Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Oct 18, 2011


Write me to hutpanda@hotmail.es Hope you like and any suggestions please feel free to tell me.

Damn Everything

"Alex! Hurry the fuck up!" I ran downstairs as my brother shouted at me. Great way to start the day right? I grabbed my backpack and ran to my brother's car.

"If I'm late again, I'll say is your fault" My brother was a senior. I a Junior. I couldn't wait for him to leave for college- if he graduates, cause he is a really dumb jock- and leave me alone. Only one more year, and I'll be free.

We stopped at his friend's house and picked him up. My brother Mark was the school's golden boy, he was 6 feet tall and really buff. Also he was a jock. Captain of the football team and a real jerk. He dates one of the slutty cheerleaders and he's friends with the dumb jocks (who think of themselves stupidly high).

"Hey Mark" Rob was Mark's best friend. They knew each other since diapers. I knew him too, but we weren't in the same social circle, if you get me. Rob was better good looking than my brother, but he always came second. He let my brother take the spotlight and all, but he is a really nice guy.

"Hey Butters" what a stupid nickname. He said I had a tight butt, so that's where the nickname comes. Yeah, my school isn't as judgemental as the others about all things. Like Homosexuals, emos, pregnant girls, all you can imagine, it was better cause actually everyone knew I was gay, and they didn't congratulate me but neither disturbed my day so it was fine with me.

"Hey jerk" yeah, he deserved it. He just smirked. One of those that makes the girls giggle and blushed. Well I might be gay, but not a girl, so his smirks didn't have an effect on me. He is more like a brother.

"You know you love me" he said and began chatting away with my brother. I just checked my messages and text Linda, that went by Li, my best friend. She was the best person in the world. And there's Matt, my geek friend who I love to death. He is really good looking but doesn't show it with his square glasses and geeky clothes, always wearing sweaters and dark trousers. I saw him on swimming suit once, let me tell you he's got a fine six-pack underneath all of those clothes.

We arrived at school and I bolted out of the car. Rob was more like my brother than Mark. He checked that I did my homework before school- which he didn't did any- and walked me to my friends. Creepy right. Mark always follows and just says "Have a good day" and leaves. It has been since I came out. They think guys at my school are sex machines who will rape me. Too bad mostly all of them are straight.

"Not so fast bubble butt, come here" Rob checked my homework and then walked me to my friends. Mark left with Regina , his girlfriend, and Rob decided to torture me once more.

"So does any guys...mmm you know" he was scratching his head , he does that when he's nervous.

"No Rob, so don't keep talking" he sighed in relieved and we just walked in silence.

"Alex!" Li hugged me and then pushed Rob away. Li and Matt didn't like Rob. Maybe because he said they were outcasts and freaks. But they are both so fun and even if I'm gay, Li is gorgeous. I am gay not blind.

"Watch it" Rob said glaring at Li. She rolled her eyes and took my hand.

"See you later butters" Rob shouted from the end of the hall, since Li dragged me away in matter of seconds. I was laughing. I always did with Li.

"Alex!" Matt was by his locker and smiled. He was taller than me. A lot taller than me maybe like 6 feet. I was short for my age, like 5'6".

"Hey Matt" The three os us were like the golden trio. Always together. That pissed Rob. But he can't give a reason, I think he likes Li, cause they are always fighting. Maybe that is.

"So Are you guys ready for our movie marathon?" Li asked excited. Always when the new school year began, we did a movie marathon. The fun part is that we always stay up until 4 in the morning so it was like the next day, which we had school, was horrible. But the marathon was for sure worth it.

"Yep, I got this great scary movie!" I loved scary movies, they didn't. Each of us brought 2 movies, and it started after school. Obviously, we sometimes paused them to talk or do something, that's why we always finish late. This year it was at my house. My mom was okay with it so I thought it could be in mine.

"Alex you always get the worst scary movies" Li complained. I didn't. It was too good for normal people to liked them, that's why they though there were horrible.

"That's not true Li, you are just afraid about watching one" I put an evil smile and she just ruffled my hair. I pouted. I hated when she did that. Made me feel like an elementary school kid.

