Daemon Inside

By ten.epacsten@niparretcma

Published on Jan 11, 2007


By AMc Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work and you may not copy or transmit it in any way except in it's entirety and with this disclaimer.

This story is not intended as an attack on the church or anyone's personal beliefs. The author would appreicate any feedback to continue posting.

Part 3

Martin lay motionless for some time before anxiety overtook him. Where did Charybdis go, he wondered, as his absence grew longer. He pulled experimentally on the restraints with no luck. He settled back trying to relax but the verbal sparring left him shaken.

The law Charybdis quoted from Leviticus was used to condemn a whole group of people and yet so many other of God's laws were conveniently forgotten or dismissed as arcane. The Bible had a way of revealing one thing then contradicting itself with another. The Lord shows the apostle Peter the vision of a banquet and suddenly none of the laws concerning kosher food applied anymore.

The Bible still had power to amaze him. Martin prided himself on his memory and yet a phrase, quote or story he hadn't noticed before would leap out at him as if the words on the page mysteriously rearranged themselves with new meaning.

His faith in the church was certain and predictable but that certainly was shaken whenever he saw or discovered something new, contradicting his learning. It made him uneasy like his attraction to men, it didn't fit in but he couldn't dismiss it. Like being a priest, how come it felt so right but ended up being so wrong?

Martin longed for a sign from God. He prayed that God would free him from his perverse attraction but to no avail. Was this daemon a test from God he wondered.

There was something about Charybdis that didn't ring true. He had a colloquial way of speaking Martin thought unconvincing for a daemon. He sounded more like Daniel and he wondered if it really was Daniel under that green skin.

Daniel was not philosophical by nature. Unlike Martin who was steeped in his religions dogma and brooded. Daniel seemed to know very little of the history and legends of Greek culture and absorbed Martin's knowledge eagerly.

Martin shifted his weight as he became increasingly uncomfortable. He looked at the door and wondered where the daemon had gone. Did he leave him for good? God, how was he going to explain himself to whoever found him like this. No, the daemon wouldn't be that sloppy besides they were not finished. Martin frowned. Indeed there was more for him to learn from this vision, he realized fearfully. He heard voices beyond the door and listened to hear more. Who was he talking to? Would there be more daemons to torture him? He yanked on the cuffs around his wrists as a sense of panic took over. His worst fear was being gang raped.

Once he was confronted by angry villagers who saw his choice to leave the church as a personal insult. Ever since then he had a recurring nightmare where a faceless group of men would back him into a corner and savagely violate him in retribution. It was the dream that woke him and Daniel he realized with a rush. The voices in the other room stopped and Martin held his breath, straining to hear. He heard footsteps fade away and finally breathed. The threat was gone. He was upset with himself for being so frightened. The effect of the daemon's work was beginning to show on his raw nerves. Dear God, what have I gotten myself into he wondered, staring at the ceiling.

He closed his eyes and willed himself to calm down. When he opened them again he examined the room carefully for the first time, squinting with his short sightedness. The bed was new; a heavy wrought iron frame with a thick futon. There were two pillows but no sheets. The only other furniture was a table under an oval mirror on the wall, a large wooden box next to it and a chair by the door where his clothes lay. A dozen or so candles provided the only illumination in the room. He noticed two goblets and pitcher on the table and licked his lips in sudden thirst. He hadn't eaten yesterday as it was his day of fasting and today he was too busy catching up with work in the studio after his return from the retreat. On cue his stomach growled.

The door at the end of the room was thrown open then slammed shut as Charybdis returned with a plate of food in his hands. How did he know he was hungry, Martin mused at the daemon's gift for anticipating his thoughts. Charybdis stood at the edge of the bed with the plate in his hand, staring at him intently. Martin sensed he was making an important decision. He set the plate down on the table and walked over to him. Charybdis undid his bonds then straddled him, holding his wrists against the bed as he stared at him.

"Are you a disciplined man?" the horned figure asked as he hovered over Martin's prone body.

