Dance Dads Panties

By LostTexBoy

Published on May 6, 2021



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Dance Dads Panties

Chapter 1

I had adjusted to the new life since I had to move to this little town. It's about 25k full of good old country folks. Conservative, religious folks all over. Feels a little lonely being gay, particularly when you like to wear sexy lingerie and act gurly from time to time. Add to the fact that I work at a dance school. Little girls and dance moms' overload so you don't get many opportunities to play. I had resigned myself to just go home at the end of the day or on weekends and slip into my sexy gurly clothes.

Part of my job is to teach daily classes. As well as choreograph group dances and solos for our dancers to do at different dance competitions. No one knew that I secretly had on lace undergarments or that I would prance around my house in heels, a long chemise, painted toes and a jeweled pussy plug. Plus, so many other gurly outfits. I was never passable since I kept my goatee and didn't go for all the makeup. Once in an while I would do my eyes and lips and perhaps a wig or two. I never really cared I wasn't passable; it is the beautiful silky lingerie and the idea of being gurly.

Living in this town I was all alone at home to be all the gurl I could be. Just one problem it was all for me. I didn't get to share it with another gurl or lucky enough to have a gentleman caller come over and enjoy my company. Taste my forbidden fruit or swim in my "womanly' aura. I had nifty to read and fantasize about that. Or there were always the websites to pretend or chat and hope someone would show up that would like me as the gurl inside. Not the slimmest of gurl's either. I am 235lbs and 6' tall. I do keep very smooth with exception of the goatee and my head not any other hair. I am a curvy gurl and don't mind. Nice plump ass that is pretty firm, it fills out my lace panties nicely as well as looks great in a tiny thong. Silky thighs that look lovely in some lace top stockings and a little tummy that would love to be rubbed. In my panties I have a nice bulge, a 7" smooth cut clitty. "She" gets lots of attention. Weather I am in gurly mode or boy mode, I am addicted to stroking and worshiping cock. In fact, you could say that is my religion. Religion of cock, treating it like with reverence as it spreads the seed of life weather in my mouth, my pussy. Umm, ummm good. You get the point. So here I am so lonely in my gurl state. Worshiping my own hard clitty often. I didn't know that I would soon be a very happy gurl.

So back to my job. We had a dance competition out of town. I generally tried to stay at a different hotel than all the others. So, I could have some privacy and not have one of my dancers staying in the next room. Of course, in my hotel room I would strip off all the boy clothes and just be me. I would have a lovely shower. (I would never take a bath in a hotel tub ewww) Shave and be squeaky. Powder myself, slip on something slinky and sexy, pour a nice glass of wine and relax in the hotel room. Perhaps enjoy a nice toy I would travel with to keep my pussy ready (just in case, don't judge he he).

This time it was not the case I was with several of the dance families. Thank goodness they were not next door or even on the same floor as I was. I had made a wine run to Walmart and found some pretty nail polish I was going to paint my toes when I got back to my room. When I came back, there, they were all the families that were staying in my hotel. Along with a couple that were from another hotel. It seems the other hotel was having some pool issues, so they all came over to swim with the other dancers at our hotel pool. I felt I should be a little social and sat down and chatted about whatever. How the day went, what did the judges think? What the lineup for tomorrow's competition will go. Just normal stuff. It was all the moms plus a new dance family that was the mom and the dad this time, very rare to have a dance dad in the group. He was very active in all the fund raisers and helping out at the studio from time to time. It was nice to have a dance dad part of the group. He was a very nice-looking guy. Of course, I would notice that. I have also had a few sessions with my clitty thinking of this stud daddy. Not only did he participate in the dance stuff for his daughter but also play soccer on a team at his work. Rode bikes in some marathons and ran in others. So, he was very fit, and you could see definition in his legs and in his arms. Not overly muscular but nicely toned. He had a combination of Asian and Arab mix so hell yes, he had beautiful caramel skin (like brown sugar) thick dark curly hair he kept on the longish side.

