Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Feb 5, 2012


Hey Guys, hope you had a great new years party haha and hope that this year will be fill with great things! So what do you think about Drew moving to Italy? There'll be new characters in the story since Drew moved. There'll be surprises and spins. Hope you like them. Also Rob is In this chapter, something good happening for his fans, also something not so good! You know the drama love contains. So sorry for the delay guys!!! I promise it won't happen again:)

Alex's POV

Seven Weeks, Four Days and Five hours. I know, creepy I counted it. But its sad since Drew left. It felt like he took one part of me with him, which is good, but it left me sad and alone. I cried a lot at night. Mostly when I found myself hugging my pillow. He hasn't call. He promise he would, he hasn't. It may be that he can't at this moment, or maybe...he found someone else. I wouldn't blame him, italians are so attractive. Girls, I mean. He once told me he didn't considered himself gay, the only guy he was ever attracted to its me. He says I shine, so bright that even if he wasn't really gay at all, he wanted me.Of course, he says that to make me feel somewhat, lets say special. But I know he likes both I guess. But I guess, he can move on. It would be selfish of me to keep him tied to something its sentence to end.

"Hey" Li threw her bag to my bed and plopped on it next to me. She smiled.

"Hi" I said back. I knew I was a downer, but I couldn't avoid it, I mean, Drew left and nothing can be done. Besides, the fact that he hasn't call me makes me sad.

"You Know What? We should go out tonight, you know like we used to" She seemed excited, " Like old times" She shook me because I was kind of drifting to sleep. "Just you and me ,remember?, Against the world" I smiled and she shook me again.

"Come on, should be fun, we can go to a fancy restaurant, have dinner, or go bowling" I smiled and laughed remembering the last time I went bowling with Li. I mean, she flirted with the guy that was in charge of the bowling lines, and he let us play for an hour free, because we had spent the rest of the money in chocolate.

"I guess, that I could do some fun" She hugged me and clapped her hands. "You are such a school girl" She giggled on purpose and we laughed.

"So Tonight?" I nodded and she smiled.

"The dynamic duo is back!" I laughed and we went downstairs to the kitchen. She left to do some stuff and to get ready. Even if it didn't look like it, I was looking forward to tonight. Some fun will make me feel better I guess.

I decided to take a shower and get ready since it was five, and Li said something about picking me up at seven, so I liked to take my time. I took my shirt off and then my pants. I was only in my underwear.

"Hey Butters, I..." I covered myself with a teddy bear Drew gave me. Rob was laughing so hard that he was almost on the floor. I glared at him.

"Get out!, I need to get ready" He closed the door and lied on my bed. I sighed and got into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, since Rob was on my bed waiting. I dressed inside to avoid another uncomfortable moment like the last one.

I put on jeans and a black t-shirt. Rob was staring at a picture I had on my desk. He was lost in it. I touched his shoulder and he looked at me. He smiled.

"You look...good" I smiled and sat on my bed.

"Thank you" He nodded and sat next to me.

"Are you going somewhere?" I nodded and he looked down. I felt something bother him, something he was keeping from me.

"Is everything alright?" He nodded and after a few seconds he looked up.

"I want to ask you something" His eyes sparkled and he was was nervous. It was weird since Rob isn't the type of guy that gets nervous.

"Sure" I pretended to be cool, but it was killing me to know what he wanted to ask.

"I was wondering , just if you want to, I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to..." He was rambling and looking everywhere except me.

"Rob just say it, it can't be that hard" I put on my shoes and sat next to him on the bed. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes.

"Would you want to go out next friday night?" He kept his eyes close. Now it was real hard for me to answer. I gulped and got nervous. I wasn't expecting that.

"I..." He had a smiled on his face, I missed that smile.

"Just as friends, if you want to" He smiled again and I nodded. "Really? Perfect! I will pick you up at 7" He sounded excited, like a little kid. I nodded again and he just smiled. He was such a goof sometimes, but I care for him. I kicked him out of my room so I could do some stuff before Li arrives. I felt this tingle about tonight. Like if something was going to happen. I shrugged it off and sighed. I missed Drew so bad. I wonder if he is thinking about me, like I always do. My phone went off and it was a text from Li. 'I'm here' . I checked I had everything with me and walked downstairs. Li was in the kitchen. I was surprised to see Rob was still here. I though he had gone home. They were chatting until Rob looked at me. That's when Li noticed my presence.

