Dan and Me

By Tulsa Big Daddy

Published on Feb 21, 2006


How did it all begin, with my brother-in-law Dan and me? We're both in our 50s, married to sisters, both couples married over 25 years. So I've known Dan for a long time. He's 4 years older than me, and married to my wife's older sister. My name is David, by the way.

I never liked him. Accountant type. "Deacon" or something like that at the Baptist Church in the city where they live. Lives life by the rules, and looks down on those of us who have a different approach (i.e. no liquor, no late nights, etc.). Active Republican.

Dan and his wife live in a different city - about 500 miles away. My wife and I are the opposite from Dan and Jen - a liberal religion, more bohemian, enjoy having fun, active Democrats.

About 15 years ago, I got caught by my wife, having a fling with a gay guy I met at the gym. It was hot, he was hot - getting caught was not. Cost me jewelry and 5 long years of marriage counseling.

She said she didn't say anything to her family, but I knew she did. The treatment of me by her Mom, as well as Dan and his wife - became frigid.

Then, about 8 years ago there was a fateful family Thanksgiving at Dan's house. I hated going there, but my wife insisted we take the kids and go for the weekend. It was the usual bullshit - only difference was that Dan had his arm in a sling. Some kind of shoulder injury. During the dinner, my wife and her sister and their Mom decided they should go shopping with the kids on Friday, and I could get the Christmas decorations out of the attic for "poor Dan." Yeah - cheap labor...

On Friday morning, Dan and I went to the garage (access to the attic), and he gave me specific directions about what was to come down, and where the boxes were located. The attic was the most organized place I'd seen, with the Christmas boxes clearly labeled and stacked together.

Dan said everything was above the garage, and not to go into the East end of the attic. He actually mentioned this twice. Piqued my interest.

I started getting boxes down, when the phone rang. Dan went inside the house to answer the phone, and I continued with the boxes. When I was in the attic, I could hear him talking. On and on and on about some crisis at the Baptist church....

After the last box was down, I thought - wonder what's in the East end of the attic? Dan was still in the house talking. I went over there, and saw the perimeter neatly stacked with boxes. Some old furniture. Old couch, an old lamp - which was plugged in. Hmmmm.... Then I saw a box of Kleenex. Bingo. Couch + lamp (plugged in) + Kleenex. If that's not a jack-off setup, I've never seen one!

I actually snickered. He's so uptight, he has to come up here to beat his meat. What a loser! I could still hear him downstairs on the phone, and I began to poke around a little bit. Under some insulation, I saw about 4 inches of black plastic. Hmmmmmmm..... Looked like a trash bag. But under the insulation? I pulled it out. Yep - some porn in a black trash bag. Probably "Naughty Baptist Women" or something, right?

When I opened the bag, I was in shock. Total shock. A ton of gay porn. Foreskin Quarterly, Manscape, First Hand, mags about gay films, B&D stuff - just amazing.

Since Dan was the master of the attic - and he just had the wife and two daughters at home... this shit had to be his. Damn! I decided a little confrontation was in order. Time for that fat conservative sonofabitch to sweat!

When Dan finally got off the phone, I met him in the garage. He said for me to bring the boxes into the family room, and he would show me where to stack them. I said "Before I start that project, what's with all the porn?" As I said that, I showed him the black garbage bag.


"Well, that answers the question 'whose porn is it?'"

Next thing I know, Dan collapses on the step and starts sobbing. Really sobbing, so much that snot is running straight out of his nose onto the floor. Blubbering about how his life is over, his marriage is over, his career is over, his leadership in the church and community - that's over too....

"And I've never..... ever..... done a single thing like what's in those books," he sobbed. "I'm just interested, that's all."

As I watched him crumble, I really began to feel bad for him. This guy I've so disliked over the years. But I've been in a similar situation, and genuinely I felt pity....

"Dan, I've seen shit like this before. Doesn't shock me. After what my wife told your wife about me - long ago - trust me, guy, I understand."

I hadn't really thought this through, but I did know I'd never "out" another married man.

