Dane's Love / Beginnings

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 9, 2008



Dane's Love By Randy Howard II

Justin's breath was hot on Dane's neck as he fucked his ass, the rhythm of his cock as it slid in and out of Dane's ass brought him to a climax.

"Fuck me Justin hard and deep, I'm coming," he yells out as he shoots his come onto his chest and abs. His climax tightens his ass muscles around Justin's cock and he soon reaches his own climax.

"I'm coming man, ride my cock," he says as he fills Dane's ass with his come. He pounds his ass with a vengeance until he has spent himself, and falls onto Dane giving him a kiss. He quickly gets up and heads to the bathroom carrying his clothes.

"You are the best fuck in town Dane," he says as he disappears into the bathroom. "Put me down for this time next week," he says sticking his head back into the bedroom. He comes out a few minutes later dressed, and hands Dane two fifties as he heads for the front door.

"See you next week babe," he says as he leaves closing the door behind him.

Dane gets up putting the money into his dresser drawer then goes into the bathroom. As he looks into the mirror he hates what he sees. Standing there staring back at him is a kid with blonde hair and blue eyes, who has a great looking body but is nothing but a whore. He grabs a bottle and smashes the mirror, unable to stand what he sees. He knows what he is and does not need a mirror to remind him daily of it. He turns on the shower and gets in, and then adjusts the temperature. He silently cries as the water washes away his tears. He has twenty more minutes until his next trick arrives so he quickly prepares himself. He is dressed and ready when there comes a knock at the door.

"Dane babe, how are you," the officer says as he comes in closing the door behind him. He takes Dane into his arms and gives him a kiss that is passionate and hard. "I missed your ass babe," he says as he removes his service belt setting it on the coffee table. The two of them walk into the bedroom for their morning get together. This is a freebee as the officer calls it, to keep Dane's ass out of jail. But to Dane it is nothing more than a case of simple blackmail. Dane undresses the officer for that is what he likes for Dane to do, and he takes his cuffs and he puts them on Dane and fastens them to the headboard.

"Now my little prisoner, I'm gonna fuck that pretty little ass of yours," he says as he lifts Dane's legs and slowly but firmly pushes his cock right in. Dane cries out in pain as he enters him but he soon silences his cries, as he starts to fuck Dane's ass. Dane lays there thinking how would this cop react if he knew that the kid he was fucking was only sixteen, he is brought back to reality by the cops grunting noises as he pounds his ass.

"Fuck your ass is so hot you got me on the edge already," he says as he increases his rhythm and shoots his load deep into Dane's ass. He is unable to stop his rhythm as he shoots more and more of his seed.

"Fuck kid I love to fuck you," he says as he finally starts to slow his pace. "Fucking you is better than fucking my old lady," he says as he pulls his cock out of Dane's ass. He undoes the cuffs then gets himself dressed as he prepares to leave.

"I will be back again soon," he says strapping his service belt back on and then leaving. Dane hates that cop and wishes he had never worked the streets that night he got caught by him. He remembers how he had made a bargain with Dane of sex for turning the other way in bringing him into the station. He gets dressed to go out for a while to get his head clear of his thoughts. He takes the bus to the mall to buy some new clothes, but he never goes anywhere to wear them so why bother he tells himself. He meanders around until he finds himself at the food court and he gets himself something to eat. He is looking for a place to sit when he hears someone say to him.

"If you don't mind sharing a table kid, you can join me," a very good-looking man of about thirty something says to him.

"Thanks mister, this place sure is crowded today," he says as he sits down. He looks at the man with his dark brown hair and eyes in his business suit, he notices how well built he is even with the suit on.

"It's the Christmas shoppers," he says bringing Dane back to the present. "The name is Logan Carmichael," he says extending his hand to Dane.

"Nice strong name mister, Dane Smith," Dane says shaking his hand noticing his firm grip. "You on your lunch break," he asks.

"No just trying to finish up my shopping," he says. "What about you, no school today," he asks and Dane figures he notices his age.

"Not in school," he says looking at his eyes.

"So you shopping also for Christmas," he asks and Dane is feeling like he is in the inquisition with his questions. Nope have no one to buy for, just me to worry about," he says looking down at his food.

"God kid, you all alone for the holidays, not even parents," he says looking at him kind of sad.

