Dancing the Horizontal Mambo

By BigNBtm

Published on Jun 6, 2008


We all have wondered about the bromance between these two...I just imagined a little bit more than everyone else. And that's what this is...my imaginative story about a couple of real guys who may or may not be lovers.

But I like my story better than what reality probablly is.

Part 2

The adreneline Cristian felt pumping through his body was a combination of pain, nerves, and excitement. His arm was still incrediblly painful - espcially since the pain meds they had given him at the hospital were wearing off and the pill he took before he left had not yet kicked in. His stomach felt like a butterfly sanctuary had just taken up residence there. Cristian could vaguely remember a conversation with Jason where he admitted to his true sexuality, but he was unsure of the outcome, or how much was actually revealed or spoken. Add all this to the fact that Jason had allowed him to slowly slide his hand up his upper thigh to the point where Jason's pinky was resting snugly against Cristian's balls, and the hot Chilean's glands were pumping out more adreneline than Cristian knew how to handle.

The seemingly endless trip to Jason's hotel finally ended, and Cristian continued to feign his grogginess, and made Jason practically carry him up to his suite. Cristian leaned heavily on Jason with his good arm wrapped around him, which afforded him the opportunity to feel just how substantial the football player was...and he was impressed.

Just to test his strength (and-if truth be told-to be a little bit ornery), Cristian "passed out as they came off the elevator and Cristian "bumped" his arm on the wall. In an impressive feat of strength, Jason quickly slipped his hand behind Cristian's buckling kness and swept him up into his arms. It backfired slightly when Jason, trying to get him into the room with the porter's help, wacked his head on the door jam. Cristian "woke up" at that and accused a laughing Jason of trying to get him out of the competition once and for all.

Jason carefully laid Cristian down on the bed, dismissed and tipped the porter, and went right to work on Cristian's arm. He iced it down again, elevated it, and tried to make Cristian as comfortable as possible.

Jason's suite was huge, but it only had one king-sized bed. He was about to call the front desk to get another room when Cristian stopped him.

"Dude, I don't want to sound like a pussy, but I'd really like it if you stayed in here with me. I'm not sure I can do everything I need to do alone, and I'd really like you close by."

"No problem, man. I'm here for you. I better get a roll away bed sent up though. I want you to be comfortable in bed."

"You don't have to do that, dude. Just sleep here with me. With all the drugs they've pumped in me, I'm sure I won't even know you're here."

"If you think that's OK. This IS an awfully comfortable bed."

"Yeah, it is. Moreso than mine. I guess DWTS only gives the SEXY celebrities comfy beds," Cristian taunted.

Jason looked at Cristian kind of strangely and laughed nervously. "You must be really messed up, dude. That's the second time you've called me sexy."

Cristian's defenses were slipping again. The pills were taking effect. "I just call 'em as I see 'em, pretty boy. And I see a sexy man in my bed."

Jason rolled his eyes, sure Cristian was delerious now. "Let's get you ready for bed you red hot chili pepper," he laughed.

Cristian could hardly keep his eyes open as Jason gently removed what was left of his shirt, and unbuttoned his pants. As best he could he lifted his lower body up - actually, it was Jason who did more lifting than Cristian - and Jason slid his pants down his legs. As the pants came down, Cristian decided that right now was a pretty good time to close his eyes and take a little snooze..

After Jason had wrestled Cristian's tight dance pants past his hips, Cristian passed out again. He sat for a moment looking at his new best friend lying there, eyes closed, a funny smile played across his lips. Lips that were full...and...sexy. Lips that begged to be kissed. Jason mentally shook himself, berating himself for thinking such things when the man had just suffered a serious injury. He grabbed Cristian's pants and slid them down his thighs. Thick, muscled thighs with just the right amount of hair sprinkled over them. Jason allowed his hands to slowly caress Cristian's thighs as he slid the pants down. He had never touched another guy like this, in all his years of sports. He had helped many an injured player out of their pads, but never did he allow himself this pleasure of enjoying the feel of their musculature.

"Probablly because they were all conscious," Jason thought.

