Dance with Me

By Ice Cold

Published on Jul 15, 2001


Disclaimer: Think of two guys fucking each other. If you're horny then you can read this. If you're disgusted then what the heaven are you doing here!

I'm listening to A1's album, 'The A List'. as I'm writing this. Buy it. It's really good. Especially the song, "I'll Take The Tears."

I don't have a website but I create quotes and sometimes poems. So if you wanna read them go to Anything that is signed by EC (eternal coldness) is made by me. I don't know if the website has been updated. I asked my friend last week who maintains the website about how soon can SHE update and SHE said that MIGHT update it during the weekend. So I don't know if she already updated it.

Before you read this, shout "Thank God for David.". Yes, David, the one who upholds the Nifty website that we love so much. I want to thank you David for your undying patience especially with the absolute mayhem and chaos my 1st story 'warmth and coldness' created.

Dance With Me

Move with unnatural grace

Delicate boyish charm

Pretty dancer, pretty dancer

Dance with me


Justin moved in his sleep and rolled over. JC smiled and got off the bed.

"No Mark, don't do it.", Justin snorted.

JC smiled. He knew who Mark was. Justin told him everything about himself during their Mickey Mouse Club days. JC knew that Mark was Justin's old boyfriend and broke up with him because he felt neglected because Justin spent too much time on MMC.

It was a heartbreaking moment for Justin when Mark told him that they couldn't go on like that. Only JC knew what Justin's sexuality was until a week ago.

Justin was looking at Mark's photo and tears sprang to his eyes again. Someone knocked on the door.

"Justin, dinnertime."

When nobody answered, Chris entered the room and saw Justin.

"Justin dinner...What happened?"

Chris sat down beside Justin. "What's wrong, Justin and who is that?", Chris said pointing to the Justin's photo of Mark.

Justin looked at Chris. "He's my ex-boyfriend."

Chris had a very shocked expression on his face. "Y-you're g-gay."

Justin looked down. "Yes, I am."

"O-okay. It's dinnertime.", Chris said again and ran out of the room.

Chris' action only served to bring Justin tears. JC entered the room and saw Justin's state.

"Justin what's wrong?"

"I have to leave the band JC."

For the next few days, Chris and Joey acted very strangely around Justin. Lance wasn't affected by the news but Chris and Joey's action were really hurting Justin's heart.

Everytime he entered a room, Chris and Joey would say an excuse to hurry out. It never failed to bring Justin to tears. His two big brothers now hated him.

I'm leaving JC,

I'm sorry. It won't be the same with Chris and Joey. Don't worry, Nsync will still survive. Remember when you had that warm-up and I couldn't perform because I was sick? Well, I saw you on tape and you were great even without me. Maybe, I'll comeback someday. Who am I kidding? Chris and Joey will probably shut the door on me. So this is it. Goodbye guys. I still love you all. Chris, I'm sorry if I let you down.

It was fun,


Justin's hand trembled as he wrote the last letters. The letter was tear stained and his handwriting was a little scribbly because of his shaking hand.

Justin left the letter on the nightstand, took his bags and ran from the room. He was about to make it out the door when he bumped into Chris. Justin's bags flew around and he lay on the ground. Chris looked at Justin then at Justin's bags.

"Where are you going Justin?"

Justin didn't answer. He just hurriedly gathered his bags and began to leave. Chris stopped Justin. "Where are you going, Justin?"

"I'm leaving Chris. I know when I'm not needed here. I had fun. Bye Chris."

"No! You are not going anywhere, Justin!"

"Why?! I can't stay here! You and Joey hate me!"

"No, we don't."

"Then why are you avoiding me?!"

Chris fell silent and Justin sprouted fresh tears. He took his bags and ran from the hotel but bumped into someone.

'Damn! Please let me leave.', Justin cursed in his head. He looked up and saw JC. 'Shit. Of all people, why did it have to be him!'

"Where are you going, Justin?"

"I'm leaving JC."

"WHAT?! You can't leave."

"Oh yeah? You're free to try to stop me."

JC held Justin and refused to let him go. Justin thrashed and kicked JC. Through grunts of pain, JC held on.

"Justin, please stop it. You're hurting me."

"Then let me go!", and he kicked JC in the shin. JC gasped in pain. "I'm sorry, Justin.", JC apologized and brought his fist to Justin's stomach.

Justin gasped in pain and passed out. JC looked at the limp figure in his arms. JC stood up and winced a little at the pain in his leg where Justin kicked him. He carried Justin to his room and he saw Chris at the bed, holding a letter in his hands while crying softly.


