Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Oct 20, 2011


Write me to hutpanda@hotmail.es Hope you like and any suggestions please feel free to tell me.

Strangers Known for Life

"You need to admit that you will enjoy that dinner in Paco's!" We were heading back to my house, where I needed to prepare everything for today's marathon because Li and Matt will arrive in like an hour. Rob kept pushing my buttons with his smirks and stupid phrases.

"What are you talking about?" First thing I put attention to that comes from his mouth.

"We. Our dinner. Paco's Tacos" He said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Key word ,We.

"We didn't agreed that. I said, I will pay YOU a dinner, not us" he pretended to be hurt. Maybe he will get hurt soon if he continues to let stupid things come out of his mouth.

"No, We are having dinner there" he said again without looking at me. We were just 5 minutes away and I couldn't stay calm another minute without killing this big jerk.

"I hate those tacos!" I moaned. His smirked grew more and he winked.

"You will love them after you go with the Taco's expert, me" I laughed. Sarcasm my friends! Rob was nice sometimes, but most of the times he was a big jerk.

"Nope" I simply said. His face still had that annoying smirk. I wanted to smack it out of his face so it wouldn't show up again.

"Then no Marathon" He parked in my driveway and I bolted out of the car before exploding there. I was really angry, not only at him, but my mom too for trusting more that jerk than me or even my brother.

"Manners Butters!" Rob shouted at me from the main door. I was at the kitchen eating oreos. That's what I do when I am angry. Weird, I know, but in some way comforting. When the jerk finds me, and surprised! A big,ugly,arrogant smirk on his face.

"You'll get fat" That dickhead. I hate him.

"Your mom will get fat!" He glared at me and I knew what was coming. I ran to my room as fast as my legs allowed me. He, as always, caught up with me and grabbed me by the waist.

"Rob Let me go!" I complained. He had a tight grip on me. He turned me around and held me against his chest tighter. He was tickling me so hard and poking my ribs. That hurt ,but I couldn't stop laughing. He smiled. Yep, for the first time in many times; he has a great smile actually, but hides it with that smirk.

He let me go and I didn't realize he carried me to my bed. We were panting and I was still laughing a bit. He was taking deep breaths.

"You know, you have a pretty smile for a jerk, if you didn't smirk and smile instead, you would look better" we had our moments that got all cheesy and that stuff. He smiled at me again. He caressed my cheek... Ok this was getting weird.

"Rob... What are you doing?" He put a finger on my lip and I gulped. His face came closer to mine our Lips almost touching.


We jumped because of the tension. It was his phone and he sighed angrily. What the heck was that?

"Yes?" He put his usual smirk and left to the hall. Ass. Probably one of those slutty cheerleaders.

"You know I am not, you are Ashley" Yep, but I didn't care about that cause he is a jerk, an ass , a dickhead and all of the bad things you'll ever imagine. But I didn't care, not a bit.

I went downstairs for more oreos. Delicious oreos. I saw Matt walking in and coming to the kitchen. I had no idea where Rob was, and I didn't care. Matt had some jeans and a t-shirt. Looking better than ever.

"Hey Lex" he greet me and walked to me. Handing me his movies and some white oreos. I loved them. What's Best than oreos? White Chocolate oreos!

"Thanks!" I hugged him to death. Matt was the only one that knew my addiction to oreos. Not even Li knew that I ate them only when I am angry or upset or that I am madly in love with those delicious cookies. He ruffled my hair and hugged me back. Rob walked in and glared at us. Ass.

"What movie you brought dork?" Rob said rudely to his brother. I hate when they fight. So immature,acting like babies.

"None of your business bitch" Matt said back. Rob groaned and glared again.

"I am watching it too, so its my business, plus you are the bitch" God please not another fight. They acted and were babies. Rob was stronger than taller than Matt, but Matt was more muscular, and oh boy that Rob was buff but not as much as Matt. They were pushing each other and insulting.

"Rob stopped it, you are in charge and my Mom would not like it if you fight in her house" Rob looked at me and walked away. I sighed in relief. I was not letting him into the marathon.

"Why does your mom puts him in charge instead of Mark?" Oh boy, if I could only find the answer to that question. Sad that my mom trusted one of his son's friend instead of me or my brother.

"I don't know, but it's sad she trusts him more than us" I said upset. My mom was a working machine, always working. When I had school recitals or choir she would miss it because of work. Mark was always there, even if we fight a lot, we both love each other to death.

"Hey guys" Li was carrying some bags and her purse. I guess those were junk food and the movies.

