Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Apr 22, 2012


Hey Guys! Thanks for your feedback and now I have an editor so the grammar should be much better. Thank you Daniel Summers so much for editing this to me, it's a huge help! Also this chapter will have Drew's POV mostly all the chapter, but there will also be from others. Enjoy and please feedback.

Drew's POV:

12 weeks, two days and ten hours. I know, pathetic. Considering the call I made to him. Aghh - I hate myself. I really do, I also hate being here; Italy. My family was pressuring me to be perfect. My aunt was always working and that left my grandparents in charge of me and my little brother. They wanted me to be perfect. I will always remember the talk I had with my grandfather the day I arrived here.


"So tell me son, do you have a lady back home?"I was confused at first, but then I jumped to my sense and replied quickly. He didn't know I had fallen in love with a boy

"Grandpa,"I sighed, "I have to tell you something."I was scared! My grandpa was a really tough looking man; courageous and brave, but many people feared him.

"Tell me my boy."He replied in his thick Italian accent before taking another healthy swig of a beer.

"I'm dating-"I hesitated for just another second, mustering up all the courage I could. î-a guy. Iím dating a guy."He just stood there, silent. No expression came to his face. After a few seconds of a terrible, gut wrenching silence, he let out a simple laugh.

"I'm sorry my boy, my ears must be full of dirt. What did you say?"I rolled my eyes. He knew damn well what I had said.

"Grandpa, I'm in love with a boy."He blinked several times, and the put on a cold face.

"Look Drew; you must be drunk or something! No Cartiano is to be a homosexual!"His thick voice sounded angry.

"I don't think I'm gay, I don't like other guys, I just fell in love with this one."He nodded slowly.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Dump him!"I was hurt, and heartbroken. His heartlessness tore my heart to shreds.

"Why?"I said quickly.

"Because even if you are not gay, dating a guy is gay, so you will dump him and find yourself a nice girl."I scowled at him.

"And why should I listen to you"I growled, rolling my eyes.

"Because, if not you and your brother go out of my house; your aunt as well - even if she is my daughter! I can't forgive her for letting this happen!"

"What's your fucking problem?"I yelled. He was taken aback by my sudden outburst, but he held his angry gaze.

"You and that bullshit about falling in love with a boy, that's my problem!"He yelled back. "Now if you don't want your little brother and aunt in the streets, with no money to go back to America, or to pay for a place to sleep, then you know what to do!"I sighed. He left got up and left. All the anger came to a boiling point inside me and I lashed out, punching the closest wall.

I felt drunk with frustration and anger. What would happen if we get kick out? My aunt doesn't have enough money due to the fact my grandparents paid all the expenses to come here. She would lose the job my grandpa gave her and Noah couldn't be in the streets, he was too small for that! I couldn't go back to America, not with no money and then there was the fact that my family wouldn't allow me to. I sighed in frustration. Why was life this hard?

"Drew, what serves your visit?"My grandfather asked from his favorite sofa. He was watching some soccer game on TV. It took all the self-control I had not to run up to him and punch him in the face.

"IÖ I agree with you. I called him and ended ourÖ our relationship."A smile spread across his face. I felt disgusted with myself. He hugged me and I was close to killing him. I was pissed off at him, but more at myself me. How could I do something so terrible?

I had called Alex he had been really excited to hear me, but then I told him. He was devastated. I was on the verge of tears myself! I loved him, but I had to tell him I didn't. I had to break his heart. I hated myself for doing that to him, he didn't deserve it. I cried myself to sleep that night. I was supposed to be strong, but I failed, I had failed him. I had promised to love him forever and I broke that promise to him.

End of Flashback

"Boy! Come here!"I was at the kitchen. My grandfather's voice echoed throughout the house. I sighed and walked to him. He was dressed in the fancy clothes as he was going to a dinner party. He was organizing a charity event, and wanted me to attend as well.

"You need me?"I asked him. His ugly face held a proud smirk; next to my grandfather stood a girl. She looked my age. She was very pretty and petite but looked rather embarrassed.

