Dan and Susan

Published on Jul 4, 1997



BEGIN Dan and Susan - By Mr. G.Tiex.

This is my first story of any description, so please excuse the "rough-cut" feeling that it may have. Feedback is welcomed, as are any story/character suggestions. Enjoy!

Chapter I - The Costume

We had been invited to a friend's costume party in about a weeks' time and the wife and I had still not decided what to wear. Before I left for work this morning I told Susan, my wife, to make sure she got us some costumes. I told her that I didn't really care what they were as long as we had some.

When I arrived home from work that night I had almost forgotten what I had told Susan that morning. "Hi, honey", Susan said as I came through the door. "I picked up the costumes this morning, I hope you like yours. It is a little unusual", she added. "Unusual in what way", I asked. "You'll see", was the only reply she gave me, "They are laid out on the bed. I'll go up first and get changed. When I am ready, I'll give you a call and you can come and change." "Yeah, okay", I answered.

About 10 minutes later, Susan called me upstairs. When I reached the bedroom door I knocked and waited. I didn't want to ruin her surprise after all. "Enter", she called. I put my hand on the door handle and opened the door. As the door swung open I saw Susan standing by the bed wearing red lingerie. She had on a pair of sexy red stockings, held up by a matching suspender belt. She was squeezed into a half-basque which made her cleavage prominent and covered her midriff. Below this she was wearing a pair of red silky knickers which fitted tightly and, I saw as she twirled around for me, fitted nice and snug against her behind. "I'm not quite fully ready yet, darling", she purred at me, "but I wanted you to see the whole outfit and not just the outside." As she said this she reached to the bed behind her and retrieved a short red dress. The dress, along with her underwear, accentuated her already luscious curves and showed off her stocking covered legs to perfection. It was just short enough to cover her stocking tops while standing but to give a glimpse of them if she sat down. I could barely speak. I was awestruck at this beauty standing in front of me. "Wow!", I managed, "You look bloody fantastic." I could barely restrain myself and my cock was straining to escape from my briefs. I sidled up to her and whispered in her ear, suggesting that perhaps now would be a perfect time to "make babies".

She giggled at that and said: "Not yet, dear. When you've got your costume on I might reconsider, but not until." Fair enough, I thought. "Okay, where is it then?", I asked her. Susan stepped aside and moved aside some bags on the bed, revealing a matching outfit to hers, although a little bigger. "You want me to wear that!", I spluttered. "Yes!", she replied firmly, "I have been looking forward to this party for ages. You told me to get us costumes and you said you didn't care what they were. If you didn't mean it, you should have been more careful with your choice of words." She was right, I knew. I had, indeed, asked her that and I knew how much she wanted to go. I also knew that there was very little time left to find another costume.

Very well, I thought, it won't hurt to try it on just to please her. I can always try and find a decent costume on the way home from work tomorrow. "Okay", I said dubiously, "but I'm sure there is something else I can wear." "Just stop whining and try it on, " said Susan, "I you really don't like it we'll see what we can do."

"Alright then, where do we start?", I asked her. "First you need to shave", she answered. I rubbed my bristly chin and nodded agreement. "I don't just mean your face silly," she giggled, "Girls should only have body hair in one place so we need to shave your legs, armpits and chest." I balked at this and pointed out that people might see if I shaved my legs. She just replied that it would grow back quickly and it's not as if I would be going swimming or anything. "Besides, " she said, "No shaving means no nookie for at least a fortnight." Yikes, that one hurt. There was no way I was going to let that happen. I nodded numbly. She took my hand and led me into the bathroom where she took her electric razor and proceeded to shave my arms, chest, armpits and legs. The vibrations from the razor as Susan shaved my thighs, coupled with her sexy outfit kept me erect. When she was finished I showered and dried myself.

She then led me back into the bedroom and over to the bed, where she picked up a pair of red satin knickers and began to slide them over my legs. Needless to say, my erection prevented the knickers from lying anywhere near flat. "I suppose I had better take care of this before we start", she sighed. Placing her fingers around my cock she began to lightly stroke up and down. I could barely contain myself, the situation was such that my cock was almost painfully hard. When she felt my body begin shuddering she knew I was about to cum. She leaned over and kissed the head of my cock, caressing it with her tongue. Then she worked my erection into her mouth, working it with her tongue and sucking lightly. I could contain myself no more and had to come there and then. Susan's eyes widened slightly as I shot my load down her throat. She carried on sucking until I had finished cumming, then stood up, walked over to the dressing table and picked up some tissues. She wiped her mouth then gently wiped my cock, she had already sucked it dry.

