Dancing with the Dragon, Chosen

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Dec 6, 2016


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

Dancing with the Dragon: CH 13, Traditions, Copyright 2016 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

Dancing with the Dragon Chapter 13: Traditions by Tripp Savidge

"So I'll see you later?" Skye asked. He didn't like being separated, even if it was just for the day.

"Absolutely, but Taleel will be there for you tonight. He made it very clear to me that it was 'his turn'," Jerrick said with a laugh. "I think he misses you little sparrow."

"I miss him too but Garrett even more. I never thought it would be this hard."

"Personally, I think I got the best part of the deal," Jerrick said as he wrapped Skye in a hug.

"I rather liked having you to myself. Just don't get any ideas about your freedom - I expect to have you back," Skye cautioned.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Oh, Kwill will be going in with me - he said to tell you that he would meet up with you later. As soon as you've gotten ready and eaten, the guards and Kleitos will escort you into the city. You'll meet with the Emperor's secretary, Serat, then they'll take you to meet the priests."


"Something like a Chamberlain, he keeps the Emperor's schedule, ensures he has everything he needs. He handles all communications to and from the Emperor. He also oversees his Gentleman of the Bedchamber."

Skye snorted. "That sounds sketch."

"No, no. It's like Dillon - his room steward or valet. No double entendre was intended. You just have a dirty mind."

"Having you in my arms has that effect on me," Skye teased with a squeeze to Jerrick's ass.

"Well I need to go. I sent Dillon down to get you some breakfast. You look a little pale this morning. Did Kleitos wear you out?"

"No, think I'm just hungry. Kleitos was sweet, though it does give a whole new meaning to marrying into the family. I am torn between thinking it's wonderful and thinking it's really perverted," Skye laughed as he begrudgingly released Jerrick. "He wanted to check on River again before he got ready - he left just before you got here."

Skye saw Jerrick to the door and gave a warm greeting to Jos and Mica. "Hey, I'm going to get a quick shower. It shouldn't be too long and we can leave as soon as Kleitos returns."

"Yes sir. Dillon already set everything out for you before he went to fetch breakfast," Jos said with a bow.

Skye enjoyed the massage of the warm water on his body and forced himself to be quick, regardless of how good it felt. He turned off the water and leaned against the wall to catch his balance as the world started to spin. He managed to wrap a towel around himself and then had to kneel as even the wall was not enough to steady him. "Help..." he called out weakly.

Mica was there almost immediately. "Sir... Sir, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Too dizzy... can't stand."

"Sir, please look at me," Mica coaxed. Putting a gentle touch under Skye's chin.

"Shit! Jos - call down for nectar right away. Tell them it's urgent!" Mica yelled.

Skye tried to focus and looked into the beautiful blue eyes, the handsome chiseled face highlighted in moving rainbows and he started feeling all tingly. "God, you are beautiful."

"It's the change sir. I think you waited too long to eat. Dillon should be back soon with food and we'll get you some nectar - then you'll start feeling better. Let me help you up. Do you want to go to the chair or the bed?"


Mica lifted Skye and carried him to the bed. As Mica tried to set him down, Skye wrapped his body around Mica and kissed him, pulling Mica onto the bed with him.

Skye captured the warm soft lips and ran his fingers into the golden blond hair causing it to come out of its queue and tumble around his face. It's like warm sunlight. He thought as the silky hair brushed around his face. He probed the warm mouth and sucked at Mica's tongue. Even through the heavy uniform, he could feel Mica's body responding to him.

Mica managed to pull back. "Sir, please. It's the change sir - you don't want to do this Sir."

"You're wrong. I want you so badly I can't think of anything else. Let me show you," Skye whispered and then pushed his thoughts and desires into Mica's mind while his hands unfastened his uniform.

Mica let out a loud moan as Skye's thoughts rolled over him.

"Stop fighting it Mica. It's too late - he's too far into the change. I'm sorry you'll just have to let him," Jos called from across the room.

"But I don't want to fight him..." Mica pleaded. "Jos... please help me."

Skye had managed to get Mica half naked and was running his hands over the muscled golden chest and back. "Please Mica. I want you naked." So muscled - just like Garrett, with a beautiful v torso and narrow hips, and those pecs.

Mica pulled off his boots and stripped off the rest of his clothing as Skye watched.

My god, he's even more beautiful than I imagined. He looks like he should be on a tropical beach with a surfboard. That's what I'll call him... my surfer dude, my champion, the surfer dude.

"My surfer dude," Skye whispered out loud. Skye reached up and pulled Mica toward him. He wrapped his hands around Mica's head and kissed him, rolling him onto his back.

"What's a surfer dude?" Mica asked in confusion.

"Where I come from, it's a beautiful, athletic young man with a gorgeous body, beautiful hair and a free spirit. The kind of man we fantasize about having sex with," Skye said as he kissed down the golden body.

"I like that. I would be thrilled to be your surfer dude Sir," Mica said before returning Skye's kiss. "May I take you in my mouth Sir?"

"There are no 'Sirs' in the bed Mica. And yes you can, but is that what you really want?"

"Very much," Mica responded as he pushed Skye onto his back and began kissing and licking down his body before taking his swollen cock into his mouth. Skye gave a groan of pleasure as Mica sucked.

Skye looked at the handsome face and watched as he took him into his mouth and licked him. He must know it will make him even more aroused, but who am I to complain about such an enthusiastic blow job. By the time he's done he'll be up for anything I want. "May I suck you at the same time?" Skye asked.

"You would do that?"

Skye snorted. "Hell yes." They adjusted into a sixty-nine with Mica kneeling over Skye. "What a beautiful cock you have..." Skye said before sucking in the golden dick. He ran his hands along Mica's thighs as he sucked and then up to his ass and started squeezing and stroking the golden bubble butt. Skye started teasing Mica's hole and was rewarded with more vigorous sucking on his dick.

Mica had started following Skye's lead and was caressing his ass and fingering his hole as he sucked.

Skye let the thoughts drift by and tried to pay attention enough to know if he needed to make any adjustments - but so far it was everything Mica had hoped for. He was already looking forward to being fucked, something he'd fantasized about but thought would never happen. Oh, sweet surfer dude, you have no idea. Skye started sucking harder and letting Mica go deeper into his throat as he felt him building to a climax. The feel of the cock in his mouth and the round globed ass in his hands was enough to push Skye to the edge and he felt Mica heading the same way. He felt the first squirt hit the back of his throat and savored the taste as he swallowed. Skye couldn't help but cry out as his own orgasm hit and he pumped his load into Mica's sucking mouth.

When they were both spent they adjusted and held each other tightly as they resumed kissing. Skye could sense the arousal building in Mica - even more quickly than it usually hit Garrett. His body was already hard again and his breathing was rapid. "What do you want first? Me in you or you in me?"

"That is not my place to say Sir."

Skye bit his nipple in response causing a surprised cry. "Fortunately I can read minds," Skye said as he lifted his hips and pulled Mica against him - grabbing Mica's cock and putting it to his hole. "Can you take it from here?"

Mica slid himself in and kissed Skye as he slid deep. "Holy Father Dragon! You're like... damn." Skye silenced him by squeezing with his ass and kissing him soundly before pushing up on his chest and capturing a nipple in his mouth - which he sucked and licked with determination. He loved the feeling of Mica inside him, his muscled body fucking him with such need. He was nicely sized - about the same as River but the body surrounding that cock was amazing. He loved seeing the muscles ripple as Mica fucked him, the tight smooth abs, the strong arms and legs and that beautiful golden cock - sliding in and out of him.