"Dan, I'll put the stuff back, no problem. It will be between us. But in order for me to do that, we're going to have a man-to-man talk. No bullshit, truth only. OK?"

Dan stood up, and wiped his face. He couldn't look me in the eye. "Let's go talk" he said, with no emotion.

We sat at the breakfast table, and Dan said "Where do I start?" I told him to begin at the beginning.

Dan was raised by strict Midwestern parents, an only child. He always liked looking at boys - penises and balls really fascinated him. At about 11, his dad found him and a neighbor boy comparing their little pricks. His dad went wild, paddled both of them, told them they were going to burn in hell - etc. He even told those two boys that touching themselves "there" was the work of the devil. Enjoy "down there," and you're in for an eternity in hell.

From that time on, Dan never acted on anything. Never. Yes, he looked, but never did anything else.

He was a virgin when he and Jen were married. He focused on his career, and on being a good Dad. Never once did he stray from his marriage bed. But he thought about it. A lot.

When the news of my wife catching me with this guy got back to Dan, it made him furious. He told Jen that I was evil, and shouldn't be around children, etc. But inside he was envious. He decided to buy a picture book on his next trip out of town, and snuck it into the attic. That was the beginning of his porn collection.

I asked him what type of guys turned him on. He didn't know. He liked looking at all of them, older, younger, bears, twinks, jocks, sissies. Dan didn't have a preference. He liked looking at dicks and balls.

What did he imagine himself doing - when he masturbated? The word "masturbated" got him blushing badly - but he answered me. He thought about how magic it might be to touch another man anywhere and everywhere he wanted. He thought about sucking, getting sucked, fucking, getting fucked. He blushed everytime he said one of those words.

"But I've never - never ever - done anything."

I asked him if he'd watched videos in the bookstores where he bought his porn. "Oh no, I'd never do anything like that. I just go in, quickly get a book or two, and leave. I take it back to the hotel room, and - you know..."

"I know what, Dan?"

"Well, I would read the stories or look at the pictures, and imagine myself as one of the men, and then..... I'd..... take my pants off.... And stuff like that."

"What stuff like that, Dan?"

"You know, I'd kind of.... Play with myself... Then, I'd pray that it didn't happen, and ask for forgiveness."

All this sex talk with Dan was allowing me to see him in a different light. Yeah, he was stocky - real stocky. Not cute. But somehow he became so vulnerable. I had all the power, and Dan had none. The only reason he was pouring out his soul was because I held all the cards. I was enjoying having the tables turned.

"Dan - let me tell you a little about me. I wish I didn't have this urge, this passion for men. But I do. I'm careful and discreet. I'll never again have my wife get dragged through the mud of knowing that I'm messing with some man. I'm not going to hell. God loves me, and for whatever reason, created me this way. As long as I'm careful, not hanging in parks or tearooms, I'm OK. I fuck my wife - and I fuck some guys along the way. It's not easy, but it is who I am."

His dark hair was all messed up, his brown eyes still teary. I noticed he hadn't shaved yet this morning. Somehow, I began to see the boy inside the man. He looked at me with an admiration I've never seen. We stared at each other for what had to be 2 minutes.

And out of the blue, I moved to him and kissed him. On the lips. Hard and manly - and my tongue pried into his resisting mouth. I put my arms around him, felt his back - and realized his back was extremely hairy underneath his shirt. In all these years, I had never seen Dan without a shirt - and never imagined him without one. I was in heat.

He was shocked. Didn't move. I don't think he drew breath. And then it was like a switch went to "on." He drew in a huge breath. He grabbed my face and pulled me in to him. His tongue was wild, searching all the inner recesses on my mouth. He started moaning - a soft, sensual moan. And the kissing got hotter and deeper and wetter - and better.

I untucked his shirt, so I could get my hands inside. I reached around to his back - and it was incredible. SHIT! I love a hairy man. His chest was covered completely in a carpet of man hair. I found his tits - and gently plucked at them with my finger tips.

"Fuck! That feels so hot what you're doing with my nipples. I didn't know there was anything there - but you've found it."

