Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Dec 10, 2011


Hey guys! Please any comments or suggestions, email to hutpanda@hotmail.es That is what keeps me writing and happy. So this chapter is mostly about Alex's birthday, enjoy!

Trip to Memory Lane

Alex's POV

I was sleeping. I knew it. I saw him, again. They Guy, wearing a blue cape around him. His face was covered. But even without seeing him, I knew he was handsome. He gave me a rose. A white one. I had dreamed with him a lot. He was supposedly prince charming. He was about to kiss me, and I was reaching for his hood to take it out, and then I woke up. It was always the same dream.

"Happy Birthday Dear Alex!" Li, Mark, and Drew were in my room. Mark was holding a cake and Li some presents.

"Hey Guys! Thanks" I didn't wanted it to be my birthday. It was absolutely ridiculous that a lot of people felt special on their birthday, that everyone goes out of their way to wish you a great day, I mean, we all deserved to feel special everyday, why focus on only one?

"Oh my Little Boy!" Li was hugging me so tight that I was sure I was a hundred tones of purple by now. She let me go after a while and pinched my cheeks. Mark was next. He hugged me and whispered in my ear that he loved me and to have a great birthday. At Last, but not least was Drew. Now him, He was a real birthday present. To have a hunk was better than something wrapped up, or maybe to have him wrap up would be awesome! He hugged me and spun me around. I swear sometimes he makes me feel so special, like if I was beautiful and unique.

"Happy Birthday Love!" He kissed me. It had been the best kiss. But I am sure greater kisses will come. I smiled as I kissed him. Li was checking her phone and Mark had left when Drew kissed me. I don't know, he is weird.

"You are the perfect birthday present you know" He smiled and kissed me. Li seemed excited, I knew she planned a party. I told her to not do that, but I am a hundred percent sure, she did. I smiled at my crazy best friend, and my perfect boyfriend. Life seemed to let me be happy, well, at least for now.

Drew drove Li and me to school. We kept chatting about who had called me to wish me a happy birthday or what I had received from my parents. Drew seemed excited too. I knew he helped Li with the party, even if I didn't knew a lot of people, they did, so that's why the party was going to be full. We arrived to the parking lot and Li said she had to see someone, and ran off.

"So it's just you and me" Drew smiled and grabbed me by the waist. His lips were inches of mine. We stared at each other eyes with love. His lips were closer now. I closed my eyes, feeling him.

Someone cleared his throat and I jumped back scared. I hated when people popped out of nowhere, I got easily surprised. I turned around to find Rob. He was resisting a smile, maybe for my expression, I think.

"I'll see you in class" I pecked Drew and he was hesitating. I squeezed his hand and after a glare towards Rob, he left.

"So, How does it feel to be seventeen, just one year to be an adult" He chuckled.

"It hasn't hit me yet" I sighed, " Everything, I'll probably realize some time later and break down, I guess" He laughed again and hugged me. His arms engulfed me, he was hugging me tightly, and after a minute or so, he still hadn't let go. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry, got carried away" He scratched the back of his head nervously. I smiled.

"I thought you were avoiding me" He sighed and looked down. I hated that about Rob, he can't look into someone's eyes when it something serious.

"I wish I could" I gave him a confused look. He sighed again. "Forget it, I don't want to ruin your day" He hugged me again and didn't let go. He smelled so good. Like when it rains, and I love that smell. Its weird, I know, but I do.

"I have class, see you later" He let go and grinned. I smiled at him and left, I could feel his stare. I turned around and indeed he was staring at me. I smiled and he waved. I was happy that at least on my birthday, he wasn't avoiding me, cause some part of me, will never, never, never forget him. He was my first love.

Rob's POV

As I was walking to the cafeteria, my phone went off.

"Hello?" I didn't recognized the caller ID.

"Hey Rob, It's Linda, Alex's friend. I am organizing a party and we are meeting on the lab right now, we need help, so can you come?" I smiled to myself, perfect.

"Sure Linda, I'll be there" I imagined her relieved smile.

"Thanks a lot" She hung up and I headed right away to the lab. Perfect chance.

I walked into the lab and Linda was sitting on a stool talking to Cartiano.

"Hey!" Linda gave me a relieved look and smiled.

"Hi, Thanks a lot, I need help and since you are a close friend of his, I thought you might want to help" I nodded and smiled. "Ok, So the party is at 7 in his house, I already talked to Mark, he went home to prepare everything" She pointed to Cartiano, "You, please can you go buy the sodas and chips, I'll hand you the money and I also need help with decorating and guests, you invited a lot of your friends so..." He nodded and took the money.

"But he has to go home after school, he will notice" Some dude was next to Cartiano. I had seen him, but I didn't knew his name.