"Father Dragon," Mica repeated over and over as he panted.

Skye enjoyed the steady stream of dragon milk he sucked from the engorged nipple - knowing that while he thought the taste was wonderful, the effect on Mica was almost overwhelming. Mica whimpered when Skye moved to the other nipple.

In the background, Skye heard the door and Dillon's soft voice.

"I brought you breakf..."

Skye picked up a little of Dillon's thoughts, he had just seen them in their throes of passion and was dumbstruck. He didn't know what to do. Skye could feel Dillon's body responding, his lust building as he wondered what it must feel like and whether or not he'd ever get the chance. He sensed Dillon heading toward the table to set the food down. Skye probed a little deeper and let his mind brush against Dillon's body - running his mental hand down his stomach to his groin and the growing cock. I wonder what his cock is like... is it as smooth and slender as he is? What would it taste like? Skye started fantasizing about sucking Dillon, while his lips were wrapped around Mica's nipple, his dick filling his ass.

Mica gasped as his orgasm struck and he blew his load deep into Skye.

Skye held him tightly imagining that the milk was Dillon's own sweet load squirting into his mouth. He gently released the swollen nib and let Mica kiss him.

"That was the most amazing sex I've ever had," Mica confessed between kisses.

"We're not done yet my champion. You still owe me your sweet hole."

"Gladly," Mica said as he moved up and began rubbing his ass up and down against Skye. Skye was already dripping from Mica's attention to his ass so it took no time before Mica's tight hole opened and took him in.

"You feel so good, so tight," Skye said as the warm flesh wrapped him tightly. The nubs were stroking and teasing his cock. "I want your flutter inside me."

"But Sir... that's... that's only for a bond-mate," Mica said in surprise.

"I like how it feels. If you don't mind," Skye coaxed, knowing it would make it more intense for Mica as well.

"I would be honored," Mica said and Skye felt the nub begin prodding its way in.

Mica began riding in earnest and Skye lie back and enjoyed watching the beautiful, sculpted body above him. He heard a small moan and when he looked to the side, he saw Jos, with a look of envy and lust clear on his face. Skye pushed a little and felt Jos's arousal, knew how incredibly hard he was, how his own ass was twitching as he imagined himself in Mica's place. That's an idea. Skye thought and began imagining being sandwiched between the two of them, his dick deep in Jos's ass as Mica fucked him. He knew how Mica felt and could only imagine how good and tight Jos must be. He was even more muscled than Mica, a little stockier, his skin edging more toward bronze with beautiful red-gold hair. His ass was large and round - Skye thought it would feel very good... to buried deep inside him.

Mica's first anal orgasm hit and his body began spasming around Skye's cock. Skye lifted and began meeting the thrusts as his own body reached the peak. He leaned up and kissed Mica's chest and neck as Mica rode him, Skye used his fingers to pull and tug at the sensitive swollen nipples. Mica's second anal orgasm hit, and the tightening of his ass brought Skye over the edge. Skye felt his body pumping his load into Mica's flutter as it struggled to suck it all in. He pulled Mica to him and kissed him as they lie in each other's arms.

"Skye, can you drink this for me?" Kleitos asked.

Skye opened his eyes, surprised to see Kleitos peering over Mica's shoulder. He just left to get ready... how'd he get back so soon.

"Uhm... I'm so sorry Your Majesty. Please forgive me," Mica said in panic as he tried to extricate himself from Skye's arms - ending up tangled in the bed clothes.

"Relax Mica and lie still. Stay with Skye a moment please," Kleitos said.

Skye sat up, and took the goblet from Kleitos and brought it to his lips. He drank deeply and could feel the cool liquid sliding all the way down. He returned the goblet to Kleitos and pulled Mica's arms more tightly around his waist and then noticed he was glowing. Not just Mica, both of them.

"Holy shit," Skye said holding out his arm and turning it over as he looked. "I'm glowing."

"It's okay Skye that's normal. Just means you've hit the next stage of your change."

"But then why is Mica glowing."

Kleitos snickered and then paused for a moment. "When a dragon has really, really good sex, with another dragon or magic creature it can cause us to begin the change. Usually it only gets as far as glowing, but if our partner starts to change it can bring it on for both. That's why we cautioned you when you were with Nik."

"But Garrett... Taleel... Jerrick... You. No one else ever glowed."

"I assure you that is no reflection on the sex. Our bodies just didn't recognize you as 'dragon', Mica's obviously did. You've hit the next plateau."

"Oh. So not bad then?"

"No. But you need to eat as soon as you're able. When one hunger isn't sated, the other can get pushy."

Skye blushed. "Sorry. Guess I owe Mica an apology..."

Kleitos gave Skye an odd smile and shook his head. "I wouldn't. I think he seems very happy with the outcome but Jos and Dillon may be feeling a little awkward."

"May I help you to the table sir? I could carry you," Mica asked looking up at Skye as his head nuzzled into Skye's hip.

"I can walk but it would be nice to have you to lean on," Skye said as he lifted Mica's chin while he leaned in and kissed him.

Skye's senses started coming back as he ate and he noticed new guards in the room. They seemed to be helping Jos, and Kleitos was talking quietly with Dillon - who looked like he was terribly upset about something. Kleitos sent Dillon out of the room and returned.

"What did I miss? Something happen to Jos and Dillon?" Skye asked.

"Keep eating. And yes - you happened," Kleitos said with raised eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember?" Kleitos asked.

"Sorry, no. I remember Mica," Skye said as he gave a big smile to his surfer dude.

"Don't start again or we'll be late. Mica, why don't you clean up and get ready. You will be going into the city with us." Kleitos sat down opposite Skye. "When you were with Mica, you started mentally... uhm... projecting? Sorry, this is new to me. In short, you mentally had sex with both Jos and Dillon bringing orgasms to both. Before you get upset, know that they are fine with it and didn't object in the least. However, they think they both failed you. Jos because he is supposed to protect you and Dillon because he blames himself for you not eating."

"That's just ridiculous. And what do you mean I gave them orgasms. I was with Mica."

"Skye I don't know how. I'm guessing it's tied into your telepathic gifts. But Dillon says he had a life-like daydream of you going down on him and he said it was so real he thought it happened. Same with Jos - he said you slid inside him and t hat it felt as real as if it had actually happened." Skye blushed and felt a little ill. "I did sort of fantasize about doing that when I was with Mica. But I certainly never thought it would affect them for real."

"Now you know to be careful with your fantasies. At least until you know how to control them."

Skye laughed and gave Kleitos his best evil leer.

"What? Skye what are you thinking? I know it has to do with sex, I can feel that much."

"So I'm thinking of our next family dinner. I sit all nice and proper- like next to Garrett, being the perfect bond-mate. Meanwhile, I fantasize about seducing you, sucking you, fucking you and riding your cock - right up through dessert."

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh hell yeah. Eventually anyway. Need to understand the control part first - wouldn't want to have it spill over to the parents. Just think how much fun it will be."

