do what i was now doing and thoughty w being silly. I had even felt a bit ashamed but now i didn't give a fuck who was watching. I remembered i had to kiss those sexy lips and turned my head for a kiss. Our lips locked and i closed my eyes to savour the kisasme still grinding on him.

i must have gave him a ride to remember because i had gotten him so horny he wanted to fuck me right there. I wouldn't have that. I wanted to go to his or my place. There was no way i was going home to that empty house alone. It was either my or his place.

'I wanna make love in this club.' he said feeling a bit like Usher Raymond.

'This right here is only for your eyes to see but you getting carried away saying we can do it whenever. I dont want security rolling up on us.' i said, feeling a lot like Beyonce. We were now on the remix if love in this club.

I broke the kiss and gave him a sexy look.

'Come, let's get outta here.' i said. 'You gon do me at your place.' i continued with a more demanding tone then stood up from his laps and took his hand leading him out.

The moment he saw him he rushed maybe to get something. I was never expecting that. A black limo parked infron of us and the chauffer rushed to open the door for us. I had always wanted to get it in a limo. Dreams do came true and wishes were truly granted.

Next: Chapter 2

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