Chris looked up and his face flooded with relief when he saw Justin in JC's arms.

"Chris, what happened?"

"It's all my fault and Joey. Justin tried to leave because he thought we hated him."

"You could have fooled me."

"We don't hate Justin. It's just that we don't know how to act around him. We might screw up and he might think that we hate him."

"You already screwed up. You avoided Justin and that made him think that you hate him."

"I'm sorry, JC."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Justin when he wakes up."

"Yeah. When he wakes up. Wait a minute, how did you put him to sleep?"

JC smiled a shy smile and instantly it turned to a pout. "I kind of belted him on the guts."

Chris giggled. "Get ready for hell when he wakes up."

"Hey! It's only fair he kept on kicking and punching me."

Back to the present...

JC went out the door and went down the stairs and was met by the three other members.

"How's Justin doing?", Chris asked.

"Tired...and mumbling", JC said

"Let me guess. About Mark again?", Lance smirked

"Yup.", JC answered.

The three laughed and went downstairs to join Joey who was watching TV.

"I'm hungry. Anybody up for pizza? Or Chinese?", Lance offered.

"Pizza!", JC and Chris said. Joey rolled his eyes and nodded.

Lance phoned the pizza and was told to wait for thirty to forty-five minutes.

They casually chatted with each other until the pizza arrived. Lance paid and tipped the delivery man.

Back upstairs, Justin started stirring. After the photo shoot, they hopped on a plane to Orlando. All five except Justin slept on the plane because he didn't feel tired. When they arrived at the hotel, his sleepiness suddenly hit him and he decided to take a short nap.

Smelling pizza, he jumped out of bed and joined the guys downstairs. Upon reaching the dining room, he saw three boxes of pizza that were empty. He groaned.

"Just how much pizza did you leave for me?", Justin asked.

"Hey sleepyhead's awake. Did anyone put away any pizza for him?", JC asked.

Lance shook his head so did Joey and also Chris.

"Man, why did you have to eat everything up?", Justin pouted.

"Sorry Curly, we didn't know that you would wake up.", Chris said

Justin was going to order another pizza but was stopped by JC.

"I left you some pizza in the kitchen counter.", JC whispered.

"You said that you didn't leave any for me."

"I asked if any of them left pizza. I didn't say that I didn't leave some for you.", JC smartly replied.

"Smartass.", Justin said and kissed JC on the cheek.

Justin entered the kitchen and came out with five slices of pizza.

"Where did you get those?", Chris asked.

"JC left some for me before you pigs ate it all."

"Oh." Then turning to JC. "So sneaking off some table scraps for the dog.", Chris said and laughed.

"I'll show you dog. I'm gonna bite you.", Justin said as he bounded off after Chris who ran around the room.

"Children, we have another plane to catch.", Lance announced. "In thirty minutes. So Justin stop chasing Chris around."

Justin stuck his tongue out at Chris who pouted. "And you Chris lay off Justin.", Chris stuck his tongue out at Justin.

"Stop it and get going!", Lance scolded.

Justin went upstairs and gathered his bag and went back downstairs with a frown.

"Why the sad face Curly?", Joey asked.

"Our bodyguards aren't here. We're gonna get mobbed at the airport."

Everyone but Lance, who was smiling, paled. It was true. Their bodyguards were out of commission because they had a seminar back at N.Y. JC noticed the smile on Lance's face.

"What are you grinning like an idiot for, Lance? Do you enjoy getting ripped to shreds by fans at the airport?", JC asked.

"No duh. The reason why I'm not worried about that is because I thought ahead and brought this.", he said as he presented a black bag.

Everyone gathered around and peered into the bag with happiness and each gave Lance a peck on the cheek.

Inside the bag was make-up, fake moustaches and goatees. Hair dyes and styling gel. Wigs and colored contacts. They all put on different styles and combinations and decided on the right colors.

"Wow! If I didn't know better, I'd say that that was gorilla instead of Chris. Then again, gorilla, Chris, what's the difference?", Justin said.

"I'll show you gorilla", And made a move to strangle Justin but was cut off by Lance

"Stop right there, Kirpatrick. We don't have time for this. We need to get to the airport.", Lance reminded.

"Fine.", he said and stopped.

They all packed up and went to the airport.

At the airport, nobody recognized them. They rode in first class and the plane took off.

Kyle woke up and realized he was in bed. Who put him in the bed? Who carried him last night?

