Daemon Inside

By ten.epacsten@niparretcma

Published on Dec 14, 2006


The Daemon Inside

By AMc Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work and you may not copy or transmit it in any way except in it's entirety and with this disclaimer.

The author would appreicate any feedback to continue posting.

Part 2

Charybdis stood behind him and gripped Martin firmly. Slowly he drove Martin insane by alternately stroking himself then Martin to the point of orgasm only to back off. Martin strained at his bonds, his body bathed in sweat. He was smothering under the building tension, heat and heavy scent in the air.

Here he was bound to a bed being tortured by a daemon of that guilt. He resisted as Charybdis continued to grind against him. He muttered a prayer under his breath as he felt the irresistible pull of an orgasm build in his balls while Charybdis massaged him. He lurched forward sending ropes of semen onto the bed. He continued to stroke Martin until his sensitive penis was raw. He laughed as Martin writhed to escape his grip. He finally released Martin who sank to his knees in exhaustion. Charybdis calmly washed his hands in a basin on the table. He went and snuffed out a white candle with a pinch of his fingers.The smell of incense brought back memeories of the Church.

Becoming a priest seemed so natural, so obvious to him. When he was ordained his whole family was there as witnesses. They were so proud of him as he was filled with God's light. When he walked through the village people greeted him respectively and kissed his hand. Too late he realized the mundane reality of being a priest. He disliked the elaborate ritual and heavy robes used in mass.

Dealing with screaming babies at baptism made the sacrament almost painful. Listening to parishioner's complaints on a daily basis overwhelmed him. They asked his opinion of everything; their marriages, children rearing and their jobs. He was suffering from compassion burn out. The robe, flowing beard and cap clutched at him.

No, no he preferred quiet study and the solitude of prayer. He loved to spend hours gazing at the icons in the church or sitting in the hills absorbing the beauty of nature; at one with all God's creation. A sharp pain brought Martin back to the present as Charybdis twisted his balls and he cried out.

"You chose the wrong path and look where it's led you." he said as though reading his thoughts. Martin arched his back to relieve the hold on him.

That's unfair, he despaired. He agonized over his decision to leave the church. He spent three years in virtual isolation as he struggled with the painful realization he was not intended to be a priest. His family was horrified by his turning away from the church and by extension, salvation. The shame and rejection was so unbearable, Martin left home quietly one day and disappeaered.

He resisted the lure of the flesh. He only gave himself to William once. His liaisons with Daniel were mostly kissing and fondling. God he was handsome, Martin realized and wanted Daniel to take him but he was afraid of giving himself to another and be lost for good.

As Martin knelt on the cold floor collecting his breath Charybdis returned to the bed pointing his cock in Martin's face. Martin looked up at the figure above him, his eyes hooded in lust as he masturbated obscenely. Martin tried to turn away but Charybdis grabbed his hair, forcing him back.The daemon mocked him as he rapidly pulled on the red swollen member in his hand. He stopped suddenly and shoved Martin's face into his groin.

"You want to suck it don't you? They told you it's wrong but it's what you want isn't it? Go ahead, lick it." he taunted.

The musky scent made him dizzy as he inhaled. He reached out with his tongue and barely touched the head, tasting the fluid percolating from the piss slit. There was a jolt of electricity between them and with a gasp the daemon came. Martin flinched but not fast enough and the climax splattered on his face.

"Fuck." Charybdis swore angrily and slapped Martin in the face with his still hard penis making him shudder in revulsion.

Martin knew what he was doing. Masturbation was a sin, the sin of Onan, a waste of manhood. `You mustn't touch yourself and give in to base desire,' he had been sternly admonished by his religious teacher.

So this is what he's become, a whore to a daemon of desires he can not resist. It made him sick to his stomach. He sobbed, watching as seman, tears and mucus from his runny nose dripped to the floor in a disgusting mess. He continued to heave, his keening filled the room.

When William, the only person he ever loved outside his family, died in a car accident he saw it as divine retribution for his fall from grace. Never mind that he wasn't suited to be a priest and had nothing to do with William's death or his being homosexual. All the guilt, rejection and loss crashed down on him as he knelt on the hard marble floor, naked and weeping.