"Hey Li, what do you got here?" Matt began to checked the inside of her bag. She rolled her eyes and went to hugged me. I hugged her back and began to prepare everything for tonight. It was going to be a lot of fun. Rob hadn't showed up and I was getting my hopes up that he might not be here for the marathon, but with my luck, he was.

"I am here! Went to buy some chips" he said cheerfully. God, this wasn't going to be a good night.

Mark's POV

"Babe, what are you ordering?" Regina , my girlfriend was sitting on my lap and we were at the local restaurant with some friends from school, mostly jocks and cheerleaders. Almost all the team was here, well minus Rob, who said he was feeling bad and he preferred to stay home.

"I don't know yet, whatever you get ,we'll share" she said and kissed me. Regina was the hottest girl on school. And I was the hottest guy at school , so we made a great couple. Her friends were dumb ,but surprisingly, she was actually pretty smart, she helps me to study for exams and with homework.

We all ordered our food and chatted. I was talking to Jeremy when someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Yes Cartiano?" Drew Cartiano was annoying. Well everyone loved him, maybe that's why he is annoying to me. But he still isn't as good as me.

"I was wondering, what does your brother likes?" Alex? Why the fucker was talking about my brother. I thought they didn't knew about the existence of the other.

"Why?" I asked with a deep voice. I was sure going to make him tell me.

"I want to give him a birthday present, since his birthday is next week" Shit! Alex's Birthday! I completely forgot. Mom wasn't going to be here and I was supposed to get him a new laptop because tomorrow the sale is over.

"I totally forgot, and I have to buy him his laptop today, cause is the last day of sale" I sighed. How could I forget his fucking birthday.

"I need to buy him a present too, so why don't we go after here to the mall and you tell me what does he likes to buy him, deal?" I nodded quickly and asked the waiter for the check. I had to buy him his laptop today, otherwise mom would kill me.

Alex's POV

"So which movie first?" I asked. I was going to pick mine obviously, since I only got scary movies and I loved scary movies.

"Not yours for sure" Li answered immediately. She popped some comedy in the DVD and I sat on the small couch. Rob went to sit next to me and I glared.

"This couch isn't big enough for both of us" He smirked and pushed himself more into the couch, making me sat on his lap.

"See, there's always an answer to every problem" he winked at me and I rolled my eyes. It was getting uncomfortable, He kept adjusting himself and poking me with his hand on my butt.

"Would you stop poking me with your hand, it's annoying" he smirked and I rolled my eyes, "Now what?" he laughed quietly since the movie had already started.

"That's wasn't my hand" he tried to contain his laughter.

"Then what was..." Realization. I jumped off of him and glared. Li and Matt looked confused but I was too angry to explain my suddenly outburst to them.

"You are a pig!" I shouted. Okay maybe his erection on my butt wasn't disgusting, but I was not going to admit it. No Sir.

"What's Wrong?" Matt asked confused. I pretended disgust and went to sit by him. He knew better to stay quiet and let me rest my head on his shoulder, just watching the movie, but not putting attention. Was Rob Gay? Did he liked me? Did I liked him? Damn questions.

Mark's POV

"Dude you saved my life, if you haven't mentioned his birthday I would have probably forgot. Drew was looking at the jewelry stuff. Weird that he wanted to give my brother a present ,and jewelry specially.

"Yeah..." He was studying the necklaces. There were really expensive. Some were above five hundred dollars and those were the "cheap" ones, according to the sales man.

"My brother likes simple stuff" he seemed to listen to me for the very first time since we entered the store. "If you give him something really expensive or extravagant he will give it back" He smiled and nodded. I went to the second floor to buy the laptop, and when I was back Drew had already a bag on his hand and ready to go. I didn't asked him about the present, cause I am sure is not something I want to see.

Alex's POV

We watched some more movies and it was midnight. Li was half sleep, half awake and Matt was sleeping peacefully. Rob was sleepy too and almost falling from the small couch. I decided to take him upstairs, because If I let him sleep there, he will have a permanent back ache.

"Come on Rob" I pulled from his hand and he weakly got up, stumbling on the stairs. We reached the guest room and I leaded him to the bed. He fell on it and I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand and pulled me down with him. My head was on his chest, I could hear his heartbeat. He was smiling and I fought back to release myself but he was too strong. I got tired and decided to rest. I felt somehow safe and relaxed. Rob was holding me tight against him. And I couldn't feel better.

I woke up with the feeling of strong arms around me. Rob was holding me like if he'll die if he let go. I was kind of happy. He looked cute when he was sleeping. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I looked at the clock and it was six in the morning, so we had another hour half hour until we have to get ready.

