Dance with Me

By Ice Cold

Published on Jun 28, 2001


Yeah. Hello. Hey, it's me EC. So anyone up for a little story. I guess you are coz you're here. Well anyway this is my first celebrity story and I want to thank Jim Bangore for his great story which inspired me. His story is "Jamie's Romance" in the celebrity/boy band section. Read it. It's great. (Poor, poor Jamie and Rocky is one big bastard.)

Disclaimer: Ummm...anyone who knows what fiction means, please raise your right hand. (Right not left, Sean). For those of you who didn't raise their "RIGHT" hand, I'll spare you the agony of lugging out the big, old and dusty dictionary. Fiction means not real or didn't happen and that's what this story is. Fiction. It never happened and will never happen. OK? Remember. Fiction.

I'm listening to the A1 cd. It's great. Buy it. Ben is so cute but I'd still kill to get Justin.

Dance With Me

Kyle shut his eyes and saw his father's face, looking at him with pride, as he danced to the music. Getting lost in his own world, he didn't hear the door opening as Gillian entered the room.

Gillian watched Kyle as he swirled and moved his body to the music which came from the CD player. She was fascinated at Kyle's body that moved with such grace that it rivaled those of a lady.

She looked on with amazement as Kyle's clothes and his long hair twirled majestically, adding to the enchanting spell he was creating.

The music finished and Kyle finished with a pose which showed off his light frame. He heard clapping and looked around, only to find Gillian, clapping at him, obviously impressed.

"That was wonderful Kyle. I've never seen you dance. You're great.", she appraised.

Kyle blushed at the compliment.

"Well I didn't thought I was that good besides I didn't want to embarass myself.", Kyle answered

"I didn't know you dance. When did you start dancing?", Gillian asked.

Kyle took a deep breath and sighed.

"Ever since dad died.", Kyle said sadly.

Gillian immediately felt sorry.

"I'm sorry", Gillian apologized.

Kyle smiled.

"That's okay. I dance to get over the sadness. Sometimes it's just too much and I dance to release some of the negative energies.", Kyle said.

"Oh I remembered, we have to go to the store I'm going to buy you your present for your birthday.", Gillian said.

"You don't have to, Gilly. It's not that important."

"Hush! I'm your bestfriend and I don't want anyone to say that I'm a crappy bestfriend by not buying you a gift. Besides, being seen with a cute boy like you will give my popularity ratings a big boost."

Kyle blushed furiously. It was true. With his almost black, dark brown eyes, black long and flowing hair, proud nose and smiley lips, he was a very attractive person.

His pale, white skin gave him the innocent boyish look even thought he was already 19.

"You don't need me. You're very pretty all by youself."

"Stop teasing your bestfriend and hurry up."

Gillian was his bestfriend and she was one of the people that knew Kyle was gay. She impatiently tapped Kyle on the shoulder.

"C'mon gather your things. We need to get going and we also have to stop by my house to pick up my wallet."

Kyle gathered the small CD player and his bag and followed Gillian out the door.

"Kyle, I left my wallet in your house last night and I need to get it. Can we swing by?", Gillian asked


They arrived at Kyle's huge house and they went inside. Kyle started to open the light but was stopped by Gillian.

"Don't bother, I'll just go up to your room and get my wallet."

Gillian flicked the lights on. As soon as the light was turned on...


There were ballons and confetti scattered everywhere. A table was in the middle, supporting a cake. There were a few family members and a lot of Kyle's friends which were a LOT because he had a smiling, outgoing personality.

Friends came to him and hugged him. Someone tugging at his jacket bought his attention. He saw Krissy, her 13-year old sister, looking at him. He kissed her forehead.

"How's my little Krissy doing?"

"I'm okay. Did you know that I planned this surprise party?"


"Yup. I told mom that I wanted to surprise you because you're the bestest big brother I could ever have.", she said, giggling.

Kyle preened at the compliment. She kissed her sister, said thank you.

"So Kyle, how'd you like the party?", someone asked.