  • Scene 2 *

Skye managed to corner both Jos and Dillon before heading to the tube. He apologized profusely for taking advantage of them without their leave and swore he would do his best never to do it again. To which they responded they didn't mind and he could whenever he wanted and if he would rather do it for real - that was good too. Skye also insisted that Dillon accompany him to the Palace after clearing that it was appropriate with the seneschal and Argos.

The ride was a little more interesting than usual just because of the thoughts Skye kept picking up from the men around him. Jos fantasized about doing things for real, Mica kept thinking of what he'd do if he got another chance and what might be new or different. But what was almost too much was a well thought out scenario involving the love spring that left Skye breathing hard and squeezing Kleitos's leg.

Even Dillon just stared at him - fantasizing about almost every act, position and a few things that even Skye never thought of.

It got to the point that Kleitos finally put an end to it. He described in detail the torture he would bring about if they ended up in a group orgy because if they kept it up, that was the only possible outcome. He then pulled out a travel beverage container and had Skye drink more nectar until his thoughts were back under control.

  • Scene 3 *

"Please Skye. Try to think about something other than sex when you're with Serat. I have no idea how he'd respond. He's a rather prissy, grumpy old dragon," Kleitos pleaded as they waited in the ante-chamber to Serat's office.

"If you can get all the men around me to stop thinking about sex, then I won't have such a hard time. Including you. I'm trying really hard to block but it keeps leaking through. It may also be worse since I can feel Garrett is nearby. And if you think my thoughts are raunchy... well he's just gone over the edge."

Kleitos snickered and smiled. "Some things never change. You are really the perfect match for him."

"Hey... wait. Was that a compliment or an insult? I hear your words but I also get..."

The door opened and Serat called them into his office, interrupting Skye.

"Master Eklund, Your Majesty. I see you have escort duty today. Guards, you may remain outside my door." He directed Skye and Kleitos to chairs near his desk and then sat down.

"I promise to be brief. Master Eklund I thought you should know that you will have a number of meetings following the festivities. I am handling your schedule for now, but eventually I can either assign someone or you can select your own secretary. On the list so far is: Vice Admiral Bresel, Admiral Constantine, the Psion Ambassador Jafarl, and the Were Ambassador Shilo Pride. But there will likely be more - especially from the intergalactic media, wanting pictures and interviews."

"Can't I use Garrett's secretary and should I know any of these people or why they want to talk with me?" Skye asked nervously wondering what trouble he might be in.

Serat snorted and Kleitos laughed into his hand. "Garrett has defaulted to letting me assign someone to him... whom he also chooses to ignore. Perhaps you can do better?"

"Yes sir. Can someone advise how I go about choosing a secretary?"

"Yes I would be glad to do so or you can ask Jerrick for assistance - he would be an excellent judge of candidates. I will also give you a full briefing before you meet with anyone; however, please relax. You're about to come out of your skin. I'll give you a quick comment on each: Vice Admiral Bresel is in charge of training for any soldiers in the Military Academy. Likely he wants to discuss options for continuing your training and certification since you will be alongside Garrett. Admiral Constantine is head of the Protectorate Patrol and as such is Garrett's commander when he's on duty. Probably needs to clarify your role and what you'll do going forward if you're on one of his ships. The Psion ambassador likely wants to discuss your relationship with your new Psion liegeman. And for the Were ambassador - sorry, no clue but we'll know before you set eyes on him."

"Thank you."

"Couple other things. Following the ceremony, tradition requires that you select a convicted criminal for pardon. You must do it on your own, without input or help from Prince Garrett. You will be escorted to the prisons and dungeons where you will make your selection, and then request it formally of the Emperor during his open audience. We've been doing it for as long as our history records. No further guidelines. Also, for the first several cycles and then at various times over the next several weeks, you will be required to attend the Emperor during open court."

"What does that mean?"

Kleitos laughed. "It means you try not to die of boredom or even look bored while the rich and famous petition the Emperor for his help with selfish and petty issues."

Serat cleared his throat while glaring at Kleitos. "It means that you will sit on a 'throne' at his feet and listen to the petitions of the people whose cause has been deemed worthy of his attention. He may ask your opinion or even your decision on cases brought before him - though he always keeps the final say. He also may use the occasion to introduce your Truth Seeker and deal with those criminals who acted against you specifically."

"Oh." Skye had the sinking feeling that those would not be pleasant days or ones he would even want to remember.

"I will communicate with you through your personal channel and make sure all appointments are on your calendar with whatever notes I can supply. Next I believe they will be taking you to the temple city to meet with the priests. Good news on that front is that they seem to have more information on your 'condition' than what I could find. They may be able to advise and give council on what you can expect over the coming months and how to handle some of your new-found abilities."

"Thank you." I think he just told me they know more about Platinum Dragons and humans with a dragon form - but I could also be totally wrong. Though I'm not aware of any other 'condition'.

Skye stepped out of the office feeling overwhelmed already. Mica was waiting with the travel beverage container in hand. He held it out and gave Skye the 'look'.


"Yes. You are too close to the change and you'll not likely have any sexual release until late tonight. I had to do this for my younger brother before Deca's bonding day and he wasn't nearly as... well let's just say it will get us through."

Skye gave Mica a look and as curios as he was he controlled himself and didn't pull the thoughts from him. I never thought it would be so hard not to read people's thoughts. I hope Kwill has more pointers 'cause this is getting tough.

  • Scene 4 *

Skye couldn't help but stare as they walked in the old city. The buildings were like nothing he'd ever seen, huge massive stone structures that made him feel small and insignificant. Kleitos explained that many of these buildings were from before the Great War. It was one of the few sections of the capital that was not damaged. How would I even describe this to someone without pictures? A cross between roman and high gothic? The buildings were elegant and graceful while still looking solid.

At the end of the street was one of the tallest buildings he'd seen. It looked like it was sweeping up toward the sky and the front was intricately carved with large, colorful glass windows.

"That's where we're going, well actually the building to the right of it. That's Verdilat Temple," Kleitos said pointing.

"Shit. That's not small and intimate! It's the biggest friggin' church I've ever seen."

"Actually it is fairly modest. You should see the Hall of Wings, it is the newest chapel. You could fit four of the Verdilat inside and they wouldn't even touch."

"What does Verdilat mean?" Skye said as he craned his neck to look up as they walked to the side of the main stairs.

"Nothing that I know of. It was the family name of the Emperor's line that was in power when it was built. The line died out before the Great War. This is the entrance. Are you ready?"

"No," Skye said looking at the more modest door and building. Compared to the temple it looks positively humble - back home it would be a tourist stop for sure. The door was a beautiful deep green wood and was carved with forest scenes.

"The guards and I can only go as far as the entrance hall," Kleitos said putting his hand to Skye's shoulder.

"Your brother or his bond-mate give any insights to this place?" Skye asked looking to Mica.

"Deca said they were asked not to speak of it, both Deca and his bond- mate made the visit. They said it was the perfect beginning to the ceremony, that was all," Mica responded.

Kleitos opened the door and they all stepped into the circular room. There were three wooden doors set in the simple stone walls, overhead the domed ceiling was painted like the daytime sky.

"Welcome. I am Chor Kintha and I will be Master Eklund's guide. Will you gentlemen be waiting or do you prefer we contact you when Skye has finished?"

"The guards will be staying. I will return when Master Eklund has finished," Kleitos said.

"Very well. Gentlemen, if you go through the door on your left, there is a more comfortable waiting area. Feel free to come and go as you wish."