"Yes." he answered with some hesitation, not sure where this question was leading. Martin felt the man's weight on him, his balls resting on his stomach; the heat coming off his young flesh as he overpowered his will.

"You are still bound to this bed, do you understand?" he asked in an authoritative voice. Martin was puzzled then understood the scenario had changed. He was being asked to cooperate with the daemon and it frightened him. It was a trick he was sure but he refused to let him take his mind. He nodded in understanding; his arms and legs still pointed to the corners.

Charybdis then knelt between his legs and scooped Martin's buttocks in his hands. He took Martin in his mouth; orally massaging him. He gasped at the at the warm softness surrounding him; the tongue caressing the underside of the glans. The mouth pulled off and his cock emerged completely hard.

"Tell me priest when is it acceptable to suck cock? Not with a man certainly but can your wife service you?" Martin groaned. More philosophical sparring to go with the sensual onslaught.

"No, of course not. Sex is for procreation, such an act is a waste of manhood." he answered as he always did. Charybdis had an expression approaching shocked amusement.

"You're kidding right?" he asked incredulous. Martin squirmed seeing how pedantic and ridiculous his answer sounded.

He was once asked this question by a parishioner and failed in his attempt to make clear the church's policy . Father Martin had discussed this and many other thorny issues with young couples at pre-marriage counseling. They sometimes reacted with a mixture of confusion and disappointment.

Over time it became apparent to Martin it was another case of his naivety conflicting with reality. It bothered Martin how religious ideals tried to unrealistically dictate private behavior.

"So a man and woman beyond child bearing years should not have sex? What if they're barren?" Charybdis asked, now pacing the room like a professor lecturing before an ignorant student. Martin remained silent, he would not be tricked by twists of rhetoric.

"So procreation is the only purpose of marriage?"

"Don't play tricks with me, you know there are exceptions." Martin snapped.

"Oh yes, priest there are always exceptions aren't there?" he lashed back. Charybdis got in Martin's face, almost touching noses; the yellow eyes fierce and damning. Finally Charybdis softened his gaze and moved down to Martin's chest. He took a nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting it. Martin's cock has softened in the exchange but came back to life with the attention.

"Lord Jesus protect me." Martin begged. In a flash Charybdis raised Martin's legs in the air and delivered a hard slap to his ass making him yelp.

"Don't say that fucking name in my presence." he demanded.

Martin was shocked. He would endure physical and mental pain, he would follow the daemon and go along with whatever perversion was played out but he would not allow this insult to God. They stared at each other in mutual hatred. The daemon in the form of Daniel, a man Martin held with great affection and respect, would not say such a thing. The fear he was in the midst of a true nightmare took hold of him again. He swallowed hard as defiance grabbed him.

"Lord Jesus protect me." he repeated and again he was slapped hard. Ten times he called out with the same result. Tears rolled down his face as the pain swelled but he felt oddly at peace as a blow made contact with his balls causing excruciating pain. He didn't care what the daemon said, he knew God loved him and that love never wavered regardless of what he went through. That acceptance was his salvation.

"Fuck you." the daemon shouted and dropped his legs. He backed away, sweat rolling down his face. Martin lay in a pool of pain but his soul remained untouched. A cool breeze washed over him like the hand of God soothing him when he realized the windows had been opened. A blissful smile settled on his face.

"Your strength is commendable for a defrocked priest." Charybdis admitted.

"I left of my own free will." Martin corrected. Charybdis snorted.

"None too soon faggot."

Martin's smile died as he thought of his family. His mother, father, older brother and three sisters didn't know he was gay and he had no intention of telling them. He missed them, their laughter and embraces, the joking and closeness.

"Mother, father." he whispered as he gazed up at the beautiful but perverted man standing over him. It was the body of Daniel; tall, slender with defined muscle that showed under the sickly green skin when he moved. So beautiful, what could be so wrong with admiring such beauty?