"Gosh, you are right, I..." Linda was worried. I though of this as my perfect chance.

"I can distract him, you know, until the party starts" Li shot me a relieved look for the hundredth time. The guy kept doing his thing and Cartiano shot me a huge glare. This was going to be fun.

"No way!" Cartiano immediately said. I smirked.

"Drew, I need help and he is offering, please" He shook his head.

"I can do that, maybe he can buy the sodas and chips and then help you with the guests and everything else" Cartiano was pissed. I had an excuse for that, as always I planned everything carefully.

"My Car is at the workshop" He shot me a glare. " So I can take him for a walk and a coffee that will keep him busy, and since you are organizing the party with Linda, you should be there checking everything is right" He was really pissed off.

"Come on Drew, It just for a little while" Cartiano stared at me with his angry eyes. Me? I was smirking. A big smirk was plastered on my face. But he knew he had lost. I could see it in his eyes. I left the lab and headed to the cafeteria. I had to do this right, it might be my last time alone with him, well for now.

Alex's POV

"So vanilla or chocolate?" Matt and I were walking in the school gardens. I loved them. They were beautiful and full of roses. Which is my favorite flower, I know, but I am a hopeless romantic, thats who I am. I noticed he wasn't as paler as before, he didn't had bags under his eyes and he looked better. He came this morning to wish me a happy birthday, so I decided to hang out so we could catch up.

"Chocolate" We used to play this game when we were younger. The "What do you prefer?" game. It kept us entertained.

"Ok, then... What do you prefer? Tall or Short?" I wasn't aware of what he was referring to, but I answered anyways.

"Tall" He grinned.

"Small" He said. I smiled and looked up to his eyes. They had a sparkle. I grabbed my lunch and we sat on some random table.

"I think she was going to..." Matt was cut off by someone almost crashing on our table. It was Rob. Matt seemed angry when he arrived, but I ignored it.

"Hey Butters" It had been a long time since I heard him call me that again, I liked it. I think in some way it fits me.

"Yes?" He ran to the cafeteria since he was having trouble breathing. After deep breaths and some rest, he cleared his throat.

"I have to talk to you" He looked at his brother, " Alone" Matt kept sitting there glaring at his brother. Rob seemed annoyed and dragged me away to the hall. There were only a few students, since majority were on their classes.

"So?" He was grinning like an idiot. It made me smile too.

"Do you want to go get some ice cream after school?" That took me completely by surprise. I was speechless. He was still smiling like an idiot, but it seemed cute to me. After a little while I let a word out.

"Why?" It was almost a whisper, but he listened.

"I want to take you to eat some ice cream, it's your birthday, come on!" I sighed. Drew hadn't told me if we had any plans so I might as well accept. I will just go and tell him later.

"Sure" He seemed surprise.

"Really?" He kept asking. I nodded like for the hundredth time and he shut up.

"Ok, That's Great! See you after school" I nodded and walked to my classroom. I could feel his stare. I turned around and he was staring. It was weird, the fact that I could feel him. I brushed the thought away and sat in one of the back seats.

"Hey there!" It was Simon. I smiled and said Hi. He was wearing a funny cartoon t-shirt.

"Hey, What's up?" He started chatting until the teacher walked in. I wasn't paying attention to class, instead, there was a boy on my mind. My prince charming. I wanted to see his face. I smiled at the thought of him. He was tall, with the blue cape around him and his hood covering his face. I knew that someday, maybe tomorrow or in a year, I'll see his face, and he, will be the one I love forever.

Matt's POV

I was going to the bathroom when someone pushed me to a locker. It had to be Li as always.

"You are coming to the party, right?" She said in her bitchy tone.

"Hi to you too, Yes I'll be there" She looked away for a second.

"Are you telling him?" I shook my head, " Why?"

"It's his birthday, I can't ruin it" She looked down and sighed.

"I think the sooner the better, maybe later becomes too late" I walked away.

"I just need some time, ok? I don't want him to hate me, not yet I guess" She sighed and looked away. As always she left, without another word. Showing her disappointment on me, just like the rest of the world.

Alex's POV

So I had to admit I was a bit excited about going to get some ice cream with Rob, and it wasn't the ice cream part that got me excited. I needed to talk to him, to set things straight and maybe don't loose a friend. I think the talk in the bleachers left something open, I want to close it and move on, Cause I am still attached to him, or at least I feel like.

"So I heard you are going with Rob for ice cream" Drew insisted on carrying my books, which seemed nice and sweet, but I felt sometimes that he thought I was so fragile, like if I couldn't carry three or four books.

"Yes, what are you doing?" I thought he was going to arrange something for my birthday, like a date maybe. It would be kind of romantic.

"I have to do something and then I am all yours, and you are all mine" He winked at me and I found myself blushing just like any other time.