"This,"She pointed to the girl, "is your date for tonight's event. Her name is Isabellaî

"Annabella."The girl muttered under her breath.

"Yes, whatever. Please show her around the house, and do enjoy yourselves."He gave me a warning look and walked away.

"Hi Annabella, I'm Drew."She smiled.

"You can call me Anna. Nice to meet you."I shook her hand. Together we decided to walk around the gardens that bordered my Grandfatherís huge house.

"So..."Anna said. She was a pretty girl, I had to admit, but I was still in love, and no amount of pretty girls was going to change that.

"Are you from around here?"I asked to which she nodded.

"I was born in Rome. Iíve lived all my life here."She sighed with a hint of frustration.

"Here,"I said, "is a beautiful place to live."She smiled at me. I could see the lights in the house and the guests arriving. I really didn't want to go to the party tonight, but I didnít have a choice.

"Yeah, but youíre not forbidden to live and doomed to stay locked in the place like me."I chuckled.

"I understand what you mean."Her face wore a sympathy look and I thought that maybe I had found a friend.

"You come from the States, right?"I nodded. "Please tell me about it! It sounds wonderful to live there; the people, the cities, the food!"

"It really is a great country; and I really miss all those things."

"I will travel to America someday. I want to go to college there, but my family wants me to stay here."

"You can come with me when I go back, I am going to college back in the States."Her eyes sparkled of joy and she hugged me. It was a little bit awkward coming from a complete stranger, but was not unwelcomed either.

"That would be great!"She kept blabbing about being in America and all of that. I was chuckling about her enthusiasm, when something popped on my mind. Alex. What will happen when I go back, and I see Alex? Will he be with someone else? Will he take me back? Will he even want to see me?

"Hey what's the problem?"Her face showed worry.

"It's nothing, there's just someone I know that wonít be happy to see me when I get back."

"I know she will forgive you, it's just matter of time."If only Anna had known. I nodded and gave her an awkward smile.

"Thanks."I said. She nodded and we started to walk back.

"Oh, there he comes now!"Aunt Gloria smiled at me as her friends looked my way. I smiled sweetly back at them.

"Drew this is Tania, Carmen, and Isabel"I shook their hands and smiled once more.

"So tell me; how is the life of a teenager in the States?"God, I was certainly being asked that a lot!

"It's great, the people are nice, the schools are good, itís home for me."The women smiled and continued talking.

The party was full of friends of my grandfather. All of them had young wives and lots of money. The rich people in this world were all the same. Well at least in my world.

"Bored?"Anna was standing in front of me rocking her party dress. She looked good.

"You have no idea!"She chuckled.

"Let's get out of here."I nodded and we walked back out to the gardens. The gardens at night were simply beautiful. It was lite with candles and was full of roses. Alex's favorite flowers were roses.

Again. Damn, I can't stop thinking about him. "So are you going to tell me who this person that youíre so crazy about?"I smiled. I was indeed crazy, crazy in love.

"I will just describe hiÖ her. I will tell you about her."She nodded.

"She - is wonderful, the nicest person I have ever met."She smiled, and I did too as vivid memories of Alex came rushing back. "Her eyes are precious gems. You could lose yourself in them for hours. Her laugh is sweet and infectious. She spreads this warmth to everyone that is near her. SheísÖ well she's just perfect."Anna had a dreamy look in her eyes, as if she was lost in memory too. "I know how that feels, when you are in love with someone that seems so perfect."She wore a goofy smile on her face and this time it was my turn to chuckle.

"He was a soldier. Well just a cadet actually."The happiness in her eyes was evident and she was sure having flashbacks of the great moments they undoubtedly spent together.

"Forbidden love, huh?"She smiled.

"Well they say those are the only ones that last."She let out a laugh.

"That can be true."I said, still thinking of Alex.

"Well as I was saying;"She face was lost in that dreamy smile once more, "he was the sweetest guy Iíd ever known. We had such happy moments, but my father thought he was not good for me."