Martin had been asexual most of his life, finding no attraction to either gender until he met William. To his surprise his libido blossomed. Sweet William, so patient, so gentle with him. Martin was embarrassed at his naivete with intimate matters. After William's death he withdrew into a tight shell.

Charybdis laid down next to Martin and set the plate of food on his chest. He slowly fed him chunks of cheese, bread, olives and cured meat. He was ravished and ate it all gratefully.

Who was this man who was so cruel one minute and tender the next? Martin peered closely and glimpsed Daniel inside this creation of his twisted guilt and grief.

Daniel had his own grief to deal with, having lost his long time lover. The time they spent together brought relief from their sadness but Martin was afraid to get too close. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Daniel.

Charybdis got up and removed the plate. He stood at Martin's side and slowly walked around Martin, examining him like a side of meat.

Martin was modest and never thought he was much to look at. He was average in height and build; long walks in the hills kept a growing midriff in check. His skin was the color of olive oil with black curly hair and a full beard, further hiding his plumpness. An unassuming man who favored shapeless black shirts and dark slacks. Daniel joked that he looked like a cross between a pirate and cherub.

"You are too hairy." Charybdis said and grabbing a nipple, gave it a painful twist.

Unlike the daemon Martin had a generous covering of hair on his torso. Charybdis grabbed him by the legs, and yanked him off the bed, dropping him onto the hard floor unceremoniously. He went to the large wooden box and returned with rope. He tied Martin's hands behind him causing him to arch his back as he lay on the cold marble. A basin of water and two towels were set down nearby. He picked up a straight razor from the table, the blade flashed in the light as it turned in his hands. Martin struggled anxiously but Charybdis pressed the edge of the blade against his left breast and he held still. Charybdis pushed his head back with the heel of his hand exposing Martin's and neck.

"No please I beg you." he pleaded. Martin had a beard from the time he could grow one. As a priest it was required. He liked it, it gave him a feeling of maturity and humility. Charybdis held the razor just above his adam's apple.

"Then choose priest, this-" he touched the cold edge to his throat.

"Or this-" then placed it at his groin.

His head spun at the impossible choice. Having his pubic hair shorn was humiliating beyond words. It was unmanly and grotesque but losing his beard; an equally potent symbol of manhood, was unthinkable. After a long pause Martin nodded indicating his groin. At least no one would see him naked.

Charybdis was quite satisfied with the choice. He looked so smug when he got his way. He pushed Martin's legs apart for better access and methodically rubbed soap into the tangled nest of hair. Martin held perfectly still as the hair was carefully erased. He cried in mortification; abased at having his genitals handled in a clinical manner. Finished with the task Charybdis, untied him and pulled him to his feet. Martin caught sight of himself in the mirror and more tears spilled down his face. His groin was an obscene bare spot on his otherwise hairy body. He was no longer a man, merely a boy pretending. He almost wished his balls had been cut off instead. A towel was shoved at him and he was ordered to clean himself off. While he did so Charybdis closed the window and lit more incense filling the room with the heavy scent.

Martin noticed Charybdis gazing at him with renewed hunger. He was pleased with the effect and took Martin in his arms, kissing him passionately as he fondled the smooth balls with his hand. Martin tingled at the touch and felt himself hardened, appalled and delighted with the new sensation.

"I know you're angry with me but tell the truth priest, shouldn't you be angry at those who rejected you?" Charybdis asked like a prosecutor at cross examination.

"You mean God and the church?" Martin's eyes widen at the implication.

"They aren't the same thing. The church is the invention of man." He dismissed as he played with Martin's nipples causing him to shiver.

Was this a trick? What was the daemon getting at? What was Daniel getting at?

"Of course God came first, He is the source of all things." Martin said and a strange notion began to form in his head. Charybdis shoved him away angrily.

"Not me, I work for the devil and he's a much better teacher than your God. Much more hands on." he sneered and grabbed at Martin's dick but he dodged away. He felt his blood boil at the new affront.

