Dancing with the Dragon, Chosen

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Aug 15, 2018


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

Dancing with the Dragon: Chapter 38, Needs Must, Copyright 2018 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

Dancing with the Dragon Chapter 38: Needs Must by Tripp Savidge

  • Scene 1 *

Skye slid his arms into the sleeves of his armored suit as he watched Garrett, making sure that he didn't push the magical armbands out of place. I will never get tired of looking at him, he thought as he admired his mate's muscled form.

Garrett turned, so his back was to Skye. He reached his arms overhead and stretched as he bent forward flexing his glutes while he tugged the tight armored suit into place.

Skye felt the whisper of Garrett's thoughts and grabbed the nearest thing-a boot-and tossed it at him. It hit Garrett in the ass with a thud before falling to the floor. "Now is not the time!"

"I was just stretching," Garrett professed.

"Stretching, my ass! Don't act all innocent with me, Mister!"

"Ooooohhhh, I'd like to stretch your ass." Garrett turned and approached, his body sculpted perfectly by the black and charcoal suit that fit him like a second skin.

"Oh shit..." Skye whimpered as he watched the sensuous movement, with Garrett's hips swaying and his powerful legs tightening and flexing with each step, making his bulge move erotically.

"Let me help you..." Garrett whispered as he slid his hands inside Skye's still-open suit. "Your skin is so hot, and your body feels so good." Garrett kissed up Skye's neck teasing gently with his tongue before biting playfully at Skye's earlobe.

"I... I can't think when you do that. And we need to be focused on Ril."

"But I can't resist you..."

Skye could feel his dragon rubbing on his insides as his body tingled. He was so hard it was painful, but if he adjusted himself, he knew Garrett would do even more. Then he felt Garrett's hand cupping him, acknowledging how aroused he was. At least the suit was heavy enough that Garrett couldn't do more.

"You look amazingly fuckable in armor." Garrett slid his hands over Skye's abs as he pulled the front of the suit together and fastened it. He continued fastening up to Skye's chin, letting his hands trace the curve of Skye's body.

"Please. Stop. We can't. It would be wrong," Skye moaned as Garrett pulled him into his body and kissed him.

"Okay, but once we've rescued Rilien and dealt with them, I want you to strip me out of this suit and fuck me until I can't walk." Garrett nuzzled in behind Skye's ears, laying gentle kisses at the narrow band of exposed skin still remaining.

"Oh, God," Skye gasped. "Need to think about Rilien. I've got to keep my focus and not be distracted." He took a deep breath, hoping to get his head to stop spinning and push the guilt back. He hated how easy it was to get caught up in the moment and forget what Rilien might be going through, what they might have done to him. How can I even think about sex, when he could be hurt? Skye reminded himself.

"It's going to be okay, and we'll take care of Ril. I promise," Garrett kissed Skye's forehead and hugged him again before sitting down to pull on his boots.

'You can't fight against your mate's pull,' Skye's dragon whispered in his mind. 'It is built into the very fiber of our being. It does not mean we don't love or care for our wing.'

Doesn't mean I won't feel guilty either, Skye responded back. Skye grabbed Garrett's other boot and tossed it to him; this time trying "not" to hit his mate.


"Will these really help us?" Skye asked as he picked up the helmet and turned it over in his hands.

"They won't stop everything, but short of armor piercing rounds or explosives, they're effective. Also, the air isn't so good at the lower levels. Who knows what toxic shit is down there or what pipes haven't been maintained. It's not kept up like a spacecraft."

"I guess." Skye pulled on his boots and turned back to Garrett. "You okay with me handling communications? Do you think it will work?"

"Babe, you can mind-speak to someone up on Draga Starbase. This will be nothing and do I think you can handle it? Yes. With Beck and Kwill backing you up they won't know what hit them. I'm still in awe that you're stronger than the psions. Okay, not in awe; maybe a little freaked out."

"Kwill said dragons tell their children horror stories about psions. Is that true?" Skye asked.

Garrett paused, and Skye could feel the guilt and knew the answer before Garrett voiced it. "Yes."

It didn't really merit a response. Skye nodded and double checked his suit to make sure he was closed up tight. "You think it's a mistake we couldn't figure out how to use Lord Eluf's help?"

"No. Not that I doubt his brood's abilities, but they aren't military, and I wouldn't want them to get caught in the crossfire. I'm sure there will be times when we'll need his help."

"Yeah, I guess so." Skye tugged at his suit, trying to smooth out the heavy material.

"Damn. You wouldn't have a cloak you could wear over that would you?" Garrett asked.

"Why would I want a cloak?"

"So everyone doesn't see how hot you look. Too distracting to the mission and all."

"Wait. You're not picking up on River's over protectiveness again, are you? Beck promised he'd shield River, so we didn't have any more problems."

"I don't think so, just me not wanting to share. There are going to be men with us who aren't our wing."

Skye walked over to Garrett and cupped his jaw with his hand. "I am yours. I belong to one dragon and one dragon only."

"Yeah, but you know as well as I do that the men in our wing all consider you "their" dragon. Maybe not their mate, but I can feel it through the bonds. And those new guys - they're going to be staring at you, wanting you, and thinking all sorts of nasty things."

Skye kissed Garrett, letting his tongue tease across his lips. "I doubt that very much. The "new" guys are going to be way more interested in you. I think you're the one who needs a cape."

Garrett grunted and scowled. No words were needed, and Skye couldn't help but smile. If he were honest, he sort of liked this jealous, protective side of Garrett.

  • Scene 2 *

Skye bumped his helmet against Garrett's. You'll be careful. No getting cocky and doing something stupid?

I'd never! Garrett's mind voice conveyed his indignation. I've been doing this for a lot longer than you! And you make sure you don't get soft. These are bad guys, babe. No mercy. You've got the Assembly's orders for execution - don't try to be a hero and "save" them.

I'm too scared to be a hero.

Hey. Garrett tipped Skye's head toward him, lifting the chin of the helmet. You are fast and strong. I've seen you fight.

In a nice safe, supervised training room where no one was actually trying to hurt me.

I have faith in you. You've partnered with Chaz, and you two are good together. You and River - absolutely wicked.

Skye laughed, and while Garrett couldn't hear him, Skye knew his mate would feel it. He stepped back and held up his gloved fist. Garrett did likewise and bumped his fist, then wiggled his fingers as he lifted his hand away.

Falalala, baby.

I love you, Garrett. Garrett sharing a bit of Earth nerdom made his heart swell. He hadn't had time to make Garrett watch "all" the movies, but they were making progress. Skye felt his stomach plummet as he watched Garrett join his squad and move off in the other direction. Skye looked back at his own team and the other remaining squad.

"Ready?" Mica asked. His voice sounding odd through the earpiece. "We'll meet you at the rendezvous point. Keep your comms open. We won't use jammers until we're below."

"Okay. Let's do this." Skye bumped shoulders with River as they stepped into line behind Chaz and Zoby, one of the two soldiers in their company. Both of the additions were dragi; natives of Draga with tan and gray mottled skin and no visible hair. Of course, now you couldn't tell anything about their appearance - they looked like everyone else. Kwill was behind Skye with Chooch, the other soldier, and Jayce following. They waited to move until Mica's team walked out of sight.

Skye and Garrett's guard were split up among five teams, counting his own. That way Skye could easily communicate with each team. He had a primary and a backup. In the command center, he'd connect with Beck, though there were five other wing-mates if needed.

Skye's group was following after Team Three, being led by Mica. They were taking a different path to get into the underground warren and would then meet up. Skye checked the countdown before he took in the strange world around him. He was struggling with the sense that he'd been transported into one of his first-person shooter games in an urban war zone.

"Creepier in person," River said.

"Yeah, it is." Skye looked down at his boots and hoped they were as waterproof as Garrett claimed. It wasn't a full out rain, more like a heavy mist that hung in the air, but the ground was wet with large puddles scattered around the ruins.

"Kind of post-apocalyptic war-zone," River said. "You'd think they'd at least clean up the wreckage. They just let air cars drop from the sky and leave them?"

Skye looked at the mangled frame that was once someone's transport. Between the wrecked vehicles, garbage, and large pieces of what appeared to be concrete, the streets were barely passable. So we found the streets, he thought. But looks like they haven't been used in decades.

"Makes you wonder when the city above is so clean and sparkling, right?" Jayce added.

"So why leave it like this?" River asked.

"Money," Chaz volunteered. "Why bother? They don't care about the ruffians and criminals who live down here. Look what it took just for us to get down. Respectable citizens don't go below the cloud."

"Yeah... They've used this vibe in so many movies and games I guess I never thought about it. Seeing it in person makes it feel a lot more threatening." Skye shuddered. Chaz was right, he was surprised at how difficult it was to get down to ground level and could understand why no one would want to. Seetal had explained that most buildings sealed off any access below the tenth floor and installed elaborate security systems to make sure no one tried to come up from below. Seetal's team had led them down through a building under renovation where his team had literally cut a hole in the floor to get below.

Skye had thought the backup plan would have been flying down and landing. Seemed that was a bad idea too. Not only were there very few places cleared enough to land, but there were also gangs waiting to shoot down anything that got close so they could strip it and sell off the parts and the occupants. Nothing short of an armored tank or a military transport would be safe, and those would be like sending up a flare to let everyone know that something was going down.

"Let's go," Chaz said giving a nod to Skye and the others. "Everyone keep your stunners out and ready."

Skye absently gripped the weapon a little tighter. The armored gloves fit well and allowed him full motion, but they dulled the sensation of holding the gun in his hand.

They'd walked a couple of blocks without seeing anyone, just more wreckage. The streets were mostly dark. Occasionally there'd be a street lamp still working, but not many, and with the thick mist, it created more of a strange glow than providing usable light.

"Team Four, beginning descent. Ending transmissions now," Leesai's voice came through.

"Confirmed," Teak responded. He was helping coordinate everyone at the command center and had been elected as the "voice" for their operation. Once all the teams went off-line, and the jammers were in place, then Beck would relay.

"Guess we're doing this, huh?" River said.

"You'll do great. Just keep your eyes open. We've got a few blocks to go," Chaz said.

Don't worry, Skye. He's more excited than scared and yes I'm shielding him just like we agreed, Kwill sent.

I'm scared enough for both of us, Skye sent back. He could feel Kwill's amusement, but the psion must have decided not to make any comments.