His hands continued down Cristian's legs until the pants slid off his feet. Jason took a deep breath and looked back up at Cristian. It was then he realized he was lying nude except for his dance belt - a glorified thong, really. But what struck him was not the beauty of the male physique laying before him, but his own facination with the fullness displayed in the pouch of his belt.

Jason considered the decision he had to make. He could leave Cristian the way was in his dance belt. That would be the safe choice. It would keep embarassing questions from arising, and it would keep this surprising side of himself hidden and safely locked away in some dark closet of his mind. Jason smiled at the well fitting metaphor. He could choose not to be safe as well. Remove Cristian's belt. He would be risking their friendship, but then again, he'd get to see Cristian in ALL of his glory. He would be cracking open a door to an area of his psyche that he had never explored before...or even knew it was there for that matter, but he could also be opening Pandora's box, given his profession and public profile.

As Jason considered, he came to the conclusion that he was not a person who played it safe in every other area of his life; why start now? It also occured to him that while he could leave Cristian at least partially clothed, the dance belts were not exactly what he considered to comfortable sleeping attire, and sleeping nude was much preferable. He also realized that looking is only that: looking. Should questions arise, he'd meet them head on with humor and take any clever reparte that Crisitan may throw at him. Their friendship could handle something as minor as an unconscious disrobing!

Jason took a deep breath and reached for the waistband of Cristian's belt. He carefully tugged it down, working it down Cristian's hips and jimmying it down from underneath him. Slowly, Christian's treasure trail begain to spread and Jason realized he was about to see the full monty. In all the times they had hung out, the opportunity to see each other without clothes never presented itself. Another tug and Jason realized that Cristian must trim his pubes as they were extremely short, and not at all curly.

"Interesting," Jason commented quietly. "In for a penny..." he philosophized.

Jason tugged the g-string out of Cristian's crack and then pulled the front of the belt down. His jaw went slack as he looked at Cristian's manhood laying bare before him. He was, to say the least, impressed. Cristian looked to be packing at least 7 inches of uncut thick Chilean sausage in his belt. Jason was quite proud of the equipment in his hanging department, but he doubted that he could rival Cristian.

Gently, Jason removed the dance belt completely, tossed it aside, and stared unabashedly at the striking nude before him. His eyes travelled up and down, memorizing each inch of the Latino stud next to him. His hands reached out and caressed his leg, tracing the lines carved out between the muscles he found there. He watched as his hand reached up and tenderly stroked his chest, allowing his big hands to relish stark contrast between the soft skin of his pectorals, and the hard nubs that were awakening in their center. Jason's hands took on a life of their own, it seemed, as he watched them creep down, undulating down over the six pack, then caressing the narrow treasure trail that began just below Cristian's waist.

He wasn't sure exactly when it had happened, but it dawned on Jason that he had become hard; extremely hard. Harder than he thought he had ever been before. Jason paused momentarily to consider the consequences should he continue. A million thoughts swirled in his mind, and he couldn't concnetrate on any one of them. He sqeezed his eyes shut and made the decision to stay in the moment and let the rest sort itself out.

"Full speed ahead and damn the torpedos!" Jason said aloud.

Jason's quiet, heart felt exclamation pecked at the consciousness of Cristian. He was having a marvelous dream. Someone was caressing his body which was starting to respond. The large hands had gently pet his closely cropped pubes which caused the hair on his arms to stand on end. Other things were beginning to stand up as well. He could feel the hand cautiously wrap around his cock and give a gentle squeeze. He wanted to badly to moan, but the fog that had surrounded his brain had caused him to forget exactly how that was done. The only thing he could do was allow his body to respond naturally - and it did. Cristian felt as though his dick would never stop growing. He could feel the blood coursing through it as it took on mammoth proportions growing to a huge 10" long and almost 8" around. It was glorious to be fully hard, and Cristian was enjoying every minute of it.

Soon the hand changed tactics. It begand to stroke. Cristian feel the hood pull back as the hands that held him began to work it back and forth over his head. A second hand began to stroke down as the first reached the base, then another began at the top as soon as the second was clear and so on it went. It created the feeling as though one huge unending hand was stroking down and over the sensitive head. The sensation was moving Cristian too quickly to climax.

