Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Jul 30, 2012


Hey Guys! Again Thank you Charlie Howes so much for helping, you are my hero! Haha and hope you like this chapter, please send me feedback! Thank yo too Daniel, I know I'm tiring you haha :)

Christmas Lights Part 1 A legal kiss is never as good as a stolen one.

Alex's POV

"We should put this one on top"

So much time has gone by. It was already Christmas time. It was the first day of December. The chilly air made it the best holiday. I love to spend it with my friends and family, and this year I had someone special. Someone I could kiss under the mistletoe.

"I can't reach it," I complained. I was lifted in the air by two strong hands. I placed the star easily on top of the tree but my feet were not on the ground yet.

"Cole!" He smiled and carried me. He said once that I was too light, that I should be carried everywhere.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" He kissed my neck and I blushed.

"I'm not a baby," I said pouting.

"I know, but you are my baby." I laughed and he kissed my neck again.

"Haha, stop it!" He laughed and kissed me more, "If Mark finds us like this, he won't like it, besides my Mom should be here soon, and she won't find it pleasant either."

"I do." He nibbled on my ear and chuckled.

"You are impossible!" He hugged me from behind and sat me on his lap.

"But you love me that way." He kissed me again. I never thought I would date an older guy, especially not by nine years! He seemed so mature and sweet.

"Ahem," I pushed him away gently to find my mom looking at us. She had a nervous look on her face. My mom was against Cole and me dating. She said he was too old for me. But Cole said he was determined to make her like him, to accept him completely.

"Hello Alex... Ryan" I tend to forget that Cole prefers to be called by his middle name Ryan, but he lets me call him Cole.

"Hey mom," Cole held me tighter and smiled at my mom. She was dead serious and her face showed it. Cole seemed uncomfortable.

"So Alex, who is coming for Christmas Dinner?" Every year my mom organizes a lavish Christmas Gala on Christmas Eve. Many people come to my house and pretend to like each other. I hate it. It's an upper class version of a pissing contest. I can't believe my mom participates in this. I would prefer a nice, quiet, and quaint Christmas dinner surrounded by the ones we love and care for, not with a bunch of hypocrites and rich snobs.

"Li is coming, Matt, Rob and their parents are coming as well" She nodded and wrote their names on some list.

"Cole is coming too, also Natalie" My mom stopped and looked to us. Cole had a big smile on his face, to antagonize my mom I'm sure.

"We'll talk later Alexander" She left hurriedly the room and Cole put on sad puppy eyes.

"She doesn't like me," He said in an innocent child voice.

"Awww, poor boy," I kissed his smirk. He was such a goof.

"I was thinking," he started. I love teasing him so I gave him a peck on the lips backing away. "That maybe we could," I pecked him again and backed away quickly, he smiled at me. "Have a romantic dinner, just you and me." I pecked him again, but this time he held me there.

"Mmm" I moaned with a hitched voice enjoying kiss.

"That's better," I blushed and he kissed my neck. He's so possessive. He loves to hold me all the time, when we go out he never separates from me, which is kind of sweet, but maybe he is too jealous.

"Hey, are your parents coming? I want to meet them." He looked at me nervously and nodded slowly.

"I'll ask them ok?" I nodded happily. I have wanted to meet his parents to make our relationship a little more formal. I mean, he has already met Mark and my mom.

"Why do I love you so much?" He asked to himself. I blushed. I was surprised how much bigger he looked compared to me. I'm skinny and he is buff. He is tall and I'm short. His hands are way bigger than mine by far!

"You are really special. You know that, right?" I nodded slowly. "It seems you don't," I blushed again.

"You make me feel special." He smiled and kissed me. So special.

Drew's POV

"Are you ready?" I nodded and my Aunt Gloria smiled. She patted my back and gave me my papers.

"This is going to be awesome!" Anna was so excited about going to the US. I decided to go to the US to 'arrange my college papers' but the truth was that I wanted to see Alex. My grandfather let me because Anna is coming, and he really believes I'm arranging my college stuff. I might have cheated. I told my grandfather there was a thing going on between Anna and me. Pleased he let me travel with her.

I smiled and looked at the screen. Our flight was boarding already. I said goodbye to my little brother and my aunt. I knew I was coming back for Christmas, but I had 3 weeks to work it out with him, I was determined to fix everything I did and hopefully get my love back.

"Goodbye Miss Cartiano!" Anna waved happily. I chuckled at her excitement. It seems it's the first time she's flying to another country or just flying at all.

"Drew, this is going to be so awesome! Thanks a lot!" She hugged me and I smiled.

