Dancing on a Cloud

By Trey Asson

Published on Apr 3, 2016


Dancing on a Cloud Part 2

DISCLAIMER This is a fictional story involving gay sex between two males.

I am in no way suggesting that the character involved is gay. I have no idea of his sexuality. It is not intended to imply his true sexuality or any personal knowledge of his private live. The character involved are copyrighted.

Trey's POV

Yesterday was a very interesting day, YouTube exploding from all the different comments from Justin Bieber's post. People asking if we can dance at their schools, birthdays and other random events. I spent most of the morning training in the dance studio until Alex and Thomas came over. I was in the dance studio with Evan showing him how to breakdance, he's been bugging me to show him how to dance, so once a week I show him a few moves he can handle.

"Okay Evan I'm going to show you how to do two moves for now, you still haven't gotten down the stuff I showed you last week so keep practicing" I told him.

"Okay Trey!" He said in his hyper mode looking up at me with his signature huge smile. I just laughed and rubbed his head Alex, Tanisha and Thomas were sitting at the lounge area talking about yesterday. I walked over letting Evan go over the moves.

"So what's going on over here" I asked them taking a seat next to Thomas on the couch.

"I'm just looking to see if there is any good events we can book for the crew" Alex said not looking up from his laptop. Tanisha was next to him on her phone texting away.

"Let's head out and grab something to eat I'm starving" Thomas suggested

"Yeah I'm hungry too" Tanisha said putting down her phone.

"Yeah that's a good idea, I can't go through all the emails right now on an empty stomach can't think with so many request's" Alex said stretching his arm around Tanisha.

"How many emails did our website get?" I asked him

"Dude we have like two hundred emails from people that's just from yesterday" he answered while rubbing his right temple.

"Okay let's head out then, get some food in us" I responded standing up and stretching, I walked over to the other side of the dance studio where Evan was.

"Hey little buddy we are going to head out for something to eat you be good for mom while we are gone okay?" I asked him while I messed up his little afro he was growing out.

"Okay Trey I'm going to keep practicing, and show mom what I can do" he said looking up at me smiling.

We all got into Alex's Honda civic and drove to the Eaton centre to grab lunch we called everyone else to meet us there.

We spent most of the afternoon at the Eaton centre ate lunch walked around the stores just hung out. We were heading out of the mall until we noticed a large crowd around the entrance.

"What's going on here?" I asked out loud. Trying to look over the crowd. A girl around 14 turned around looking all excited.

"Its Justin Bieber!!" She screamed while jumping up and down. I was surprised when she said his name. You could hear girls screaming and see flashes from cameras. I couldn't believe Justin Bieber was here after the video post yesterday he was just in New York from what I knew. Then the crowd started to break in half then we saw him pushing his way threw the crowd with four big body guards, I remembered yeah he's a celebrity he's going to need big guys to hold back the crowd 'he's stuck up' I'm trying to tell myself, then I noticed that little 14 girl earlier move up closer then i saw she got pushed down from the other crazed teens dropping from what it looks like one of his CD's. He noticed her too, I was surprised again when he turned around and rushed over helping her up handing the CD back to her.

"Are you okay little girl?" He asked her smiling at her while picking her up off the floor. It looked like she was about to explode. At least he was nice enough to head back to pick her up off the ground, saw a little humanity from him made him a little better in my eyes.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE TOUCHING MY ARM!!" She screamed. It looked like she was going to jump him.

"Here is your CD, do you want me to sign it for you?" He asked her she could only nod her head yes, as he was signing it for her his bodyguards were still holding the crowd back. I noticed Justin looked over in our direction and he handed the little girl the CD back and took a picture with her. He motioned toward his bodyguards and pointed at us. The next thing I knew Justin was in front of us introducing himself to us.

"Hello guys, I was hoping to find you before this got to crazy" he said flashing his pearly white teeth at me and holding out his hand. I was frozen still for a few seconds getting lost in his eyes, April poked me in my side which made me snap back into reality.

"Sorry... just odd that Justin Bieber himself is looking for us" I said feeling a little embarrassed that I was staring. I shook his hand and I felt something I just couldn't put my finger on, I pushed that to the back of my mind 'he's straight' thinking to myself.

"Yeah..I wanted to come up and give your crew The Hiptronics a proposition, and plus I said I would come up to have a dance off against you" he said still smiling at me, he held onto my hand for a good couple seconds and there was that feeling again I ignored it.

