Damon Caged

By Kirk McCorkle

Published on Jan 13, 2017


Damon's Mask

Part One of Damon: Caged

by Kirk McCorkle

MM bd chastity puppyplay

This is a work of erotic fiction. All participants are fictional, and are over eighteen years of age. If reading erotic fiction about adult male participants that involves sex, sexual servitude, chastity, bondage, and puppyplay is illegal wherever you are, don't read any further. If possible, go back in time and don't click on the link that led to this file; that's probably illegal too. I welcome your feedback, and hope you enjoy the story.

'Keyholder for Chastity and Bondage Sub'

I thought it was a catchy title for a classified ad. My last relationship had ended a few weeks before and I wasn't really interested in going out with anyone for a while. But I know there's a need for dominant daddy-types in the world, and I hate to take myself off the market for long. A chastity sub was just what I needed. I could play with him whenever I wanted and when I didn't want to play, I didn't have to worry about him.

I got a few responses. One was from a beautiful Native American guy who ended up chickening out after a long correspondence. A hot white guy from the military base looked promising, but ended up flaking too. The hunt takes patience.

I'd gotten one email signed `D' back when I first posted the ad. I'd replied to it but hadn't heard anything further. It was a couple of weeks afterward that the guy followed up. He had a solid, sturdy build with just a little bit of fat on him, big pawlike hands, and a good thick cock. Powerful thighs, broad shoulders, great chest. I couldn't tell anything more because he'd cut himself off at the neck. He had a thing for bondage, chastity, and puppy play. I replied, told him it was good to hear from him, sent pictures of myself, and asked to see his face.

It was another week before he replied. His face was a mess. He'd had trouble with acne, and his skin was scarred and pitted. Once I got past that I could see the strong jaw, the high cheekbones, the defiant look in his eye. He'd prepared himself for rejection. What I had planned for him was much worse.

I asked him when we could meet.

It took him a couple of days to negotiate his work schedule, but I eventually ended up watching the door for him at an Eegee's near downtown. I figured there was a 50/50 shot he'd actually make it. I got lucky.

He walked in looking defensive and defiant in a leather jacket, jeans, sneakers, and a green t-shirt for some band. He looked around at the counter and the dining area, and when he looked at me I nodded.

I could see him get his courage together before he came over. It was adorable.


"You must be D." I said.

"Yeah. Damon." He held out his hand. Also adorable. I was going to have so much fun with this guy. I shook his hand firmly, and he sat down.

I made small talk for a while until my order was called, and he accepted the drink I'd ordered for him with thanks. I talked about my work and life enough to assure him I wasn't a psychopath, and then I asked him if he was still interested in doing all the things we'd talked about over email.

"Um, yes. Sir."

"Good. Here's the deal. You want someone in control of you, someone who gets to keep your cock caged. To keep you on a leash. Right?"

Damon hesitated, looked around. "Yes."

I waited.

"Sir," He said.

"Good. There's one thing I want out of you. I want you for sex. So here's the deal." I took a drink while he absorbed that last bit. "From now on, if you say yes, your cock's default state is locked up. You have to earn any time you spend out of the cage. You earn time by pleasing me. You make me cum and you get six hours out of the cage. We'll negotiate what anything else you want to do for me is worth. Now, please tell me what the deal is in your own words so I know you understand it."

Damon blinked. "If I say yes then my cock is caged up all the time, except for time off that I earn by... pleasing you." His voice was trembling just a little bit. "One orgasm gets me six hours out of the cage."

"Good. Do you have any questions?"

"What sort of things would you want me to do?" His eyes were down.

"That's the beauty of this system. You get to propose whatever you want to do. I'll let you know how much time I'll give you for it. Don't bid anything you don't want to do." I shrugged. "The less you do, the more time you spend in the cage. And that's what you want, right?"

"Can I... save up time? Like, if I want to go away for a weekend or something..."

"Good question. Yes, you can bank time." I kept my face serious, but I knew he was going for it.

"What about... well, what about me cumming?" I'd never seen anyone this embarrassed. He really was adorable.

"Cumming costs you twelve hours." And there was the hook.

I took another big drink of delicious lemon iciness and enjoyed the moment. Sometimes if you listen very closely, you can almost hear the collapse of probability waves upon the shore.