He sat up and proceeded to shower. As he began to lather up his body, the nightmare he had last night, pinged inside his head again. He silently cried in the shower. After the sadness ebbed away, he continued to finish his shower.

He stepped out and put on some clothes. He went downstairs and found his mom serving breakfast to his three brothers. Ciaran noticed Kyle's red eyes.

"Are you crying, Kyle?", Ciaran asked.

"No, I just got some soap in my eyes.", Kyle quickly lied.

"Is it about the nightmare last night?", Ciaran asked.

"What nightmare?", Kyle's mom, Kathy, asked.

"He had a nightmare last night and I woke up with him. He cried and I fell asleep again. I woke up again in the middle of the night and found Kyle at the den. He was crying in his sleep. I picked him up and put him to bed."

"What are the nightmares about, Kyle?", Kathy asked.

Kyle took a deep breath and sighed loudly.

"About dad."

There was a very awkward silence. Kathy looked at Kyle, very concerned. His dreams of his dad left him around when he was ten and never resurfaced. And yet after eight years, once again, it reared its ugly head.

Kyle began to tear up once more. His silent sobs drew pity from his three brothers. Mark put an arm around Kyle and hugged him and they were joined by his two brothers.

Kathy smiled at the group hug. She was glad that God gave Kyle three loving brothers to protect him.

"Kyle, we have talked about this.", Kathy asked.

"No mom. I won't"

"You have to see a psychologist. We agreed that if you have another nightmare..."

"Mom! I'm not crazy!"

"Kyle, I know you miss dad but..."

"How would you even know?" Kyle was sobbing harder than ever. Tears were staining his cheeks.


"You weren't even there when the accident happened.", Kyle stood up, took his bag and ran outside.

Kyle reached the studio. He took out the spare key and opened the door. Richard, the manager of the studio, gave Kyle a spare key when he worked as a junior choreographer once. After the job, Richard told Kyle to keep the key and that he was welcome to enter the studio anytime. Richard also gave Kyle a small stage to practice on or to dance whenever he wanted to. This was one of the places where Kyle felt in control.

He walked over to the small table and put his CD player on it. He played a song. He moved to the music and lost himself in his world.

Richard opened the door and found it open. 'Kyle must be inside', he thought as he turned to the group he was leading.

"If you would please follow me," he said and smiled.

The group he was leading was people who were looking for locations to shoot a video. They negotiated with Richard and Richard agreed to show them the studio.

Richard led the group to the main auditorium and showed his audio and video technical units and the several camers that could be attached from different viewpoints.

Richard led the group to the lounge. As they were passing the hallway, one of the persons from the group stopped. He looked inside the room. There was music to be heard. He opened the door and found a figure dancing to the music. He looked in awe as he was mesmerized by the person who was dancing with unnatural grace. His movements were fast but it was so graceful and poised that it looked like it was in slow motion.

The person, Tom, shook his head to clear himself of the trance he was getting in.

"Mel! Come look at this!", he shouted.

The group turned back and hurriedly walked over to Tom, who was pointing at the dancing figure. Once more, the trance swept over them and kept them in their place. They all gasped in awe of the person.

Mel shook his head and nudged Richard.

"Who's that?"

"That's Kyle. He comes here to dance sometimes. He's my junior choreographer."

"He's good. Really talented. No. More than talented. Like he was born to dance. Get his attention. I want to talk to him."

"No, let him finish the song. It's the finale that gets your eyes glued."

"How do you know this?"

"I've watched him dance and trust me, he's good. He doesn't want to audition for any dance gigs. He says he's not good enough. But I've seen him enough times to say that he's great. He just lacks confidence."

True to his word, Kyle hit the finale and began doing incredible moves and steps. Just as the music was about to end, Kyle cartwheeled forward three times and landed on his toes without a sound.

He heard clapping and turned around, expecting Gillian but was stunned to see a large group of people. He blushed under the standing ovation.

"Young man, what's your name?" Mel asked.

"K-Kyle. Kyle Dalehigh."

"May I talk to you in private?"

Kyle nodded and walked over to her. Mel took Kyle aside and led him into the lounge.

"Kyle, that was fantastic. In all of my years, I've never seen someone dance that good."

Kyle once more blushed.

"Thank you. That's too kind."

"I mean every word. I am seriously considering this studio because it has excellent facilities."

"That's great! The studio is in hot water. Richard has been having a hard time keeping it open. Nobody has been doing videos lately."

