Dale's Education

By moc.liamretnuoc@noirorats

Published on Aug 4, 2018



After thirteen years of school, I couldn't believe I had graduated. I walked out of the roaring stadium, still unconvinced that I had actually walked the stage. I pulled my car keys out of my pocket and unlocked the driver's door to my car.

I had driven alone since I was required to be at the stadium an hour earlier than my parents. But that was okay with me- I loved to drive. I turned the key to ignition and felt the engine purr.

I pulled a water bottle out from the passenger seat and took a thirst-quenching gulp. Before I could shift into drive, I realized that I was really, really tired, and the world around me began to slip into darkness.

The driver had responded to an ad on Craigslist that morning.

"$100 To Take My Friend Home" The ad had read. The driver didn't think anything of it- he constantly chauffered drunk teenagers around the city. As instructed, he had driven into the parking lot and found the young man sitting in his car, completely passed out. The driver lifted the teen up, placed him in his car, and drove to the destination picked by the poster.

Had the driver noticed another ad asking for someone to pick up an unattended car, he might have been more suspicious. However, he wasn't very observant and happily completed the job, feeling good for helping a teenager get home safely.

I woke up in someone else's living room. I was sitting on a recliner in the middle of the room. I looked around the room. The space was fully furnished, and looked as if someone lived there. There were no photos on the walls or tables to identify the occupants, and the house remained eerily quiet.

I heard the piercing ringtone of an old-style cell phone. I turned to the table next to me and held the phone in my hand. It was a throwback to a time where iPhones didn't exist- where people used flip phones with buttons and small screens. I flipped the screen with my thumb and pressed the green "Accept" button.

"Good Morning Dale" The Voice Said, with a cheer I couldn't understand.

"Who is this?" I answered uncertainly.

"I'm your new Owner" He said seriously. "Go ahead and throw your cell phone and watch into the bin on your right."

I looked to my right. A small, black box was right next to me. It looked barely big enough for my cell phone. I glanced at the box, then pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I felt groggy- I knew I must have been drugged. I would never willingly give in to a kidnapper. I entered the lock screen code and quickly typed in 9-1-1 as fast as I could. Before I could press call, the flip phone rang. I accepted the call, simultaneously calling 911.

"Your phone won't work here, Dale" The Voice said. "Now, do as I ask and your phone and watch in the box"

I complied and slid the door to the box shut.

"Good Boy. There's a change of clothes on the table next to you. Change into them completely- do not wear any of your old clothes. When you're done, drink the glass of water I've laid out for you. Do this quickly, or you WILL be punished"

I saw the clothes and the water and gulped. There were only two articles of clothing on the table, underwear and athletic shorts. I took off my socks, shoes, and shirt first, then took off my shorts and underwear. I put on the set the Voice had left, but knew not to put on anything else. I looked at the glass of water. I knew that it was laced with something, and knew that I shouldn't drink it. But there was something in his voice, something that told me that he wouldn't tolerate non-compliance. I picked up the glass and drank the liquid as fast as I could.

I woke up for the second time to see a man I had known before only as `The Voice'

"Mark?" I asked, astonished.

"Yes, Dale." He said, fondling my now enlarging cock as he spoke. Mark has graduated with me, although we had never been too close.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I said confusingly.

"Oh, Dale. Because I know that you're gay. You can forget your college plans, you're going to stay right here and serve me. I'll give you you're own education"

I stared at him with a big, gaping stare.

"You're getting hard- I know you like this."

I couldn't argue with him on that, and he knew. I could see his victorious smirk across his face.

"This Cock, like the rest of you, is mine, do you understand that?"

I didn't answer. Mark, visibly displeased, swiftly squeezed one of my testicles. I gave out a loud gasp, totally defenseless against this unexpected torture.

"I understand, I understand!" He kept squeezing.

"And?" He pressed. I could tell what he wanted to hear.

"I understand SIR!!" I shouted. He laughed, released his grip and stood back.

"You're mine" He said. I dropped my head, staring at the floor- I knew he was right.

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