Well, the girls were playing in the pool and running around and being silly. I could tell they were something. Some kind of trick was brewing. I always try and keep an eye out for those kinds of things. Since I didn't socialize with them much and being by the pool I kind of anticipate me being splashed or pushed in the water. So grateful when they asked Griff (short for Griffin) the dance dad to take a photo with his daughter. She wanted a pose with him in front of the pool and one of the other girls would take the photo. Just before the photo was taken Grace (his daughter) jumped in front of him spread her arms wide and knocked Griff backwards into the pool. This was the plan the entire time. Of course, everyone laughed and teased him for falling quit literally for the prank. He swam over to the other side to the ladder and started to crawl out. That's when it happened. A little gasp escaped me as I saw something. It was so fast I wasn't sure if what I saw was true or not. Could it be? My mind started racing. I needed a plan to find out if what I saw was true or not. Think, think, think.

Click I got it. Fingers crossed that it works. So, everyone got shown the photo which was funny. He was falling backwards with a surprised look on his face and Grace right in front smiling just as big as her arms hit her dad backwards. Griff came back and sat down. Of course, we all teased him, his wife giving him kisses and trying to dry him off a bit. I thought to myself, "this is it, it's now our never" so I went for it. "Hey Griff, you might not want to sit around in the wet clothes, I have something you could wear up in the room. Want to change? It's just a shirt and nylon shorts but it's better than wet clothes." His wife chimed in and said yes you need to if we are going to go grab something to eat before we go back to our hotel. While you're at it rinse off the chlorine too. Don't want you smelling like the pool while we eat. In my head I was yelling "THANK YOU MELODY" she was helping me with my plan and didn't know it. So, he was in agreement and off we went to my room. Him dripping all the way leaving little puddles and drops in the hall and on the elevator. We chatted about the prank and how it was good he had left his phone on the chair or it would have gotten ruined his wallet was drowned. At least he had worn sandals and not his normal expensive running shoes.

While we talked, on the way to my room, I was talking to myself at the same time. "did I really see a flash of pink lace?", "Was that a thong he had on?", I think I imagined it, but I was so sure. My next step would have to be sneaky; how should I approach it? Getting him undressed was going to be the easy part in this circumstance. The hard part was to not have him go into the bathroom and close the door. How at times like this do I think and come up with ideas? It came to me what to do, but I would need to take a gamble.

As I opened the door, I told Griff I needed to use the restroom pretty bad before he rinsed off. I grabbed a towel and thru at him. "Here you can take your wet clothes off while I pee and just wrap the towel around you" and I shut the door. Step one, get him out of his clothes. Step two, I took off my shorts and my neon green lacey panties while I pretended to pee. I put my shorts back on and just "dropped" the panties so that you could tell what they were. Then I flushed and went out into the room. I gasped a bit; there he was wrapped in the towel. His chest was on display it was so beautiful, and he had big nips too. I want to walk over and start sucking on those perfectly pointed pink nips and remove the towel. "Ok that's done, showers all yours".

"Ok cool, thanks again for letting borrow some clothes. I guess Melody didn't want me to smell like a pool either". We laughed and he went into the bathroom. I took out some nylon shorts and a dance studio t-shirt and laid them on the bed. Only one king bed in my room. I went to the closet and got one of those plastic bags the hotels always have for dirty clothes and picked up his wet clothes. "Damn it, no panties" my plan didn't work. I expected him to take everything off and leave it all together. Just then I heard the water turn off in the bathroom. I quickly put the clothes in the plastic bag and then rushed to sit down on the sofa looking at my phone. The door opened and he walked out and my mouth fell open. "Hey Jasper, I hope you don't mind but I needed to borrow your underwear too. Mine were wet." He threw me the pink thong I had seen him in earlier. There he was in my lace neon green panties. The ones I had just taken off that had wrapped my clitty all day. "Do you like them on me?" Griff said with a smile as he turned around showing me his ass and wiggling it at me. "Since I was here to borrow your clothes thought I better borrow these too". "How did you know they were mine?" I said.