"Listen mister, I don't know you and all these questions are starting to piss me off," he says as he gets up to leave.

"Hey I'm sorry Dane, please sit I won't bother to ask you anymore questions," he says looking at him now as if he has hurt his best friend. Dane sits back down and eats his meal in silence as Logan watches. When they finish their meals Dane looks at Logan and asks him a question.

"What are you doing for the holidays," feeling sorry how he treated him earlier.

"Like you I spend it alone, I have some nieces but I spend the day alone," he says not smiling now. "Would you like to spend the day together," he asks Dane.

"I don't know you Logan, but it would be better than sitting in an empty house alone," he says.

"Well think about it Dane," he says as he hands him his business card with his cell phone number on it. "If you decide that you would like to spend it with me give me a call and I can pick you up," he says as he gets up. Dane goes back home and he can't stop thinking about Logan and his offer as the telephone rings.

"Hey Dane, it's Austin. Are you busy in say an hour," he asks and Dane looks at his watch.

"Sure an hour is good Aussie," he says hanging up as he thinks about him. Austin is his best paying customer, his unusually large cock commands a higher price, and he willingly pays it because Dane is the only one who has ever been able to take his cock all the way. He gets the bed changed from his day's activities and showers to be ready for Austin when a knock comes on the door.

"Dane mate," Austin says with his strong Aussie accent.

"Aussie where the fuck you been mate," he asks knowing he hasn't seen him in weeks.

"Me father died and I went home for the funeral," he says as he undresses. "All I could think about mate was that hot ass of yours," he says as he climbs into bed.

"Sorry to hear that mate," he says as he climbs on top of Austin and reaches for the lube. They always start off in this position to get Dane loosened up for the real fucking later. Dane applies a good amount of lube to his ass and to Austin's cock and then he positions himself over it as he slowly slides down it.

"Oh fuck Aussie, I think your cock grew another inch around," Dane says as he gets half way down. He stops for a moment to let himself get used to the size. He then continues to slide down until he has finally bottomed out and he lets out a big sigh, as Austin looks up and he gives out a moan of delight.

"Your ass is the only one that can handle my monster," he says as Dane begins to move up and down on it. He rides that cock for almost twenty minutes and Dane comes once from the thrill. They then change positions as Dane gets on his back and lifts up his legs.

"Are you ready mate," Austin asks positioning himself for the assault.

"As ready as I will ever be Aussie, fuck me mate and do me good," he tells him as he pushes his cock all the way in.

"Ahhhhhhh fuck mate," Dane cries out as Austin enters his ass but he soon has his pain turn to pleasure. Austin gives him a minute then he starts to slowly fuck him, gradually increasing his rhythm. They soon find their rhythm and Dane is meeting every thrust that Austin is giving him, as he Austin plunges his cock into Dane's ass with all the force he has.

"Fuck Aussie I'm coming again," Dane cries out as he shoots his third time, rope after rope of his come. He pumps Austin's cock as he pumps out his come and soon Austin is at the edge.

"Fuck mate here she comes," he says as he gives a great thrust in and he shoots his come deep into Dane's waiting ass so deep that Dane feels that it is coming in his throat he is in so deep.

"Fuck me Aussie, faster, deeper," he cries out as he pushes up to give Austin more depth, until Austin begins to slow and finally pulls his massive cock from his ass and his come flows out with it.

"Fuck mate would you marry me," he asks but Dane knows he isn't serious. "My cock is in love with your ass," he says as he falls onto Dane and their lips meet.

"The girl you are engaged to, does she accommodate your cock in her pussy like my ass," Dane asks.

"Are you crazy, I have to keep half of my cock out of her or she screams in pain," he says. "I am taking you on my honeymoon," he says laughing.

"And what would she say with you fucking me while she watched," he asks.

"Maybe she might learn a thing or two," he says and they both start laugh imagining the sight. "Well mate, I got to go, she is waiting for me," he says getting up and grabbing his clothes as he makes his way to the bathroom. "We get married next Saturday," he says before he closes the door.

'He fucks me and we see each other naked, but he closes the door to use the bathroom,' Danes thinks to himself and smiles for he likes his Aussie. He comes out fully dressed and gives him a hard passionate kiss, before giving him two hundred fifty dollars.

"Aussie you gave me to much," Dane says handing him back fifty.

