Dangerous Marine

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Aug 27, 2004


DISCLAIMER: This is a rather special story. I wrote it because a very talented artist offered to do illustrations for it. His name is ULF and I hope that sometime you have a chance to see some of his work. It is beautiful, erotic and, in some ways, disturbing but always intriguing. He often depicts Marines, though - as he puts it - Marines who are "rough around the edges". Well...most Marines are usually that! I'm sorry that this story cannot be illustrated on NIFTY but, if you write me, I will send you copies of his illustrations that go with the story. Check the end of the story for where to write.

DANGEROUS MARINE Part 1 - Saturday Night By RimPig 2004

The first time I saw him, I knew he was dangerous. I don't know exactly what it was about him, maybe that devilish glint in his dark eyes. Maybe it was the way his hips undulated and his body moved when he walked into the bar, like a panther or a mountain lion stalking its prey. Whatever it was, I knew he was trouble and I was always drawn to trouble! In fact, that's how I ended up in the Marine Corps. Too many run-ins with the law. Too many petty charges for hell-raising. Finally, I was given the choice by a judge - the county jail or the military. I figured that the Marines could use a hell-raiser like me.

That was five years ago. Yeah, once the DI's in boot-camp knocked all the bullshit and attitude out of me and made me grow up a little, I was just the kind of guy the Corps was looking for - in more ways than one. I was tall, big for my age, being only 18 when I entered boot-camp. I stood 6'2" tall and weighed close to 180 pounds. By the time I came out of boot camp, I was 210 pounds of ripped muscle and able to hold my own against any motherfucker in the company. I learned to kill a guy with my bare hands in twelve different ways and I walked with that same swagger that the dangerous looking Jarhead had who just walked into Jake's.

Jake's was a run-down bar in a rather seedy side of Oceanside, CA - near Camp Pendelton where I was stationed. I work in the motor pool there as a heavy equipment mechanic. I work on tanks, APC's - that Armored Personnel Carriers to you civilians - and Humvee's. I always liked cars and working on them and I guess the Corps spotted that in all those fuckin' 'placement tests' they gave me when I entered.

Jake's was a bar that catered to service personnel, mostly Marines but some swabbies as well...at least the ones that we didn't run off. Jake's had seen its share of, shall we say, 'inter-service rivalries' over the years. The Navy and the Marine Corps might be 'sister services' but those two 'sisters' had about the worst case of sibling rivalry you've ever saw! Many the night that I'd busted Navy heads in this bar. Keeps my fighting skills up and works off some of the sexual tension that I seem to always have.

Livin' in a barracks with a couple of dozen guys does that to me. See, I'm not what you would call a "poster-boy" Marine. Oh, I've got the looks for it, blonde hair cut in a regulation 'high and tight' along with a nice face and deep blue eyes. Certainly I've got the body for it - and not just from pumpin' weights either! Try throwin' around the diesel engine from a Humvee or APC sometime! But I've got this little 'problem'. I like guys. I mean, I REALLY like guys. Don't like women at all. Not for nothin' - especially not sex. Now, that's a problem to the 'brass'. Ain't supposed to be no 'faggot Marines'. Yeah! Tell me another one! All the sex I've had for the five years I've been in the Corps has been with other Marines. And there have been plenty of them, too!

See, the thing about Jarheads is, we're just about the raunchiest, horniest guys you'd ever want to know. And, with a couple of beers in us, we don't really much care what the fuck hole we shove our cocks into. We just don't particularly want the rest of the world to know about it. After all, you make it through boot camp and you put on the uniform and become one of "The Few, The Proud", well... worries about your so-called 'masculinity' just don't seem to bother you too much anymore. With most guys, it ain't that they're queer, they're just horny and sometimes another guy is a whole lot easier and a whole lot more understanding about that then some broad. Not to mention, Marines tend to like to play a little rough and raunchy. A lot rougher and raunchier than some dame is gonna go for - unless she's a real slut. And then, you gotta worry about diseases. You don't worry about that with your brother Marines because all of us are tested, all the time. That's why a lot of us don't have nothin' to do with civilians at all.

Nobody in their right minds would think of Jake's as a gay bar but it was to Jake's that me and hundreds of other Jarheads came to score what, to me, was the best sex possible - sex with a brother Marine! Guys who went to Jake's were there for only three reasons - to get fucked up, to get into a fight, or to find another Jarhead, or two or three, to have good old down and dirty, man-to-man sex with. Sometimes, Jarheads came for all three reasons.

