Dad's Humiliation

By Pete D

Published on May 5, 2015



Dad spanked and humiliated by his 13 year old at a party

After that difficult spanking, things were great. I saw a significant change in the boys behaviour and I couldn't have been happier. Billy was answering back a lot less, he was helping around the house, and actually following instructions. Ethan was his old self but also listening to what I was saying a lot more. I thought one spanking was all they would need to learn to respect authority. Oh how wrong I was!

On the eve of my 38th birthday, we had arranged a small party at our place for some close friends and family. I had sat the boys down and explained what I expected of them.

"More often than not at family parties you embarrass yourself and me with your behaviour, this is not going to happen. You have been so well behaved since what happened last week, but I maintain what I say, I will not think twice about spanking you again, I can promise you that.

Both the boys nodded in agreement and said they would behave, I had my doubts but was prepared to put them to one side.

The next day was a saturday, and the boys were in an excitable mood. They were helping me with the food and also putting decorations up, very well I might add. Everything was ready and looking great by the time our first guests arrived at about 1pm.

Once everyone had arrived I was busy talking to people, thanking people for gifts and cards and handing around food, the boys, I assumed were playing with their younger cousins and friends.

At about 3 I left the front room as I wanted Billy to talk to my brother-in-law who wanted to see a swimming certificate he had gained a few months earlier.

I went to their room, no sign, I went into the garden, no sign, not even of the other kids. The last place to look was my office and I dreaded what I might find, I was right. There was Ethan and some of the other kids kicking a soccer ball around, playing games on my computer, drawing on the desk. My first instinct was to grab Billy, but he wasn't there.

"ETHAN!!!, what the hell is this!?"

Ethan looked at me, cocky as ever. "All the adults are boring, all they wanna do is talk, so I thought I'd come in here, but I didn't invite this lot in, it's not my fault they made a mess"

I was speechless, he was blaming kids half his age for his behaviour, obviously the conversion and spanking last week hadn't taught him his lesson.

"Where's Billy?" I asked

"He ran out the the back door when he saw us in here, he was afraid of getting busted"

Some hope then, at least one of my sons had turned a corner.

"He grabbed one of those voodoo dolls he has been playing with lately."

My heart sank. My youngest son had recently shown a bizarre interest in the occult, something he picked up from my weird nephew who was also visiting. When I caught him with those weird little toys I spanked him and then made him watch when I threw them into the trash. I was very disappointed that he had continued that stupid game. Maybe it was just something that happened tonight because his weird teenaged cousin was visiting. I decided I would deal with Billy's nonsense tomorrow. Now I had Ethan to deal with.

"Get my office cleaned up Ethan, i'll deal with you later, I'm sure you know whats coming"

Before he had time to answer I went out of the room and into the lounge where all our guests were.

"Sorry about this everyone, my son has yet again made a fool out of me. Those of you who want to see his punishment help yourself to some more food and drink while I go and find my other son.

I wanted Ethan to suffer for this, a few people in the lounge had that "oh dear, hes not a very good father" look on their faces and I couldn't stand it.

I was a man to be taken seriously!

I soon found Billy, he was sat on the sidewalk near the park

"Sorry daddy, I didn't do anything wrong I promise, but I didn't want you to spank us again"

"I know buddy" I said " It's Ethan who is going to punished, not you, I'm glad you didn't get involved, I just wish you stopped playing with dolls. Boys shouldn't play with dolls. "But they are voodoo dolls Dad. They have a lot of cool power"

"Ok you can play with that one for now and we will talk about it tomorrow"

We walked back to the house hand in hand but in silence while I considered Ethan's best punishment, he had after-all, deliberately disobeyed me.

Back in the front room everyone had sat down and were waiting for me. I knew that I had to put on a show now, they were excited to see what was going to happen.

I went to get Ethan, he followed me back into the lounge, Billy had gone to sit with his cousin in the corner of the room.

He was holding that stupid doll tightly and his cousin had a mischievous grin and looked me up and down. Billy then gave a reassuring smile.

"What are they up to?" I wondered absently.

I spoke to the crowd.

"Sorry everybody but this has to be done, Ethan and Billy were spanked for the first time last week, Billy has learnt his lesson, Ethan here obviously hasn't. So now your all going to see his next spanking, I hope you enjoy"

I went into the kitchen and got a chair, brought it back into the lounge and placed it in the middle of the room. Ethan's faced had turned white, this was going to be the most embarrassing moment in his life, and he knew it, and I was going to make sure of it.

He looked hopefully over at his little brother Billy. Who gave Ethan a thumbs up. I again wondered what that was about but decided it didn't matter now.

I continued to speak to the crowd of my friends and family.