"Merry Christmas mate," he says as he pulls him close and gives him another kiss. "I will miss you mate, have a good holiday," he says letting him go and leaving. Dane sits on the sofa and he lets out cry as he looses control of his emotions, when did his life become so trashy he thinks to himself as he cries himself to sleep. He awakens and it is dark and he notices the card on the table so he dials the number.

"Hello this is Logan," a strong male voice says.

"Hey Logan I don't know if you remember me ..." he starts to say before he is cut off.

"Dane is this you," he asks.

"Yeah you did remember," he says and he feels good that he did. "I was thinking and if your offer is still good about Christmas day I accept," he says.

"Of course it is kid, just give me your address and I will pick you up," he says and now Dane is self conscious about where he lives.

"How about I get a ride to your place," he asks feeling embarrassed about his side of town.

"Dane listen, don't worry about where you live, I can sense the apprehension in your voice, just let me come and get you," he says not willing to take no for an answer.

"Well ok, if you insist, 127 Hollywood Place," he tells him waiting to hear him change his mind.

"Are you doing anything Christmas Eve," he asks.

"No just sitting home, why," he asks.

"How about staying overnight and that way neither of us have to go out on Christmas morning," he says. "I have a guest room and we can have a nice dinner."

"If its no problem, sure," he says.

"Good, I will pick you up at three then," he says and they both say goodbye. Dane decides to head to the mall to find a gift for him so he doesn't go empty handed. He finds a nice bottle of expensive cologne and a tie, which he has gift- wrapped.

Christmas eve day comes and he is as nervous as a groom on his wedding day as he waits for Logan to drive up. At almost exactly three here comes a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, and it stops in front of him.

"Nice car Logan," he says as he gets in and Logan gives him a smile.

"Thanks Dane, Merry Christmas," he says. Dane notices his soft looks and wavy brown hair as they drive away. "I think we are going to have a great time together," he says giving Dane a smile as he shoots him a quick glance. They drive for almost forty-five minutes until they stop at a gate with a guard house.

"Good afternoon Mr. Carmichael," the guard says as he opens the gates to the street. "Merry Christmas to you sir," he says.

"Same to you Mickey," he says as he hands him an envelope and drives off down the street. The houses are mansions and Dane is in awe as he watches each one pass by.

"My Logan you live in a great neighborhood," he says then thinks how stupid he sounded. "I mean compared to where I live."

"Well I worked hard to get to where I am," he says as he turns into a driveway and the garage door opens. The house is Georgian in style and three stories tall, with a brick front and massive columns. As they pull into the garage, there are two more cars inside, and suddenly Dane feels very insignificant.

"I am beginning to wonder if this was a good idea," he says looking around him.

"Dane please don't be intimidated by what you see, they are just things, we are what is important. We are going to have a great time together. Now lets go inside and get comfortable." They go inside and again Dane is taken aback by his surrounding, Logan puts his arm around his young friend's shoulder and leads him into the living room.

"Now lets get comfortable and relax," he says slipping off his shoes and sitting in a chair and Dane does the same but on the sofa. "I know you aren't twenty-one but seeing how we aren't going out, how about a drink," he says looking at Dane. "You are at least eighteen aren't you," he asks.

"Yes, eighteen last July eleventh," he says. "A gin and tonic would be good," he says as Logan gets up to make the drink. He brings back two and sets them down on the table as he sits beside Dane.

"So Dane, I know you don't like questions, but how do we get to know one another unless we ask questions," he says looking at him.

"I just don't like personal questions," he says taking a sip of his drink. "What do you do for work," Dane asks sitting it back down figuring he will ask first.

"I'm a doctor, or rather the head of the hospital here in Toronto," he says. "What do you do," he says as he takes a drink of his.

"Well I'm in customer service," he says knowing that is what he does, sort of.

"Oh at the mall," he asks.

"No downtown," he shoots back but prays he lets it go.

"I shop a lot downtown, what store," he asks and Dane's mind whirls as he tries to think of a store he would not shop at but can't.

"I... really ..." and he starts to cry uncontrollably and Logan takes him in his arms.

"Dane what's wrong son," he says rubbing his back as Dane cries out and cannot stop. Logan holds him until he finally calms down and pulls himself together. "Now do you want to tell me son what got you so troubled," he says still holding him.