That night I was there for sex. I was fuckin' horny. It had been two weeks since I'd had a chance to get my cock up some tight Marine hole or get a stiff Marine cock hard up my own shit-chute and I wasn't goin' back to base until I found some! I had a weekend pass, a room with a king- sized bed at a sleazy little motel and I was ready to party!

That's why this Jarhead interested me. I knew right away that he was a Marine, not no fuckin' swabbie. Even out of uniform, with a tight white t-shirt stretched across his huge, muscular abs and a pair of skin tight blue jeans that showed off his huge bulge in front and the magnificent mounds of his Marine butt in back, I could see the 'high and tight' and could also see the edges of what had to be the USMC emblem tattooed on his left arm. His hair was dark, black really, what there was of it. His skin was dark, almost olive colored. I figured him for about 6'4" or 6'5" with a build on him that made even me feel somewhat inferior - and I've got a body most guys would die for! I think every fuckin' eye in the room was on him when he walked in.

He walked over to the bar, giving me a view of his beautiful butt moving inside those jeans and got himself a beer. He was carrying what looked like a black canvas bag, like you'd carry to the gym. He turned and started scanning the room, like he was lookin' for somebody. His dark eyes under dark, heavy eyebrows and behind beautiful, long, dark lashes, were what you might call 'bedroom eyes'. They had that half-lidded kinda sexy laziness to them while at the same time, they could pierce right through you like a Tomahawk missile! He glanced around the room a couple of times and then his eyes looked over into the corner where I was sitting all alone at a table. His eyes locked on mine like the missile guidance system in an F-18 - "I've got tone! I've got lock! Firing!"

I don't know what I looked like, looking back at him but from the moment our eyes locked, he was in motion. He walked slowly and purposely straight for me. When he got the table, he didn't say a word, just sat down, dropped the canvas bag to the floor and then tipped back in the chair, only leavin' the back two legs on the floor and crossed his legs until his one combat-booted foot was resting on his other knee. He didn't say a word, just sat there drinkin' his beer from the long- necked bottle and lookin' into my eyes. It was the most intense stare I'd ever encountered but it wasn't intimidating or challenging either. I didn't feel threatened, just kind of 'pinned' to that spot, like a fuckin' butterfly pinned to a piece of cardboard in a display box like one of the ones my grandfather used to have. We just sat there like that, starin' at each other, for about 5 or 10 minutes until finally this deep, baritone sound came from his mouth.

"So, whatcha into?" he asked quietly, the deep timbre of his voice sending chills up my spine and blood to my already horny cock.

"Name it." I said.

"You top or bottom?" he asked.

"Either one." I said.

It was true. I pretty much liked either position. I love to suck and get sucked, fuck and get fucked. I especially love eatin' Jarhead butt and he sure looked like he had a nice one for eatin'!

"I'm top only." he said.

Well...that figured. I could have seen that coming. But, fuck! That was okay by me! Been a while since I'd been with a guy who was a pure top. Most times, I'd end up fuckin' the guy all night because that's all he fuckin' wanted - my Marine weapon up his Marine target. Now, don't get me wrong. I ain't complainin' but after a while, it gets kinda boring - just doin' the same thing all the time. This night was definitely not going to be boring, but I didn't know that at the time.

"Fine by me." I answered.

"I'm Kirk." he said not offering his hand, just his name.

"Jason." I said in answer.

"You gotta place?" he asked.

"Yeah. Gotta motel room a couple blocks away." I said.

He put his head up, tipped the bottle upside down and guzzled the rest of his beer. He brought his chair back down on all four legs with a crash and slammed his empty beer bottle down on the table and reached down and grabbed the black canvas bag.

"Let's go." he said, standing up, and starting to walk to the door.

I quickly guzzled my beer and got up to follow him. This was a Jarhead who definitely had some 'control issues'! He really liked to be 'in charge'. I just didn't know then how much! One thing for sure - he didn't waste any time!

I didn't mind. I was turned on by his take-charge, 'can-do' attitude. I certainly wasn't into wastin' time gettin' to know each other and that shit! You got to know everything you needed to know about a man while you were rammin' your cock up his ass or havin' his rammin' up yours. I didn't want to 'date' this Jarhead! I wanted to fuck! All night long, if possible!