Charybdis freed his arms and tenderly wiped his face with a wet cloth. For a moment he saw the pale face of Daniel looking down at him.

"Daniel save me." he gasped between sobs. The eyes clouded over and the face hardened into the visage of the dark skinned daemon again.

"I am not entirely cruel." Charybdis whispered as he continued to caress him. It suddenly occurred to Martin that Charybdis saw him as a student rather than prey. He was a strict master whose task was to bring the penitent back to the right way of thinking. Or drag him to hell.

Martin was hauled up by the arm and tossed on the bed like a piece of clothing. He lay unresponsive as he was shackled to the bed posts spread eagle and face up. His head was propped with a pillow so he could watch the daemon as he moved around dousing a few candles.

"You'd better put out a black one ." Martin admonished, since the daemon was keeping score. He glowered at Martin then with a flick of his finger extinguished the flame. A thing ribbon of smoke rose from the wick, visible against the dark drapes.

He walked over to Martin and planted a foot on his balls, the thin tail visible between his legs. He gazed coldly at the man squirming physically and mentally under the assault. Martin closed his eye, pleading to God for help.

"There's no one here to help you priest." he said with certainty.

"God will help me." he retorted, raising his head in a defiant gesture. Charbydis pushed harder.

"No you're damned, `thou shall not lay with a man as you lay with a woman'. I'm pretty sure sucking a man's cock qualifies, don't you?" he sneered.

"God loves all his children, even those who have strayed." Martin asserted but he wasn't so sure as tears blurred his vision.

"Really? He has a strange way of showing it." his voice dripping enough irony to give Martin pause.

Somewhere a bell tolled midnight. Charybdis looked up in surprise as if he had forgotten something. He quickly recovered his composure and gave Martin a look so intense it pinned him to the spot more than the restraints did. Without a word he left the room, leaving Martin on the bed.

Daniel opened the door to the darkened house letting in his friend.

"Are you alright?" The thin man asked, looking at Daniel with concern.

" I'm Fine Paolo." he answered. A quick smile flashed across his face but he was troubled.

"It's harder than I expected and even harder to control myself." he confessed with a deep sigh.

Daniel rubbed his forehead, weary but alert. He paced momentarily, wearing only running shorts; his pale skin reflecting the dim light coming through the window of the salon.

Paolo thought him part brave and part foolish. He knew he was doing this out of love for Martin but delving into anyone's psyche was always perilous. He was touched that Daniel cared enough to risk losing Martin with this mad idea. They had gone over the plan at great length while sitting in a cafe, discussing safeguards and possible outcomes. Daniel learned more about the Greek church, it's devils and mythology than he ever wanted.

"Be careful, the Greeks, like we Italians, take their religion very seriously. Don't be too -hard or blasphemous. It could backfire." Paolo gently warned him.

"I know ." he said in strong agreement.

Paolo remembered the reason for his visit and retrieved a plate of antipasto out of a picnic basket and handed it to Daniel who frowned.

"You will both be hungry after tonight." he explained and Daniel nodded.

"Did you bring the stuff?" Daniel asked and Paolo took out a small syringe from his pocket.

" You sure you can give him a shot?"

"My mom is diabetic, so I've done this before." Daniel answered and hid the syringe on the plate next to the olives. Standing in the dim light, Paolo noticed Daniel staring out the window, his blue eyes revealing inner turmoil.

"You're doing fine." Paolo said putting a hand on his shoulder but could feel tension there.

"I want him so bad." he said softly, voicing a private urge as if Paolo wasn't there. Paolo knew what Daniel meant and it would be disastrous if done wrong.

"You know a woman is always taken but it is best to offer yourself to her first." he said then blushed at the personal revelation. Daniel's dark expression was illuminated with sudden inspiration. He leaned over and kissed Paolo on the cheek.

"Are you sure you're not gay?" he half joked. Paolo chuckled with a shake of his head.

"No, no mia Teresa, she will not be so happy." he said still blushing and they both laughed. There was a strained silence as Daniel looked down at the plate in his hands and remembered his task. Paolo gave him another look of concern.

"Come back at dawn, we'll be done then." Daniel assured him. Paolo gave him a brief hug and left.

Next: Chapter 3

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