Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Oct 29, 2011


Write me to hutpanda@hotmail.es ! Tell me If you like it and what would you like to see in the story. Please feedback, it's what keeps me writing. Have a great day!

You Are What?!

"Wait, how does Mark will react?" I totally forgot about Mark. He will go nuts when he finds out. Maybe this wasn't a really good idea.

"Don't worry, once we went to some party and he was drunk" he smiled at the memory, " I was driving him home, you had recently came out and he couldn't stop telling me about how worried he was about you and other guys making your life hard and all that crap" he was smiling, for real , the real Rob" and he told me that I should date you, cause I am the only one he will trust to" I let a tear fall down my cheek. Mark worrying about me that much is really flattering and I never thought he saw it that way. Rob hugged me and I smiled and wiped my tears.

"I guess that fixes Mark knowing about this, but Matt and Li?" he groaned. He didn't like them at all. He took me by the waist since some senior girls were walking besides us. They began talking and whispering. We both knew that in matter of seconds, everyone would know.

"Showtime?" he asked smiling. A part of me was praying that it wouldn't be a fake, but it was. He offered me his hand. I took my small one into his large one.

"Showtime" We walked hand by hand into school, to be receive with stares and whispering. He looked at me and smile, some people gasped. Surprised that their soccer captain was dating me, the best friend's little brother. I wasn't really paying attention to anyone. I was looking for the eyes of my best friends. I saw them, jaws dropped. Li was surprised ,but Matt had a disappointed look on his face, I looked down. I will have to talk to him, and Mark too. I also saw Drew. He was kind of angry. Glaring at Rob, I turned to see that Rob was glaring back. I pulled his arm and he smiled at me. He hesitantly kissed my cheek and left to class. Everyone went to normal and continued their daily routines. I sighed deeply.

"Alex, please tell me what's going on?" Li was staring straight into my eyes. I bit my bottom lip and looked at her.

"We are Dating" she gasped and had a confused look. I sighed and hugged her. I needed her. To cry, that's why she is my best friend. Good times and bad times, always together.

"Everything is okay, I am not mad, neither Matt" I was welcomed with her warm smiled. Telling me everything would be okay.

"I just need time" Matt had a confused looked. He walked the other direction to the exit. Li and I decided to follow him. The three of us knew that when one of us said that he or she needed time, it was a moment for the three of us to be together. He was sitting on the grass. Head down. I sighed and sat by him followed by Li sitting next to me. I hugged me and he wiped some tears from his face, he was fighting them back.

"Why?" he asked. I didn't knew what to do, if I tell them I might not accomplish what I want, it may not be that real.

"He's nice to me" I was a coward,I know. I should tell them, they are like my best friends.

"I don't want you to get hurt" he said and hugged me back.

"We don't want you to get hurt" Li said and we did a group hugged. These moments were the ones that told me I had the best friends someone could ever get, I was lucky.

"Promise me that if he ever makes you cry, you will leave him and tell me" I nodded even though that I knew I will cry a lot with what I was about to live.

"At least he's hot" Li said laughing. Even if you hate him, you admit that he looked amazing.

Matt snorted and rolled his eyes. Laughing ,I walk to the school, with the best friends someone could ever have. Lucky me they are my best friends.

Mark's POV

"You Are What??!" I yelled at Rob. My best friend had just betrayed my trust, by dating my little brother. I was about to hit him. He was just staring at me.

"You know I like him since he was a freshman" I knew he had some attraction to my little brother from a while now, but I never thought he would grow the balls to ask him out. I sighed in defeat. I prefer Rob than any other guy, but the thought of someone dating my little innocent brother was just not processed by my brain.

"Promise me to take care of him" He nodded and smiled.

"Always" We shook hands and decided to go to lunch. I will have to talk to Alex, and take time to accept this completely.

Alex's POV

"So, I guess that now you are going to spend all the time with your new guy" Li was sad. Somehow she made me worried. I wouldn't lose my friendship with them to some fake dating thing.

"No, I'll spend all time with my guys" I hugged them both and I smiled.

"I have to go to my locker before lunch, I will see you there" Matt waved and went the other direction. Li was staring at something. I turned around and it was Drew. He had a sad smile and waved at me. I waved back and Li gave me a I-get-it look and left. Drew walk to me and sighed.

"So...How are you?" he asked after some silence. I could see it was hard for him.

"Fine" His hands were sweating. Something I learned with each day I saw him.

"So...wanna walk?" he had that cute smile. The one I could never say no to. I nodded and we headed out, maybe this plan will work. I hope so.