Kyle turned to everyone.

"I just want to say thanks to everyone for coming here. I never expected this and I know Gillian had a hard time, keeping this from me and I want to thank her. So c'mon let's party!"

The crowd cheered and moved.

Kyle sat with Mark, Steven and Ciaran, his surrogate 'big brothers' at school.

"So you were in this deal too?"

"Yup", they all answered at once.

"And how long were you on this deal?"

"About a week before your birthday.", Steven answered.

Kyle laid his head on Mark's lap who didn't even flinch at the action. The three was used to Kyle's displays of affection. Kyle often turned to them for help. He was always well-guarded by the three who were always there when Kyle cried because of his father who died when he was five.

"I'm tired but it seems I have to keep going because of the party.", Kyle said.

"Oh come on, you have to keep going and besides you have to open the presents. You can't do that when you're sleeping.", Steven said

Kyle's eyes brightened and he sat up with renewed energy. The three laughed at their 'little brother's' energy.

"When do I open them?", Kyle asked eagerly.

"Later. Much, much later" Ciaran teased.

"Darn." Kyle pouted.

The party raged on for hours and when some people began to leave, Gillian called for their attention.

"Excuse me, please don't leave. We have one final presentaion."

Everyone looked at Gillian, expectingly.

"It will be done by our birthday boy himself. He's going to dance tonight."

Everyone looked at Kyle who was shocked at what Gillian said.

"Hey, I didn't know you danced.", Ciaran said.

"Me too", Steven said

"Me three", Mark added.

"I didn't tell you because I'm not that good besides I only dance when I'm sad."

Gillian walked over to Kyle.

"Well are you going to dance or not?", Gillian asked smugly.

"Gilly, I'm not about to make a total fool of myself."

"Oh come on, we want to see you dance." Steven teased.

Kyle looked around to see his three 'brothers', nodding their heads. Kyle sighed in defeat.

"Fine.", and he stood up.

Gillian sat beside Mark and whispered to the three.

"You're going to enjoy this. I've seen him. He's good."

The music started and Kyle shyly moved to the music. He closed his eyes and again, he saw his father's proud face. Once more, he began to cast his enchanting spell as he lost himself in the music.

The crowd looked in awe as they watched Kyle's moves and steps as he danced with feline grace that made his body move liquidly and fluidly.

The music ended and everyone clapped and applauded. Kyle smiled and sat down beside his brothers and bestfriend.

"That was great!", Mark said.

"I told you, you dance great.", Gillian said.

"I never saw someone dance so good.", Steven said.

"Wow! That's all I can say. Wow!", Ciaran said

"Awww. Thanks guys.", Kyle teased.

The crowd thinned out and the five persons were left.

"Kyle, I'm going upstairs and putting Krissy to sleep. You can open your presents now.", his mom shouted.

"Oh yeah, my presents!", Kyle jumped and ran towards the table that had heaps of presents.

"Here open mine first.", Gillian said and handed Kyle a brightly covered box.

Kyle began to open it and found three CD's. No Strings Attached, Greatest Pop Hits and Love Songs were inside.

"Gilly, this is great! Man, I can't wait to play this."

He opened some more and the usual gifts. T-shirts, pants and credits. He looked around some more but didn't find anymore. He looked at the three boys.

"Where's your gifts?", he asked smiling.

"We didn't get you anything.", Steven said.

Kyle pouted.

"PSYCH!!!", they all said at the same time.

Kyle stuck out his tongue.

"Ok, so what did you get me?"

They each pulled out a box from their own pockets and handed them to Kyle. Kyle opened each one and gasped. There was a silver bracelet in one box and a necklace in one and a ring in one.

Kyle began to tear up at the obviously very expensive gifts.

"I should kick you asses for that.", he said as he continued to cry.

"Hey, we're going to get kicked by a crying boy.", Steven said.

Kyle ran at the three and gave them one big group hug and kissing each one in the cheek.

Finally, he stopped crying and yawned.

