Dancing with the Dragon, Chosen

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Feb 9, 2023


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

Dancing with the Dragon: Chapter 60, Showtime, Copyright 2023 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

Dancing with the Dragon Chapter 60: Showtime by Tripp Savidge

  • Scene 1 *

Skye took a bite of the pepperoni pizza and moaned. He shouldn't have been hungry but it felt like he hadn't eaten in forever. Rebel's breath was warm on his neck, the blue dragon still pressed against him with one arm wrapped around his waist.

"Are you hungry?" Skye asked over his shoulder.

"A little. It smells really good. I've never had any of these foods before tonight." Rebel stepped away and Skye felt a chill.

He watched as Rebel took a couple of slices and ate them, slowly savoring each bite. The blue was attractive, more pretty than handsome. He was around five-foot-ten with a slender, lean build-not nearly as muscled as many in his wing but there wasn't an ounce of fat on his cut physique- pale skin, jet black hair, and bright blue eyes. Skye couldn't help but think the blue dragon complemented his wing-from an eye candy, start his own Chippendale's team sort of way. It surprised him that his body reacted to the man as Skye hadn't completely bounced back from the sex and claiming of Basil. Mistral had retreated, likely reveling in the post-coital buzz. Very apparent when his dragon wasn't prodding him to get closer to Rebel.

"Are you doing okay with Lord Sorenson? They're treating you well?" Skye tried not to stare or feed the thoughts of how it would feel to move his hands over the flawless skin calling to him. It would be less awkward if we weren't both naked.

"Very. It feels like a dream sometimes. My room is amazing. Father Dragon, the whole place is fancier than anywhere I've ever seen. He has his own chef and the food is incredible but I may have to ask if we can have pizza some time. Do you think the chef would be offended?" Rebel's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Let Eluf handle it and if you can, make sure the chef knows it was something you had at the palace." Skye paused as he finished another slice. "So you have a nice room and they feed you well; how are you treated?"

"Everyone has been very good to me. Much better than I've ever experienced before. No one seems to care that I'm a blue and Eluf has been very patient while I learn." Rebel glanced around the room. "You know about the attack, right?"

"Yes, Braden told me."

"Raphael, the guy who was killed, was supposed to help train me and show me around, so it has been a little awkward while others try to fill in. Seems that no one knew what Raphael actually did and each day is a new surprise when something comes up." Rebel paused and fidgeted. "Do you think the others will mind me joining your wing? I feel drawn to you just like Eluf said I would, and he explained that I wouldn't be able to resist...but if it's going to cause trouble, I could try." Rebel's thoughts clearly projected that was not the preferred choice.

Skye laughed at the abrupt change, understanding what was on the top of Rebel's mind. "You have nothing to worry about. While I'm not aware of any of my dragons having prejudices against chromas, it wouldn't matter with the bonds. The connection you'll have with the wing pretty much trumps all. I can also tell you that several of my 'gold' dragons have mentally poked me a number of times, telling me to get on with claiming you so they can play."

Rebel blushed and looked away. "Hard to believe." His voice barely more than a whisper.

"Once the bond is completed you'll have no doubts. Wing-mates can't lie to each other and you'll pick up on strong emotions and thoughts letting you know how they feel."

"Eluf said he has something similar with the vampires he's made and his blood-sworn donors. He said I'd like it."

"To be honest, it will take some adjustment, but once you've adapted I think the others will tell you the bond is a good thing. My dragons especially like it because while they're always down for sex, the bond lets them quickly determine who in the wing is interested."

"Not sure that will help me much since only Lord Eluf is part of your wing," Rebel took another slice of pizza and grinned.

"And now Basil. My magic also identified General Copernum, so he'll be a wing-mate as well." Skye grabbed a drink and set the empty plate aside. "May I ask? Do you donate to Basil and Copernum as well?"

"Not in the same way." Rebel blushed again. "Um...I've only fed Basil once and it was very...business-like. Not that it wasn't pleasurable, just...we were fully dressed and there was no other touching or intimacy. From what Vidal said, it was the same for him, though he's donated more often. I don't think Copernum knows I exist given the way he ignores me."

"Hm...I expect that will change. Being with Lord Eluf will also be much more intense with the bond; having shared the blood kiss with him I can say my experiences with him were anything but business-like. And...if my claiming was any indication, if you want sex with Basil, get naked the next time he wants to feed and prepare for a mind-blowing experience. Once you're both part of the wing I doubt he'll be able to resist." Skye felt the heat build just remembering

"I'm not complaining. The sex with Eluf and Kenta has been amazing. It's good with Vidal too, but there's something about Kenta with Lord Sorenson that takes it to a whole new level. And yes, even for a dragon, I'm getting enough of what I need. But Basil and Copernum?" Rebel chuckled. "So far, this move has been the best thing that's ever happened in my life. I pinch myself every morning to make sure I'm not dreaming."

"I'm glad. Sorry I haven't been here for you," Skye said.

"It's okay. You helped me find the job with Lord Eluf and it's so much better than waiting tables and living in a boarding house. Braden has also been very helpful."

"Well, if you need anything...and I mean anything at all, the wing is here for you."

"I'm still nervous that the other dragons won't accept me."

"Don't be." Kwill stepped up beside Skye.

Skye noticed the psion was still dressed and laughed to himself as he realized that being naked didn't seem like a big deal to him anymore and wondered why Mistral wasn't commenting on him becoming more shifter-like. "Rebel, I'm not sure if you've been introduced to Kwill?"

"Yes, when we arrived." Rebel bowed his head to Kwill.

"You have nothing to worry about with the wing, Rebel. I can assure you that they've already accepted you and several are just waiting for Skye to finish the bond so they can welcome you," Kwill said.

Skye snorted then covered his mouth as Kwill sent him the mental picture. "Ah...Rebel, just so we're clear, when Kwill says 'welcome,' he means sex."

"Oh." Rebel's eyes went wide and he turned his gaze back to Kwill.

"Sex, yes. I can assure you, Rebel, they'll all happily bend over for you or if you prefer, pound you senseless. If you didn't know, psions are telepaths and part of my role is to ensure the health and well-being of the wing," Kwill explained. "I'm not guessing, I know what the wing-mates are thinking and the only one I'd be careful around is Leesai. She rather likes the idea of tying you down for a good ride, and she's somewhat sketchy on the whole consent thing."

"Kwill! That's not okay. Rebel, don't worry, none of us would let that happen, right Kwill?" Skye was horrified and glanced around trying to find the Felecian.

Kwill put his hand on Rebel's arm. "Unless it's what you secretly want," Kwill teased. "Though I'm thinking you'd rather be tied down by our bear. I noticed you appreciating his dick earlier."

"It is impressive," Rebel whispered and Kwill nodded in agreement.

Are you serious about Leesai, Kwill? That's not good. No one's in danger, are they?

Don't worry, Skye, we'll keep him safe, but you might want to think about finding her an outlet for her 'needs.'

"Kwill, are you okay? You're not using your mind-speech as much as usual," Skye asked, noting that the psion looked to be in pain when they mind-spoke.

"I'm doing much better, thank you. I was trying to make Rebel more comfortable. If you're not used to telepathy it can be unnerving. Though he'll have to adjust soon." Kwill turned to the blue. "Were you aware that our wing often uses mind-speech? Skye, River, Beck, and I can facilitate conversations with one, a few, or all the wing mates."

"How do you..." Rebel looked from Kwill to Skye.

"Think your responses as though you were speaking. Within the wing I often use mind-speech to keep our conversations confidential. It will be easier once we complete the bond, and you'll be more comfortable after you've done it a few times," Skye explained. Kwill's comment had him looking for Beck. He hadn't seen the younger psion since before he got occupied with Basil.

"All the wing-mates can speak telepathically?" Rebel asked.

"Only if we facilitate. Though, with the bond you'll still pick up on emotions or strong thoughts. You do want Skye to bond you, don't you?" Kwill asked.

"Yes?" Rebel responded as if there might be something he was missing.

Kwill, where's Beck, and do you see Garrett? Skye glanced around to find his mate. He'd closed off their connection earlier and was just thinking about opening up his mind...

Don't. Your mate is rather occupied riding Taleel and if you open your connection, you'll get sucked in and no one is getting bonded, and Beck is with River. Skye, don't hesitate to claim Rebel. He needs this; he needs to feel like he belongs. The vampires may be treating him well, but he feels like an outsider, Kwill said.

As Kwill spoke in his mind, Skye spotted Garrett's head behind the couch and yes, he looked to be very distracted. Turning back to Kwill, what the psion said registered. That's sad. Of course I will. I'm not sure the magic would really let me do otherwise, and it should also help him feel more connected with Lord Eluf and Basil.

Would you perhaps let me assist you? I don't have magic, but I do have some skills.

Skye shivered, remembering the psion's "skills." That would be great, thank you. Do you agree that Rebel wants this?

"Are you speaking to each other in your heads?" Rebel asked.

"Sorry, that was rude of us. Are you okay with doing things here, or would you rather find another room? And is it all right if Kwill joins us?" Skye was very aware that his and Rebel's dicks had already caught on to what was coming.

"I'm a dragon, of course it's okay. And here is fine, it's way better than a back alley in Caris."

You should make sure you're reading the blue. If you haven't picked up on it, Rebel prefers to have two or more partners if he has the option. He's going to do very well in our wing, Kwill sent.

Finding an open space, Skye sank to his knees and pulled the blue dragon to him. He didn't pause before taking Rebel's dick into his mouth.

'About time,' Mistral rumbled as he came alert and joined. 'He's delicious.'

"Mmm." Skye mentally agreed as he savored Rebel's pre-cum. He adjusted his shields to be open to Kwill and Rebel while holding Garrett back. There was no way he could concentrate if he shared the feedback from his mate's escapades. He didn't block his other wing-mates but pushed them back until they became a low buzz. He'd still pick up any spikes but could otherwise ignore them.

"Father Dragon," Rebel moaned, and Skye knew Kwill had begun teasing the dragon's hole with his tongue.

How do you want to be involved, Kwill? Skye asked as he deepthroated Rebel.

Would you let me suck his cock while you fuck him? I want his dragon seed, and if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to reconnect with you as well.

Skye felt a wave of heat and Mistral's purr of delight as he got the mental image Kwill sent of using his tail phallus to fuck Skye while he was inside Rebel. I'd like that. We've missed you.

And I, you, my beautiful dragon. Kwill sent the equivalent of a loving hug through the bond.

Noticing that Rebel's legs were beginning to tremble, Skye moved the dragon to the couch. They positioned him with his legs up so Kwill and Skye could continue their worshipping of the slender body. Rebel's build was closest to Dillon's, what River had informed him in his ongoing education was a ripped "twink" but not quite a "twunk." He still couldn't fathom how River seemed to know so much more than he did about these things.

Skye? Kwill sent. Since Rebel is already accustomed to the Blood Kiss, may I suggest a different approach to his bonding?