"I'll do it," he said. "Yes. Yes, Sir." He was looking down at the table when he said it.

"Good. You're going to be fun to play with."

"When do we start?"

"Now. Or, you can wait. For every six hours you wait that's one time you make me cum."

He looked afraid. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"Take your time," I said.

"Jesus, you're really going to be a bastard about this, aren't you?"

I smiled. "What fun would it be if I was nice?"

Damon paused, then looked me in the eye. "Okay," he said.

I got his cell phone number and gave him mine, then had him follow me home. He parked in the driveway, and we went in through the garage.

"Nice place," he said.

"Take off your clothes," I replied.


"You'll be naked every time the cock cage comes off or goes on." I gestured toward the bedroom, and he started moving in that direction.

"I mean, give me a moment, jeez..."

I turned on him. "What, you want to make small talk? Maybe hold hands a bit? I'm taking control of your cock. You're about to owe me for every hour of freedom you get from now on. You desperately need someone to take control of you. Are you man enough to do that?" I was berating him while backing him towards the bedroom. He started stripping his clothes off. "You want to be locked up? You'd better get used to being used. You give me control of your cock, of your manhood, you put yourself at my mercy and I'll use you any way I can. And you're going to love every minute of it, being caged up, being used. See? You're already hard as a rock."

He was down to his underwear and his boner was showing. He looked down at the floor and dropped his boxers along with the last of his resistance.

"Your safeword is mayday. Say it."


"You say that and I stop everything and get you to where you feel safe again. Got it?"


"I'm trusting you to use it whenever you feel like things are going in a direction you're not comfortable with. Okay?"

"Okay. Good."

I looked him over. His arms were defined, his shoulders were big. He wore his hair long so it partially covered his face, and it was thick and pure black. His bush was too bushy, but he'd be fixing that in a hurry.

I walked around him. His ass was awesome. The tiny bit of fat that caused his abs to lack definition lent a shape to his ass that was just breathtaking. I couldn't wait until he begged me to fuck him. The journey, though, is half the fun.

I opened a drawer in a bureau and got out a little black case. I unzipped it slowly, letting him enjoy the moment. I pulled out a clear acrylic CB-6000 chastity device and gave him a moment to stand there looking at it, his cock throbbing in time with his heartbeat. And then I gave it to him.

"Okay, now put it on," I said.

He looked from the case to his hard, thick cock and registered a look of dismay pretty quickly. He looked up at me, but he could tell I wasn't going to be any help. He sat down on the bed with a look of resignation which was just made worse when he compared the cock cage to the size of his erection.

He shot me a look of anger mixed with admiration.

I'll give him credit, he gave it a good shot. He lubed up the inside of the device with Gun Oil and then he lubed up his cock, so that didn't help. It didn't help that I was standing there watching him, either. He tried hard to jam himself into the device, but never got further than the head. It was fun to watch him push the tube down on his raging erection, grunting while he did so.

Finally he sighed and put it down. "Chastity devices turn me on. I'll never get that thing on unless I cum. If I cum I owe you twelve hours, so two orgasms. I already start out in the hole. You bastard."

"I prefer you bastard, sir."

"You bastard, Sir."

"Yes," I said, "It's a trap. But I don't want you to start off in the hole. Debt is a terrible thing. Why not start out even?"

"What do you want?" Damon asked.

"That's not how it works. What are you willing to do?" I was determined to be lazy as hell in this relationship. He wants keyholder service, he's damned well going to work for it.

"So any orgasm is worth six hours?"

"Some orgasms are better than others. The system's pretty flexible. Let's call six hours the baseline, a standard no-frills handjob." Negotiating is fun when you're the only one in the room with clothes on.

"So, a blowjob would be worth..." he asked.

"Have you ever done it before?"


"Then this one's nine hours."

He gulped and then nodded.

I just took my tie off and started unbuttoning my shirt. I keep myself in decent shape, but my most distinguishing feature is that I am abundantly blessed with a luxurious coat of thick grizzled hair all over me. Damon had mentioned in his emails that he was into that, so I played it up a bit. There was even a lamp on behind me so when I stripped off my undershirt I should have been pretty well silhouetted in a nimbus of glowing fur.

He ate it up. I've never regretted those theater classes back in college.

