Daddy Type

Published on Jul 25, 2023


Daddy Type - Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven – {10-2016 – 01-2017}

Luke showed up at my door, the next evening. It had been four weeks to the day since he started ghosting me.

"Come on in," I offered as he stood there staring at his feet. "It's October, and the temperatures are too cold for me to stand here with the door open!"

He shuffled by me, not really looking up. He stood mute for a few more minutes.

"Ok, spill it! I don't have telepathy."

"Well, um..." he paused, and I waited and waited and waited.

"Follow me!" I led him into the den and had him sit on the couch next to me. I wasn't too happy that we were back to the sputtering, stuttering, hesitant kid instead of the friendly, talkative man I'd gotten to know after our first date.

"Luke?" he looked at me and started to cry. "Oh, fuck it. What's wrong?"

"I... I... I screwed up."

"How?" I was getting more exacerbated.

"Not coming over, not responding to your texts, sending Cody over.

"Well, I'll admit I was a bit surprised when you pimped for me. Well, not quite pimped but you get my point."

"All he's talked about since that night is you. I figured, I'd come over, apologize and say goodbye."

"Apologize? And why goodbye?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't come that night. I'm sorry, I didn't have the balls to face you. I'm sorry, I disappeared. And now you have Cody, so goodbye."

"What? Huh? What makes you think that?"

"He's... he's been over here like all the time."

"Ok, let's get a few things straight. First, you're the one who said we should date other guys. Second, you're the one that sent Cody over here. Third, you're the one that keeps holding back on me. Finally, yes, Cody's been over here a good bit; but that doesn't mean I have Cody now. It means he and I are dating, like you and I were until you pulled the disappearing act."

God, it sounded like I was in high school. I thought for a moment and almost laughed – not a good time for that. In fact, with two twenty-year-old boys in my life, drop that thought for a moment.

"So, what do you want?" I inquired quietly and calmly—much more calmly than I felt.

"I want to date you," he said so softly that I almost didn't hear him.

"That didn't sound very confident, very..."


"That's fuckin' better! If you want to date me, I have a condition."

He looked at me with solemn eyes.

"Put your big boy pants on. I'm almost forty, and it's a bit rough on the nerves dealing with this high school drama shit. It might be asking a lot, and I'll put up with a lot; that's why I said big boy pants and not man pants."

"All right," he said firmly, not with force or confidence, but I trusted him.

"Are you going to date others? Are you going to keep having sex with Cody? I'm just trying to get the ground rules straight before I get caught up in all of this."

"Whaaaa... What?"

"Cody and I had some discussions about you. The relationship between the two of you. His feelings for you. From, what I heard, he idolizes you, loves you as a big brother, I wouldn't be surprised if there are more feelings there."

"Yeah. But..."

"Not mutual?"

"I like him, but..."

He just didn't seem to be able to express his emotions, however, I really wanted to figure things out before I got too far with either of them.

"Is it that he's too young?"

Luke sounded a bit defensive. "He's only a few months younger than me."

"Not what I meant. You want an older guy for now; not a younger guy."


"You're just afraid of committing. Aren't you? You have feelings for him, you have feelings for me, but you're afraid of something, getting hurt? Is it coming out to your family? What makes you hold back?"

We sat there and talked for about thirty minutes, me gently digging into what was going on between Luke and Cody, and, more importantly, what Luke wanted.

"I feel like I've been through a study in a psych class."

"Well, I guess I was a little rough, but I don't want to have my heart torn apart by this either. I have feelings for you, and I can get hurt too."

Luke gave me a small smile. He was adorable, and I just hoped my heart wouldn't end up broken. I leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss. He put his hands behind my neck and pulled me into a deeper kiss. The kiss lasted a lot longer than I'd planned, but I wasn't complaining.

When we finally broke apart, I looked into his eyes. "It's like that, huh?"

"Damn right! And I think it's time to head to the bedroom so I can show you just how much like that, it is!"

While Luke was always active in our sex, I wouldn't have called him aggressive. We got to the bedroom, and he pounced. He was stripping my clothes off of me faster than I could adjust. He had me naked and pushed me onto the bed. He quickly stripped off his clothes and climbed on.

His hands and tongue were everywhere. He truly was a man possessed. He kissed me deeply and I ran my hands up and down his body.

"Flip," Luke demanded.

We flipped so that we were in a sixty-nine, and I started licking the head of his dick. I ran my tongue up and down his shaft repeatedly. Finally, I slipped the entire thing into my mouth and plunged down on it. That elicited a deep groan from Luke.

Luke had been licking and nibbling at my cock. After I took him in my mouth fully, he followed suit. I let out a groan that was muffled by his dick deep in my throat.

I slipped his shaft out of my throat for a moment and let a bit of spit coat my finger. I slurped all the way down on his dick again and worked my spit-lubed finger into his asshole.

Luke pulled his mouth off my dick and said, "Fuck that feels good."

As I kept sucking and fingering his ass, he went back to sucking on me as well. I spent a bit of time working him from both ends before moving my mouth down to his asshole. I worked my tongue into his hole and started rimming him out.

"Flip onto your back," I told Luke.

Luke pulled off my dick and rolled onto his back. I reached over and pushed his legs up. I spat into his ass crack and used my fingers to push the spit in. I repeated the process a few more times till I felt his hole was ready.

"Ready for my dick?"

"Fuck yeah!"

I pushed the head of my dick into his ass. I looked down at Luke as my dick slid deeper and deeper into his hole.

"Fuck, that feels good," he moaned.

With my dick buried in his ass, I bent down and started kissing him. I commenced thrusting back and forth while the kiss continued.

I sat back up, pushing my dick deeper into Luke's hole. I pulled my dick till the head was barely in his hole. Taking hold of his hips, I started slam fucking his hole.

"Oh, FUCK!"

"That's it, I'm gonna pound your hole!"

"Damn, dude, fuck me! FUCK ME!" Luke was letting loose.

I used his hips to let me push him off my dick and then pull him back onto it; matching my thrusts. We both started spewing gutter talk at the other as I continued to work his hole over like I'd never done before.