"When I do you will probably take me home," he says as he pulls away from Logan. "I sell my body for a living," he says turning from Logan's face. "In other words, I'm a whore," he says and again starts to cry.

"Is that all that was bothering you," he says pulling him close again. "I thought it was something serious."

"That doesn't bother you Logan, or make you think of me as a slut," he asks looking up at him.

"Tell me something first Dane, how did you get into that business," he asks.

"Well I ran away from home when I was thirteen. My mom remarried and my step dad was molesting me at night when she was working. I was standing at the bus station and this man offered me fifty bucks to go to bed with him. Well I was broke and hungry so I went with him. He told me after we finished our sex that he had friends that would pay me more to do the same thing we had just done, well the next thing you know I was in the business of selling my body for sex."

"My God Dane, at thirteen," he says taking him into his arms and holding him as he cries. "No child should have to go through that," he says as he kisses the top of his head.

"You don't think of me as a slut or trash," he asks into Logan's chest still in his arms. "I wouldn't blame you if you did and want to take me home," he says as he turns his head to look up at him.

"Dane I don't think of you at all like that," he says pulling him in tighter. "I can't believe that men would take advantage of you like that, and no, I am not taking you home," he says getting up and taking Dane with him. "Now lets have dinner," he says as he leads him by the hand to the kitchen. "Do you like shrimp," he asks as Dane just nods yes still in awe of how awesome he is. "Well good because that is what I am preparing, shrimp scampi over linguini."

"Can I help, I am a decent cook," he says as they get to the kitchen. "My grandmother taught me when I was little," he says.

"You can fix the salad for starters." They have a fantastic dinner and they get to know one another as they eat. Dane helps with the clean up and then they go back into the living room.

"Dane can I ask you something," Logan asks. "How far did you get in school," he asks.

"I was in seventh grade when I ran away, but I went to night school and got my GED," he tells him. "I would like to go to college but I can't seem to set aside enough money to go," he says.

"What if you didn't have to worry about living expenses and got a scholarship to go," he asks.

"That would be great Logan, but I live in the real world and shit like that just don't happen to kids like me."

"Would you consider living with me," he says as he takes him in his arms.

"You mean sex for living here," Dane asks and Logan lets go instantly.

"No Dane that is not what I meant at all," he says shocked that he was interpreted like that. "I mean to just live here as my guest, not my sex slave, my guest and friend," he says.

"You are serious aren't you," he asks. "You don't know me from Adam, why would you want to do something like that for me," he asks Logan.

"You see Dane, when I was ten, I also was molested by my step father. I didn't have the courage to run away like you so I endured it until I left home at eighteen," he says looking at Dane as his own eyes begin to tear over remembering the shame and humiliation he felt.

Dane looks into Logan's eyes and a connection is made as they look at one another. Dane places his hands on each side of his face and pulls him into his lips. They pause for a moment as their lips barely touch, and then kiss hard and passionately letting their tongues meet in passion. They break their kiss and Logan looks into Dane's eyes as he asks him,

"Are you sure about this Dane, I don't want you to feel that you have to because I want you to live with me."

"I am giving myself freely to you and completely Logan, if I felt I had to I would be gone," he says as he kisses him again. Logan takes him upstairs to his bedroom, where they slowly undress each other, as they kiss each other as they expose the others skin.

"I think I am falling in love with you Dane," he says as he lays him down on the bed climbing in beside him.

"I know I am because I have never felt like this before," he says as he pulls Logan onto him. They kiss and cuddle as their bodies melt together and Dane reaches down to grab Logan's manhood. He lifts his legs and positions Logan's cock while gazing into his eyes.

"Take me Logan, I surrender myself to your love," he says as Logan slowly pushes in and Dane lets out a gentle sigh of delight. He slowly pushes in until he is all the way in then he kisses his new love.

"This may be hard to believe Dane, but you are my first man that I will have sex with," he says as he slowly starts to pull out and then pushes back in as he gives out a moan. They find a slow rhythm as Logan lays his head beside Danes. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out of Dane is driving Dane close to the edge. He rolls Logan over and sits up on him with their fingers intertwined, as he slowly rides up and down on Logan's manhood.

"Oh God Dane you got me so close," he says as Dane picks up the pace and Logan cries out in his pleasure. "God I'm coming Dane," as he shoots his come deep into his lover's ass. Dane grinds his ass deeply into Logan's cock as he too shoots his hot boy come onto Logan's chest.