"No problem Anna, we are going to have a blast!" She laughed and we boarded the plane. The time I had been in Italy, Anna became like my sister. I protected her and she kept me company. I made other friends, but Anna always stuck with me. She's a great person and very kind.

"I mean, how awesome is this?" The fasten seat belts sign went on and she squealed. God, this is going to be a long flight.

Matt's POV

"Hey, please stop it guys" Li and Simon were practically eating each other. Those kisses should be forbidden, I could see their tongues dancing, dirty dancing to be exact. I was kind of grossed out. Hopefully, Alex will show in any minute. We invited him, and he agreed. I just hope he doesn't bring his 'New Love'. I mean, the older guy doesn't let go of him at any time. Last week I invited him to the movies, and guess who was with him? Ryan, or as Alex calls him, 'Cole'. I hate that guy. And he is kind of rude, when he comes with us to grab lunch or go to the movies he just hugs and kisses Alex, he doesn't even try to talk to us, only with Li.

"Hey Guys...That's Gross" I chuckled and nodded my head. Li just smiled and waved, but they were swapping spit. So disgusting.

"Hey Lex!" I said happily. I was really happy he came alone.

"Hello Matt" His smile just made me smile. He sat by me and we just talked. It seems that his mother was still organizing the Christmas party. My family was invited and it would be very boring if it wasn't for Alex and Li. Rich and cocky people everywhere just discussing money. It had this stupid dress code every year. I mean, last time I had to wear purple, PURPLE! It didn't end that good... But enough, I guess it's just a thing to make the party more entertaining (yeah right!).

"So my mother wants me to give you the invitations, I don't know why she keeps sending them, it's the same people every year" It was true, the same people assist every year, and it was a big crowd.

"What stupid color are we going to wear?" I asked. Li rolled her eyes. She was the only one who likes the dress code. She gave Lex's mom the idea of purple. She owes me for that humiliation.

"Oh your mom and I thought this year is special, so we need to wear a special color" Oh no. Crap, here it comes some shitty color they are going to make me wear.

"Ok, then what is it?" Simon pretended to play the drums and Li kissed him. Ew again.

"Gold!" What the fuck...

"I think I like the idea, is not that weird and it looks elegant" Lex said taking a sip of his smoothie. I was lost in his eyes while Li snapped her fingers to me.

"Uh huh?" She rolled her eyes.

"What do you think about it?" I blinked a few times to get back to the world. His presence he affects me so much!

"I think it's great too," Li smiled. But I was totally lying. I hate gold. I don't know why, maybe because it's one of the colors of our school, and my brother and his group of stupid monkeys wears it all the fucking time. I truly hate that color, but I can survive for a night I guess.

They kept chatting about the Christmas dinner.

"Maybe this is not such a good idea" Alex was complaining about his mom. It seems that she didn't want Cole at the Christmas dinner. I have to agree with her for once, I mean I hate that woman, but she is right in this.

"Why?" Alex was frustrated. Maybe his mom was getting on his nerves lately with Christmas time coming.

"I mean, it's not that I don't like him" I truly hate him. "But Rob is going to be there and I don't think you want another drama" Another person I hate, great! "after what happened with Matt" Alex looked at me and I could see guilt in his eyes. He blamed himself for the actions of the asshole I have as a brother.

"It's not your fault" I said. He just gave me a sad smile.

"I have to think about it, I really want him there and I think Rob doesn't care about me anymore to fight my boyfriend" Oh God, How wrong he was there. Rob is so creepy when it comes to Alex. He has a picture of them in his computer and he stares at it for hours. And I found an old picture of them hugging as kids. He keeps it in his wallet.

"Maybe, Maybe not" Li just kept hugging Simon. Those two couldn't get enough of each other. I just hope this Christmas Party goes under the radar. Please, no drama for just one night. Yeah, right like if that was possible!

Cole's POV

"Natalie, are you ready yet?" I swear she thinks combing he hair needs to be in slow motion.

"Don't talk to me dick head" She answered back. I can't believe she is still mad at me. Natalie lives with me. I rent this luxury apartment in the best building there is. Thanks to Natalie, I met Alex. Well not met, but acknowledged his existence, his beautiful existence. I know it seems wrong of me to go after a boy who is nine years younger than me. But how can people say it's wrong. Love is never wrong. They say loving another man is wrong, but it isn't. It's love. Love doesn't know age, sex or skin color. Attraction does, but love doesn't.

"Come on, are you still mad?" She rolled her eyes.

"Of course! How can you hurt him like that!"

"It's not me, its mom and dad, if they weren't pressuring me I wouldn't be doing this to him, I love him more than my own life, ok?" She rolled her eyes again.