"Team Two, beginning descent. Ending transmissions now," Corbin's deep voice said, echoing in Skye's helmet.

He felt a chill and tried to ignore the trepidation he felt as his mind offered up pictures of Corbin bloody body splayed out in a pool of muck. He wasn't sure he could deal with that, truth was he wasn't sure how he'd deal with any of his wing getting hurt, but Corbin... his mind supplied an image of their last time together - Corbin's beautiful athletic body covered in a sheen of sweat and his eyes wild with lust and passion.

Skye! Focus. The threats around us are more important than hypothetical scenarios that are highly unlikely. Corbin is a trained soldier. He's seen battle and can handle himself.

Skye took a deep breath, his nose wrinkling at the slight chemical scent the suit's filters gave to the air he breathed. Right, thanks, Kwill.

"Team Four, beginning descent. Remind a certain someone we have plans for later. Ending transmissions now," Garrett's voice interrupted.

"Confirmed. I'll make sure he knows," Teak responded.

Skye felt the heat rush to his face. No one said anything, but he could feel their amusement and knew that several of the men with him already guessed the reference. Leave it to Garrett to announce it to the whole wing when he could just as easily mind-spoke directly to Skye.

And you say I'm bad? River's teasing helped Skye get back on track, and he couldn't help but notice how strong and clear River's mind voice had become.

Warning! Hostiles ahead, Kwill communicated to the team.

"Number?" Chaz barked out.

At least six, Kwill mind-spoke to the team.

"Intent?" Jayce asked into his comm mike.

Skye noted that both had forgotten they could speak telepathically when they were with Skye or Kwill. They had automatically gone into military mode.

Kill us and strip us for anything valuable. They are practically salivating over the armored suits.

"Roger that," Jayce responded.

"Skye, you and River stay in the center. Let us deal with them. Jayce, you and Chooch guard our rear." Chaz had his weapon in hand, moving slowly forward like a stalking predator.

If this weren't scary as shit, I'd be having a lust fest over Chaz in that suit. He's totally rocking the 'panther' vibe. River turned to look at Skye.

Maybe we should get him a claw necklace to go with it? Skye said with a laugh.

Do it. I think our helmets have better visibility, but I bet you could find someone to add the little ears to his-

The quiet night was interrupted by the sound of weapons fire. Zoby's and Chaz's weapons both glowed and flared with the release of the energy bolts. Bright orange bursts exploded around them as the attackers returned fire.

ZAPP! ZAPP! CHING! POW! Sounded behind as Jayce and Chooch engaged with more unseen assailants.

Skye blinked in surprise when his helmet visor darkened to shield him from the bursts of light. For a brief moment, he could actually see what was around them more clearly before his world turned back to shades of gray and amber. The night vision wasn't perfect, although it easily picked up on heat signatures and gave them enough to move about without tripping.

"Shit!" River cried out as a bright red form jumped up on a wrecked piece of machinery to their right. River fired, and the flash illuminated and danced across the form causing him to stumble back. Other flashes and sounds of weapons fire surrounded them.

Skye aimed where the figure had dropped out of sight as he moved behind a piece of fallen building. Anything Kwill?

Their thoughts are very jumbled and confused. I think there are two behind the wreckage, but I can't be sure.

A loud POW sounded, and a burst lit the area briefly; the concrete in front of Skye shook, and a shower of dust and debris filled the air. Skye aimed where the shot originated and reached out with his mind to see if he could pinpoint the shooter. He fired and knew by the change in the creature's thoughts it had at least got his attention.

Kwill, their thoughts are so mixed up I don't know how they're functioning. You think drugs, maybe?

Could be...

A shot and burst of fire exploded next to Skye, barely missing Kwill. Shit! They've moved behind. Find cover!

Skye and River fired some cover shots as they moved behind another wrecked air car near a huge pile of debris. Skye was open to his teammates enough to know they were okay but still trading fire with the ruffians attacking them. A head and shoulders popped up above the hiding spot they'd just left, and Skye had a clear shot.

He saw the burst and watched as the electric sparks covered the figure - it twitched and shook before dropping face down over the concrete rubble. He didn't have much time before answering fire forced him back down.

Determined, aren't they? River sent mentally.

Stupid or so out of their minds they don't realize what they're up against, Kwill responded. I've been trying to get them to shoot each other, but they're so drugged up it's not working.

"What the fuck?" River screamed out loud. He'd been pulled off his feet, a huge gray-green tentacle wrapped around his leg, dragging him toward the garbage heap. He turned his stunner and began firing at the heap.

Skye turned his attention to the tentacle and fired several shots. The energy skimmed across the skin of the tentacle with no apparent effect. Suggestions? Skye called out.

I can't even find it - I'm not sensing that anything's there and it's not showing a heat register! Kwill's sent.

'Blades!' Skye's dragon shouted in his head.

On it. Skye thought as he quickly holstered the stunner and squatted to pull blades out of his boots. Thank you, Kuai! I owe you a drink for insisting I bring the swords. He leaped and brought both blades down scything through the tentacle just beyond where it had latched onto River. Gray ooze sprayed out as he severed the tentacle and its grip loosened on River.

River scrambled back as another tentacle came out of the pile and knocked Skye to the ground. Skye flipped onto his back and brought his blades up to ward off the appendage trying to wrap around him.

"Holy shit!" River cried as the entire trash heap began moving and more tentacles writhed out. "Hell with stunners!" River holstered his stunner, pulled his blaster and started shooting into the heap.

Skye crab-crawled backward, and soon multiple blasts were joining River's as Chaz and Zoby joined the fight. The creature continued to move, and Skye used his blades to fight back one tentacle after another as they tried to grip onto him.

"Get back!" Chaz yelled.

Skye and River both dove for cover and then the night lit up with a loud explosion and a flash of brilliant light. Skye huddled with River as a rain of gray-green goo fell around them.

"That was nasty," River said.

"What was it?"

"Something I never want to see again," River responded.

Agreed, Kwill added.

"Are you guys okay?" Chaz asked.

"Yeah, we're good," Skye said wiping off some of the slime that had splattered his suit.

"We've only got about two more blocks before we descend," Chaz said as he circled around Skye and River checking for any signs that their suit had been compromised. "Kwill, you good?"

Yes, no one even got near me.

"Zoby and Chooch are clear," Jayce said.

"Let's go. I don't know if you heard in all the commotion, but Team Three is already below." Chaz waited until everyone was back in formation before moving on.

As soon as they made it to the next cross street, the mist turned to a heavy downpour. Skye looked up and saw nothing but gray. No lights and no indication that a whole city loomed above them. I thought visibility couldn't get worse, Skye thought. I was wrong.

At least it's washing off the slime, River sent.

Skye turned to look at River, though it could have been any of the soldiers by appearance. Did you pick up what I was thinking?

No, you just said that you were wrong about visibility not getting worse.

Skye felt Kwill's amusement. I guess you have your answer.

River, you read my mind.

Guess you better be careful what you think then, huh?

Skye slapped River on the back, though he likely didn't feel much he at least acknowledged Skye. That's cool, River! Beck will be able to give you pointers.

The group came to a halt while Zoby and Chooch started doing something to a burned out panel near a heavy steel door. After a few minutes, a loud clunk sounded, and the door shook. Chaz joined the two others as they shouldered the door to the side, managing to get it open just wide enough for them to pass through.

Once everyone was inside, they pushed the door closed, and Zoby worked a huge mechanism that dropped the locking bolts back into place.

The space appeared to be a deserted loading dock. Chooch pulled out a couple of small metallic-looking balls from his pack and tossed them into the air. They flew up toward the ceiling and scattered and then began to glow - enough that the area was illuminated.

"Doesn't look like anyone's been in here in a long while," Chaz commented as he walked up a ramp to join Zoby.

Chooch made a whistling sound, and the balls flew back to his hand. He stood to the right of Zoby as the dragi worked on the door panel. Chaz had his weapon drawn and stood on the left side with his back to the wall.

"On the count of three. One, two, three," Zoby said, and the door slid open grinding and screeching from disuse.

Chooch tossed the balls through the opening, and once they were in, Chaz swung around scanning the space beyond.

"Clear!" Chaz called, and then the rest of them moved into the next room. The glowing balls continued to move forward, lighting the expanse ahead. They came to the huge steel gate of a freight elevator. Large enough Skye expected you could put two cars on it, side by side. Chaz led them past to another nondescript door.

"Access tunnel?" Jayce asked.

"If they did their recon well, yes. It should be a stairwell that leads down to the sub-basements. From this point on, we'll be on radio silence. When we reach the bottom of sub-level four, I'll place the first jammer. Skye, you ready?"

"Yeah, got my trusty psion booster," Skye joked trying to lighten the mood.

I'll be asking for a recharge later, Kwill teased Skye.

I guess some things never change, Skye thought. So, Dragon... you ready?

'Of course, we have a wing-mate to save.'

"Team Five, beginning descent. Tell 'spikey' he's up. Ending transmissions," Chaz communicated to the command center.

Spikey? Skye asked Chaz.

Oh, he knows I'm talking about him. And so you know, he hates the nickname.

So why?

Little shit tried to corner me last night. Said as a shifter I'd have really good seed, being only 'one generation removed' from human. I never gave it a thought when I called him spikey, but the reaction was great. You know when he gets upset, his face turns a darker blue?

Skye could feel Kwill's mental chuckle.

Chooch opened the door and then turned, calling the lights to his hand where he extinguished them and placed them back in his pack. They kept the same order as they started down the stairs. Several times they had to climb over debris or jump where the steps had fallen away.

Skye was glad when they reached the heavy steel door marked with a "B4," though the surroundings were not an improvement. The corridor they entered was relatively narrow, maybe only eight feet wide and huge dripping pipes and conduits ran along both sides and above. The ground also wasn't solid, it was metal grid work over more pipes. The place was filthy, and the glowing red lights placed along the path made it look ominous.

At least there's some light, River encouraged.

They watched as Chaz and Jayce placed the first jammer and switched it on. Let's go. River, you and Jayce keep Skye on the walkway. Once the other teams start communicating, he's likely to get distracted.

There wasn't enough room for them to walk side by side and keep maneuvering room, so they staggered themselves. The grating underfoot was a little shaky and rusted through enough they had to tread carefully. Skye had holstered his weapons so he could use his hands to steady himself. He was placed in the middle, so he was counting on having time to pull what he needed if the situation arose.

