Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Nov 9, 2011


Write me to hutpanda@hotmail.es ! Tell me if you like it and what would you like to see in the story. I would like to apologize for the delay, school and life. I'd love to hear from you! Please feedback; it's what keeps me writing. Have a great day!

First Times

Alex's POV

My alarm clock went off and I was fighting whether to go to school or not. I wanted to see Drew, see if he was okay after yesterday. I changed into some jeans and a t-shirt and then went downstairs for breakfast. Mark and Li were in the kitchen talking about some T.V. show.

"Good Morning sleepy head Mark was cooking something, I could tell by the smell. In fact, he was an awesome cook. I inhaled the smell, it smelled like...waffles!

"I made..." I cut him off by my excitement.

"Waffles!" He nodded smiling and I took a seat next to Li. I could tell she was still worried about the tests. We decided to go Saturday morning. I gave her a reassuring smile and ate my waffles.

"So... what's your plan for the weekend, mom is leaving so I thought we could do something"

"You too Li since you practically live here" She nodded with her mouth full of delicious waffles.

"Like?" I asked him. He kept smiling and I got impatient.

"I don't know, I wanted to go to a field trip or camping maybe, could be fun" I nodded and continued my breakfast.

I was walking to my locker when I bumped into someone. Drew.

"I am sorry, I wasn't really looking" He helped me up with my books and smiled.

"Don't worry, I wasn't looking where I was going either" I smiled back and we stood there still for a minute. He coughed and cleared his throat.

"Hey... My aunt Gloria wants to meet you" My eyes went a little wide. I didn't know he had an aunt living with him.

"Really, she knows me?" He blushed. He looked so cute!

"Yep, I told her about you" Oh My God. If this isn't a cruel joke and it's really happening please somebody pinch me!

"Oh, so you want me to go?" He nodded still blushing. "I'd love to" He looked at me like if he thought I was going to say no. I mean, how could I say no, it's like the big step of a relationship meeting the family, although we weren't in a relationship...bummer!

"Really?" I nodded again. "How about Friday?" he took out a pen.

"Sure, sounds good" I was trying to play it cool, but inside I was fucking screaming of excitement.

"Here, would you write your number?" I nodded and took the pen. I wrote the number on his wrist, some people stared at us. They all might think I am slut for this, but fuck them, I was fake dating some asshole guy and here he was, heaven on earth asking me to give him my number.

"Great, I will pick you up at six" I nodded again, since I couldn't talk without screaming. He smiled and the next thing surprised me. He caressed my cheek and left to class.

"Now tell me, what, was that all about" Li was walking to our next class. I was still shocked about what just had happen. I knew now he liked me in some way. You don't go around caressing people's cheeks if you don't like them. I sighed.

"Tell you later" she nodded and we head to class. I was absolutely positive that Rob wouldn't like this, but fuck him; we were just fake dating anyways.

"So what are we doing Friday?" Rob was carrying my bags. I made him do it so it looked like we were dating. Revenge! I ignored his question and he kept asking it.

"I am busy, so you go and do what you always do" he looked confused. I rolled my eyes at the dumb jock in front of me.

"What are you busy doing? Can I ask?" I hated when people put their noses where they don't belong.

"I am doing something" I simply said.

"I am your boyfriend, I deserve..." I gave him a cold look. Who the fuck does this brat thinks he is?

"Look, first you are not my real boyfriend" I made sure there was no one around to hear what I had just said, and second it's none of your business, so back off" he groaned. He put and arm around my waist.

"Oh baby, you should know by now, that it's my fucking business" I hated him. That fucking annoying smirk.

"I hate you!" I said with as much poison I could. He smirked and rubbed his nose against mine.

"I love you too" damn asshole, fuck him. I decided to go in the opposite direction, but he held kept a firm grip on me, squeezing my waist.

"I need to breath you know" He chuckled.

"That you want a kiss?" I was about to correct him when he kissed me. I was shocked, but too conscious to notice that he was indeed a great kisser. Our lips seemed like they were dancing.

"And you say you don't like me" he smirked again.

"I don't" I said confident, or not so much.

"Yeah butter, whatever you say" I groaned and pouted.

