Dancing on a Cloud

By Trey Asson

Published on Aug 15, 2015


Dancing on a Cloud

DISCLAIMER This is a fictional story involving gay sex between two males. I am in no way suggesting that the character involved is gay. I have no idea of his sexuality. It is not intended to imply his true sexuality or any personal knowledge of his private live. The character involved are copyrighted.


Trey's POV

Hey im Tremaine Johnson everyone calls me Trey (I prefer Trey) anyway im your typical guy 19 years old 5 foot 9 dark caramel skin short black hair faded on the sides. I live with both my parents Lydia and Everest Johnson and my twin sister Tanisha and my little brother Evan. My mom is a very well known dancer and now teaches my dad is chief executive director for a marketing company. So its the last week of summer and I'm about to start my third year of highschool. I'm a normal highschool guy, friends with everyone maintained B to B+ grades which keeps rents happy and off my back. I dance just like my mom and she has taught me everything she knows. I've created my own dance crew called The Hiptronics and we do performances at my college and other public places and oh I forgot to say I'm gay what a life I live.

Let's get to it then

BEEP BEEP!!! I knock over my alarm clock

"let me sleep for thirty more minutes" I mumble as I turn over

BAM!!! "Wake up Trey!!!!" Evan yells as he kicks my bedroom door open, Evan is a 13 year old monster but I still love him

" what do you want you freak I want to sleep" as I throw my pillow at him "ha-ha you missed" he says laughing sticking his tongue at me " mommy wants me to wake you up" he says as he jumps on my bed

"okay okay stop jumping on my bed go tell her I'm awake and I'll be down in a few minutes" I tell him. He runs off downstairs, I pull myself out of my warm bed and walk into the hallway to get to the bathroom as I try to open the door of course it's locked, I knock on the door

"come on Tanisha do you have to be the first to use the bathroom every morning" I groan threw the door, the door flies open

"cause brother perfection takes time and you can't rush perfection" she says looking at me annoyed. I roll my eyes at her response "just move so I can get ready" pushing my way thru the bathroom door

"I can't wait for Alex to get here" she says looking all excited, I roll my eyes again "don't give me that look, Alex is my boyfriend get over it" as she walks downstairs to the kitchen. I still can't believe MY BEST FRIEND is dating my twin sister I shudder as I think to myself, looking at myself in the mirror not bad looking good

"today is going to be a good day" I say smiling at my reflection. I take my shirt off and flex yeah working out and dancing is keeping me in great shape well defined chest and abs to kill for, I take one more look at myself and start to get ready for the day.

I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen when I heard my mom talking "where is your brother?? Evan go back up stairs...." I cut her off as I came around the corner "no need to mom I'm right here" I say with a large smile

"Finally you're awake your alarm went off twice this morning" she said as she was tapping her finger on the counter. "I'm sorry mom that I slept in on a Saturday and it being summer too and everything" I say sarcastically "don't give me that, you told me yesterday that today is important and that I should make sure you're up early this morning and you decide to sleep in"

As my mom was about to give me one of her famous lectures the doorbell went off DING DONG!! "I'll get it!!" Both me and Tanisha say. We both make our way to the door "move out of my way Trey!!"

"Why should I Tanisha" as I hold her back from the door as I laugh. I open the door to see my best friend Alex standing in the other side, he gives me a strange look and notices I'm holding Tanisha back with my hand in her face, "hey man I don't want to see you treating my girlfriend like that" he says walking in moving my hand and hugging Tanisha, "can you guys keep the PDA to a minimum around me please" I shudder

"Oh shut up Trey" Tanisha says looking annoyed, mission accomplished I think to myself "haha you guys are too much you know that" Alex says as he laughs "Alex don't laugh!" Tanisha says as she stomps her feet, "I'm sorry Tanisha just love seeing how you two act around each other" Alex says smiling

"well you're here now I'm happy" Tanisha beams as she wraps her arms around his.

We all headed up to my room "so you ready to see my master piece that I put up last night" Alex says all proudly.

"So you guys got your performance from last weeks event up on YouTube?" Tanisha asks "yeah Alex was editing the last of it yesterday, I'm so pumped right now it was one of our biggest performances" Alex pulls his laptop out of his bag, setting everything up, Alex has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten and now he helps manage and tapes my dance group, he gets our name out there it

"holy shit 500000 views on the video already!!!" Alex says looking very surprised. "What!?" I yell "yeah there seems to be someone famous that's posted and everyone is following on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube"

Tanisha and I are looking over Alex's shoulder at the laptop I was surprised at the name I saw......why did he post on our YouTube channel I thought to myself.....

Justin Bieber's POV

The night before

Hi my name is Justin Bieber, a pop star from Canada and I just finished performing at Madison Square Garden and I was relaxing in my hotel room thinking about a bunch of different things on my mind the break up with Selena Gomez, it being all over the news and I can't go a day without someone asking me about it. I just want to be left alone when it comes to my love life right now. I started thinking I need to get away for a while just relax so I could gather my thoughts. I then realized I should catch up on my posts on twitter and just surf the web to distract myself.

"I'll waste time looking at YouTube videos" as I was looking thru the videos a familiar channel showed up that I have been looking at recently, a dance group from Canada called The Hiptronics. I've been watching them for a few months now and they have been getting a lot of views and I love that they're from Canada

"nice they have a new video they just put up" I said to myself one of the other reasons I've been watching them is because of the lead dancer Trey Johnson I can't get his face out of my mind ever since I found out about them I've looked at every video and been dreaming about him a lot

"Why have I been thinking about him so much...." I said out loud. Then he came up and started break dancing and my mind started to think of him taking his shirt off "what the fuck why am I thinking that" I said then I started to get hard in my shorts as I was watching him then he just started to move so smoothly

'he looks like a God when he moves like that' I thought to myself "why am I getting so hard?....maybe I have feelings for him but I don't even know him..... or about what I'm thinking about. I was just dating Selena what's wrong with me......" The next thing I knew I commented on the video

"what did I just do!?!" Yelling in my empty room. KNOCK KNOCK "everything okay in there Mr. Bieber?" the bodyguard asking from the other side of the door

"I'm okay!" I called back I'm just freaking out because of what I commented (Justin's post: WOW another great performance, you guys are such great dancers, you have real talent Trey!) reading it over it's not that bad is it? I haven't posted before but there was something edging me on telling me to do it

"I have a great idea! I'll talk to Scooter tomorrow about it...maybe.." my thoughts are all over the place 'what if he thinks it's a weird idea, then I can't meet Trey' I started to think maybe I should get some sleep wake up fresh with a clear head.........

Justin dreaming

"Hi Justin its great getting to meet you" he said looking right into my eyes shaking my hand

"wow you are hot up close" I responded realizing I was staring, what did I just say

"you're the hot one Justin" he pushed me and I landed on my back in a bed "where are we?" I asked "shhh its just you and me" he said in a seductive voice. Oh my god he's soo fucking hot I was thinking to myself. Then he smashed his soft lips to mine....

I woke up in a cold sweat and I noticed I cummed in my shorts "a wet dream about a guy, what's going on with me?" While I was looking up at the ceiling and I started thinking 'what am I going to do.......'

Okay this is my first time writing a story hope you guys like and I upload more thanks guys

Next: Chapter 2

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