I pulled out of his ass. "On your hands and knees!" I barked.

Luke complied quickly, and I remounted his ass. I grabbed him by the shoulders this time and pushed my dick deep into his hole.

"Aww, man, that feels good," I moaned. "Your hole's going to milk my dick."

"Unload in me. I want it!"

I started thrusting in and out - bouncing my balls off Luke's ass. It was a great fuck!

"I'm gonna cum," I finally moaned.

"Do it!"

I collapsed onto Luke's back as I shot deep into his hole.


The following evening, Cody showed up unannounced with the saddest puppy dog eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he came into the house.

"I talked to Luke this afternoon," he paused. "I wanted to come say goodbye and thank you."

"Slow down. Let's talk."

He wouldn't really look at me.

"I should have talked to you first. I mean... Luke and I were dating, then he sent you over, and we started dating. He wants to date again. I mean... oh shit, it's dating... can't we keep dating?"

"So, you're not breaking up with me?"

"I know, it's a bit fucked up. I'd really like to date you both."

His face was an interesting study.

"Date us both?" he finally said.

"Uh huh. I know you two have been continuing your, umm... relationship. And you did say we weren't exclusive in your mind."

His head nodded ever so slightly while he sat there in what appeared to be deep thought. I guess admitting that he and Luke were still having sex while he was dating me, my knowing it, confronting it. It was taking him a good bit of time to process. Finally, he took a deep breath.

"Okay. I'm not sure about all this. Well, you were dating Luke first. And, like you said, it's not like the two of us aren't messing around."

"Let's take it one day at a time."

He nodded his head rapidly. I took hold of his hand, and we sat there quietly for a while. Finally, his stomach growled.

"Let's get some food," I said.

Cody followed me into the kitchen, and we put together a light meal. After eating and cleaning up, we snuggled up on the coach. I figured this evening was all about closeness and letting us both work out where things were going in our minds.


I picked Cody up after school on Friday. The plan was for him to stay all weekend.

Sunday morning, we were curled up watching CBS Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley. Cody grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

"What's up?"


"I don't know if this old man can go the distance."

"Old man?" he said with a laugh. "You declared this to be a nekkid weekend! Weren't you the one that started round five at two this morning?"

"Well, I guess that's true," I said with a chuckle. "But I didn't start round six in the shower. You did!"

"Ding, ding, ding, round seven!"

He flipped around a bit and started humping his hard dick against my leg while he nibbled on my tits.

By the time I dropped him off on campus Monday morning, we'd gone through ten rounds, and I'd been able to cum during seven of them.


Monday evening, Luke came over for his first date after the reboot. I was making dinner when he let himself in. I chuckled to myself when I saw how he was dressed, clearly stepping up his game. When we'd first started dating, he'd always dressed to impress. Then, over time, he'd become more relaxed if we just stayed in. Now, he stood here, wearing what appeared to be new, dark-washed, form-fitting jeans; a royal-blue polo shirt that stretched across his chest while hugging his abs; and highly polished brown shoes. I was glad I hadn't changed out of my work clothes I felt like I met the bar he was setting.

"Howdy, handsome," I said to him as he walked over to me in front of the stove. I leaned in and gave him a good, deep kiss, then returned to stirring the pot on the stove.

"Hey! How was your weekend?"

"Not too bad," I admitted. I wasn't going to talk about my date with Cody. "How was your trip home?"

"Dad keeps getting better. I may not need to go home as much soon. He's going back to work full-time next week, and Mom should be able to manage things without me."

"That's great news!"

"Yeah. Did you want me to do any yard work?"

"I think it's good right now. I had a company come in and finish mulching for me. I needed to get it done before things got too far along."

"Sorry about that."

"No worries. This is a reboot, or a reset. or whatever you want to call it."

"Thanks. What's for dinner?"

"Thai-style pork and rice vermicelli, plus wonton soup."


"I was watching one of the cooking shows on TV the other day, and this sounded good. I made the wontons yesterday."

"So, I'm like, the guinea pig."


I ladled out the soup, plated the pork, and we carried it into the dining room.

After he took a few bites of dinner, Luke looked up at me. "This is really good."

"Thanks. I am good at following a recipe."

After dinner, we cleaned up the kitchen, and as I was turning out the lights, I asked. "TV?"

"I'd rather go snuggle in your room."

"I'm up for that..."

He took my hand and pulled me down the hall and into my room.


Tuesday morning, I woke up, like I usually do, before my alarm kicked off. I was laying there with Luke spooned in front of me – my arm over his chest. I was lying there thinking how much I was enjoying it when the music began to play—In This Life by Colin Raye. When Martina McBride's voice finished telling me that Love's the Only House, Luke began to stir.

"Morning sleepyhead."

"Morning. How long till the volume goes up?"

"There should be one more slow, quiet song, then both the tempo and the volume will increase."

"You should sell the software."

"I can't, it's just my coding holding together some open-source coding and some hacks into some proprietary stuff."

The next song started to play, keeping the tone quiet and easy.

"We should get up, shouldn't we?"

"You have school. I have work," I concurred.

"I could play hooky, you could call in sick, and we could lay here all morning."

"I have a client meeting this morning, so I have to go."


"No, it's a new client. We're pitching our software to them today."

"Aw, okay."

Before I could say anything else, the song changed and Hank Williams Jr.'s All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight started.

"Okay, up and at'em," I said as I started to detangle myself from Luke.


I picked up Cody, Wednesday afternoon on my way home from work.

"Do you get trick-or-treaters," Cody asked.

"No. There aren't a lot of young kids in the neighborhood. The few who are either do not live there or move to one of the larger neighborhoods in the area. Houses are spaced to far apart to make it fast and efficient."

"You could really decorate your house for Halloween." I let the pause linger so he would continue. "I mean, it's dark; there are no other houses; it could be very well lit and frightening.

"I love Halloween in a lot of ways, but I don't have a lot of decorations."

"Are you doing anything fun for Halloween?" he asked.

"I have plans, but not Halloween-related."