Skye, it's Leesai. Jammers are in place, and we're holding position until we get the go ahead. We've counted four guards. Please relay.

Skye passed the message on to Beck as he followed. The next team to report in was Garrett's. They hadn't gone far when Corbin's voice sounded in his head and reported the same. They came to an odd junction and had to help each other cross a section where the walkway had fallen away.

They'd only gone a little farther when Skye noticed his eyes watering from the stench that even his suit couldn't filter out. There was a brown muck dripping from an opening above that sizzled when it hit some of the pipes. It ran down and created a steaming, foul pool. The places where it had dripped down on the grating were completely eaten away.

Holy cesspools Boy Wonder that is some foul shit, River's mind voice said.

Skye felt the others snicker so he wasn't the only one to pick up River's observation. What do you mean Boy Wonder?

Everyone knows I'm Batman, but if you don't want to be Robin, I guess you could be Batgirl...

Skye knew it was another reference to their suits and the mission and while he wasn't happy about the jab, he did appreciate River still having a sense of humor. Skye saw the signal to halt passed back and peered ahead to see a large obstruction on the walkway.

What is it? Skye asked making sure the others in their party were connected. He knew it wasn't as comfortable for Zoby and Chooch to mind speak, but he didn't want them left out either.

Zoby says it's a damaged sentry bot, Chaz responded.

Help the non-native. What does that mean? Skye asked.

Jayce jumped in to answer Skye's question. **The city uses sentry bots to keep the tunnels clear and make sure squatters and vagrants don't move in and mess up the systems. These pipes still service the city above and while they don't care much what goes on the lower levels outside, they're protective of the water, power, and sewage systems.

Oh, God, I swear I was kidding, River moaned.

It probably was sewage along with the chemicals used to break it down, so the pipes don't get clogged, Jayce said.

So these bots...

Are supposed to keep the tunnels clear and remove any intruders. Obviously from what we've seen they haven't checked on this section in a long while.

Guys, I'm not sure this one is completely off-line. I see a faint glow. I'll go first, just stay back until I'm clear and on the other side. Chaz began to climb over the wrecked bot that took up most of the space in the corridor.

The machine hummed and sputtered a little but made no other moves. One by one the others climbed over the wreckage. When it was Skye's turn, he looked down into the bot as he climbed and saw the blue glow Chaz had mentioned. He was almost over when it hummed and sizzled again, sparks leaping from one of its servo motors.

Skye held his breath and moved as carefully as he could and quickly moved on with the others as the machine twitched and went quiet again.

So, are we going to see working versions of those before we're done? Skye asked.

No, we shouldn't. We may see dormant bots. Seetal's team made sure the city shut them down for the duration of this mission.

Good to know, but I'm not sure that one got the memo, River said letting the nervousness carry in his mind-voice.

Skye felt the presence of more of his wing-mates. Team Three is just up ahead.

Let them know we're approaching, please, Chaz requested.

Team Three, we're almost to your position.

Glad you could make it, Mica responded.

Team Three was waiting at another cross corridor. There wasn't room to get much closer, but Skye still pushed his way forward until he could personally see that Mica, Bryan, and Jos were okay. He was surprised he could distinguish them in the armored suits, but there was no missing Jos's thicker build or how much taller and leaner Mica was. And while Bryan was a bodybuilder like Jos, he wasn't as big and had a narrower waist.

We're okay. Haven't even fired a shot. Mica put a reassuring hand on Skye's shoulder.

Skye guessed that he picked up on his tension. Wish we could say the same, but no one's hurt and we're ready.

Are you sure? Mica's thoughts filled with concern.

We're sure, River sent. Skye was awesome.

Isn't he always? We're going to move forward and clear the tunnel. Don't follow too close, the whole point is for you to 'not' engage.

Got it, Skye responded.

Don't worry, I'll hold him back, River added.

Be careful. I sense more than two guards ahead... Kwill paused. Four. And they seem agitated.

Got it. Relay to command that we're moving in.

Skye did so and then began hearing from the other teams, echoing the same. Skye thought the next several minutes were counted as among the most torturous in his life. He could feel his wing-mates emotions and picked up the occasional spikes of thought.

He was trying to buffer and only pick up what was directed to him. If he kept himself open to all his wing-mate's thoughts, he'd be overwhelmed and confused. Worse, he'd be unable to react if it was needed, not being able to separate one thread from another. He knew it must be bad when he felt Kwill sending soothing energy.

Think calming thoughts. You need to focus on shielding us from the rogue, not monitoring the battles. Your men are very capable of taking care of themselves, and if they truly need us, they'll make it very clear. Kwill's mental voice sounded just like his spoken one, making Skye wonder if he'd ever noticed that with others.

Skye, it is safe to move forward, Mica sent. Please let command know that Team Three has cleared the outer perimeter and that jammers are in place.

Skye did so as they fell into their marching order and moved forward. He'd only gone a few steps when Team Four checked in.

Team Four. Perimeter secure. Jammers in place. Leesai's voice and delivery were cold and efficient.

Skye relayed the message to Beck and continued onward. They reached the first body, and Skye felt his stomach dip at the sight. He knelt down and looked over the bloody remains. The soldier wasn't in battle armor, just standard black fatigues with an armored vest. He looked at the scarred face and wondered why he was here. The man appeared to have been human, but curiosity made Skye use his other sight. Dragon, he realized and then stood.

The next guard was mangled enough that Skye moved by quickly. The third was a dragi in mismatched military garb. They don't look like professionals.

Chaz returned and knelt beside Skye. No, I'd guess mercenaries and not very good ones either.


Don't get me wrong, we have a phenomenal team, but it's been too easy. Also, the three we've passed so far all had different weapons. Chaz stood and offered Skye a hand.

The fourth body was out of reach. It had fallen through a breach in the walkway and hung over the pipes below.

Team One, reporting in. Perimeter secured and jammers are in place. Garrett's mind voice made Skye shudder. Leave it to his mate to send along thoughts of wild passionate sex while Skye was open to him.

Really? River sent.

If you don't like it, stay out of my head. Skye realized that things might get awkward with River's new mind reading abilities - at least until Beck or Kwill could teach him some control. I wonder if I was that clueless when my powers developed - answering questions people hadn't voiced.

Yes, but you learned quickly. We can hope River does likewise - though he is rather stubborn, Kwill sent.

Geez I've got to stop forgetting that it's not just River, Garrett and Kwill are in my head too. Skye said to himself.

'Unless you shield them out, but then they get suspicious,' Skye's dragon responded.

Okay, everyone. Quit mucking around in my head. I need to focus. Skye relayed Team One's message and received confirmation from Beck that everything was quiet on the surface and that as far as they could pick up, no alarms had been raised.

Team Two checking in. Perimeter secured. Jammers are in place.

Skye reached out to each of the team leads. All teams have secured the perimeter. Move into position and confirm when you are in place.

Skye received confirmation from each of the teams and then signaled Mica.

Remember, stay back and don't engage. We'll need you to focus on the rogue psion when we find him, Mica said.

He's not close, I can tell that much, Skye responded after reaching out tentatively. It was as gentle a sweep as he could manage. Most of his energy was focused on shielding them "from" the psion.

Skye's team followed Team Three, with Chaz in the lead again. The tunnels here seemed no different than the ones they'd traversed. They came to another sentry bot taking up most of the passage. The hulking mass was dormant, but Skye eyed it nervously as he squeezed by. He could feel the hum of its motors waiting for the command that would allow it to carry on. Lights still glowed here and there indicating it was still functioning.

Shit, that thing gives me the creeps, Skye sent to River.

You and me both, just get by so I don't have to be near it any longer than necessary.

They'd only gone a short way farther when they stepped through a side door into a finished corridor. This looked more like "living" space with steel floors and more finished walls. It reminded Skye of the inside of a ship with a clear view of the rivets holding the steel sections together. Even the door carried that feel with its oval shape and a wheel in the center to secure it in place.

The lights were no longer red, but a pale yellow and placed about every twenty feet in the center of the vaulted corridor.

Team One in place. Dispatching micro drone. This time Garrett's voice was all business and seemed detached.

Team Two in place, Corbin said.

Team Four in place, Leesai said.

Team Three in place, Mica communicated.

Chaz, hold here, Skye sent to his wing-mate. They're in place and the drone was sent in.

Skye waited, counting the seconds that seemed to go on forever.

Garrett's mental touch startled Skye. Let the others know, eight guards, several in armor and all heavily armed. No visible signs of the rogue psion. The door we believe leads to Ril is secured with two guards standing sentry.

Skye quickly relayed to each of the other teams, passing along Garrett's mental pictures of the room and what the micro drone had sent back. Skye was a little concerned that the room where they'd established their base was much larger than he'd imagined and worse, had many places to hide. He wanted to reach out and mentally scan the guards, but they'd already decided it was too risky. What if one of them was a sensitive? What if the psion was in someone's head when Skye touched them? Too many unknowns.

River gripped Skye's hand and gave a squeeze of support. Almost, bro.

Skye, tell them to move in. Remember, you follow but stay back enough not to get caught in any cross-fire, Beck said.

Skye reached out to all four team leaders again. Move in.

Muffled sounds of scuffling echoed down the corridor. They had chosen weapons that would be as silent as possible and were prepared to engage in hand to hand combat.

Skye concentrated on shielding their teams' presence as River and Kwill guided him forward. He was trusting them not to steer him off the walkway or put him in more danger. His eyes were open, but it was taking everything he had to stay focused. A loud zwap sounded, and Skye felt a sharp stabbing pain in his shoulder. He cried out in surprise.

It took seconds to realize it wasn't his pain, it was Fiske's. He'd been hit. Skye tightened the shielding as he felt the shadow of other's emotions and wounds. He was almost to the where the tunnels opened into the main room. A few were still fighting, but most of the enemy guards were down.

It appeared that Kuai and one of the guards were squared off in the far corner. There were too many obstacles for anyone else to join or get in a clear shot. Skye had just stepped into the room, distracted by Kuai's knife skills when he felt the presence.

The guard lunged with a knife. Skye was already pivoting and preparing. He grabbed the knife arm, twisted and turned bringing it up behind the man's back as he trapped the guy's left leg around his own. Skye's right arm came up wrapping around the guy's head and with a swift twist and a loud SNAP, the man dropped to the floor - lifeless.