You usually focus on the physical with your body and the use of your telekinesis. Why not focus on the mental, use your telepathy and your powers to stimulate his nerve center. You can trigger his endorphins and fill his mind with images of love, passion, family, and belonging.

Did I miss something? Skye asked.

Yes and no. He has repressed it well but if you dive deeper the young man has had a horrendous past and his experiences are as bad or worse than Christos's. We can give him hope and then over time I can work on healing his mind.

Of course. Would you guide me? I've never tried this and don't want to do any damage. Skye felt rather than heard Kwill's agreement.

"Can we get to the fucking now? I am more than ready, and if you keep sucking, I'm going to cum," Rebel pleaded.

With a wink, Kwill pulled Rebel to the floor, positioning him on his hands and knees. Skye knelt behind the dragon while Kwill shimmied underneath on his back until Rebel's dripping cock was touching the psion's lips.

Mm. I do love dragon juice. Kwill reached up and gripped Rebel's ass cheeks spreading them so Skye had a clear view of the wet dragon hole waiting for him.

Skye saw a jar of lube on the side table and grabbed it. He carefully fingered it into Rebel noting how responsive he was to the intrusion as the dragon's nubs tickled and pulled at Skye's fingers. He lubed up his dick and gently gripped Rebel's sides.

"Do you want this, Rebel? You can still say no." Skye wasn't going to rely on the man's thoughts for consent.

"Yes, I want it. Please!"

As you enter him, slide into his mind. Imagine caressing him and filling him with love and acceptance. I'll guide you to his pleasure center where you can light him up, and then we can work on releasing the dopamine, Kwill sent.

Skye pressed forward and slowly slid into Rebel's ass. 'Oh, God, Mistral, he's so tight.'

'Feels good.'

The nubs worked like little fingers pulling Skye's cock into the wet heat until he was balls deep in Rebel. He waited a moment and slowly began moving, enjoying the pleasure of their soon to be wing-mate. Skye did as Kwill suggested and was pushing positive emotions in at the same time as he used his powers to release the feel good chemicals.

"Ohhhhh...wow," Rebel moaned.

Now, send him images and memories of the best times with your wing- anytime you felt loved, protected, or that you were a part of something bigger, Kwill coached. As soon as the thought hit, Skye felt the physical touch of slick fingers at his hole. Kwill's nimble digits sliding inside and getting him slick and open. Moments later, a thick, warm phallus pressed in, filling Skye.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhh." Skye squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated so he didn't lose the connection with Rebel. The pleasure of being inside the dragon while Kwill stimulated his insides was more than distracting.

'Mistral, I need you to help me,' Skye pleaded with his dragon. Fortunately Mistral responded quickly and without argument. He brought memories forward that Skye passed into Rebel, some of the amazing sex he'd had with his wing-mates, the time in the Delea grove, flying over the forest in Underhill, dinners and laughter in the hold, Kibli's expression as he came apart in his bonding, the image of the first time he saw Mattekin naked, the love he felt hugging Grandma B. They continued on and on, a flood of images that reminded Skye of how lucky he was.

You're doing great, Skye. Keep it up.

Skye pulled Rebel against his chest and wrapped his arms around the tight body and began running his hands over the blue's torso, teasing his nipples while Kwill continued to worship Rebel's cock. Skye could feel how much Rebel was enjoying it but that wasn't a surprise since the psion was probably the best in the wing at sucking a dragon dry.

Rebel had reached the point where the physical and mental stimulations had put him in an altered state. An orgasm shuddered through the blue's body, and he began to glow.

Time to finish him, Skye. I don't think he can take much more, Kwill sent.

'We shouldn't bite him on the neck-in case it interferes with the vampires feeding. Perhaps his back?' Mistral suggested.

'Good point. Is there anything else we should do first?' Skye continued is long deep thrusts while holding Rebel against him, pinching and pulling at his dripping nipples.

'I don't think his mind can take much more. He's already flying high.'

Rebel's body began to quiver and his ass throbbed and stroked Skye's cock as he came again.

'Mm. I think he just gave Kwill quite a mouthful. Our psion will be very pleased. Now it is our turn. I want our blue dragon to smell like us,' Mistral whispered.

Skye drew in his magic as he approached climax. Unfortunately, Kwill didn't have magic to contribute but Skye had no doubt that the psion was doing something in the dragon's mind. Rebel's ass squeezed again and that was it for Skye. His orgasm hit him hard and he thrust his magic into Rebel as he leaned him forward and bit the tender skin between the blue's shoulder blades.

"AHHHHH!" Rebel screamed as he orgasmed again and again.

So much delicious dragon seed. You really emptied his balls on that one. And look how brightly he glows!

Opening his other sight, Skye checked Rebel to ensure the bond had taken while he withdrew. He was relieved when he saw it shining bright, but then he noticed something else.

'Mistral...do you see...'

A moment passed before his dragon responded. 'It's faint but there. How is this possible?'

'A vampire can't be a bond mate, right?'

'I know only what you do, and that was my understanding. It's too weak to follow where it connects, but it's not anyone in this room,' Mistral said.

'But Lord Eluf isn't here, and he'd be the most likely.' Skye waited for Kwill to move first, then gently lowered Rebel to the floor. The dragon had passed out.

Skye tried to stand, and the world spun. "Okay, staying down here." Skye lay back on the floor beside Rebel and stared up at the ceiling. A moment later a handsome face with ice-blue eyes looked down at him with a smirk.

"Give me a minute," Skye mumbled.

"You need more than a minute, Prince Skye," Copernum said.


"I think we should wait. This is a big deal for me and I want to have your full attention and you to have enough energy to enjoy it. We have time." Copernum looked to Kwill, and Skye wondered what was going on.

"He's not doing any more tonight, he's exhausted," Kwill said aloud.

"That's what I thought. May I carry him to his room? If someone could guide me..." Copernum's voice sounded far away.

"His guards and I can escort you. Prince Garrett is still occupied but I'll let him know," Kwill said.

Strong arms lifted Skye effortlessly and he found himself held to Copernum's chest with his head nestled in the crook of his neck. "You smell good," Skye whispered.

"Do I? I'm surprised you can even think. That was some impressive fucking by the way. After what I've seen tonight, I have no doubts about wanting to be part of your wing. Thank you for that."

Skye smiled and nuzzled in, surprised that Copernum was warm. He liked being carried, maybe he should get Garrett to do this. "Sorry..."

"Nothing to be sorry for. I had a delightful evening, and you gave me a chance to connect with Braden; that alone was worth it. I'm also looking forward to spending some time with Greggory. Did you know that wolves were my animal to call?"

"Mm." Skye was having trouble forming thoughts.

"Here we are." Copernum's lips brushed against Skye's ear as he whispered. "You have very protective guards, they don't seem to trust me, but maybe they know what I want to do with you."

Skye picked up the mental images and moaned as he felt the soft bed surround him.

"Goodnight, sweet prince." A soft kiss pressed against Skye's cheek as the world faded.

  • Scene 2 *

Skye rolled over and had a moment of panic as Garrett wasn't beside him. He automatically reached out through their bond and found his mate in conversation with Prince Argos.

Good morning, my love. Everything okay? Garrett responded to Skye's mental touch.

Just missed you. Why didn't you wake me?

You were exhausted and needed the sleep. Join us for lunch once you're ready and dressed.

Lunch? Is it that late? Skye felt a wave of panic.

It's okay, Skye. When you're ready... Garrett pulled back but didn't close their connection.

Skye threw back the covers and forced his eyes open.

"Morning, little sparrow." Jerrick was seated at their small table.

"Hey..." Skye looked around and didn't see anyone else, but he could feel the guards. "Why..."

"Why am I sitting here watching you sleep while I work? I've missed you, and Garrett didn't want you to be by yourself-not counting your four guards." Jerrick chuckled.

"Missed you too." Skye still felt like he was in a fog. I must have slept really hard. He did a quick check and his dragon was still sleeping.

"You've had a rough...month? Or is it even longer?" Jerrick looked up at the ceiling. "Anyway, it's no wonder you're exhausted. And bonding two guys in one night? Impressive. It was an awesome party by the way. I hope 'you' enjoyed it."

Skye turned and put his feet on the floor. "It was great. Just having our wing together was the best gift ever and the food, games, and...yeah. Perfect."

"Hopefully you enjoyed Basil too. That was fucking hot. I'd bend over for that hunk any day. And Rebel, what a sweetie. You've been busy, and now I have all these new wing-brothers I need to connect with."

"Aw, we both know you like a challenge." Skye stood and stretched, thinking how good a shower would feel. "Do you want to join me?"

"More than you know, sparrow, but I think you need to take it easy. You've got a big couple of days ahead of you."

"I do?" Skye paused to think because the last he knew, they were laying low and not doing anything. They weren't even to return to the Academy because it would raise too many questions.

"Take your shower. I'll tell you what I know when you're done."

Skye was quicker than usual, wondering what had come up to change plans. He toweled off and quickly dressed. When he stepped back into the bedroom, Dillon was coming from the other direction with a Planet Watch uniform over his arm. Skye watched as Dillon laid it out on the bed where clothing was already set out.

"Uh, what's going on?" Skye asked.

"Packing for you." Dillon turned and gave Jerrick a questioning look.

"Haven't had time. He just woke up." Jerrick looked at Skye. "The schedule changed and they moved up the introduction of the dark fae. You're going to return to Underhill this afternoon, then 'exit' into the fae kingdom tomorrow."

"Maybe you should tell me what else you know." Skye sat on one of the side chairs.

"Garrett may know more since he's been with the emperor and Prince Argos most of the morning. That's all he passed on to me," Jerrick said.

"And that you'd need to take your Planet Watch uniforms. Which I had to requisition since what you had would no longer fit." Dillon raised an eyebrow. "You've bulked up."

"Oh. Did Garrett give you a time?" Skye asked.

"No, he just said later this afternoon. It's supposed to be all the guys who were with you on Hell World," Jerrick said.

"They're in the small dining room if you want to join Garrett for lunch," Dillon added.

"Thanks. I guess I better find out what's going on." Skye noted that the guards inside the door weren't his wing-mates, but Jerrick began speaking before he could ask.

"All of your guards who were with you in Underhill are getting ready to depart. The others are working on something for Prince Argos."

"Shit. I forgot about Basil and Rebel! And what about the new guys? They don't have to return to Underhill do they?" Skye turned back to Jerrick and Dillon.

"Kwill has checked on Basil and Rebel several times. They both returned to Lord Eluf's estate, and Eluf promised to contact Braden if they needed any additional wing-mates for support. The new wing-mates are all staying here," Dillon said.

"But..." Skye was feeling panicked at how new this was for them and what if they got scared or had questions.

"That still leaves several wing-mates at the palace, plus your grandparents." Dillon gripped Skye's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "We got this."