Throwing the tissues into the bin, she picked up the suspender belt and wrapped it around my waist. My cock was temporarily satiated and was not hanging limp. She walked behind me, reached through my legs and pulled my balls back underneath. She then wrapped her fingers around my cock and pulled it back as well, tucking it between my legs. Her hands then pulled the knickers up tightly, covering my cock. Looking down, I was amazed. The small mound left there looked just like that of a woman's through the knickers. Gesturing for me to sit on the bed, she picked up the stockings, rolled each one up and then began to roll one up my left leg. The feeling of the smooth nylon brushing against my freshly smooth legs was fantastic. She repeated the procedure with the right leg and hooked the suspenders through the top of the stockings.

Susan picked up the half-basque and put it around me, doing it up only slightly. She then walked over to the dressing table, opened a drawer and removed a pair of prosthetic breasts. Susan worked at the local hospital and had easy access to that sort of thing. Tightening the basque slightly, she slipped the breasts into the cups, then tightened the half-basque fully and led me over to the mirror. I was astounded. The half-basque, coupled with the prosthetic breasts, gave me a fine curvy shape. Telling me to raise my arms, Susan began to slide the red dress down over my body. It fitted fairly tightly and looked bloody magnificent. Going back to the dressing table, Susan pulled a long blond wig out of a drawer. Beckoning me to go over and sit down in front of the mirror, Susan placed the wig on me and adjusted it to look natural. She then opened her make-up box and began applying make-up. I was, at this stage, dumb-struck. I was feeling things about wearing women's clothing that I thought I should not be feeling.

When I came out of my trance and looked in the mirror, I gasped. Wow! Who's the sexy blonde? Realisation came flooding back to me when I saw Susan standing beside the blonde. This was me! Amazing. "We're not quite done yet", Susan said, pulling a pair of red stilettos out from under the chair. She slipped them on my feet and helped me stand. With the high heels on, I felt about 7 foot tall. She helped me walk across the room, supporting me as I wobbled. After about ten minutes I had become fairly used to the heels and walked over to the mirror, still astounded. My erection grew rapidly as I stroked myself through the dress, running my hands up and down, then moving them to my legs, feeling the smooth stocking covered thigh.

I felt my wife's warm breath on my neck. "I'm impressed", she whispered, "Are you ready to do it now?". Was I ready? What kind of a question was that? Of course I was ready. Susan turned me to face her and moved her face towards mine slowly. Our lip-stick covered lips touched and opened, our tongues probing. I felt her hands feeling my backside, she had slipped them underneath the dress and was stroking my pantie-covered behind. I returned the action and loved the feeling of my hands gliding over her satin covered ass. We were kissing passionately now, barely pausing for breath. I felt her hand move around to the front and free my straining cock from my knickers. Her hand wrapped around it and began to stroke up and down as we kissed. I raised her dress a little and slid my hand down into her knickers, fingers already massaging the area. I slipped a finger inside her pussy and moved it slowly and gently. We both began to moan softly as our bodies worked themselves towards orgasm.

Susan let go of my cock and moved over to the bed, sliding her knickers off and lying down on the bed, dress hitched up around her waist. I followed her, led down beside her and slid my own knickers off. I massaged her breasts through the dress and half-basque and slid my cock between one of her suspenders and the thigh, moving forward and backward slowly, enjoying the feeling of our stocking covered legs rubbing together. Susan slid her dress off of her half-basque and pulled a breast out, began massaging it, lifting it to her face and licking and sucking the nipple. She reached down, removing my cock from her suspender and placed it at the entrance to her pussy, looked at me as if to say: "Your move". I obliged her and began to push my cock into her pussy, moaning softly. After a few minutes, I felt her begin to shudder and realised she would be orgasming soon. I pushed and pulled harder, anxious to cum at the same time as her. Our bodies were writhing now in the throes of orgasm. The orgasm seemed to last forever. Eventually my cock ceased its spurting and I felt Susan stop shuddering. I moved to pull my cock out of her but she indicated that I should leave it in for a while. I nodded assent and kissed her softly on the lips, stroking her breast as I did so.

"Well! That must be our best sex yet", I enthused. "Damn right!", Susan replied, "and I think I know what caused it." She indicated the dress and lingerie I was still wearing. "Well if that's what it takes, I'll wear it more often", I said enthusiastically. "I might hold you to that", she replied with a sly smile on her lips. That night we made love many more times with both of us still dressed up.