Shit! He must have been playing dead! River sounded a little freaked. He quickly jumped back in front of Skye, scanning every direction for anyone else who might come back to life.

Skye's first stop when Kuai brought down his opponent was Fiske. He found him sitting near the wall, Jayce was already checking him over.

Hey, Skye said looking Fiske over before he pulled up his magic to check the damage.

Sorry, Skye. I tried. Fiske couldn't hide the pain.

You did great, buddy, Corbin knelt down and put a hand on Skye's back. Fiske saved Teller. One of their guys was hiding behind the crates, and he didn't see him until it was too late. Fiske knocked Teller out of the way and got off a kill shot but not before he got winged, himself.

Of course he did. I know my men. We'll get you fixed up and then find a place you can shift when all this is done. Skye felt a little better realizing that while he'd taken a shot in the shoulder, it hadn't destroyed any bones and the wound had cauterized from the energy of the blast. As a dragon, there wouldn't even be a scar once Fiske could shift - of course until then, it would hurt like a bitch.

Skye joined Garrett and Mica at the door that the kidnappers had been guarding. The door and wall on that side glowed faintly. The door was secured with an electronic code lock. Leesai was there as well, running her hands over the wall and door and scanning every square inch. She turned and pointed back to a small panel in the corner.

Force field generator. I thought it looked familiar. It's old Macacan tech, but they're still pretty common on the outer rim of the Empire. Leesai explained.

They also interfere with telepathy and other psychic abilities, Kwill added. I'm surprised their psion would tolerate its use.

Maybe they didn't give him a choice. Can we disable it?

I'm on it, Mica said. Skye, can you ask Leesai to help me?

I heard you, Leesai responded stepping up beside Mica as he pried open the panel.

Have you tried to scan the room? Garrett asked nodding toward the door.

No. If there's any chance we haven't alerted them I don't want to mess it up.

The glow went out, and Skye felt Mica and Leesai's satisfaction through the bond. Mica moved to the door's locking panel. He pulled out a small handheld device and put it next to the panel. Its display lit up, and Mica began tapping a sequence onto the panel's display.

The locks clanked as they retracted. Skye's wing-mates moved out of the path of the door, each taking up positions to either side and behind whatever barriers they could find. Skye took Kwill's gloved hand in his and psyched himself.


You know what to do. I'll guide you if needed but I think you'll be fine, Kwill responded.

The door swung outward, and Skye could feel Kwill's presence as he dropped the shields around the teams and focused all his power on finding the psion. It was almost instantaneous. He surrounded the psion with the strongest shield he'd ever built and then started closing it in tighter and tighter. Once he felt it snap in place, he dove into the rogue's mind and shut down his motor control.

Mica and Chaz were the first into the room, stunners in hand. Skye felt the shock and horror a moment later. He braced himself and stepped in. The first thing he saw was two guards with arms raised. One was just stepping away from the bed, both of them had their pants around their ankles with all their parts hanging out. Next he saw Rilien, naked and tied down to a bed on his stomach.

Skye turned and found the rogue psion. He had collapsed against the wall near the door. Unmoving as a statue - but his eyes held fury and hatred, Skye looked away.

Skye felt more than saw River join him in the room.

"NO! You sick fucking bastards!" River shouted.

Skye cringed at the rage, and then felt the building magic like an encroaching storm. Before he could even react, River's hands flew out in front of him, and Skye watched in strange fascination and horror as the two guards collapsed in on themselves as if a giant hand had grabbed them and crushed them between its fingers. It wasn't pretty, and the splattering blood and gore would have been sickening if Skye hadn't thought they deserved death.

River? Skye gently prodded mentally afraid physical contact would startle him. It will be okay. Help me with Ril so I can deal with the psion. Skye knew that River still had nightmares from when he was captured. Kwill had been working with him, but some things just took time.

River turned, and Skye saw the helmet nod. He carefully approached Rilien and knelt beside the bed as he began unfastening the restraints. "Hey, little buddy... it's me, Skye. Are you with us?"

"Oh, Skye!" Rilien began sobbing, and his thoughts were jumbled and confused.

He's been drugged, Kwill said joining Skye.

River finished clearing the other restraints, and Skye put a firm hand on Rilien's shoulder to keep him still. "Let me check you over. Please be still. We're here. You're safe now."

Rilien continued to sob and ignored Skye's request wrapping himself around Skye like a frightened child as soon as he was free. Skye pulled on his magic sight and checked his ward carefully. He was both relieved and angry. Nothing too bad, but clear evidence that they'd been using Rilien and had drugged him heavily. If the medics couldn't heal him, Skye's dragon assured him that they could - as good as new physically. The trauma and mental damage would take longer.

"Skye, the evac team is almost here. They're bringing a pod for Ril," Mica said.

"Where are they going to take him?" Skye asked.

Remember, we talked about this. Safest place is to take him back to the palace in Capital City. Father's medics are waiting for him. We want to get him as far away from here as soon as we can, Garrett communicated. Skye looked up at his mate in surprise - he hadn't seen or felt him enter the room.

Right, sorry. Skye squeezed Ril a little tighter and cursed the need for the armored suit. He could barely feel the slender elf in his arms. "Rilien, we're going to get you out of here, and I need you to sleep, okay?"

"No! Please don't leave me!" Rilien sobbed louder.

Skye switched to telepathy, just in case. Baby, it isn't done yet. We still have to deal with the ones who did this to you. You're going to be with Pater and Grandma and Pops. They'll take care of you until I get there. I need you to listen to them. Christos and Willow will be there too.

"I want to stay with you!"

I know you do, but it's not safe. I'll be with you soon, and you'll be able to mind-speak me as soon as this is resolved. I'm going to put you to sleep now so you can rest.

"Nooo..." Rilien objected as Skye's compulsion took hold, and he fell into a deep sleep.

It was only a few minutes before the evac team had Rilien secured in the pod. Skye tucked the blanket around him and kissed his forehead gently before they sealed the pod.

"I should be with him..."

Garrett put his hand on Skye's shoulder. "You'll be with him as soon as you can. As soon as we make sure the people who did this are no longer a threat."

Skye watched as they carefully moved the pod out of the room. They'd take him to the armored transport that was waiting.


"Got it. I'm sending four of our guys to accompany Rilien."

Skye picked up what Mica hadn't yet spoken and turned to find Corbin.

"Hey, you take care of him, right?"

"Of course we will. We'll make sure one of us is with him at all times. I promise," Corbin said.

"Take Fiske with you too. He needs medical attention," Skye ordered.

"No, I'll be okay. I need-"

"No, Fiske. You're going." Skye left no doubts, sending a bit of compulsion with the order. He watched as Kuai, Leesai, and Feired, all bowed and wished the others luck before following Corbin.

"Now for our rogue," Skye said turning to look at the psion. The blue man wasn't nearly as attractive as Kwill or Beck but still had the psion's child-like looks and size. The hatred in his gaze had been tempered somewhat by fear. Skye was pretty sure that anyone would be freaked out by what happened to the guards.

Maybe if he weren't so angry or if he hadn't known what River did to the assassin who had tried to kill him he would have been more unnerved. As it was, it was taking a good bit of self-control not to ask River to do the same thing to the rogue.


I'm right behind you.

Do you know him?

No. Take my hand. It will help me reinforce you - yes, even with the gloves.

Even with everything else, Skye felt his lips curl into a smile. Kwill was more than a friend, and while having someone in your head all the time was aggravating at times, there were also good moments.

Skye turned his attention back to the rogue psion. So... am I driving or are you?

You should, good practice. I'll coach you if needed. We'll be scraping his mind. You don't need to absorb or remember everything yourself - I will take it in and organize his thoughts and memories. Later I can help you recall them, but it will be easier when they're categorized.

He's pretty freaked out...

As was I the first time I realized what you could do. It is humbling to learn that you aren't as strong or infallible in your mind powers as you always believed. To have yourself rendered immobile and locked inside your head is...terrifying.

"Everything okay?" Mica asked.

"Yeah, sorry. I think I was stalling. This isn't...pleasant," Skye said.

"Do you need me to help or do something? I can share my strength or magic," Garrett offered.

"Thank you, but Kwill and I can do this. Save your energy for your uncles."

Skye turned back to the psion. A part of him wanted to feel bad for him, but he couldn't conjure up any sympathy. This 'creature' had made it possible to hurt Rilien, and now he would pay. Skye opened his mind and dove into the psion. He wasn't kind or gentle, and it only took seconds for the rogue to realize what was happening.

Skye knew that Balem, that was his name, wanted to fight back, attack, throw everything he had at Skye and Kwill, but he could only endure. He was beyond terrified. His body was locked down, and none of his telepathic abilities would respond. He was trapped in an impenetrable bubble in his own mind and could only observe as Skye and Kwill pulled every memory and experience.

Skye lost track of time and felt groggy as Kwill's nudge brought him back.

We have everything. He's done enough in his life that he would be sentenced to death many times over. Do not feel badly for him.

I demand a trial, Balem thought loudly trying in vain to project his thoughts. Skye still picked it up since he was connected to the psion.

You've already been tried by the assembly and an execution order has been issued. Enough of your actions have been caught on surveillance and reported by our spies that no additional evidence was needed.

Skye felt the realization dawn on the psion and felt his emotions shift to despair. Skye sat back on his heels and felt River grip his shoulder.

"No, Skye. This is why I'm here. I am your enforcer. This is what 'I' do, not you."

"I can't ask you to-"

Skye, River is right. He is your protector, and just as his dragon is more fierce, his mind has evolved to better deal with and accept administering justice, Kwill explained.

Yes, I'm sure, River added.

Reluctantly Skye stood and let Kwill lead him from the room. He still heard River's words.

"You picked the wrong dragons to piss off."

Skye felt the surge of power, and a wet splat and thud sounded against the wall. Skye felt the recoil as the magic he'd used to shield the psion returned to him.

  • Scene 3 *

Skye was glad to be back in the resort, even if he was on one of the lower service levels, still in his armored suit and covered with gore. They'd had to come back through the underground maze to avoid being seen or attracting any attention but they'd all been able to travel together on the shortest and 'safest' course. Fortunately without incident.

Skye was next. He looked at the bright white tunnel and turned back to Garrett.