"Okay." Skye took a deep breath. "And I guess you'll have Kwill and Beck to monitor them since they can't go into the fae kingdom."

"Taleel and I will be here as well. There wouldn't be a way to explain our presence and Prince Argos insists we stay at the Royal Palace rather than returning to our own places," Jerrick added.

"That makes me feel better for the moment. I'm sure once I find out what's happening I'll freak again." Skye let the guard open the door for him and was disappointed that Dillon and Jerrick weren't joining him.

The guards stepped in around him as he left the room. The men were familiar, but Skye didn't know them by name. As expected, they were all handsome, an attribute Skye had come to understand was almost a requirement to be selected for the Imperial Guard. What he hadn't determined was whether it was the emperor or Prince Argos behind it.

When they reached the small dining room, the attending guards opened the door for Skye, and whispered conversation followed. Pieces of the conversation filtered through, and Skye did agree that having all eight of them standing in the hall was a bit much.

For being labeled "small," the room was anything but. In the normal, day- to-day configuration, the table would easily seat thirty, and there was room to double it. The family was seated in a cluster at one end. 'Not as many as I was expecting, Mistral but shit! Father is here...'

Skye approached, and one of the servers pulled out a chair for him and placed his napkin.

"Thank you." Skye turned to Emperor Darius and bowed his head. "I apologize for making everyone wait." Skye glanced at Garrett with a scowl. Why didn't you tell me; I could have hurried. Or, you could have woken me!

"No apologies necessary, Skye. We're glad you could join us." Darius gave a signal to one of the servers and they began serving.

Don't worry. Father is the one who insisted we let you sleep, Garrett sent.

Skye did a quick scan of the others while his tea was being poured. He had to wonder if the people present indicated something significant. Emperor Darius, Prince Argos, Kleitos, Nik, River, and Garrett. A much smaller group than usual with his grandparents and Christos notably absent.

Garrett's hand cupped Skye's cheek and turned his head for a gentle kiss. Relax. We're going to talk about plans and strategy, something that others don't need to be in on.

Reluctantly pulling back, Skye looked into Garrett's dark eyes and felt his dick harden. He could still taste Garrett on his lips and was close enough to feel the heat from his body. His nose and his bond let him know his mate was just as aroused. I missed you when I woke up. I was really hoping to have your cock inside me to start my day off right.

"Skye, I hope you'll forgive us for discussing business over a meal, but time is of the essence." Darius interrupted Skye's thoughts and reminded him where he was-and more importantly-who he was with.

"Of course, sir." Skye leaned back to give the server room to set down his plate.

"We're sorry for the short notice; unfortunately, events have taken place that necessitates we act quickly. We've already spoken with Venci, and he's confirmed with Keeper and King Arnakkhor that they are ready," Prince Argos finished and turned to Darius.

"But wasn't I supposed to have a speech prepared? I don't even know what to say," Skye objected.

"Change of plans. I spoke with Admiral Cocachet and a few other trusted advisors who know what's been happening. We've come up with what we believe is a better and more plausible story that won't require you to speak with the media."

"I like that part," Skye muttered as he ate. He glanced at River, who was nudging his mental shields.

Sorry, I didn't mean to block you, Skye sent.

S'okay. You doing all right? I heard you had quite the party after we left?

Me? You and Nik took Eluf and Beck back to your room!

River chuckled out loud, and all turned to him. "Um...sorry. Ignore me."

"Thinking about the party and last night?" Nik poked River and laughed.


"We should have asked, did you enjoy your birthday, Skye?" Argos asked.

"It was tremendous, thank you for everything," Skye said.

"My apologies, dearest, but we have a lot to accomplish. We'll make sure to have family time once we're through this unpleasantness," Darius put a hand on Argos's shoulder, and even without "reading" them, Skye could see and feel the love.

"Father, you were saying there is a new plan?" Garrett said.

"Yes. We'd already communicated that your team was on training maneuvers. We're going to admit it was actually a rescue mission and that you were sent to a dying world to move the dark fae," Darius explained.

"So we're telling the truth...kind of?" Skye clarified.

"The story is always better when there is a core of truth in it," Argos added with a wink.

"What made this scenario a better option is that our people have found the planet you referred to as Hell World. The beacon you set was picked up and strangely enough, it wasn't far off one of our shipping lanes. Our scouts have confirmed the planet is experiencing extreme seismic activity and is not considered habitable." Darius paused to take a drink

"So, any of those who were left?" Skye asked.

"Our scouts didn't find any signs of life. If the volcanos and earthquakes hadn't already taken them, the poisonous gasses would have finished them off," Darius said.

"I don't feel bad about the bugs or worms, but some of the others..." River took Nik's hand, and Skye could feel the wave of regret.

"We got everyone who was willing to come, River. It's okay to feel sad for them, but we did our best." Skye was more angry than sad at how stubborn some of the fae had been.

"You did an amazing job, all of you," Argos interjected.

"Agreed. We'll report that it was a successful Planet Watch mission, in cooperation with the fae and the use of Underhill as the most expedient way to save the inhabitants. We've agreed not to remind anyone of the dark fae being exiled or how they came to be on the dying planet. Regent Thillean will be with us to offer a joint statement. As a military operation, we can control the questions and have Garrett speak as the senior officer. Once finished, your team will be taken to the Academy for a debrief-standard procedure after a mission. The processing of the dark fae becomes a joint exercise for Planet Watch and HealthCorps." Darius turned to Argos. "Did I miss anything?"

"The debrief is a cover, nothing more, though there will be some questions. The people who need to know already do. Your team will be expected to resume training and classes," Argos said.

"All of that makes sense, but why the change in timing? I thought we needed to wait a few more days." Skye glanced around, wondering who had the answer.

"We have an opportunity." Darius looked uncomfortable as he spoke. He pushed his plate back and put his napkin on the table before resuming. "Nothing to do with your wing or the fae." Darius paused again as a server refilled his coffee, and he seemed to watch until all of them left the room.

"There has been an incident. One of the human colonies was attacked-the settlement nearest the Rim. We're still gathering information, but what we know so far is that several hundred humans were taken in a violent incursion. The target was a somewhat isolated kingdom. The preliminary evidence points to the conclusion that children and any women or men of breeding age were taken. The others were killed. The damage to the structures indicate advanced weapons," Darius explained.

"What you need for context is that the world where this took place is at least a millennium behind Earth in its development. They have no advanced weapons or communications. A modern force would completely overwhelm them, and the other inhabitants wouldn't even know until they sent people and found the kingdom deserted." Argos sat back and sighed.

"Due to our policy of non-intervention and the technology level of the inhabitants, we don't have resources on the planet. The only reason we know is that one of our Planet Watch patrols was in the quadrant and reported the foreign ships before they themselves were destroyed. It took a few days before we could get another ship into the area. They found the wreckage of the patrol and investigated. The news of this will be hitting the media at any time. We want to use the rescue of the dark fae as a distraction."

"A distraction?" Skye wasn't getting it.

"We're hoping that the fae will be bigger news than a rogue attack millions of light-years away. We don't want panic or the citizens getting worked up over the growing violence on the Rim," Pater explained.

"That's why we want to make the announcement and have Underhill open the portal tomorrow. It should take most of the media's bandwidth and focus attention here. Your presence will also guarantee additional coverage, even if you don't have to do more than stand solemnly and look good." Darius looked at Skye intently, perhaps waiting for a reaction? Skye wasn't sure.

"I don't think I like politics. It all seems so...sneaky," River said as he stared into his cup.

"You're more of the 'Hulk smash' approach?" Nik teased, and Skye picked up from their bond his brother-in-law was trying to lighten the mood.

"That would be River smash, thank you." River grinned. "And yes, I do like a direct approach. Which is why..." River took a deep breath and looked at Skye. "It's good that Skye and Garrett have to deal with the icky stuff."

"I'm with you and equally glad my big brother is on the hook for this. I'd much rather make people well and help bond mates," Kleitos said.

"We do as we must." Argos shrugged. "But saying that, I think Skye and Garrett are doing an excellent job and will only improve. You, Mr. Smash, are there to protect them and give them the support they need. You should know that I've asked Master Chen to ramp up your lessons as soon as this situation is settled. If you and Nik are to be protectors, then we need to hone your skills."

"Master Chen?" Nik grimaced.

"He is one of the best and knows your abilities." Argos gave his signature parental raised eyebrow. Skye knew what that meant.

"Right." Nik gave River a defeated look, then focused on his almost empty plate; clearly he knew what the eyebrow meant as well-conversation over.

"Are there any instructions for what we need to do?" Skye asked.

"Not really. Your wing will accompany King Arnakkhor through the portal and Garrett will lead him to Regent Thillean. Boch Nee will be there to facilitate and guide the conference. Once Garrett rejoins the wing, you'll stand to the side and look pretty. Argos and I will be on stage with the regent, Arnakkhor, and Admiral Cocachet to handle questions."

"When will the dark fae enter?" River asked.

"After the media portion is concluded, Cocachet's team will coordinate with Arnakkhor and Thillean's people to bring the fae across. The migration is already planned out and communicated with the leaders of the various groups," Darius said.

"Why the uniforms?" Nik asked.

"Since we're saying this was an official operation, having your team wear their uniforms adds credibility." Darius sat back and looked from face to face.

"You realize if we'd actually worn our uniforms, they'd be in shreds and unrecognizable from the blood and grime. Won't that raise more suspicions?" Skye pointed out.

Garrett snorted beside him, and Argos laughed before speaking. "Oh, sweetheart, you haven't worked with the military very much, have you? No one expects truth or reality; they want a good show. If you don't believe me, pull up any of the vids from prior campaigns, and you'll see."

"Pater is right. We always have to clean up and put on our best before we're allowed to be seen. It's supposed to convey confidence and make people think we've got everything in hand."

"Lie, lie, lie." River shook his head. "I really hoped all the movies had it wrong, and what I'm seeing is that they didn't, and if I knew more about what happened back home on Earth, I'd probably be terribly disillusioned."

"And worried," Skye added, to which River nodded.

"I'm afraid so." Argos turned to look at Skye. "You'll return to Underhill after sunset, and Keeper has assured us you'll be able to return via the portal at the elf palace at midday tomorrow. Kleitos will remain here and watch over our new boys."

"Yes, Pater. I will. Don't worry, Skye; they'll be fine. Your grandparents and Arcturus will be with us as well," Kleitos said.

"What do we need to take with us to Underhill?" Nik asked.

"Whatever you'll need for an overnight stay, plus your uniform. Oh, and Skye, we thought you could let Raphael, Bram, and Noud know. Since they were part of your team and represented the elves, they'll need to be brought up to speed and return with you through the portal tomorrow," Argos said.

"Are you sure Underhill will allow us the uniforms? Ask Venci what happened to his clothes," River said. Skye was wondering the same, but his brother beat him to the question.