"I'm sure things will be hopping on Saturday or Sunday."

"I don't go out to the clubs that much. I don't want to run into my ex, and why would I bother to be honest. I'm not looking to hook up."

"Fair. What about your friends?"

"No one has mentioned anything at this point," I admitted.

"I could come over and treat your trick," he said with a laugh.

"That, could be fun, but I do have plans."

"Oh, sorry, that's right."

"We can treat each other's tricks on Sunday."

"I'd like that," he admitted. "What about now?"

"I can now treat your trick as well!"

I led him back to the bedroom to treat all his needs.

We stripped down and I lay next to him on the bed. I put my arms around him and pulled him close. We started kissing.

After a few minutes, Cody rolled us over so he was on top. He kissed my lips, then my chin then slowly kissing his way down my body. His body rubbed against me as he moved, his cock leaking a bit along my body. Once he got down to my dick, he started licking the tip, cleaning my leakage from it.

"Flip around and let me get to yours," I said.

He started moving around without taking his mouth off my cock. He positioned himself so that his dick dropped right into my mouth. There aren't many things better than the sweet taste of pre-cum.

We had sixty-nined for a good while when Cody pulled off my dick.

"It's time for this thing to do its job," he said with his hand wrapped around my dick.

Cody pulled his cock out of my mouth, pivoted around and started rubbing the head against his hole.

"Let me get your ass ready," I offered.

He spun around again and let me start eating his ass. He leaned over and started sucking my dick some more. Once he felt his ass was ready, he lifted, spun and sat his ass down on my cock.

"That's where it belongs," he said.

I was about to say something, but to be honest, I agreed.

Cody started bouncing his ass up and down. It felt good! Hell, it felt fucking great. I'd thought about it before, I preferred to drive when fucking. With Rob, Luke and now Cody, I was enjoying their efforts just as much!

After a good bit of bouncing, Cody lifted off me.

"Push those pillows behind you," he said.

I complied, not sure where this was going. It left me sitting more upright. Cody then positioned his ass over my dick and slid back down on it.

"Perfect," he cooed.

We were face to face, his dick resting on my abs. He leaned in and started kissing me, passionately.

With all the stimulation, it didn't take long till I felt my balls tighten.

"I'm gonna blast," I warned him.

He leaned in more, arms around my neck. His kissing intensified.

My cock started shooting in his hole.

"Argh..." I groaned into his mouth.

All of a sudden, my abs were coated in Cody's cum.

As we relaxed, Cody's arms loosened a bit, his mouth disengaged from mine.

"That was fucking amazing," I said.

"Damn, right!"


"Happy Thursday," I said as I got to the table.

"Coulter," Darryl said. "How goes?"

"Going well, thanks!"

"Anything exciting going on?"

"Not really, work; a bit of dating; nothing too much. What about you?"

"Had a date Sunday, went pretty well. He seems like a nice guy. Dinner, movie, good night kiss. We're going out Friday night."

"Wonderful. Where'd you meet him?"

"Chris introduced us," he explained. "Graham just moved here from Wilkes-Barre, and Chris helped him find a condo."

"Very cool. You took him off market before he got on."

"It's only a second date," Darryl replied.

"Evening boys," George said as he walked by.

"Evening George," Darryl and I replied in unison.

"Don't forget, tonight's theme night!"

I admit it had slipped my mind. "Bubble gum pop?"

"Yup, something from the 90s."

"Oooh, you could do some Backstreet Boys or N'Sync!" Darryl said with a laugh.

"You Drive Me Crazy!" I replied.

"I do? Hrmph. I feel offended," Darryl teased.

"Hardy-har-har. It's Britney Bitch!"

The table burst into laughter at that.

With a straight face, Darryl looked at me and said, "So what are you singing?"

"You Drive Me Crazy."

"I know I do, but what are you singing?"

"I'm not going there," I replied.

He gave a chuckle. It was a fun night!


"Trick or Treat!" Cody said as he joined me in the kitchen.

"I've got some treats left for you for you," I said, cupping my crotch.

"That you do," he said. He came over and gave me a deep kiss.

"Dinner first?"

"Yeah, I'm hungry, and I think I'll need my energy tonight."

"I like the sound of that."

"What's for dinner? How can I help?"

"Set the table. Add a steak knife to the place setting."

"Yum. Steak."

"Medium, correct?"


He went to set the table while I started finishing up dinner.

"What is that?" he asked as he came back into the kitchen from setting the table.

"It's a sous vide. They use them in restaurants, and they are finally affordable for a home cook."

The look on his face told me there needed to be more explanation.

"It's a water bath. It brings the temperature of the steak up to the setting on the control panel. It'll hold them there until it's time to finish them. Tonight, I'm going to brown them in my cast-iron skillet."


I worked to finish dinner. Cody helped by cleaning up behind me so the after-dinner work would be significantly reduced. I plated the food, and we walked into the dining room.

"I think I've eaten in your dining room more than I have in my folks," Cody said.

"Where do you usually eat?"

"Kitchen table."

"Well, I don't have an eat-in kitchen. So, it's here or in front of the television. I didn't think TV trays were appropriate."

"Nope. What's this?"

"Plantains," I explained.

"They're good. The whole dinner is good as usual."

"How's school?"

"It's fine. Nothing too crazy. Well, there were some crazy get-ups on campus."

"What all did you see?"

He paused for just a moment. "Deadpool, Captain America, Doctor Strange, and some Star Wars and Star Trek stuff. Three girls in one of my IT classes dressed up like the women in Hidden Figures."

"Lots of recent movie references."

"Yep. I also saw several different monsters, witches, and the like."


"What do you do if you get a trick-or-treater?"

"I get a couple each year. I bought a package of full-sized candy bars. I usually give out two or three and take the rest into work and put it in the kitchen."


"It's so dark back here, you could really do the place up with lights and stuff."

"I thought about it for a Halloween party; maybe some year soon."

Our conversation continued through dinner. We were just settling in on the couch when the doorbell rang. Cody bounced up and almost ran.

"Trick or treat," I heard a few young voices say.