"Somebody looking hot tonight!" I blushed because of Li's reaction. Rob was still staring at me. I felt naked. I drank a glass of water and Li took her keys.

"Let's go and find some boys!" She chant. Rob eyes went wide and she laughed.

"Calmed down, just kidding...or maybe not" She pulled me out of the house with a confuse Rob inside. We laughed about his expression. It was like if he had seen a ghost. Li's car was parked on my driveway, it was a white mustang which I love. We hoped in and she drove away. Some pop music was on and Li was singing to it.

"Where are we going?" She winked at me and kept driving. I hate this kind of surprises. She knew it and that's why she does it. I was getting impatient so I tapped on the window to the rhythm. After a while I knew we were going out of town. It was already dark outside and the road was not so good.

"Li please tell me!" I whine. She rolled her eyes and turned to me.

"To a friend's nightclub, is the opening and he wanted us there" She smiled and kept singing.

"Us?" She looked confused for a moment.

"Yep" I didn't know this friend, so how is it that he wanted 'us' there. I ignored it and looked out the window. The sky was full of stars. I remembered Drew. I hope he's fine. He hasn't call and he promised it. But I knew this was going to happen soon or late. He was a handsome,smart, sweet guy, how couldn't he find someone better? I wouldn't blame him, after all, I want him to be the happiest he can be. Even if it means to share that happiness with someone else. I closed my eyes for a moment. I could see Drew hugging me. We were cuddling on the bed and he was whispering lovely things on my ear. I just blushed or smiled at him. I sighed. Those happy moments were gone and replaced with loneliness when he left. I pushed my thoughts aside as Li parked on the club.

"Are you ready for the wildest night of your life?" She smirked and I laughed at her failed attempt to look sexy and wild. She laughed too and we walked to the entrance. Two huge guys told us to go to the line.

"But I'm friends with the owner!" Li whined. Everyone in the line was giving her 'loser' looks. I just glared at them. The music was blasting and it seemed the club was packed. Li kept arguing with the bodyguards and they kept saying no.

"What's going on here?" A guy dressed all elegant and that walked out of the club. Li saw him and smiled.

"George! They won't let us in!" The guy looked at Li and smiled. He told the bodyguards to let us in and we walked in.

"Yeah! Take that suckers!" Li shouted at the shocked crowd making line on the outside. Some rolled their eyes and some gave her the finger. She just gave them a childish smile and walked in.

The Club looked great. It was decorated in a modern way. It had fishtanks in some corners, a lot of modern sofas, a big dance floor full of people, and a square bar in the center. Music was blasting and people were having a great time. I smiled. I remember when Li took me to my first club. It was a mess. Matt got into a fight, Li did too. I had to take care of another friend of us that was drunk. She kept throwing up all over the place. The owner wasn't happy. It was frustrating at the time but now it's a funny memory.

"Alex this is George, he is twenty six" Li winked at me. I knew she liked him. He smiled and we shook hands. He had some weird blue drink and offered me some, but I didn't drink. I thought that the guy was too old to date Li, but I didn't want to ruin the night.

"Come to my table, there's a lot of people you have to meet" Li grabbed my wrist and dragged me across the club towards a big table. There were like twenty people sitting there and I doubted we were going to fit in there. Somehow we managed to sit and Li was talking with George, well they were openly flirting with each other. I was felt left out because the other girl next to me was chatting with someone. I was silent. I sighed. I looked to the other side and caught a guy staring at me. Probably one of George's friends, because he was sitting next to him. He smiled at me and I gave him a shy smile. He looked like twenty six. He was handsome. Not super muscular type but he was sure a hunk. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes. He looked tall and His face was shaved. He looked...manly. My phone went off and I looked at the screen. It was Drew.