I make a policy of never sending dick pics electronically. Partly because I'm uncomfortable about the whole privacy thing, but mostly for moments like this. When I dropped my pants and he saw my schlong, he actually looked a little afraid. I love that look.

I said, "Get to work."

Holy crap, it worked.

He got up off the bed, came over to me with his head down, and sank to his knees.

"Kiss it," I ordered.

He leaned forward and his lips met the skin of my shaft like he was kissing a holy relic. He kissed it again and again, a passion born of enormous repression, longing and desperation finally coming to fulfillment. His eyes were closed, and one hand was clamped around his own hard cock, while the other reached up for my cock.

"No hands." I grabbed a set of handcuffs from the bureau and cuffed his hands behind his back. He whimpered.

"Now lick it," I said.

He started lapping at my shaft like a dog. I groaned with pleasure, and that seemed to make him lick harder and faster.

"Good. That's good," I said. "Now take it in your mouth but don't touch it with your teeth. Put your lips over them."

He looked up at me while he licked up the shaft towards the head, and then opened wide.

He went as far down as he could until I felt my cock hit the back of his throat. I put one hand on his head and gently held him there. He was breathing hard through his nostrils and it was tickling my pubes. When he started to move his tongue underneath it I released him. He pulled away but kept the head in his mouth, then went down again.

I let him enjoy himself for a while.

Then I pulled out and went over to sit on the bed. "Come on, keep going," I said.

He crawled over to the bed and took my cock in his mouth again.

"Use your tongue on the shaft. Keep it in your mouth," I told him. His tongue started licking at my cock head while his mouth moved up and down it slowly. He was being sloppy about it, and his spit was lubing my cock up well. "Good," I said. And he wagged his ass.

"Good dog."

He wagged his ass again. I laughed. "Get back to work, puppy. We'll play later."

I toyed with his dick with my foot and was rewarded with him groaning around my cock. That got me close, but I needed one more thing... "If you swallow my load, that's worth three hours."

He hesitated for one delicious moment and then redoubled his efforts on my cock. He was licking at the head of my cock, sucking on it while moving his head around, moaning as I played with his cock with one foot. I could feel my orgasm building within me, and kept my eyes fixed on him. That moment when a guy gets his first load and finds out he likes eating cum... there's a resignation to it, a defeat. But it's the moment when you learn who you are, what you want, and that's the root of all power. It's a wonderful thing to see.

I let out a groan as my cum burst out of me, he lapped at it as it flowed into him, and he opened his eyes and looked up at me devotedly. I smiled. I love owning someone.

I held his head in place, enjoying the warmth of his mouth on my cock, the twitching of his tongue. Finally, I let him go.

He pulled off and looked up at me bewildered, his hard cock hanging between his legs.

I knew this was a crucial moment.

"I know what you're thinking," I said. "You're wondering what you can do to earn more time."

"I am?"

"Yup. Good question. Come with me." And I got up from the bed and undid his cuffs. Damon got up, rubbing his wrists.

Then he followed me into my walk-in closet. Well, it's technically a walk-in closet. More of a walk in and barely have room to turn around in it closet. We were very close, and we were naked, and poor Damon was still fully erect.

I drew his attention to a couple of stacks of plastic boxes on a shelf. They were neatly labeled. 'Cuffs, collars, gags.' 'Ropes, chains.' 'Puppy toys' 'Butt Stuff'. That sort of thing. He read them with a blank expression, but I could see his cock twitching vigorously. He looked up at me.

"So, it's your turn to cum so I can get your cage on you. Just wanted you to know your options. Let's see, you have..." I counted on my fingers. "You need twelve hours to be able to cum. You earned nine with that amazing blowjob, plus three for swallowing your first load, so you're even. You can earn more time by using the gear. You'll probably want to have a few hours in the bank so you're not in the device continually to start with. There's a hitch, though."

He rolled his eyes.

I smiled. "Each of these objects has a power. If you wear them, things happen. For instance, you pick the cuffs, they get used to tie you down. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir." He looked at the boxes. "How much for each one...?"

"Depends on the object. Show me one you'd use and I'll tell you what it does, and what it's worth."

He was looking at me like I was insane. It's good to keep a sub wondering just a little bit.