"Now, the reason I wanted to talk to you was because on our trip here we found our new choreographer and our new back-up dancer for the band that I'm representing, if you get what I mean."

Kyle's eyes widened.

"Am I really that good?"

"Kid, you are one hell of a dancer. So wanna be our new choreographer and dancer?"

"I'm going to talk to my mom about this but I really want the job."

"Sure, take the time you need. Just ready an answer in two weeks."

Picking something from his pocket, he gave Kyle a card.

"Here's my card if you wanna let me know about your decision."

Kyle took the card and remembered something.

"What was the band you're representing?"

Mel looked at him, "Nsync. Why?"

Kyle's eyes widened and he stood in awe. The greatest and hottest pop stars of the world are going to hire him as their choreoman and dancer. Kyle felt like his heart stopped. He was so excited. It meant a chance to face Justin and possibly get face to face. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

Mel grinned.

"Oh come on Kyle. If you get starstruck now, what about if you met them?"

Kyle finally regained enough sense to speak.

"Man, I can't believe this. Is this a joke? Okay, Steven you can come out now.", Kyle said shakily.

Mel laughed.

"It's no joke, Kyle. So do you accept?"

Kyle pinched himself.

"OUCH! Guess, it's not a dream and yes, I accept."

"OK, I'm going to send you the contract tomorrow." And Mel left.

Kyle still sat there, trying to absorb all the facts that were thrown at him.

Kyle reached his house and entered.


"I'm in the kitchen, honey!"

Kyle proceeded into the kitchen to find his mom washing dishes.

"Mom, we need to talk."

"Just a minute, honey."

She finished drying the dishes and sat on the table beside Kyle.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

Immediately, Kyle embraced his mother.

"I'm sorry mom for earlier. I had no right to do that."

"That's okay. I know you were upset and not in control. Besides, between you and Krisy, I'm used to being yelled at."

"Thank you mom. I really didn't mean it. It's just that I miss him and with the shrink issue, things just exploded inside me."

"Kyle, I've been thinking. Maybe, it's really just resurfacing. I still don't know but if you really think so, then I won't let a pscyhologist see you."

Kyle held his mother tighter.

"Thanks mom. I promise that if it gets worse, I'll seek help."

They embraced again.

"Now go apologize to your brothers. They also deserve an apology."

"Sure mom."

Justin plopped on the couch.

"Whew! That was exciting! I wanna do it again!", Justin said happily.

They safely arrived in San Francisco and took off their disguises for the MTV interview. Just as they were about to exit, a mob of girls arrived and chased them. They were able to get into a cab and escape back to their hotel.

"You call, being chased by a mob of girls whose intent is on killing you by crushing you under their feet, exciting?", Joey asked.

"Yup. I still have the adrenaline rush.", Justin said.

"Awwww. What's the matter? Had a hard time keeping up? You better lose some weight, Joey.", JC teased.

"Hey! Are you implying that I'm fat?!", Joey said.

"Nope. I didn't say anything.", JC said shrewdly.

"OK, enough of that. We need to sleep. We have to go to San Fransisco tomorrow. Mel says she wants our approval for the studio she picked. And she said that she has a surprise for us.", Lance said.

"Ooooooo! A surprise! I like surprises!", Justin piped up.

"Oh man! I could live with a salary like this!", Kyle said as he pointed at his contract.

Mel smiled at him. "So are you happy with this contract?"

"Sure. Who wouldn't be?"

"If the guys approve of you then you're the new choreographer and back up dancer for Nsync."

"Sounds good."

"Oh, by the way, the guys are coming here to check out the studio."

Kyle's eyes widened at the possibility of meeting the stars he adored so much.

"They don't know that you're here and I told them that I had a surprise for them. And that surprise is you."

"Well, I don't think I'm much of a surprise but sure. If it means meeting the guys then I'll come."

"They should be here any minute now. I'll go down and meet them. You get ready."

Kyle watched as Mel went out the door. He sat at the chair at the side of the small stage. So many things have happened.

He remembered telling his mom, sister and brothers about his latest job and they all whooped with joy for him. He also remembered his nightmares resurfacing. His dad must be so proud.

Kyle's happy face faded into a frown. 'Dad. If only you could be here with me to see my dreams come true. If only...'

Kyle felt the tears starting. He walked over to the CD player, turned it on. And, again, he began to dance. With tears in his eyes.

"Mel!", The five guys shouted and went up to her and each gave her a big hug.

"Okay, enough. I can't breathe.", Mel answered jokingly.

"Is this the studio? It looks great."