He went through the door and waited for me outside. I led the way to the motel. We didn't say a word the whole way there. When we got into the room, I went to the refrigerator where I'd stashed two cases of Bud in cans for the weekend. The heat in the room was up all the way and it was hot. I did that because most of the time I went naked and I like to sweat and get myself good and stinkin' before I had sex.

"You want a beer?" I asked.

"Yeah. Thanks." he said, putting down the canvas bag and sitting down in one of the chairs by small table in the room and I handed him one of the cold cans as I sat opposite him also putting a bottle of Cuevo Gold on the table as well.

One of the things I liked about this motel was that it had a refrigerator and a microwave along with a small coffee maker in each room. That way, I could stock up for the weekend and not have to eat out unless I wanted to. I could also have enough beer to get myself good and full of liquid. You see, one of the things I love the most is watersports. I love bein' pissed on, drinkin' recycled beer from a Marine's cock or even gettin' a piss enema - or given one. I'm real 'versatile' when it comes to pissin'. Love to watch eager Jarheads drinkin' down a nice load of my recycled brew and I love pissin' up their butts and then fuckin' them in my hot piss. You might say that I'm an 'Equal Opportunity' pisser.

Another thing that I get into is mansmells. Love to smell the raunch and sweat of a ripe male body. Love to lick out a guy's sweaty pits, lick his sweaty, nasty balls and eat out his funky ass. The great thing about Marines is they don't bother with showering before sex - at least not with another Marine. Cologne and deodorant are for their dates with cunts. Not with another guy. That's just the way I love it.

"Fuckin' hot in here." he said.

"Yeah. I like to keep it warm. Love to sweat." I said. "You want, I can turn it down."

"Nah! Leave it. I'll just get comfortable." he said, starting to pull off his white t-shirt which was soaked with sweat under the armpits.

I must have been looking hungrily at him as he did this because he gave me this kind of wolfish grin and tossed the damp t-shirt to me. I grabbed it and brought it to my nose, breathing deeply of the strong scent of sweaty male. I even stuck the damp area under the arms in my mouth and sucked on the salty sweat. I looked over at him and he had a big grin on his face, watching me as he undid his jeans. He leaned over and untied his black combat boots, slipping his feet out of them. He then slipped off his jeans and stood there in a pair of grey athletic socks and a very worn, very well-used and very unwashed jockstrap - my favorite kind!

The mixed scents of sweaty feet, sweaty groin and sweaty pits were wafting off him towards me and I raised my nose in the air somewhat to get a better whiff of the mingled scents. The room, with both of us sweating up a storm, quickly began to smell like a locker room - also one of my favorite scents. He sat down at the table and looked at me.

"You gonna keep your clothes on?" he asked.

I quickly pulled off my own t-shirt and jeans and slipped of the trainers I was wearing. Like him, I was wearing athletic socks - white ones - and my favorite jock. One I had owned for about 5 years and had never washed. It was full of my sweat, piss, cum and other musky scents. It added its fragrance to the already odor filled room.

"Damn! It's a good thing we both like manstink! Otherwise we'd need to open a window!" he laughed.

"Yeah, good thing!" I agreed.

We sat there, drinkin' our beers, along with a couple of shots of the Cuervo and not really sayin' much of anything. Finally, he spoke.

"So what are you really into?" Kirk asked.

So I told him about all the stuff I was into including the watersports and mansmells.

"You aren't into scat, are you?" he asked, obvious in his distaste for the subject.

"No. That's kinda where I draw the line. I ain't into that." I said, glad he didn't seem to be either.

"That's okay. I don't get into it neither. I gotta tell you, I ain't usually into kissin' and all that romance shit. I like my sex kinda rough. That okay with you?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's cool. I do like to kiss, suck on a guy's tongue but it ain't necessary." I said.

We did a couple more beers and another shot of Cuervo and then he said those 'golden' words.

"I gotta piss." he kind of growled. "You want it?"

"Fuck, yeah!" I said, getting to my knees in front of him.

I put my nose into his jock pouch and began to smell the vapors of stink rising from it into my nose! I could smell sweat and piss and God only knows what else and it was drivin' me crazy.

"You like the way that jock smells?" he asked.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" I answered, taking deep whiffs of the stink.

"Bet you'd like the way it tastes, too." he said, reaching down and shoving my face into his pouch.