"I want you to call me if you feel uncomfortable or if he tries anything ok?" I nodded.

"Yes dad" He rolled his eyes playfully and laughed.

"Only if you play mom" He hugged me and I tried to get away playfully. He bite gently on my ear, that drove me crazy. That was like my sensitive spot, if someone does it I would be melted on the floor.

"I don't want you alone with him" He said holding me tighter.

"Nothing will happen, we are friends now" He sighed and kissed me.

"I trust you, but no him" He kissed me again, this time it was longer. He kept kissing me. He pulled away and I discovered why he kissed me that long. Rob was in front of us. Glaring at Drew, and Drew was glaring back. He kept holding me by the waist, tight. I felt like I was crossing a country's border, with high security.

"I love you" Drew kissed me once more and I walked to Rob. We headed to his car and I sighed.

"Seems like he's got you short on freedom" I hit him playfully while he let out a chuckle. Drew was jealous and over protective, but I he loves me.

"So, How have you been?" He seemed taken back, since we had seen each other but hadn't really talk.

"Same Old" We arrived to some park. I didn't knew it. There were a few people walking around, but the park was beautiful. We walked to an Ice cream shop. He ordered my favorite one, banana and chocolate, which was really thoughtful since he remembered.

"I heard that you dated someone, you know after..." He chuckled.

"It was only one girl, we had sex" Too much information for me. I looked down. "And she thought that we were now dating, you know it had to be a sophomore or freshman? I don't really remember" If I didn't knew him I would have thought he was an horrible person.

"Well, they are still young, and sex is something special, well for some of us" He glared playfully and hugged me. I didn't know if I should move away or not, since I had a boyfriend and he was not Drew's favorite person exactly, but I let him, since we were now friends, and friends hug, right... right? "You are special" I can't help but blushed. He smiled. Rob was the sweet but really though looking guy that everyone loved. He had a great smile and personality, he could make anyone laugh, he used to cheer me when I was sad.

"I remember when you were little" I rolled my eyes.

"You are just one year older so don't make me feel small" He laughed and stare at the distance.

"I used to be your hero, remember?" I blushed cause it was true, but I wasn't going to accept it. I shook my head and he smiled.

"I remember when I slept over your house when we were little , you used to ask me to sing you, so you could sleep and wait til you did " I blushed even more if possible. I remembered that.


"Please Rob, sing me something" I was a ten year old with a fear of darkness. There was Roberto, my brother's best friend. He was tall and sweet. Many kids in my class fear him, but I liked him.

"I can't sing" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you do, Now sing please" He sighed.

"I don't know any songs!" He complained again. He wasn't a good singer, but his voice made me peaceful.

"Then make one up" He seemed in thought for a minute and smiled.

"Sleep, Sleep, go to sleep, little baby, Sleep, Sleep, go ahead and sleep" I stared at him, with my face so serious. If looks could kill.

"Are you freaking kidding me!" I said as he laughed. After a while I laughed too and we were smiling.

"Ok then tell me a story" He was In thought again and smiled.

"Once upon a time, there was a princess named Alex...andria, yes, Alexandria. She was by far the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. Her father wanted some brave and nice to marry her, so he made a competition. A football competition!" I stared at him.

"Did football existed in that time?" He nodded.

"Of course it did, now don't interrupt me" I nodded, " Where was I?...Oh Right, A football competition, where all the boys who wanted to marry her, should play. One, named Rober...no , yes Roberno was the best and most handsome of all" He raised his fist in the air, like if he just won something.

"Roberno won the football competition and marry the princess and they lived happily ever after!" I closed my eyes and sleep. I remember that night, I slept so peacefully.


"I do remember my first kiss" I gulped. I had been his first kiss, and yes it was awkward because, one, he wasn't gay, and two because he thought he was my first kiss too, but I remember my first kiss was Matt, in Kindergarten and yes I count it as first kiss.

" Yeah?" He smiled.

"It was you" I blushed again.


"Come one Rob, be brave!" I said to him as he was getting ready. He was going to a date, with some girl I didn't liked. You know a spoil brat that only wanted to date Rob since he was the most popular boy in middle school. He was in 8th Grade and I was in 7th.

"I don't know if I can, what if he wants me to hug her?" He worried too much. 'You hit her' I thought, but it wasn't appropriated.

"Hug her, Duh!" He blushed.

"And what if she wants to kiss me, I don't know how to kiss, and she probably knows!" I rolled my eyes. He acted like a baby, if she wants to kiss you, ' Get away from me bitch' That was the best option, but again, not appropriated.

"Kiss her, is easy"He looked at me curiously.

"You know how?" I nodded.

"How?" I shook my head.

"I can't give you a kiss, I don't give free lessons!" He took out a bill out of his pocket.

