Dance with Master

By Michael Zito

Published on Jan 7, 2013



This story is true, and as my first post to Nifty, I hope you enjoy it and find the same excitement I find from reading and remembering it.

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Dance with Master

newborn slave's first submission

Recently I relocated across country and arranged some places to stay along the way. One stop was with family in the Midwest, and the other, because I am not a shy boy, was with a big, tall, ultra-sadistic Dom top. Now this stop would not be the usual 'piece of ass' kind of layover. This man was hardcore, and I WAS a novice before we met.

I am smart enough to know what my soul had been searching for, and that was to find my submissive limits, whatever they are. I was not disappointed. Master Justin, as I was later to find out his name was, seemed very pleasant and cordial when we spoke, but I would still do what he asked despite the fact that we had connected on another level outside the world of Master and slave altogether. On the leg of my trip that put me into his town we had several conversations, and a friend, a Sir new in my life who had plans for me, had asked that I be a gracious guest and do as my host asked, even if he forced himself on me. Little did he know what was in store for this boy. In one of our conversations, Master Justin mentioned that his kitchen floor was dirty and I'd be responsible for cleaning it once I got there. No worries, I thought, it was the least I could do for his hospitality.

When I arrived, after hugging the man that hated to get close to his prey, I cleaned the floor and went to shower. His direction, "No clothes in my home after you shower." This would be a first, and that was the first time I thought I wouldn't be able to submit to him or even be able to go very far at all. This was a self-proclaimed seasoned truly selfish sadistic dominant top, and I was nothing to him but a submissive novice, and he made it clear I had nothing coming in the form of reciprocity and that this night would be all about Him.

Eating dinner wasn't bad naked, refreshing actually and we polished off some decent wine with it, and boy was feeling little inhibition at all.

After dinner, Master had me rub his feet and legs, which I was happy to do. I was on the floor in front of this man that was about to take me places I had never known existed. When He saw me stand at one point, he commented that my large balls looked 'torturable' and He was going to have a good time working them.

At one point he grabbed my nuts and started pulling and twisting, but to my surprise it was more erotic than painful. What does this mean? That's a question I asked myself repeatedly all night. Master made it very clear to me that at any point we could dance or stop dancing, meaning play or stop. There were no safe words here, no restraints, no backing down once the surrender happened. It happened first with my balls. Master at one point looked at me and asked the question, "Do you feel safe?" I did. My mantra for the night was "I am safe, this will be painful, and I am not in control any longer." It is a mantra that will now go with me everywhere.

He grasped my nuts, one in each hand and asked, "are you ready to dance?" knowing my reply would lead to my submission, I replied, "Yes, Sir!" at which point he began pulling and twisting my nuts harder and tighter than I had ever even seen in a porno. I exhaled a loud moan of agony as Master reminded me to breathe. And my cock was rock solid, which spurred Master on. It was done, I had submitted by action and my body's reaction, and I had submitted completely.

I wanted more, and I wanted my new Master to deliver it. Because He was thrilled with my response and because I had surrendered to Him the 'out' was no longer an option, I was going as far as this man would take me tonight and it was quite the voyage of self-discovery.

Masters next plan was to test me more, he already knew I had a high pain threshold and that excited Him (and me). He then started by having me sit in front of him while he stood, he put 2 then 3 then a thumb and 3 fingers in my mouth and pushed down and into my throat. I saw his eyes light up when he realized that sitting before Him was a boy so eager to learn that he was comfortable in his zone of unknown future. He commented that he had no idea where I came from but knew that I had little gag reflex, and He would push me and be as unrelenting as He wanted. With his hand in my mouth, and the tears welling in my eyes he stepped on my cock and balls and began adding pressure. With his hand in my mouth, there was nothing I could do but moan, no biting, no begging, no way out unless I wanted Master to kick my ass, because I was His to do with as He pleased. He calmly released the pressure and informed me my new options were to either allow him to kick me square in the nuts or punch me, I had a choice. "Shall we dance?" he asked. I hesitated and with tears in my eyes and a hand down my throat, I shook my head and mumbled "Yes, Sir, dance." I was petrified about what I was about to do, what I had already done. My energy was no longer my own; it belonged, voluntarily to the Master I gave it to. Master then kept making sure I was ready for what was coming, if I were to move and deny him a kick at my balls I would be punished. My tears flowed, but I knew I was safe, this would hurt and I was not in control.

