Dan, my boy

By moc.liamtoh@70luosydospahr

Published on Jul 29, 2002



(This story contains scene depicting man to man sex and humiliation. If you are easily offended, pls refrain from reading on, for others, enjoy the story)

For any comments, pls post to rhapsodysoul07@hotmail.com.

'Dan, my boy part 1'

I sat down in my large posh sofa, overlooking the sea. The mansion that im living in is surprisingly luxurious, never in my whole life would i expect myself to be in a situation like this now. It is certainly unlike that of my trailer white trash teenage days. I still remember how i was there, amongst all the debauchery, sex and whoring, all horny men, of all ages, i still remebered how i need to sell my body around to those sadistic one time masters who used to torture my hard young body and getting sexual release from that. I hate those bastards, they have made me to a part of who i am right now. the days where i had to cry myself to sleep, being bound and tied to a sling, a tree or the cross, watsover.

those days are a far cry to what i have now, all thanks to a man i love most in the world, He's my lover, my friend and my master. He saved me from the pits of hell and took me into his arms like his own son. Our relationship is indescribable. Our relationship is primarily of a master/slave commitment, yet i love him because he first loves me, and after that, all those bondage, humiliation, sex were all deemed by me as an act of submission to him. Yes, he did torture me like those sick bastards did, beat me up when i was disobedient to his wishes, played with my body as like he own them, but i have no regrets cos i know he loves me first. He accepted me for who i am, not desiring a one time scene play, instead he took me in and adopted me into his lifestyle, saved my from my prositution, and treat me like a property only exclusive to him. He took great care of me, gave me a roof, and gave me security. I loved everything bout him.

The man i loved most in my life, my master, he died a couple of years back. Right till now, i still can't forget him. I didn't bother about my own sexual urges anymore. what he left me was a void that no matter what i do, i couldnt seems to fill it whole again. He left me all his fortune, the mansion, the trust fund, im a millionaire now, its all thanks to him.

After he died, i felt really depressed and sad, i felt like i needed to go with him too. No matter how i tried to flirt with those young men from the bars,it didnt help. Now, today is the 2nd anniversay since his death. it took me two years to realise something, i sat down on the sofa, overlook the sea, rose my right hand and the wine glass to the sky, i said cheers, cheers to my master,a smile broke out of my face. thinking, my master woldnt want to see in such a state, i felt him saying to me...go boy, go find yrself happiness, go live a fruitful life, i know u love me, i love u too, just remember me always....

I know that its true, the voice is so strong. I smiled to myself and i said thank you, master. suddenly, i felt a release in my emotions , i felt my heart opened up now, the first time for the two years. i know the moment is right.

I went upstairs to the bathroom, gave myself a good bathe, shave my stub and look myself in the mirror, I was looking great, my 29 year old body looks exactly like those i had when i was 19, of course with more defination and manly toughness attached to it now. I shaved my chest, giving it a oversheen bout it. I liked how i look, gray eyes, dirty blond hair, and a sharp gallic nose, i knew i was always attractive and whats make me special, as said by my master is that i got the top and bottom look all interchanged within my face frame. I wore my favourite fragrance, hooked up my levis 501 and my leather vest. I am all set to go...the horniness in my eyes began to light up, but more importantly, ive got a need to be compassionate again.

I went down to the garage, drove down the stretch and into town. I was full of expectancy, but i know its hard to really find a guy, a boy that u like, first look and all. Im not looking for a fling or a scene play. what i want is to find a boy like myself, i wanted to be like my master, find a boy and love him the way he should be loved. As i approached nearer to the the infamous gay leather pubs and bar area in town, i remembered what my master said, he told me that the first thing he noticed something different about me from all the other boy whores back then is the emptiness in my eyes, the kind that shouts for somebody to come and take him away from all the misery. I memorise that, parked my car at the end of the road, glide down the car and eased myself down the streets.