"I know exactly how that feels."She gave me a sympathetic look.

"So, He told me to end it or I had to leave the house."Similar situation I thought. "I was just fifteen, and scared, so I broke up with him. I didnít know what else to do! He was heartbroken, and I was too, but he never knew that."Her eyes let out a few tears.

"And then?"She wiped away the tears and smiled.

"He enrolled in the marines, and I never saw him again."She let herself laugh at her sadness. "I like to think sometimes, that he will come back and tell me he loves me, but this is real life, not a fairy tale. Stuff like that doesnít happen."I chose to stay quiet. I never knew what to do when others got sad. I thought about Alex again. He brought the best out of me; it was a side no one had ever seen of me. I wonder if he will ever forgive me. I don't want our story to end up like Annaís. One full of tears and unhappy endings.

We kept walking until we found the fountain. I remember playing around as a kid. Carelessly running around on a hot summer day, with everyone having dinner. I would spend hours in these gardens, playing around and exploring. I always thought about the gardens like a big forest. I thought that there were magical creatures that would only talk to me and be my friends. I was a very imaginative kid. I had like a thousand imaginary friends. Maybe it is to the fact that as a kid I was shy. In fact I was really shy. I changed when I entered high school. I got into sports and started making friends. Girls began to like me and people invited me to their parties. I felt so loved. I feel popular even now. But I knew there was something missing in my life.

"So what's his name?"

"Alex."Wait... what?

"I knew it."She just smiled and walked further. After my brain caught up with the present, I raced to catch up to her.

"How did you know?"She smirked playfully at me.

"You are an open book you know. Iím sure if people just took the time to talk to you more they would find out. Well not the people in here, they are too stupid and self-centred. "I chuckled warmly.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad, I find it interesting actually."She studied my face and kissed me. I was a little taken back but she quickly pinched me, wanting me to kiss her back. I did jus that.

"So you aren't totally gay then, you just like both girls and boys."I was amazed.

"How did you...î

"I'm a girl, and a kiss can tell everything."

"It feels like if I just kissed a witch!"She chuckled.

"I hope itís a compliment, because if not I will put a spell on you!"It was my turn to laugh.

We kept walking around and found our way back to the party. It was not as full as the last time we were there, but there were still a lot of people present.

"How about we just get out of here and I show you the real city?"My eyes turned wide with excitement. I nodded quickly, like a little kid, and she nodded her head. This was going to be a great night!

"I bet that was embarrassing!"We decided to eat pizza in a bistro she knew. It was delicious. Simple spaghetti tasted like heaven, and I'm very picky with food, so it really was fantastic.

"Yeah, but there was one time, that I decided to be a superhero and help an old woman to cross the street."I laughed at the memory. "She attacked me with her purse thinking I was trying to steal her things."She burst out laughing. It was scary back then, but I could do nothing but laugh about it now.

"I remember when I had my first date. It was a disaster but it was also the best one I ever had."The night wasn't getting older. It was midnight already and the people walked around the streets like if it was the afternoon. There was music playing and some people dancing in the streets. I had fallen in love with Italy.

"The guy was really weird, but good weird you know?"I nodded my head and she smiled.

"It started because he thought I was the only girl conscious about what I do."She smiled at the memory.

"It's never too late to love again Anna."She smiled.

"It's never too late to make things right with Alex Drew."I smiled this time. "How about you call him?"

"I can't."A cocky smile appeared on her face. It was getting cold and people were leaving retreating from the area.

"Is Drew Cartiano afraid?"She mocked.

"I'm afraid Iíll make things worse."I admitted.

"Answer this. Could they get any worse?î

"I might have lost him, but I donít want him to hate me!î

"Whoís to say he doesnít already? I know I would if I was him."

"You don't understand.î

"You Mr. Cartiano, remember I'm a girl."I laughed.