He cocked his leg back and began his kick, reflexively I closed my legs. The next thing I felt was his hand across my face for denying him his pleasure, my pain. My pain was real, it was my face, it was my failed chance to prove my resolve to Master. He, knowing I was a novice walking in the door, gave me another chance, again my options simple, the kick to the balls or punishment. I chose the kick. He got next to my face with his, his hand back in my mouth, and asked, "Shall we dance?" I replied the same, "Yes, Sir, we dance." He reminded me my punishment would be worse this time if I moved or denied him since I had already submitted to Him fully. I shook my head in understanding. By now, my tears were flowing and I was on the verge of bawling like a baby. Safe or not, this WOULD hurt and I had no recourse but to take what He gave to this body no longer my own, but His. He cocked His leg back, the tears streaming, Master looked me in the eyes and swung. I took his kick square in the balls. He said, "Good, again?" I shook my head and let him do it again, the bawling beginning. He asked "Again? Boy are you ready to dance again?" "Yes, Sir!" and for the third time in a row, I allowed him to kick me square in the nuts without moving. He removed his hand from my mouth, had me place my tongue behind his ear and lick to give him pleasure. He held me tighter than any man ever has and I lost it, I began sobbing like a newborn baby looking for his momma's tit. I cried and cried and cried. His energy began feeding me strength again, commenting that I had become a much more handsome boy to him for what I had just given him, complete surrender to my new Master. As a novice, I had given him what no other 'newbies' had. And I bawled more knowing and realizing and feeling that this was my place, to serve a Master for the rest of my life and to do it with pleasure. I was broken for the first time in my life. First time I surrendered completely, first time I made the decision to be in the place I was, another man's property to do with as He saw fit. I was bawling and bawling and knew I had realized the submissive in me, and I would take my submission to the next level. I would not be Master Justin's slave in the future, but He would always be the man that took me and Mastered me first.

Next up for me, once I calmed down was to please Master more by giving him my balls again to torture, and he did. He clearly knew what he was doing. I was safe, this would hurt, and I was not in control.

Knowing what he planned next, he placed his nose next to mine with my balls, one in each hand. He reminded me this would hurt and said breathe with me and then let's dance. When my breathing started before his, he smacked me hard across the face and reminded me that I was to do it with him when he was ready, this and nothing else tonight was my call. I apologized which did not please him. He informed that he would punish me for apologizing again. I understood clearly. The breathing began again, I followed his lead, long slow steady deep breaths, a continuation of him, his circuit. On the third breath he was going to hurt me ... "I am safe, this will be painful, I am not in control"

And on the exhale of the third breathe I felt the pressure climbing in my balls, I felt the pain increase rapidly. Master was squeezing and pulling on my balls... HARD! And it hurt bad. Master whispers in my ear, "I'm going to count to 5 and it will be over, breathe, boy, you're a strong boy who has given up control to me, and you are safe." It was an eternal 5 seconds that just went on, but I was empowered to endure, which I did. I was empowered by the desire to push myself for His pleasure, the result of a massive energy exchange from Him to me. I used it to please Him and please Him I did.

Again, he had me get up, lay in his arms, and give him the pleasure of licking and inhaling air behind his ear. And I wept and wept again, I was in pain, I was broken by this man and I was empowered by the meaning of my own submission. As I cried in his arms I became new to Him, more handsome and more attractive for the gift I gave him, and I knew at that moment I loved Him for taking me to places I had only ever dreamed of. I would continue to endure, my resolve stronger with each new discovery, each new level of submission. I was not restrained physically, but mentally I was the strongest I'd ever been, and I love the man that gave that to me in exchange for my gift to him...surrender, complete surrender. Besides, the restraints were unnecessary since I knew my place, I knew my role. And the night had just begun.

Master had me lick his toes, rub his feet, message his legs, lick his ear, and suck his cock between bouts of torturous play. I was in a place I had only ever heard about, thrilled to be there. After a few minutes rest from the last ball crush, Master wanted to dance again, and I let him do as he pleased. He told me it would be harder this time, and when I didn't move fast enough I apologized. Big mistake, knowing the outcome of that apology, I would be punished again for saying, "I'm sorry, Sir." he held my chin, asked me if I knew I deserved to be punished for disobeying him. I understood, and he punished. Holding my chin, he reached back with his right hand and swung hard, smacking me across the face hard, and I let him, I took my punishment and knew it would be finished after I took what he gave, what I knew was due. Unless I disobeyed him again. Then we danced two more times, each harder than the last. I was truly his property, no arguing, no hesitation, no doubt I had found my place with Him. Once again, I found myself bawling in His arms, Master telling me he was impressed with my resolve and my obedience, and I wasn't finished pleasing him. I had found my sub side and was planning on taking the encouragement he gave me to move forward, to follow through with MY decision to surrender and submit, the last decision I needed to make that night.

Master instructed me to continue scratching and rubbing His legs, my role to do this while sucking His cock. My job was to always be in contact with His body while I was letting Him use mine all he wanted.