"So cute," Cody said.

I caught up with him and looked over his shoulder. There were two little munchkins at the door, with a parent standing a few steps back.

"Wow!" the kids said as Cody put the candy bar in their bags.

"Give them two," I said.

"Thank you!" they screamed. They turned and started running towards the road.

Cody closed the door, and we headed back to the couch.

"That's what I've missed the last few years, giving out candy!"

"Well, that is probably it for the night."

We got settled on the couch again, and the doorbell rang. Again, Cody took off at a run.

"Trick or treat!"

This time, the voices were older.

"Mason students?" Cody asked.


"Great costumes," I said as I made it to the door.

He gave them each a candy bar, and they ran off.

"You're up to six," Cody said as we settled down to watch TV again.

We cuddled up and watched a few shows. At eight thirty, I shut the front door light off, and we headed to the bedroom.

"Trick or treat?" Cody asked.

"I'll show you a few tricks and then give you some treats!"

We stripped down and got busy showing each other a lot of fun!


"Gentlemen," Phil said. "Hope all is well. Will you be off for Veteran's Day?"

"Things are not too bad," Darryl replied. "They are doing something at work tomorrow to honor those who served."

"That's nice," I put in. "We don't have any veterans in our office. And yes, we are working tomorrow. We get floating holidays in lieu of Columbus Day and Veteran's Day. I was thinking about using one tomorrow to get a three-day weekend, but I'm going to wait and use them all later this year."

"What's been going on with you?" Phil asked.

"Why is it always me that we focus on," I teased.

"You're the one with the interesting life."

"How are things between you and Luke?" Darryl asked. "How's his dad?"

"Things are okay. His dad's cancer is in remission, and he's back to work."

"Is he still going home on the weekends?"

"Some. Not as much."

"So that's why you haven't been as free."

"Well, I've had a number of things keeping me busy."

"Like what?"

I guess my pause was long enough to make him suspicious.

"What are you hiding?" Darryl started. "A stable of college boys?"

I was quiet for a few moments, which garnered an odd look from Darryl.

"No, just two."

"What?" Darryl looked like he was about to explode.

"Well," I explained. "There's Luke..."

"And..." Darryl said.

"Well, that's where things get weird" Darryl stared at me across the table with an intent look. "You see, one night Luke was supposed to come, but this other dude arrived at my door. Luke sent his best friend Cody in his place. I think Luke was getting concerned about how serious he was getting and attempted to bail. So, Cody started coming over regularly; then Luke shows up a month later and apologizes. So, we started dating again. Fuck it all, I'm dating two college guys."

"You are one fucking lucky bastard," Darryl said.

"Why do you think that? I thought you were opposed to my dating younger guys. It's been freaking me out lately... because I could fall for either of them."

"I guess I wasn't thinking of it that way. I was just thinking about all the sex those two boys can handle."

"Yeah, that is fuckin' amazing, I'll admit it. But, in some ways, I feel like I'm back in high school. Trying to date two different guys and balance everything.

"How old are they?" Darryl asked.

"They're both twenty. Luke will be twenty-one in two months."

"So, maturity, experience, all that's probably still developing." Phil said.

"Definitely! When Luke showed up after the Cody thing started, I told him if he wanted back in the game to wear his big boy pants!"

"Ouch," Phil said. "You didn't?"

"I know they both need to mature, but I'm not interested in any high school-style games."

"So, if you have to choose?"

"I can't. No way. I'm hoping one, the other, or possibly both just get tired of me."

"Wishful thinking," Phil said. "You seem to be the daddy-type that college boys love."

"Well, three of them."

"Have you thought about this in the long term?" Darryl asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yup. I don't think of this going on in the long term; it's just something that is happening now while I'm on the rebound. You know, just the way things went with Rob.

"Can't see yourself being a dad to a boy or two?" Darryl asked. "Or just settling down with one or the other of them."

"I won't say that the idea hasn't crossed my mind from time to time, but I don't think it is doable. I think for now, I'm going to enjoy the ride. They will both go home, graduate, whatever. just move on."

"Or they could both fall in love with you..." Phil interjected.

"Yeah, think of the worst-case scenario!"

I explained more about the situation and then did my best to steer the conversation to something completely different. Phil and Darryl got the signal, and we moved on to group gossip.


I found a text on my phone before I left for work.

`Free tomorrow night?'

`Sure, what's your plan?'

I didn't receive an immediate reply and realized that the message had been sent just before Cody went into a class. I finished getting ready for work and headed over to the train station.

I was sitting on the train when my phone vibrated.

`Free tonight?'

`Actually, yes.' I let Luke know.

`Dinner & movie?'

`Sure, my place'

`Didn't mean that'

`Easier, no worries.'

Work was busy but uneventful. I caught the train home, swung by the grocery, and picked up a few things for dinner.

Luke showed up around six, looking great. He continued to focus on his clothing choices, always making sure that things fit and showed him to his best advantage. To be honest, I was impressed with the effort he made but could care less about what he wore.

"Hey, handsome," I said as he joined me in the kitchen.

"Hey!" He walked over and gave me a deep kiss.

"How's school going?"

"Pretty good. None of my classes are causing too many problems or too much homework."

"That's good. Your folks doing well?"

"Yeah, Dad's latest checkup was good, and Mom seems so much less stressed."

"That's super."

We had dinner on the TV trays while watching a movie. After we finished the food, I took the dishes into the kitchen while Luke stored the trays. We met back at the sectional and cuddled up.

Once the movie was over, we headed for the bedroom. Luke pulled back the covers on the bed, and I climbed in from my side.

"Snuggle time sounds good," Luke said.

"Just snuggling?" I asked.

"Well..." with that, Luke rolled on top of me and slid down my body a bit.

"Oh!" I moaned. Luke's tongue darted and played around my balls. Then, he pulled first one, and then the other into his mouth. I squirmed under his ministrations.

"Tickles," I giggled.

He moved up to my balls and began licking my hardening shaft. As he started sucking my cock, he started turning his body until we were in a sixty-nine position. With his hard dick in front of me, I took it in my mouth. I used a few fingers to tease his balls while I worked my tongue around his cock.