"I love you Logan," he moans as he continues to fuck his cock hard, he pumps until they both are spent and he drops down for a kiss.

"I love you so much Dane, thank you for making my first time so special," he says as the tears run down the side of his face and they kiss passionately and tenderly. They cuddle together as Logan holds Dane in his arms and he whispers into his ears.

"Stay with me forever love, for I love you."

"I love you too lover, and I will stay with you forever and a day," he says looking up to him as he gives him a kiss. They sit up and lean against the headboard with Logan's arm around Dane's neck.

"Dane before you decide to accept my offer you should know that I am thirty-one years old," he says looking over at Dane.

"Logan what I am about to tell you may shock you and might even make you want to run from me," he says turning away from his eyes. Logan pulls his head back to face him so their eyes can look into each other.

"There is nothing now that can change my love for you," he says looking into Dane's eyes.

"Wanna bet," he says as he takes a deep breath. "Logan I am only sixteen years old," he tells him as Logan's expression freezes. "I told you so," he says as he goes to get up.

"Sixteen, you are sixteen years old, like in go to jail for raping a kid sixteen," he says as reality hits him. "Why didn't you tell me first before we made love Dane," he asks pulling the sheets up to covers himself.

"Logan we just made love there is no need to hide your body," he says. "Does it really matter to you seeing how we feel about one another," he asks as the tears start to roll down his face as he regrets telling him the truth. He quickly gets dressed and asks Logan to please take him home. Logan silently gets out of bed and gets his clothes on also.

The drive home to Dane's apartment is silent as Dane just stares out the window until they pull up in front of his place.

"I am sorry Logan for everything, I will never say a word about what we did or even knowing you," he says as he closes the door. He turns as he watches the car swiftly drive away before he goes upstairs.

"There you are I have been knocking for almost ten minutes," Justin says "Where the fuck you been Dane," he asks.

"Somewhere I don't belong and never will," he says as he unlocks the door and the two of them walk in. The two of them undress and Dane lies on the bed waiting for Justin to finish undressing.

"Almost done," he says hopping on one leg as he takes his sock off. "Damn I couldn't wait until next week love, I needed your ass today," he says climbing between Dane's now spread legs.

"Still like without the lube babe," he asks and Dane only nods yes. Justin lines up his cock and slowly pushes it in as he lets out a moan of delight as it bottoms out.

"Fuck I need this ass of yours Dane," he says as he lies on Dane with his head beside Danes. He slowly fucks his ass as he nuzzles Dane's neck as they find a rhythm together. Dane holds him tight as he silently cries and the tears run down his face. His cock slides rapidly in and out now as Dane senses his climax is soon approaching. Dane gives him a kiss on the neck as Justin feverishly fucks his ass and he fills him with his hot come.

"Oh fuck man I can't stop coming," Justin cries out as he pounds Dane's ass until he has nothing left to give. "Fuck I needed that babe," he says as he rolls off Dane. "I love the way we fuck together," he says.

"You fucked me good Justin," he says as he gets up.

"Where you going I don't have to leave yet," he says pulling him back down. "That was just the beginning lover," he says as he gives him a kiss.

"What about the wife," he asks.

"She is at the parents, and thinks I am doing my last minute shopping, which is already done. So how about one more for the road," he says rolling back on top of Dane.

"Yeah go for it babe," he says knowing that he has nothing better to do. Justin fucks him for almost an hour before he comes a second time and gets up to go to the bathroom.

"Keep me in for next week, and what happened to the mirror," he asks coming back in fully dressed.

"It broke when I dropped something," he says letting it drop.

"Here babe Merry Christmas," Justin says handing him three hundred dollars. "You earned every penny of that money," he says as he wraps his arms around him giving him a kiss. "You ok Dane," he asks sensing that he is not himself.

"Yeah just the time of year I guess," he tells him but he knows its Logan.

"You aren't alone tomorrow are you," he asks still holding him close.

"No going to be with friends for the day," he lies.

"Good I hate to think of you all alone," as he gives him a passionate kiss and leaves. Danes sits on the sofa in the quiet of his apartment and he starts to cry wondering why his life was this way. When a knock on the door tells him that someone wants him, but he chooses to ignore it this time. Again comes the knock and he still will not answer but gets up and goes to his bedroom, when he is almost there he hears a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Dane open the door please, I know you are in there," Logan says as he pounds on the door. Dane's heart quickens as he runs to the door and opens it up.