"Skye, quit stalling. It is a decontamination unit. You're covered in blood and...other stuff. Besides, who knows what kind of germs or microbes we picked up down in the tunnels. We don't want to take that back and infect the others, right? The system will tell you what to do." Garrett gave Skye a gentle push forward.

Skye stepped through and heard the hatch seal behind him. He spread his legs and held out his arms as instructed and then he heard the sprayers turn on. His visor fogged up almost immediately. When they were done, he stepped through the next hatch as the mechanical voice instructed.

"Please remove all armor and place it in the bin provided," the voice echoed in the too bright, white chamber.

Skye undressed and stood naked waiting until the next hatch opened and he stepped into the shower. Not a real shower that felt good. It couldn't be a shower with water, no, it had to be a chemical shower that smelled faintly of herbs and ended with a wind tunnel of hot air. One of the things he decided he didn't miss about space travel.

He stepped into what he hoped was the final chamber and found soft leggings, boots, and a shirt waiting for him. Once he was dressed, he stepped through the last hatch to find River waiting for him.

"You okay? You were freaking out a bit."

"Sorry, I know I don't have the right to be upset."

"What the fuck, Skye? You have every right to be upset, and we're not done. We still gotta deal with the ones behind this." River pulled Skye out of the way so Garrett could step out of the decontamination unit.

"So what happens next?" Skye asked.

"Once everyone's been cleared, we'll go back to the suite and regroup," Mica said.

"You'll need to share what you and Kwill learned from the psion. I'm guessing you didn't get anything from the guards before..." Garrett paused and gave River an awkward glance.

"Before I crushed them?" River said as if defying anyone to give him grief.

"Um... yeah."

"No. Just surprise then the 'oh shit' realization," Skye said.

It wasn't long before everyone had been thoroughly scrubbed and took turns making the roundabout trip back up to their rooms. It required dividing up, using stairs, a freight elevator, and walking through the laundry to get back to the main elevator.

Skye felt some of the tension leave his body as soon as he stepped into the entrance hall and heard the sound of the abstract fountain dripping into the pool below it. He watched in amusement as Nik greeted River, wrapping himself around his mate as he appeared to be trying to crawl down his throat, tongue first.

You know dragon, I gotta say I never knew how happy it would make me seeing my brother find the love of his life. Look at those two... You'd think we'd been gone for days.

'It is how bond-mates should be. Two halves of a whole,' the dragon voice said.

Skye's breath caught as he felt a warm embrace from behind and Garrett's hand slid under his shirt and across his stomach. The heat of his touch bringing Skye's body alive with need.

"Mmmm. Sorry, you didn't get to remove me from my suit," Garrett whispered sending shivers of desire through Skye.

Skye leaned back into Garrett, enjoying how the large muscled arms seemed to engulf him and make him feel safe.

'You know size isn't everything, we are substantially stronger than our mate,' Skye's dragon pointed out.

Don't ruin the moment. Let me have my comforting delusions. Skye pushed his ass back against Garrett. "Maybe we'll try the whole stripping you out of your armor when the suit is clean, not covered in blood and other nasty stuff."

"Yeah." Garrett's breath felt hot against his ear.

Skye let out a whimper as Garrett's hands found his nipples and teased.

"Prince Skye, Seetal is ready for you and Kwill to debrief on what you learned." Mica stared at the floor as he delivered the message, his face blushing at the interruption.

Skye reluctantly pulled away but took Garrett's hand as he turned to follow Mica.

"I don't think they need me," Garrett said.

"Maybe not, but I do. Please?"

Skye pulled Garrett along behind him and entered the room Mica pointed out. He stepped in and caught his breath.

"Master Chen? I wasn't expecting you."

"Skye, Garrett. I've been in Caris since I left you. I'll be sitting in on the debriefing. I hope you don't mind?"

"No...sure, that's fine." Skye felt Kwill enter the room and took a seat at the small conference table. I didn't even know we had a conference room, he thought looking around and then wondered if yet another room had been commandeered and repurposed.

Seetal and Chen sat across from them and then Mica also joined.

"Kwill if you would be so kind as to speak out loud? I know you prefer telepathy, but we'll be recording," Seetal said as he pulled out a tablet-like device and then set one of the pyramid crystals in the center of the table. He tapped it, and it began to pulse deep red.

"The pulsing indicates it is recording," Chen explained.

"I will begin with specific questions, and then you can share any information you think may be relevant to our mission," Seetal said.

"Understood," Kwill responded.

Then Seetal and Chen began the barrage. Question after question, clarifying, digging for details. Sometimes repeating. Kwill answered most of them, but occasionally, Skye realized he had either more information or nuances that Kwill didn't share. He wasn't sure if it was that Kwill didn't pick them up or if he didn't see how it connected. It still left him exhausted.

"You'll likely have to recount some of this for the Assembly's records, but I think we have enough for now. Master Chen, I believe you know what you need to do?"

"Yes. Consider it done. Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me. I'll see you back in Capital City." Chen gave a bow and left the room.

You'd think he was going to send a memo, not go out and kill a few conspirators, Skye sent to Kwill and Garrett.

He may not kill the foreigner as quickly. I picked up that he would at least interrogate him first, if not bring him back for Tennat or me, Kwill said.

I'm more surprised at why they'd be so stupid. The turmoil and chaos can't have been worth the risk, Garrett said.

From what we pulled out of Balem, I think they are so privileged they never considered that there would be action taken against them. Or at least nothing more than a slap on the wrist for meddling. After all, they were just helping members of the royal family, Kwill said.

We're back to stupid.

"Thank you for sharing," Seetal said as he tapped the crystal and the light faded. "I know you don't like me Kwill but your help has been...amazing. Even if we had weeks to do an interrogation and used drugs, we'd never have gotten this much. I have to say, I'm impressed."

Kwill nodded but didn't say anything.

Come on, Kwill. Be the bigger man. Chameleons and psions may not get on, but as 'my' bonded psion, you have absolutely nothing to fear from them.

Skye felt the begrudging agreement.

True. Kwill turned from Skye back to Seetal. "Thank you, Seetal. Perhaps we could come to a working agreement? Since I have the feeling you and I will be 'partnering' again in the future?"

"It would be an honor, Kwill."

See, Kwill, that wasn't so bad, Skye sent.

It was. I feel faint and think I will require a triple feeding to recover. Actually, I believe any time I deal with a chameleon will drain me, requiring your attention. And no, Garrett, you can't volunteer to help. My sensitive nature requires that it be Skye. Kwill gave an ear to ear grin as looked at Skye.


"So what do we need to change since we know this is a trap?" Skye asked.

"I always assumed it would be. The only difference is that now we know how they plan to coerce you," Seetal said.

"Couldn't we use those doppelganger people to take Garrett's and the guard's place?"

"And you could watch while they were tortured and disfigured?" Seetal's voice carried the challenge.

"No." Skye crossed his arms and stared at the table.

"They understand your weakness, Skye. That's why they took Rilien in the first place. You just have to make sure it doesn't get that far."

  • Scene 4 *

"If you change your mind and want to go back to the palace, I'm okay with that," Skye said as he pulled on his jacket.

"No, I belong here with you and Garrett. Willow and Chris will take care of him until we get there. I'm just worried about him," Dillon said as he checked over Garrett to make sure the blades weren't apparent.

"Not what I would have expected to wear to a whore house," Skye said.

Dillon snickered but didn't make a comment.

"Oh, baby. The Pleasure Dome is 'not' a whore house."

"Um, building where you go to pay a man or woman to have sex with you? Whore house."

Garrett laughed. "Skye, seriously this is not that kind of place. While yes, you pay. And yes, you could have sex. That's where the similarities end. The Pleasure Dome is the headquarters for the Pleasure Workers Union. Any 'sex' that happens is absolutely discreet and private. Most of the building is corporate offices. You aren't going to see anything flamboyant or risque in the hallways. Actually, you won't see anything that you wouldn't see in an investment house."

"But it's the 'Pleasure Dome,' and you said Pater didn't want us to be seen there?"

"Pleasure Workers Union? It's a play on words. The media is absolutely forbidden and wouldn't get past the lobby security. Most people looking for 'services' would go to one of their many 'Pleasure Centers' or arrange for a 'home visit.' Only the wealthiest clients are admitted in the Dome, and their identities are kept secret. That's why you were given an alias. Yes, you can play out your wildest fetish, but it will cost you."

"So it's where the rich and famous come to indulge their fantasies that would otherwise be frowned upon?"

Garrett shrugged. "Yeah, um...sort of."

"And Pater?"

"The media watches the outside like vultures, hoping to catch an image of someone entering or through an unscreened window. Not that they couldn't have a legitimate reason but by the time it hits the vids they've created a sordid, scandalous hypothesis."

"And why do your uncles think it's such a great place for us to meet?"

"I don't know. It's possible Claudius or Tiev are regular clients. I know you don't want to hear it but having us join them in a little fun wouldn't be all that unusual for dragons. Likely they have hired a pleasure worker to make it look more legitimate. The Pleasure Dome also doesn't let you take in your own security."

"That's why Chaz is dressed in a suit like us?"

"Yup and he's pretty enough and 'famous' enough on his own, that it won't raise questions."

"So Patrol or other officials can't get in?" Skye noted that Garrett looked uncomfortable with the question.

"No. The union would have their own people handle it. 'Privacy' and all. They would be required to investigate and report back of course, but..."

"Yeah, playground of the rich and famous. I get it. So won't they react...um...badly when we start taking out clients?"

"Very. That's why we're going to make very sure they don't connect anything to us."

Skye gave Dillon a hug before they left and was very aware of his wing- mates, watching and worrying as they headed for the platform and the waiting air limo. As he heard the door shut, he closed his eyes and felt along the shields he'd created looking for any weaknesses. He reached out to Kwill.


I'm impressed. The psion won't be able to even sense them. The only reason I know they're still with you is because of the bond. Just remember, this rogue may be more powerful and dangerous than Balem.

Got it. You'll be nearby?

Yes. Good luck.

River took Skye's right hand and squeezed. I got your back.

Skye smiled at his brother. And I've got yours.

"Ahem," Garrett cleared his throat and gave Skye a questioning look.

Don't worry, I won't let the bad men hurt you... Skye teased.

I'm not amused. Garrett crossed his arms, and his questioning look became a glare.

