Daemon Inside

By ten.epacsten@niparretcma

Published on Jan 15, 2007


By AMc Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work and you may not copy or transmit it in any way except in it's entirety and with this disclaimer.

This story is not intended as an attack on the church or anyone's personal beliefs. The author would appreicate any feedback to continue posting.

Epilogue part 5

Martin woke slowly to find himself surrounded in whiteness. A movement caught his eye, and turning his head he saw a sheer curtain billowing at an open window. The room was stark with bare white walls and no furniture except for the bed he lay on and a side table. When his confusion cleared he recognized his own room.

Images of the blotchy green daemon with yellow eyes tumbled through his mind. Did he really spend a night in the possession of a sexual devil? Or was it just a dream brought on by too much meditation and deprivation at the retreat? He was ready to dismiss it as a lurid dream when he pulled the sheet back to discover his pubic hair was shorn and he felt discomfort in his posterior.

In seconds he went from horror to shock to exhilaration. He never felt so alive in his life. Everything was sharp and vivid as he glanced about. He inhaled the scent of lavender coming in on the breeze and noticed the texture of the wood floor with amazed delight.

He felt the way he did the first time he had proper glasses. For years he had poorly fitted ones until William insisted he get his eyes examined and was stunned at how clear everything was with the right prescription. Only this time it was his mind that was focused properly. He sat up and retrieved his glasses from the night stand. An immense smothering weight lifted from him. He was FREE and like the blind man cured by Jesus, the darkness of sin was washed away and he could see life with new eyes.

In a daze he rose and walked to the bathroom. He gazed at his reflection in the mirror with wonder. There was a glow about him he never noticed before. He put a hand to his beard. What he always regarded as a symbol of strength and wisdom seemed meaningless. It had to go along with the rest of his old life burned away in the white light of epiphany.

He dressed in a pair of khaki pants and a blue silk shirt Daniel had given him. He left the house and was startled when he glanced at a clock to see it was twelve thirty. A notoriously early riser, he had never slept so late in his life. He stopped by a barber shop since he didn't trust himself to shave without cutting his face in the attempt.

He proceeded to Daniel's house and went to the side door leading to the kitchen. He knocked and heard a response to enter. Daniel was sitting at a table nursing a cup of coffee, absorbed with the morning paper spread out before him. He looked up at Martin's entrance and greeted him warmly. Martin leaned down and kissed him affectionately on the lips.

"Thank you Daniel." he said with gratitude. Daniel frowned.

"For what?"

"For last night." Martin replied, his tone meaning for everything. Daniel just stared at him.

"Last night? Oh damn we were supposed to meet weren't we? I'm sorry, I was so tired from work I fell right to bed and slept like a dead man." he replied apologetically.

Martin was confused. Why was Daniel pretending last night never happened? He looked closely at Daniel's forehead for any remnants of horns but there wasn't a mark on him. He touched the thin hair on top gingerly. In response, Daniel reached out and playfully twisted a lock of Martin's curly hair around a finger.

"Hey you shaved your beard." he said excitedly his brows jumping in delight. That was not a response that's easily faked, he seemed genuinely surprised, Martin thought, still puzzled by the continued denial.

"I like it, it makes you look sexy, but then I have a thing for dark skinned, beardless men." Like his old lover Ahbrad who was part Turk, part Indian. Martin thought the comparison interesting.

" I hardly resemble a Turk." he said with mock umbrage, referring to the ancient rivalry between the Greeks and Turks. Daniel gave him his patented lopsided smile and laughed, getting the joke. Martin got a cup of coffee and joined Daniel at the table. He glanced at the date on the paper and with a shock saw it was Sunday. He had slept a whole day.

"Oh no, I missed morning service." Martin never missed Sunday mass.

"That's all right you can go to the evening one." Daniel assured him off handedly. Martin had a sudden impulse.

"Will you come with me?" he asked.

"Sure." Daniel replied as if he had nothing better to do. Martin was taken aback by his reply as he had never shown any inclination in the past. Daniel seemed uninterested in religion or rituals of any type.

It gave him something to think about as they made their way to the Greek Orthodox church later that day. They quietly entered the small ornate building tucked among the hills surrounding Nice. Martin liked the place despite the distance to travel. He knew the pastor, an understanding and tolerant man who was glad to have someone he could confide in about the life of a priest. Father Milos lead the mystery with a strong voice that carried over the heads of the small, older congregation crowded in the nave. Daniel and Martin stood, as custom, wearing dark suits. There was no causal attire in a church Martin insisted.

Daniel watched the proceeding in a mixture of fascination and confusion. Martin would lean over and explain the liturgy and he would nod in mild comprehension; there was enough novelty to hold his attention. After too long standing, the mass ended and people wandered out.

"What did you think?" Martin asked Daniel.

"It was interesting." he said sincerely. Martin wanted to embrace Daniel but it was not the proper place.

"Wait outside, there's something I need to do. " Martin said. Daniel gave him a nod and wandered out side. Martin walked over to the wall covered with icons and looked at a small picture depicting a mournful, emaciated Christ. he crossed himself and gazed at the image reverently.

"Thank you Lord for sending Charybdis and thank you for giving me Daniel." A tear slid down his face and after a moment to compose himself, he walked out into the sun to join Daniel for lunch.

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