"Venci already checked with Keeper and was told that wouldn't be a problem. Underhill appears to be working with us and not against us on bringing the dark fae through. Let's hope that continues." Darius sounded very official-like as if he were addressing the Assembly and not his sons.

"How was the time chosen for our return? Why not after dinner or late tonight when there are likely to be fewer witnesses to worry about?" Garrett asked.

Darius and Argos shared a look and were quiet for a moment. "Keeper made the request for the timing. Before you ask, we don't know why or any additional details," Darius said.

Is anyone else a little worried about that? Skye mentally asked Garrett, River, and Nik.

I'll get a leash. River gave Skye a scolding look.

Not much we can do, but I'm with River, expect to be surprised, Nik said.

I agree. At least it's only one night, Garrett commented.

Skye wanted to retort but figured it would only make everyone else more nervous without resolving anything.

"We'll see you all tomorrow. I need to take care of a few last minute details at the Assembly and make sure Boch Nee is prepared. Good luck." Darius stood and then leaned down to give Argos a kiss before he left the room. Kleitos and the others stood as well.

"Skye, could you take a walk with me?" Argos asked.

"We'll talk to the others and make sure everyone's ready. Let me know when you're through, and I'll tell you where we are so you can join." Garrett pulled Skye into a kiss before following River and Nik.

'You don't think we're in trouble, do you?'

'We won't know until we talk to him. But why a walk? We could mind-speak privately anywhere,' Mistral responded.

The guards joined them as they exited the small dining room. Skye knew he'd at least met one of them, Zexes. The one who could have been Mica's twin. As they walked, Skye picked up a scent from the guard and bit his lip. 'Mistral...'

'You are not mistaken. The blond guard smells very much like Pater and being a dragon, I think it is safe to assume he has absorbed a good bit of our father-in-law's essence.'

'I don't know if confirmation makes me feel better or worse. Awkward definitely.'

'Why? It is perfectly normal for a dragon, and you have to admit Pater is very attractive,' Mistral said.

'So not going there.' Skye mentally pushed the thought away and tried to determine where they were headed. He got his answer in moments as they exited the palace into the gardens.

"Is there a reason for the walk?" Skye asked nervously.

"I enjoy a stroll after eating and thought you could use a change of scenery. Our conversation is private but not so confidential that we need to speak telepathically." Argos led them deeper into the garden, and the guards gave them more space.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Argos laughed. "No, Skye. But we do have a problem." Argos stopped at a bench under a large tree next to a small pond and patted the spot beside him as he sat.


"The team I sent to retrieve Captain Nekko ran into a wrinkle. Before they arrived, Nekko collapsed and was taken to the hospital. By the time they reached him, he was in a coma and was being attended by a specialist who is familiar with Pelurians. The medic refuses to allow Nekko to be moved as his condition is unheard of, and they're afraid it would kill him.'

Skye sat back, stunned. "Whoa. What happened?"

"I was hoping you might know. They can find nothing physically wrong. No injuries, no signs of poison or other toxins, all of the tests have come back negative. Might it be the bond sickness like what made Corey ill?"

"I guess... I don't know how we'd know, this is all new, and it's not like I got a manual."

"True." Argos chuckled. "But the situation does make things complicated. I'd suggest that once we get through tomorrow's events, you go to Captain Nekko."

"And do what? If he's in a coma, I can't exactly get his permission to bond him, and we don't even know if that would fix things."

"Consent is the least of your problems. If this is related to the magic, you don't have a choice. If it is not, then the bond won't hurt him and may still help. You've already shown your magic has healing properties. Perhaps you should take Kwill with you. He may be able to find something in Nekko's memories that would provide a clue," Argos said.

"How would that work? The media will be all over it if anyone recognizes me."

"I'll ask Devroe to work on a plan. You'll need to keep the team small but we should be able to come up with something."

"You think he'll be okay?" Skye asked.

"I know as much as you do. My gut tells me it's the delay in bonding. Obviously you won't be able to take your normal approach..." Argos gave Skye a smirk. "You can save that as a follow up once he's recovering. Unless you don't mind him being unconscious?"

"What! No. That's not okaaaay..." Skye trailed off as he realized Argos was teasing him. It didn't take much to put together that he was trying to lighten the mood and get Skye not to worry.

"If this works and he comes out of the coma, we should be able to pull a few strings to have him moved to Capital City. From there, it will be easy to do any additional care and have our own medics take over the case."

"Thank you."

"I'll update you after we're all back from the fae kingdom. We can't do anything before then anyway."

"Pater, you said a while ago that you were able to rescue the books or scrolls about platinums when your people saved Kwill and Beck. Do you still have them? Are you going to give them back to him?"

"Certainly. High Priest Seatha's people have them and are making digital copies so we don't lose the knowledge again. Once they've all been imaged, they'll be returned to Kwill. I should tell you that you won't get quick answers. Seatha said they have to be translated."

"That doesn't surprise me, but at least there's hope." Skye stared at his hands, wondering how long before they knew anything helpful.

"Oh, Skye, there's always hope, and just look at what the fates have done already. I think there are big things in your future, and I can't wait to see." Argos pulled Skye into a hug.

"I can. Waiting isn't that bad." Skye hugged back and reveled in the love and acceptance he got from the prince.

  • Scene 3 *

Skye pulled back from his connection with Rebel and took a deep breath.

"All good?" Garrett asked.

"You could have stayed with me. But yes, he's doing well. Eluf has barely let him out of his sight, and Basil has stayed close by. It's only been since last night, so I think they're still adjusting to the connection to the other wing-mates. Rebel said even Copernum has been kind to him, though he says the scary vampire mutters a lot."

"Feeling better? You've checked in with both of them." Garrett closed his duffel and slung it over his shoulder.

"I do, and I warned both of them that they'd feel it when we crossed into Underhill." Skye grabbed his bag and figured he was as ready as he could be.

"You'll need to make bonding Copernum a priority once this is settled. We can't afford any more complications from the bonds." Garrett waited for Skye at the door.

"After we fix things with Captain Nekko. One crisis at a time, please."

"Well, that sounds boring," Jos teased as he opened the door for them.

"Ha ha. You're so funny." Skye poked Jos in the chest as he passed. "You'll help keep an eye on the new guys, right?"

"You know it. Willow is thrilled to have them here and can't stop showing off. He's almost giddy with the attention that the druid gave his garden, and I'm pretty sure he considers Jhaeros a kindred soul." Jos joined Fiske, Feired, and Gregg as they fell in around Garrett and Skye.

"We'll keep our fingers crossed that this goes to plan," Skye muttered as they met up with the others on the way to the torii gate.

River wrapped his arm over Skye's shoulders. "When we pass through the portal, you and I are staying together. Got me?"

Skye smiled to himself, feeling his brother's concern and love. "Want me to carry you?"

River gave Skye a playful shove. "Git."

Mica put them in order. Corbin and Jayce would enter first, followed by Bram and Noud. Once they were through, then Gilian and Teak would cross with Bryan and Raphael then Garrett would step through before Skye and River with Nik following. The last to cross into Underhill would be Kuai, Chaz, and Mica.

True to his word, River wrapped his arm around Skye as they passed through, and they all ended up in the antechamber together. The first thing Skye noticed was that Venci's desk was gone.

"Secure the room," Mica ordered. The other guards spread out, checking the side passages and doors.

"More changes," Kuai called out. "Room of doors is gone."

"And the grande hall is set up like a conference room, but the thrones are still there," Corbin added.

"Our sleeping rooms and suite look to be unchanged, and the dining hall is still there and looks like it's being set up for a meal." Chaz stepped back into the antechamber pointing a thumb over his shoulder.

"The rooms were all empty," Jayce added.

"Anyone else notice that the magic feels stronger?" Bram asked, and there were mutters and nods of agreement.

Skye closed his eyes and lowered his shielding enough to sense the world around him. 'He's right, Mistral. The magic does feel stronger. Cleaner too.'

'It may continue to improve over time now that the curse is removed and the heart stone restored,' Mistral replied.

Someone's coming, River sent, and Skye felt the presence of another wing-mate seconds after.

He turned toward the grande hall and saw Venci walking their way. He looked more frazzled than usual, and when he came up to Skye and River, a notable scent came with him.

Ha! River mentally blurted, then turned to Skye. Um... I didn't mean to, but I kinda picked up on some things. Venci really, really, doesn't want us to notice or comment on his recent bumping uglies with a certain mysterious elf. If you get my drift.

He has to know that dragons can smell it. Hardly a secret. But I'll let the others know. Skye gave himself a reminder to talk to Kwill and Beck about improving River's shielding now that his telepathy had leveled up. He blocked his connection to Venci while speaking with the other wing- mates, asking them to trust him and ignore Venci's recent activities.

"Sorry I'm late. I intended to meet you but got caught up in all the...preparations."

"Sure, buddy. No problem. We're glad you're here." River put his arm around Venci and hugged him while winking at Skye. "So what's the deal?"

"Keeper has arranged for dinner and would like to speak with us while we eat. The mages and Lady Telawynn will also be joining us. We can review the schedule for tomorrow and address any questions. Besides that, the remaining time is free for you to do what you like. Our rooms are still as they were so everyone can stow their gear," Venci explained.

"Anything we need to be concerned about in Underhill?" Garrett asked.

"Not directly. Overall the dark fae have been quiet and focused on preparing to cross. Several more have manifested powers but nothing that concerns us. Master Mage Quanta and the elf mages have been dealing with it. My understanding is that once the dark fae have moved to Draga, the Mage Hall will partner with the elves in assisting those with powers. An unexpected benefit of having Master Mage Quanta here. They've developed a good rapport, and the dark fae trust them a little more than they do the light fae."

"Makes my head hurt," River commented.

"I guess there will be changes all around," Skye agreed as the others headed to their rooms to drop their bags. He hung back until the others were gone. "You doing okay, Venci?"

"Yeah. But I'll be glad when this part is over. It's nice being a part of something so monumental, but it's tiring as fuck, not to mention stressful. I'm impressed with Arnakkhor; he's a good king and has done an amazing job of getting all the different groups on board."

"No more blow ups or arguments?" Skye asked.

"A few but Arnakkhor handled them," Venci said.

"Everything okay with Keeper?" Skye had to ask even though he knew it would make the copper uncomfortable.

Venci sighed. "Yeah. No keeping secrets in the wing, is there?

"No one is judging you. I think we were a little surprised, that's all," Skye admitted. "Come on, let's see what trouble the others are getting into."

  • Scene 4 *

Sitting at the table with his wing and enjoying an incredible meal, Skye decided he needed to savor the moment. 'If only our other wing members could be here, then it would be truly perfect.'

'Agreed, but this is still nice. None of them are worrying. They are laughing and enjoying the food and company,' Mistral said.

Skye started thinking about what was going to happen over the next forty- eight hours and how it could significantly change their day-to-day lives. As the thoughts spiraled, he realized something. 'Shit.'