"Did I forget something," he asks sharply opening it slightly.

"Dane please, can I come in," he says looking through the opening.

"Sorry but I am closed for the holidays," he says as he tries to close the door.

"Dane please, that is not why I am here," he says pushing against the door. "Give me ten minutes please," he asks.

"Ten minutes that's fifty dollars," he says as he walks away from the door allowing Logan to enter. "Have a seat or would you prefer to talk in bed," he says motioning towards the bedroom.

"Dane please sit down here with me would you," he asks patting the cushion beside him and Dane sits down. "I have been driving around since I dropped you off just thinking. I was wrong for the way I reacted to your age," he says looking at Dane. I still want you to come and live with me if you still want to," he says taking Dane and turning him to look at him. "Not as my house guest but as my lover if you will have me," he says and Dane's eyes start to tear up. Logan takes him in his arms as Dane cries uncontrollably.

"I am so sorry for hurting you Dane, will you forgive me," he says holding him so close. He cries and cries and Logan holds him tight as Dane is unable to stop, his heart has been broken so many times now he is unsure of himself.

"Logan I don't know if I can give you the love you want and need, my heart has been hurt so many times it doesn't know how to love any longer."

"Come home with me and let me teach you how to love again my sweet Dane, together we can heal your heart," he says as he passionately kisses him. Dane wraps his arms tenderly around Logan's neck as he kisses him letting their tongues entwine in dance. He totally surrenders his love to this man as they search each other's mouth with their tongues.

"I love you Dane, and although you are underage we can make this work," he says. "I just can't bare the thought of loosing you," he says.

"If you are sure Logan, I will come home with you and be your lover, but for all practical purposes I am eighteen to your friends. I don't care what our ages are as long as we are together," he says as they make love with their tongues.

"We can come back after the holidays to get what you want to keep," he says looking around at the stuff.

"That won't be necessary Logan, give me a minute to pack a duffle bag with my clothes and we can go. I rented this place furnished and everything else would be just a reminder of what I was," he says looking around at his dingy apartment. Thirty minutes later Dane is walking out of his old life as he closes the door. As they go down the stairs he meets the police officer at the bottom.

"Where you going Dane," he asks looking at him and then Logan.

"Home," he says as he starts to go but the cop grabs his arm.

"Have you forgotten about our arrangement," he asks looking at him.

"My mom is waiting for my brother and I officer, she has been so worried about him since he ran away, seeing how he is only sixteen," Logan says and the officer lets go of his arm as his face goes white.

"You are only sixteen," he asks.

"Just turned sixteen last month officer," he says as he and Logan leave and the officer is still in shock.

They arrive home and Logan takes Dane's things into the house. He carries them up to the bedroom, and sets them down by the bureau. He turns to Dane and he slowly undresses him, kissing his lover's neck. Once they are naked he takes his young lover to bed and they lay side by side. They wrap up together in each other's arms holding tight to one another, as their lips meet in love's sweetest kiss.

"I love you Logan with all my heart," Dane says as he pulls Logan on top of him.

"I love you also lover, forever I give you my heart," he says as he kisses him tenderly and deep. He lifts Dane's legs as Dane surrenders himself to the man that he loves. Logan gently and slowly pushes his cock into his lover's tender rosebud. Dane let's out a sigh as he feels Logan's fullness and rises to meet his lover's entry as they soon fuck in loves rhythm. The beating of their hearts become the pounding force for their lovemaking, as they bring each other to a realm neither has ever been. Dane looses himself to the man that he loves as he reaches his climax.

"Take my love Logan I'm coming," he says as Logan drops down to passionately kiss him as he shoots his seed between their embracing bodies as their lips are joined in love's caress. Logan lifts himself up as he too reaches his edge and he shoots into his lover's ass.

"I'm coming lover, receive my love," he says as he increases his pace as he shoots more and more of his come into his lover. They collapse together entwine with their arms as they ride out their love's afterglow.

"I love you Dane with all my heart," Logan says holding his man tight to him.

"I love you Logan forever with all that I am," he says as he gives him a kiss that seals his love for his man.

The End . For Now.

Comments at randyhoward2@yahoo.com

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