Luke got me into his mouth and worked down until his lips hit my pubes. I did the same to him, and we both began deep throating the other's cock. I slipped his dick out of my throat for just a moment and put a bit of spit on one finger. I wrapped my lips around his cock and slid all the way down again while working my spit-lubed finger into his asshole.

Luke pulled his mouth off my dick. "Fuck that feels good."

I continued my two-pronged attack – sucking and fingering – eliciting groans of pleasure from Luke. His focus was completely on my dick; his sucking, licking, nibbling, and otherwise teasing had my dick drooling pre-cum.

I had spent quite a bit of time on the suck-finger combo before I moved my mouth down to his asshole. I worked my tongue into his hole and started rimming him out. I ate his hole with relish while Luke continued priming the pump, so to speak. My juices were really flowing.

Luke pulled off my dick and started to maneuver his body a bit. I shifted around, and he ended up with his head on the pillows and his legs pulled up. I lined my spit-lubed dick up with his wet hole and started sliding in.

Once the head of my dick popped in, I pulled back, letting it pop out. I repeated this several times, teasing his hole.

"Come on, stop teasing, and fuck me!" he begged.

I just kept teasing him with the head of my dick, letting it slip a little further in each time. His response was to buck his ass up, swallowing a few more inches of my cock than I'd planned.

"Fuck yeah!" he growled.

I pushed the head of my dick deeper into his ass and stared down at Luke as my dick slipped all the way in.

"Fuck, that feels good," he moaned.

With my cock deep in his hole, I leaned forward and started kissing him. While the kiss continued, I started sawing my dick in and out of his hole. I let the slow, sweet fuck-motion continue for a good while.

"Fuck me hard!"


"Fuck yeah!" he groaned.

I pulled out of him and spanked his ass with my hand. "Flip over onto all fours."

He got into the doggie position, and I mounted his hole.

"Oh, FUCK!"

"You better believe I'm gonna fuck this ass... hard!"

I grabbed his hips and started pulling him back onto my dick. Then, I'd use my leverage to push him off of me as I pulled back. You could hear a `smack' each time my groin slammed into his ass cheeks. I watched, and his ass was turning a bit pink from the impacts.

"Damn, Coulter, fuck me! FUCK ME!" Luke yelled.

I continued to use his hips to let me push him off my dick and then pull him back onto it, matching my thrusts.

"Fuck, whatever you're doing, keep it up," I moaned. "Your ass is really clamping down on my dick. Milking it!"

"Fuck me! Shoot your load, Baby!"

As his ass continued to clamp down on me, I could tell I wasn't going to last long.

"Oh FUCK. Oh FUCK," I yelled. "I'm gonna cum."

"Do it!"

I slammed deep into Luke's ass and felt my cock fire. Cum just kept flowing out of me as I collapsed onto his back. His body spasmed, and he started groaning. I reached my hand under him and grabbed his dick as it shot onto the bed.

He slumped onto the cum-covered sheets below with my weight on top of him. I started nibbling on his neck as my breath returned to normal.

"Wow!" he said.

I just bit a bit harder on his neck in response.


Saturday afternoon, I went over to the campus and picked up Cody.

"Going home for Thanksgiving?" I asked Cody, as we drove back.

"Yep. I'm catching a ride with Luke."

"Are we making things awkward between you two?"

"No more awkward than they have been for the last six years."


"Anything fun going on while you're there?"

"No. Time with Mom and Dad, try to catch up with any friends that are in town. I talked Luke into leaving early on Sunday. My folks aren't happy, but I am."

"Avoiding something?"

"Yeah, church."


"What about you?"

"Joining the orphans group for Thanksgiving dinner. Work Friday. Going to hang with Geoff and his new beau on Saturday. Think you'll be free on Monday?" What I didn't mention was that Luke was coming over Sunday evening.


By this point, we'd gotten to the house.

"Hungry?" Cody asked as I opened the front door.

"Not particularly," I admitted.

"Good," he said. With that, he threw his arms around me and pulled me into a deep kiss.

"A different kind of hungry," I said with a bit of a laugh.

"Yeah. Bedroom, now!"

We burned off a lot of calories before dinner.

That evening, we curled up on the sectional and watched a few shows. Cody was starting to nod off as the third show ended.

"Bedtime, sleepyhead."


He stood, offered me a hand, and helped me up. He kept hold of my hand, leading me back to the bedroom. It wasn't long till we were curled up together fast asleep.


"I didn't expect anyone in the office today," Lucinda said.

"No family, nothing really to do at home; why waste the leave?"

"That makes sense, but you could have worked from home."

"Eh, I was hoping there'd be some folks around. You know the social aspect of work."

"Looks like it's just you and me today."

"That's more than at home," I said with a smile.

"Let's do lunch!"


I joined the morning scrum, which was significantly reduced due to the holiday. After the call, I dug into work.

"Ready for lunch?" Lucinda asked.

"Yes, let me lock this thing."

We walked down the street to a small restaurant and got a table. After ordering, I got the nerve up to ask a few questions.

"If you don't mind, I do have a question. How did you come up with the idea?"

"I was working for a large development company. The software we used was crap. Everyone kept talking about missing features, badly implemented features, and inconsistencies in design. I was talking to my husband and one night he said something like, if it's so bad, build your own and compete!"

"I talked with a couple friends, and we agreed that it could be done. I got some seed funding from my parents and started. There are two investors that owned forty-nine percent of the company, and my family owned the other fifty-one percent."

"How does the stock thing work with the investors?"

"There are two classes of stock, one for voting and one for making money. Lots of companies do it that way. When we went public, the investors sold a bit of their stock, which gave those buying that stock some voting rights."

"I take it you and your family won't."

"I have the right of first refusal to buy any member of my family out if they want to sell. I plan on keeping control of the company."

"Sounds great."

We continued to chat about the early days as we ate.


The following Thursday morning, I was working from home. It was the first day of December and the guys only had a few more weeks of school left. I'd just gotten through the morning SCRUM when my cell phone buzzed.