"Good Morning" I said almost whispering. He smiled and closed his eyes for another moment.

"Hell yeah is a good morning!" I blushed. He caressed my cheek and pulled me close. Our eyes met and never looked away. Only our deep breaths were heard. Our faces came closer. Almost touching. I closed my eyes and then...


Damn phone again! He groaned and took his phone. His mood change.

"Ashley, Hey, No I am not busy, tell me" he almost throws me on the floor. That fucker. I hate him. He is a jerk, dickhead, asshole, and all of the bad words my head could take. I made myself presentable and went to my room to get ready. Last time he will make me feel this way.

"Lex Are you up?" Matt had a sleepy look, but he was already changed. Li was preparing some breakfast, and by the smell, it was going to be really good. I said hi to Matt and he smiled. He was barely away, poor him. The only one affected from the marathon.

"Where did you sleep last night? I didn't saw you on the couch this morning" He asked as he sat on my bed. I was looking for a shirt, and I could feel his stare.

"I woke up earlier" I lied. He nodded and I sighed in relieved quietly. We chat some more about last night movies.

"My brother ruined the marathon, I don't know why he slept here" Heck Yes he ruined my night and let's not forget my morning. Can't even see him in photos right now. What a jerk!

We all had breakfast and hop in my brother's car. Matt was driving in his own car with Li, but I was stuck here cause Matt's car was small, only for two people. I groaned and put on my headphones. Rob and Mark were chatting about some stuff I didn't care, until he mentioned something.

"Ashley called me today" I turn off the music but kept my headphones so they would think I wasn't listening. Rob sighed and turned to look at me. I pretended to be lost in my music and he continued.

"She keeps telling me to meet her family and stuff, I think she is only a good fuck, I don't want to get serious" Jerk, how did he dare to talk about someone like that, but the girl was really a slut.

"Break it off with her" Mark said. I was hoping Rob would agree and dump her. Just saying.

"I can't without hurting her, and If I hurt her, her mom will tell mine and my parents will give me the "Future" talk and all that stuff, since they are really close to her family" he sighed again. I just wanted to scream at him for being such an ass, but I remained quiet.

"Find someone else then, she'll see your not interested and will leave you, that's how that type of girls are" Well Mark had a point. Rob shook his head.

"You think I haven't tried that? Every girl I dated, she says is just some slut that I will leave in two days, she needs to see someone serious" Rob dating someone seriously? Are you fucking kidding me?!

"Find that person" Mark answered. He seemed annoyed, like if Rob talked about this a lot.

"No nice,serious person would date me like that, cause they know I am..." I couldn't resist it. I cut him off.

"A pig, a jerk, a dickhead, an ass and a man whore, Yes, actually every single decent person wouldn't date you for the only reason that they know the real you" Score! Alex one, Rob minus one thousand! My brother was speechless and Rob had a smirk plastered on his ugly face. He got a plan, and I had to run away.

"We are here, please don't kill each other" Mark said and left scared. He had never seen this side of me, score again!

"You" Rob said. I was glaring. If looks could kill...

"What?" he smiled and his eyes lighted up.

"You are my pass to break things with Ashley, she knows you are a serious person cause If I mess it up, I would be in deep trouble" If he think I will do it, he is nuts.

"No" I said and jumped out of the car. He ran quickly to my side and put his arm around me.

"Please, plus it wouldn't be your loss..." I turned to him and gave him a confused look.

"Keep Talking" I said and he smirked.

"If we fake date, I get off Ashley and you get a Jealous Drew Cartiano to be more interested in you" Now my ears were listening. Alex interested, Heck yeah!

"I heard that the jerk went to buy you something, and he stares at you a lot, when you eat, when you write, when you chew your bottom lip when you are nervous or looking for an answer..." I cut him off with a finger on his lips.

"Seems like someone else was staring too" He blushed for the first time since I knew him. Wow , ladies and gentleman, watch this cause you will have to tell your children and grand children and they won't believe you it happened and you witnessed it!

"Err... Now are you in?" I thought for a moment. "Plus you have to agree with me that we both feel an attraction for the other, so it will be like no strings attached too" he said with a smirked.

"Sorry I am not a slut,so... no sex, you payed me dinner dates and I get a gift, an expensive one, oh plus many oreos, preferably white!" he nodded after a moment and hugged. I stood there and stared at his shoulder.

"Now come one "babe" " he laughed and I rolled my eyes. I didn't like what was coming...

Next: Chapter 3

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