Dakota and Paxton

By benjamin winkler

Published on May 9, 2020


For now, Dakota is still thinking about his fun times with Paxton. Their next adventure happened a day after the previous chapter. These memories are obviously having their affect on Dakota in the present time but that will be addressed later.

Paxton was nervous again. This time, though, it was for a different reason. He was conflicted as to whether he should confess to Dakota or not. He honestly hadn't thought of tasting the cum until the last second and never in a million years figured he would actually like it. But he couldn't deny that he had liked it, enough, in fact, to want more.

All morning he was fumbling his lines, missing his cues, and noticeably less energetic than his usual bubbly self. His behavior was so frustrating, in fact, that the director called an early lunch and specifically asked his young actor to please figure out what was going on and to come back ready to perform better. His experience working with child actors gave him the ability to be kind to Paxton despite the unproductive morning. It did not, however, make the boy feel better as he sullenly went toward his own dressing room instead of Dakota's.

Dakota knew something was wrong, almost from the very start of rehearsal. Of course everyone messed up lines, himself included, but Paxton was missing almost all of his and each time he did, it would delay everything. Understandably, the rest of the cast and the crew were getting frustrated as well. For Dakota, he was more worried about what was causing Paxton such distress. He sincerely hoped that he hadn't done anything the day before that had upset his young friend because even though he hadn't thought much of him upon their first meeting, he had come to think of him now as almost like a younger brother. He needed to find out what was going on. He would've on his own but the director also called him aside and asked him to as a favor.

While he was talking with the director, Paxton went down the hallway in the opposite direction to his own dressing room. Not noticing this because of his distraction, Dakota went to his room, fully expecting Paxton to be there waiting for him but most likely not in the mood to do anything today. He could understand that and didn't plan on pushing anything; his main concern was getting to the root of the problem.

He went into the room and looked around, calling out Paxton's name. He checked all the usual places his young friend normally 'hid' but to no avail. Then he realized that the only other place to look would be the boy's room so that's where he went.

Paxton's room was much like his own, only smaller. He was there, of course, sitting on the love seat, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. As Dakota approached him, he could hear soft whimpers. Dakota sat next to him and began to rub his back. With sex far from his mind, his hand never went lower than the shoulder blades.

"What's up, bud? What's going on? Are you okay?"

"I did something really bad yesterday. I wasn't going to but then I thought it would be okay and I didn't meant to, honest, it just happened and..." It took a moment to speak but once he did, all the words came tumbling out in a hurry.

Dakota slid off the couch to kneel in front of the upset boy. He tilted the boy's head up to face him, staring into his deep brown eyes that glistened with moisture.

"Hey, Pax, buddy, if you're talking about what I think you are, I told you, it's okay. You didn't do anything bad. I really liked EVERYTHING we did yesterday so you have nothing to feel bad aboout. Okay?" Dakota was sure that his friend was referring to 'the finger incident', he just wasn't sure if he meant the first one that had been accidental or the second one that had definitely been on purpose. Either way, he really had enjoyed it and didn't want Paxton to feel bad for no reason.

"I'm not talking about THAT! I kind of thought you liked it cuz you sprayed more on me than ever before. I think I sort of liked it, too, cuz it felt kinda cool when you poked my bum." Paxton smiled mischievously, but only for a moment. He was telling the truth; it was a feeling he wanted to have again. "But I did something kind of gross after you left." Paxton's smile faded and his head drooped again.

Dakota was full of mixed emotions. He was happy that he hadn't gone too far with his finger and that he could possibly do it again. However, Paxton was still upset and he was curious about what Paxton had done after his departure that he would consider gross. The boy wasn't one to shy away from being messy for all their 'would you rather' features on the show. He watched his friend but made no motion to withdraw a further explanation.

"Know how you told me to clean up in your bathroom? Well, I was about to put my hands in the sink to wash them but then I had an idea and licked my finger instead. I....I liked it so much I put my whole finger in my mouth and sucked on it like a lollipop. Do you think I'm gross?" Paxton spoke with his head down until the question, when he shyly looked at Dakota for an answer.

"Pax, buddy, no worries. I've tried it myself a couple times and honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Does that mean I'd have it with every meal? Not so much. But, if you like it that much, I can always make more for you. Sound good?"

"Yeah, I think I'd like that. In fact, I'd like some right now." Suddenly feeling better, Paxton lunged forward and leaned down, reaching for the button of Dakota's pants.

Dakota fell back to sit on his heels then onto his back, allowing his legs freedom to stretch out and spead for Paxton. When the boy had unfastened his pants, he lifted his hips so that Paxton could slide his jeans and boxers down his legs to his ankles. Happy his friend was feeling better, he clasped his hands behind his head and smiled as he let Paxton take over. Obviously, his organ was already at full mast and they had just barely started.

Continuing their 'thing' of keeping eye contact, Paxton crawled over Dakota's legs until his head was directly over the throbbing appendage. He puckered up and let some spit drip onto Dakota, then gently took a hold of his friend's delicates. Needing both hands now, he sat back on his heels and smiled as he watched Dakota's face as it contorted in pleasure and let out little sighs of contentment. He wasn't surprised when his idol began to thrust into his grip, this time not trying to keep his finger from probing Dakota's entrance. He was surprised, though, when suddenly Dakota stopped.