"You are pouting!" I shook my head. "Yes you are!" he kissed my nose and my face was bright red. His nose was against mine and he was looking straight into my eyes. Then he kissed me again with more passion. We were on the entrance to the soccer field. He was caressing me all over, I was moaning in response to his sensual touch sending shivers all over my body. He bit on my neck hard and I moaned again. His big hands were exploring my narrow waist, tracing his fingers all over me. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck, our lips were dancing, dirty dancing to be exact. I felt his erection on my stomach, since he was way taller than me. I put a hand under his shirt, touching his abs and wide pecks. He only moaned in pleasure. I grabbed his member tight and he gulped.

"I was not pouting" he nodded scared by my demanding tone of voice. I caressed his cheek and left him on the field, with a big erection. Containing my laugh I walked away. That was actually fun. Why hadn't I thought of teasing him before?

Rob's POV

God that was pretty hot. Alex was like a lust god, he knew where to touch and how. Damn teasing got me pretty worked up. I should go and follow him, but he left me in shock after seeing that side of him. I fixed my crotch and went back to the school.

"Hey where were you?" Mark appeared scowling, scaring me to death.

"Dude you scared the shit out of me!" He looked at me confused and then went back to normal. We were walking when Ashley showed up. I groaned, not again.

"Hello Roberto" She said in her bitchy tone. She ignored Mark completely and took a step closer to me.

"I see you are still dating the boy slut" Mark was glaring at her for talking about his brother that way. I found myself glaring at her too.

"Nobody would steal your spot Ashley, we all know you are the only slut in here" She slapped me and her friends too.

"I know you are a little confused right now, don't worry I will get you back on track" she smirked and left with her friends. I rubbed my cheek. Damn that will bruise.

"Wow man, you are lucky" Mark started laughing at me and for the first time I pouted. Yes, I did.

"Yeah right, Got to hell man" I pushed him playfully and went to my car; I had to wait for Butters.

Alex's POV

I was walking to the school's exit when I bumped into someone. I almost fell but the person caught me before I hit the ground. I looked at the stranger and I was surprise, it was Drew. He was smiling down at me, staring with those gorgeous eyes of his.

"Thanks" I said after he let me up. He was way taller than me, so I had to look up.

"I think you owe me one" He winked at me and lifts my waist and kissed me. I knew it was wrong, that someone could see, but it was my dream. I kept kissing him. He got us into the janitor's closet and we kept kissing. His touch burned passion on my skin; I moaned with each touch, he explored my waist with his magnificent fingers. He bit hard on my neck and I moaned. I came to my senses after a while.

"No... Wait" I pushed him gently. He kept his eyes closed. He groaned.

"Why him?" His eyes kept closed and he was still holding my waist tightly.

"I..." He looked me in the eyes and kissed me again. Short, but magical.

"I can feel you love me" He kept giving me short kisses. I wanted to go and tell him I loved him but something kept me back. Rob and our special relationship. I couldn't do this without asking him what we were.

"I love you, but I need time" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'll wait for you forever" He walked out of the closet and I cried. I didn't know what took over me. I loved him I know, but I loved Rob too. Drew was nice, Rob was a jerk, but when Rob told me he loved me it was real, even if we were pretending to date.

I walked out of the small room and walked to the parking lot. I saw Rob waiting next to his car. Drew was with some friends on his car on the other side. Drew kept giving me glances and I smiled at him, he smiled back and that didn't go unnoticed by Rob.

"Why were you smiling at him?" Rob had an angry tone. He grabbed my arm tightly and I whimpered. Drew heard it and walked to us. Rob stared at him angrily.

"Let him go!" Drew pushed Rob and I couldn't believe they were going to fight again. Punches and kicks were thrown. I was trying to push them away, when some guys from the football team arrived and pulled them apart. I was terrified to see Rob and Drew's faces bloodied and bruised.

The football team left after they calmed down. I was glaring at both.

"Seriously? Another fucking fight?" They just looked at me. Drew was kind of ashamed and angry, but Rob was challenging me with his look. I stared at him for some seconds when he looked down.