"Master Eklund. If you could please follow me." Chor Kintha opened the center door and waited for Skye to follow. They followed a long hallway and then passed through another door to a small room. "If you could please remove your clothing. You may leave it on the bench, it will be safe until your return. Once you are ready, knock on the door opposite." Chor Kintha stepped out and closed the door behind him.

Skye stripped quickly folding his clothes and placing them on the bench. He walked to the door and knocked. Why do I have to be naked? Skye's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. Chor Kintha stood back and gestured for Skye to enter.

Wow, this is different. He stepped onto the warm stone floor and looked around in fascination. The large room was long and narrow. Where he stood the floors and walls were a deep black stone and the lighting was subdued. A long pool ran the length of the room, but like the walls and floor, it was dark as ink in front of him - while at the opposite end it looked bright and clear. The walls and floor also gradually changed color so that the far end was bright white in full light of the sun.

"This is the walk of cleansing. Enter and walk to the other end. There will be a towel and robes waiting for you. Don't be afraid or disconcerted if the waters feel... strange."

Skye stepped to the edge of the pool, but could not see steps nor could he tell how deep it was. The surface was as black as night. He sat down at the edge and put his feet into the pool. There are steps. He discovered as his feet barely entered the water before feeling the firm stone beneath. He stood up and stepped down - the stairs continued until he was waist deep, from there the pool sloped down gradually. He began walking forward and noticed that the water felt strange, almost clinging and sticky. His body started to tingle and then he felt himself struggling to move forward. He continued forward and had to hold his breath as the water covered his head. He kept on and gradually the resistance faded as the pool began sloping upward and he could see a short ways into the pool. As he walked the water became more and more clear. His body also felt better, no more tingling, no resistance, just cool and refreshing. He started climbing the stairs and could clearly see all the way to the bottom.

He stepped onto the platform and saw the towel. He dried himself off and smiled as he felt the warmth and softness of the thick towel. A few feet further and there was a gray cloth bundle. Skye picked up the dull gray robes and spread them out. Okay - think I got this, and pulled on the long shirt first. It fell almost to his feet as he got it adjusted. Then he picked up the second garment, with huge sleeves and a large cowl. It had a simple woven belt that secured it. This is really soft, may not be style setting but it's comfortable.

Chor Kintha returned and led him through the next set of doors and pointed to a cushion at a low table set with a small meal. "Please kneel and refresh yourself. The foods are not only nourishing to your mind and body but they will help cleanse your system."

Skye did as instructed and was surprised to find that each food had a distinct and different taste and consistency. He lifted the carved goblet and smiled as he saw the sparkling green liquid. Huh... they must know. He sipped and savored the nectar. Who'd have thought any drink could be so good. He finished and then waited with his hands carefully folded in his lap.

"Master Eklund. The Grand Priest will see you now. He led Skye through several doors, turns, and along more corridors until they came to a door similar to the green carved door at the entrance. "Please Master Eklund - enjoy the gardens and he will be with you shortly."

Skye stepped through the door and found he was in a beautiful garden, he followed the path among immaculately groomed flowers, trees, and small lawns. When he came to a large patio with facing benches, he sat down - and waited.

Skye heard the birds make a ruckus before he saw anyone. Then he saw the man coming from the opposite direction walking slowly with a cane.

"Can I help you sir?" Skye asked rising.

"No, please sit. Sit."

The old man sat down opposite Skye and smiled. He was the first man who actually looked 'old' that Skye had seen since arriving. He didn't look frail, but his skin was weathered, and he had a long white, van-dyke beard, reaching down to his belt. His hair was as white as his beard and he wore robes identical to what Skye was wearing. Skye sat nervously as the man clearly looked him over.

"So you are Skye Eklund?"

"Yes sir."

"Pleased to finally meet you. I am Seatha. You have created quite a stir and given us challenges we haven't had in centuries."

"My apologies sir," Skye said. I'm guessing this is where he starts telling me I'm a heathen spawn, completely unworthy and I have to convert to a religion I've never even heard of...

"Nothing to apologize for. Change keeps us alert, makes us learn, challenges our notions. I didn't say any of what you set in motion is bad. Is there something you feel guilty about?"

Hell yes. Pretty much everything I do each day. Skye thought. "Some things. Life has not gone as I expected. So are you going to tell me I'm not fit to be a bond-mate to a royal prince?"

Seatha laughed - a deep rolling rumble. "It seldom does. And goodness, no. Why would I say something like that? From what I've seen you are a brilliant match for Prince Garrett. Emperor Darius visited me personally yesterday to discuss you. That in itself is worthy of recording. He wanted to make very sure we took very good care of you. And given his concern, I'd say he thinks you are a very good match as well. I don't think he's spoken to me since his own bonding." Seatha was silent for a moment. "So... what to do with you? We usually have a standard set of rituals and ceremonies to help a human prepare themselves for sharing their lives and most noteworthy their thoughts with their new bond-mate. But you present us with a challenge. You've already bonded - a little late to prepare you for something you've been doing for many days. So, I decided to just sit down with you and talk."

"Thank you sir, I'm honored."

"Any part of the bonding or sharing thoughts bothering you, causing you concerns?"

"Not really. But then I'm not always sure what is causing some of the changes - is it because of being bonded and the bond-mate changes or because I seem to be getting a dragon form. One that no one knows anything about."

"We'll come back to that in a moment. The Emperor expressed concern that you may still be troubled about your actions against the Macacas?"


"I'm sure that everyone has assured you by this point, but telling you that you are not in trouble or that you did nothing wrong won't make you feel better if you think it was wrong. You do realize you showed great mercy? Those who were captured will end up suffering much more. But that doesn't help does it? Perhaps what you need to do is make peace with yourself. What would you do to honor someone who had passed if you were at home, on Earth?"

"Grandma would always have us light candles and say a prayer."

"My suggestion, if you are willing to try... ask Serat for a roster of those killed. Light a candle and say a prayer for each. There is a beautiful meditation chapel at His Majesty's retreat. I know since I did the blessing myself. There is also a chapel at the royal palace. They have candles. You will have to learn how to forgive yourself. I'm afraid that it will not be the last time you need to do so. What else weighs on your mind?"

Should I tell him? Maybe it would help, maybe they have a drug or procedure. "I've become a slut sir. And worse, a gay slut."

Seatha laughed. Not a gentle chuckle, a gut busting, hug himself, bend over laugh, devolving into a coughing fit. When he finally calmed down and could breathe again, his eyes sparkled and his face still shown with amusement. "Ahhh... Earth humans... You are not a slut Skye. We don't even have that word or one similar. You must learn to silence that voice in your head that is echoing the values and beliefs you were taught. They are not eternal truths and they certainly don't work in this universe. If you'd gone through the standard preparation, your guide would have spent time warning you of these feelings, and that critical voice. It is a very common struggle for those from your world."

"Still feel that way."

"Only time, positive reinforcement, and perhaps talks with us will make that go away. It's not really mind healing - more of an attitude adjustment. I believe your situation has also been more challenging and unusual than most. That I'm afraid will not change."


"You are bonding into the ruling family and you are coming into a dragon form. A dragon form that is known for its sexual appetite. You will always face plots, spies, traitors, and threats against you and your loved ones. I'm afraid it goes with power. Your best protection is to be prepared and accept that sometimes you must do unpleasant things to protect others. As for the sex, you must learn to accept it. We will help you as much as we can."