Suddenly the hands stopped. While Cristian wanted the feelings to continue, he sighed at the respite from the stimulus. However, he couldn't fathom the reason for the sudden stop. He was sure there would be a reason for it, but in his current state of mind he couldn't think of any. He tried to open his eyes to see what the problem was, but just as he felt as though he had figured out how to do that, the hands were back, and this time, they were covered in a warm, slippery glove. Cristian's mind immeditely sank back into it's most blissful state and enjoyed the attention.

Jason had noticed the change in Cristian's face when he began to stroke his huge member. He looked much more relaxed, less stressed, and even seemed to start sleeping better. Jason decided to make the experience even more enjoyable and pulled out his bottle of lube he kept in the bedside table for those times when he needed to take care of himself. Most nights of late, he found himself sleeping alone, his wife back home tending to the riggors of the homelife of a football superstar; jacking off was not uncommon for him. He noticed how agitated Cristian became when he stopped for the few moments it took to get it out and flip open the bottle. Jason almost stopped altogether for fear of waking Cristian, but something inside of him told him to continue on. After quickly warming the viscus liquid between his two huge hands, Jason wrapped his fingers around Cristian's cock and continued his stroke. Almost immedietly,

Cristian relaxed and the smile that had been on his lips returned.

The hands spread the glorious liquid over his steel rod and soon they were slipping and sliding up and down the pole like well-oiled machinery. Then the second hand began to work. Cristian felt it lift his heavy balls up and begin to fondle them with the same warm slipperyness as the first hand. This was almost too much for Cristian to handle. One of the things that drove him mad was playing with his ample balls. "Eggs" some had called them. "Kiwi-sized" was another comment. The compliments had been many, but Cristian realized early on in life that he was blessed with a very large set of male anatomy. He continued to marvel at the glorious feelings coursing through his body. His breathing became faster, and a burn began deep in his cojones warned of the coming flood. Cristian could do nothing to stop it, so he gave himself to it, allowing the feeling to grow and grow, knowing it would

consume him any moment.

Jason loved stroking Cristian. It was an amazing feeling to pleasure another man like this. Jason had never in his life touched another man's genitals, but the feeling it gave him was simply amazing. His cock jumped and leaked inside his pants, causing a huge dark spot to grow on the front of his pants. Feeling Cristian's huge phallus in his hands and the two huge nuts rumbling between his fingers made Jason feel things he'd never felt before. His hands tightened on the stiff member and his stroking picked up speed. Jason could feel Cristian's ball begin to rise as he rolled them between his fingers. It wouldn't be long now. Jason and Cristian's friendship would soon move to a new level - whether Cristian knew it or not.

A thought suddently siezed Jason's brain; he's going to cum all over the place! "I'll have to clean it up or he'll know! I'll wake him up. What do I do?"

It was too late. Jason felt Cristian's cock start to pulse in his hand. Any second now cum would fly out of the piss slit and shower them both with the sticky fluid. Desperate to contain the mess and unable to think of anything else, Jason leaned over and wrapped his lips around Cristian's head.

Jason's timing was impeccable. No sooner had his lips sealed around the crown, cum began shooting into his mouth. Volley after volley of spooge was slung against the roof of his mouth, the back of his throat and the insides of his cheeks. His mouth became full and Jason did the only thing he could do: swallow. Not once, not twice, not even three times, but five times he had to swallow, and still Cristian emptied himself into Jason's mouth.

Jason was so taken aback at his own actions, he almost missed two key events in the evening. First, he realized that Cristian's cum did not disgust him, nor offend his pallet. The texture was on the slimy side, but it occured to Jason that the taste was not just OK, it was desireable. Slightly salty, slighty bitter, but with a glorious sweet aftertaste that lingered on the tongue. As Jason sat up and watched the gargantuan begin to return to normal, it also dawned on him that he had heard something while he was drinking down Cristian's cum. It was Cristian's voice.

Jason raised his eyes and looked into the face of his best bud, only to find him smiling contently, eyes still shut in an opiate-and-sex-enduced stupor. He tried to make sense of the meaning of this, wonder why, when in the throws of passion and the climax of sex, would Cristian call out Jason's name?

That's it for Part 2. Write me and tell me what you think @ bignbtm@yahoo.com. This is my first and would love to hear your thoughts.

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