Rob's POV

I walked to the cafeteria and separated from the guys. I was looking for my boyfriend when I saw her. Ashley. She had an angry look on her face and was acting like a bitch as always.

"How could you? And to a guy? And him?" I was slapped three times, courtesy of her and her two friends.

"I love him, and I told you I wasn't interested in you" She gasped and slapped me again. Wow, this girl has a strong hand.

"Yeah right, I am at the the top, and he is beneath the bottom" I was angry. How could she talked about Alex that way when he was a billion times better than her. I walked the other way.

"This isn't over!" I just heard her high heels walking the other way. Slut.

I walked to my boyfriend's table and I was surprised to just see his two freak friends. Linda was glaring back and the moron was just ignoring me.

"Hey dorks, where is my boyfriend" Matt clenched his fists. Oh boy, I am going to have a lot of fun with this two.

"Alex is not here" he said emphasizing his name. I groaned. Where was him, we have to be in public for people to believe it.

"Why?" Linda was not looking at me. Like hiding something from me. I smirked.

"Now tell me, where is he?" I was talking to Linda when she just kept ignoring me.

"None of your business" Matt said and I lost it.

"Look you two freaks, he is my boyfriend, So it's my fucking business" Linda jumped and Matt was just about to hit me.

"He went for a walk with a friend" I had a confused look. Butters didn't had another friend other than these two.

"Drew..." Linda said hesitating whether to tell me or not, but she did. That fucker. He doesn't knows when to stop. I grabbed my things and walked out of the cafeteria. Linda was shouting at me to stop, but now...no one could stop me.

Alex POV

"So I heard you and Roberto are dating" I knew he was going to say that. I was fucking shaking.

"Are you cold?" I nodded as to hide the fact that I was nervous. He takes off his jacket and puts it on me. It was kind of cold, but not as much to shiver.

"Thanks and yes, Rob and I are dating" He nodded slowly.

"I didn't knew he was gay" Well Rob wants to fuck anything that moves. I wouldn't say he is gay.

"Neither did I, he just told me when he asked me out" He was staring ahead of us, like if there was something there.

"You like him?" He asked without looking at me. I hesitated about what to do.I nodded and even though he wasn't looking at me, his sighed told me he saw me.

"You love him?" That was hard. I don't love him. I don't. I don't. Shit I don't.

"He is really nice" Lame excuse. He smiled. Don't know why.

"Why are you smiling?" He gave me that look that made me melt. He knew how strong that look is and how good he smiles.

"Cause that means you are still available" What?!

"What?" He smiled and kissed my lips. Oh god, both our eyes were closed and I was enjoying it. This is great.

"Hey! You get away from my boyfriend!" Shit. I pushed Drew away but he was holding me tight. Rob grabbed his shirt and pulled him away. I took a deep breath. Rob and Drew began fighting and they looked real hurt.

"Stop!" I shouted but the didn't heard me. I wanted to stop them and grabbed Rob's shoulder and I received a punch in the jaw. It hurts like hell. They stopped and ran to me.

"Get away from him, Now!" Mark was beside me. They looked ashamed. My jaw was hurting so much. It felt like a truck ran over me.

"Baby I am sorry" Rob kept hugging me like crazy. Mark dragged him away from me and began shouting at him.

"That's How much you love him!" Mark was shouting at him. Drew was sitting by my side with a hand on my shoulder.

"It was an accident!" Rob shouted back. I could feel Rob glaring at Mark and Drew.

"Well I expect not to happen again" Mark said and pulled my arm and we walked to the school.

"Are you alright?" I nodded. Too much drama for today.He sighed and we went back into the building.

Rob's POV

"You are an asshole" Drew was spiting blood and I smirked. Pretty face no more.

"Shut up!" He continue to glare at me and I continue to smirk.

"You know you won't have him any longer right" I knew he was talking about Alex. My Alex.

"He is mine, don't you get it?" He smirked. Only I could smirk. "He doesn't loves you" Yeah right, your mom doesn't loves you ass.

"He does" I said confident. He laughed. A bitter laugh.

"No, but he seems to like me, so I will take my chance" This fucker. Who the hell does he thinks he is.

"Back off Cartiano, You know he is mine" He smirked.

"Not for long" He walked away from me and I wanted to scream. Really, just kill someone.

I sighed deep. I am in deep shit. I have to fix things with Mark and my boyfriend...my boyfriend, sounds awesome!

Alex's POV

"Alex what happened to your face?" Li was asking questions like if I did a crime. I could feel my jaw swelling. This will hurt more tomorrow. I just hug her and walk to my locker. She was caressing my back soothingly. I know it was just an accident, he didn't meant to hit me.

