Daemon Inside

By ten.epacsten@niparretcma

Published on Jan 12, 2007


Martin glanced at the candles, one white and two black still lit. It was after two, dawn was four hours away, he didn't like the odds. He stared at Charybdis with a sense of determination. The daemon was toying with him. He needed to do the same but how? Martin was familiar with Daniel's body, he had spent enough time caressing him to know what pleased him, that was a start but he had to understand the mind of the daemon.

No, it is my own, I must unsderstand, he realized in a flash, the daemon had been asking him the same questions he had been asking himself. He had touched on all of Martin's erotic desires. He knew Martin's deepest wishes because he was those wishes manifested. To be taken by a daemon against his will was the ultimate surrender to depravity. He would have to play the game he had been avoiding all his life. Impulsively he knelt before the blonde monster and grabbed his leg in supplication.

"Daemon I surrender. You have taken possession of my soul, do what you want with me." he groveled with a bent head. Charybdis pulled his head back by a fistful of hair. He loved the feeling of the luscious dark curls in his hand. The beard and hair nicely framed a round face and dark eyes.

"I want to fuck you." he replied coldly. Martin shuddered but held to his resolve.

"Let me prepare the way." Martin reached out and gently massaged the daemon's balls. Charybdis turned slightly and his cock rested against his cheek. Martin regarded the smooth mushroom head in fascination. If his soul was too be damned then let him indulge that sin. He opened his mouth and slid the soft member in. The blond groaned in ecstasy as he was pleasured. Martin played him as he had been played, letting him come close to the edge only to back off. Charybdis convulsed as his senses overloaded. Martin pulled off as his body tensed for release but the feeling was deflected as the cock bounced in empty air. A guttural yell accompanied volleys of semen that spattered on the floor-wasted. He staggered, grabbing a bed post to keep his balance as he returned to his senses. Martin was the one laughing this time.

"It is a waste of manhood." he said sarcastically. Charybdis looked at the milky fluid then back at Martin and his sly smile. He had been tricked as well. He never had a chance at Martin's ass. Infuriated he grabbed Martin by the back of the neck and shoved him to the floor.

"Lick it up cocksucker." he demanded but Martin braced his hands against the floor in refusal. Charybdis got down and pulled an arm behind his back, breaking his stance and after considerable struggle got him to clean most of the mess. Martin was clearly revolted by the act and finally broke free to fling himself on the bed, wiping his mouth with a hand.

"God help me." Martin sobbed. Charybdis stood behind him and took hold of his shoulder.

"See what happens when you let go." he said without ridicule.

Martin sat up, annoyed with the harping. He was tired of battling his with his conscience about his homosexuality, it obviously wasn't going to change. He was tired of running away from his life, burying himself in his work as a distraction from brooding, rather than enjoying life. He spent too much time alone and didn't interact well with people except at his job. He was sick of his loneliness, he was sick of this night, being trapped in this room. He gazed about when he noticed the flame on one of the black candles went out. He squinted and leaned in for a clearer look at the wisp of smoke. With a shock he realized there was no breeze in the room as the windows had been shut and Charybdis was behind him, absently rubbing his neck. He sensed the daemon saw it too as his hands stopped. Martin adjusted his focus and when he blinked, felt tears on his face.

God is on my side, he thought as he shivered again. Charybdis regained his composure and wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Why are you crying priest?" his voice was devoid of emotion.

"I would prefer you hate me, it would make this so much easier to bare." he didn't know what he was saying as the words came out of his mouth. Charybdis put his mouth close to Martin's ear.

"You think you deserve this pain but you don't." he whispered, the voice soft yet firm. Martin heaved a sigh and more tears fell. He looked at the two candles, one black and one white. The daemon gave the merest hint of a laugh, like the sound of rustling sheets.

"Let me take you and set you free."

"It will be the end of me, I'll be damned." he said in a desperate clutch at what he once believed.

"That's a lie Martin and you know it ." the voice in his ear paralyzed him. Was that Daniel talking?

There comes a time in one life, Martin mused, when you have to choose to believe in what you've been told or what you know to be true, deep inside. Like being on a boat in the middle of a lake, Martin had reached that point of no return and rowed for the distance shore rather than go back. He couldn't hide in the folds of denial anymore and pretend everything was fine.

"So be it." Martin closed his eyes and surrendered; he hadn't realized how tense he'd become. The daemon lay him across the width of the bed face down with his legs dangling off the edge of the bed, his knees resting on a pillow on the floor. His arms were pulled to the corners of the bed in self restraint. He squeezed his eyes shut in awful anticipation.

Would he just savagely rut him or show mercy? A breeze brushed him and he looked up in time to see Charybdis open a window again. Martin saw a sliver of the sky and a faint glow signaling the approaching dawn before the curtain was closed.