He said, "The cuffs."

"Wear them for an hour, you get an hour."

"Hmm." He looked through the boxes, starting with the one marked Puppy Toys. He pulled out the leather dog mask with snap-off muzzle. "What does this do?"

"That one robs you of the power of speech. If the muzzle is on it all you can do is bark, growl, and whine. One hour for one hour."

He picked up the big rubber tail buttplug but put it back down again without asking. Just as well, he'd probably need some breaking in. He went into another box and came up with a leather cockring. "This one?"

"Half an hour for an hour. If you cum with it on it's a six-hour penalty."

He nodded. He produced a collar and raised his eyebrow.

"Six hours for an hour."

"Seriously? What does it do?"

"While you wear it," I said, "You do anything I say within your established limits. And you answer any question I ask you with the complete, unedited, unvarnished truth."

"Oh." He considered a moment then put it down. A little more rummaging and he pulled out a bag of clothes pins. "How much for these?"

"Those are ten minutes per hour apiece. Wear one for an hour, it gives you ten minutes."

"What do they do?" he asked.

"They hurt."

He brought me the cuffs, the dog mask and a dozen clothes pins.

"That should put you ahead by four hours." I looked him up and down. "On your knees again."

He knelt before me. "When you can't speak, your safeword is snapping your fingers. Can you do that?"

He snapped his fingers.


I loosened the dog mask and then put it over his head. I made sure the eye holes were aligned and I tightened and tied off the laces in the back. I stepped back to admire my work. He was one loincloth short of looking like Anubis come to life.

"There's a good dog. Speak! Speak, puppy!"

There was a moment of mistrust in his eyes, but then it broke. "Woof!"

"Good boy! One more time!"

"Woof!" He was down on all fours now, his ass wagging.

"Who's a good boy? Up on the bed now!" I patted the covers.

He jumped clumsily up on the bed and stood there on all fours. I could tell that under the mask he was happy.

I went behind him and grabbed his cock and balls at the base, circling them with my thumb and forefinger. While I was back there I enjoyed the view of his twitching, hairy asshole. I spent a few moments letting him wonder what I was up to. I blew gently in the direction of his hole once or twice, just to see it wink at me. It was an invitation I would reserve for later.

I grabbed the cockring, looped it so it constrained his cock and balls just as my fingers had been doing, and snapped it closed. Then I took the cuffs and put one around each of his ankles. He had blunt, powerful feet, and calves like shotputs. I strapped the cuffs on tight. Then I put cuffs on his wrists.

"Is that good, puppy?"


"Good dog. Now roll over!"

He rolled over on his back.

I moved his arms and legs so he was completely spread out. Then I went up near his head and very slowly and loudly pulled a chain out from under the bed.

Over the years I've developed a sincere and burning hatred for metal bedframes. They're noisy, rickety, and give way at the exact wrong time. After going through three of them in two years I'd had enough. I picked up some lumber and some metal brackets and some cinderblocks and I built a bedframe. I screwed a set of O-rings into the four corners, and a couple to the top and bottom just for fun. And man, they were fun. I have chains on each one of them, and I can tie a guy down tight in no time flat. The bed looks like a normal bed with a bedskirt and headboard and everything, with the chains neatly tucked away beneath it.

The chain sounded like Halloween as I pulled it out from under the bed. He'd written to me about bondage but he'd never done it, so I knew this was a big moment for him. I made the noise last a long time, and then produced a padlock. I drew his wrist out tight, got the D-ring on his cuff lined up with the chain, and looked him in the eye. Deep inside the mask, he had beautiful eyes. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Woof!"

"Good puppy." I clicked the lock closed, and rubbed his tummy. Then I stretched each of his legs out and locked them down. Finally, his other arm, and he was helpless.

He looked magnificent stretched out on the bed, spread-eagled, cuffed, cock tied off, masked. He was breathing heavily in the mask. I took a moment to admire him, ran my hands over the hair on his legs, played with his bush a little without touching his cock, tweaked his nipples. Then I straddled him and put my face right up next to his left ear. I said, "An hour each for the mask and cockring and ten minutes for each clothespin gets you four hours of freedom. Here's the catch."

I heard him draw his breath in. "I get you for an hour. I'm not letting you cum until your hour is up. And I'm not letting you get soft, either."