"I went to your house first and met your mother....I believe, she told me that you guys would be here, I think it would be good to go back to your house to talk everything over before we get mauled by all the people." We all agreed and headed through the crazy crowd of people.

We made it back to my house without to much trouble, I was with Alex, Tanisha, and April in Alex's Honda civic with Marcus, Latisha, Thomas and Candice in Marcus's Jeep wrangler, Justin Bieber and his bodyguard's where in a black SUV following close behind. It felt surreal when we were all sitting in our living room. Justin Bieber's mom was sitting next to him.

"So I wanted to invite Trey and The Hiptronics to a dance competition I'm putting together, that's starting up in two months" Justin said. I didn't think something like this was going to happen so fast. "And who ever wins the competition will tour with me next year around the world" I saw April's mouth drop she must have the same thought as me, everyone in the crew looked excited.

My mom looked happy, but knowing my dad he was going to be the big executive and ask questions.

"Will there be some sort of contract they have to sign?" My dad can come off a little intimidating, Justin looked nervous I realized he was just a normal 19 year old like myself just that he's a celebrity, his mom picked up the conversation when she noticed Justin's body language.

"Yes there is a contract, Scooter Justin's manager is making it up and going to send it to me tomorrow so you can go over everything" she said smiling I noticed Justin instantly relax.

"That's perfect then I'm sure Trey's friends and their family want to go over everything, how about you kids go downstairs to the studio while the three of us talk" my mom coming to the rescue she has a way of dealing with tense moments.

"That's a great idea mom let's head down guys" I said, we headed downstairs and all got comfortable on the couch in the sitting area of the studio I saw the surprised look on Justin's face when he looked around. We all got to talking about the competition Justin is bring us in as his first group and like a wild card because he is having other groups audition to get the other seven spots.

"This is incredible we're going to be famous Trey, finally all the training, dance battles and small events we did, now look!" April said while she was bouncing in her seat on the couch.

"I know right! This is the greatest thing that's happened to us" I was sitting with Alex, April and Tanisha while Latisha and Candice showed Justin around the dance studio. I noticed that Justin was glancing over here every once in awhile from the corner of his eye you wouldn't notice unless you were paying close attention.

"Did you notice Justin has been glancing over here?" April asked me I guess she noticed it too.

"Yeah I did, maybe he's looking at you April" I teased her as I poked her in the side.

"Oh shut up, my chances are higher to get struck by lightning, and anyway looks like Candice is all over him anyway" I noticed that Candice was doing her normal flirting trying to hang off his arm and laugh at everything he says. I wondered what was going through his mind. Then Thomas and Marcus turned on the music system that got April in a dancing mood and pulled me up off the couch.

"Come Trey let's do this" she said as she pulled me to the wall of mirrors to join Latisha. We started just randomly dancing, I looked into the mirror and noticed Justin was focused on me he must be interested in the dance moves, I tried not to read into it. Thomas joined in with Candice and I decided to break off from the dancing, to talk with justin while everyone was busy. I stood next to Justin and watched the four of them do their thing.

"Its cool how you guys move all in sync and right on time with the music" he said while watching them. He looked cute he was moving his body left and right to the music.

"I've seen you dance, you got some moves too" I smiled at him

"Thanks but I wouldn't be able to keep up with you" he said smiling. When he smiled are eyes locked and that feeling came back and I realized I was falling for him. He looked away quickly I noticed that he was a little red in the face hope I didn't embarrassed him.

"No it's not that hard I can show you some time...if you want" I said

"Cool!...I mean that will be cool" he said, he looked a little nervous.

"Hey everyone time to call it a night" I looked over and saw my mom and Justin's mom standing at the bottom of the staircase. Thomas turned the music off and everyone got their stuff together. While everyone else was leaving I showed Justin around the house. When we got to my room I noticed he was tense again.

"And this is my room" I said leading him into my room "Nice you have a big room" he said looking around "wow you have a lot of CD's" he said in a surprised voice, he found my wall filled with CD's I'm talking a 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide bookcase

"Yeah I love music, and we mix a lot of different songs together for our performances, I have everything from R&B, Pop, Rap to Classical" I told him while watching his face, it was cute seeing his expression. When I stood next to him I noticed he tensed up, I wounded why he's tensing up like that I thought to myself.

"Hey justin it's time to head back to the hotel" his mom called up.

"Looks like i have to go i'll see you tomorrow Trey" he said while he hugged me, I was surprised that he did that it caught me off guard I was frozen for a few seconds remembering the feel of his body when he hugged me. I rushed to the top of the staircase Justin and his mom were just leaving.