"Wait, I can't hear you, let me find a quiet place" I quickly answered. I stood up and turned to Li. I pointed to my phone and she nodded and kept listening to whatever George was saying to her. I walked through the crowd of people dancing in the club. After some pushes from the people I found a door. It was the kitchen. It was empty and I walked in. It was weird since the club was packed, maybe it's because is late and probably no one is asking for any snacks now. I sighed and put the phone to my ear.

"Sorry, Li insisted we go to this nightclub" I chuckled but there was no response from him. "How are you?" I said hesitantly. I knew it was the first time he called since he left. I was expecting at least a 'How have you been?' or something like that.

"I am fine...we need to talk" I heard his sad tone. I had a bad feeling.

"Let's talk" I gave a nervous laugh and he said nothing. I cleared my throat and expected the worst.

"I love you, always have that in mind, but... I guess ...I don't love you as much as I did when we were together" He said coldly.

"Wait, What? Why?" I was confused. This wasn't real.

"I think we should end all this, is keeping us tied to meeting new people" I heard my heart broke. I felt dizzy and used a hand to support myself with the table. I felt the tears wanting to come out but I held them back.

"What?" He sighed. There was a slight pause which had me shaking.

"Look Alex, I'm ending this...I don't know how to say this, but...I met someone,ok" I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "I...I..." He sighed again. He seemed frustrated.

"Let's not make a big deal of this, It will have end like this anyways, better to end it now" there was another pause. I didn't know if my heart was still beating or not, "I have to go, Please take ca..." I hung up before he could say anything else. I felt the tears running down my cheeks. Was it a joke? I couldn't believe him. He promised me. He promised me that we were going to make it through. I sat on the floor and cried to myself. I wasn't aware of the sudden warmth I felt. It just felt good. The contact. I needed it. I looked to my side and the guy from before was smiling down at me. It just happened. He cleaned the tears from my face and pulled me up. He carried me by the waist and sat me in the counter. He started kissing me and I kissed him back. I needed the contact, the touch, to feel loved. He stopped.

"I can't do this, we can't do this" He said. Our foreheads were touching. He looked me in the eyes. There was something in him that told me he was a good person. Not by attitude, by heart.

"I want this" I kissed him and he kissed me back. But after a few seconds he stopped again.

"It would be bad from me to take advantage of you" He sighed, " I might regret this but... do you prefer to go and eat something?" I stared at him for a moment. He was handsome , there was no doubt about that. His blue eyes were gorgeous, and his blonde messy hair looked great on him. I smiled. This was the sweetest thing a guy had said to me after he rejected me. He was different.

"I'd love to" He took my hand and put me safely on the floor. He called George and told him that he was taking me home, to tell Li. We got into his car and he drove to some fast food restaurant. There was no uncomfortable silence. We chatted all the way to the restaurant. Even if it was after midnight, there were a few people eating there. He ordered milkshakes and two burgers. We sat and waited for our order to be ready.

"Why?" I asked him. He knew what I was talking about but his face showed confused.

"Why what?" I rolled my eyes. He just gave me a goofy smile.

"Why didn't you...you know" He wanted to torture me.

"I don't know" I rolled my eyes again and he was enjoying this.

"Why you didn't want to have sex with me?" I whispered. His smile faded.

"I need to tell you something, you might freak out or feel flatter, I hope is the second one" He winked and clasped his hands together. I nodded and he cleared his throat. "I like you" I couldn't help but laugh. He glared playfully at me and I smiled.

"And that should freak me out?" He smirked.

"I saw you at your school and liked you, I followed you a couple of times at the mall and to your house. I told George to invite you to the club and to sit us all together, and that just because I like you" I gulped.

"Ok...The check please!" he laughed and hit me playfully. I smiled.

"You know that's called stalking?" He smirked and winked.

"Plus I'm a minor and you, Mr., an adult. How old are you by the way?" My phone went off and it was a text from Li.

'Tell him to wear protection'

I couldn't help but laugh. He seemed confused but ignored my sudden outburst.

"I'm 26 and you are 17 , that's only 9 years, not such a big deal!" He waved his hand in the air.