"Well, I saw the way you looked at me when got out of the pool. I guessed you might have seen my panties. Then when I saw these in the bathroom, I guessed you wear panties too". I got up and walked over to him. "Yes, I do almost every day" I said as I grabbed his clitty in my panties. I didn't feel clitty though. I felt hard metal and my eyes opened wide. Griff gave a little laugh and said, "Sorry it's locked but I bet I can get permission for you to unlock it". I stepped back and pulled the panties out a bit. Sure, enough there it was. His clitty surrounded by a metal cage and a tiny lock at the top. "Yes, like you I wear panties all the time. Melody has the key. We have a different kind of marriage. I love to wear lingerie and have all my life. I am also bi, and Melody is ok with both. She is in charge though picks out my lingerie and locks my clitty up. I would play with mine all the time. I tend to be a bit of a sissy when dressed I wear lots more than panties too. Melody loves for me to get all gurly and she will put on a strap on and fuck my pussy good. We have talked about you actually. She wondered if you might like me and that way, I could get some cock once in a while. The strap on is nice but hey I do love to worship real cock a lot" He had just told me a lot, but I wasn't going to waist this chance. I leaned in and sucked in that big pink nipple. Licking around then biting it. I heard him take in a deep breath "yes doll bite my titties" I licked my way over to the other nipple biting it harder then came up to his lips and licked them and biting them before my tongue went in his mouth and sucked in his tongue. He moaned as I pulled him in tight. Breaking the kiss, he said "Oh doll I love to kiss so much but we don't have a lot of time can I suck your cock before we have to go back down to the pool?" I let him go and walked over to the sofa. Pushed my shorts sat down "Come on, this cock ready for you". Doing his best well practiced sissy walk he came to me and got on the floor between my legs and lifted my cock with his hand. Looking me right in the eye licked up my hard cock to the head. My cock was leaking so much pre cum he rubbed his lips all over getting them juicy with my slick juice. Then without notice he shoved my cock down his throat. Damn this gurl knew how to suck cock and deep throat it very well. I couldn't believe this stud was here between my legs deep throating my hard cock. Wearing the panties, I just took off over his caged clitty. Well dreams do come true. That throat worked my clitty and I shot a load down his throat. We got up he kissed me, and I pinched his beautiful titties some. He got dressed and we went back to the pool to join his wife and the rest of the families.

The next day was a busy, busy day of dance. On these days I rarely have time to sit. This time we did get a chance to have some lunch out front of the theatre. There was a food truck by a little park, and we got to eat and relax a bit. Grace came up to me while I was waiting in line to get my food and handed me an envelope. "Momma told me to give this to you" she gestured to Melody and Griff over on the other side of the sitting area. "Ok thanks Grace" I looked over at Melody and she blew a kiss to me. I looked at the envelope and could feel something in it. I opened it up and there was a short note along with a little key. Hey Jasper, I thought you and "Greta" might like to have some fun tonight.

We changed hotels. We are now on the floor below yours. Text me when you get to your room.

I am used to having a normally long day at competitions but this one took forever. I wanted to get back to my room. We finished about 10 and I rushed back to my room. I wanted to put on something gurly. I quickly showered and shaved to make sure I was smooth. I didn't travel with a lot this time, but I had brought this bikini I saw online. I had never worn a swimsuit and certainly not a bikini. It was bright pink with black trim and the bottoms were ties on the side. I had painted my toes with the teal polish I got on mine run this morning. I had this long flowing white sheer robe that trailed behind me when I walked, and I had on clear 4" mules. I added diamond ankle bracelet and dangling earrings. I texted Melody I was in my room and dressed. I got a response "listen for a knock at your door soon. Oh, and loved the panties you sent Great home in last night. Have fun gurls." I got a little chill. My secret wasn't a secret anymore and not only that it was one of my student's mom and her dad. I hope this didn't come back to haunt me and get me in trouble.

There was a tap at the door, and I went to opened it. Since I was dressed, I did a double check through the peep hole and was stunned. I opened the door right away. There standing in front of me was Griff....I mean Greta, in a beautiful powder blue baby doll. Dark navy velvet ribbon choker. There was little dark navy flowers embordered all over and a dark navy ribbon around the base. It was very short so I could see Greta's navy lace panties this time I could see the gold over the cage her clitty was locked in. Very sheer navy thigh highs and clear mules. Later we discovered we had the same shoes on. Anyway, Great had 2 glasses and a bottle of wine in her hand. I rushed her in and shut the door. "So, you must be Greta, so nice to meet you. I'm Mattie. Please come in I look forward to learning all about you" I said. Greta smiled and walked over to the sofa. She sat the wine down "Shall I pour us some bubbly" Mattie? "Yes darlin please do, I thought it was wine you brought". With a wink she said "Mattie wine just wouldn't do. We are going to celebrate; I feel that this is going to be a wonderful friendship" She handed me a glass and as she did, leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. "Cheers to you Mattie for having such a keen eye, you naughty gurl"

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