"It was very nice meeting you Ms. Mallette" my mom said while shaking her hand.

"Call me Pattie" she said, she shook my dad's hand

"We will see you tomorrow then" my dad said. I watched them leave and I couldn't believe what was going on, but I did know I was going to look forward to tomorrow.

Justin's POV


Scooter was able to get us a early morning flight to toronto, I'm happy it's a short flight I was feeling a little nervous and being stuck on a long flight wouldn't have helped me.

"Good morning passengers it's 9:45 am, please put your seats in the upright position we are about to land" the flight attendant said over the PA.

"Justin?...Justin?" my mom was waving her hand in my face to get my attention.

"Oh sorry mom...I'm off in my own world..." I tried to pass a fake smile, I didn't want her asking me if everything is okay but knowing her she will get it out of me sooner or later I was wishing for later a lot later.

"Did you get any sleep on flight over" she asked me. She noticed when we left the hotel in New York that it looked like I didn't get much sleep. I told her I just ate something before I went to sleep, when really I just couldn't sleep because of how nervous I'm feeling, I haven't felt like this since I was 12.

"Yeah I slept for a little while" I only slept for thirty minutes, I didn't want to worry her to much. She would ask too many questions I don't have answers too right now.

"Is the Selena break up still bothering you honey?" She asked looking concerned. That's my mom always able to tell when I'm not at my best. I couldn't tell her the truth not yet, not until I figure everything out.

"I'm okay mom, it sucks but I should be fine" I told her hoping that will be enough to keep her from asking more questions.

"Okay Justin, but I'm here when you need to talk honey" she said with a caring look. I'm hoping that this day goes smoothly. We started to get our things together when the plane landed and made our way off the plane. And of course when we made it to the airport arrival area the media was everywhere.

"JUSTIN!! Over here" a random guy came up and flashed a camera in my face.

"JUSTIN!! Can I ask you a few questions" then some woman with a tape recorder in her hand shoves it in my face. The thing I hate about being famous is the media and the things they make up about me. The bodyguards Scooter sent was there to keep the mob away from me and mom.

"I still never get used to that" she said as we got into a black van. My mom doesn't like being caught in media, I do my best to keep her out of it.

"I hate how they can find me so easy" I watched the mob break apart as we drove away from the airport. I'm sure the world knows I'm back in Canada now. We made it to the hotel with not much issues, it was around 11 Am when we got unpacked and relaxed after the flight.

"So we are here to bring a dance group to LA with us?" my mom asked

"Yeah I came up with a cool idea for a dance competition and I have been watching this dance group from Canada on YouTube". I never got a chance to tell my mom the full details of everything.

"Sounds like an excellent idea Justin, I'm happy you're moving forward and staying positive" she had a smile that made me feel happy that she still believes in me and what I'm doing. The last few months have been though the break up my partying and hanging out with some of the stupidest friends, or so called friends. I just had a crazy thought about an old friend.

"Thanks mom, maybe we can just go around Toronto for a while, eat then go meet up with the dance group" I suggested, seeing if my mom will keep me company and relaxed.

"Sounds like a great idea justin, I'm going to grab my bag" she rubbed my head and ruffled up my hair as she went into her room of the hotel suite. I grabbed my cell and texted an old friend to see if he wanted to hang out it's been awhile since I've seen him with him going to university. My mom came back in with her bag ready to go.


We went around Toronto without much trouble, but I was right that everyone knows I'm in Toronto now. There was paparazzi everywhere, we got lucky at the restaurant we went to for lunch and didn't get attacked.

"So where too now justin?" My mom asked as we got into the van. I looked at the time it was around 3 pm.

"I think we should head over to meet the dance group" I felt nervous when I thought about meeting them especially Trey. I just hope I don't make a fool out of myself. When we pulled up to the house that Trey lived at, I was amazed by the outside of the house how grand it looked.

"Justin? Justin are going to go up and knock?" I snapped back to reality when I noticed my mom trying to get my attention.

"Right yeah, let's see if they are home" I got to get ahold of myself, I tried to calm my mind as we walked up to the front door. I pressed the doorbell and within 5 seconds a little boy opened the door he looked like a little version of Trey just with a small afro growing out. He looked surprised when he opened door.

"Hi is Tr..." I stopped myself mid sentence when I noticed the look on his face.

"No way you're Justin Bieber!!" He said with a wide smile, he looked cute when he responded like that I smiled at him.

" yes I am little guy...umm is there a Trey Johnson here by any chance?" I asked him making sure to keep my smile on.