"The devil only makes mischief; causing pain and suffering in the world." he said.

"Is not suffering God's way of testing and strengthening one's faith?" Charybdis retorted and the strange feeling in Martin's conscious grew.

"What a concept, he who suffers the most wins-in the afterlife. How quaint." Charybdis continued in a acid tone. He poured two cups of water, handing one to Martin. He took it automatically, absorbed with the argument and his new line of thought.

"Here's to guilt, man's greatest invention." he toasted.

If God was the source of all things, he created everything including this monster. There is a divine purpose to all of this, this was the sign he had been looking for. Martin held onto the thought like a life preserver.

"You have no idea what you're talking about asshole." Martin said with uncharacteristic venom. Martin never swore. The daemon arched a brow, impressed with the outburst.

"Ballsy." was all he said and took a sip. Martin cautiously took a drink; he suspected it might be tainted.

"I'm not going to poison you priest." Charybdis said with heavy emphasis, partly amused, partly offended by Martin's paranoia.

The distant bell rang two times. They both listened as the sound faded away. He took the empty cup from Martin and placed both on the table as he spoke.

"So how can you be saved from me? Shall we wrestle like Jacob did with an angel or shall I tempt you with something else?' he successfully took Martin's cock as he gave him another passionate kiss; his tongue pushing into his mouth. Martin pulled away in disgust.

"I know ," he said with sudden eagerness "You can fuck me, give me your sacred seed and be done with me. I will disappear from you life." He turned around and Martin noticed the tail was gone, offering a clear view of a small round ass. He leaned over offering it to him. Martin twitched with desire.

"Come on fuck me, I know you'd enjoy it. You've always wanted to, I've seen the way you lust after Daniel." he slapped a cheek for emphasis. Martin couldn't help himself and to his shame his cock hardened at the sight.

" Think of all the grief and bullshit I've given you over the years. The daemon of guilt is a very busy being. I'm booked into the next century with suckers like you." He wagged a finger in his face. "Bad little boy, no salvation for you. Especially you priests." He chortled at his wit.

Martin's breath became ragged as he thought of the hours he spent standing in prayer, begging God to take away this abominable attraction to male flesh, to restore him to his family's love. Why did William have to die just as he found peace for his weary soul?

"God has forgotten you, look where you are." the daemon taunted. Martin erupted in fury and grabbed the daemon by the throat.

"You lying, filthy dog." he roared and locked Charybdis in a half nelson, his naked body pressing against the daemon's back, both panting heavily from the struggle.

"Do it priest, unleash some punishment of your own. Think of it as pay back." he goaded, his voice rough. Martin pushed him toward the bed. Charybdis was forced to hold the horizontal bar on the bed as he had earlier. Martin held him around the neck and reached down with the other to guide his rigid member in and found the entry slick.

The monster planned this, Martin realized, increasing his indignation. With a sharp plunge he buried himself and the daemon gave a shout at the entry.

All his resentment and rage fueled his furious movements as he clutched at the narrow hips. God what a grip he had, he thought as he pushed in further. He had never felt anything like this. In his tumbled up mind he was aware of the sheer novelty of the of the feeling as he slid back and forth in the tight space.

It seemed like hours but it was only minutes later when he came. His orgasm was like a burst balloon as the pressure abruptly released. He pulled out and collapsed on the bed, panting at the exertion. He looked up to see the daemon still standing, hardly winded. He pointed to the black and white candles still burning and laughed in triumph. Martin blinked not understanding the source of his gloating. He blew out another white candle and it hit him. He had been tricked, the challenge merely a ploy. The daemon had not climaxed.

"Devil." he growled as he sat up wearily. Charybdis suddenly stopped his laughter, his face turned to coldness in seconds.

"Next time I take your ass. I will spill my seed and you'll be mine. You'll never see Daniel again when I'm finished with you." his face was a stony mask of sinister promise.

Next: Chapter 4

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