"I'm going to keep you hard and tease you for an hour. That's why the cock ring is a bitch. You can't cum until I let you."

He let out a little whine. Adorable.

"It's 10:12." I started in on him.

Some time passed.

"It's 10:22."

Damon let out a little "Whuf?" of disbelief. I'd spent most of the past ten minutes just mapping out his sensitive parts. His nipples were extremely responsive, his armpits and feet were ticklish, and he was so worked up that just stroking his forearm or thigh made his cock jump. I hadn't yet touched his cock, but it was standing dutifully at attention. He'd taken to whining every so often and he was sounding more and more like a real dog all the time.

I made him lick my fingers and then played with his right nipple for a while, getting it good and firmly erect. I bent down and licked it and he groaned. I started sucking on it vigorously and his hips started thrusting, bouncing his cock up and down in a futile attempt to get some sort of contact.

When I figured it was about to lose its novelty, I grabbed a clothespin, pulled my mouth off his hard nipple, and pinched it in the jaws of the wooden clamp. Damon started saying "Aaaah..." and it turned into a charming little howl of pain.

"I like the howling," I said, and went to work on his other nipple. This time when he was thrashing around it was only partly because of the pleasure. The rest of it was fear of the pain he knew was coming.

When I pulled off of him he whimpered. And when I put the clothespin on his left nipple he let out a genuine howl. My cock was rock hard again.

I spent a while exploring other areas, licking here and there a while, driving him crazy wondering where the next ten clothespins were going to go. I like to get the obvious ones out of the way first.

I distracted him by tickling him a bit, and that got him to whine and woof and thrash around. I spent a while on his helpless feet, and then worked at his armpits a bit. He was panting for breath, trying to laugh, but his cock stayed rock hard.

I went to work on his balls.

I started out just fondling them, stroking them. Guys do this to themselves all the time, and it's not all for the sake of adjustment. It feels good. I gave him a chance to enjoy that until a deep shudder passed through his restrained body. I lay down between his legs, and gently licked his nuts.

He held perfectly still for just a few seconds, his body tense against his bonds, and then he relaxed completely. I licked again and he moaned. I started licking slowly from just under his balls to the base of his cock, following the dividing line between his balls. He made a sound was half bark, half sob. I took my time, licking first at one nut, then the other. He was exerting a constant pressure on his shackles now, pulling at his arms and legs as if he was trying to collapse in on himself. His cock had started leaking pre-cum.

"It's 10:32."

He let out a howl of despair.

I still hadn't touched his cock.

I gave his nuts one last lick, and then grabbed a fold of his ball skin and clamped a clothespin to it. It took a second for all the pleasure his balls had been feeling to wear off, but when the pain hit him he bucked like a young mule. I enjoyed the show for a moment, then took another pinch of skin. He started barking. I laughed and clipped the clothespin to his nuts.

He was thrashing, barking, pulling at his bonds, his hands balled into fists, his eyes closed tight.

I grabbed his cock.

He stopped. His muscles were still tense, straining at his manacles, but he'd stopped thrashing.

I stroked just below his cockhead with my thumb. Damon's body relaxed. His cock was warm, solid in my hand. The head was a little bigger than the shaft, no foreskin. I stroked it up and down a moment.

"Just think. Only eight more clothespins to go."

I loved hearing him whimper.

"It's 10:42."

Most of the remaining clothespins were clamped onto his balls, with three going up the shaft of his cock. He was panting, sweating, moaning a little, but he'd stopped struggling. The clothespins moved when he struggled, which tends to hurt.

He didn't react when I announced the time.

"You're already halfway there, puppy! Isn't that great?"

It sank in. He howled and started pulling at his bonds. The clothespins rattled together and he roared in pain and frustration.

I patted his chest. "It builds character."

He started bucking, flailing like he was trying to get the clothespins off through sheer centrifugal force. He was going to hurt himself. It was time for the next move.

"I'm going to give you a chance to buy off the last twenty minutes of this hour," I said. "If you agree, we'll cut it off at forty minutes. Got it?"

He nodded. "Woof."

He'd stopped thrashing around.

Until about thirty seconds after I removed the first clothespin from his nuts. At first there's relief that it didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would. Then the pain starts to build, but it's not that bad. Then it's that bad. He was biting his lip, breathing hard through his nose in a very doglike fashion.