"I need you to take off my pants all the way so I can spread my legs wider. I want you to go deeper this time." He was still breathing heavy and his erection never wavered as he made this request, hoping Paxton wouldn't be too shy to grant it.

It took a small second to realize what Dakota meant but when he did, Paxton hopped out from between Dakota's legs and began to remove his shoes, pants, and boxers. As soon as his legs were all bare except for socks, Dakota pulled them up to his chest and spread them wide so Paxton could continue.

"More spit, bud, as much as you can. But be careful with your finger, I've never really done anything back there before. Except wiping, of course."

Paxton giggled at the wiping remark as he crawled up to Dakota's hips. He didn't have a lot of saliva built up, having just spit recently, but he let what he did have ooze onto Dakota. His hands went back to their previous location but even though he now had permission, he was still hesitant to slide his finger in.

"Hey, Pax, it's okay bud. Just be careful, okay. But hurry up or you won't get any more cum to taste today. We're running out of time again."

Suddenly motivated by the promise of more yummy cum, Paxton let loose a mouthful of drool onto not only his idol's waiting appendage but his own finger as well. When he felt they were well enough lubricated, he gently gripped the organ with one hand as the index finger of the other carefully poked at Dakota's entrance. The combination immediately had its affect on Dakota, who instantly began panting and moaning Paxton's name. When he told his young friend to go deeper, Paxton no longer hesitated as he slid his finger into his second knuckle.

Dakota gasped at the intrusion but didn't want it to stop. However, the finger did stop momentarily, its owner unsure if he should go further. In order to get what he wanted, Dakota nodded and as soon as he did, the finger slowly proceeded a little deeper.

"Now move it back and forth." Dakota instructed between gasps, his eyes never leaving Paxton's as his young friend's index finger invaded his most private spot. Paxton obeyed.

Dakota had learned about the human body in health class and knew that, as a male, he had a prostate in the area Paxton was probing. Never giving much thought to his bottom before, he was now very curious as to why it felt so amazing to have a finger there but he thought maybe his prostate had something to do with it. He'd have to research it later on but for now, all of what Paxton was doing was proving to be too much so he felt it necessary to let Paxton know.

'If you want more cum, now's the time!" Dakota couldn't very well thrust his hips since his legs were up to his chest but his orgasm proved to be pretty powerful regardless.

Paxton, on cue, lowered his head to within a few inches above Dakota's organ and opened his mouth, eager to catch any and all that it would produce for him. A lot of the white goo that shot almost straight up did go into Paxton's willing mouth but as Dakota's orgasm began to wane and the cum began to ooze instead of squirt, the boy suddenly leaned down and enclosed the head of the organ with his lips.

He had wondered before if it would be better before it got cold. Now he knew.

When Dakota had settled down, he realized they only had about 10 minutes left of lunch. He also realized that Paxton hadn't gotten any release and that made him feel guilty. He lowered his legs back to the floor but on either side of Paxton, who now sat on his heels. He held his arms open for a hug, which Paxton happily gave. His hands lowered down the boy's back and squeezed his round globes without hesitation. In fact, they even slid into the little briefs but did not venture into the middle. Despite what Paxton had said earlier, Dakota wasn't 100% sure about going that far just yet.

"Best one yet, bud. But now it's your turn. Come sit on the couch and I'll take care of you real quick before lunch is over."

"But I can't make any cum yet." Paxton reminded him sadly while he took a seat on the couch in front of Dakota.

"That's okay. I'll survive if you don't. And don't worry, I won't poke your bum unless you want me to, okay?"

"Okay. But I don't think I'd mind some poking. I mean, just a little bit. I wanna see if I really like it." Paxton blushed; it was one thing to have just the tip tease his pucker almost by accident but to let a finger go in any further on purpose was an intimidating prospect. Besides, as everyone knows, that's where poo comes out!

He patiently waited for Dakota's hands on his hips to move his little briefs down his pale white legs, lifting his bottom up to help. Once they were completely off, Dakota leaned forward and spit on the small inflated organ, then took it between thumb and index finger and began stroking. He rolled Paxton's sack in his other hand and carefully poked at the hole behind it. Lifting the sack out of the way for a minute, he released another load of spit onto his probing finger before massaging the ring. His administrations were making little Paxton moan and he began thrusting into Dakota's grip, forcing his buttcheeks to close around Dakota's finger.

It never took Paxton long to reach his climax but when he felt Dakota's stiff finger partly inside him, his entire body felt sensations he had never experienced before. He really reached another galaxy when suddenly Dakota, still maintaining eye contact, dropped down and took his organ into his mouth. As small as he was, it was easy for Dakota to not only engulf his appendage but also his little sack.

Paxton was too young to produce cum but that didn't mean his body didn't try. The orgasm was the most powerful he'd ever had and he nearly blacked out because of it.

Not a moment after recovering, Paxton heard the lunch bell ring.

"No clean-up for me today." Paxton said simply, then smiled. He retrieved his briefs from the floor.

"Yeah, we'll have to do that from now on. Now, though, let's get to set before we both get fired." They both laughed as they went off to set.

"Hey Paxton, you ready to perform better now?" The director asked.

"Yep, sure am." Paxton smiled at Dakota, who smiled back.

Next: Chapter 4

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