"Skye, what has you frowning," Garrett asked.

"What happens to the stories Pater spun about me changing the shifters? If we were on a rescue mission, how could I have been there..."

Surprisingly to Skye it was Venci who laughed the loudest before responding. "No, Skye, it's perfect. Think about it, the truth is that you did change them, and that's what was officially said. Not knowing about Underhill or the way the gates and timing can be manipulated, it will further confuse the skeptics and make them even more adamant that it was 'science.'"

"He's got a point," River agreed.

"Skye, Prince Argos is truly a master at manipulating the media. Trust him," Venci said.

"I have to agree, Skye. Let the emperor and prince worry about such things, and you focus on what you control," Master Mage Quanta said.

They're right, my love. Pater's got this. Enjoy the food and company. Garrett leaned in and kissed Skye's cheek. Finish your meal. We don't know what Keeper wants, and he might kill our appetite.


"Master Mage, when are you returning? You guys came through after we were already here," River asked.

"I'll be returning in the morning with Oisin, Mordish, Fionn, and Venci. The portal is still anchored in the palace, and we'll cross early. The fae will know the portal is active, and there will be those in the palace who see us return, but we won't be part of the spectacle."

"I'll also cross over early. While the court knew I was in Underhill, the public won't care, and as Quanta said, it keeps me from being part of the big event." Lady Telawynn's voice came out in a deep purr. Skye thought he could listen to her speak all day and not care what she said.

"I thought the portal was supposed to be in the festival grounds-where the old ruins are?" Nik said.

"Keeper has assured us that Underhill will move the portal," Venci said.

"Venci is correct. The portal will move and activate after the others have crossed into the palace. We don't want to add suspicions by making it obvious that everyone knew where the gateway would open. This way, they can set up once the location is revealed but still be several hours before the event." Keeper joined them and took an open seat.

"You've thought of everything, haven't you?" Skye was glad he hadn't been in charge because from what he could see there were way too many moving parts.

"Many great minds worked together to make this happen. Credit doesn't go to any individual," Keeper said.

"Lady Telawynn, will you be staying at the elf palace to help with the dark fae?" Nik asked

"No, I'll be returning to Capital City with the emperor and Prince Argos. Emperor Darius believes my voice will be more valuable in the Assembly."

"Wait! If we have to return to the Academy after the announcement, what happens to Raphael?" Panic laced Bryan's voice, and he had a death grip on his mate's hand.

"Not to worry, young dragon," Lady Telawynn began, "Raphael, Bram, and Noud will accompany me to the Royal Palace. Bram and Noud have long been part of my personal guard, and Raphael is well-known among the fae. No one will question them being with me."

Skye could feel and see Bryan relax. The emperor and Prince Argos know how important it is for new bond-mates to be together. I'm sure they took that into account.

Do you think they'll keep us long at the Academy? Bryan asked.

I don't know for sure, but I doubt it will be long. Remember, they're the ones who insisted you all had to stay at the palace, Skye sent.

"Keeper, do you think Arnakkhor and the dark fae are ready?" Garrett asked. They'd all commented on the fae king's absence, and Lady Telawynn had explained that he was making final rounds with the first groups who'd be taken to Draga.

"As ready as they can be. I'm afraid that apprehension and emotions are still running high, as should be expected with such a change and after the betrayals that are fresh in their minds. Trust will be an issue and will only build as actions validate what has been promised." Keeper appeared completely calm and relaxed, contrary to how Skye was feeling.

"We understood that you needed to speak with us." Garrett put a hand on Skye's arm and gave a squeeze as he spoke. "Is there more we need to do in preparation for tomorrow?"

"No, I would like to discuss other matters." Keeper gave a smile.

"Can we talk here with everyone present?" Skye asked.

"It concerns all of you, so yes. Your wing's relationship with Underhill and the fae is evolving and after the dark fae begin to cross over to Draga, it will change yet again. I'm sure you felt the change in the magic when you returned. Each day it grows cleaner and stronger-thanks to you and your wing, Prince Skye." Keeper bowed his head in respect before continuing. "With the magic improving, some of the doorways to other worlds are once again working. We decided it was prudent to change the location of the portal room. It is only meant to be used by select individuals, and access is now restricted, similar to how the heart stone is guarded."

"I don't think you needed to worry about me or the wing using them, but I understand the need for caution, especially after enemies were able to get in and lay a curse." Skye shuddered at the image of stepping through an unknown doorway and ending up across the universe on some strange planet. 'I'm not that much of an adventurer, right Mistral?'

'Agreed. One foray to a dying planet was enough for me.'

Keeper laughed, bringing Skye back from his talk with Mistral. "You misunderstand, Prince Skye. You and your wing are some of the few who 'can' use the portals. Emperor Darius and Prince Argos as acknowledged rulers of the fae, Lady Telawynn, and Prince Theon, future king of the light fae."

"Not Regent Thillean?" Nik asked.

"Unfortunately, Thillean still carries the taint of the former Queen Caladwynn. It is unlikely that he would have need to travel, but if the occasion arose, he could be led by one who was authorized," Keeper explained.

"I think we'll pass. No way I want to accidentally end up somewhere I don't want to be." Skye laid his hand on Garrett's thigh to ground himself.

"Ah, I see. Did you know that in granting you access, Underhill has given you." Keeper waived his hand to indicate those at the table. "The knowledge and ability to read the glyphs that mark each door?"


"Before you need to make use of them, I will ensure that all is explained. Only a few have activated, but I'm sure the others will soon. The other decision to make is what you would like in your sanctuary. I don't think it is wise to use the hold; there are too many eyes."

"You think we're in danger here?" River growled.

"Not in Underhill, but the fae are not always discreet, and once the portal to Draga remains open, they travel back and forth and may interact with others who don't have your best interest at heart. Here, Underhill is always watching, out there..." Keeper shrugged. "I thought it best if your comings and goings were not easily seen."

"That, I agree with." River sat back and crossed his arms.

"It would be best, Skye. The same reason the secret tube platform was installed under the Royal Palace," Mica said.

"What would you like? Beyond what you have in your suite here," Keeper asked.

"It would be cool if we had a platform like yours. You know where we can land and take off in our dragon form. There are few places we can fly freely, and it would be a treat to do that here," Nik said.

"And open ground or forest where the rest of us could shift and be in our animal form," Chaz added.

"Skye, wouldn't it be cool if it was like the summer house? You know sort of blended with nature, the balconies, pools, and walkways that blend right into the hillside. Our dragons also might like it if there were caves or caverns nearby. Oo, oo, hot springs!" River shouted.

"We probably need to keep our requests reasonable." Skye laughed to himself, but he had to agree with River and the others; those ideas did sound nice.

"Sadly, we'll also need to balance our privacy with the ability to get to the hold. The throne room, the room of doors, and the portal to Draga are all here," Corbin said.

"That is easy to accommodate. No different than my retreat. You don't think I trek across the countryside each time I visit, do you?" Keeper shook his head.

"I figured you used magic and just popped in and out wherever you wanted to be," Nik said.

"That would be draining and a waste of magic. I save that for emergencies," Keeper winked at Nik, and Skye had to wonder if he really could pop in and out at will.

"May we ask, how do you move back and forth?" Mica had gone into protector, strategist mode. Skye could see it in the expression and set of his shoulders.

"Magic." Keeper smirked, and Skye thought Mica might pound his head on the table. He was surprised the old elf had a sense of humor.

'He had sex with Venci, didn't he?' Mistral interjected.

'Hiss, hiss, someone is being catty. And face it, he's got magic and is really old. Maybe that means he's had lots of experience.'

Garrett snorted beside him and started coughing into his hand.

That's what you get for listening in. Skye elbowed his mate while trying not to let anyone see.

"I couldn't resist. It is magic but the type inherent in Underhill and the hold. There are several doorways in the hold that lead to my forest retreat. They are locked and protected from accidental visitors, and there is a tunnel with wards and spells to misdirect anyone who gets that far that shouldn't." Keeper turned to Skye. "We could do something similar for your sanctuary."

"I do like some of the guys' ideas. I should probably give you a list of the wing-mates and their types. Guess we'll need some interior spaces if the vampires visit, and I don't know what a Felecian or a Pelurian might need."

"I've already taken care of that Skye," Venci interjected.

"And you may have forgotten, but the sun in Underhill is safe for vampires; they need not hide or come out only after dark." Keeper's reminder also brought back another thought.

"How do we protect the retreat? You said that the creatures in Underhill were a balance and that dark vampires were here as well."

"Fuck. I forgot about them. Not much of a retreat if we have to patrol and worry constantly about being attacked," Mica grumbled.

"You are a paranoid bunch. Lady Telawynn, help me out," Keeper said.

Skye noticed the smile and sparkle in the Queen Mother's eyes. "You don't need to worry so much, Mica. You have Underhill's blessing and assurance of a safe haven. It is likely there will be protective wards and diversions that keep out beings with ill intent and inform you when someone crosses the boundary. In my experience, the deadliest threats and danger have come from within. You may have an advantage among your wing, but that's the area to watch."

Depressing, Skye thought, and he had to agree with Lady Telawynn. He was confident in his wing's loyalty, but there would always be those on the edges who were not wing but had access.

"Did you need more, Keeper?" Garrett asked.

"That was sufficient, and Underhill was listening, so I'm sure he caught even the unspoken ideas."

"Well, that's fucking creepy," River muttered.

  • Scene 5 *

Garrett adjusted Skye's jacket and pressed his lips to Skye's. I love you. This is almost over.

Can't be soon enough. Skye hated letting Garrett go, but now wasn't the time or place for stripping his mate and licking all those gorgeous dark golden muscles and...

'STOP! We don't want to be on video with a raging boner. We'll fuck our mate AFTER,' Mistral scolded.

'Huh, did my dragon just ask me not to think about sex? Really? I think I should write this down.' Skye smiled and realized it was for the best and silently thanked Mistral for bringing him back.

He glanced around at the others all looking splendid in their immaculate Planet Watch uniforms. Gilian winked at him and he wondered briefly how she felt looking like the other guards, versus the elves in their group. Bram and Noud were in pristine Royal Guard uniforms and even Raphael's ranger ensemble looked like it had never been worn before but all were very clearly fae, not Imperial.

Keeper disappeared after their dinner and hadn't been seen again. Arnakkhor had joined them when it was almost time to cross over and was resplendent in elvish robes that looked like Lady Telawynn had selected them herself-elegant, stunning, and perfect for Arnakkhor's coloring. He looked like a king.

"Is everyone ready?" Garrett called out to the group. After a round of nods and agreement, he gave a signal to Mica. Their lead guard and Corbin would be the first through.

Skye felt the tingle of magic as he stepped through the gateway and onto the patio where Queen Caladwynn had once pushed him through into Underhill. He didn't have time to think about it as the others quickly followed and they were met by a crowd.