"If you say so..." He rolled my eyes. We talked about school and other stuff. He played guitar and piano. He had a younger sister. Her name was Natalie and she was a Junior at my school, juts like me. I knew her. She was a bubbly girl. She was pretty and liked by everyone. She's one of the nicest people I knew. She helped me once with a problem I had, so I knew she had a golden heart.

"Look, I just wish I had someone right now" As the words left his mouth he sighed. He looked sad. His eyes had a sparkle of sorrow. I took his hand in mine and he smiled.

"Who knows what will happen later, but for now... you have a friend" He smiled and I smiled back. His hand was warm. Our eyes were staring right in each other's.

"Order 45 ready!" I took my hand away and there was a short awkward moment. He stood up and went to take our order. I sighed and put my face on my hands. What the hell was I doing?

He came back with our ordered and I start eating my food. I realized that I was really hungry.

"You haven't told me your name" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"It's a stalker's duty to know the name of the person they are stalking" He smiled.

"I would like to hear it from you, it would make it more like a beginning of a friendship not a stalker relationship" I laughed as his statement.

"Hi, I'm Alex" He nodded his head, "I am a junior in high school, I love to sing and hang out with my friends" He stopped to analyze me and I felt weird. Like good weird. It seemed like if he was trying to decipher me.

"I'm Cole, but everyone calls me by my second name Ryan, I am 27 and a Substitute teacher for hobby" I smiled. Cole seemed like a cool name.

"Can I call you Cole?" He smiled and nodded.

"It would make you special" I chuckled.

"So Cole, if you are a teacher for hobby, what are you for real?" I took a sip of my milkshake. There were a few tables left. Just like two or three including ours.

"I work at a company" I nodded, but there was something that was telling me he was lying. He didn't look me in the eye when he said that and he seemed nervous. Like if he was hiding something. I ignored it and make a mental note to ask him later to see his reaction.

We kept talking and talking that we didn't notice all the people in the restaurant were gone and the employees were closing.

"That's a lie!" I said as he finished his 'amazing' story about his trip to Alaska. He swore he fought with a polar bear that was 6' 5" . He showed me a scar on his neck, he said the bear attacked him.

"I'm not, I swear" He laughed.

"I'm sorry but we are closed" A woman said to us. I looked around and saw that almost all the lights were off.

"We are sorry, we didn't notice it was this late" I said and the woman gave me a smile.

"Don't worry, please come back soon" She went to the kitchen and we walked out of the restaurant.

We walked to his car. Gosh I love his car.

"So let's get you home, your parents will kill me if you..." I realized something and cut him off. "My brother! He's going to kill me" He looked confused.

"What time is it?" I asked. He looked at his phone.

"3:34, Your brother, what about him?" I got in the car and he started driving.

"He told me I needed to be back at two" I mentally slapped my self for forgetting that.

"We'll be there in no time don't worry" I nodded. The ride was silent. I couldn't stop thinking. I mean, I just met this man-because he is a man not a guy- and he is doing this thing to me. Drew just left I could't fall for another guy, besides there is Rob. A part of me is screaming to go to him and jump into his arms and live with him forever, but something is keeping me back from doing it. I guess I'm afraid of getting hurt, because I got hurt before. I don't want to get hurt again. He was glancing to me and when I turned to him, he would just smile and keep driving. I remembered Drew and then Rob. I felt confuse.

"So not goodnight kiss?" I sighed and leaned to kiss his cheek. I thought he would turn around to kiss me in the lips, but he just stood there, like a complete gentleman. I thought values were extinct.

"Thanks for the burger, I really enjoyed tonight" He smiled and waved. I got out of the car and jogged to my door. As I expected, my brother was walking in circles. The living room had the lights on, but the rest of the house was dark. He heard the door opened and then closed and stared at me.

"So...What's your excuse young man?" I looked everywhere but him. He was mad.

"I'm sorry, Li took me to a club and you know, I haven't been out of the house for a long time, so we just want to...enjoy" He eyed me suspiciously.

"Did she dropped you off?" I nodded quickly. If he discovered some guy drove me here, he would be hunting him down.

"Please, let's talk tomorrow, I'm really tired" He thought about it for a moment and then nodded. He was tired too.