Chapter II - The Party

The night of the party arrived. I had decided not to get a different costume after all. I arrived home from work at the usual time. Susan was hustling me upstairs to get changed when it occurred to me that I would have to venture outside whilst dressed as a woman. I told Susan what I was thinking and she just said that it would be dark when we left so no-one would see me anyway. I thought about it for a while and agreed. Susan was being very strict about no sex until after the party, otherwise we would arrive late so, despite our desires, we controlled ourselves.

Susan drove us to the party. We were met at the door by one of Susan's friends, Jane, I think her name was. She was dressed as a French maid and looked quite delicious. I was just about to tell her so when she said that exact thing to me. I was stunned, here was a gorgeous woman, other than my wife, who thought I looked sexy in my "costume". I thanked her and returned the complement. She joked that I had better be careful who I get close to as some of the male guests may not realise who I really was after a few drinks. Susan and Jane laughed at this. Her comment unsettled me. Would I really be hit on?

The first couple hours of the party were fairly uneventful, Susan and I were enjoying ourselves. Some of our friends were amazed at how sexy we both appeared. As Jane had jokingly predicted, some of the guests had a little too much to drink. One of Susan's friends, Mike, wandered over to us with a companion and asked if we wanted to dance. Susan looked at me and arched an eyebrow quizzically. It was up to me to decide, I saw. Very well, I thought, one dance won't do any harm and I wouldn't mind seeing what it was like to be led in a dance rather than leading. Susan had been teaching me to speak softer and raise the pitch of my voice. "Okay", I replied. Mike introduced his friend as Dan. As Dan led Susan off to the dance floor, Mike took my hand and we followed. I had known Mike for almost as long as I had known Susan and I was quite surprised that he didn't twig who I was. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when we tell him who he was dancing with at the party, I thought, but for now I'll keep it a secret.

The music encouraged slow dancing so Mike pulled me closer. After a few minutes I noticed his hands wandering down to my backside. I reached behind me, moved his hands up to my lower back and tutted slightly. He seemed to take the hint and kept his hands on my back for the next few minutes. As the dance was a slow one, we were very close together, rubbing up against each other in fact. I began to notice that Mike was getting excited, I could feel his erection pressing against my thigh. One of his hands worked its way around to my front and began to stroke my leg, working higher and higher with each stroke. When his hand began to push up under my dress, I panicked a bit, wondering how to get away without causing a scene. I didn't want him feeling about down there or he would be very surprised at what he found. Luckily for me Susan had noticed my tense face and Mike's hand and moved over to me.

"Excuse us, Mike", she said glibly, "We have to go to the ladies' room." As we walked away I thanked her for getting me out of that situation. "No problem, " she said, "Dan's hand was beginning to wander as well." We sat down with some of our friends and spent the rest of the evening talking. Just before the time came for us to leave, my bladder decided that I needed the toilet. My first thought was to go in the mens' but I had long been curious about the rituals that go in the ladies' room. I headed confidently to the ladies' toilets and entered. To my right was a wall covered in mirrors, before which were many women touching up their make-up. I entered one of the cubicles to the left and did the business. Susan had also taught me how to put on make-up, just the basic stuff in case she had been unable to do it for me for the party. After washing my hands, I headed over to the mirrors and found a spot amongst the women. Applying more lip-stick, I glanced to the side and saw Jane looking at me with a grin on her face. She leaned over to me and whispered in my ear: "Do you know what would happen if I told the girls that there was a man in here?". I nodded dumbly, gossip would spread like wildfire but, worse than that, I was likely to be publicly removed. "Its okay," she whispered, "I won't tell anyone but you will owe me a big favour, agreed?" Again I nodded. She took my hand and led me out of the bathroom, leading me back to the table where I had been sitting. Not long after I returned to the table, Susan indicated that she wanted to go home and we left, giving our thanks to the hostess, Jane, who smiled knowingly at me and cryptically stated that she would see me soon.

Chapter III - A Proposal

When we got home, Susan and I were both tired so we didn't have sex. Instead we lay in bed talking about the evening and about our costumes. She asked me how I felt when Mike started touching me, nodding understandingly when I said how uncomfortable I had been. We chatted for a bit longer when Susan asked how I felt about wearing the costume. "It felt strange at first, " I replied, "Strange yet sexy. It didn't feel right that I was wearing women's stuff but at the same time, it felt so good." "I was thinking, " she began. "I was thinking that you don't necessarily have to stop wearing womens' clothes." "What do you mean?", I asked her. "Well, " she continued, "Sex seems so much better when we are both dressed up and we both seem to enjoy ourselves just being together when dressed up. I want to go shopping tomorrow and I was thinking that perhaps I could get some more clothes for you. You can wear them sometimes around the house. No-one else will know, just you and I."