Charybdis moved behind him and he felt a brief sting on his left cheek. Was that a needle he thought in alarm. He felt a kiss on the stinging spot and regretted giving in so quickly. He bore the humiliation of a moist cloth pushed against his opening. He was cleaned meticulously if a bit roughly as the fabric rubbed his skin. Something cold and slick was applied to his pucker then a finger was jabbed into him.

"Oh Jesus." he blurted at the intrusion and braced himself as a punishing smack was delivered.

"Sorry." he made no apology for calling on the lord, but for the sharp reaction to the touch. Charybdis laughed a his habitual politeness.

"There will be more than a finger in your ass." he smacked him again for emphasis.

It occurred to Martin that Charybdis wasn't preparing him out of kindness but to PROLONG the tension. He felt a wet tongue nudge him and he gasped, his eyes flew open at the strange sensation. How could something so disgusting feel so amazing, he thought. He knew Daniel was not into rimming, knowing how unhealthy the practice was, so the act surprised him. He tried to twist away but Charybdis held his legs firmly in place. He inhaled deeply and Martin cringed at the mental image of the daemon kneeling behind him, sniffing him like a dog in heat.

Charybdis sat on the bed and draped Martin's hips over a thigh, raising his ass for a better reach. A wet digit slid into him again and he involuntarily pulled forward to escape the intrusion but Charybdis pressed down on his lower back keeping him still.

"How many times have you dreamed of a stiff cock embedded in you?" he was taunting again. Martin took several quick breaths as he resigned himself to another psychological onslaught.

"You give me credit for too much imagination daemon." he shot back and the finger stilled for a moment then another finger was added, causing him to gasp at the stretching.

"Have you ever been fucked?" he asked as he continued to push into Martin.

"Yes." he hissed.

He remembered the first time with William. They were drunk and frisky. William wasn't large and it was over quickly but Martin cried afterwards. He felt defiled and his lover held him; soothing him with apologies.

"Did it make you feel good, did it make you feel like a man?" the daemon enjoyed mocking him, he noted with annoyance, it was his job.

"No." he groaned.

"I'll make you feel like a man." he promised and Martin shuddered.

A third finger was put in but Martin made no attempt to escape the violation. A feeling of lassitude seeped into his muscles and he felt as if he was floating. He had been drugged he reasoned through his haze and wondered if he would be conscious for the rape. It would be a blessing in disguise but the daemon would prefer him awake so he could gloat. He moaned as he sank deeper into sedation.

"You're ready." he announced and got off the bed. Martin was instantly roused from his stupor.

A minute later he felt a chill pass through him and not from the open window but from the cool liquid spread on his opening. He stared ahead not wishing to see the thick member about to deflower him. Martin did feel like it was the first time and the daemon made certain of that feeling with the theatrical build up.

Martin considered his state of mind and his determination to go through with this wavered. He tried to convince himself this was coercion - being raped by a daemon hardly qualified as voluntary submission but he knew it was just another lie. He looked at his arms outstretched but unrestrained. The truth was, he wanted this. He had to break free of the old thinking holding him back.

He did not abandon God, he simply left the priesthood. He was at peace with this decision at last, to hell with his family if they didn't understand.

His throat tightened as Charybdis pushed up against him, there was resistance but with firm, steady pressure he was penetrated. He let out an audible sigh as the fullness engulfed him. At last the daemon's balls rested against his own and he submitted to the piercing of his body and soul. Charybdis uttered a lustful moan as he halted his forward movement and held still. Martin sensed the cock twitch inside of him, marveling at how sensitive he was. Perhaps it won't be so painful after all. The massage and drug had taken their effect.

"Oh how I have longed for this." Martin heard Daniel say through his foggy mind. The feeling shifted and Charybdis chortled as he withdrew slightly. Martin jolted up on his elbows as a sharp pain coursed through him.

`Oh my God what have I done?' His mind screamed. He mentally flailed about like a drowning man as he comprehended the full impact of what was happening to him. No, he didn't want it to be like this; a savage, brutal taking, he thought, his mind in a frenzy. He wanted this moment to be with Daniel, romantic and gentle.

His mind went numb as Charybdis rhythmically thrust into him for the next fifteen minutes. He would stop to catch his breath then start up again. The metallic squeak of the bed and the wet sounds accompanying sex filled the room.

`Oh God , he's going to prolong this torture,' he thought in despair. Martin's arousal rose and fell like a boat drifting among the waves of an ocean. He was relieved when Charybdis rose and ordered him onto his back. He looked up to see the dark, blood swollen cock of the daemon bouncing and his own cock stiffened at the sight. Charybdis crawled up onto his torso until his nipples were at Martin's mouth.