"Goodnight" I went to my room and collapsed on my bed. I was about to fall asleep when I remembered Drew. I start crying. I forgot about it but now it came back to me. He dumped me. He had met someone, better than me I bet. I couldn't help the tears that were forcing their way out. I just curled myself in a ball and cried myself to sleep. Dreaming about the good times.

The sun hit my face and I groaned. I glanced to my clock and then got up. It was already afternoon. I guess I was really tired. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I smelled like a mix of alcohol and weed. Just gross. That's what I hate about night clubs. The events from last night hit me like cold water. Drew...Cole. The man I just met at the night club. He was obviously interested in me. But I thought he was a little bit too old. He's sweet and mature. Maybe he knows how to treated a guy.

"Morning" I looked at my brother who was watching TV on the couch.

"I'll forgive you from last night if you prepare me something to eat, Please I'm starving!" I laughed and went to the kitchen. I made sandwiches for both of us. One for me and four for him. Yeah, he's an eating machine. I chuckled at the sight of my brother eating all those sandwiches. The house phone went off and I answered it.

"Hello? It was weird that someone calls to the house phone. Only my mom called to it, but they were probably doing something else than calling their sons.

"Alex! Why don't you answer your phone?" I was a hundred percent sure it was Li. She sounded excited.

"What are you talking about, my phone's..." Shit! I left my phone in Cole's car. "I left it in Cole's car!" I mentally smacked myself for doing that.

"Oh That explains then... but tell me everything!" I blushed.

"It was a great night" I told her everything about last night. Even the part when we kiss and he rejected me because he didn't want to take advantage of me. I mean, Li's like my sister, can't keep anything from her.

"I can't believe Drew, what an asshole!" I just shut my eyes to keep the tears from falling. "But changing the topic, I totally knew Cole and you would like each other!" She squealed.

"What? You knew about his stalking?" She giggled.

"George told me everything and I knew you deserve someone who cares about you" I rolled my eyes.

"He is kind of old, don't you think?" She chuckled.

"No, Ten years is nothing" I rolled my eyes again.

"Yeah right" I said.

"Think like this, he is a mature guy, those are way better, they know how to be in a relationship" I kind of agreed with her. "You should stop dating those stupid guys and date men!" I laughed.

"You make it sound like if I was a prostitute" She laughed.

"My point is, Why don't give him a chance? He is really sweet and mature, I knew him since months ago and believe me, he wants something serious with you" I blushed. Cole was indeed a gentleman. Sweet, Caring, and mature. In other words, a Man.

"I just met him yesterday" I could picture Li annoyed.

"Well just try to be his friend, at least get to know him, please!" I thought about it.

"I'll think about it" I could imagine her fist in the air and her dancing.

"Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow at school" I said bye and hung up.

I walked back to the living room and Rob was now there too. They were both leaned comfortably eating the sandwiches. They ate like beasts.

"Hey!" Rob smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hi" I prepared more sandwiches and left them in the table. They, obviously, ate the whole plate in seconds.

I decided to go to my room and work in my homework. After an hour or something like that the bell rang. I waited for someone to open the door. The ringing stopped but there were arguing sound. I quickly went downstairs to find Rob at the doorway. Discussing something with the person that had knocked earlier.

"Rob, What are you doing?" He looked at me and he had an angry expression. I walked to the door to find Cole with my cellphone on his hand.

"Cole!" I said a little bit too much excited. Rob had a shocked look. Cole just smirked.

"I'm just here to drop your phone, you left it in my CAR" He said emphasizing the word Car. Rob looked pissed.

"Thank you" He smiled at me.

"Now you can go" Rob was about to shut the door but Cole stopped it.

"I was wondering if you would like to meet some time again, There's a new movie and they say it's really good" I smiled and nodded.

"Bye Sweetheart" I rolled my eyes and Cole laughed. He shot a glare to Rob and left. Rob gave me an angry look.

"Who the fuck is that, and how much money he Is paying you to sleep with him?" Rob was angry and I couldn't help it. I slapped him hard. He had just call me a whore.

So sorry for the delay guys!! Promise it won't happen again, writer's block and school. Please send me feedback!

Next: Chapter 9

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