"Here, five bucks is enough?" I nodded and he sat next to me on my bed.

"First you look into her eyes" he stared at me and didn't blinked. " Then you caressed her cheek" He caressed my cheek, "and then kiss her" He kissed me and he was a natural, of course he didn't knew my experience in kissing came from movies and some spying. He kissed me and I backed away.

"See, you are not that bad, just let it flow" he was smiling goofy at me and kissed me again. I was confused.

"This is great" He said after kissing me again. I blushed.

"Now, save for your ugly date" I laughed. She was ugly. "Thanks!" I nodded and he left. He told me later that he had kissed her. But she didn't knew how to kiss and it was horrible, in my thoughts I was saying 'take that bitch' but I just said to him that it was normal since we were all so young to think of kissing. He nodded and kissed me for the first time that night.

"Sorry, its like cake, once you take your first taste,seems like you can't get enough" I didn't showed my excitement, but I was jumping inside, wondering when would it happen again.


"I remember I kissed you like a hundred times that night" Yes, it felt like a hundred times.

"I remember the duck face your date had! That was priceless, I wanted to take a picture and send it to some circus, to take her in as duck-woman" He glared.

"She wasn't that ugly, All the boys said She was the hottest girl in our grade" I laughed.

"And all the boys were blind as you, she had a duck face, period" He rolled his eyes and hugged me by the waist. Taking about uncomfortable...

"Jealous" I shook my head.

"Of course not" He kissed my forehead and let me go.

"You know you are my favorite person in the whole world Alex, never forget that" Wow, He never calls me by my name, only when something serious happens. Like when my Dad left, he called me Alex. He used to hugged me every night when my dad left. I loved my dad, and seeing him leave, was heart breaking.


"Daddy where are you going?" I heard him walked around the house in the night. He was holding a suitcase and was dressed in a tuxedo.

"Go back to sleep baby" He carried me to my bed and Smiled at me. "Daddy loves you so much" He kissed my nose and I giggled.

"Are you going to work?" He shook his head.

"I am going away for a while, but don't worry I will comeback for you, and I want you to give me a big hug when you see me again okay?" I nodded happily.

"I love you, my baby, I love you from the Earth with ant steps to Pluto" He always said that to me, meaning that he loved me a lot.

"That much?" I always asked.

"Yes and more" I smiled and he kissed my forehead. Unfortunately, he lied. He never came back. He just vanished, like dust. Not a call or a letter. Nothing. I cried myself to sleep every night and prayed that he'll come back.


We walked a little more and then left to some coffee place. We joked and chat like old times. Rob played a role on my family. My mom always puts him in charge when she leaves. But it's not because she thinks he is responsible and all, is more because of Matt. My mom hates Matt. She doesn't likes him. Once Rob said something about not liking Matt and that he was a bad influenced. My mom agreed with him and since she knew Rob didn't liked him, she put him in charge, because she knew that when Matt was around , he will be keeping an eye on him and his "Rebel" attitude , like my mom said.


"Come on Lex, nothing will happen, I promise" I was about to jump in a bicycle with Matt. We were both in 8th grade and he was on the front and I on the back, It had a large seat so we both fitted in it. He was encouraging me to jump from one side of the small cliff to the other. There were just 6 meters, and there was water underneath, but I was scared.

"Ok, but I will hold really tight on you" He nodded happily and he started pedaling so fast and then we jumped. We jumped bad and we fell into the water. He was fine, but I broke my arm and some ribs. I spend a lot of time in the hospital, and my mom was really mad at Matt. She blamed him but I kept telling her I was the one that decided to do it.

"He is not good for you" I heard for the thousandth time on the day.

"Mom, he is my friend, just leave us alone!" She shook her head.

"I don't want you to hang out with him, he is a bad influence" She kept saying.

"Yes and you are a good one right?" She sighed and left, knowing she was defeated. Maybe ashamed that I was right, she was indeed a bad influence herself.


"I think its time to take you home" I nodded and he payed. He drove me home and it was quiet. He also walked me to the front porch. There was something weird, he was acting kind of strange.

"Thanks, for today, it was really good" Suddenly he hugged me, really tight. I hugged him back and he was whispering something that I couldn't understand. He let go.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I nodded and he opened the door. We walked in.

"SURPRISE" My jaw dropped. I did and did not expected this. Rob smiled at me and I smiled back. So cool.

Hey I usually don't make bottom notes, but I juts wanted to tell you thanks for reading and to please write me, sorry for the delays, school is killing me, but winter break is soon and I will be able to write more. I want you to tell me who do you like more Rob,Matt or Drew, or some new character you wanna see or whatever crosses your mind, I might be able to put your ideas in the story if they fit it well, Thanks! Have a great weekend!

Next: Chapter 7

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