"I spanked Ethan over my knee last week and thats what I'm going to do again. Come over here Ethan and stand by my side"

Ethan did so very slowly, tears were rolling down his cheeks already and he kept glancing at Billy. For 13 years old he was a small boy, but now he seemed to have shrunk before my eyes. I knew it would be horrible for him to punished in such a humiliating way. I was planning to give it to him bare ass. I had no mercy.

I had to show these boys, and my friends and family, who was in charge here. When he was next to me I reached for his jeans to pull down the button and then the zip.

Thats when the strangest thing happen. I just suddenly stood up and looked down at my legs not knowing why I had done that. I looked around at everyone shocked.

The crowd kept looking at me expectantly. Probably wondering if I was going to say something.

Ethan face suddenly changed from fearful to one of elation. A huge smile spread across his face and he looked at Billy. Billy was holding that doll and he smiled back at Ethan then pointed at the empty chair beside me. Ethan quickly sat on it still beaming with delight.

Now Ethan was sitting next to me while I was standing with a shocked look on my face. "What the fuck!" I thought to my self.

Then to my horror Ethan reached for my jeans and undid the button and pulled down the zip.

I didn't resist at all, which made me look ridiculous.

So there I was, jeans round my ankles, in my white boxers, in front of about 15 members of our family and friends.

Everyone looked as surprised as me. I just stood there with my hairy legs exposed. I looked down and saw that my package outline was visible through the thin cotton material of my boxers. I wanted to pull my pants up as fast as I could but for some reason I couldn't.

Billy and his cousin were giggling with each other. Billy was still holding that doll. But no one else noticed them as all eyes were fixed on me.

"What are you doing?" my neighbour and gym buddy suddenly asked me. I didn't have time to think of an answer.

Suddenly, Ethan pulled me over his lap and pulled my t-shirt up so my white boxer clad bottom was fully exposed to everyone. He must of been thinking of the position he was in last week as he moved me so I was prone lying over his his knees, my bottom was now up in the air, a perfect target.

How the weight of my body was not hurting his legs, I didn't understand.

The crowd started laughing at the ridiculous sight of a grown man over the knee of a 13 year old.

What the hell was I doing?

He began the spanking very hard.

Sit spots, tops of my legs, middle of each cheek, my crack were being spanked very hard, each spank caused me to jump a little and I felt my face blush beet red. This was definitely not the way to instill respect in my 2 boys or my wife. But for the life of me, I couldn't stop it! The reality was setting in. I was getting a spanking by my own kid! Right in front of my friends and family.

He was relentless, for about 5 minutes. He continued to smack my beefy bottom with all his strength. The crowd was laughing hysterically. It actually was starting to hurt. I didn't shout. I didn't want anyone to know that I wasn't actually wanting this to happen. I didn't know where this was going and for the first time I could remember in a long time, I felt totally helpless.

He suddenly stopped and I sighed with relief that this humiliation was over. I was wrong.

"Stand up Dad!" Ethan instructed sternly.

I did so gingerly. I was too embarrassed to look at anyone and I was about to reach down to pull up my pants when he said;

"Take off your t-shirt".

I was mortified but I did so.

I normally love being shirtless. I work out and keep fit and I'm proud of my body. But this was totally different. Here I was with my pants around my ankles in front of friends and family and I was being ordered to take off my shirt. And that order was coming from my 13 year old kid who I was suppose to be punishing!

And even worse I was obeying. I pulled of my shirt revealing my well muscled pecs and my hairy chest to the group. I stood there dumfounded staring at the smirking faces of the group. I noticed that Billy was still manipulating that doll.

I thought I should say something. To somehow explain myself. But I was speechless. I mean what could I say?

Then incredibly, Ethan reached for the waistband of my boxers. He pulled them down very slowly. I wanted to move. I wanted to scream but I couldn't do anything except look down in horror as I saw my pubic hair starting to poke up beyond the elastic waste band of my boxers.

Someone whistled and another clapped. Everyone was laughing.

What was going on? Were they under some kind of spell too. Why wasn't anyone trying to stop this? Were they just going to let a grown man be stripped naked by a 13 year old!?

Ethan was making this to be a good show. He kept pulling down my underwear slowly. Soon my whole pubic bush was showing and the base of the shaft of my limp penis was now coming into view.

I looked at my wife who was looking at my groin with her hands over her mouth suppressing a smile as she stared.

In fact everyone was staring at my groin and as my big penis was being exposed.

I was flabbergasted. My penis swung free and dangled there in the open as my boxers continued to be pulled down.

I was never ashamed of my nudity before. I mean I never thought twice about being naked at the gym or while changing in a locker room. In fact I am normally quite proud of my endowment which is on the larger side. But this was totally different. First of all I was the only one naked! I was in a room full of dressed people of both sexes and a wide range of ages. And worse of all in a room full of friends and neighbours. Very few of them have ever seen me nude or ever would. Until now! How was I to face these people ever again?!