"It had great facilities and I'm sure that if you look at it, you'll approve."

"Oh Mel, if you want it, then take it. We know nothing about these things and if it's okay with you then it's okay with us. Now about the", Lance said.

"THE SURPRISE! Where is it?!", Justin interrupted.

"Yeah Mel. We're dying to know."

"Okay. Okay. If you follow me."

Mel led the way to Kyle's stage.

"Ummm...Mel, where's the bathroom? I really need to go", Justin said

"Can't it wait, Justin. We're almost there."

"No Mel. Please I really need to go."

"Okay, down the hall. Third door to the right. Go before you have an accident."

Justin ran off. Mel motioned the four others to follow her. When they arrived at the door, Mel stopped.

"And now I give you your new choreoman and back up dancer.", she said as she pushed the door open.

They all peered inside to see a figure dancing on the stage. Lance, JC, Chris, Joey and for the second time, Mel looked in awe as Kyle enchanted them with his graceful body.

Mel was the first to snap out of the spell.

"So what do you think?", she asked.

"Geez, he's good.", Joey commented

"Look at those moves.", Lance followed

Chris and JC nodded their approvement, not quite snapped out of the spell.

Lance looked again, closer this time.

"He's crying.", Lance said.


"Look. He has tears on his cheeks.", Lance said.

Just then, the CD player jumped then stopped and at the same time, Kyle tripped and fell on his kness. He instantly sobbed harder and embraced his knees to him. Sitting on the stage, he quietly cried.

Lance was the first one up the stage and quickly ran over to Kyle. He put his arm around Kyle's shoulder.

"Are you alright?", Lance asked softly.

Kyle looked up and was shocked to see Lance's face but that didn't stop him from crying harder.

"I'm sorry. You...(sob)...shouldn't be...(sob)...seeing me like...(sob)... this.", Kyle said apologetically.

"Nonsense. It's alright. What happened?", Lance soothed.

By this time, the other three and Mel was already onstage. Justin was nowhere in sight.

"What happened?"

"Is he alright?"

"Will he be okay?"

Kyle looked at the three of them and nodded. "I guess I should be star struck but I'm too drained and depressed." And he hugged his knees tighter.

"That's okay. We prefer fans who don't get starstruck.", Chris said, trying to lighten up the mood. All of them except Kyle smiled.

"Can you stand up now?", Lance asked.

Kyle nodded and stood up. He walked over to the chair and sat. He looked up.

"Ummm...this may seem really rude but would you please leave me alone. I really need time alone on this. Please."

Lance and the others nodded. They exited the room.

"That was something.", Joey commented.

"He's great but he seems so sad.", Lance said.

"Yeah. I noticed that. Like he was not there.", Chris said.

"Where's Justin?", JC asked.

At that moment, Justin bumped into the group.

"Hey guys. I got lost and wandered around until I found you. So did I miss anything?", Justin asked.

"Well, you just missed the greatest dancer in the world.", Lance answered

"Really? Are you telling me that he's better than me?", Justin challenged.

"Yes, Justin. Much, much better."

"Oh? Maybe, I could challenge him."

"Not right now. He's in a shaky stage.", Chris said.

They told him what happened as they walked into the lounge.

"That's so sad. What happened to him?", Justin said as they arrived at the lounge.

"He asked us to leave because he needed time alone and that's when we bumped into you.", Joey answered.

They chatted inside the lounge for a short time. There was a knock on the door. Justin stood up to answer the door. He opened the door and he swallowed nervously. He was seeing the most beautiful boy he has ever laid eyes on. He was at loss for words.

"Ummm...I'm your new choreographer and I'm here to demonstrate once more. Will you tell the others to meet me at the stage again?", Kyle said.

Justin just nodded, still mesmerized by the boy's beauty. He still stood there and watched Kyle's retreating back. He stood there until JC nudged him.

"Who was it?", he asked.

Justin returned to the couch and sat heavily. "The new choroegrapher."

"What did he say?", Lance asked

"He asked us to meet him at the stage because he was demonstrating.", Justin said, absently.

"Are you okay, Curly? You look a little fazed.", Chris asked.

"It's nothing. I just didn't expect the choreo to be"

"Ooooh. Little Justin's in love.", Chris teased.

"Shut up Chris. Can I help it? He's cute.", Justin said.

"Falling for the choreographer. How original.", JC teased.

"Hey, you're my bestfriend. You're supposed to be on my side.", Justin said in mock hurt.

"But I sometimes defect because I don't want to always be on the losing side.", JC said.