I took off the next one.

He started whining, then howling.

I spent a while taking all of the clothespins off his balls and shaft, prolonging the fun by rubbing `ointment', actually lube, into the places the clothespins had been. Agonizing and stimulating all at the same time. He was a mess.

"You ready to make a deal?"

There was a pause, and then he nodded.

When I'm breaking in a new cocksucker I like to start them off easy. There are a few things beginners can do that feel good and aren't too challenging. Licking at the head while jacking the shaft is a classic, anyone can do that. Get them used to sucking cock gradually, compliment them on it, make them proud of doing it well and they'll come to love it. Having a newbie choke on your cock is vaguely amusing. Having someone really devoted to learning how to deep throat you is rewarding in a variety of ways, and for a much longer time. For right now an easy assignment was in order.

There was a ring of snaps around the muzzle on the dog mask. I unsnapped them, leaving his mouth and nose uncovered. "You can now speak. Are you okay?"

Another long pause. He licked his lips. "Yes, Sir."

"Here's the deal. You lick my cock until I cum all over your face. Then I make you cum. If you get it done in ten minutes, you're free. Ready?"

He looked panicked for a moment, then his cock pulsed. "Yes, Sir."

"Good boy."

I took both clothespins off his nipples at once. He howled, then remembered he could talk. "Aw, fuck! Ow, that hurts! What the fuck...?"

I straddled his chest, sitting with my thighs right on his nipples. He howled again. I reached behind me and jacked his cock a couple of times. He stopped complaining. He was going to spend random moments for the rest of his life trying to sort out how he felt about tonight.

I moved up so my knees were on either side of his head, my shins resting on his arms, and my cock was right over his face. I let him look at it a while. I jacked his cock a few times while I gradually lowered mine to his mouth, and he started licking at my shaft. I gave his cock a couple more tugs and let him go so I could sit back and enjoy the feeling of his hot tongue worshiping my cock.

"Eight minutes."

He stepped it up. He started licking at my cock with an animal fervor. Beneath the mask his face looked ecstatic.

"Look at me."

His eyes opened. He kept licking. He looked embarrassed at first, to be looking up at me like that, but I held his gaze. Soon his expression melted into worship.

I grabbed my cock at the base and started jacking it. It was now smacking against the puppy boy's face while he was trying to lick at it. Staring into his eyes while he struggled against his bonds to better serve me, smacking him in the mouth with my cock while he struggled to lick it, I came.

"Close your eyes, puppy."

He closed his eyes just as I sprayed my load over his mask, his mouth, his eyes, his nose. He kept licking as my load spurted out, covering his tongue and his lips with my seed.

I pressed my cock to his tongue as my orgasm wound down, and enjoyed him licking me slowly, in long strokes. Then I reached over and grabbed a towel from the nightstand.

"I'm going to get that out of your eyes. Hold still, puppy."

I wiped the cum out of his eyes and off the mask. I left it all over his mouth and nose.

"Keep your eyes shut, puppy. You don't want that stuff in them." I snapped the muzzle back on the mask. Now he couldn't speak and he was trapped in there with the smell and the taste of my cum.

"Three minutes. Think you can do it, puppy?"


I squirted some lube on his cock and went to work. The problem, of course, wasn't getting him to cum in three minutes, it was keeping him from cumming in twenty seconds. I started by just teasing with tiny, feather-light strokes which drove him pretty nuts. I started playing with his balls as well and increased the intensity of my strokes just a tiny bit. I'd throw in a few strokes at full velocity every so often, just so he was sure I was teasing him. I'd play with just his head for a while.

And all this time I was working downward from his balls, one finger going further and further down his taint towards his virgin asshole, tickling it, lubing it up...

There was still a minute left, but I figured he was going to spurt no matter what I did now so I began jacking his cock furiously with my right hand. He arched his back, and just as he started to cum my finger pushed its way into his asshole. His cock spurted, jizz exploding over his chest as his whole body spasmed. He collapsed with a roar onto the bed, cum still spilling out of him, my finger in his ass, and then he lay still.

He didn't react as I pulled my finger from his ass and gently let his cock go. He was breathing heavily, deeply.