"You're looking for my big bro..umm one second... MOM YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO GUESS WHO'S AT THE DOOR!!!" I laugh to myself and turned to look at my mom she smiled laughing a little.

"Evan what have I told you about yelling in the house..." a lady came down from the stairs directly behind the little boy that I guessed must be Trey's mother, she had the same surprised look on her face.

"...oh hello..umm aren't you Justin Bieber??

"Hello...umm yes I am, I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if a Trey Johnson lived here?" I asked making sure I was polite as possible.

"He left with his sister and his friends to the Eaton Center little over two hours ago." She seemed to have a very calm demeanor to her as she spoke. I thought about it and I didn't want to sit and wait here, for some strange reason I was feeling impatient.

"Justin how about we leave and come back" my mom suggest. I had an idea that I don't think my mom would like.

" I feel like going to the Eaton Center, it's been a long time since I've been there" I said waiting for her response.

" I don't know Justin, large mall public everywhere you will get swarmed "

" I'll have the guys with me they keep me safe nothing will happen trust me mom, you can do what you need to in an hour and we can meet back here." I knew the look she was giving me and I knew I was going to have a hard time.

"I'm sorry to interrupt" Ms. Johnson said, I forgot we were still in front of her door.

"No I'm so sorry to keeping you at the door like this" my mom said

"It's perfectly fine" she said with a smile

"Trey and his friends should be leaving the mall soon and I know where they normally hang out and I can tell you which entrance they will come out of if that helps" that was perfect I thought maybe with that my mom would be okay.

I didn't think my mom would finally let me go to the Eaton Center. Thanks to Trey's mom telling me where they would be helped.

"Mr. Bieber we are at the Eaton Center" the driver said. I remembered the Eaton Center how large it was loved coming here now I can't even walk in without getting attacked by crazy fans, I love them all though.

"Mr. Beiber what are you doing?" One of the bodyguards asked, I started to unbuckle my seatbelt and opened the van door.

"Don't worry guys it should be fine I will pull my hood up" I tried to sound convincing but I knew they didn't like the idea. As we made our way to the entrance of the mall it started I saw a flash of a camera on my left then that's when it got crazy. There was a large group of paparazzi coming at us, that's when I thought why doesn't anything go smoothly in my life. We had to push our way through the group of flashing cameras which caught the attention of people. The entrance to the mall became hectic, we made it into the mall I noticed a little girl get knocked over I rushed over to see if she was okay.

"Are you okay little girl??" I reached out and lifted her up, she had that same crazy fan look I laughed to myself if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here I thank fans like her.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE TOUCHING MY ARM!!" She said...well more like screamed I made a smile keep her calm. I gave her the CD back that she dropped.

"Here is your CD, do you want me to sign it for you?" I asked her, she just nodded her head, guessing she is in shock or something I made sure to keep smiling to keep her calm. I looked up and that's when I saw him `Trey' I said his name in my head, he stood out to me for some strange reason. I took a picture with the little girl, I got the attention of one of my bodyguards and pointed toward Trey. When I reached Trey and his friends he looked like he was in different world, he looked cute I realized what I thought and pushed it aside I reached out and smiled at him the best I could.

"Hello guys I was hoping to find you before this got to crazy" I noticed a brunet girl next to him poke him in the side...maybe she is his girlfriend.

"Sorry ...just odd that Justin Bieber himself is looking for us" When I shook his hand there was something that I felt, I couldn't place what it was. I didn't want to freak him out so I just smiled but I noticed his eyes, they were light brown with flecks of green.

"Yeah..I wanted to come up and give your crew The Hiptronics a proposition, and plus I said I would come up to have a dance off against you" I realized I held the handshake longer than normal, hope he didn't notice.

"I went to your house first and met your mother....I believe, she told me that you guys would be here, I think it would be good to go back to your house to talk everything over before we get mauled by all the people." We all agreed and headed through the crazy crowd of people.

We all made it back to Trey's house without any issues. I felt nervous about everything I had sweaty palms, the feeling I had when I got to see him face to face I couldn't explain it but he must have a girlfriend maybe it was that girl next to him. I had to get these feelings straightened out. We were all sitting in his living room, there was an older man sitting on the left of Trey's mother and Trey was sitting on her right, he looked to be Trey's father he looked intimidating it didn't help with my nervousness.

"So I wanted to invite Trey and The Hiptronics to a dance competition I'm putting together, that's starting up in two months" I noticed Trey's expression change he looked surprised. "And who ever wins the competition will tour with me next year around the world." I noticed everyone looked happy and excited. I felt tense when I noticed Trey's father expression change.