Both sides of the street were filled with gay pubs and all, all gay men, half naked and trading around with their bodies, saw a young guy being tied to lamp post, with these two other beer-bellied old man looking on. Walked on, saw these few punk slaves with a certain glint in their eyes, looking at my direction, i sorta of stared them back, giving an uninterested look. I decide to settle my self near this cafe, not wanting to get into the action yet, just want to view the scene around, sat myself down into the alfresco area, ordered a beer and sat gulping away. it been awhile, i suddenly felt bored and wanted to go home now, not knowing why, until i heard a cry from inside the opposite alley. The voice kinda of attracted me, i decided to sneak in to have a look. There it is, a yound man, very handsome, half naked being kicked around by these few punkslaves i saw earlier. initially i thought its one of those fellow bashing again, i wanted to walk away until i caught a glimpse of that young man's eyes, it was a set of the most beautiful eyes i ever seen, i looked at him further, what i saw is soemthing that is totally coherent to what my master told me, those look of desperation and emptiness. I decide to save this young man. I went straight into the action, and fended off those punk slaves. Although they are pretty nasty, i'm sure they know how to react properly when they saw a master approaching, they immediately run away, not wanting to incur my wrath further.

the boy was wriggling, covering himself with his hands, he looked up at me and said "thank you, SIR... wimpering away.

I help him up, wiped away the tears, look him into the eyes, i was hit by something. This pair of eyes were exactly the same as mine ten years ago. I felt a tinge in my body, i looked him over his body, really nice pecs and abs, all defined, he looks like those calvin klein models i wld say, all leaned and toned. i looked up to his face again, those eyes, deep set, high nose and the softest lips i had seens on a guy, yet his cheekbones were defined like a man, a mix of manly and boyish charms. I asked for his name.

"My name, Dan, SIR..." still shy of looking into my eyes. I tilted his chin up..."nice name boy, dan"

I hold him up straight by his arms and stood him up, i used my index fingers and wiped away the tears, then held it over his lips, he automatically stick out his tongue and lick his own tears away. What a beautiful boy, i thought.

"Come dan, i wld better take you and treat yr wounds, i rubbed my palms into this bruised part on his left pec, he moaned slightly as i led him to my car.

I opened to the car door, he was really hesitant. I prompted him to get into the car, he carfully sat himself down, not wanting to dirty the plush leather inside. I notice that, and i tell him its okay, just sit comfortably. He smiled at me as if he adores me from head to toe.

Soon after, we reached back home. He was really surprised at the mansion, as i can see from his eyes. He stood there, all dumbed. I motioned him to come in with me and sat him down at the living room couch. I took out my first aid kit and began to applied the medicine on his pec. I looked into his eyes while doing so, this is the first intimate contact i had with him and it felt really good. I felt all lusted up by this hot young man. He looked me into the eyes as well, showing a sense of appreciation and gratitude. I had him rest for awhile and he promptly agreed so. Later on, he woke up.

"Are u better now?"

"Yes, thank you for yr help"

"come, boy, i show you around the house!"

his eyes immediatley sparkled and he immediatley jumped up like all well bodied twenty years old jock would. i can see that he likes me to call him boy from his reactions and all.

I showed him all around the mansion. Throught it all he began to lighten up and less awkward now. In a short time, he began to communnicate and asked questions about the house and stuff. I can see that he really is enjoying himself.

After finishing viewing the whole house, i gave him a set of pyjamas and lead him to the guest room. "Dan, its quite late already, why don't you rest yrself in the room, good night!"

"Thank you, mister, good night too!"

I went straight back up to my room, undressed myself, and out on only a pair of calvin klein briefs. i sleep in my bed, but i keep thinking of dan and his hot young body. i wanted him all by myself,i pondered further until my cock began to rise when i thought of owing his hot young body. i couldnt resist the temptation any further. I trodded down to the guest room, in my brief, opned the door softly and walked in. upon seeing the sight, my cock harden again, he was naked, all sprawled on the bed, his cock is beautiful, his body sheening magnificently under the bright moonlight, i approached further. Couldnt't care less anymore and kiss his soft lips. Im pretty sure it awakens him but he seems to be wanting to pretend to sleep. I didn't care either as i put my hands down his side and caress his nipples, soon i heard moanings and his eyes opened and glimpse right into mine... i stroked his chest saying "Boy, i want to have sex with you, i wanted to plant my man seed into your ass hole"

"Sir, of course sir, you are beautiful!"