He was glad that Garrett was on point because Skye was overwhelmed. He followed and went where he was told, stood with the wing, and tried to keep his face neutral as he listened to Boch Nee, the emperor, Regent Thillean, and finally, King Arnakkhor.

Amazingly enough, there were no questions for their "rescue" team. Those in the crowd were more focused on the dark fae and who or what would be coming to draga.

Almost done, Garrett sent. They seem to be freaking out about the dark fae and have totally forgotten about our part. I guess the cautionary tales and horror stories of old didn't make the best impression for accepting our new citizens to the Empire.

I'm just glad it's not our problem. There are smarter, more capable people responsible for them now. We got them off Hell World and to Draga, I hope that counts as mission completed. Skye turned as he heard Emperor Darius making closing comments and thanking the media. Garrett tapped Skye's hand and led their team out of the spotlight.

Once in the palace, they said quick goodbyes to Bram, Noud, and Raphael- an obviously dramatic and painful moment for Bryan. A couple of the Royal guard met both groups and took them in different directions and only moments later, Skye's group was joined by Prince Argos. He stepped in next to Garrett and spoke in a low voice with no greeting or preamble.

"The aircars are waiting to take you to your shuttle." Prince Argos spoke as they walked. "Once you reach the Academy, Skye, River, and Jayce will meet up with Fiske, Kwill, and Beck to board another shuttle. It will take them to the hospital where Captain Nekko is being cared for. Fiske has more details and can brief Skye's team while he travels. Before anyone argues, we have to keep a low profile, and several of the wing are too recognizable. There's also a limit to how much magic we can use before we'd raise an alarm. I've selected several of my guards I trust to balance the team. Good luck, boys. I look forward to seeing you all back at home." Prince Argos veered off with his guards to another hall and moved out of sight.

Garrett? Skye was still trying to process everything he'd overheard and determine if it made sense, so far, it didn't.

Yeah, I get it. Pater in mission mode is a little scary, and you gotta listen fast. If it makes you feel better, every field trip or excursion I took as a child was handled about the same.

I'm so sorry. Skye took Garrett's hand as they exited the palace to a private area that appeared to be screened from onlookers. As Argos had said, the aircars were waiting. Can you explain any of that?

You're taking a small team to Nekko. People who the media won't recognize on first sight. I expect you and River and possibly the psions will have disguises or magic to conceal your identity. Garrett raised Skye's hand to his lips for a kiss.

Wish you could be with me. This sucks.

'We're not even going to have a chance to get our mate naked before we leave.' Mistral stomped off in a pout.

  • Scene 6 *

"This is all quite frightening. Who'd have imagined? I'll talk to the attending medic and square things away, though I must agree it would be better not to move the patient until he's out of the coma." The hospital head medic was taking them to Captain Nekko's room after it had been explained that Captain Nekko had been the victim of an attack and was still in danger.

Skye was nervous. His and River's disguise were nothing more than a change of hair color and contacts. All the magic had been saved for the illusions that now wrapped around Kwill and Beck.

"Dr. Kwilleron, do you have any idea what might have been used? Our tests couldn't find a mark on him and there were no unexpected foreign substances in his system. We're not sure how to help him when we can't find anything wrong," the medic said.

"I'm sorry, but at this time, we're not sure, but if the cause is what we expect, that is considered classified. For the protection of the empire, of course," Kwill explained.

"Terrifying," the medic said. "And you really think he'll need guards?"

"Since Captain Nekko is still with us, we can't afford to take the chance that the perpetrators will come back to finish the job. That is why we are insisting that the patient be transferred to a secured location. I assure you the best medical team on Draga will be devoted to his care."

"Right, right. I'm sorry we're not used to dealing with non-civilian patients." The chief medic paused at the door. "Here we are. Don't expect much as we've gotten no response of any type since he was brought in."

"Dr. Cavill, what is the meaning of this? My patient is not to be disturbed." A harried man ran up to them and blocked the door with his body.

"Deska, you need to stand aside. This is now a military problem and they will be taking over the care of Captain Nekko," the chief medic said.

"No! You can't do this. He's not in a state to be moved. We don't know what's wrong yet!" Deska yelled.

"Deska, you need to stand down. They can have you arrested if you interfere," Dr. Cavill whispered while trying to pull the man away from the door.

"But..." The man grudgingly stepped back but Skye worried he might be a problem.

Do we need to do something? I don't trust this guy, Skye said to his team.

Already on it. Give me ten minutes and he won't remember us or the patient. Though, honestly it would probably save a lot more people if he just forgot everything, Beck responded.

I knew there was a reason you were such a good fit for me, River said.

Jayce and I will remain at the door, Fiske sent. The other Imperial Guards were nearby but waiting. It would have been too much to have all of them show up. As it was they were making the staff nervous.

"Would you like me to stay with you?" the chief medic asked.

"It's not necessary unless your procedures require your presence. Once I'm with him we'll consider it official that he has been transferred into our care," Kwill said. Skye could actually see the relief on the man.

"I don't want to be in your way. Please let us know if there's anything you need." The medic gave a nod and walked away. It appeared he was ready to be done with them.

Kwill led them into the room. River did a quick check of the perimeter and pulled out a scanner to make sure there weren't any hidden listening devices or cameras. Skye waited.

"All clear." River put the scanner back in his satchel. River, Skye, Fiske, and Jayce were all back in their Planet Watch uniforms. It made sense since that was the division Nekko worked in.

Kwill and Beck stood on either side of Nekko's bed. Their eyes closed and perfectly still.

"I think he must be able to sense something," River whispered nodding to the prominent tent of the sheet over Nekko's groin.

"Perv," Skye muttered.

"Oh, and you're not curious what's underneath the sheet? Please. Even if it's not going to happen today, you know you're going to wrap your lips around that beast eventually and if you're a good boy maybe he'll fuck you." River walked closer and intently looked over Nekko. He even teased Skye by pretending he was going to grab the sheet covered cock standing at attention.

"Stop it," Skye whisper-shouted.

'Mistral, why couldn't Nekko be awake for this? It feels wrong.'

'We haven't done anything yet. Let's see what Kwill and Beck can find then we can decide. But if it's due to not bonding him soon enough then we have to make this right.'

While they were waiting, Skye reached out to his mate. Garrett, we're in.

Any trouble? Garrett asked. They'd stayed in touch since Skye left Capital City, through the long trip and even for a while once Skye and the team arrived at the safe house. He was so exhausted he'd slept well though having Jayce and River wrapped around him likely helped.

The attending medic was a bit of a whacko, but Beck took care of it. Kwill and Beck are checking Captain Nekko now.

Keep me updated. We're supposed to go in now and answer more questions. They're taking this 'debriefing' pretty seriously.

Good luck, love you. Skye pulled back but left his connection open.

"Skye..." Kwill called.


"Can you please use your magic sight and tell me what you see. I know you're not familiar with Pelurian physiology but you may still see something." Kwill stepped back to give Skye room.

"You didn't find anything?" Skye asked.

"We'll wait until you've done your check to talk." Kwill was being evasive.

Skye concentrated and drew his magic letting it fill him before he opened his eyes. He looked over Captain Nekko. 'Mistral, stay with me. I don't understand what I'm seeing.' A golden glow flowing from the Pelurian's core encased him.

'Get closer,' Mistral urged.

Skye took a step and held his hand over the man's chest. The golden glow stretched and bulged as if reaching for him. 'Could this be the bond magic?'

'It looks and feels similar but we've never seen it encase someone. Look below the surface, perhaps there's more.'

'It tingles.' Skye wiggled his fingers. 'I feel the pull and it gets stronger when I put my hand closer. It's almost like the bond tendril wrapped around him when there wasn't matching magic to connect. What do you think, Mistral?'

'Ask Kwill.'

"Will you tell me what you and Beck found?" Skye asked.

"What about you? What does your magic tell you," Kwill asked.

"He's encased in a shell of magic that feels like my bond."

"His mind and body appear to be fine; we couldn't find anything wrong. Nekko appears to be in a dream state and not aware of the world around him. I'd describe it more like stasis or a hibernation where all of his functions have slowed to the barest minimum," Kwill said.

"You think I should try bonding him? Is that ethical when he can't agree?" Skye didn't like the situation at all.

"He's thought about the bond, being in your wing, and specifically you. If it makes you feel better about doing this, he's dreaming of you. I'm not sure why you think there is a choice here. You already know that denying the bond makes them sick, how is this different?" Beck asked.

"He's got a point, Bro. Who is to say that this isn't the way a Pelurian reacts versus Corey getting sick or Lord Eluf wasting away? You know you have to bond him, worry about the details later."

"I agree with River," Kwill said placing a hand on Skye's shoulder.

We both know what you need to do. You can save the sex and marking for later, that way he won't feel like he's missed something. Establish the bond and hopefully that will bring him out of this state, Kwill sent.

Skye sighed. "Right." He pulled his magic again as he looked at the "sleeping" Pelurian. Skye had to remind himself that this wasn't someone in costume and theatre makeup. This was a non-human, alien...

'Really look at him. He's very handsome,' Mistral prompted.

Skye ran his fingers over Nekko's prominent cheekbones. The skin was velvety soft and warm and Mistral was right, the man was handsome. Green skin and all. Skye ran his hand up the side of Nekko's head over his smooth scalp and let his fingers trace up one of the two antennae. It quivered and moved as he touched and the Pelurian made a soft moan.

'Oops, maybe those are an erogenous zone.' Skye felt the heat in his face and resisted the urge to play more. He turned to look at his brother when River pulled the sheet down, exposing Nekko's muscled chest.


"Inspiration, dude. Look at those huge pecs and titties. Don't tell me your mouth isn't watering and you aren't fighting the urge to suck one." River snickered and stepped back.

'My brother is evil,' Skye mentally grumbled to Mistral.

'But he's right, those are bigger than Garrett's! Can we taste? Just a little?'

'NO! He's not even conscious.' Skye was using all his self-control not to do it and didn't need his dragon pushing.

'Let me do this one. You got to bond all the others...'

'Hell, no. You can't fool me, Mistral. You wouldn't stop with his nipples you'd mount him too. Not happening.' Skye's face felt like it was on fire.

Skye, quit torturing yourself and just do it. You can fuck once he's awake, Kwill prodded.

Closing his eyes and shaking his head, Skye took a couple of deep breaths. I can do this. His magic was already spooled and waiting. He laid his hands on Nekko's chest, and his heart beat faster at the feel of the strong, round muscles. Skye pushed his magic into the man and let it seep into every molecule. He focused on establishing the bond and felt it snap into place.

Nekko groaned and Skye felt the man's euphoria and pleasure as his body orgasmed.

"Whoa, baby. Old faithful had nothing on this stud. Look at all that jizz!" River's voice was positively gleeful.

Skye opened his eyes and stepped back. His mouth dropped open when he saw that the cover had been completely removed and Nekko was revealed in all of his naked glory. 'Shit.'