Skye felt his dragon snicker, and Skye could understand why. It had to be difficult for Garrett having the least to offer in this scenario. Yes, he was an excellent fighter and a powerful dragon, but he hadn't learned to control the limited magic he had, and he didn't have any other special abilities.

Chaz didn't either, but as a were-dagger he was also a wild card. Dragon restraints wouldn't work on him, change inhibitors that could keep a dragon from shifting wouldn't work on a were-creature, and while silver was lethal to a werewolf, it was nothing to a were-dagger.

The limo flew into a well-lit tunnel in the Pleasure Dome. They approached the landing pad, and the car landed. As they stepped out, Skye saw the ingenious design. The tunnel had enough of a curve that someone trying to see in from either end didn't have a view of the entrance.

They walked through huge glass doors into an elaborate lobby. A curved desk stood before them, as much art as furniture.

The Pelurian behind the desk was colorful and stunning. He was a spring leaf green, with a golden shimmer. One of his antennae had a gold and gem-encrusted bangle. Even his eyes were lined, making them look larger.

"Welcome to the Pleasure Dome, how may I help you?"

"Good afternoon, we have an appointment for Fin Fang Foom," Skye said. He watched the man whose attention seemed to be riveted to Garrett. Skye had kept his senses open enough that he was well aware that the receptionist was very appreciative of Garrett's form and had all sorts of inappropriate ideas of what he wanted to do with him.

"Ah, yes. Party of four? Oh my, we are verrryyy honored to have you gentlemen visit."

"Thank you," Skye said with a smile. You know, dragon I sorta like having other people notice my man.

'Since you know that hussy of a Pelurian doesn't stand a chance of even getting a claw on your mate.'

Skye bit back the laugh as the receptionist's hands flew across the surface of his desk, pulling up information. "Here we are. Fin Fang Foom, you'll be in suite 'Q' on level one-hundred-eighteen. One moment." He reached below the desk and pulled out four crystals. "These will let you access the lift for your floor and open the door to the suite. When you are leaving, please return them to one of the return bins provided at the exits. You will need to pass through security before accessing the lift. Behind me and to the right."

"Thank you," Skye took the crystals and handed them to Garrett, Chaz, and River.

"Do enjoy your time at the Pleasure Dome, and if you need anything. Anything at all, call me." The Pelurian reached out and touched Garrett's arm - Garrett's comm unit made a confirming chirp. "Just in case."

"Um...thanks." Garrett looked down at the man's hand still on his arm and frowned before pulling away. What's with him?

Skye didn't try to hide his amusement. He thought you were gorgeous and really wants you to rock his world.

What? Skye watched as Garrett glanced back to see that the receptionist was still staring at him. No.

River and Chaz both tried unsuccessfully to bite back snickers.

Skye took a moment to look around at the opulent space as they walked to the security checkpoint. He also noticed that there were a number of security personnel, discreet but still present. The lobby was open to the floors above with floating or suspended sculptures filling the space. It took several minutes for all of them to pass all the scans.

The lift was eerily silent as they rode up. The wall of the lift toward the atrium was glass, and they could appreciate the beauty of the many colorful sculptures as they climbed. Something about the shapes was tickling Skye's curiosity.

Bro, look closer. They're abstract sculptures of people having sex.

Skye blushed and glanced at River's knowing smile. River shrugged.

They're not all dragons and sometimes more than two participants, Garrett added.

Of course. Why am I surprised, Skye thought.

'You aren't surprised just upset that River figured it out first,' Skye's dragon clarified.

They reached the floor, and as Garrett had told him, it looked like any other upscale office building. Not as posh as the Assembly Halls at the Empire Court but very nice. They stood at the door, and everyone gave a silent nod. It was time.

Skye used his crystal and heard the lock mechanism release before the door swung open. They entered into a small vestibule and shut the door behind them. Skye reached out with his mind. The first thing he noticed was a very disconcerting and almost painful buzzing.

'Shift inhibitor,' Skye's dragon said in his mind. 'I may have to step back, or my discomfort will throw you off. It is...irritating.'

River, when we get inside, look for a transmitter. I think it's to prevent dragons from shifting.

Is that the irritating buzzing?

Skye nodded. He scanned the room and quickly found the psion's presence. The six guards were easy to identify, a mix of races but all on edge waiting for them to step into the room. Tiev and Claudius he guessed from their thoughts and finally a very terrified Pleasure Servant. The mind was different than any he'd ever touched. Delicate and more... emotional?

I'll take out the psion first. Let's do this, Skye said.

They moved forward. The main room was large with a raised platform on which sat an oversized round bed with elaborate canopy occupied by a man. Though he looked unlike any of the races he'd ever seen. Like a brilliant, jeweled, and colorful man. A small seating area was in front of the windows and around the room stood the six armored guards. Skye briefly wondered how they were able to get the armor past security, considering the elaborate screening process. He ignored Tiev and Claudius for the moment, giving all his focus to the psion sitting on the couch.

Skye could feel the small blue man poking at the shields trying to break through and learn their thoughts. He pulled his powers and wrapped the psion in a tight mental cocoon like he'd done when they rescued Ril. He watched the look of surprise then fear show in the rogue psion's eyes. It only took seconds to send the tendril of power into his body and block his motor functions. Now the eyes showed terror.

"Yavil, what do you pick up from them. They haven't secreted in any weapons have they?" Tiev asked as he turned to the psion.

His question was met with silence.

"Why are we here and where is Rilien?" Skye asked.

"You wouldn't cooperate. You will give us a dragonling," Tiev said while Claudius remained silent.

Skye took a moment to look at Darius's brother. He was wearing a long shimmering robe tied at the waist. He looked...odd. His eyes unfocused and his hair disheveled. Something wasn't right, and it was very apparent that Tiev was the one calling the shots.

"I am already mated."

"Doesn't matter. You can breed with any dragon, it doesn't have to be your mate. Thank you for bringing us more leverage."

The guards moved across the room and surrounded Garrett and Chaz, seemingly ignoring River.

"If I choose not to?" Skye asked.

"Rilien dies first. Just so you know we're committed. Then we torture your dark lover. When he's gone, we start cutting up your mate."

"You kill my mate, I die. That might put a kink in your plans."

"Oh, we won't kill him. We'll just start carving away pieces and not let him heal. Can you live with that?" Tiev asked.

Okay, I really hate this bastard and I am so done with this whole charade. Skye thought before getting himself in control enough to speak. "How do I know Rilien's still alive? Is he here?"

"You'll have to trust us." Tiev walked over to Claudius and stood up on his toes to give his partner a kiss. "It's almost time my love."

"Why?" Skye asked. He let his mind stay open as he-

SNAP! Then a crunching sound. A small shower of black and silver pieces fell from the ceiling.

Sorry, Skye. It was pissing me off, River said.

Skye looked up and realized that the buzzing was gone. He already felt better.

"My son will one day sit on the throne, and you are going to make sure it happens," Tiev said seeming oblivious to the transmitter that was now shattered on the floor.

So not going to happen. Garrett, has he totally lost touch with reality? This doesn't even make sense.

Skye focused again on Tiev, and as soon as he got below the surface thoughts it all made sense, well... maybe not sense but... He's insane. Batshit crazy. His thoughts are so jumbled and confused it's a wonder he can function.

Let's end this, River said.

Tiev focused on Yavil again. "What are you picking up? You're supposed to advise us and help make sure he does what we want. Why aren't you?" Tiev stomped over to Yavil like a spoiled child and pushed against the psion.

Yavil toppled to the floor like a statue, his eyes still staring in terror.

"What?" Tiev sounded confused.

While everyone was watching Tiev's snit. Chaz stepped to the side into one of the guards, who gasped and fell to the floor thrashing. A second guard reached forward to grab Chaz and then screamed as he drew his arm back and stared at the stump that used to be his hand. He had seconds before he collapsed to the floor in silence.

Garrett acted at the same time as Chaz and quickly dispatched the guard to his left. The stone blade moving so fast you couldn't see it. The next guard clutched at his neck trying in vain to hold in his blood that fountained over his chest.

Skye could feel River's power building and closed his eyes as the last two guards flew across the room, creating a red splatter on the far wall.

The delicate, colorful creature on the bed was now screaming and sobbing. Skye had no doubt that the pleasure servant was terrified, but there wasn't time to deal with him just yet.

"Wh...wha...what have you done?" Tiev asked in a mix of horror and anger. "You've sentenced your elf to a very painful death!"

"No, Tiev. We haven't." Skye pulled back his sleeve and tapped the comm. A holo illuminated. Skye read the document out loud. "'By order of the Imperial Assembly, Claudius D'Or Drakken, Tiev D'Or Drakken and all conspirators, and associated parties are hereby sentenced to death.' Sealed and affirmed by Boch Nee, Speaker of the Assembly."

"No. This can't be." Claudius's voice was weak and raspy. "Tiev... you said." Claudius began weeping. "You said it would work!"

"It will!" Tiev ran to Claudius and pushed him back toward the bed, so he sat down. "Trust me, my love. It will work, there's been a mistake. You're a royal prince, they can't do this."

"Claudius gave up his royal status and his rights long ago," Garrett reminded them.

"No, no. This isn't right..." Tiev shook his head and muttered to himself. His voice dropping to barely above a whisper.

"Garrett, I'm sorry. Your grandfather is dead. Tiev killed the former emperor when they returned from Capital City. His thoughts are fragmented and jumbled but he's trying to think through what he did to make this work," Skye said. "A deep dive would serve no purpose. He's too far gone. I'm afraid..." Skye turned to Claudius and verified what he'd already sensed on his first scan of the former prince.

"Claudius is mad as well?" Garrett asked.

"Not exactly, but drugged for so long that I'm afraid the damage is permanent. What we were afraid had happened to Zo, but so much worse."

"What a waste," Garrett said shaking his head.

"No! No! You must give us a child! We need a child!" Tiev ranted.

"May I?" Chaz asked.

Skye took Garrett's hand and took a deep breath. He felt River's grip on his shoulder. "Yes."

Chaz walked calmly across the room and pulled Tiev to the side. The blue dragon put up a weak scuffle, but Chaz easily held him in place as he placed him against the wall. He placed his hand on Tiev's throat his fingers pressing into his flesh under his jaw. "May the Father Dragon be with you always."