"Master Serat said you may also know more about my 'condition', what else may happen or how to deal with it?"

"Condition? Well I guess it is that. Hard enough for a human to deal with having a dragon form. But a Platinum... Yes, Serat will find very little on his own. Most records were removed, hidden, and protected after the Great War."


"Our enemies attacked our leaders first - since most were Platinum dragons that was their focus. Then after they were wiped out along with so many others, people blamed them for the war. They were completely wrong of course. So the priesthood took all the records and tried to purge every mention, fact, or detail that was not general knowledge. We of course have them safely hidden away. So what do you want to know? I will have our historians research your questions."

"What's happening to me? What can I expect? Why do I crave sex? And then this morning... there was an incident where I... uhm... caused others to feel things without touching them."

"You are close then. Likely the final stages. The sexual appetite is a bit cloudy right now. Every dragonling has an increased drive during their change, regardless of dragon type. Yours is just more complicated."

"Complicated? I think that went beyond complicated."

"I doubt they objected. Sex is part of your magic, I know that much without looking at the old records. A Platinum uses sex and love to bring the strongest, most capable people together, like a close-knit brotherhood. They are unfailingly loyal and devoted. If you feel a very strong sexual pull it probably means they would be a good ally, someone you should bring close to you. If you find yourself pushing away from someone - the opposite is true, they would be a weakness, a chink in your armor or they could be an outright enemy. This is why the stories and fables speak of their followers - fanatic and devoted, willing to give up everything for you."

"I don't want people doing that! I'm nobody! That's just wrong," Skye objected.

"No and that is something the Emperor made very clear. He's already seen it beginning. You need to understand so you make your choices with purpose. Your gifts will make it happen, but you may not like when or how if you don't mindfully take control."

"That's scary. So what other magic or gifts come with what I'm becoming?"

"I'm sorry but I do not know. But we will have the information for you soon - or rather we will if it was ever recorded. We're already trying to find any reference to the sexual attraction and how it works. I will send word when we have more answers for you. You are also welcome to return to us any time for mental healing, meditation or to ask any questions. There is no reason to solve everything in one day."

"Sorry, I thought this was a one visit kind of place."

"No. And certainly not for you or soon, your brother. We are here to council, to help and to heal. And we will share whatever we can about the Platinums." Seatha reached into the folds on his robe and held out a ring. "Please take this."

"What is it for?"

"I'd like you to wear it tomorrow during the ceremony. It is magic and will help calm your dragon change impulses. You are not the first dragonling to be bonded who is not yet completed. And given the magic and energy we don't want you inadvertently triggered into transforming."

"Yeah. It would be embarrassing to have an episode in the middle of things."

"Transforming may qualify as more than an episode. Especially when you reveal yourself as a Platinum. Though I'm not sure it's a secret any more. I will be doing the ceremony myself and I will have mage-priests assisting to help recover if anything does go strangely. The Emperor also shared that your Psion will also be in attendance, though disguised. What other questions do you have?"

"Lots about being a Platinum that I guess have to wait. I do have one. Is it true that Garrett and I can have children together? Or does me getting a dragon form mean I'm now a dragon and we can't?"

"It has not happened often - that is, that a human gets a dragon form. However, in the cases where it has, they still have remained mostly 'human' when in their man form, some genetic and biological details aside. And have been able to reproduce. And yes bond-mates can, and are obliged to reproduce. Part of your vows will be a commitment to bring forth life. By law, couples that are physically able, are expected to have at least four children."


"The Great War took a terrible toll on our race. We lost close to seventy percent of our population. We can only rebuild if we produce more young than we lose."

"So who gets pregnant and how does it get out?

"When we speak of bond-mate changes, we are referring to biological changes in your body that make you compatible to mate with a dragon in human form. It changes your internal anatomy, creates a mental connection, allowing you to speak mind-to-mind and ties your life force to your mate. When you decide to reproduce, you will fertilize an egg that Garrett carries in his body. After a few days, he will pass that fertilized embryo back into you. You will carry the baby while it grows and then give birth to your child. Your body has already completed changes that will allow the baby to pass without causing you damage or even substantial pain. You may want to ask Prince Argos. Since he has been through it, you may trust his word and experience more than an old priest's."

"Anything else I should know about the service?"

"It should be very uneventful. You've already done it so it is more of a confirmation, a renewal or reinforcement of your bond," Seatha said as he stood.

Uneventful has not been my experience so far. Why do I have the feeling it will be anything but...

  • Scene 5 *

"How are you feeling?" Skye asked.

"Nervous," River said pacing.

"Why? You're not the one getting bonded in front of god-knows how many people!"

"But I'll be there and people will be looking at me. Probably all know what happened to me."

Skye walked over to River and gave him a hug. "The only people who know wouldn't repeat it and definitely do not think any differently of you. Do you still have pain?"

"No. And the tenderness is gone too," River said with a crooked smile.

"Oh... you and Nik been checking?"

"Yeah. He's as horny as you and I don't want him going to anyone else. Well I'm okay with you. The only time I get any flashbacks or panic attacks is when I see a nymph. I didn't notice before, but they seem to be everywhere. Even more so here in the palace. Kwill has been helping me and it's getting better."

"I am so very sorry."

"You didn't do it Skye. It wasn't even because of you."

"Doesn't mean I'm not sorry about it happening. Changing subjects, what did you think of dinner?" Skye asked.

"Really cool. This place makes the palaces we toured in France look tiny and rather plain. And I've never seen so much food in all my life. Being stared at by so many strangers was a little uncomfortable but at least I didn't have to remember all their names. Thanks for staying with me."

Skye laughed. "Glad to; however, it was as much for me as you. Did you ever think Jerrick and Taleel could look better? I thought I'd drool."

"Yeah. Nik glared at me a couple times. I think he could tell what I was thinking. Did you ever see Jerrick's hair not in braids before?"

"Not like that and I didn't know it was so curly or nearly that long. He promised to be with us all morning for the preparation. Taleel said he'd come by after he took care of some things. I assume you'll stay with Nik tonight, now that Father's not trying to hide your relationship?"

"I can't. Too many people - protocol and all. He may not be hiding it but doesn't want us to flaunt tradition either."

"Forgive me for being selfish. But I'm glad. I was really scared for you and sort of like having you with me before the big day."

"Anyone you wish could be there to see it? From home, I mean."

"If I didn't think it would give them heart attacks, grandma and grandpa. I really miss them and wish there was a way to let them know we're okay."

"I think grandma would be cool with it. Grandpa would give a lecture but he loved you so much, I think he'd accept it once he saw how happy you are. Anyone else?"

Skye thought about his other relatives, his friends from high school and college. "You know who else I really miss? Jasper."

"Skye that's mean."

"Why? He was my best friend since middle school. I miss seeing him, clowning around and gaming until three in the morning. Eating all kinds of junk food and falling asleep on the floor."

"You're getting married. To another guy," River said with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah. Jasper would be okay with me marrying a guy."

"God sometimes you are so dense! He'd be okay if he was the guy. Don't you know how stuck he was on you? He practically panted whenever you were near. You didn't think it strange that he always managed to drop by when you came home... every damn time?

"No. We're friends."

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," River said smacking his head. "Skye... really? You didn't notice how he always sat so close to you. Wanted to know everything about what you did?"

"He was a good friend. I wanted to know everything from him too."