Whatever he was packin' behind that mesh had to be big! Really big! I'd almost never seen a jock pouch stretched out the way his was. It barely covered what was inside it. Pressing my face against his groin merely confirmed for me that it was a solid mass of flesh behind that pouch. I started licking at it and sucking the pouch into my mouth. I could taste the saltiness of the trapped sweat and piss and the somewhat chlorine taste of dried cum. I opened my mouth and pressed it against the pouch where I figured the head of his cock was and breathed out, sending my own hot, moist air onto his equipment.

"Yeah! That's it. Taste my stinkin' pouch!" he groaned as his cock began to twitch and grow in the pouch from the feeling of wet heat from my mouth. "Get ready, man. Here it comes!"

Suddenly, his jock got very warm and wet. I could taste the saltiness of his piss. He'd had plenty of beer and this was definitely re-cycled beer piss. I sucked at the stream of piss as it flowed through his jock. Then the stream stopped. He reached down and pulled his cock from the pouch and put it into my mouth. I noticed that his cock was both thick and uncut. Soft it appeared to be about eight inches! I could only guess at what it was hard. With the smell of his crotch, I figured it had been a day or two since he'd had a shower and I was hoping that there was a nice build up of smegma under that hood that I could feast on when I was done drinking his piss.

I drank quickly and deeply of his pissing cock. It tasted so good to me. But he pulled his cock from my mouth and directed it at my face and let his piss flow down my naked chest until it soaked into my own jock and then onto the linoleum floor.

"Yeah! You look good covered in a man's piss." he growled.

"Good thing! 'Cause I love stinkin' of a man's piss!" I said rubbing the piss into my pecs and under my arms in my pit hair.

"Yeah, get off on my piss! You're just the kind of pig I like!" he grinned.

I put my mouth back to his cock head to drink down the last of his flow. Once his piss stopped, my tongue began rooting around under the hood of his cock. I could taste the tang of smegma and I knew that there was a motherload of it just beyond the reach of my tongue. I looked up into his dark eyes, yearning in mine.

"You lookin' for somethin'?" he grinned.

I pulled my mouth from his cock.

"I love smegma." I said.

"Well, I got plenty for ya." he assured me.

He then skinned back the hood from his cockhead and the scent of cock-cheese filled the air. Fuck! He had a fuckin' cheese factory going on under that hood! It was like wakin' up in Wisconsin! There were flecks of smegma all over his cockhead and a creamy buildup under the head of his cock that was more than I'd ever seen on a cock before.

"Fuck! How long since that's been cleaned out?" I asked.

"I ain't showered since yesterday morning." he said.

"That's only two days buildup?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. I always make a lot of it." he admitted somewhat sheepishly.

"Cool! I love it! Can't get enough of it!" I said.

And with that, my tongue snaked out and I began to eat the wonderful man-cheese. The pungent smell and taste hit my mouth and nose at the same time and I was moaning at the taste and scent of it. As much as I tried to savor it and take it slowly, his cockhead was soon clean of all the smegma and all that was left was some of the scent of unwashed man-cock. But that was fine with me because now I just moved on down to his balls.

I pulled his jock down so that I could get to his balls and he raised up and let me slip it completely off him. I took the raunchy strap in my hand and brought it to my nose one last time, smelling his stink. I then put the pouch in my mouth, sucked up all the wet piss I could and then put it around my neck as I leaned down and started nuzzling his sweaty, musky nuts. They were covered in dark hair and had that great man-stink about them which I loved so much. Because of the special sweat glands which produced the musk, most guys balls smelled pretty much the same. Their own personal scent you could smell elsewhere on their body but their nuts smelled ...well...like a guy's nuts! And, God knows, I love that smell!

I snorted deep of his ball-stink and then began licking his nuts, tasting the salty sweat and musk. Mmm! I love that taste! And Kirk had more than enough of it to satisfy a pig like me! He moaned as I licked and chewed on his nut-sack.

"Yeah! That's it. Clean them fuckin' balls for me! Clean 'em with your fuckin' tongue!" Kirk growled.