We walked to our different classes. The first peroid was math. I really like mathematics. Don't ask me cause I don't really know, but I do. I am really good at them too, that may be the reason. Also because I got to take the advanced math class, which was with the seniors. And by seniors I meant Drew Cartiano. The hottest male alive. He was tall, athletic, buff and handsome. Also a gentleman and really nice. The perfect guy. He was the only jock who wasn't a jerk.He wasn't the brightest person in the world, but every imperfection he had made him even more perfect. I sat next to him and oh god, it was the best thing since my mom bought that chocolate thing for waffles. Which I love dearly.

"Hey Alex" he smiled brightly. I blushed ( like a FUCKING DAMN FRESHMAN GIRL) a lot. I returned the greeting and continue to stare at him. He was masculine. Really masculine.

"So I heard your birthday's coming, what would you like?" Omg, he just asked me to buy me something. Just don't say anything creepy ok.

"Spoons are for soup" as soon as those words came out of my mouth, I gasped. I was really stupid.

"You are hilarious!" he laughed so good. It made you smile.

"Sorry, just thinking about...." he cut me off by saying spoons and soups. He received a glare from my cold eyes. He winked and I lost it and smiled.

"No, but to answer you, You don't have to get me anything" I said politely. Give me a damn ring, Give me a fucking ring! Yeah, creepy.

"I want to, so why don't you think about it and tell me" He winked once more and turned his attention to the professor. I sighed. Could heaven be better than Drew? No FUCKING way.

Class went by without more words spoken between us. When the bell rang I got quickly outside to avoid another stupid comment from my mouth. Classes went by and suddenly it was already lunch. I was hungry. I had that thing you called when you eat a lot but don't get fat. Something with "m" I Think...whatever. Cafeteria was a jungle. Literally, sometimes birds came flying through the windows, but more a jungle cause of the social division. Yes like movies, emos, jocks and cheerleaders, geeks, newspaper group, the drama club and a lot more. And then Li,Matt and Me. The normal people. Yep, prefer to be there hiding under the spotlight than underneath the ground or too above.

"Hey guys, what's up" I sat on the table with my tray full of food. Li looked at disgusted and Matt was reading some book.

"How can you eat that much and stay that thin, that's not human" she said annoyed that it wasn't the same with her. I used to pick on her with that. But Li was still thin, so she didn't care a lot.

"Something with the letter 'm' " I continued to eat and look at my magazine.

"High Metabolism" I nodded with my head, unable to talk with my mouth full of pizza.

"Lucky You" she said annoyed again.

"I know" I winked at her and we continue to chat. Rob showed up as always.

"Hey Butters, I'm taking you home, your brother has practice for football and I don't have soccer so it's fine" I nodded and he stood there like waiting for something. I turned to him and gave him the what-else-do-you-want look. He smirked.

"I am in charge, your mom went on a bussiness trip for the week" Bad news. Rob in charge was like jail, Literally.

"We have the movie marathon today" He smiled evily.

"Guess you don't anymore" I groaned. Damn Rob, for doing this. Damn Mother for letting one person who isn't her son in charge.

"Look dick head, we have it and its end of the talk so fuck off" Li and her bitchy attitude. You gotta love her!

" I'm in charge, and if you bring your freak friends, I am not letting them come in" Rob was just pissing me off. Matt glared at him.

"Fuck off Ass" Matt had an attitude too.

"I will deal with you when I come home" Yes, Matt and Rob brothers. Creepy, I haven't mentioned it cause I thought you wouldn't believe me, and I guess you don't.

"Rob, come on" I whined. He looked like he was going to give it away and leave.

"I let them come in if you pay me a dinner at Paco's" What the fuck!?!?! He was a manipulator! Rob loved Paco's Tacos, but his dad thought they were junk so he wouln't give him money to eat there. I hated Paco's Tacos.

"That's not fair!" I said pissed off.

"Life isn't fair butters" he said arms crossed. He knew I was going to give in. Damn him, Damn tacos.

"So Butters? Do we have a deal?" he smirked. Damn smirk.

"Deal..." I whisper. But as the jerk he is.

"What? I didn't catch that last thing, would you repeat it for me" He was enjoying it. I was going to kill him and Paco. It was a thread and a promise.

"I said Deal" That stupid smirk covering his whole face. Jerk.

Next: Chapter 2

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