"Did Roberto hit you?" Shit, Matt. I was looking anywhere but him. He was glaring. I was pretending to be in my little world when he nodded.

"I supposed so" he walk to the end of the hallway. Rob and Mark were talking there. I tried to stop him.

"It was an accident!" Matt wasn't paying attention to my shouting. He reach Rob and hit him in the eye. That will leave a bruise. A big bruise.

"What the fuck!" Rob was pressing his eye with his right hand.

"I told you not to hurt him" lucky for us, the hall was empty. Students had already left, with just some witnesses who were gathering their books before the fight.

"It was an accident" I repeated. Matt put a hand on my chest to stop me. He kept glaring at his brother. I could see the purple shadow forming under his eye.

"Yeah, an accident my ass" He was about to hit him again when Mark grabbed his arm.

"Not here, between I already took care of this" I raised my eyebrow and Li looked curiously at Mark. He looked at me and smirked. That sure was creepy. Li and Matt headed to the door. I was walking to them when Rob grabbed my hand.

"Can we talk?" I nodded and we walked to a corner. "I am sorry" He looked down to my feet.

"I know, It was an accident" he looked up and stare at my eyes for a few seconds and then kissed me. It felt so good. Our lips moved like if they were following some beat. He moved away and smiled.

"The freaks are watching, I have to make sure this looks real" I felt disappointed. For a moment I thought it was for real. Ass. I faked a smile and he took my hand and we walked to the parking lot.

"So want to grab some food?" I shook my head and walked to Matt's car. I could feel his glare. Ass. I don't know why I accepted this deal. Oh, Right Drew Cartiano. Heaven on Earth.

"Ready" I nodded. Matt started the car and we were soon leaving the school's parking lot. I could see Rob's glare following the car. I smiled. Ass.

"So, are you sure you'll be okay?" It was the thousand time he asked me that. He parked on my driveway about 20 minutes ago and he was still here.

"Matt, I am not a little kid" Yeah, It was the thousand time I said that too. He was hesitating about leaving me and for the first time I wanted him to leave.

"Okay, but you call me whenever you need me okay" I nodded and with another smile he left. I was relieved. My phone went off and it was Li.

"Hey" I heard her faint voice over the phone. She was distracted I could see.

"Hey" I answered. She sighed deeply.

"Can I go over? I got cookies" Cookies! Of course my horse!

"Sure" I pretended to play it cool, but I was dying inside to eat those delicious treats.

"Okay, be there in ten" she hanged up and I went up stairs to chill for a while. There was a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" Mark was stepping on the carpet of my room. He had his football jacket on and he was smiling.

"You are already in aren't you" he rolled his eyes and sat on my bed.

"I think it's time for us to talk" I gulped. Mark had always tried to be the father I never had. He was looking after me all the time and telling me what's good and what's bad. He was the father I never had.

"Sure" I found myself nervous for like the millionth time this day.

"Are you happy?" That was not what I was expecting. I was waiting for some sex talk or don't let your boyfriend ruin your life talk.

"I guess" He looked to his feet. I could tell he was having a hard time telling me this.

"That's not a proper answer" Proper answer my ass. Why did he kept telling me all this stuff, it's quite stupid if you ask me.

"That's not a normal question" He sighed, annoyed by my attitude. I could be a little kid sometimes, but I'll never say it out loud.

"Please, I am trying to see how you feel" He was frustrated. As much as I loved my brother, he could never play the father-brother part. Too hard to be just one, imagine having to be both.

"You can't see what I feel okay, I don't want you to" He was about leave the room when my voice stopped me.

"If you want to know if he makes me happy, then yes, just don't be a coward next time and asked me properly" He stood there fighting to decided whether to leave or come back, but unfortunately he decided to leave. I remembered when times were happy. My dad wasn't known as the asshole that left us. My mom wasn't the numb person she is now , and my brother... he wasn't so stressed.

"Can I come in?" Li's voice was barely a whisper. I nodded and smiled warmly. She walked to my bed and hugged me. I knew she'll tell me later what happened, but now, she only needed comfort and a shoulder to lean on, fortunately, I could giver her both.

"He told me nothing would happen" She was crying nonstop. I couldn't believe her. She had done such an immature thing and...gosh why now?

"Shh...Everything will be alright, we have to get you some tests and you'll be fine" Li had just told me she had slept with a guy with AIDS. Of course she didn't knew he had them, but she shouldn't had slept with him without truly knowing him.

