Dance with Me

By Ice Cold

Published on Sep 1, 2001


This is dedicated to Rica for being the bestfriend I ever had. Thank you so much.

Hey, it's me again. EC. So how do you like the story so far. Now I'm listening to "Emotions" of Destiny's Child. They already sold two million copies in two weeks. I'm not sure but it's close to that figure. Buy the album. It's good. It'll be worth your money. I like Beyonce. She's the lead singer and she's very beautiful but I'd still trade the Mona Lisa for Justin straight on.

Don't you hate it when you click on something on the web and it says you won 50 dollars. And you go, yehey! yipee! And then it will make you fill up so many forms that by the time you get to the one form that is important, you don't have the energy to type your name address and age again. So what do you do, you log off and you never actually claimed your prize. Damn Treeloot and Banana Bucks.

Disclaimer: Fiction means not real. And that's what this story is. Not real. I'm not saying that Justin is gay nor am I saying that Justin is straight. For all we know, he could be straight or gay. So don't assume.

One of the great stories here in Nifty is 'Studio In The Country'. I was wondering whether it was good or not and from the first chapter alone, I knew it was good. You're a really great writer, Michael. is my website. Under the quote section is EC's Corner. It's where my original quotes are.

Dance With Me

Kyle sat at the table. Justin sat next to him who was seated next to Chris. JC, Lance and Joey were on the other side of the table. Lance raised his eyebrow at Justin, noticing the position where he sat.

"So, what do we eat?", Justin asked.

"Anyone up for pizza?", Kyle asked.

"Not really. We just ate pizza two days ago. How bout' burgers?", Lance said.

"Okay.", Kyle signaled for a waiter.

Everyone just kept looking at him. When Kyle looked back at them, he noticed all of them looking at him.

"What? Do I have something on my face?", Kyle asked as he felt his face for something.

"Nope. Nothing on your face.", Lance said and Kyle put his hand down.

"Are you sure you're human?", Justin asked. "Cause you don't dance like one"

Kyle blushed.

"Justin's dissing you because he found somebody who dances better than him and he hates it.", Lance teased.

"Am not!", Justin said.

They all laughed except Justin who glared at Lance. Their burgers came and they ate as they talked.

They finished and Kyle offered to pay but his hand was slapped away by Justin, saying that it was his treat.

"No, this is my hometown and you're the guests.", Kyle said as he grabbed the check but Justin grabbed the other end.

"But I insist.", Justin said.

The check ripped in half. Lance rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you each pay half of the check?", he said irritatably.

"Why didn't I think of that?", Justin and Kyle both said at the same time.

The waiter returned with a new check. They each paid half of the check and was about to argue who would tip when Lance slammed a five-dollar bill on the table, ending the argument.

"Okay. Let's go. Kyle, is there any place where we can have some fun?, Chris said.

"Depends where you wanna go. Arcades. Skating. Rollerblades. Swimming. Tennis. Bikes. You name it, we got it."

"Okay, how about we go to a mall and find what we want from there?"

"Sounds good to me."

They dropped me off the front of my house. We had fun. Well, as much as fun as you would get if a mob of screaming girls were hounding your companions.

Especially, when Joey slipped on his ice skates and fell on his butt. Or when Lance threw the bowling ball but forgot to let go. Or when JC dripped ketchup on his shirt and the waitress offered to lick it off for him.

"Honey, where were you?", mom said interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Huh...Oh...I was with Nsync."

"The group you're going to work for?"


"That's good. Come on. Wash up. Dinner's ready."

As I marched to my room, I saw the picture we of us together when she was still pregnant with Krisy. And on the same day, she went to labor.

Then it struck me that mom didn't know about me being gay. Maybe, I should tell her. She deserves to know. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

From the look on her face, it showed that she would rather have Godzilla come marching through the house. She put her hand across her mouth.

"Mom, say something."

She took off her hand.