I followed orders just as a good Marine always does! I licked at his balls, sucked them into my mouth and chewed on his sack. He reached down and held my face into his crotch as I did so and the scent of his crotch sent me further and further into really raunchy realms of my own sexual needs. This was how sex was meant to be! Pure! Masculine! Two guys getttin' down to their basic animal natures and reveling in the sights, tastes, feel, scent and sounds of their own maleness! There is nothing more exciting, nothing better than that for me! And it seemed to happen easier with my brother Marines than any other males on earth!

I rooted more around his crotch, taking his thick, dark crotch hair and combing it with my teeth and tongue, gathering all the tastes and smells I could find. I moved back down to his ball-sack which, by now, was drawn up tight to the base of his cock so that I could get to the back of the sack and to that patch of skin that leads down to my favorite part of a man's body to explore - his ass! I could already smell the faintly 'assy' scent of his butt and was more than eager to explore this most intimate and raunchiest part of a male's body.

I licked that the inch or so partition between his cheeks but it was tightly closed to my exploring tongue. He must have felt where my tongue was licking and realized what I was after.

"I know you want my butt, asslicker, but you gotta wait for it! I wanna have some fun now." he said.

So what the fuck was pissin' down my throat and havin' me suck down his smegma and ball- stink? That wasn't fun for him? But evidently, Mr. Control-Freak had something else in mind. He got up from the chair and walked over to the bed. He pulled all the covers and sheets off the bed, tossing them over onto sofa and basically stripped the bed down to the mattress. Then he went into his black canvas bag and pulled something that was folded up and appeared to be some kind of rubber or vinyl. What it turned out to be was some kind of flat, waterproof sheet which he then spread over the mattress to protect it.

"Get naked and get on the bed, lay down face up!" he ordered, turning to me.

I quickly did as I was told, removing my jock, socks and starting to remove his jockstrap from around my neck.

"Nah, leave my jock on. It looks good on your there!" he laughed.

He then took several lengths of rope from the canvas bag and began securing my wrists and ankles to the frame of the bed until I was laying there spread eagle, tied securely. He then reached back into the canvas bag and pulled out several more items. I could see a small brown bottle which I knew were poppers, several lengths of leather cord, a pair of tit-clamps with a chain between them and what had to be one of the smallest leather floggers I'd ever seen in my life! The thing was no more than six inches long. I couldn't imagine what the fuck it was for! I was soon to find out!

First Kirk took my ball-sack and wrapped his fingers around the base of my sack until my nuts were stretching the skin. He then took one of the leather cords and wrapped it around my nuts a couple of times and tied it off, leaving my nuts stretched and looking like a lumpy tennis ball beneath my hard cock. He then took another length of leather cord and tightly tied off my nuts and cock like a cock ring, only tighter. No way my hard cock was gonna go soft any time soon all trussed up the way it was. Then he took the two tit clamps and, after pulling on each of my nips to get them hard and pointy, he attached them to each of my sensitive tits. I yelped at the pain as the little clamps dug into the sensitive tissue but my cock got harder at the same time, leaking cock-snot onto my abs and letting him know that this treatment was very stimulating to me.

He got off the bed, standing beside it, and looked down at me and his handiwork. He reached down, grabbing the chain that connected the two tit-clams and began tugging on it, making me wince and cry out with the pain that my tender nips were feeling! Fuck! It hurt! But it also sent thrills straight from my tits to my rigid cock which bounced up and down, spraying cock-snot all over my abs! Kirk played with my nips for a while but then moved down to the foot of the bed and climbed onto it between my legs.

Now, he brought out the little flogger. I still couldn't figure out what that was for until he started using it. He started with the inside of my thighs, flicking the leather thongs of the flogger against my skin. There was a small sting to it, but it also sent thrills through me! It hurt good! He continued going up and down the inside of my thighs, gradually flicking me harder and harder with the little flogger until there were little red marks all up and down the inside of my thighs. Then he moved up and started flicking it against my stretched out balls and hard cock!

"FUCK!!!" I screamed out at the feel of the lashes against my stretched and sensitive balls.

Kirk grinned down at me.

"What's the matter? Pussy? Can't take it?" he smirked.

"Fuck you! I can take anything you can give, shithead!" I growled back.

Well...maybe that was NOT the right thing to say at that point, being as I was all trussed up like a fucking Christmas goose, but NOBODY calls me "Pussy"!

"Oh, you can, huh?" Kirk smiled the smile of a cobra ready to strike!