"Then show it! Don't be such a coward and break this whole thing before someone gets hurt, tell mom and dad how you feel"

"Don't you think I want to? I just can't bear their disappointment and the hatred in their eyes."

"While you try to protect yourself, you are hurting that `supposed someone' you love more than your life, great job idiot" She grabbed her things and got in the car. It was true. "You are going back soon, don't wait until it's too late"

"I got to meet him, and I have grown to love him as my friend. If you don't tell him I will" I shut my eyes. I didn't want to let the tears fall out. I just want to hug him and have him tell me everything is going to be alright.

"I'm not perfect."

"Neither of us is, but do you see me doing something I know is going to hurt someone I care for so much?" She was right. I needed to break things with her and just tell him. Because he is the one I love.

"I love him."

"I never said you don't, it just doesn't look like that" I drove slowly. I was a terrible human being. No...A terrible beast.

Alex's POV

"Hello Beautiful" I felt arms hug my waist and someone kissed my cheek. Cole's breath tickled my neck and I kissed him. Cole is the greatest kisser there is. He can go from a heated passionate kiss to a loving tender kiss.

"I missed you," he chuckled lightly and held me tight.

"I missed you way more," he kissed me again and led me to his car. We were going to the mall to eat something and just enjoy the day.

"I love your car." It was true. Since the first day I saw it I loved it!

"Baby, I think you love it more than me, since it's a new model I guess I have tough competition." He joked.

"Yes you do." He chuckled.

"But he can't kiss you like this," He kissed me and it was phenomenal as always.

"You know I love you more than anything in this world right?" I nodded slowly. "Good, but I still like showing it." He kissed me again and I smiled into the kiss.

"There's something wrong?" He sighed.

"It's just...I have fallen head over heels for you" I smiled.

"That's not a reason to be worried dummy, there's something more" He looked into my eyes and I could see it. There was something he wasn't telling me.

"Nope, just that, I'm afraid you'll find someone better," he looked away.

"You are the best, there's no better" He looked to me again and kissed me.

The kiss held guilt and pain mixed. I was determined to find out what was happening.

Drew's POV

"Anna, come here!" It was like traveling with a little child. She was running to every store in the airport, buying stupid stuff and candies, or "American Jewels" as she calls them.

"Wait, there's this magazine I have to buy, the guy says it has everything I need to know about American celebrities!" I held her arm while she tried to flee. I sighed.

"Anna, we have to go, I have to pick up the keys for the house and some other things" She pouted and waved at the man. I glared at him for trying to steal her money.

"You can buy a lot of magazines later" She nodded annoyed. I chuckled. She could be really immature sometimes!

"This is better than the movies!" She was glued to the car's window. I rented it in the airport for the couple of weeks we're staying. She pointed everything that stood in our way.

"Someone just showed me his middle finger! So exciting!" She waved to the man and I rolled my eyes again.

"Anna, behave ,remember you have to help me." She pouted and nodded her head. "How about I take you to an original American fast food restaurant!?" She looked at me wide eye and smiled.

"Cool!" I smirked. She's just like a little kid.

"I wonder if the waitresses are on roller blades?" I turned to her.

"Who told you that?" She smirked.

"Movies." She said like if it was obvious.

I smacked my forehead with my hand. God, she's hopeless!

We arrived at the little restaurant. God, so many memories. I remember I came here with Alex once. We were hungry and it just appeared in our way. The food was delicious and the company was great. It's one of the happiest memories I have with him.


God, why have I fallen for someone so deep? I never thought I would fall in love. It's something that wasn't in my plans. Alex, with all his little flaws, keeps drawing me back in. He's just a nice boy, to the world but a beautiful soul to me.

Alex's POV

"So, chocolate or vanilla?" Cole's kept his hand busy the entire movie. He kept touching my thighs or kissing me, or touching my hair. It's not that I didn't like the attention, but there's something more...

"I prefer...you" I smiled.

"You can't silly, I'm not a flavor" He kissed me. Cole's a great kisser; he makes it feel like dancing. So easy yet so good.

"Yes you are, you taste like...mmm I don't know but you taste delicious." He pecked me again and hugged me.

"So, are you excited for Christmas?" He looked away.

"Actually, I'm not going to be able to make it for Christmas..." I knew there was something up. I mean he has been acting weird all day and he expects me not to notice. I could see his guilt, which was unnecessary. I put my hand on his face and lifted his eyes to mine.

"It's ok, I'm sure there's something really important you must do then, don't worry, it's fine" I smiled. But he still held his guilty look. He hugged me tightly and I swore I heard him sob. This was getting out of hand. I mean, you don't cry because you can't make it somewhere.

"You know what I would like?" I shrugged my shoulders. "You and me, away" I smiled and he kissed my cheek.