"You can't be gay. You can't be."

"Mom. I am gay."

"You can't be gay."

"This is the way I am. Don't you love me?"

"Yes, I love you but..."

"But what?!"

"It's wrong Kyle.", she argued.

"It's not wrong. Do you think God created me to be wrong?"

"Maybe, we could Bishop Artie to talk to you and turn you away from this life of evil."

I stood up.

"I'm gay, mom. Always has and will always be. If you can't accept me then I guess you don't love me."

With tears in my eyes, I ran out the door slamming it loudly.

The darkness found a figure along the sidewalk, occasionally kicking pebbles out of the way.

Kyle didn't know what to do.

Did mom think that I chose to be gay? Is she stupid or what? Where will I go now? Should I go to Steven? Mark? Or Ciaran? No. I should think this all by myself.

Kyle kept walking and found a bar which he entered.

Okay. There are two men beside me, kissing in public and two men making out in front of me. Oh. Gay bar.

I didn't know why but something kept me from leaving the bar. I wasn't sad. I was angry. Run for shelter, all you out there. I'm angry. I'm mad and if I'm mad and angry, expect Satan to whimper and curl into a ball.

I walked up to the bartender.

"Can I have a drink?"

"Sure, what will it be?", he asked.


"Okay. Coming right up."

He gave me something reddish in color and I drank it slowly. I gulped it down and my throat burned as it dropped to my stomach.

I sighed again. I was still angry but I just can't look angry. I looked longingly to the dance floor and saw the people trying their best to look like they were even dancing.

"Stupid people."

I stood up and joined them, pushing people on my way to the center. I hopped on the platform at the center and started dancing.

And when I closed my eyes, instead of my father's proud face, my mother's half-angry, half-sad expression filled my mind, spurring my anger on causing me to dance harder.

I don't know how long I danced there but when I opened my eyes. Only a few people were left and almost everyone was looking at me. With lust splattered on their face.

I may be angry but I'm not stupid.

I jumped down from the platform and walked to the bartender for another drink.

"Another drink, please?"

"Nice dancing kid."

I sat down and began sipping the liquor in my glass.

Somebody sat beside me.

"Hey, cutie. Wanna get together?", the somebody asked.

Well, looks can be deceiving because this someone was gorgeous. He had hazel eyes and brown hair but boy did he have a black mind.

"Nope.", I spat out.

"C'mon, I know you want to.", he said and began stroking my cheek.

I pushed his hands away. He was getting my temper really, really high.

"Do me a favor and don't touch me.", I snapped.

"How about if you do me a favor and let my cock go inside those cute buns of yours?", he said and began stroking my chest.

I slapped his hands away and faced him.

"Look I'm dealing with some problems so back off."

"Awwww. Poor baby. Maybe you'll forget your problem if you get fucked by me.", he said and touched my crotch.

That was it. My nerves were shot, my mother was angry at me and my temper rising. I couldn't hold back anymore. I grabbed his hand and bought my palm up his nose.

He howled in pain as blood started to trickle out of his nose.

"As I told you, I'm letting off a little steam right now and for your sake don't piss me off. Now if you're volunteering to let my steam off on you, you're more than welcome but I'm sure it won't be good for you. I'm warning you, piss me off again and the next time, I won't be so gentle.", I emphasized my point by painfully twisting his arm.

He nodded but that wasn't enough for me. I kicked the leg of his chair which sent him tumbling down. I kicked him in the shin, inducing another pathetic howl from him.

Finally thinking that he learned his lesson, I took out my wallet, threw a twenty dollar bill at the bartender and ran out of the bar.

Justin and Chris decided to order dinner instead of trying to make one. They drove around town for a restaurant.

"Isn't that Kyle?", Justin said.

Chris looked a little closer and confirmed Justin's question.

"Yes, that's him. Wonder what he's doing out so late?", Chris said.