"Ouch. Since when did I lose to Chris?", Justin defended.

"Okay. Enough of that. We have a choreographer to watch. And I'm sure Justin wants to check him out.", Lance said.

Justin blushed. "Fine. Gang up on li'l Justy."

They all laughed and headed up to the room where Kyle once was. They arrived and sat on the chairs placed in front. Kyle spoke up.

"Hello, Justin, Lance, JC, Chris and Joey. First of all, I'm your new choreographer. My name is Kyle Dalehigh. I'm sorry for the earlier scene. Don't worry I'm okay now."

Kyle took a deep breath. He was very nervous.

"I hope first impressions don't last on you because my first impression a while ago wasn't exactly good. So I want another chance. So here goes. I'm sure you'll be familiar with this music."

Kyle turned on the CD. Tearin' Up My Heart played from the CD. Kyle closed his eyes and danced.

Once more, the four stared in awe as Kyle danced. Justin looked not in awe but in amazement and admiration. He loved the Kyle's long hair, twisting and swirling. His jacket flapping and flying, adding to the spell Kyle was creating. He was certainly infatuated by Kyle.

After a few minutes, the song ended and Kyle finished with a pose that drew the eyes of Justin to his body.

The five of them clapped. Kyle smiled until he realized that there was another source of clapping. He looked around to see his three brothers.

"Ciaran! Steve! Mark!" He took a running leap and landed on Mark's arms. "What are you doing here?", he asked as he kissed each one of them.

Justin looked and figured out that the three were Kyle's brothers and silently groaned.

"Well, we heard that you were hired by N'sync and we wanted to see our little brother's biggest moment.", Mark said.

Kyle climbed down from Mark and pulled the three to the five guys.

"Nsync, I want you to meet my brothers. Well, they're not my brothers but sort of surrogate brothers. Big brothers."

"Pleased to meet you." And one by one they exchanged handshakes.

"So what do you think of our little brother? Does he get the job?", Steven asked.

"He's in for me.", Lance said.

"He's great. A sure winner.", Joey followed.

"Sensational dancer.", Chris added.

"Never seen anyone dance like that., JC said then turning to Justin. "He's even better than you"

Justin smiled. "He's a really great dancer and yup, he's good to go."

Kyle shouted. "Oh man! I'M IN! I'M IN! I'M IN!", he said as he jumped for joy. "I'm with Nsync! Wahoo!"

He continued to jump. Hugging his three brothers in the process. Calming down, he turned to the three.

"Thanks for giving me this chance. Now I have to find Mel."

"What for?", JC asked.

"I need to sign that contract before you guys change you mind and boot me off.", he said as he went out the door.

He returned later with a pen and a contract. He already signed it so did Mel. He gave the pen to Lance, who signed it so did Joey, JC and Chris. The pen and paper was passed on to Justin who smiled at Kyle and signed the paper.

Kyle gave one more shout of joy. "Man, I need to celebrate. I gotta get home and tell mom.", he said as he began to run towards the door.

"Actually, we wanted to spend time with you. You know, to get to know you more because it looks like we will be going to spend a long time with you"

Kyle looked at his three brothers who nodded and he turned back to the guys. "Okay, sure let's go."

"Be back before dinnertime or your mom will have your hide.", Ciaran reminded.

"Yes, dad. Superstars, let's go!", Kyle said as he ran to the main door.

Kyle opened the door only to be greeted by a large mob of girls. He immediately shut the doors and turned to the guys.

"Ummmm...we have a problem."

"Oh no. Let me guess. Fans?", Lance said.

Kyle nodded as a light suddenly went on inside his head.

"Wait here.", Kyle said as he ran towards the microphone area. He took the mike and turned it on.

"Ladies, please calm down. Why are you here?"

"NSYNC! JUSTIN! JC! LANCE!", they screamed.

"Nsync? They aren't here, they just left a while ago." Kyle looked around to find something. He spotted a bus. He pointed at it. "In that bus."

The girls screamed and ran towards the bus which suddenly moved, giving the mob an impression that the bus was trying to escape.

Kyle returned to the guys.

"Nice going.", Lance said.

"You fooled them." Chris said.

"Thank you. Now let's go! I'm starved!", Kyle said as he dashed out the door.

I hope I'm creating a good start. If you think that it needs improvement, drop me a line and tell what I need to improve.

That's all. So whaddya think? Is it good? Email me if you wanna say something about it:

Keep smiling,


Next: Chapter 3

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