A brief cry was followed by a wet thunk. Skye could see the bloody points of Chaz's talons piercing through Tiev's dark hair. They retracted with an unnerving sound, and Tiev slipped to the floor.

"Tiev?" Claudius asked in confusion as he stared at the still form of his partner.

"No, Chaz. I should handle this one," River said walking up and gently pushing Chaz aside.

He looked back to Chaz and then whispered to Claudius. "It is time to join your partner. Close your eyes and picture him. May the Father Dragon be with you always and lead you to his halls." River placed his hand on Claudius's head and then gently laid him back onto the bed.

"How?" Skye barely got the word out. How did River know what to say? When did he learn to be so gentle? Skye knew that Claudius was gone, he felt the fire go out as soon as River placed his hand on his head, but how?

River turned and stepped into Skye's arms and hugged him tight. Skye returned the embrace and buried his face in River's neck. He couldn't stop the tears, and he wasn't sure who he was crying for. Was it for himself, for River or for Claudius? Like Garrett said, what a waste.

"We still have some loose ends," Chaz interrupted looking down at his comm and noting the time. "We've only got a few minutes before that diversion hits."

Skye turned back to the psion and removed the restraint on his motor control. Yavil, scampered back, crab crawling until he was up against the windows. His mind was still trapped in the shielding Skye had wrapped around him.

"Is there anything you would like to say?" Garrett asked.

"Your telepathy is blocked, but you can still speak," Skye explained.

"How? This isn't possible."

"Obviously it is. You may have learned a few things about platinum dragons in your studies Yavil, but there was a lot you didn't find." Skye felt Kwill's encouraging touch before he heard his mind voice.

I'm with you. We don't have much time.

Skye closed his eyes and let his mind dive into the psion. Sad that he'd done this enough it had become instinctive. He wanted to be quick but thorough, and he could feel Kwill's guiding presence, nudging him now and again. Did you catch that? Skye sent as he acknowledged the information that slipped by.

Yes, we'll come back and discuss later. We're almost done.

Skye opened his eyes and cringed at the way Yavil looked at him. Like he was the beast from nightmares. Well... maybe I am. Skye thought and felt an almost immediate jab from his dragon.

'No! He was the monster. We serve the Father Dragon and our wing. We do what we must to protect and serve.'

"I'm done," Skye said, his voice coming out weaker than he expected. He stood with Garrett's help and saw that all of the bodies had been moved near the window. River came to him and hugged him, looking into his eyes.

Almost done, brother. See if you can help the butterfly dude.

I have to at least witness this, Skye sent standing back a step and watching as River knelt next to Yavil.

"Return to fold, Yavil and find peace in the consciousness of your brothers." River didn't touch Yavil, but Skye saw the blood begin running from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. The light was gone, and his magic returned.

Skye turned to the large bed and took another deep breath. The colorful man had barricaded himself against the padded headboard, wrapping himself in the bedclothes and all of the pillows as if it would hide him from the horrors.


The man's eyes were wide in terror, and he shuffled his feet trying to push himself farther into the headboard.

Skye closed his eyes and reached out with his magic sending soothing waves of comfort and peace. The man stopped sobbing and hiccupped a couple of times before taking a few rasping breaths.

"We're not going to hurt you, I promise." Skye sat on the edge of the bed. He was torn between wanting to be patient and help the guy and knowing they had little time before everything went crazy.

"Yo...you...you're the b...blo...bloody p...pr...prince."

"Yeah, sorry. Not the best introduction. I swear I'm usually a much nicer guy. I know this has been a lot for you, but we need to get you out and somewhere safe."

"They're dead."

"Yeah. But you heard me read the sentence?"

"I wasn't helping them, I swear!" he said pulling the pillows tight against him.

"I know. Will you come with us? I promise, you'll be safe." Skye felt a little guilty at throwing in a bit of compulsion, but he was running out of time.

A loud explosion shook the room and alarms blared.

"Sorry, but that's our cue." Skye reached out and took his hand helping him move around the pool of blood that surrounded Darius's head. The pleasure servant was as blue as a psion, but that's where the similarities ended. He was as tall as Skye but more feminine and absolutely stunning. His skin glittered and glistened, mostly blue but there were patterns of other colors as if he'd been encrusted with gems. His fingers were delicate, and Skye tried to be gentle as he pulled him along.

"Do you have a robe?" Skye asked not being able to ignore that the man was naked.

"They took my clothing when I arrived."

Skye grabbed a bed cover that had fallen to the floor and wrapped it around him.

"Charges are set," Chaz said coming up behind him.

"River?" Skye asked as they moved to the vestibule.

"Maybe step into the hall first. My control is getting better, but this needs to be big."

The hall was chaos, people running and screaming as another explosion shook the building. River joined them with a nod. Done. The whole window wall.

Garrett and Chaz led them to a stairwell, and they began down the steps. The pleasure servant had no shoes and was having difficulty keeping up.

I'm going to carry him, Skye sent before he turned and lifted the man into his arms.

"Go to sleep, I've got you." Skye used a bit of his magic, and the man went limp in his arms.

"Three more floors..." Chaz called.

They exited to another hallway and moved to the lift. Garrett held up the crystal and hoped this one was still operating. They'd moved to the opposite side of the building away from the blasts, but there was always a chance.

The doors slid open, and they stepped in.

Garrett pulled his sleeve back and pulled up his comm as the lift began to descend. "On our way...um...lift number twelve. Yeah and we've got an extra passenger."

Skye couldn't quite hear the response since it was going directly through Garrett's implant, but he felt it through their bond and got the gist.

The doors slid open, and they were immediately surrounded by uniformed emergency response people. Within seconds Skye was dressed in a medic's uniform and the others equally disguised as first responders. The colorful pleasure worker was whisked away, strapped to a gurney.

Do we need to follow up with him? I didn't even get his name. Skye watched as the gurney disappeared into the crowd.

Seetal's people are already on it. He'll be debriefed, and they'll explain the need for discretion.

Should Kwill take his memories?

Let Seetal's people handle it. If that becomes necessary, he knows where to find us.

  • Scene 5 *

"Thank you." Skye enjoyed Garrett's soapy hands rubbing the muscles of his back.

"Anything for you, baby." Garrett slid his hands under Skye's arms and wrapped them around his chest pulling Skye's body back into his. "It's over."

"God, I hope so. That was terrible and so friggin stupid!" Skye yelled. "We were in more danger from incompetence than well-laid plans. And what did they think they'd accomplish? They never had a chance! So many lives destroyed and ugh!"

"Let it go. Things don't always have to make sense, and the bad guys aren't always evil geniuses. Sometimes they're insane relatives with severe delusions. What? You have no crazies in your family?"

Skye snorted and wiggled his ass into Garrett's growing erection. "Nah, just River."

Garrett nibbled down Skye's neck. Careful, he probably heard you. Garrett's mind voice sent a shiver through Skye - or maybe it was the hand that was teasing down his inner thigh.

Skye turned and kissed Garrett, enjoying the taste and sensation of his mate's mouth and tongue. "Will you make love to me?"

"Father Dragon, that is the stupidest question I think I've ever heard. No. Skye, it goes like 'Garrett, make love to me.' A command, not a question."

"Fine. Garrett, make love to me and hold me. I need to feel you inside me."

"Okay but then you owe me. You were supposed to be pounding my ass tonight, so I'm okay with the change and all, but I will have to assess a penalty."

"Yeah? What kind?" Skye asked as he turned off the showers.

Garrett grabbed one of the warmed fluffy towels and began drying Skye. "Hmmm. I'm thinking for such a serious breach, I get to call the shots for the next...um...three nights."

"Three?" Skye laughed as Garrett tickled his feet as he dried. "I can live with that."

Garrett lifted Skye and carried him to the bed, gently placing him under the covers.

"Where's Dillon?"

"He's bunking with Jayce tonight. He wanted to give you some recovery time. They can all feel how upset you are. Can't hide it from your wing- mates."

"Kwill was amazing."

"He's not so bad. We put him through a lot tonight. He deserves some rest too." Garrett dimmed the lights and made sure the windows were on night mode then climbed into bed with Skye.

"I love you."

"Love you more." Garrett kissed Skye letting his tongue explore.

Skye wrapped his arms around Garrett and pulled him tight against his body. He let his tongue dance with Garrett's just enjoying the taste of his man. No one tasted as good as Garrett, no one's kiss was as satisfying. Skye was surprised to see the flames already in Garrett's eyes when he pulled back.

"You are so beautiful. Sometimes I can't believe you're mine," Garrett whispered.

"Better believe it, Mister. And just so there's no confusion. You are mine. Totally mine, all mine, marked and claimed."

Garrett let out a low growl and kissed down Skye's neck to his shoulder. Skye could feel his dragon stirring, rubbing up against his insides. It was more obvious sometimes, and now it was like he could feel the slick scales under his skin, trying to push out. Garrett's kisses trailed lower, and Skye gasped as he took his nipple in his mouth and sucked. Skye felt as much as heard the low rumbling purr building in his gut.

Garrett pulled back again with a big smile, the fire dancing in his eyes. "Is my mate 'purring'?"

Skye wrapped his legs around Garrett's back and grabbed the back of his head pulling him back into his chest. Garrett must have picked up on the cue because he began sucking and then pulling at Skye's nipple with his teeth.

Skye whimpered and pushed himself up against Garrett trying to feel more of his body. The rumble of his dragon's purr seeming to connect with Garrett's own inner beast.

Garrett kissed down Skye's smooth stomach, gentle kisses that were driving Skye mad with need. Garrett's braid had fallen to the side and tickled Skye's hip as his mate kissed around his swollen cock.

"Father Dragon... I am the luckiest dragon in the universe. You are so fucking gorgeous." Garrett took Skye to the root with no teasing or build up.

"OH, GOD!" Skye cried out as the hot wet mouth and throat took him in. Through the bond, he could feel Garrett's need and the presence of his dragon caught up in their lust. He could sense their dragons trying to rub against each other, trying to get more contact.

Garrett sat up and flipped Skye onto his stomach. He pressed his body against Skye's back and slid along him as he trailed kisses across his shoulder and down his spine. He got to the "v" of Skye's ass cheeks and then moved back up burrowing into the silky platinum waves behind Skye's ear.

"We are going to have the most beautiful dragonlings ever."