`When U get home?'

`Working from home'

`Coming over, problem'

Okay, Luke's got a problem. My mind started running in several directions. I was still sitting at my desk when I heard the front door open. I turned to find both Luke and Cody walking into the den.

"Gentlemen, this is unexpected." I tried to put my best foot forward, thinking this was going to get awkward fast.

"Coulter, Cody's got a problem," Luke explained.

I looked at Cody and realized his eyes did look red, puffy, like he'd been crying. I looked at him, waiting for him to explain.

"My roommate got on my computer and went through my browser history," Cody finally let out.

"I take it we're talking porn sites and not naked women."

"I was on a few gay sites, but..." he trailed off, like he was embarrassed to say it.

My head went back and forth looking at both the boys.

"Screw it," Luke finally said. "He was on some daddy-porn sites."

And the lightbulb went off, I understood why Cody didn't want to talk about his porn stash.

"It's all over the dorm, and the guys are giving Cody shit."

"Okay, so what do you want me to do?"

Cody had tears streaming down his face. "Help," he said in a whisper so soft I could barely hear.

"Okay. What can we do?"

The three of us sat there very quietly for a few moments before Luke spoke up. "Could you let Cody move into the guest room?" I got the feeling he'd formulated this solution before he got to my house.

"I could do that, but how are you going to feel about it?"

"That's why I suggested it. So, you would know that Cody is more important to me than any of the other shit."

I looked at him a bit.

"Coulter, I won't be jealous," Luke explained. "But he's got to get through the end of the semester."

"What about next semester?"

"I'll transfer," Cody said.

"No!" Luke all but screamed.

"I can't deal with the shit I'm getting; it isn't worth it."

Cody was starting to shake.

"We can move off campus," Luke suggested. "A lot of the places are cheaper than the dorms as it is." Luke put his arm around Cody, pulling him close. "We're gonna get through this. We'll go to campus housing and look for a place where we can live together."

Cody's face brightened just a bit.

My mind was racing and my brain was attempting to process, but, as is often the case with me, my mouth was faster than my brain.

"Well, I do have two guest rooms." Both the boys' heads whipped around to stare at me. "First, we deal with the rest of this semester. We move Cody out of the dorm today, get him settled here, and get through this moment. Second, you need to broach the topic with your folks. If you don't get flack for it, we come up with a fair cost. It won't be too bad as one or the other of you seems to be here most nights and breakfasts, plus weekends. So, we just figure out something so your folks don't get suspicious. Third, we figure out how the three of us can live under one roof."

"But," Cody sputtered.

"Look. If they agree, then at the end of the semester you can say you moved your stuff into storage here and don't have to worry about awkward explanations."

Luke started nodding. He was getting it, but I think Cody was way too scared.

"You're both adults. Your folks are going to have to start trusting you, but when they pick you up before Christmas, you can swing by here to let them meet the new landlord."

"Told ya! Told ya!" Luke chanted. He must have read my puzzled look. "I told him you'd figure this out."

"Ok. So, for now... your roommates at the dorm?"

"They're in class."

"Let's go get as much of your stuff as will fit in my truck."

"We can fill my car too," Luke said.

I grabbed bags, laundry totes, and boxes. We drove over to the campus and worked to pack and load all we could. I was in the room alone as the guys carried a load down when there was a knock at the door.


"Oh, sorry. Was looking for Cody." The guy addressing me looked to be a bit older than the guys.

"He's taking a load of stuff downstairs."

"Oh, Shit! He's not bailing from school, is he?"

"No, just moving off campus."

"I'm his RA, Randy. Are you his dad?"

"I'm a friend. I'm local and his folks aren't."

"I've been trying to get the guys to drop it, but it's been hard."

"I understand. I'm betting it's better than what would have happened when I was here. He just can't handle it and I'm afraid his finals will tank."

"You're an alum?"

"Yup. Lived in Dominion. Cody's going to stay in a spare room so he can finish his semester without worry."

"Cool! Thanks for helping him."

Randy stayed and helped me box up the next load. When Cody and Luke returned, he talked to Cody about the situation and apologized that he couldn't get things to settle down better.

"It's not your fault," Cody admitted. "I didn't lock my machine. He had to be suspicious."

"Well, folks are supposed to be better about this."

"I'll survive," Cody said.

"You have my number if you need anything," Randy said.


Randy helped us take the last of Cody's stuff out to the vehicles and get them loaded.

"Thanks," I said to him.

"Are you far?"

"Naw, just a few blocks off campus."

"Okay. I know Cody doesn't have a car."

"I walk over to Coulter's place a lot as it is," Cody explained.

"I'll make sure he gets to campus," Luke said.


We got back to my place and got Cody's stuff installed in one of the spare bedrooms.

"Feeling better?" I finally asked Cody.

He just nodded but really didn't say anything.

"Sit." I said to him.

He plopped down on the bed. I motioned for Luke to sit beside him. I got down on my haunches in front of him.

"It's the daddy thing that has you so upset, isn't it?" After a moment, his head nodded just a bit. "How much did you know about Rob?"

"He dated you, is what Luke told me." His voice was once again so low that I could barely make it out.

"Yup, part of the summer and all of the fall semester last year," I explained. "He introduced me to Luke. From the day I met him he called me dad or daddy almost exclusively, unless he was with friends that didn't know about him. A few weeks ago, I had dinner with some buddies. They told me then that I was the daddy-type that seemed to attract certain college boys."

"Okay," he said quietly.

"Cody, don't worry about it. So, I'm a daddy-type and you like that. Don't let it warp your head. You like guys your own age too," I said, tilting my head toward Luke. "I'm going to leave you two guys alone for a while. I think you need to talk."

I left the room, pulling the door shut, and went to the kitchen to pull together lunch. It was about thirty minutes later when both boys joined me.


"Yes, sir," Cody said.

"We also worked out some details," Luke explained.

"Oh? How to get him back and forth to campus?"

Luke now had the deer in the headlight's expression.

"Umm, no. About dating."

"Oh. I hadn't gotten back to that, yet."