I left him tied down but lay down next to him, put my arm up behind his head, and start stroking his chest gently. His breathing calmed down eventually.

"Are you okay, puppy?"

He nodded, his eyes still closed. "Woof."

"It's time for your cage."


I got the chastity device and put his cock into it. It took some lube and some persistence, but it went in. I found the ring that fit around his balls best, and I put the whole thing together like a puzzle. I paused a moment to let him wonder about the silence, and then I clicked the lock shut with a very final-sounding click.

He didn't move as I went around and unlocked the padlocks from his shackles. I took the muzzle off of his mask.

"Oh my god."

I was sitting on the bed next to him, my hand stroking his chest. "Are you okay?"

"I had no idea."

"That was your first time doing anything with anyone, wasn't it?" I asked.


"That's why I went easy on you."

He laughed. He thought I was joking. I laughed too.


I unbuckled the shackles from his wrists, then from his ankles. I went to take off the mask and he stopped me.

"Not yet, please."

I left it on.

I lay down next to him and let him come down a while longer. He rolled over and put his head on my chest. One of his hands wandered through my chest hair. The leather of his mask was warm against my skin.

His hand drifted down and touched the chastity device he was locked into.

"How does it feel?"

"Liberating," he said.

"Is it pinching anywhere?"

"No. It's kinda pulling on some hairs." He rolled onto his back, and tried to adjust his cage a bit.

"Yeah, you might want to trim," I said. "I used a combination lock on it this time. You have four hours out of the cage banked. When you want to take it off send me a picture of it. I'll text you the combination. When your time is up you'll lock it back up with a key lock that you don't have the key to. Then send me another picture to verify. Understand?"

He lay back and closed his eyes. "When I want to use my time I'll send you a picture of me in the device. You'll text me the combination. When I'm done I'll lock it with a key lock, and send you another picture."

"Good," I said. "Any time you want to earn more time out of the cage, send me a text. If I'm free we can meet up."

"And that's it?" He seemed perplexed.

"What else would you like?"

He paused. "No rules, no check-ins, no collars, nothing like that?"

"Are you offering? I'd give you some time for those."

"Oh." He understood. "So, if I spend all my time locked in the cage, I don't have to do anything else. If I ever want my cock to be free I have to serve you somehow."

"And being locked up is your natural state, so it works out for you too." I petted his head. "I've put you up against yourself. The part of you that wants hot, kinky sex versus the part that wants to have your sexuality locked up. I don't have to worry that I'm pushing your limits too hard, or wonder how far you'll go. In a way, it's putting you in control, while leaving me firmly in charge.

"It's a win-win. If you succeed in denying yourself completely, I'll know that your cock is out there in my cage, forever longing for me. And every time you lose the battle with yourself I get to see you come crawling to me, begging to be used."

"Oh, shit."

"Oh, and this is one of the very few times I'm going to pull the combination lock trick. From here on in you'll have to come to me to be unlocked whenever you want to use your time," I said.

He was feeling his cock cage with his hand. I could tell he was trying to get hard, and failing. "So... why are you doing it this time?"

"I want to give you a chance to back out."

He looked up at me.

"It's one thing to want all this in the heat of the moment. It's another to be sitting alone in your room putting a plastic cage on your cock. When you click that lock you'll be voluntarily submitting yourself to my will. You'll belong to me, in a very real way. I need to be sure you'll do it."

"Oh." He put his hand on my chest. "I'll do it."

"I kinda figured." I smiled. "You seem to be enjoying yourself."

"Why is it that you just tied me up and used me for sex twice, and I feel like nobody has ever been nicer to me in my life?" He was looking down when he said it.

I hugged him. I mean, what else can you do when someone says something like that?

"Well, I hope I get to keep being nice to you for a long time."

He hugged me back.

I enjoyed the moment, then smacked his ass. "All right, I've got to get some sleep, and you've got to get back before you turn into a pumpkin or something."

"Yeah, I hate that." He got up and started fumbling with the laces on the back of the mask.

"Here, let me get that." I stood in front of him and reached around to undo the mask. He looked up at me, and his dark brown eyes were intense, intelligent, searching. He looked down as I pulled the mask off, and when he looked back up his eyes were veiled, reserved, fearful. Lost in the ruined landscape of his face. He turned away and started gathering his clothes.