"Maybe underneath all those repressed feelings, you were attracted to him too," River said with a knowing look.

Skye stared at River and wasn't sure what to say. Was I attracted to Jasper? Okay... maybe. He had gorgeous dark eyes, like Garrett, he wasn't as dark but he had golden skin and a great smile. I liked his cute little ass... oh shit!

"You don't even have to say it big brother. I can tell from your expression."

"Oh my god River! I was such a jerk to him. How could I miss all the signs?"

"Which ones? The ones he was giving you or yours that you ignored?"

"Yeah, that."

"Well, he won't have the torture of seeing you bound to Garrett."

"But shit River, now I miss him even more. And I feel guilty."

"Speaking of guilt. What's up with your new cabin boy? I saw him watching you at dinner. You can't be missing the queues from him... or can you?"

Skye sat down hard on the bed and put his head in his hands. He started slowly but managed to recount the morning's adventure.

"Holy shit... so like what Kwill did to me... but you fuckin' took them all the way? Damn! Okay so maybe I shouldn't get that talent, gift whatever... I'm not sure I could resist using it."

"River! It's not funny! I... I violated them!"

"You apologized I assume. Were they upset or angry?" River asked trying to understand why Skye was so upset.

"No! Fuck! They said I could do it anytime I wanted," he said as his voice trailed off.

A knock sounded at the door. And then Dillon opened it gently and peered in. "May I prepare your room for the night sir?"

"Sure, come on in Dillon." The suite had a little more privacy than the bedroom in the mountain house. The entrance had a small vestibule with a double set of doors so the guards were in the room, but not in sight. Dillon's room had an entrance off the same vestibule and there was a second bedroom if Skye or Garrett needed another servant.

"Dillon, this is my brother, River. I don't think you've officially met."

"It's an honor Master Eklund. Would you like me to prepare your room as well sir?" Dillon asked with a bow.

"Sure that would be nice. God, but you're fuckin' pretty," River said giving Dillon a thorough once over.

"River!" Skye scolded. "I'm sorry Dillon, River tends to speak whatever comes into his head."

"Yeah and it avoids a lot of confusion that way. Dillon, may I ask you something."

"Certainly Master Eklund. How can I help?" Dillon responded as his face turned crimson.

"First, don't call me Master Eklund unless it's in front of others and you'd get in trouble. River will do. So Skye feels all guilty-like about what happened this morning. Were you in any way offended or hurt and if so, what can he do to make it right?"

If Dillon wasn't blushing from River's first comment, he was now. "No sir, I was not offended or hurt and Skye already apologized. I told him it was not necessary, I was honored that he could even have such thoughts about me."

"Whoa... why would you say that?" Skye asked.

"I'm sorry, I thought you both knew. I'm tainted. Within the Fae court I'm considered undesirable and not permitted by law to court or show any interest in a female elf."

Skye's mouth hung open for a moment in shock and he realized that River had the same response. "Dillon, what are you talking about? How are you tainted?"

"Oh, because of my hair sir. It is a throw-back to one of my ancestors. A human man who was joined to my great, great, great grandmother. It is a sign of the impurity in my blood and I am not permitted to reproduce lest it carry forward. That's why I serve here. Otherwise I would be an embarrassment to the family - being seen by others as a constant reminder of our ancestor's transgression."

"Skye, that's truly fucked up," River said.

"Yeah. So you're saying Elves don't have auburn hair?"

"No sir. I'm sorry sir, I thought you knew I was tainted. If you want to request a different servant, I'd certainly understand."

"Don't be ridiculous! I don't care. And I agree with River. You are beautiful," Skye said as he walked over and put a hand on Dillon's shoulder. "So are you saying you've never... you know... uhm... been intimate with another before?"

"Goodness no sir."

Skye couldn't help but open up his mind to Dillon's thoughts. Elves were much harder to read but he thought with practice he'd get the hang of it. What he picked up wasn't as clear as he'd like but it confirmed what Dillon was speaking aloud. "Dillon, if I may ask, are you attracted to women or men?"

"Both sir. Though I find myself more often noticing the men. We do not make a distinction on male versus female except for breeding. We have as many, if not more, life pairings between men as we do between men and women. It has always been so for the Fae. We find your pairing concept confusing and it seems to be particular to the bond-mates from Earth."

River and Skye both had to laugh and shared a look. He's right little brother. You and I talk about it, but the dragons sure don't and I haven't seen anything to support 'our' views since we left Earth.

True. And honestly I'm not having the same issue adapting as you. Nik is absolutely my dream and I wouldn't have it any other way. But what about Dillon?

River's thoughts are clearer than they used to be. Skye thought to himself. He can't initiate a telepathic conversation, but once we start and I'm listening - I can hear him as clearly as Garrett. But what to do about Dillon? I can ask the others, maybe do some match making. I know I'm not the only one who thinks he's attractive. Jos and Feired can't keep their eyes off him. "Dillon, please be honest with me. I won't take offense I promise. Are you attracted to me?"

Skye left his shields down for fear that Dillon wouldn't have the courage to answer.

"Yes, Master Eklund, very much sir."

River walked over to Skye gave him a hug around the shoulder before whispering in his ear. "I'm going to rest for a bit. Please call me when tall, dark, and sexy shows up."

But River, we've never done that with him. I'm not sure he'd be okay with it.

I have faith in you big brother. You'll convince him and besides think of it as helping me heal. Right now, why don't you rock Dillon's world?

Skye could hear the mental chuckle from River and smiled as River pulled his strings, knowing he'd now feel guilty if he didn't make it work with Taleel.

"The bed is ready sir. Would you like me to have breakfast brought up in the morning for you and River? It would let you sleep a little longer."

"Yes, please. That would be great."

"Anything else you need from me before you retire."

"If you are interested and would be willing. I'd like to show you what you've been missing."

"Sir?" Dillon asked in a combination of squeak and choke.

"Only if you want..."

"But I'm tainted sir," Dillon said in disbelief.

Yet Skye could also hear his internal dialogue and knew that right now there wasn't anything Dillon wanted more.

Skye pulled Dillon to him and kissed him. He started slowly, being as tender and loving as he could. Dillon felt tiny and delicate in his arms, even smaller than River. He unfastened and removed the waistcoat exposing the lean, slender body. Dillon was toned and his abs showed every line, his nipples were small and light pink against creamy white skin. Skye gently kissed down his neck to his chest and licked at the tiny nipples, sucking at them before kissing down the ripped stomach to the waistband of Dillon's tights.

"Why don't you take off the boots and sit on the bed so I can help with these?" Skye said sliding a hand down inside the tights to squeeze Dillon's round cheek.

Dillon made a quick detour to the bath and returned with a large bath towel. He carefully laid it out on the bed before sitting down to pull of his boots.

Skye pushed Dillon back and helped slide the tights off, admiring how firm and trim Dillon was. His long legs were perfectly smooth, the only color on the milky skin was the deep auburn bush, a neat triangle pointing to Dillon's jewels. His cock was long and slender like his body and just as smooth and pale. The glans was a soft pink like his nipples and his balls were large and hung low in his sack. Skye kissed up from Dillon's foot, following the curve of his leg to his inner thigh. He licked the smooth ball sack and then the heavy jewels. He carefully sucked one of the huge balls in and let it fill his mouth before moving on to work his way up Dillon's cock before taking it into his mouth.