"That's not possible"

"Why not?" He asked.

"Cause I can't leave my brother and Li and Matt, and you have a sister, it's not fair thinking about ourselves only." He kissed me again but this time it lasted longer.

"You are wonderful you know that?" I blushed. This guy had me on cloud nine, and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Alex, come on, he's really hot" Natalie laughed.

"But he's a jerk, and you can't deny that" I laughed too.

Natalie was currently at my house. She was going to crash this weekend since Cole had to leave. I love Natalie like a sister. She's really nice and a wonderful girl. She's a cheerleader at my school, and we've been discussing about her love life. I had my black pants on and a golden button shirt. Natalie had a white shirt with a golden skirt. She was really good looking, just like her brother.

"I know, but if you see it this way, there's not a guy that's never going to hurt you" She said and dug into her chocolate ice cream.

"Well that doesn't apply to me" I laughed, but she didn't. Maybe the thought of his brother dating is awkward. I know it's the same for me.

"Yeah" She said lost in her own little word.

"Has someone ever broken your heart?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Nope, but It has been hurt" She gave me a sad smile. "Don't worry about my heart, it's pretty strong and healthy" She chuckled.

"I need to tell you something Alex" Her voice trailed off, but she was able to finish the sentence.

"Sure go ahead" I said.

"It's about..." The door opened and cut off Natalie. It was Li already dressed in her golden strapless dress.

"Li you look really beautiful" She blushed.

"Look at you two!" She exclaimed, "Duo of hotties" Natalie and I both blushed.

"Thanks" Natalie said. She and Li had turned into friends really quickly.

"Your mom wants you two downstairs now, the guests are arriving." I nodded and we walked downstairs. I gave Natalie a look and she nodded. It seemed important, so I should wait until she feels ready to tell me.

The house was decorated beautifully. I couldn't recognize it at first. There were enough people for the house to look full. But I knew there were more to come. It was only nine. I expect the party to last until four a.m. Maybe? I laughed to myself. Who was I kidding? Some might stay at the guest room. Don't get me wrong this isn't the type of party everyone gets drunk and they wake up in the yard with a terrible hangover. But guests do stay for a while.

"Alexander! You are so big!" I just faked a smile. I knew the people from all the parties, some came from mom's hometown and some were colleagues from New York. Natalie seemed to take out her family charm and talk to the guests, thank God cause I needed a break. I decided to get something to drink and walked to the kitchen. Bad idea.

"Hey, why are you not in the party?" My mom was putting some strawberries on the cake. I sighed. She knew this isn't my type of party but she decided that I should attend.

"I came for a drink" she nodded her head.

"So where's Ryan? (Cole)"

"He had to go to his hometown" She nodded slowly.

"I don't like him honey, there's something..." I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, it's fine, I'm a grownup who can take care of himself" She just gave me a sad smile, the same smile Natalie gave me a while ago.

"I know, I just don't want to see you get hurt" She hugged me. It felt weird. It had been a long time since she had hugged me and it felt kind of good actually.

"I won't" She nodded and smiled. I could see her watery eyes fighting to keep back the tears. My mom was never an emotional woman, but there comes a time when you can't stop what's meant to happen.

"Let's go back to the party, we are the hosts after all." I nodded and we walked out of the kitchen. The party was really good. There was light music and everyone seemed to be having a good time. I lost track of Li and Natalie. It was still early, so dinner wasn't going to be served for another hour maybe. I was getting tired of listening to the stories of some old man. After all, he claimed like a thousand times he has climbed the Himalayas. Yeah right, he was like eighty.

"Hey!" I turned around when I heard my name being called.

"Natalie, what's up?" I said. She was talking to some guy and had a drink in her hand. I smirked. It was obvious to everyone, they had been making out. Maybe in a room. Mental note to kill her if she kissed him on my bed.

"Matt is looking for you" I nodded and winked at her. She blushed.

I walked through the crowd looking for Matt, but he was nowhere to be found. I walked to the garden and saw him near the porch of my house. It was dark and he was standing there.

"Hey Matt! I'm here!" He turned to look at me but made no move. I walked to him, but it was still dark. Mom had told me about turning the lights in the garden on, but I just igno....

Matt kissed me. I felt his lips on mine. Wait, what?! He was kissing me. But he didn't seem like Matt, I mean why would Matt kiss me?

"Hello love" Oh god. It can't be....

I know I say the same thing every time but I'm so so so sorry for the delay, but look at it this way, Summer vacations are coming soon so I should be able to write more. Hope you enjoyed it, please send me comments or if you want to say something about the story, whatever it is, feel free to email me.

Next: Chapter 12

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