"Tell me when you both grow up" I walked away from the parking lot to the street. I was not going to ride with Rob anymore, he is such an asshole. He shouted at me to stop making drama. As myy answer gave him the finger. I heard he hit his car and screamed in anger.

"You want a ride?" I was walking when a car pulled up next to me. I was about to tell them to go when I realized it was Matt. He had a lost look on his face. He gave me a sad smile and I got in the truck. There were only like five minutes to my house, but I had a feeling that this might last longer.

"How are you?" He asked me and it was the first time that I didn't know the answer to the question.

"Fine" He let out a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and he squeezed my hand that was resting on the middle console.

"And the honest answer?" I sighed.

"Fuck up" He smiled and squeezed my hand again. "Why?" I asked him.

"Love hurts as much as it makes you happy. You find true love, when you find the person that balances both of them" I looked out of the window and for the first time watched the people. I could see all types of people, from couples to old people.

"How do we know what is true love?" He sighed tiredly. I felt something bad about him, like if something happened to him. Maybe he was just tired. Tired of school and work and all that stuff.

"They hurt you a lot first, so when you finally give them a chance, they can only give you the things that will make you happy" I caressed his cheek. He smiled again.

"What's wrong?" He stared at the road. I could still feel something he wasn't telling me. I noticed his eyes were red from crying.

"Matt, what happened?" He looked at me. I noticed we had arrived.

"See you tomorrow" He smiled again and I smiled. I kissed his cheek and got out of the car and walked home. I could hear Mark yelling to my mom. I decided I didn't want to hear it anymore; I went to my room and locked the door. I cried myself to sleep for the first time.

Mark's POV

"You can't do that!" My mom was driving me crazy and I was tired of her. I was angry at her for even thinking about yelling at me

"Yes I can, he is my son!" She was yelling at me too.

"You can't take him away, he is happy here" I calmed down.

"Are you serious? Go take a look at him, go to his room and see him, is he happy?" She wanted to take Alex away because she got a job offer to work in Paris. I was leaving to university, so she wanted him to be with her. I didn't agree. I thought I could go to some university near here, so he could live with me. I mean, he will be a senior next year so I could wait for him to graduate and see what happens.

"I know I messed up my children" she had tears streaming down her face, "I want to do something right, before I lose the only one that isn't totally isolated from me, cause you will leave and maybe get a girlfriend that will be your wife, and then you will move away and I'll only see you once every ten years...I want to give him the best year of his life, so he won't follow what you'll probably do" I hugged her. I knew she felt alone. I knew she regretted her life choices. So do I, but this is life.

"I want to do things right for the last time before you both leave me" I sighed. I understood my mom for the first time.

"Let him finish his junior year" I said defeated. She smiled and nodded.

Matt's POV

I couldn't tell him more lies. I had to leave. I was drinking at a local bar, all alone, when a tall, slim woman approached me. I ignored her, she looked like a slut.

"Hey there" I looked at her and nodded my head. She smirked. "Want to go somewhere more private?" I shook my head and she came closer.

"I'll make you forget" She licked my ear and my eyes were now wide open. She kept kissing my neck, and even if I didn't like it, maybe she could make me forget. I grabbed her hand and left. Maybe I was making a mistake, but I needed to forget him. I needed to.

We drove to some cheap motel and she kept kissing every inch of my body. It didn't feel good at all, but I needed this. After we got the room, I undressed her and she undressed me. We were both lying on the bed, She was moaning, I was too. That's when I saw his face, his angelic face underneath me, moaning. I knew it was my imagination, but only watching his face there gave me more pleasure. I finally finished and the girl moaned and we separated. I threw the condom in the trash can and she smirked. I didn't understand why, but I left afterwards. I knew it had been a mistake that I'll regret, but I needed contact with somebody, and for the first time in a while, I did.

I remembered my first kiss. It was with a boy, in first grade. He was being picked on by some guys in our class. I defended him, since I was big even as a seven year old. We went to the play house on the school's yard.

"Thanks" He said. He was a lot smaller than I was. He had a wonderful smile. His eyes were hazel and really beautiful, he was the most beautiful boy I'd seen.

"You are welcome, maybe what you need is a bodyguard" He gave me a confused look.

"Bodyguard?" I nodded.