"Sir... you don't have to do this..."

"Dillon, please don't call me sir. If your dick is in my mouth, then I think it's safe to call me Skye," Skye said before taking the cock back into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around Dillon's thighs, holding his body firmly as he sucked. It had only been a few minutes when Dillon started moaning then breathing rapidly.

"Sir... I mean Skye, I can't hold out I'm going to cum."

"Mmmmm. Good," Skye said barely releasing Dillon before sucking more vigorously.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Dillon cried out and his body shook and his cock pumped his sweet jiz into Skye's mouth.

Skye continued to suck until Dillon's cries were replaced with barely audible whimpers and he could get no more of the sweet cream. He gently licked up the smooth shaft, enjoying how it made Dillon quiver. Then he kissed his way up Dillon's torso until he captured his lips.

"So was it as good as this morning?"

"So much better. Not that I'd ever refuse the other - but seeing your face as you sucked me and seeing that you actually enjoyed me! I never thought I'd see that on a man's face. You did enjoy me right?"

"Absolutely. You have a beautiful and very tasty cock. I like your body and how you feel in my arms. Are you up to more?"

"Could I... I mean would it be okay if I sucked you? I know I'm not nearly as good as you, having never done it before, but I'd like to try."

"No sane guy would ever refuse that offer," Skye teased as he kissed down Dillon's chest and then pulled him over so Dillon was now on top.

Dillon touched and kissed and explored as he made his way down Skye's body. "Oh my, you're so thick," Dillon said then took the cock into his mouth with enthusiasm.

"Me?" Skye asked in surprise. I'm pretty average, what's he talking about? But then the feel of Dillon's mouth pushed all thoughts aside. Dillon seemed to struggle at first then found his rhythm and started taking Skye deeper and deeper until it felt like he was lodged in Dillon's throat. Then a new sensation began around Skye's glans, Dillon's throat was tightening and stroking as his tongue licked. Every time Dillon took Skye deep it repeated. "Dillon... if you keep doing whatever it is you're doing, I can't last long."

Dillon looked up with a sparkle in his green eyes and gave a hint of a smile as he continued sucking. He quickened his pace and wrapped his arms around Skye's thighs as Skye had done to him earlier.

"Dillon... Dillon... dude it's too... Fuck!" Skye cried out as he exploded into Dillon's sucking mouth.

Dillon never slowed, but continued to suck and take Skye deep.

Now it was Skye's turn to whimper and he grabbed onto the bed clothes and gripped tightly as the intensity became almost unbearable. He breathed a sigh of relief when Dillon finally released him, licking him like a lollipop as he finished.

"Fuck Dillon. If that was what you can do first time trying, you gotta give me lessons."

"I did okay? I satisfied you?"

"You did awesome, and the blowjob was great but I'm never satisfied," Skye said as he pulled Dillon back into a hug and kissed him.

"I'd like you to take me sir. I want you to be my first," Dillon requested with a blush.

"Don't you want that to be with someone special?"

Dillon laughed. "Like there'd ever be someone more special than you?"

"I mean... like someone you have feelings for, someone who makes your heart beat faster and who you can't wait to be with..." Skye said as he lie beside Dillon, gazing into his green eyes.

"That would be you," Dillon said as he got up on his hands and knees. "Please sir. You know I'm telling the truth."

Shit, yeah, I know you are telling the truth but I can't read your damn thoughts. I hope I get better with elves. Siriana was a piece of cake compared to you. But if it is what he really wants, who am I to say he's wrong. I certainly find him attractive enough and my body really wants to. Oh shit... what if what the priest said is right? What if the magic is... Skye thought as his temperature and lust rose. Dillon was looking back over his shoulder, the desire clear. His slender body, so incredibly smooth and soft, the round firm cheeks and that tender pink hole.

Skye ran his hands over the small globes and pulled them apart before licking down Dillon's crack. He could feel the heat and the change in texture as he licked across the opening. It called to him and made him want to growl. He could feel the rumble in his gut as he gently poked at the opening with his tongue and worked his way in. "Fuck you're sweet," Skye gasped as he began working Dillon's ass.

Dillon was whimpering and moaning, his body stretching and pushing back to get more of Skye's tongue. "Don't stop sir... it feels soooo good."

Skye ran his hands over Dillon's body as he continued to lick and tongue fuck his hole. He wrapped his arms around Dillon and kissed up his back until he was in position and started rubbing his dick against the wet opening. He kissed along Dillon's shoulders and then moved his hair and kissed his neck. He'd managed to get the head in and was trying to go deeper but it was just too tight.

"Push harder. Force yourself in. It will fit, I promise. Please sir... I want you in me so badly!"

Skye didn't want to hurt Dillon, but at the same time, his body desperately wanted to be deep inside. He forced himself in as Dillon pushed back - then as if something gave way, he was sliding in. Fuck he is tight, the whole damn pipe is almost too small for me. Skye tried to be slow and gentle, for both his own comfort as well as to not hurt Dillon. Skye changed position to look at his member as he pulled out a bit. "Holy fuck! Dillon I hurt you. Shit. Shit. We need to stop." Skye was horrified as he saw bright red blood coating his manhood.

"NO! NO! Don't pull out. Please, please fuck me. You didn't hurt me. That's normal and pulling out would be the worst thing you could do. I need you to take me - you have to release inside me. Please believe me... it's okay."

Skye pushed away the fear as he confirmed that Dillon was being honest. He pressed his body against Dillon's back and began kissing his neck and shoulders again as he resumed thrusting. Gradually the tightness eased up enough that it felt very good, no, it felt incredible. He pulled Dillon's face to the side so they could kiss and then he kissed up Dillon's cheek to his ear and began licking along the edge.

Dillon cried out in ecstasy and started panting as he drove himself back onto Skye.

Guess he likes that... Skye thought as he kissed, licked and bit at Dillon's ear. The screams got louder and his breath quickened. Skye could feel the arousal building and ramped it up by tongue fucking Dillon's ear as he drove his cock deep into the boy's tight ass. Dillon was making a lot of noise and Skye saw one of the guards peek around into the room to check. He could see enough of the guard to see him smile, shake his head and then step back out.

Dillon's screams were now interspersed, with loud moaning and pleading for Skye to fuck him harder, faster, and deeper. His cock was slick and dripping as Skye stroked him.

He's louder than a whore in a low-budget porn movie. Skye thought as he stroked the hard slender shaft. Then Dillon was moving so much and riding back on Skye so hard he found himself shooting his load before he even realized he was close. He bit and sucked at Dillon's ear as he orgasmed, enjoying how it made him move against him. He saw that both he and Dillon were glowing brightly and hoped it wasn't a bad sign. He could feel the force of Dillon's own eruption as Dillon pumped his seed onto the bed.

Skye lie on top of Dillon as they snuggled and caught their breath. His cock was still deep inside Dillon and wasn't showing any sign of softening. He tried to position himself so he could pull out and found Dillon's body fighting him. Skye had to put a hand on either ass cheek and pull himself out.

When he was free, he rolled Dillon over and lie back on top of him and kissed and bit at his lips. "Was it an okay first time?" Skye asked - hoping he hadn't disappointed Dillon.

"Okay? No, it was amazing," Dillon said opening his eyes and giving a big smile. "I never dreamed it would feel so good. No wonder they all talk about you."