"Well, I think the three of us need to talk," Luke said.

"One of you with me, while the other is in a guest room alone. I mean, that's where we're going to be next semester if you both move in, so let's get the cards out on the table. You two still fuck; so, there will be times when it's the two of you in a room without me. So, how do you boys propose we handle this?"

"Umm, no jealousy?" Luke said.

"Good idea, but I'm doubting it will truly work. Someone is bound to get jealous, feel left out, something. I can just drop..."

Luke came over and hugged me tightly. He pushed up on his toes and kissed me on the cheek. Cody walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I felt like the filling of a sandwich. Cody kissed my other cheek.

"I'm thinking you guys have something more than no jealousy in mind."

"Yes, Daddy," Cody whispered into my ear.

"Yessir," Luke agreed.

"Sit," I ordered, pointing to the stools in the kitchen. "Let's discuss this as we eat."

I plated the food, we each grabbed a can of soda, and we traipsed into the dining room. After I took a few bites, I looked at each of them.

"So, a threesome?"

"Uh huh," Cody agreed.

"Which won't lead to jealousy?"

"Yeah," Luke agreed. "Cause most of the time, you're going to be the filling in a sandwich!"

"Oh? And what do you mean by that?"

"Well, we talked about sleeping with you, one on each side. Your bed is big enough! Speaking of which, it's not a normal size, is it?"

"No changing the subject. Do I get a say in this?" I asked.

"Umm..." Cody started.

"No!" Luke said loudly with a bit of a laugh.

I looked at him in shock, not from what he said, but from how he said it.

"Don't you want us?" Luke said, quietly.

"Fuck YES! I want you. And I kept worrying about how I would ever deal with deciding between you. But..."

"But you weren't expecting this."

"True, and my brain is trying to process all this. Things are just moving a bit too fast."

They both nodded at me. I thought and thought.

"I do want one thing from both of you."

"Yes, Sir." They replied in unison.

"A promise that this is about comfortable, easy, and low stress whatever you want to call it. I've said it before; I can't deal with lots of drama."

"Yes, Sir," again, in unison.

"Can we move Luke in?"

"Let's get your parents on board with living off-campus first. Then we can do that."

"Okay," they both said quietly.

"It doesn't mean he can't be over here. Let's hold off on the official move."

After lunch, I had to get back to work. The guys went over to campus to do a few things and returned just in time to help me get dinner ready. After dinner and cleaning up, as it was still early, I went into the den to watch some TV. The guys followed me, and I was a bit amused at their faces. I grabbed the remote, tucked myself into the corner of the sectional, and patted the cushions on either side of me. I turned the TV on and found some mindless show. This wasn't about what we were watching, it was about who we were watching with. I quickly had them nestled on either side of me, my arm around each of them.

As the show progressed, they both found their comfortable positions. Luke was laying on his side, legs stretched out on the sectional, one hand slightly behind my back, his head resting on my pec, and the other hand reaching across me, playing with Cody's hair. Cody was laying with his back against my side, arms in his lap, and the back of his head sort of between my armpit and my pec.

The second sitcom of the night had just ended when I realized that Cody was asleep, and Luke was yawning.

"Too much stress," I said very quietly to Luke.

"Yeah, he's wiped. I don't think he slept at all last night."

"Time for bed," I said more loudly, gently jostling Cody awake.

The three of us headed down the hallway. Cody went into the hall bathroom, and I was a bit surprised when Luke followed him. I took care of the needful in my bathroom and climbed into bed. I was happy I'd bought a Wyoming king-sized bed, big enough for three. Instead of my usual spot, I slid into the middle and waited.

Okay, I admit it; I'm a horny kinda guy. I don't think my dick was ready for what walked through my bedroom door. Picture it, this black-haired twenty-year-old stud, the dark hair on his chest just really starting to show, and a hard dick rubbing against his abs. Over his shoulders was this taller, blonde stud and while I couldn't see it, I figured his cock was just as hard.

My dick overcame my nerves and set a record for getting hard, tenting the sheet. Luke pulled the sheet down, crawled onto the bed, and worked his way up my left as Cody did the same on my right. It was all I could do not to shoot when both tongues started working up my dick. Both guys were under the sheet, but I could still distinguish who was doing what based on position. I felt their tongues moving up and down my shaft, swabbing my balls, and otherwise paying damn good attention to my cock.

"Guys! How about letting me get involved."

They both snickered but didn't move up. Frustrated, I grabbed the sheet and pulled, exposing them both.

"Aw! We're just having fun," Luke teased.

"I want to have fun too."

I went to reach down, and Cody grabbed my arm and pinned it down. Luke followed suit, and the two guys had me unable to move. Luke quickly scrambled up and sat on my chest, while Cody pulled my legs together and sat on them.

"We told you... you're the filling in tonight's daddy-sandwich," Cody said.

"So, you're gonna use my body..."

"To fill our needs!" Luke finished. "Got it?"

"Uh huh!"

With that they climbed off and went back to licking and teasing my body. It's a lot of stimulation when you have four hands, two tongues and other parts of two hot guys rubbing against you. Quite the torture... hehehehe!

It had been after two a.m. when we finally collapsed into a pile for sleep. Four hours later, I woke laying on my side with my right arm wrapped over Luke and my left leg wedged between his. I could feel Cody's breath on my neck, his body pressed against my back and his right arm flung over me. I felt more alive and more exhausted than I had in years.

My mind was going faster than I could keep up. Yes, I had feelings for them both. Fuck, what had I gotten myself into? Was I crazy? This was insane!

Cody shifted behind me. I felt his lips on my neck, a kiss.

My mind stopped and I was a peace for a moment.

"Morning," he said softly.


"I knew you'd be awake," he said with a giggle.

"My internal clock goes off at six every day."

"And it needs an off switch," Luke inserted with a groan.

"Well, I need to get ready for work, and I'm assuming that Cody needs to get ready for school. You can roll over and go back to sleep."

I kissed Luke on the back of his neck and disengaged myself from him as Cody pulled away from me.