My boxers were finally pushed down to join my jeans at my ankles. My full package was now on display for the crowd. I felt my whole body go red as I reached down and cupped my package. I looked down as I tried to cover my low hanging balls and my dick in my hands but I couldn't cover the whole area so my pubic bush was still visible.

Everyone was laughing, hooting and whistling.

There I was naked as the day I was born except for the jeans and boxers around my ankles.

Then to my horror, I felt some unwanted stirring in my privates.

I didn't understand why. Was this a reaction to my total embarrassment? Then I looked over at Billy. He was still holding that doll. And beside him, my weird teenaged nephew was rubbing the groin of that doll. He had a wicked smile and kept looking over at me then back at the doll.

My penis was reacting. I tried to crouch over more and cover more of my junk but my penis was engorging and lengthening and pushing agains my hands.

Oh no! I was getting hard! And there was nothing I could do about it. What a pervert I felt like. I couldn't keep holding my dick downwards as it was getting painful. I moved my hands away and ...boing!! My dong pointed straight up.

I stood there like a total idiot. The crowd clapping and laughing. My boner as hard as a rock pointing upwards. I must of been scarlet with embarrassment.

I didn't want to look at anyone. I was too mortified. So I just looked at the ceiling, feeling my member pulsating. "Oh Man!" I thought, what if I cum!?

I looked around the room and everyone was on the edge of their seat, obviously enjoying this. I looked up and gasped. The sensation was profound. I felt my pelvis gyrating slowly.

Suddenly, the strange feeling which gripped my genitals released. I sighed a little with relief.

But then I felt Ethan pull me down. Boom I went down hard with my chest over his knees. My beefy bottom must have already been very red and in this position over his knees. He must have had a perfect view of everything. My legs were spread slightly so my furry crack was slightly parted and my nut sack was visible. In fact everything was visible to nearly everybody. One of my legs dropped off his lap. Now my cheeks were spread so my hair lined crack and hole was even more exposed. The shame was awful. Everything on show to my family and friends, not a good day.

He started spanking again, very hard. Smack after smack rained down on my backside, both cheeks were going a deep shade of purple.

To end the spanking he focused on my crack, He showered the inside of my cheeks and anus with smacks. I was grunting uncontrollably at this point, and he was enjoying it.

"Lesson learned? Not quite.

Stand up Dad, your not finished yet!"

I got off his lap and rubbed my bottom, obviously I was fully exposed to everyone but my ass really hurt.

I noticed that my cock had deflated and was leaping around wildly as I rubbed my ass.

"Billy, go up to my room and get my hairbrush please" he said. Billy stood up and quickly ran upstairs, he carried the doll with him. He was enjoying this too.

By now, I very much regretted spanking the two of them the week before.

"While we're waiting Dad, bend over and touch your toes"

I slowly did, My arms barely reached my toes and I had to really stretch.

"Pull your cheeks apart Mister, I want to see if you've been spanked enough"

Boy did he really want the humiliation to continue, now everybody on that side of the room had a view of my most private areas. Thank goodness I had a shower just before company arrived. I would have spent more time cleaning back there if I knew that so many people would be looking at my ass hole and nut sack!

He wanted to keep them entertained.

Billy returned with my hairbrush and I stood by the side of Ethan. "Ok Dad you can touch your toes again now"

Once he was ready he raised the wooden hairbrush and brought it down hard on my stretched out bottom. Soon enough I was grunting again and he continued to spank me, harder and harder, faster and faster.

I was holding back tears. I wasn't sure if it was the pain or humiliation. The comments from the crowd weren't helping.

"look at his spread butt cheeks, can they turn any redder?"

"I've never seen a grown man's hairy butt getting warmed like that! This is hilarious"

"He's going to be having trouble sitting for a while. "

"Guess he wont be spanking anyone again."

after about 5 minutes he stopped, by then his arm must have been tired and I was now convinced that he was done.

"Ok Dad stand up, but keep your boxers and jeans where they are, I want you to apologize to everyone for interrupting the party and making a fool out of me, then you can stand in the corner so everyone can see your bottom, this might remind you to never humiliate me in front of people again"

I feebly said sorry. I was actually fighting back tears as a spoke. I no longer felt the tough macho man that I did a few hours ago. I didn't know how it was possible and I still don't but somehow I was punished. I actually realized then that I got what I deserved. I then slowly made my way into the corner of the room which was impossible to do with any dignity shuffling awkwardly with my pants around my ankles and my genitals flapping about openly. I passed all my friends and family as they smirked at me or laughed outwardly. Or even worse stared lewdly at my dancing dick and balls. When I reached the corner by the front door I stood facing the wall and started to sob feeling everyone's eyes on my naked ass.

Then I heard my wife announce"Sorry about that everyone, whose for some more cake?"

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