"Suckle on the tits of your daemon." he ordered and Martin obeyed, sucking on one nipple then the other as he was overcome with lust. The sweat on his skin was salty as he licked around the aeola. His mind snapped to attention and he turned his mouth away in anguish at what he was doing. The daemon lay down so his head was level with his face, the horns brushed Martin's cheek. He wrapped an arm around Martin cradling his head.

"Why did you stop? I can feel you churning." he whispered in his ear.

"If I win, I lose." Martin said, his self control slipping away. The years of disciplining his mind against such worldly temptations dissolved in a sense of loss.

"Ah, that's where you're wrong." Charybdis gave him a squeeze with his arm.

"All you have to do is exalt on more time and be free." he continued and Martin's sorrow halted at the words.

Like the sun bursting through the clouds of a dark sky Martin understood this was a battle between his yearning and self denial. A social denial which demanded sacrificing personal freedom to convention; what everyone wanted him to be. The daemon was handing him the chance at that freedom. The challenge had changed again. Now it was a race to see who would finish first and take the prize. The only way for him to win was to give in to his true feelings.

Charybdis the daemon. God how he hated the smugness of the green beast pressed against his chest. He wanted to be rid of the damnable creature once and for all. All I have to do is cross the finish line before him, Martin thought. It was tougher than he ever imagined it would be.

"You can not resist passion's call." Charybdis said, a scowl on his face. The horns on his head looked more sinister than ever. Martin shoved the daemon away with his hands.

"Damn you. Finish this and let me be done with you." He spat.

Martin braced himself for the inevitable entry and the thrusting continued urgently. Martin clenched his fists and tried to drive his drugged mind away from the stabbing in him.

He closed his eyes and thought of Daniel, the real Daniel. A man whose touch was an act of kindness and his kisses as sweet as fresh strawberries. He didn't think it possible to fall in love again and the idea of losing Daniel was as unbearable as losing his breath.

He remembered the day Daniel came into his shop. A bell above the door announced the arrival of a customer and he peeked out from the back room to see a handsome man in faded jeans and a pale green shirt scanning photos hung on the walls. Martin usually let customers alone to peruse the pictures for sale but a small thrill made him jump up to attend to him at once.

"May I help you monsieur?" he asked and recognized the young man who gave him a crooked smile. It was the smile of an angel shining through his loneliness.

He asked about a photo of the Cote d'Azur he wished to purchase. They got to talking and Martin commented that they had met before and asked about Ahbrad. He was saddened to hear he had passed away suddenly. He offered condolences and gave Daniel a deal on the photo.

In a short time they went from acquaintance to friends to lovers . Both were eager and ready for someone to fill the void of their mutual grief.

Martin was pulled back to the present as Charybdis stopped to cool down. He had one advantage over the creature, Charybdis did all the work, while he just had to lie there. He strained to move away from the prodding but Charybdis held him fast with a strong grip on his leg. He felt the cock in him start to swell.

"Oh Jesus help me." Martin cried out, sensing the daemon's victory, He tried to hurry his own excitement along.

"Shut up or I'll beat you." Charybdis increased his speed.

Martin focused on the invasion, trying frantically to burst the dam of sexual tension building in him.

Oh Daniel, he ached as he remembered the light touch of his fingers across his forehead, the way he nibbled on the corner of his mouth, his scent like fresh cut hay. Daniel was patient as he combed the thick beard with his fingers. The first time they drew together was everything Martin expected. It was his self doubt that brought that embrace to an end.

He is so beautiful Martin thought, how he wanted Daniel to make love to him. He opened his eyes when he felt Charybdis shift his weight. He looked down at Martin, his mouth pulled to one side in a lopsided grin. With a shock of astonishment Martin was wide awake. It was Daniel. All his doubts about the reality of this experience vanished as he gazed at the tilted mouth. An injury years before paralyzed a muscle in his face, causing Daniel's smile to be uneven.

"Oh Daniel, Daniel save me." Martin shouted as both strained like competing wrestlers. His untouched cock rose as blood and the joy of revelation rushed through him. The Daemons hands dug into Martin's side as he thrust harder. Martin felt him swell inside and knew it was now or never. His mind snapped and he saw a flash of light before his eyes.

Petite morte, little death, the French call it. The moment of release like jumping from a plane or pulling a trigger. Martin braced his hands against the bed for leverage and with all his strength wretched free of the cock impaling him . The swift movement set him off and he convulsed uncontrollably as every muscle tensed in an explosive orgasm. The daemon stared down at him wide eyed, his cock waved desperately in frustration. He grabbed hold and stroked it to climax. Martin was vaguely aware of his cursing then something hot spilled on his stomach. He began to laugh hysterically as the daemon looked at him, his eyes bulging with the shock of defeat.

"I win daemon, curse you to hell." he gasped in triumph and passed out.

Next: Chapter 5

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