We decided to go back to the party. It was almost empty so Anna went home. We agreed to meet tomorrow to go to the beach. I looked at my phone and sighed. Should I call him? I was debating whether to call him or not, when suddenly it rang and startled me.


"Hi, is this Drew Cartianoís number?"I recognized the voice but couldn't put a name to it.

"Yes, this is Drew."

"Hey Drew, I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm Matt, Alex's friend."I did remember him. He was the nerd from school; Robert's brother.

"Hey! Yeah I remember. How are you?"

"Good thanks. I just want to call to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"Have you talked to Alex?"That took me by surprise.

"Not really."It broke my heart to say that.

"Ok then, sorry for calling. I hope everything is going great."It was odd from him to call me from another continent just to ask me that.

"Is something wrong?"I asked.

"No. Just forget it. Bye"And he hung up. I knew something had happened. I had to find out. I decided to call Linda; Alex's best friend.

"Hello?"Her voice rang.

"Hey Li, It's Drew Cartiano."There was a short pause.

"What do you want?"Her tone immediately changed sour.

"I just want to know if something has happened to Alex."

"No, good-bye Drew."She hissed through the phone.

"Wait!"I yelled.

"I don't like you, and I donít want to talk to you."

"You know I love him."I confessed.

"That's not what you said to him.î

"I had to, you wonít understand. Please just tell me if heís alright."She sighed and I knew she was going to lie.

"No, he is fine. But he is not going to cry over you, I won't let him."That hurt. I thought he was going to stay single until I went back to the U.S., until we were back together again.

"Thank you. UmmmÖ take care."

"You too."She hung up and I cried. I never cried, but this broke my heart. The fact that there was someone else in his life,I knew there was. I just hope it's not Roberto. Hell, I just hope this is all just a dream.

I cried again that night. I just had to do something. I needed to do something before it was too late.

Alex's POV

"Stop!"Matt was fighting with Rob. I could see some blood but they kept going. Li was getting help from some guys who were near the field. The separated Matt and Rob, both looked pretty bad. I went to Matt to check his face.

"You are bleeding! Let's go to the nurse."I dragged him along with Li to the Nurseís Station. Rob just stood there and I glared at him. I was still really mad. The purple spot under my eye reminded me why I should be pissed off. The kids in the hall stared at us as we passed them. We were lucky there were no teachers, because we would have all been in big trouble.

"My dear, what happened to you?"Our school nurse was an overweight, dark skinned old woman. She was a really nice woman who really cared for all of us. She took a look at Matt's face and got some creams and started to apply them in Matt's face. He flinched every time she touched him.

"It stings."He flinched again.

"What? You thought it would feel like heaven?"I laughed. The nurse smiled at me and Li laughed too. Matt just glared at us and it made me laugh more.

"You are ready to go, but if you come again after youíve been in a fight Iíll make sure it stings even more. See you later guys."We left the nursery and I noticed we had lost the first 2 periods.

"We have to get to class."They nodded and we Li left to her class. Matt was about to leave when I called to him.

"Matt! Thank you."He smiled. "But next time don't fight, it hurts me more to see you get hurt."He nodded and I smiled.

"See you at lunch."He smiled and waved.

Cole's POV

"Are you sure about this?"George was in the driver's seat of my car. I knew I had to make my move before somebody else did.

"Yes."We were in the parking lot of his school. HIS frickení school! I was freaking out. I decided to make my move and ask him out before somebody else got the balls too.

"Let's do this."George was excited! However I knew he just wanted to see Linda. What a crush he had on that girl but I knew she didn't like him, however he kept on insisting.

He parked near the entrance and the kids were all scattered in the parking lot. I remembered my high school days, the glory days! I smiled when I saw the school. I attended this place when I was younger, in fact it was almost eight years ago. I saw some of my old teachers were still here. I hated mostly all of them, I was not the best student, and they knew it. I scratched the back of my head when they gave me glares. Seems they remember me!