I put the mask carefully on the bureau. "What kind of hours do you work?"

"Ridiculous ones. It's the busy season, so I'm working sixty hours a week minimum."

"What do you do?" I asked.

He found his underwear and carefully pulled them on over his cock cage, then adjusted himself. "I'm... I'm a facilities guy at a hospital."

"What sort of stuff do you do?" I was lying back, enjoying the spectacle of him getting dressed while getting used to having his cock locked up and trying to make small talk at the same time.

"Well, I started on janitorial stuff, but they've got me doing equipment maintenance now."

"They must have been impressed with you," I said.

"Either that or they wanted me in the back where I couldn't scare the patients." He flashed me a quick smile as he buttoned his jeans.

I laughed. "Do you live by yourself?"

"I've got a roommate. My brother. We moved out together." He sat down, shoes and socks in hand. "What about you, what do you do?"

"Database guy. I live at the intersection between five, sometimes six, large data sets."

"Sounds fun," Damon said.

"It is, actually. I like it. Keeps my brain busy."

"Yeah, I can see where that would be an issue."

"You may have noticed I tend to overthink things just a bit." I got up and put on a robe. "Well, it's been great meeting you."

He looked startled. "Crap, we did just meet this afternoon."

"Weird, huh?" I handed him a tube of silicone lubricant and a small, unlocked padlock. "Here, you'll need these for when you use your four hours."

"What if I don't use it?"

"Your call." I walked him toward the front door.

"Can I text you for... other stuff?"

"Sure, please do. I'm sure you'll have questions pop up." I patted his crotch. "Because nothing else is going to."

"It sure is trying, though." He adjusted himself awkwardly. "So, uh... goodnight."

"Goodnight, Damon." I opened the door for him. He looked up at me for a fraction of a second, his expression unreadable. He hurried out.

It was twelve hours before he texted me again.

`This thing is driving me crazy, Sir.'

`Are you ready to use your time?'

He sent back a picture of his cock caged up, combination lock in place. The caption read 'Yes, please, Sir.'

I waited a few minutes before I texted him back. 'Go ahead. Are you going to jack off?'

'May I, Sir?'

'Sure. It'll cost you twelve hours, though. That puts you pretty far in the hole. You'll have a lot to make up before you get to cum again.'

'I don't think I can get it back on unless I do.' Damon texted. I wish there was an emoticon for aroused and resigned, Damon would have a lot of use for it.

'Have a good time,' I texted him the combination.

'Thank you, Sir.'

I gave it a couple of minutes so he'd have time to get the cage off, but not time enough to cum, and texted him again. 'If you take a picture that shows you cumming, it's worth two hours.'

It seems like a nice gesture at first. I want to keep him from being in debt to me, so I offer up a little clemency, a little leeway. The real reason I did it was that I wanted his first jackoff session after being in the cage, following our mind-boggling session last night, to be a complete and total letdown. I wanted to ruin that orgasm.

It was about ten minutes later that my phone pinged. It was a blurry but visible photo of cum oozing out of Damon's thick cock.

'How was it?' I texted.

'Not the same, Sir.'

That made me laugh.

After four hours I got another picture. His cock, locked back up with the key lock. I reached in my pocket and felt the key on my keyring, enjoying the sensation of having a tough young guy out there under my control. Knowing his cock was mine. I may have let out a little evil laugh. Just a small one. A chortle, really. I chortled. Evilly.

'You were right, Sir. It was harder than I thought, locking that on myself,' Damon sent.

'Congratulations. How do you feel?'

There was a long pause before he replied, 'Owned, Sir.'

And then I waited. I really wanted to get Damon back where he belonged, but I wanted to let him make the next move. If he planned ahead and he wasn't struggling with things, he'd get in touch with me soon and work off his ten-hour debt before he was really desperate to get off. Realistically, that wasn't going to happen, but it was fun to see how long he lasted.

He did text me the first night. 'It's really hard getting to sleep in this.'

'I hear you get used to it after a while,' I replied.

After that, nothing for two days. I was a little worried that he'd decided that all this wasn't for him. On the other hand, the longer he waited, the more fun this was going to be.

Part 2 coming soon Let me know what you think. avunculous@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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