"Yes, someone that protects you from the other kids" He thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I can take care of myself" He pouted proudly. Back then I thought he looked so cute pouting. I took his small hand on my big one and hugged him.

"I will always protect you, even if you don't want me to, because I want to be your friend" He rose onto his tip toes and kissed me. Obviously back then I didn't appreciate it as much as I would now if he kissed me, but I knew it was magical. He smiled at me and I gave him a goofy smile. He giggled. The most beautiful boy had the most beautiful laugh. Not a coincidence I think.

"I am Roberto, but my friends call me Rob" I smiled at him. He stared at my eyes and I got lost in them.

"My name is Alex" He smiled and gave me his hand. I knew since back then I would do everything to be always with him no matter what.

Alex's POV

My phone went off and it was Li.

"Hi" I could hear the bubbly Li talking on the phone. She was talking so fast that I catch what she said.

"What? I didn't get it" She took a long breath and gulped.

"I am not infected!" I was speechless. She didn't have AIDS! That was awesome!

"Really? Oh My God that's great!" She kept talking so fast and I was laughing at her bubbly behavior. I was extremely happy for the first time today.

"Can I come over?" She asked.

"Of Course, Let's celebrate!" I said excited. She hung up after goodbyes and I decided to go prepare ourselves something to eat.

"Hey!" Li hugged me so tightly I was barely breathing. I hugged her back and we stood there for several minutes. I was really happy for my best friend. A lot was happening right now, and knowing that she was safe, was a relief.

"I will remain sex clean for the rest of my life, well until marriage, I swear!" I laughed at her. She sure had gotten a scare, but we were both relieved she wasn't infected. Thank God!

"Yeah right" She hit me playfully and we went upstairs. I had some Oreos and popcorn.

"So what happened at school?" She was digging into the popcorn. I chuckled and sighed.

"Another fight" She rolled her eyes, "Again"

"They are such babies; I still don't get why you don't break this thing with Rob, I told you about the feelings, what if he falls for you, or worst what if he has already fallen?" I thought for a moment. I hated Li and her knowledge. Damn her.

"I don't know really, but I don't think he likes me, he knows I'm into Drew, so it won't happen" She sighed and gave me a sad smile. I knew she knew something I didn't, but I let it go, just because of the great news.

"So I heard that someone invited you to dinner tomorrow" she was smiling and I blushed. Of course she found out about Drew inviting me to dinner.

"It's only a friend's dinner" She sang some lame song about Drew and me on a tree kissing, so childish.

"It's not only a friend's dinner if his family will be there" I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully. She kept singing the stupid song and I was about to hit her. I loved her to death! Li was one of those people I felt totally connected to, she was laughing all the time, singing all the time, smiling all the time. Her happiness was contagious. She had this bubbly attitude everyone loved.

"It is a friend's dinner, and that's it" She pouted and I pushed her playfully. For the rest of the evening, we laughed and smiled, we talked and pushed each other, we watched some movies and then she left to her house. I knew that these were the moments I'll truly miss when we all leave to college. That's when I realized that Mark, Rob, and Drew were leaving next year for college. Wow, time flies so fast! I remember when I told myself that I will be an astronaut. Good Old Times.

My phone went off and I walked to my desk to pick it up. The caller ID showed up and it was Drew.

"Hello" I said to him.

"I'm really sorry, I mean it, I shouldn't have fought but he was holding you very tightly and I couldn't control myself, I wanted to take his head off and..." He was rambling all the way.

"Stop Drew, it's okay, I forgive you" There was silence for a few seconds.

"Really, you are not mad anymore? That's great, so are we still on for Friday?" I smiled and wanted to make him suffer. So I hummed for a few seconds before answering with a yes. "Great, remember six o' clock, bye babe" I was about to say bye when I noticed something.

"What?" He hung up on me! How could he. I mean, I wasn't going to explode from him calling me babe; I just want to make sure he said that. I was kind of excited because of him calling me babe. As I always said, he is heaven on earth. I realized I had to talk to Rob too. I didn't want to; I was afraid of him going all sweet and then back to a jerk. I really hated that, but for some unknown reason, I didn't hate him, I mean, I think I love him...

Next: Chapter 5

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