His next desire was to test me through the use and infliction of pain on my cock. After putting me in presentation position, on all fours with my forehead on the floor, He walked away long enough to bring back some needed equipment, which included a crop and a pair of very intimidating nipple clamps. What Master did not know, and I did not share was that my right nipple was very tender and still healing from some over-zealous self nipple play. It was irrelevant anyway, I was His to do with as He pleased no matter my fear or trepidation. He then put me in position at his feet, He in a chair, I had my legs spread flat on the floor, presenting Him with my cock and balls, cock still erect, clearly I was where my body wanted me to be. Then those words, Master with crop in hand, asked, "Ready to dance, boy?" the excitement in me was equal to the fear in me, so, unrestrained, and willing to continue being his property, knowing the option of punishment or offering Master His pleasure, I responded, "Yes, Sir, let's please dance." after calling me remarkable, he said, "Good boy."

This time the submission was different. I was to be the one to count down to the strokes that would be my own pain. He had me look him in the eyes, while he said, "Breathe, and count down, boy. But breathe with me." I agreed.

The breathing began, me in complete sync with Master, the energy was palpable, I was excited, and He was ecstatic about my desire. Three, Two, One. Smack! Right across the head of my cock. The next would be harder and I knew it, the next few strokes did get significantly harder, and he continued, smacking my already tortured balls as well. I lost count, but never moved, never apologized, and cried like crazy. I was in pain, glorious, body-racking pain, and happy to be where I was. At the feet of a man that gave me so much of my own identity, delivered on a well-polished, well-seasoned Master's platter in short order.

After a short respite, Master had me on my knees at his feet, and had me hand him the daunting nipple clams, and I knew what was next. And beyond all that I had experienced on this enlightening night, the next step would either be my undoing or my total disconnection from the Master and His energy that had me loving the man that was torturing me. I also knew that as late as it was getting, my torture would be coming to a close soon, I was to continue enduring for just a little while longer, and I would be having Master's cum for dessert. I was on cloud 9 at the thought of giving Him His pleasure, a pleasure neither of us expected would take place, especially after our long conversations on a friendly level. Maybe that's why I was so drawn to Him, I knew Him and knew what He was all about. I trusted Him and knew I was safe.

Master placed first the left nipple clamp on and tightened it, looking in my eyes for weakness or doubt. Having found none he continued, I kept breathing through it, and eventually the left was secured. What came next I knew may be my undoing, the right nipple clamp. Distracted only by the left and my fear, He proceeded. As I expected my limit had been reached, but the energy I received back from Master fed me strength, kept me doing as I was submitted to do. I breathed, deep, very deep, and he tightened. My pain was now for the first time disproportionate to the pleasure I felt, but I, again, was feeding on His desire to see me suffer, and I would not and did not disappoint Him. With the nipple clamps on, my destiny was to move about, by going to pee, rub His legs, suck his cock. The clamps were fixed, and I was good, for now. As I moved about, though, the pressure and the pain increased in my nipples, and as I sat rubbing his legs, the misery began taking over, for the first time in my submission, I could feel despair and hopelessness about my situation. But I endured for my Master, I fed off His positivity about His experience and how impressed and happy He was at my total and complete submission to Him. He kept telling me how strong I am and that I am the real deal, I would make a Master a very happy man. Throughout, He also kept comparing me to another prodigy of His who had the strength and wherewithal I was showing Him tonight, and that submissive was seasoned, I was a novice and rookie.

Meanwhile, back to my Dance with Master. Having had the nipple clamps on for the better part of an hour without other tortures going on, Master decided it was time for the next step. I knew from my own nipple play and the little bits of nipple play with others that having had the clamps on for an hour meant only one thing, excruciating paid as the blood flows back into the nipples. But Master had other ideas, he announced that I would be counting to 5 with each nipple clamp removal, which is the amount of time he would add to the torture by twisting, pulling, and pinching harder each nipple before the removal of each clamp. My job was to count, slowly, and breathe with him as I was doing it. But not before he had me suck his cock, and swallow his load. My mind was chanting, I am safe, this will hurt, and I am not in control. Not only was I chanting to myself, my mind, my spirit, my soul was changing with each and every torture. Was I becoming a pain pig? Maybe. Was I ever going to be this aroused without it again? Maybe not.