I'd inadvertently played right into his hand! He set the trap and I fell right into it! Now he had carte blanche to do anything he felt like doing and I had to take it or I would, indeed, be a "pussy"! The slight flicks of the flogger to my balls and cock became all out hard hits with the flogger to these supremely sensitive areas. Then, he threw down the flogger and started using his hand to slap my reproductive organs with his big, over-grown hand! SHIT!!! THAT FUCKIN' HURT!!!

"OWWW!!!" I screamed out.

"Oww?! Did you say 'Oww!'?" Kirk laughed and slapped my hard cock with his hand again! "Oww! I'll make it Oww!"

"Please! I'm not into pain!" I begged.

"This ain't pain! This is just a little 'stimulation'!" he grinned.

"Okay, you get down here and let me tie up your nuts and see if it's just 'stimulation' to you!" I growled.

"Nah! Now we agreed I was Top - only! You wouldn't want to go back on our deal now would you?!" he grinned at me.

"The fuck I wouldn't you son-of-a-bitch!" I said.

"You're just not into this yet. Lemme see what I can do to fix that!"

And saying that, he got down on all fours over my groin and started licking and nibbling at my balls. The feeling of his tongue and the little nips of his teeth sent thrills through my groin and throughout my body!

"Ahh! Fuck!" I groaned, tugging at the ropes holding my arms out.

"You like that, huh?" he grinned up at me.

"Oh! Fuck, yeah!" I said.

He moved up my groin, using his tongue and teeth on my nuts and then my hard cock. My cock- snot was pouring out on my abs and he stopped to lick up the puddle that had started.

"Sweet!" he murmured as he moved on, taking licks of the sweaty skin of my gut and up to my chest.

He moved over until his mouth locked around my tender nips, undoing the tit-clams with his teeth and then sucking each of my nips into his mouth where he sucked hard on them, making me moan in the intense feeling as the blood rushed back into them! He then moved over and started snorting the stink in my pits, rubbing his nose up and down in them before licking them out, drenching my pit-hair in his saliva. When he finished with both of them, he moved up so that he was standing over me on the bed, his feet on each side of my rib cage. He turned around so that now he was facing my feet and I could see the beauty of his muscular back and ass! Fuck! He was a huge guy, and every where you looked were the cuts and striations of muscle! With out a word, he slowly squatted down so that his ass was headed right for my face. I watched as his twin globes spread apart and I finally could get a good look at his ass-trench and hole.

It was lightly furred inside around the pinkish hole but was one of the most beautiful butts I'd ever seen - and, trust me, I've seen my share! You didn't live with 24 Jarheads and not see beautiful butts! There's something about Marine Corps training that just develops the most beautiful and muscular male asses! The Marine Corps is heaven to a true 'butt-lover' like me. But this! This was an ass that needed to be immortalizes somehow! It should be in the Louvre or the National Gallery! And it looked like it was going to be all mine for a while!

He stopped about three or four inches from my nose, allowing me to lift up and run my nose into his butt-trench! Fuck! Did it stink good! It had that warm, ripe, dark aroma of sweat, ass-juice and male animal that a guy developed when he's hot and sweaty. I love the scent of male ass and this was the ultimate scent that I craved! If somebody could only bottle it - I would spend every cent I had buying it!

"Yeah, smell my butt! You like the way it smells, pig?!" he growled as he heard me taking deep whiffs of his butt stink.

"Yeah! Fuck, yeah! I love the way your butt smells!" I told him.

"What's it smell like, pig? Talk to me!" he ordered.

"It stinks! Stinks really good! Smells like a man's ass! Fuckin' makes me want to eat it!" I moaned.

"Go ahead, pig!" he said, lowering his ass further so that my face was pressed into his raunchy crack. "Eat my fuckin' ass! Lick me out! Clean out that fuckin' dirty butt with your tongue!"

I instantly began licking up and down his ass trench, tasting the salt of his sweat and the tang of his ass-juices. He began moving back and forth, rubbing his ass over my face, making it into his asswipe!

"Yeah! Stink up the pig! Make the pig smell like my ass!" he growled, almost to himself.

I was all for that! I was already wearin' his piss. I loved the idea of wearin' his ass-stink as well! My tongue moved further into his trench until it was licking against his soft hole. He stopped moving then and let me lick his hole. The taste was stronger, richer than the cleft had been.

"Oh, fuck! Yeah! Eat my stinkin' hole, pig! Eat out that fuckin' manhole! Get all that fuckin' stink!" he growled as I eagerly ate his butt.