'Mmmm... that is very nice. You should have let me do it my way.' Skye could feel his dragon's pout.

He'd never admit it, but seeing the substantial hard cock standing tall with an impressive puddle of cum on his washboard abs and a stream still running down the long dick was testing Skye's resolve. Thinking a quick retreat was the best course Skye turned away, only to hear slurping sounds behind him.

'Oh, please tell me they aren't,' Skye moaned as his cock got so hard it hurt.

Skye, you okay? Your emotions are all over the place, Garrett asked.

Guessing you weren't paying attention, sorry. Um...Nekko is bonded. We didn't find out anything new. I guess we wait a bit to see if he wakes up. Everything is clear to take him back to the infirmary. Skye intentionally avoided thinking about or mentioning the Pelurian's physical condition.

That doesn't explain what I'm feeling. Your dragon is restless, and I can tell you're aroused and trying not to think sexy thoughts. What happened? Garrett wasn't letting this slide.

The captain might be sort of attractive...

Babe, you know that with the bond you'd think that even if he wasn't. Ah...thank you Mistral, a picture helps. He responded right away to your presence, that's a good thing.

'Mistral, what the heck did you do?'

'Pulled up the memories of what we saw so our mate could stop guessing. Rett understood immediately-we dragons stick together.' Mistral sounded smug.

It's okay, Skye. These reactions are perfectly normal, especially now that you have a dragon form. Don't beat yourself up over it. I'm more struck by how awkward it is that you're going to fuck my commanding officer.

Skye wasn't sure if he felt better or more frustrated. Garrett understood and yet he didn't. You weren't bothered when I bonded the Admiral.

Well, not bothered per se, no. It's still awkward and I have mixed emotions since I've had 'appropriate military behavior' drilled into me since I started at the Academy. Guess what, fucking your commanding officers is on the 'no' list. Then again, the sex with him was pretty amazing. I'll adjust. Skye could practically see Garrett's mental shrug as he finished.

They're back to me on questions so I gotta go. Take it easy and rely on our wing-mates. You'll be fine. Love you.

Skye was still facing away when he heard River.

"Skye, look."

Turning, he looked at the 'sleeping' Pelurian and noticed his chest rising and falling-much more prominent than before. He opened his other sight and the cocoon of magic was gone and in its place was the glowing tether that connected to Skye and the other wing-mates.

"I think he's waking." Kwill placed a hand on Nekko's head. "Brain activity is increasing. He's confused but coming around."

"I'll let the others know and they can bring up the gurney so we can move him to the transport. How much time do you think we need, Kwill?" River asked.

"No need to wait. We can move him as soon as they arrive," Kwill answered.

"Prince...Prince Skye... What? Where..." Nekko's eyes had opened and his voice came out in a rasp.

"It's okay, we've got you." Skye laid his hand on the Pelurian's shoulder and felt the buzz as his magic connected with the new wing-mate. "You're in a hospital. You passed out at the resort, likely due to the delay in me bonding you to the wing. Not sure of the details. We'll be taking you back to Capital City to recover."

"I feel...really strange." Nekko lay his head back and closed his eyes.

"That's the bond. You're feeling the emotions and presence of other wing- mates," Skye explained.

"It's best if you rest now. We'll explain everything once you're safe in the palace." Kwill placed his hand on Nekko's head.

"Pal..." Nekko began before drifting off.

"I put him to sleep. It's likely he won't remember anything, even if we did explain," Kwill said.

The door opened and Jayce leaned in. "They're here."

  • Scene 7 *

"It seems forever since I was here." Skye walked with Venci and Braden to his office in the Assembly Hall. Regardless of what had been happening the universe hadn't paused and there were a number of issues that Skye had to deal with.

"It has been." Venci still looked tired. Though his work with the dark fae was now done, he'd put in an excessive number of hours.

"I just realized you haven't seen your new offices. Not that I've spent much time here, Prince Argos has mostly been working out of the palace," Braden said.

"Is he still requiring your service, Braden?" Skye was nervous about Argos adopting his secretary as his own.

"Yes, but he assured me it was only until a few of the 'projects' were wrapped up. I still don't understand why he didn't give some of this to Celeste. She seems very competent." Braden sighed, also looking more worn than he should.

"It's been a rough few weeks for all of us. Venci, how long is the debrief going to take? I was surprised so many were called in again today." Skye missed having Garrett with him and might have been a little salty when Garrett had to leave.

"I don't know. I suppose it depends on what triggers their interest. Who knew the beetles and tunnelers weren't unique to Hell World? I guess Ground Forces have encountered them on other worlds and had limited success." Venci reached the doors and waited as one of the Imperial Guards entered to clear the space.

Skye was going to have to ask for a map. He hadn't paid enough attention to how they got to his new office and didn't think he could find it again on his own. Dummy, he scolded himself, I always have guards with me, they can figure it out.

'Mistral, I'm tired too.' The return trip from rescuing Captain Nekko had taken longer than Skye expected, not getting them back to the palace until well after midnight and by the time Skye crawled into bed, he was hoping to beat the sunrise.

"Any change in Captain Nekko?" Braden asked as they waited.

"Still sleeping last I checked. The bond is still strong and I have wing brothers on rotation so there's someone with him at all times. The royal medics said it's to be expected and everything looks good." Skye noticed the guard return and they held open the door for them to enter.

"Wow." Skye stopped to look at the crystal rock wall waterfall that greeted him when he entered. Rather than walking straight in you had to go left or right around the dazzling display.

"A security measure. No one can burst through the doors. I was assured that wall, while translucent is proof against most weapons." Braden touched the surface and the water poured over his hand.

Skye walked around the left of the waterfall and encountered another stone wall. The entrance was across from the center of the crystal feature. He stepped into a large lobby with a wall of glass covered with an intricate lattice work. Set back on either side were large workstations and in the center a posh seating area. "Isn't this overkill?"

"Really Skye? Garrett is the heir and you're the prince consort. I think this is quite modest." Venci looked around the room with approval.

"Garrett has an office here too?" Skye didn't think his mate had ever used an office and he knew he hadn't had his own assistant until Braden and Venci joined them.

"He does. You also have two conference rooms, a smaller lounge, a kitchenette, and a guest office. They refused to go any smaller or offer fewer accommodations." Braden looked worried.

"I'm honored. Not sure it's necessary but if it keeps everyone happy, I'll suffer quietly." Skye bumped shoulders with Braden to make sure he knew he was kidding.

"Have you claimed a desk, Braden?" Venci walked over to the large work area on the left.

"No. Are you kidding? The only reason I got to see it before now was I had to sign off and did it while I was running an errand for Prince Argos. From what I saw on a quick glance they're identical-as are the two main offices for Skye and Garrett."

"Much nicer than I've had in any of my previous jobs." Venci sat in the chair and ran his hands along the top of the workstation. It came to life and multiple hologram screens illuminated. "Very nice. They didn't skimp on the tech."

"I'll show you to your office or I guess, you can pick since I doubt Prince Garrett will care." Braden led Skye behind Venci's workstation and back a somewhat hidden hallway.

"Are all the twists and turns..."

"For security. The offices are on this side and the public spaces or where you'd meet with people are behind my workstation." Braden ushered him into another large room with a wall of windows, again covered in carved latticework.

"Why are the windows covered?" Skye noted that while you couldn't easily see out, the sun still filtered through nicely.

"The view sucks?" Braden shrugged.

Skye looked at the ultra-modern desk and furniture and decided he liked it.

"I'll pull up your correspondence and the outstanding requests. I have them all sorted for you." Braden sat at the workstation and brought it to life.

"Anything urgent I need to address right away? I'm going to have to balance my time here with returning to the Academy for classes and the lessons Pater is insisting on with Master Chen." Skye wasn't looking forward to those.

"You forgot the Mage Hall. Master Mage Quanta has already sent a reminder that all of the dragons are expected to resume their lessons. Does that include me?" Braden looked nervous.

"Huh...probably. I'll confirm but he spent a good amount of our time in Underhill working with any who had magic to develop their skills. Oh, don't look so hurt. It will be good for you and you'll be surprised what you can do. My gut tells me that it's important that any of our wing who has magic potential needs to develop their skills."

"But Skye, dragons haven't used their magic...in like, forever." Braden was scowling now.

"Exactly. Think of it this way, magic is a weapon and a tool like any other. There will be times when it will do what technology won't. Sorry, Braden but I'm not giving in on this one. If it concerns you that much, let Mistral speak with Juhla. My dragon has been adamant that this is non-negotiable."

"Fine." Braden schooled his expression before speaking. "The most urgent request is from the Chief of the centaurs. He's sent numerous messages and is pleading for your attention to the matter of the former Queen Caladwynn. He did not go into any specifics other than to say it is related to her pregnancy. Also a message from Jacovy, a centaur who claims to have met you in the slaver camp?"

Skye choked as he swallowed wrong. "Met?" Skye coughed more. "There was only one centaur, and while I may have been drugged at the time, the way my ass is clenching, I can tell you I wouldn't have used the word 'met.'"

"Oh." Braden's eyes went wide and his face reddened. "He was requesting a meeting, it didn't say anything about another go."

"He was drugged at the time too, Braden. I am very confident in saying that neither of us gave consent. Not sure why, but I'll be glad to meet with him. Does he happen to reside with the centaurs who are taking care of the bitch?"

"I will find out. And you have countless messages from Carmen Nightwing's office. He's the owner and founder of Dragon Lust Corporation and owns the 'Lust' brand. Remember, this came in just after the trip to the Lust Factory, one of their clubs. He, and I mean Carmen, wants to discuss a business deal."

"Oh, Father Dragon, you absolutely must meet him!" Venci practically yelled from the doorway. "Do you have any idea how famous he is? But you've got to promise that I go with you. Please, please, I'll give you blowjobs every day for a week."

Braden snorted. "Please, you'd do that anyway. Give him something special."

"Massages! You love when I give you massages." Venci's voice held a note of desperation.

"Venci, you don't have to promise me anything. I'd have to take someone and I think Braden needs a break. Would you be willing to set it up, Venci? Braden, if you can figure out when we can schedule a trip to the centaurs. If I recall, that's north of the reserve and will take at least a day, probably more. We should do it as soon as possible, given that they contacted me before the whole Underhill adventure."

"You'll want Garrett with you for that one." Braden looked up from where he was making notes on his bio-comm.

"Please, I want Garrett with me for everything. If I could take the whole wing, I would. I don't really want to be separated again. I've had enough of that."

End Chapter 60 | (Characters included below)

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Thanks to the volunteer beta readers/editors who helped with this chapter: Adam, Mark, Mike, Rich, and Scott.