Skye sighed into his pillow and pictured what he thought their little one would look like. "I'm going to be a terrible parent...just thinking of those soulful dark eyes blinking at me with those long lashes and tears in the corner of his eyes. The dark silky waves of his hair surrounding his face. God, I'll never be able to say no."

"Dark eyes? No, baby. He's going to have sapphire blue eyes and a halo of glowing blond curls and a mischievous smile. I know." Garrett moved from kisses to teasing bites and moved back down Skye's back.

"Says you..." Skye lifted his ass to meet Garrett's mouth. A firm bite on his ass cheek making him cry out.

"Says me." Garrett gripped Skye's golden globes and pulled them apart licking down the smooth valley before he found what he wanted. He let out a deep sigh before his tongue made contact and it was Skye's turn to make noise.

Skye focused on breathing as Garrett worked his tongue inside. Skye's world had shifted, and the only thing he could think about was how good it felt and how much he wanted Garrett to be inside him.

Skye could feel the strength in Garrett's hands as he squeezed his ass and pulled his cheeks farther apart.

"You have the best tasting dragon hole ever," Garrett moaned as he licked and sucked at Skye's entrance.

"It's yours... all yours..." Skye rasped spreading his legs wider for his mate.

"Yes. It is." Garrett's tongue dove in and began swelling and growing to fill Skye's passage. The fullness teased Skye with what was to come. He'd finally gotten past the embarrassment, worry, and awkwardness of the act and reveled in the pleasure. No one could pleasure him like Garrett.

Garrett pulled out and gave a playful nip to Skye's other cheek before kissing back up and pressing his body against Skye. His swollen cock filling the cleft of Skye's ass.

"Inside..." Skye moaned.

Garrett licked along Skye's ear as he lifted enough to place his cock against Skye's opening. After the rim job, Skye was sure that his body was ready. Yay for dragon changes, he thought knowing that he was not only open but the nubs lining his passage were swollen and slick. Garrett's cock slid inside, stretching and filling Skye. Oh, damn... sooooo good.

"Your body fits me like it was made for me. So fucking perfect," Garrett murmured.

Skye was beyond words. He needed this, needed Garrett to fill him and possess him totally. Garrett began moving slowly as he continued to lay kisses along Skye's shoulders and neck. Skye pushed back needing his mate deeper. His mind was completely open to Garrett, and they shared their mutual sensations, their love, and their need. Skye could feel the tension leaving his body and the joy Garrett got from knowing he had this effect on Skye.

Skye felt the slow build of his orgasm deep in his core. Garrett adjusted his position, and Skye whimpered as the angle put more pressure on his prostate each time Garrett thrust. His mate began going faster and harder, and Skye clenched and met each with need.

"Cum for me, baby. Let go and let me fill you," Garrett whispered.

Skye cried out as the orgasm crashed over him, his cock erupted against the bed as Garrett continued to thrust. Time seemed to freeze as the world spun and Skye's body squeezed and stroked Garrett to his own powerful release. The movement slowed, and Skye melted into the softness of the bed. Garrett stayed inside him hugging him tightly, their bodies pressed together, skin against skin.

"Don't pull out. Just stay like this," Skye asked quietly.

"I'll crush you..."


Garrett nuzzled into Skye and took a deep breath, inhaling his scent as his hot breath tickled along Skye's ear and neck.

"Have I ever told you how wonderful you smell? It's like home and love and the best food ever."

"Mmmm. No, that's what you smell like..." Skye wanted to say more, but his body wasn't listening. He felt so good and so safe wrapped in Garrett's body, connected in the most intimate of ways. He took a deep breath and gave into the warm glow filling him.

End Chapter 38 | (Characters included below)

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Special shout out of thanks to my beta readers.

The Family:

  • Argos D' Or Drakken, human, Prince, bond-mate to Darius, 'Pater' of Garrett, Zopyros, Kleitos, & Nikias. Adoptive father of Christos. Born on Earth - Greece. Has some characteristics and magic of a red dragon but not a dragon form. Artist.

  • Christos D' Or Drakken, were-panther, Prince (without rights of succession), adopted son of Darius and Argos. Born on Draga. Student. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Claudius D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, without royal rank, brother of Darius.

  • Darius D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Emperor, Father of Garrett, Zopyros, Kleitos & Nikias, Adoptive father of Christos and bond-mated to Argos.

  • Garrett D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Prince, oldest son of Darius/Argos, assumed heir to the Empire, bond-mate to Skye Tomas Eklund. Commander within Galicon. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Kleitos D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Prince, third son of Darius/Argos. Medic. A Member of Skye's wing.

  • Nikias D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Prince, fourth son of Darius/Argos, bond-mate to River Markus Eklund. Student. A member of Skye's wing. Temero: Astrogation and Engineering

  • River Markus Eklund D'Or Drakken, platinum dragon, Prince, chosen of Nikias. Prince, bond-mate to Nikias. Born human on Earth - U.S.A. Student. A member of Skye's wing. Temero: Tactical and Weapons

  • Skye Tomas Eklund D'Or Drakken, platinum dragon, Prince, chosen and bond-mate to Garrett. Born human on Earth - U.S.A. Temero: Communications and Medical

  • Tiev D' Or Drakken, blue dragon, partner of Claudius.

  • Zopyros D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, without royal rank, second son of Darius/Argos. Medic specializing in non-dragon/magical species.

  • Charlie Eklund, human, grandfather of Skye and River, married to Nancy. Born on Earth - U.S.A.

  • Nancy Eklund, human, grandmother of Skye and River, married to Charlie. Born on Earth - U.S.A.

  • Rilien Eklund, (formerly Rilien Meadowdove), Elf, 5'6" often described as delicate and pretty with fair skin, ash-blond hair, and green eyes. He has a slender, fit build. Rilien has magical ability and is expected to become a mage. His father was a high elf mage, his mother was a meadow elf married to Tiberius Meadowdove. Skye's ward and a member of his wing.

  • Willow Eklund, Nymph, 5'10" muscular and voluptuous, large dark nipples, with golden green skin, blue and green eyes, and greenish blond hair. Skye's ward and member of his wing.

Skye's Wing: (excluding family relations)

  • Beckus "Beck", psion, 4'7" (138.4 cm), blue skin, blue eyes and white hair. Bonded as a pair with River and also a Member of Skye's wing. Son of Kwill.

  • Braden Thomas, Ensign, gold dragon, 5'10" robust, dark blond hair, round face, pale gold skin, light blue eyes - Personal Assistant to Prince Skye and Prince Garrett. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Bryan O'Dell, gold dragon, 5'10", bodybuilder, red hair, pale complexion, and emerald green eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Biology and Anthropology

  • Chaz Blackclaw, were-dagger, 6'1", Ranger - athletic build, medium complexion, shoulder-length dark brown, wavy hair, chiseled face with dark brows and lashes, a neatly trimmed beard and striking blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Security

  • Corey Armstrong, human. College mate of Skye from earth. 5'11", fit, athletic build, dark tan, brown hair, brown eyes. Former Prince Consort to King Tertian of Pembra. Bonded to Ronan D'Or Talon, a gold dragon. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Dillon, Elf, 5'9" slender and fit with auburn hair and green eyes. Grandson of the former Queen Caladwen and brother of Gilian. Serve's as Skye and Garrett's valet but is treated more like family. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Lord Eluf Sorenson - formerly human, Vampire King. 6'2", lean, fit build with white blond hair and blue eyes. Dark ivory skin. Distant ancestor of Skye and River. Due to bonding with Skye must feed on dragon blood. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Feired Fornay, silver dragon, 5' 11", slender swimmer's build, pale complexion, silver-white shoulder-length, straight hair, pale blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Food Services

  • Fiske Abusson, gold dragon, 6', lean muscled swimmer's build, warm gold skin, slender hips, thick, straight shoulder-length brown hair, blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Surveillance and Data Analysis

  • Gilian, elf, Ranger, 5'4", slender athletic build, long, rich brown hair and brilliant green eyes. Sister of Dillon and granddaughter of Queen Caladwen. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Botany

  • Greggory Wolf, werewolf, 6', muscled athletic build, short dark beard, dark hair and pale green eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Geology and Archeology

  • Jayce Roberts, gold dragon, 5'10", pretty, ripped athletic build, notable 'v' torso, curly shoulder-length, golden brown hair, brown eyes with gold starburst. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Medical

  • Jerrick Lopez, copper dragon, long auburn braids, 6'1", ripped, swimmers build, copper skin, dark brown eyes. Part of Protectorate Patrol and a medic. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Jos Trall, gold dragon, 5'9", bodybuilder, red-gold hair, skin more bronze than gold, blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Ship's Systems

  • Kuai Lung, Chinese gold dragon, Asian in appearance, 5'6", ripped, slender build, black shoulder length hair, large dark eyes and a pretty face. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Ship's Systems and Programming

  • Kwill, psion, 4'8" (143.5 cm), blue skin, black hair, bonded partner with Skye. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Leesai Tedurian, Felecian, female 6'6", muscled and ripped, skin is a deep golden brown and has a mane of light brown hair, yellow cat's eyes, a little larger and set farther apart, cheekbones more pronounced than a human's, has a tail. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Security

  • Mica Kaber, gold dragon, 6'2", lean athletic build, shoulder-plus length, blond hair, blue eyes, Skye refers to him as his "surfer dude." Leader of Skye's guard and member of his wing. Temero: Engineering and Maintenance

  • Quinn Corbin, gold dragon, 5'11", muscled athletic build, short-cropped dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Tactical and Weapons

  • Taleel Del Nuit - General, black dragon, 6'3", ebony skin, pointed ears, silver/mercury colored eyes, shiny, straight black hair often worn in a top knot with pony tail. Body builder physique. Part of Protectorate Patrol and decorated General in Ground Forces. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Teak Swallowfly, fairy, with a human form 5'11", large colorful wings that become a tattoo when he shifts to human. Athletic build, golden brown, curly hair to his shoulders, bright blue eyes, rich warm brown skin. Former thief and spy and noted hacker. Now works with Pater's agents on clandestine research and spying for Skye. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Venci Lopez, copper dragon, lean, slender build, auburn pompadour, copper skin, dark brown eyes. Senior Personal Assistant to Prince Skye and Prince Garrett. Member of Skye's wing.


Next: Chapter 39

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