Damiens Journal

By Damien Seul

Published on Dec 30, 2004


Disclaimer: This story will eventually be about the relationship between two gay teenaged boys. In the beginning there will be limited, if any, sexual scenes. These will depict sexual acts between two consenting teenaged males. While the story starts with a base in reality, elements have been added for dramatic purposes. The names have been changed but the events are mostly true. If it is illegal to view such material in your area, please leave now.

Nifty;'Damien's Journal #1'{Damien Seul}( BB real teen2 slow )[1!?]

DAMIEN'S JOURNAL Written by and copyright held by Damien Seul (2004)

Rushing to school that morning was more difficult than normal. Auditions were the day before for our school's spring musical, "Li'l Abner." How exciting... Driving into the stadium parking lot and hauling myself into the building seemed to take forever. The usual morning greetings and then the dreadful sound of the warning bell: No time to check the cast list!

I dodged to my English class and sat through another tacky lesson with woman who married the mailman. Next was Biology, maybe an interesting experiment today. Hooray! More boring notes! Thankfully, on the way to my French class, I passed a house office to see my name on the cast list! Relieved was not the word for it. Scanning the list I noticed the usual musical talents plus a bunch that I didn't know. It should be a great cast.

Rehearsals came and went and one day I was visiting with a freshman that I didn't know... It was strange for me not to know someone in the cast at this point because I always tried to meet the WHOLE cast before a show. The girl, Shade, and I got along well and before we knew it, rehearsal was over for the day.

Finally, we were down to the final days. This was horrible, our first run- thru and we opened the next day! Shade and I had gotten closer and I had learned that she was a lesbian who always said what was on her mind. Her sexuality was probably the pivotal point in my coming out to her on that day. Shade and Aaron were sitting on my lap and we were casually talking about fashion. At the time, Aaron was a self-proclaimed metrosexual. Aaron left to get ready for a scene and I admitted to Shade about being bisexual and about my crush on Aaron.

She stared deep into my blue-green eyes to see if I was being truthful before flipping out with happiness for me. She told me that Aaron did have a girlfriend at the time but she was very doubtful as to his straight nature. We devised a plan to have her tell him that he had a secret admirer. This went well for about 3 days then I had her tell him that it was a guy. He immediately knew that it was me. As I said, he considered himself straight at the time so he didn't quite respond in the story-tale, happily-ever-after style I would have liked.

I wrote him a note about it just confirming that it was really true. It was returned with a lengthy note that started with something along the lines of, "I don't want to sound mean but... I DON'T LIKE BOYS!" With a font that spread 2 lines of notebook paper. I must have cried for a half hour after reading that one. Damn, I hate being overly sensitive. Thankfully, he was very open-minded so it didn't destroy what little friendship we had. We remained friends, but I was much more timid around him than before. The show ended and life went on, as life does. I had forged new friendships that would shape me into a newer person with a different style.

I kept in contact with Shade, Aaron, and others like Amara, Kit, Rose, and Autumn over the summer. Returning from a trip to Europe found me at Kit's house with Amara and Aaron for a photo shoot because we had nothing better to do with the day. Dressed in mainly black gave rise to solemn pictures with a black and white camera. Developed that day an hour later was our results: Awesome pictures!

School started back up a week later and not much happened outside of school. We saw each other and still visited but didn't get to hang out much. We had a fun weekend party (See Brownie Points in bi/highschool) which put things on hiatus for a while. By now, Aaron had finally admitted to being bisexual, which we all knew anyways. We were happy for him but nothing really changed in terms of our friendship.

Again, I was back to the boring routine of school. Getting up an hour earlier than everyone else, for an extra class a day... YAY! Seeing Aaron before first hour... before second hour... before third hour, if I'm lucky... at lunch... after school... did I mention that I like the boy? I swear my schedule was made so I could pass him in the halls all the time! This boring routine continued, with us hanging out every now and then. Throw in an innocent cuddling incident at a local park, the more than occasional deliberate sexual teasing on his part and you've got our friendship. I did ask him out a second time after I found out he was bi, and this time he told me that he didn't want to risk losing the strong friendship that we had now. As the old saying goes, "Friendship often ends in Love, but Love in Friendship, never."

Finally, I woke up one morning with an idea: Have a New Year's Eve party! It was genius! He'd finally be able to stay all night; and, because it was New Year's, maybe my mom could be convinced to let us have a glass of wine, thus reducing his inhibitions about the loss of our friendship after taking it a step up. Only time will tell if it will even be possible, I still want to kiss him at midnight, if he'll let me. I guess I've got until Saturday morning at 12:00 to find out.


Author's note: Hey guys, this is only my second attempt at a story. The first one never went anywhere so I changed styles a bit. Well, what did you think? Please let me know by e-mailing me at damien_seul@hotmail.com. Feel free to add me to your MSN if you have it! Always willing to talk to other Nifty readers!

Next: Chapter 2

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