I was licking his opening and pushing against it with my tongue, trying to get it up inside. However, his butthole was tighter than a virgin's cunt! It was obvious that he was exclusively a 'Top'. If any cock had ever breeched his opening, it had either been very small or very long ago! Or both! It was my guess that the most that had ever pushed 'into' his ass was a finger.

But I had a great time licking at his hole and trying to get it to relax enough to shove my way up inside him. I never achieved that objective, but I sure tried! He finally pulled off my face and then turned around and got down over me again.

Then he did something totally shocking! His mouth came down on mine and he was kissing me deeply and passionately! As our tongues dueled in each other's mouths, I knew he could taste his raunchy butt on my mouth but this seemed to merely inspire him to more passionate exploration of my mouth - including trying to shove his tongue down past my tonsils!

"Fuck! I thought you didn't like to kiss?!" I asked when he finally pulled his mouth away.

"You've been a good boy. Besides, I wanted to see what my butt tasted like." he explained, grinning down at me.

"So? What did you think?" I asked.

"Tasted good! I think I want to compare it to how your's tastes though!" he said.

He then climbed off of me and off the bed. He went around and loosened the restraints from the bed frame but not from my wrists and ankles.

"Time to turn you over." he explained, literally lifting me up in his arms and turning me over, setting me back down on the bed on my stomach!

I was in shock! Not only had he picked me up and turned me over - and I'm not a light-weight by any stretch of the imagination! - but he'd done it like I weighed no more than a sack of feathers completely blew me away! No way I'd want to get into a fight with this motherfucker! He could break me in half!

So, there I was, laying face down and Kirk was retying the restraints to the bedframe so that I was once again spread-eagle but now my ass and back were exposed for his pleasure. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him once again pick up the little leather flogger as he climbed onto the bed and straddled my body, just below my butt.

"Mmm! Nice lookin' butt!" he murmured as his hands began to knead my butt-cheeks.

I groaned at this, his hands and massage feeling so good! Then suddenly one of his hands came down in a hard, loud smack across my butt-cheek!

"Ugh!" I grunted.

There was a strong sting, but it didn't really hurt so much as tingle and turn me on! Yes, I'd been spanked before and kind of liked it - as long as it wasn't too hard or left welts or something! I didn't like havin' to explain shit like that in the barrack's showers!


His hand came down on my ass harder this time!

"UGH!!! FUCK!!!" I grunted again, louder this time.

"You like that, pig? You like havin' your butt spanked?" he demanded.

"Fuck, yeah!" I growled back!


His hands hit my ass cheeks in rapid succession!

"AHHH!!! FUCCKKK!!!" I moaned loudly.

"Yeah! The pig's butt looks good all pink and shit!" he chuckled to himself.

I expected some more smacks but, instead, I suddenly felt the sting of that little flogger again. This time on my upper back! He was flogging my upper back and shoulder blades with hit, slowly moving south. He moved down to my mid-back and then to my lower back until finally he was smacking my ass cheeks with it! I could just see all the little red marks that it was leaving all over me! I guess I was in for some explaining when I got back to the barracks! As if he could read my mind, he calmed my concern.

"Great thing about this little flogger is that it stings like crazy but the marks it makes only last a few minutes. Won't nobody know nothin' next time you're in the shower at the barracks." he said.

Well, that was a relief anyway. He worked up and down my back and all over my buttocks with the flogger for what seemed like a long time but there was no way for me to gauge it. I was lost in the feelings and my mind was floating on the endorphins that were flooding me from the activity. He finally stopped and I felt him moving down the bed. I looked back and he was laying on his stomach, between my spread legs, my ass directly beneath his face. He leaned down and began running his chin all over my reddened buttocks. Now, it had been a few days since he'd showered. It had also been a few days since he'd shaved and his stubble was abrasive - especially against my now tender ass! But the bristliness of his unshaved chin was so incredibly stimulating! I could feel my cock leaking under me and my butt-cheeks quivering at the touch!