"I'm sleepy, will you all stay over or are you going home?"

"I'm going to sleep here."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Well, I'm the only girl and I can't sleep here so bye guys. See ya.", Gillian said.

"Bye Gilly.", the four said.

Kyle's room was huge and easily accomodated the three sleepovers containing a king size bed and two large couches which could easily accomodated as much as six guests.

"So who's going to sleep with me on my bed and who's going to sleep on the couches."

"I'll sleep with you.", Ciaran said.

Steven and Mark both bursted laughing.


"He's going to sleep with Kyle. Just don't make too much noise later or we're going to wake up and watch you.", Mark said.

"Minds in the gutter.", Kyle said and rolled his eyes.

Kyle started to strip off his clothes and went inside the bathroom. He let the hot water run down on his hairless body. He didn't even have hair on his legs. All he had at his legs were tiny growth of soft hairs. The most he had hair was on his head and on his crotch.

He shampooed his hair and soaped his body. Rinsing off, he dried him and put on boxers and went out of the bathroom.

"Okay shower's all yours, guys.", Kyle said.

"Me first.", Ciaran anounced

"No. Me first", Mark argued.

"Pillow fight for it?", Ciaran suggested.

Mark took a pillow and winked at both at Ciaran and Steven. Then he pointed his lips in the direction of Kyle who was humming to some tune on his Discman.

Mark held up his fingers and counted one, two, three. They all lunged at Kyle who quickly dodged to the side.

"How original. Ganging up on your little brother. Keep it up and I'll throw you out of the house.", he said.

They dropped their pillows. "Never could catch you, Kyle." Steven said.

"Nope. You have to do better than that.", Kyle said as he kissed Steven on the cheek.

"Hey don't we get kisses too.", Mark said.

Kyle kissed Ciaran on the cheek and turned to Mark who puckered his lips and closed his eyes. Kyle took the pillow and caught the unsuspecting Mark straight in the face.

They all laughed at Mark. "Hey, what was that for?"

"For trying to gang up on your little brother.", Kyle said. "You of all people should know that you should never mess with me."

Mark laughed and took his shower.

"Hey daddy?"

"What is it Kyle?"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course, I do. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I just want to know."

Kyle and his dad both walked to the edge of the lake. Sunset came.

"Kyle, we have to go home now."

"Ok daddy."

They climbed inside the car and began the long journey home. Kyle's dad never had time to swerve so when the drunk driver of the truck hit the car, Kyle's dad put an arm around Kyle and tried to protect him. It worked. Kyle only had a few bruises but his dad was dead on arrival at the hospital.

Kyle woke up, silently crying. Ciaran woke up with him and held Kyle until he quieted down. Ciaran felt asleep but Kyle was too down to sleep.

Quietly, Kyle climbed down the bed and went down to the den. He took a CD and played. A sad and depressing tune floated on the air and Kyle once again danced with slow moves and graceful steps. He closed his eyes and saw his father.

Suddenly, he tripped and fell down on his stomach. He put his arms in front of his head and cried. His tears staining his cheeks then sliding down to the carpet. He sobbed hard and finally fell asleep.

So how did you like part one. I don't like cliffhangers so I'm not putting one here. And I assure you that this is a celebrity story. I just want to give you a background of Kyle's past.

Reminders: If it doesn't make sense.

  1. Mark, Steven and Ciaran are Kyle's surrogate big brothers. He's not their biological brothers but Kyle looks at them as his big brothers even though they're all the same age. The three protects Kyle and treats him like their little brother because Kyle has a sensitive and a not-that- strong personality.

  2. Kyle's dad died when he was five and his mother was pregnant with Krissy. That's the reason why they were alone at the lake in Kyle's dream. Kyle's mom couldn't come because she was pregnant with Krissy.

So please email me for comments, criticisms and suggestions. You could also give me a storyline and I can add it to the story and I will personally thank you for the storyline on the chapter that it comes out. So email me:

Keep smiling,


Next: Chapter 2

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