  • Admiral James Cocachet - Human bonded to a gold dragon Andril. Has a bear build, barrel chested with short trimmed beard, just a hint of gray in hair and beard, sparkle to eyes and laugh lines, taken from earth during war. Oversees Galicon - which includes Planet Watch, Protectorate Patrol (which includes city guards and local enforcement) and Ground Forces. Has four sons, bonded for 70 years, two sons work at bakery, one a lawyer, the youngest a model.

  • Aksel, gold dragon, bond-mate to Master Mage Quanta

  • Allanna, night elf, mate to Arnakkhor, King of the Unseelie, has the gift of foresight

  • Andril Cocahet - gold dragon, 6', stocky athletic build, dark gold skin, dark blond hair, honey brown eyes, a baker, owns his own bakery and cafe, had four sons, mate of Admiral James Cocachet.

  • Arcturus, bear-shifter, 6'7", black curly hair with a thick beard, dark brown eyes and fair complexion. Notable body hair on a thick muscled body. Unusually well-endowed. New to the wing and position and placement is not yet decided. Living with Mica temporarily. Has a younger half- brother Charlie.

  • Argos D' Or Drakken, human, Prince, bond-mate to Darius, 'Pater' of Garrett, Zopyros, Kleitos, & Nikias. Adoptive father of Christos. Born on Earth - Greece. Has some characteristics and magic of a red dragon but not a dragon form. Artist. His valet is Benson.

  • Arnakkhor - night elf, King of the Unseelie, 6' tall, ebony black skin, hair, and eyes.

  • Beckus "Beck," psion, 4'7" (138.4 cm), blue skin, blue eyes, and white hair. Bonded as a pair with River and also a member of Skye's wing. Son of Kwill.

  • Braden Thomas, Ensign, gold dragon, 5'10" robust, dark blond hair, round face, pale gold skin, light blue eyes - Personal Assistant to Prince Skye and Prince Garrett. Member of Skye's wing. Previously served in HealthCorps.

  • Bram, elf, guard in service to the Queen Mother, Lady Telawynn, strawberry blond hair, pale green eyes, about six feet tall, muscular for an elf assigned to Skye's team going into Underhill

  • Bryan O'Dell, gold dragon, 5'10", bodybuilder, red hair, pale complexion, and emerald green eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Biology and Anthropology

  • Caladwen, elf, former Queen of the Fae, grandmother to Gilian and Dillon

  • Charlie Eklund, human, grandfather of Skye and River, married to Nancy. Born on Earth - U.S.A.

  • Chaz Blackclaw, were-dagger, 6'1", Ranger - athletic build, medium complexion, shoulder-length dark brown, wavy hair, chiseled face with dark brows and lashes, a neatly trimmed beard and striking blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Security

  • Christos D' Or Drakken, were-panther, Prince (without rights of succession), adopted son of Darius and Argos. Born on Draga. Student. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Claudius D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, without royal rank, brother of Darius. Executed for Treason.

  • Corey Armstrong, human. College mate of Skye from earth. 5'11", fit, athletic build, dark tan, brown hair, brown eyes. Former Prince Consort to King Tertian of Pembra. Bonded to Ronan D'Or Talon, a gold dragon. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Darius D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Emperor, Father of Garrett, Zopyros, Kleitos, and Nikias, Adoptive father of Christos and bond-mated to Argos.

  • Dillon, Elf, 5'9" slender and fit with auburn hair and green eyes. Grandson of the former Queen Caladwen and brother of Gilian. Serve's as Skye and Garrett's valet but is treated more like family. Biologically changed by Skye's magic - enabling him to bond and carry a dragonling. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Feired Fornay, silver dragon, 5' 11", slender swimmer's build, pale complexion, silver-white shoulder-length, straight hair, pale blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Food Services

  • Fiske Abusson, gold dragon, 6', lean muscled swimmer's build, warm gold skin, slender hips, thick, straight shoulder-length brown hair, blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Surveillance and Data Analysis

  • Garrett D' Or Drakken, gold dragon (Rett), Prince, oldest son of Darius/Argos, heir apparent to the Empire, bond-mate to Skye Tomas Eklund. Commander within Galicon. A member of Skye's wing. Black hair, dark eyes, dark olive/golden skin. Smooth, bodybuilder physique.

  • Gilian, elf, Ranger, 5'4", slender athletic build, long, rich brown hair and brilliant green eyes. Sister of Dillon and granddaughter of the former Queen Caladwen. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Botany

  • Gramthor - dwarf, chieftain of the exiled dwarves, 4' tall, dark brown hair and beard

  • Grandma B - Brenda Fenmore Carlson, Skye's maternal grandmother, confesses she was rescued and hidden in Underhill. Was married to James Carlson, daughter was Amy Marie Carlson.

  • Greggory Wolf, werewolf, 6', muscled athletic build, short dark beard, dark hair, and pale green eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Geology and Archeology

  • Ian Cornell, human, 5'11", human bond-mate, Priest at the palace, stocky athletic build, pale skin, dark hair, bright blue eyes, perpetual five o'clock shadow. Bonded to the gold dragon Nelson "Nels"

  • Itheral, senior high elf healer living in Underhill, slender, long white hair, white beard.

  • Jayce Roberts, gold dragon, 5'10", pretty, ripped athletic build, notable 'v' torso, curly shoulder-length, golden brown hair, brown eyes with gold starburst. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Medical

  • Jerrick Lopez, copper dragon, long auburn braids, 6'1", ripped, swimmers build, copper skin, dark brown eyes. Part of Protectorate Patrol and a medic. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Jhaeros, night elf, son of Arnakkhor and Allanna, 6' tall, ebony skin and hair with dark eyes.

  • Jos Trall, gold dragon, 5'9", bodybuilder, red-gold hair, skin more bronze than gold, blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Ship's Systems

  • Juhla, Braden's dragon's name.

  • Kavide, night elf warrior serving Arnakkhor, black skin, hair and eyes

  • Kazemkhor, night elf, brother of Arnakkhor. Ebony skin, gray eyes, black hair. About six feet tall with a slender lean build.

  • Kessalee, elf, master mage, older elf, silvery white hair plaited into fanciful braids, a neatly trimmed goatee and pale gray eyes

  • Kibli, half-elf/half-dwarf rescued from Hell World, son of Kabli, rejected by the dwarves

  • Kleitos D' Or Drakken, [KLEE-tos] gold dragon (Ormarr), Prince, third son of Darius/Argos. Medic. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Kuai Lung, Chinese gold dragon, Asian in appearance, 5'6", ripped, slender build, black shoulder length hair, large dark eyes, and a pretty face. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Ship's Systems and Programming

  • Kwill, psion, 4'8" (143.5 cm), blue skin, black hair, bonded partner with Skye. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Leesai Tedurian, [LEE-say] Felecian, female 6'6", muscled and ripped, skin is a deep golden brown and has a mane of light brown hair, yellow cat's eyes, a little larger and set farther apart, cheekbones more pronounced than a human's, has a tail. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Security

  • Lord Eluf Sorenson - formerly human, Vampire King. 6'2", lean, fit build with white blond hair and blue eyes. Dark ivory skin. Distant ancestor of Skye and River. Due to bonding with Skye must feed on dragon blood. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Manoson - gnome and chieftain of the tribes evacuating hell world

  • Mattekin, druid shifter assisting Master Mage Quanta with the healing of the heartstone

  • Mica Kaber, gold dragon, 6'2", lean athletic build, shoulder-plus length, blond hair, blue eyes, Skye refers to him as his "surfer dude." Commander of Skye's guard and member of his wing. Temero: Engineering and Maintenance

  • Mordish, elf, court mage in Underhilll, mature with light brown hair streaked with gray and a short-cropped beard

  • Nancy Eklund, human, grandmother of Skye and River, married to Charlie. Born on Earth - U.S.A.

  • Nikias D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Prince, fourth son of Darius/Argos, bond-mate to River Markus Eklund. Student. A member of Skye's wing. Temero: Astrogation and Engineering

  • Noud, elf, guard in service to the Queen Mother, Lady Telawynn, platinum blond hair, pale blue eyes, about six feet tall, muscular for an elf assigned to Skye's team going into Underhill

  • Ormarr, Kleitos's dragon's name.

  • Prada, Venci's dragons' name.

  • Quinn Corbin, gold dragon, 5'11", muscled athletic build, short-cropped dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Tactical and Weapons

  • Raphael Night Blossom, elf, Ranger, raven black hair, leaf green eyes, very pretty

  • Revali, siren, first introduced as "Boy, 5' 9", skinny/malnourished, golden brown skin, dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, looks younger than his age. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Rilien Eklund, (formerly Rilien Meadowdove), Elf, 5'6" often described as delicate and pretty with fair skin, ash-blond hair, and green eyes. He has a slender, fit build. Rilien has magical ability and is expected to become a mage. His father was a high elf mage, his mother was a meadow elf married to Tiberius Meadowdove. Skye's ward and a member of his wing.

  • River Markus Eklund D'Or Drakken, platinum dragon (Storm). Prince, bond-mate to Nikias. Born human on Earth - U.S.A. Student. A member of Skye's wing. Temero: Tactical and Weapons

  • Skye Tomas Eklund D'Or Drakken, platinum dragon (Mistral), Prince, bond-mate to Garrett. Born human on Earth - U.S.A. Temero: Communications and Medical. Fitness model build with golden skin, platinum blond hair, and blue eyes.

  • Taleel Del Nuit - General, black dragon, 6'3", ebony skin, pointed ears, silver/mercury colored eyes, shiny, straight black hair often worn in a top knot with ponytail. Bodybuilder physique. Part of Protectorate Patrol and decorated General in Ground Forces. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Teak Swallowfly, fairy, with a human form 5'11", large colorful wings that become a tattoo when he shifts to human. Athletic build, golden brown, curly hair to his shoulders, bright blue eyes, rich, warm brown skin. Former thief and spy and noted hacker. Now works with Pater's agents on clandestine research and spying for Skye. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Telawynn, elf, Queen Mother, mother to former Queen Caladwen, Great- Grandmother to Gilian, Dillon and King Theon

  • Tennat, psion, in service to Emperor Darius

  • Tiev D' Or Drakken, blue dragon, partner of Claudius. Executed for Treason.

  • Thillean - former elf king and consort of Caladwen, now Regent

  • Thockta - chief of the ogres evacuating out of hell world, his father was Chockta

  • Venci Lopez, [VEN-see] Copper dragon (Prada), lean, slender build, auburn pompadour, copper skin, dark brown eyes. Senior Personal Assistant to Prince Skye and Prince Garrett. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Willow Eklund, Nymph, 5'10" muscular and voluptuous, large dark nipples, with golden green skin, blue and green eyes, and greenish blond hair. Skye's ward and member of his wing.

  • Zade - night elf warrior in service to Arnakkhor, black skin, black hair and eyes

  • Zopyros D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, currently without royal rank, second son of Darius/Argos. Medic specializing in non-dragon/magical species. Being held by the priesthood in penance for crimes against the Royal family.


Next: Chapter 61

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