I thought about this for a while. It had felt good and sex was certainly better. It wasn't as if I would be parading around everywhere in women's clothing, it would just be in the house and just with Susan. "Yeah, okay", I said, "Let's give it a whirl and see how things go." "Great!", she said enthusiastically, "I know just the outfit for you." What have I gotten myself into now?

Chapter IV - Brad's Embarassment

The next day I arrived back from work to find Susan in the lounge with a couple of bags beside her. "Come and see what I got for you", she said excitedly, pulling one of the bags towards her. I sat down on the other end of the settee whilst Susan delved into the bag. When she removed her hand, she was holding a black basque / corset with poppers on the crotch, as she handed it to me to feel she opened another bag, removing a pair of black stockings followed by a long black dress with a slit almost to the waist. Following this came a pair of 5 inch black stilletos. "I've got a matching outfit for me", she said, "Come on, lets go and try them on." We went upstairs to try on our new clothes. They fitted beautifully and Susan looked incredibly sexy in hers. She assured me that I looked just as good as she did. After she had applied make-up to both of us and given me the wig to wear, we went downstairs to watch television.

After a few hours the doorbell went. I jumped up, ready to dart upstairs and get changed. "No, wait", Susan said, "let's see who it is first." She went to the door and looked out of the peephole. Whispering to me she said: "Its Brad from work. He's been getting a bit fruity with me lately and I think we should get him steamed up." "What do you mean?", I asked her. "Let him see both of us. He doesn't know you and won't know that you're not a woman. Let's put on a show and get him all hot and bothered. He's all mouth. I bet he runs when we make a pass at him." I pictured someone making a pass at my wife at work and nodded vigorously. We'll teach him for trying to get into my wife's knickers.

I sat down on the couch while Susan let him in. She led him into the lounge and introduced us: "Jenni, this is Brad. Brad, this is Jenni, my close friend." Susan and I had decided that I would be called Jenni whilst dressed up. Brad extended his hand, took mine in his fingers and then kissed the back of my hand. Yuk!, I thought, how slimy. Susan got us all drinks and sat down beside me on the couch, with Brad in the chair opposite. While Brad droned on about something at work, Susan and I nudged closer together. Her hand moved to my knee and began stroking it, moving up and down my stocking-covered leg. Brad noticed immediately and stuttered to a stop, took a deep breath and started talking again. The feeling of Susan's hand stroking my leg through the stockings and working its way under my dress to stroke my naked thigh drove reason out of my mind. I forgot where I was and who was present. I leaned over to Susan and kissed her deeply.

She responded, taking a break to whisper in my ear that Brad was obviously getting excited. I began to caress Susan's breasts through the dress. Excitement got the better of me and I pulled Susan to her feet, pulled her dress over her head and pushed her back down again. Susan was now wearing just the basque and stockings. I freed one of her breasts and kissed it passionately, using my tongue to massage the nipple, feeling it harden beneath it. Her hands moved down and undid the poppers covering her crotch. I took the hint and lowered my head, tasting her juices on my tongue as I brought her to orgasm.

When she had finished shuddering, she kissed me fiercely and whispered in my ear: "Now let's see how manly Brad is. Let's make a play for him and see if he runs." We turned around and advanced towards Brad. "Your turn now Brad, " I said, "Are you ready?" "Uh, sorry, I've got to go. I've just remembered an urgent appointment." He stood quickly, struggling to hide his erection, brushed past us and fled to the door. When we heard the door shut we both burst out laughing. Well, I thought, I guess

we know now what Brad is made of.

Chapter V - Outside (I)

This continued for a couple weeks. I would arrive home, get changed into women's clothing, watch some television with Susan, then have magnificent sex. The sex just seemed to get better and better. It was truly amazing. One evening Susan and I were sitting in the lounge, each of us wearing miniskirts and blouses, when Susan spoke. "I think that as you obviously enjoy wearing lingerie, " she said, "that you should not only wear it in the evenings." "You can't seriously be suggesting that I wear it outside," I gasped. Wearing lingerie indoors is one thing, I could easily get changed if someone came to the door or something. Wearing lingerie outside though! What if people could tell that I wasn't just wearing underpants under my suit? "No-one will notice anything," said Susan, "I know that panties are not designed to hide erections

but I know how we can deal with that." It was the sex that

did it for me. Everytime we tried something new, it got

better and better.