Just then Kyle tripped and fell on the sidewalk. Instead of getting up, he just stayed there.

"Oh my God!", Justin quickly drove over to Kyle.

I was walking to Steven's house. Maybe, I should spend the night there. I'll tell him that I had a fight with mom and I don't wanna discuss it. I felt so sad, drained and empty. It's like I want to stop but I couldn't.

I began to run. I ran and ran until I tripped over a small tile on the sidewalk. I fell and I didn't stand up.

I wish I could just stay there. But I felt hands shaking me.

"Kyle, are you alright?"

I looked up and saw Justin.


"Yeah, it's me. Are you alright?"

Once again, the floodgates opened. I couldn't hold back anything.

"No Justin. Nothing's alright.", I sobbed.

He embraced me and I embraced back as hard as I could. At least, Justin was there. I didn't want to leave. I felt so safe and protected in his arms.

"Can you stand up?", Justin asked.

"I think so." And I stood up.

"What were you doing outside at a time like this?"

"Family problems. I was going to Steven's house."

"How far is that? We'll drive you there."

"It's not that far. It's only eight more blocks away."

"Eight blocks! At this time of night."

"It's the only place I can go to."

"Tell you what. Our hotel is only four blocks away and we have a car so why don't you just sleep at our hotel."

"Thanks for the offer. But it's gonna be a hassle."

"Enough with the formality crap. You're welcome to stay."

And with that, Justin took Kyle's hand, leaving Kyle no room for argument and led him inside the car.

Justin drove, Chris at the front passenger and me at the back. I was so tired. So I lay my head down on the seat and fell asleep.

Chris nudged Justin who looked and saw Kyle sleeping at the back of the car. 'He looks so cute when he sleeps'.

They drove to a Chinese restaurant and ordered take-out food. They drove back to the hotel. Chris carried the food while Justin carried Kyle.

When Chris entered the suite with the food, everyone cheered but was stopped when Chris motioned for silence by putting a finger close to his mouth.

Justin entered with Kyle in his arms. Everyone awwwed at the sight. Justin stuck out his tongue on the others. He climbed the stairs and put Kyle on his bed who immediately curled up in a fetal position.

"God, he looks so cute.", Justin said aloud before joining the others downstairs.

All ate in silence and attempts to make conversation was quickly doused by silence. Aside from Justin, everyone was thinking the same thing. It was Lance who broke the ice.

"I think everyone will agree if I call a group meeting.", he said

Everyone nodded and they all huddled around the coffee table.

"Okay first issue. What happened to Kyle?"

"We were looking for food when we found him and he tripped then cried.", Justin explained.

"Why was he crying?"

"He said that it was family problems.", Chris said.

"Anything else?"

"Not that I can remember."

"Okay. Second issue.", Lance said shyly.

Everyone looked at Justin.

"What?", Justin said in alarm.

"It's about you."


"Yes. Ummm...Anything that we should know about you and Kyle?"

Justin blushed then looked down at the floor.

"Well, I really like him and if it's possible, maybe we could try."

"Just don't get your hopes up because we don't know if he looks that way.", Chris advised.

"Okay. Enough embarassing Curly and we have to discuss the third issue."

"It's about Kyle."



"What about him?"

"Look, everytime we meet him, he cries."

"So are you saying we fire him? Are you nuts, Lance? You've seen how good he is.", Justin argued

"If you let me talk, Justin, before you go gaga over your boyfriend, I am not planning on firing him, if everyone agrees, I want to help him in any possible way with his 'problem'." Lance suggested.

"Let's go for it!", Justin quickly said.

"Sure, let's do it.", JC added.

"So it's settled. Tomorrow we talk to Kyle, okay? Speaking of tomorrow, we need to sleep so everyone it's time for bed."

Please send messages to if you don't guilt on you and shame. Guilt and shame. Guilt. Shame. Guilt. Shame. This isn't working, is it? Damn.

Keep smiling, EC

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