I began sucking Master's cock, trying to please as well as I could, but he would know if I was trying to rush his orgasm, so like a good slave, I followed the cues to His desire. I sucked long and slow and was determined to please Him completely. Without a gag reflex, I was able to swallow his huge cock whole and work my throat around every inch of his embedded cock. He was pleased, I was still breathing, and I had 2 very painful nipples that begged for release. And I was rock solid, my cock was showing Him how much more I could take because my excitement had really not dwindled at all. I sucked His cock for what seemed like an hour, probably only about 30 minutes, but I could feel His cock begin leaking more precum, and knew He was close. I continued sucking for my life, every part of my body in pain, including my jaw from his huge cock. I felt him shift, and almost lost my mind when I felt him begin tugging on my nipple clamps. I knew this would bring Him more pleasure and would bring him to cumming. I moaned and was told to shut up, which I did. As he pulled on the chain, I felt his cock swell and he reminded me if I so much as spilled a single drop the punishment would be the most severe of the night. That my dropping any of his load was tantamount to disrespect. The respect I have for what Master had given me helped me to concentrate on the pleasure He received and the obedience I was compelled to show. With his hand firmly on my head and his other hand tugging my nipples, I heard this guttural moan come from Him as he clamped my head and pulled my nipples HARD. Then his load started filling my mouth,1, 2, 3 massive squirts of his cum. I was petrified I would lose a single drop, but held fast and swallowed like a champ, all the while his cock deep in my throat and me breathing through my nose. I felt him shudder and knew he was done. But his hand only let up the pressure on my nipples, not my head. He reminded me to stay still, and I did. His cock softened just a little bit, and he reminded me that I was not to lose a single drop. I knew what was next, and I was delighted, He was about to feed me His piss. And He did. It started with a dribble, then a gush, then a geyser. Holy shit, Master hadn't peed all night and now I was His urinal. I swallowed as fast as I could and did not spill a drop which seemed to go on forever. I could even feel my stomach bloating from all the cum and piss he fed me. It was incredible and exciting and frightening, he had a lot of piss. I felt his cock become softer and the piss slow down, thankfully. I hadn't spilled a drop of either His cum or His piss. Head still in His hand he looked down and said, "You are the real deal, you are strong, and you are a good slave, boy. I respect all you have given up for me tonight." he let my head go, I pulled off His cock and cried again at the emotion of having made Him so happy, and having been broken by a man I will trust and respect forever.

He held my chin and said, "Give me pleasure while I remove your clamps, and while you lick my neck and ear, you are to breathe with me and count to 5. I will hurt you, do you feel safe, boy?" My reply, and for the first time this night I called Him Master. "Yes, Master, I am safe."

I took position and began licking, counting and blowing out my count to 5. At 1 I felt Him grasp the clamp, at 2 He squeezed, at 3 he twisted (I was crying out the count from this point), at 4 He pulled, at 5 He twisted harder, and then he said, "here's the pain, boy." he released the clamp. The blood flowed back to my nipple and rewarded me with release but led me to new heights in pain, every pulse meant new pain, and a 5 second count turned into 30 seconds of shear painful ecstasy and agony like I'd never known. But the catch was, that was the left nipple only. The right one would be worse, surely. Again, in Masters arms I bawled and bawled, not wanting to feel what was next, but I was not in control. I apologized for crying and having fear. Fuck, I apologized, and would be punished. His look said just that. Before he delivered his punishment, he would remove the right clamp. I knew the punishment discussion was not over. He had me take position and begin counting, which I happily did. And whether it was my disobedience or His knowing my nipple was already sore, he insisted my count be slower. I complied. By the count (cry) of 5 I was shivering from the pain, his last twist of my nipple took my breath away, and as he held me he bit my left shoulder, hard. I couldn't escape the moan that came after his bite reminded me to breathe. Then the clamp was off, and my pulse became a beat of excruciating mind shutting pain. God, I wished for just one minute my heart would stop just to relive the agony. It didn't, I endured. I sobbed and breathed, my nose running, my body shivering, Master holding me and thanking me for giving him what I did.

Not to be forgotten, I was due punishment for my apology, and knew again this would be painful. He asked how I wanted it, forehand or backhand, I begged forehand, he agreed. Master had me stand in the center of the room, hands behind my back, and had me count to 3. He reminded me if I moved or flinched it would get ugly. I did not want to see ugly tonight. I counted, looking Him directly in the eye, when I got to 3 the most amazing pain racked me, his right hand had clobbered my left jaw, I fell to the right, where Master knew I would and he jumped to catch me. He lowered me to the floor where he held me again, weeping in his arms. I would not apologize again, I would find another way to show that I understood having done something wrong, period.

He thanked me for allowing his pleasure and for being as true and clear and pure as I had told him I was. He was deeply honored to have been the first man to show me the beginning of my own extremes. I was honored to receive what He gave me.

He invited me to His bed with Him where we would sleep, my body at all times touching His. My eyes lit up and I was thrilled to be invited, thinking I may have been sleeping on the floor or the couch.

My departure several hours later was a quiet one, even though I tried to wake him, I had a schedule to keep for the next stop. I left Him a note thanking him for giving

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