He finally grabbed my butt-cheeks and pulled them apart, burying his face in my trench. I could hear him taking deep breaths of my ass-stink and then felt his tongue begin laving up and down my crack. I groaned and pressed my ass up, trying to get even better contact with his butt-eating mouth! I wanted his tongue IN me! I wanted him to tongue fuck me. Evidently, he had exactly the same idea because, before long, his tongue was pressing against my eager and well-used hole, trying to gain entry through my back-hole. I pushed down with my muscles, opening my sphincter as much as possible. He felt me helping him and renewed his lingual attack on my opening. This time he was successful and his tongue breeched my hole and slid up inside me!

We both moaned at this! I loved the feeling of his tongue fucking my ass and, obviously, he loved the feeling and taste of tongue-fucking me as well! I lay there as he avidly ate my butthole out. He was growling deep in his throat as he did so and I was moaning at the wonderful feelings he was causing in my hole! It had been so long since a man had serviced my butt! I almost couldn't wait for that thick, uncut monster of his to slide up my shit-chute and ream me out good!

Kirk ate my ass for a good twenty minutes or more and then began sliding fingers up my butt to loosen me up. As I said, it had been a while since I'd been fucked by anybody and I was having trouble taking his long, thick fingers. He got up off the bed and I heard him rooting around in that canvas bag of his again. When he got back on the bed, I felt the cool, wet of lube being applied to my hole and then his fingers slid in much more easily! By the time he was done opening me up, he had three of his thick fingers working in and out of me and I was laying there moaning like a the cheap whore that I am, loving the feeling of my hole being stuffed again!

I next felt him untying my ankles. He didn't untie my hands however. I couldn't figure out why until his next set of 'orders' came.

"Get up on your fuckin' knees!" he said.

I managed to do so, now putting my butt up in the air with my head still laying on the bed as my arms were still tied out in a broad 'Y' so that I couldn't raise the top of my body. Kirk got behind me on the bed and I could feel him actually standing. I looked behind me just as he squatted down to where his cock was level with my hole. Then, with one massive snap of his strong hips, he drove his cock completely up my shithole in one, hard stroke!

"FUCK!!! YEAH!!!" I screamed out as the pleasure/pain hit me!

I have to admit, I love when a guy cold-cocks me like that! Yeah, it's painful, but the pain goes away quickly and they guy is all the way inside you almost instantly! I loved a rough entry almost as much as I love a rough fuck! And it was sure that I was gonna get both tonight!

"Yeah, you love it - don'tcha, pig?" he growled as he set to slamming his big hunk of manmeat in and out of my hole.

This man fucked like he talked - rough! My hole has been used and abused by Marines for five years but NEVER had it been used like Kirk fucked it! His pounding cock slammed into me so hard I figured the fucker was gonna come out my fuckin' mouth! He took no mercy on me. There was NOTHING tender about this fuck! It was the most intense and thorough reaming my shit- chute ever had! He slammed his cock into my butt at a dozen different angles, hitting places up inside me that nobody had ever reached before! I fell in love with his cock and his fucking within minutes. Him...well, that might take a while longer - a long while longer!

His stamina was amazing! He literally fucked me for over half an hour! An all out anal assault! He fucked me so long that I found myself, after about ten minutes unable to hold back cumming! I tried, I really did but it was no use!

"OHHH!!! FFFFUUUCCCKKK!!!" I screamed as my cum shot out of my dick all over the vinyl sheet below me.

"YEAH, PIG!!! BLOW YOUR LOAD!!!" Kirk roared as he felt my shithole tighten around his fucking cock.

But did he stop? Fuck, no! He kept right on pounding my butt into submission! I loved it! Within a few minutes, I was hard as a rock again and knew that if he was able to keep pounding my hole that way, I would cum again!

The End of Part 1 of DANGEROUS MARINE

I hope you like the story. Better still I hope it gets you off! I love gettin' guys off! If you did like it, write me at rimpigfl@yahoo.com

As I said in the "Disclaimer" - this story has been illustrated by ULF. If you would like copies of the illustrations, write me - putting the story title in the subject line so I don't think it's SPAM and ask for the illustrations. However, I warn you ahead of time, the files with all the pictures are LARGE ones - even 'zipped'! Do not request them if you have a small e-mail box. They are a total of 7 zipped files totaling 8.96MG!

I have over 50 stories on NIFTY. If you'd like the current list of them, write me and I will be glad to send it to you.

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In addition, I have a "blog" (web-log) called "THE PIG TROUGH" of my writings about life and other topics. You can access it at http://www.livejournal.com/users/rimpig/

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Thank you!


Next: Chapter 2

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