"Hey, there's the old chick that taught History back in our day!"The old woman gave us a death stare and we left hurriedly. I was looking all over the place. Some girls gave me flirty looks and George returned them. I just rolled my eyes and continued looking around.

"There she is!"I looked the way he pointed and saw Linda was talking with some girls. We rushed to her and she gave us a weird look.

"What exactly are you doing here?"The girls giggled and whispered to each other.

"IÖ umm... I'm looking for Alex."She smiled. A strange smile actually. She turned to say goodbye to the girls she was talking to.

"Well you are lucky because I know just where he is."She motioned us to follow her and we did. George kept up small talk with her. I knew she wasn't really happy to see him. I just hid my hands in my pockets and looked around. Nothing had changed, maybe they painted the walls again, but that's all. The teachers were all the same. I walked by some guys from the football team and smiled to myself. I remember when I used to wear that jacket. I remember walking through this hall and everyone looking up to you.

"There he is"Linda pointed to two guys on a bench. I smiled as I saw him. He was sparkling as always. He smiled widely and seemed to be laughing about something.

"He's helping the guy with some things, but I think he should be done in a few minutes."Li smiled.

"Thank you."She nodded and we stood there.

"Why exactly do you want to see him?" I blushed. She was giving me a look. I was kind of nervous around her since she is practically his sister.

"Oh don't worry pumpkin, he is looking for him, I'm not. Thereís no need to be jealous!"She rolled her eyes and remained quiet. That saved me since I was afraid of how she would react.

"Hey there!"He was like an angel. His eyes were sparkling and he was walking so sexy. I wanted to stop time and run away with him. I sighed and he smile.

"Hey."I said.

"What's going on? Why are you guys here?"His smile was the best one I had ever seen and his eyes, God his eyes were so beautiful.

"HelloÖ Cole?"I came back to my senses and blushed. I had been caught staring red handed.

"Sorry, mmmÖ"I scratched the back of my head. Linda and George looked at us and left. I was glad to be alone with Alex. I knew Linda was aware of what was going to happen and I was thankful that she understood that I needed to ask him in private, and George wanted to talk to her so it was good for both of us.


"I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime - with me?"His face was blank. I had screwed up!

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you. I mean I'm 26 and you are much younger, and you want people your age like those guys you see, because well, high school and you...and me and ..."His finger stopped my lips from opening and saying more things.

"I would love to go on a date with you."He smiled and walked to the parking lot.

"Wait!"I chased after him. He just turned around and gave me one of those killer smiles of his.

"Yes?"He loved teasing me.

"Would you like a ride?"I scratched the back of my neck for the hundredth time today. This boy just had all my nerves on dire. I was so cocky, but when I was with him I became humble I think in some way, more sensitive and happier.

"To where exactly?"As I said he was a teaser, but I enjoyed this game.

"Let's think about it on the way."He smiled to me and we walked to my old truck. I sent George a text to find a way home. He replied with an 'ok' .

"Can IÖ Can I hold your hand?"I was shy about asking him. I felt pathetic and stupid. But then I felt a squeeze in my hand and looked down. His small hand was intertwined with mine. I looked up and smile.

"You are the first person to ask that."I blushed.

"You are the first person I ever asked that."He smiled.

"Should I feel special then?"I chuckled. We got into the truck and I started the engine.

"No, you are special."He gave me a very serious look. I just wanted to kiss him. He stared in my eyes.

"What are you looking for?"I got closer.

"Sincerity."He replied and got closer.

"Have you found it?"I got a little closer and our foreheads were touching.

"Yes."And he kissed me.

The kissed wasn't rot with hunger or with lust. It was tender and soft. The best kiss I had ever had. I could feel love in the kiss and all I could think about was I wanted more. He broke the kiss.

"Let's go and find the way, shall we?"He smiled and blushed.

"Let's do it."I caressed his cheek and kissed his forehead.

"Together."I smiled and looked to the front. I was happy. I was finally happy forgetting all the things that once made me sad. This boy just got the best of me.

Next: Chapter 11

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