i smiled back at him, then turned his body upside down on all fours, i asked him to perk his ass up. He immediatley obeyed. He got really nice mounds of hard flesh there, i smacked him as i put my cock into his hole. I know that it's gonna be dry but that's they way i want it, i want him to remember this first night we had together. I glided softly in and out at one moment, pumped hard and pinched his nips the other time round, not soon after my man seed flow out into his boy cunt. I took my cock out and turned him over, splurt the rest of my sperm onto his chest and stomach. I rubbed it all over him and his face as well. He automatically glide his hand down to his cock but i slapped it away, giving him a disapproving look. He relented but only to lick up the cum from his face. He is so sexy. I kissed him on his lips and we began to explore each other tongue, slowly proceeding down to his nips. After an intense hour of hot man sex, i laid him down on the bed, clear away all the stained mattress, and laid myself besides him. I opened my arms wide and he slides into my bosom, he held me tight and said "thank you SIR!"

"good boy, you are beautiful..." I stroked his hair and kissed him on the forehead.. He fell asleep later. I decided to write a letter and left it on his side table...the letter reads....

"dan, the sex yesterday was fantastic, you are a beautiful boy. i wanted you for my own but i giving you a choice to choose. If you want to stay with me and be my boy, just let me see you naked, standing at attention outside the garden, beside the tree, if not, you can leave when the sun is up. If i see you tomorrow at the garden, i will accept you as my boy, and you will be living with me and i will love you like i shld and to teach you all the things i knew, if not, i will always remember this night we had together...."

From Greg

I left the letter at the table and make myself upstairs to sleep, thinking of tomorrow, and what is goin to come...

I woke up late the next morning, brush my teeth and stretched myself. I then looked out of the window into the garden, just as i guessed, Dan is standing outside there. He had his hands trussed up behind his head, which is a pretty good move as i only asked him to stand at attention. He will make a very good slave. I look at him for a moment, really beautiful, his cock, half-massed, and his biceps all perk up for me. I know he wants me real bad, seeing from his bodily reactions.

Of course, i wanted to play around with him, so i decided to take a long morning shower and a sauna, all at the second floor, while my beloved boy, stood there, getting an overall tan. Im feeling with lust already and i'm really hot for him too. When the clock ticks ten, its been one hr already. I went straight down to the garden still with my white clavin klein brief. he saw me and immediately arched his back more, which is already pretty straight. I thought to myself, this boy certainly knows how to please his master even before it all starts. I was really glad.

I walked straight to him,and kissed him on his lips. wiped the sweat from his eyebrows and held it to his lips again. and again without any prompting, he sticks out his tongue to lick it clean.

"Good morning, SIR!"

"GOOd boy, i see u have decided to accept my offer, boy?"

"Yes sir, i accepted your offer to be your boy, SIR!"

"Thats good boy, first thing, im going to tell you all the rules in my house while u stand there nice and proper for me, ok boy?"

"Yes SIR, i will listen carefully SIR!"

"Good boy, yes the first thing you might have guess is that you will always address me as SIR, understand? second thing is that you will obey my every command as im yr master, understand?"

"YES SIR, i understand im yr boy SIR and i will obey your every command, SIR"

"Good, i also want you to know that not only will i be hard on you, but i will also love you, so there will be a balance of pain and romance here u understand, i dun want you be my slave, i want you to be my boy, but of course you shall remain respectful at all times and not take it for granted, and you will no doubt receive punishements whenever i see that you are not up to my standard, understand?"

Dan stood there, with his position upright and his muscles taut replied :"YES SIR, im willing to be your slave and your boy, SIR!"

i went over and glide my hands across his posed biceps... "Strong Biceps there., boy!"

"SIR, Thank You, SIR!"

"and of course i have the complete right to your body, i shall play with your body whenever i want, but on the other hand, i will also nourish your soul with love!"

"Yes SIR, Thank You SIR!"

i kissed him on his lips and help his arms down, we caress each other, and felt each other with our hard bodies...i hold him and looked into his eyes..."I love you boy!"

"I love you too SIR, Thank you so much for loving me!" with that, his tears flow down his cheeks.

to be continued...

(comments and suggestions on how the story should proceed are welcomed)

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