Working his nips with my left hand, I moved my right hand down his butt, and discovered a handful of hair there too. By this time, I'm rock hard, and can feel pre-cum leaking all over my underwear. He has practically ripped my shirt off me, and I don't care. It is now about two bulls in rut. Nothing else matters.

Since Dan had one arm in a sling, it wasn't some graceful mating dance. I tried to get his shirt off, and was having some problems. Dan suggested we go to the bedroom - and off we went. He got the sling off and his shirt off, while I took off his shoes, socks and had his slacks unzipped, belt off, and fly open.

Dan stepped out of them, revealing a pair of Christmas boxer shorts. Somehow, seeing those made me hysterical with laughter. Dan said "You'll think these are funny when I stuff them in your mouth," and yanked them off, trying to get them to my face. Even though he was out of the sling, he only had one good arm - so it wasn't a problem to resist him. But it was the first time I'd ever laughed around my brother-in-law.

Then, I realized he was naked. I was still mostly dressed, and Dan was stark naked. I think that was when he realized it too. Standing about 5' 9", Dan probably weighed 225 or so. Thick dark brown hair everywhere. His average-sized dick was filling out - and I noticed he was uncut. There was so much hair, I couldn't really see his balls.

He started blushing again under my gaze. "Lay down. You'll get your turn to look at me, pervert. First, I want to see you naked." Dan picked up on this and smiled - as he lay down.

"David, I'm scared, and I have no idea what to do or how to do it."

"I'll lay down with you, and we can figure stuff out as we go along. OK?"

I kicked off my loafers and lay down with the naked Dan. I had to touch his cock. Despite having more (much more) experience, I was not that familiar with uncut cocks. I gently held his shaft.

"How did you stay uncut?"

"I was born early. A preemie. They didn't want to do anything that might cause problems. That was something that could be done later. During my first couple of years, I was in and out of the hospital. By the time they thought about it, I was already in school. So - it never got done."

"You'll have to teach me what to do and how to do it. I've only been with 2 other uncut guys, and never felt OK with it."

"It's a deal."

By this time, we were wrapped in each others arms, kissing once again. I still had my right hand wrapped around Dan's dick. He was a pre-cummer too, and my hand was getting all gooey. I let go of his dick, and licked some of the pre-cum off my fingers.

Dan was amazed. I encouraged him to taste some of his essence - which he did. The minute his tongue touched my fingers, I could feel a new flow of pre-cum oozing out of my dick.

With that, I took my shirt, socks and pants off, leaving my jockeys on.

"I've watched you shirtless before," Dan said, "but I was always afraid to take mine off at family functions. Jen thinks I look like a gorilla, and says I'm disgusting with all this hair."

OK, that pissed me off. He was a hot, hairy fireplug of a man. I smiled at Dan and said "Bet I suck dick better than Jen does too." With that, I opened my mouth and took him all the way down.

"Fuck!" (for a man who never uttered the "ultimate obscenity," Dan was getting real familiar with it) "Jen has never put her mouth down there. You just don't know how good that feels. I've never felt anything that good in my life. Oh Lord Jesus, I think this is heaven."

I could feel his dick swelling, and pulled off him with a loud slurp. "Don't stop!" he yelled.

I spread his legs and started to find his balls with my tongue. They were there alright, just hidden away in a forest. His balls were drawn up to his body, so it took come coaxing by my wet tongue to get them back down. Got one - then both - in my mouth.

"I didn't know I had feelings there either!" he yelled. "That's just nasty and just good and just.... OH FUCK! Here it comes!"

I got his dick in my mouth just in time for the money shot. And the other shots that followed. I left enough of his sweet cream in my mouth so he could get a good taste as I kissed him. His eyes widened when he realized what he was tasting - he started to gag - and I felt his dick begin to come back to life.

Here he was, my brother-in-law Dan. Naked. As naive as he was at 11, when he got caught the first time. And - after tasting his own cum for the first time, he was getting boned up for Round 2..

-to be continued -

Next: Chapter 2

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