"Okay," I said firmly, "But only knickers and stuff, nothing that would show through a shirt." "Fair enough", Susan said. She took my hand and led me upstairs where she set out a black suspender belt, some stockings and some silky black knickers. "Wear these under your trousers tomorrow," she said, "Now I'll show you how to hide an erection." She walked over to the dressing table and removed a packet of sanitary napkins. Taking some surgical tape from her bag, she walked over to me. She walked behind me, reached through and pulled my testicles back betweeb my legs, as she had done the first time. Only this time she applied some surgical tape to keep them back. She then repeated the process with my cock, placed the sanitary napkin over my cock and balls and taped it in place. She took a knife and cut a slit in the back, near the end of my penis then slid my knickers right up tight. Looking down, I could not see any noticeable bump where my erection was growing. "I've put a slit in the napkin so that you can pee sitting down," she said, "If you have to shit then you'll have to remove the napkin. The napkin should also contain any incidents you may have". "Such as?", I asked. "Well," she began, "the feeling of the lingerie may be too much for you, or you may see more of a pretty woman than you usually do when you enter the ladies' room. If you cum, don't worry, the napkin should hold it." So saying, she removed the napkin and we again had sex.

The next day I got dressed for work, applying the sanitary napkin and surgical tape as Susan had shown me, and went off to work. As she had said, the feeling of the lingerie, things rubbing against my stocking covered legs and against my pantie covered ass, got too much for me and I inadvertently came whilst sitting down at my desk. I shuddered slightly in pleasure then looked up to see if anyone had noticed. They hadn't. Or at least they hadn't appeared to.

Again, this went on for a couple of weeks. Susan began dropping hints about us going out together both dressed up. The thought appealed to me but I could not help but fear that I would be discovered and publicly humiliated. Susan said that there was no chance of me being found out as I looked too feminine when dressed. We discussed it again and again and I eventually decided to give it a try. "Okay, I'll do it," I told her, "but only if we go where there is no chance of meeting anyone who knows me." "Alright, we'll drive to a different town and get dressed up before we go", she suggested. That was OK, I thought, if there is no-one there who knows me as a man and I am as convincing as a woman as Susan says I am. We made our plans for the Saturday. Susan asked me what I would like to wear and I told her I would leave it up to her.

Chapter VI - Outside (II)

I thought about the coming Saturday for the rest of the week. I was getting turned on by the thought of going out dressed as a woman. When I came home from work on the Friday, I asked Susan what she had picked for us to wear the next day. "Come upstairs and try it on", she said, taking my hand and leading me upstairs. She led me into the bedroom and over to the bed where she gestured for me to sit down. She walked over to the dresser and picked up some bags that were lying there. Walking over to me, she said: "I've got us matching outfits". Before opening the bag she said: "We will wear our black silk knickers, along with our black bras, suspender belts and black stockings. On top of those we will wear these." She delved into the bag and brought out a couple of tiny black dresses. They were as short as the red ones we had worn to the party weeks earlier.

We tried on the outfits, complete with make-up and, for me, breast forms and wig. We both agreed that we looked stunning and immediately starting fondling each other through the dresses. The dress she was wearing was so short that it allowed easy access to her pussy and my fingers were down there while we were still kissing passionately. She slid her hand underneath my dress and inside my knickers, found my painfully erect cock and released it. She knelt down and gave me another of her fabulous blow jobs. After I came, I went down between her legs and returned the favour, savouring the taste of her liquids. We went over to the bed and did not emerge from the bedroom for the next 2 hours.

Saturday morning dawned and Susan awoke me and said we should shower before getting dressed. We showered together and Susan's magnificent body gave me an instant erection and the desire to use it. She said no, that we should wait until later. I sullenly agreed. After the shower, we got dressed, first the stockings, then the sanitary napkin and surgical tape, followed by knickers and suspender belt, bra and the dress. Susan did our make-up and arranged my wig and we put on black stockings with 4 inch heels. We were ready to go. It was early so no-one was about. I got into the car when it was still in the garage and let Susan drive us to our destination. I was still nervous and yet strangely excited.

Chapter VII to follow ...

------------------------------------------ Chapter VII has not yet been written. Any feedback on the first 6 chapters is welcomed, as are any suggestions for the rest of the story. You are also welcome to send me any stories. I am interested in cross-dressing stories but NOT transsexxual or transgender. Many authors seem to confuse these. Transvestites are mostly heterosexual even whilst dressed as women. I am also interested in straight and lesbian stories.


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