"Will there be some sort of contract they have to sign?" Mr. Johnson asked, he looks like the business type of man. I felt my tongue not up in my mouth.

"Yes there is a contract, Scooter Justin's manager is making it up and going to send it to me tomorrow so you can go over everything." Thank god my mom was here with me, I relaxed after she picked up the conversation.

"That's perfect then I'm sure Trey's friends and their family want to go over everything, how about you kids go downstairs to the studio while the three of us talk" Trey's mom smiled at me, she must have noticed my nervousness.

"That's a great idea mom let's head down guys" Trey said as he got up. I followed him and the others down a set of stairs, when we got to the bottom of the stairs we walked into a huge dance studio, large wall of mirrors and a lounge area off to the side, it looked amazing. We walked over to the lounge area and talked quickly about the competition.

"Yeah so I'm bringing you guys in as my wild card pick, there will be 8 groups altogether the other 7 groups have to addition, it will be a world wide competition." I saw the excitement in their eyes. After I explained the rest the two other girls Candice and Latisha showed me around the studio.

"The dance studio is amazing, you guys practice here all the time?" I asked them.

"Yup we live down here...basically" Latisha said posing in front of the mirrors and laughing. She seemed to be an out going kind of girl she made me laugh.

"So Mr. Bieber...you're cuter in person" The other girl Candice seemed interested in me so far she's laughed at everything I've said and is trying to hang on my arm.

"Thanks...and you can just call me Justin Mr. Bieber is my dad" I tried to smile and not come off rude. She started rambling on about something but I've been more interested in getting to talk too Trey. I notice from the corner of my eyes he's been looking over at me I hope he hasn't noticed my quick glances at him. He's been sitting with the other girl April I believe her name was `I hope they aren't together', I realized what I was thinking and tried to focus on what Candice was saying to shake those thoughts out of my head. Then music started playing I saw Thomas and Marcus over by what looks to be the stereo system. Latisha started dancing in front of the wall of mirrors she looked free as she moved, I noticed Trey and April got up and started to dance and the three of them started to move in sync it was cool to watch up close.

Thomas came over and pulled Candice into the dancing, I just stood there watching them rocking to the music. Then Trey broke off from the dancing and walked over. He stood next to me about half a foot away, I felt nervous `why am I feeling like this' I thought to myself I just got my courage together then tried to talk to him.

"Its cool how you guys move all in sync and right on time with the music" I mustered a sentence together.

"I've seen you dance, you got some moves too" he respond and smiled, he had a great smile.

"Thanks but I wouldn't be able to keep up with you" I tried to match his smile with my own, we locked eyes for a second and I got lost in his light brown eyes that had green flecks in them they were beautiful. I realized I was staring and looked away quickly `crap' I thought to myself, hope he doesn't think I'm weird.

"No it's not that hard I can show you some time...if you want" he was offering to show me how to dance like him, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Cool!...I mean that will be cool" I can't believe I'm acting so stupid around him.

"Hey everyone time to call it a night" I looked over and saw my mom with Trey's mom at the bottom of the stairs. As everyone else was leaving Trey showed me around the rest of his house.

"And this is my room" He said as he lead me through the door. He had an amazing bed room, typical teenage room posters up of movies, different music bands. I noticed a large bookcase, it was filled with music CD hundreds of them.

"Wow you have a lot of CDs" the bookcase must have been at least 6 feet tall.

"Yeah I love music, and we mix a lot of different songs together for our performances, I have everything from R&B, Pop, Rap to Classical." He was next to me and I felt nervous again, still couldn't figure out this weird feeling.

"Hey Justin it's time to head back to the hotel" my mom startled me when she called my name.

"Looks like i have to go, i'll see you tomorrow Trey" I said, as I was turning to leave his room I turned back and hugged him bye, it was crazy random my body went into autopilot. I felt his body tense up, when I realized what I was doing I bolted out of his room leaving him standing there.

"It was very nice meeting you Ms. Mallette" Trey's mom and dad were saying goodbye to my mom as I got my shoes on I noticed Trey at the top of the stairs.

"Call me Pattie" my mom said as we were leaving she shook Mr. Johnson's hand

"We will see you tomorrow then" he said. When the door closed behind us I was thinking tomorrow will be an interesting day.

Sorry guys that it's taking forever for me to update this story. I'm working on it hope you guys like it. I'll have the next chapter up soon. Please remember to donate to Nifty

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