"What? What do you mean they all talk about me?" Skye asked as he leaned up on his arms.

"No one pays attention to the servants. So they talk and forget I'm there. Your lovers talk among themselves - about how much they enjoy you, how they can't wait until they're with you again. And several of the guards... they would do anything for a chance to be with you."

Skye rolled over and stared at the ceiling. "But why? Honestly Dillon, I'm not anything special."

Dillon ran his hand up Skye's chest and smiled. "I think you're very special." He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and went to stand before promptly falling to the floor.

"Dillon? Shit what happened?" Skye was over the side and lifting Dillon back onto the bed in a heartbeat.

"Sorry sir. Guess my legs gave out," Dillon said in a weak chuckle.

"Wait here," Skye said before going to the bath and getting another towel. He wiped Dillon clean and then lifted him and carried him. "Guys, can you please open Dillon's door?" He asked then carried Dillon in and laid him on his own bed. He put him under the covers and kissed him. "You rest. We can clean up the other stuff in the morning."

Dillon nodded and gave another smile before falling asleep.

Skye pulled the door closed and stood in the hallway for a moment gathering his thoughts.

"Do you need anything Sir?"

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about elves... or rather about doing things with elves?" Skye asked with a blush.

Fisk smiled and Feired coughed into his hand. "In general terms, yes sir. Was there something you wanted to know?"

Skye struggled with how to phrase any of the questions that came to mind and reading thoughts wouldn't help since he had to ask the question first. "Uhm... so did I hurt him, he sort of bled when we did things and then afterward, he glowed brightly then sort of collapsed."

Fisk and Feired both laughed out loud and then when they regained their composure, Feired answered. "You didn't hurt him Master Eklund. It was his first time and elves have an extra bit of restriction that allows things out, but not in. Once they've taken a lover, it goes away. Their first is always very special and it probably just overwhelmed him Sir. And though he's not a dragon, he is a creature of magic - so glowing is a good sign. Nothing to worry about, though you can expect he'll be a little nervous for a while."

"Why nervous?"

"Now that you've taken him, he may be afraid that you will send him away. He's no longer a virgin and you may decide he's not to your tastes. It is a common fear that you may be discarded once you've been with a royal."

"I'd never! That's just wrong! He's mine and I have no intention of sending him anywhere. I take care of my friends and I don't fuck people I don't plan to keep!" Skye stopped as he realized what he'd just said. Holy shit! What did I just say? But yet... I know I meant it with everything in me. I would do anything to protect Dillon and no fucking way Mica or any of my dragons are gonna get rid of me.

"Are you okay Sir?" Fisk asked with concern.

"Yeah. Just worried about Dillon."

A knock sounded at the door and after checking, the guards allowed Taleel in.

"You shouldn't have... really Skye," Taleel said, looking up and down Skye's naked body with a big smile.

"Well... sometimes you can be a bit dense. I thought I'd help you," Skye said as he wrapped his body around Taleel.

  • Scene 6 *

Skye ate his breakfast taking time to enjoy each bite. Dillon had picked well and Skye decided he liked everything. "Dillon, you did great. I'll let you pick for me anytime. And thank you again."


"I am honored that you shared your first time with me. It was very special to me. Though you gave out before I got to feel you inside me. So when things settle down, just wanted you to know that you owe me."

Dillon was speechless. His mouth hung open and even with his shielding Skye could tell his mind was racing. "Sir."

Skye stood up and pulled Dillon into a hug. "Sorry it can't be sooner."

"But sir... you're getting bonded today and then you and Garrett will be together."

Skye had to laugh. "Yes, but I've decided that some dragon customs are worth adopting. And from what everyone tells me, my... uhm... needs are only going to get stronger. Think about it. It would be good to know what and who you find acceptable before things get... out of hand."

"I'm sorry Sir, I'm not sure I understand."

"You know. If there are any of the others with whom you'd be willing to be intimate if they were with me at the same time. But now, I think we need to coax Taleel out of bed or he'll never be ready."

Skye climbed onto the big bed and pulled the covers back revealing a beautiful and naked Taleel. He licked down the washboard abs and teased the soft black cock with his tongue.

"Oh Father Dragon... please, not again. Can't..." Taleel mumbled.

"Awe, come on sexy. I bet I can get it up again," Skye teased taking the full cock into his mouth.

"Skye! Please!" Taleel said sitting up.

"Mmmmmmm." Skye mumbled around Taleel's growing manhood.

"Skye, I can't. My balls ache already. I need to be focused today... please," Taleel gasped as his breathing quickened.

"Fine. If you insist, but then you might as well get showered. River should be done. You can owe me later..."

"Father Dragon Skye! How did Jerrick survive? I'm amazed he can still walk after four days."

"Quit whining. You, Mr. Tall, dark and sexy are just out of practice. Not to worry, I'll see what I can do."

"Excuse me? That would be 'we', what we can do. I think it will take both of us to bring him up to speed," River said as he walked back into the room. "Should we start now?"

"Fuck no. Gotta get ready..." Taleel said before making a quick exit.

"Food! That looks delicious," River said sitting down at the table.

"I have a plate for you Sir," Dillon said lifting the cover and putting a full plate in front of River.

"Thank you Dillon. You look good this morning. I like the smile and that glow."

"Goodness. Is it still showing Sir?" Dillon asked in a panic as he held out his arms and looked.

"Don't worry Dillon, it is very faint now and I think River's just more perceptive than most."

"That good huh?" River said with a leer and a wink to Dillon.

"Yes sir," Dillon said in a hushed voice as his face turned crimson.

Skye watched and decided Dillon needed rescued. "Where are we supposed to go this morning? Do you know Dillon?" Skye asked.

"Not exactly but I was told that someone would come by to escort you. It's still within the Palace."

Skye felt a brush against his mind. Good morning beautiful. Skye sent in response to the mental touch.

Today is the day and I promise, it will all go fine. Quit worrying. You feel like a nervous itch in the back of my head. By the way, thank you again for sharing with me last night. I think it's the only way I'll ever get to enjoy Taleel's ass.

I notice you haven't offered to share any trysts with me. Surely you haven't been going without? And anyway, I thought Taleel had started letting you take him after what happened on the Poseidon?

Only twice. Taleel said I'm way too big and there's more pain than pleasure. And I haven't been nearly as busy as you. Honestly love, no one worth sharing. Certainly no one as hot as our dark warrior.

Jerrick seems to enjoy you.

Jerrick likes a bit of pain and he also likes it rough sometimes. Taleel doesn't.

"Sir, our escort is here to take us to the dressing room," Dillon called out.

"On my way." Skye said. I am so not ready for this... Sorry, I think it's time for me to go. I'll work on the Taleel thing.

I Love you Skye Eklund.

Love you too Garrett.

End Chapter 13

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story. Comments, questions, and feedback are welcome at trippsavidge@gmail.com. I'll take silence as either no one is reading or you didn't like it. Want more? Let me know. Please tell me what you liked or didn't. If you want an email notification when new chapters post, please send me a request. I've started an email distribution used only for Dancing with the Dragon post alerts.

Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School' and The LAB under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy'.

Caution on The LAB, while listed under Science Fiction / Fantasy, I describe it as Fetish meets Fantasy - It has a strong authoritarian theme with elements of older/younger, bondage, edging, straight to gay, and in later chapters some father/son and brother with brother.

Next: Chapter 14

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