"Please don't tell anybody" Her sobs cut me like knives. I didn't like seeing my best friend hurt.

"I won't" She kept hugging me with all her strength. I had a feeling that a storm was coming.

Drew's POV

I left my keys on the kitchen and looked through the window. It was going to rain pretty hard tonight. I loved rain. The sound of droplets falling was so relaxing. I decided to see if my little brother was asleep.He was looking like a little angel. I went back to the dining room and saw my aunt there.

"Hey Drew, How's school?" My aunt Gloria was a beautiful woman. My family came form Italy. I was american but my parent's wanted me to go to Italy for college. They unfortunately died before seeing me reaching it, but I know they'll proud on heaven.

"Good" Her face expression turned to fear when she saw the wounds my face had because of the fight. She ran and began to put on me all kind of medicines and creams. My face smelled like a drunken person.

"What happened?" My aunt was still putting some stuff on my left cheek. I could hear the concerned on her voice.

"I got into a fight" She was expressionless.

"What for?" I knew my aunt wouldn't have a problem with me liking a guy, but I felt weird telling her.

"A boy" She nodded and continue healing me.

"So was he worth it?" I knew Alex was worth it .

"Yes" Aunt Gloria smiled at me and left the dining room with all the little bottles and recipients she had brought from up stairs.

"I want to meet him" Her head popped on the door frame and I nodded. She gave me a warm smile and left to do her chores. I just love my aunt. I smiled again at the memory of Alex. I knew he like me.

"Drew?" My little brother was half sleep. He looked adorable. He was holding his teddy bear.

"What's up little man?" He came to me and I sat him on my lap.

"I had a nightmare" He was closing his eyes slowly so I took him back to his bed. Carlo yawned and hugged his teddy bear tighter.

"Is it true you like a boy" I smiled at his question. I nodded and he smiled.

"I want to meet him" I nodded again and he drifted off to sleep.

"What's the matter?" Aunt Gloria saw me leaning on the door frame. I turned to her and we headed to the kitchen.

"So?" She was eager to know what happened.

"He has a boyfriend" I sighed deeply. She lifted my head up and smiled.

"You know, I think that if you love something you have to fight for it, if you let it go, you didn't wanted it that bad" She got up and said good night. Leaving me with some confusing thoughts. I knew I loved him. I knew that. And I should fight for what I love, cause I wanted him so bad. He'll be mine. Soon.

Alex's POV

Li was feeling better. She had told me all the story. Apparently she and some guy hit it off and had sex, she wasn't aware of him having AIDS, but she feels so bad.

"I was so stupid" she repeated that for the thousand time. I knew she was for sleeping with him, but the least she needs now is me telling her how stupid she was.

"Everything will be okay, tomorrow morning we'll go to make you some tests and see..." I couldn't say it. The idea of Li, who was practically my sister, having AIDS was terrifying. She kept sobbing on my wet shirt.

"So what is happening with Rob" her eyes seemed focus on mine. I needed to tell her.

"Well, we are kind of fake dating" she kept calm , but I knew she was screaming inside.

"Why?" Her big eyes were staring right through me, like if they were trying ti find something underneath me.

"He needs someone serious, so his ex girlfriend leaves him alone, and I needed Drew to notice me" She stopped staring at me, and the room was filled with silence.

"You know that's bad" Her eyes stared at me again, " Playing with feelings you have now might get you new ones" I didn't get what she said, but my someone knocked on my door.

"Can I come in?" I knew that voice. I had grown up with her voice. The voice that used to sing lullabies to me. Whispering I love you every time she saw me. My mom was back. Li stood up and said a polite hi, then she left.

"Hi Alex" I was never in the best terms with my mom. She hates that I look a lot like my dad. She hates the fact that my dad still calls. She hates the me.

"Hello Mom" She sat on my bed and placed some gift. I knew this was her way to say I am still your mom.

"Thanks" It was a faint whisper. She smiled and left. Great talk with my mom, right? Just kidding.

I took the gift and opened it. It had a necklace. It was silver, if I am not wrong, and it had an "A" hanging from the necklace. It was from my father. I recognized it from some of the pictures. I put it on my neck and took a look at the mirror. It was gorgeous.

"You know she loves you, right?" Li was in my room again. Holding a coffee. She had an over size sweater, which was from my brother, and pants.

"I doubted it sometimes" She came closer and took my hand.

"Love its like stars, you can't see them all the time, but you know they are there" I smiled at my best friend. For the very first time, I understood my mom. All the pain she suffers. All the stressed. I knew that living all that she has lived and to love me and my brother, was only for someone truly great.

Next: Chapter 4

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