"Eh, I'm awake, and I can drive Cody over to school."

"That'll give me five extra minutes," I replied. "I'll get coffee and breakfast going."

"We can get something on campus," Cody said.

"It's already made, I just have to heat it," I explained.

"Cool," Luke replied.

"Hit the showers, guys," I said.

"We could go downstairs," Cody replied.

"I don't think we have time for that," I admitted.

"I know, I know... but think how fun it would be!"

"Tonight, after we workout."

"Woo hoo," Cody cheered!

I got our coffee and put some breakfast casserole in the oven to heat. When I got to the bathroom, I found Cody drying off and Luke covered in soap. I shaved and then got my shower after Luke stepped out.

Cody and Luke headed back to campus for class and with instructions to find out the average rate for off campus housing. I didn't plan to bilk their parents; in fact, I didn't really care about the money. I just wanted it to look right.

I got home a bit after five to find Luke's car parked in the driveway. I walked in and found music playing. I didn't recognize the song, so it wasn't in my library. A DJ came on and announced the SiriusXM station and the next song.

I put my stuff in the den and then went looking for the guys. I found them in Cody's room reading.


"Yeah," Cody agreed. "We wanted to get it out of the way."

"Smart boys! I'm going to change for a workout."

"Sounds good," Luke replied.

I went and changed and found the guys heading down the hallway in their workout clothing. I'd worked out with each of them, but not both. I started my stretching routine, hit the treadmill for cardio, and then started my leg routine. I spotted Luke for a few minutes, and he spotted Cody.

They wrapped up their work out a bit ahead of me and stood and watched. Cody nodded his head toward the bathroom a few times, hinting. I made him wait till my workout was done.

"Shower time!" Cody exclaimed loudly as I removed my shirt.

"Damn right!" Luke concurred.

Showers had often been sensual with either guy, but sensuality had reached new heights today. Like last night, the guys tried to focus on me; however, I wanted this to be about equality.

"Guys, let's even this out."

"All right," Cody said, concerned.

"Full participation and attention from and for each of us," I explained.

"Deal," Luke said.

It became awkward as we each tried to figure this out. Okay, discussion in the shower isn't the time, something to work on for the future.

With us washed down and rinsed off well, I dropped to my haunches and started working Luke's cock with my tongue. Cody dropped down and started on Luke's ass. Every few minutes, we turned Luke so that I was eating his ass and Cody was sucking his cock.

At one point, Luke took hold of my head and started fucking my face. It was fuckin' hot.

Finally, Luke said, "Switch."

He pulled Cody up, and we paid attention to him the same way.

Eventually, Cody said, "Switch."

I stood up and offered Luke my hand.

"Guys, I'm too old for too much sex on the floor. Let's go find a better space for this."

We helped each other dry off and headed for the bedroom.


"What prices did you find?" I asked as we sat down for dinner.

"It was all over the place," Luke explained. "Some were like four hundred, and others were like a thousand a month."

"What's your dorm room cost?"

"I know room and board is nearly three thousand," Cody said. "I think it's twenty-eight hundred."

"That's not too bad," I started. That got me some odd looks. "What?"

"We live there less than four months."

"Oh, that's a semester! Gotcha. Yours the same?"

"No, he's in a quad. I'm in a double, so it's thirty-one hundred."

"Okay, so hmmm..." I paused to do the math. "How about twelve-fifty a semester?"

"That's too cheap," Luke said.

"That's just for the room. The cost of all your food isn't included in that."

"Oh, yeah..."

I spent time helping them craft an email to their folks.


We were in the den when Cody's cell rang. I hit mute on the music.

"Hey, Mom!"

"Yeah, it's a great house."

"I can walk, or Luke can drive me."

"I'll have my own room and it's a lot quieter, so it'll be easier to study."

"There's also a workout space in the basement!"

"It's a lot cheaper than living on campus, and I can use the kitchen to make my own food."

"I know, but I can figure out the basics. Trust me, I won't starve."

"Okay, okay. Well, tell him to call me when he can."

"Love you too!"

He hung up the phone.

"Well, she's not convinced, and it sounds like Dad likes the idea less."

"This was just round one. You'll succeed!" Luke encouraged.

A few hours later, Cody's cell phone rang again.

"Hey, Dad."

"Yeah, private room and shared bath. Use of the kitchen on a flexible schedule, as well as a killer gym in the basement."

"Yes, Sir. Walking distance, and my buddy Luke is going to take the other room so he can give me a lift on bad weather days."

"No, Sir. It is no worse than walking across campus in the rain."

"I won't starve. I can cook and can learn to cook more."

"Yeah, he's a recent divorcee. He bought the house and found it too quiet."

"Yes, Sir. He's a Mason alum."

"Computer science and information systems, as I recall."

"He didn't say. He seems like a really nice guy. The house was very neat and tidy."

"Understood, but campus life at Mason isn't all about living on campus. The school has more commuter students and activities are for both."

"Awesome!" Cody said, giving us the thumbs up.

"Love you too!"

It was about two hours later when Luke's phone rang, and he went through roughly the same questions with his parents. Again, a thumbs up and we were set.


The new living arrangement was more awkward than I think either of the guys had expected. I'd been living alone long enough to become a bit set in my ways. I honestly wasn't prepared for two, twenty-year-old roommates. They each had their own room to keep their stuff, to study, or to hang but I was finding things strewn across the house. Things weren't neat and orderly anymore. Argh!

After a week, I decided to tackle the issue, broaching the subject after dinner.

"Guys, I think we need to set some ground rules." They both looked like I'd slapped them. "Ok, maybe ground rules isn't the right term. I think the three of us need to make sure we can all live comfortably together."

Their faces didn't look any better after I said that.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"So, I'm not going to do an inspection on your rooms. Keep them sanitary so the health department doesn't have to get involved; I'm fine. I'd like the rest of the house to stay relatively neat. You've both been here enough times to know that I don't leave clothing strewn from room to room."

"Yeah, that's fair," Cody said.

"As far as laundry goes, everyone using the hamper makes sense; but guys, separate the colors, there are three bins for the hamper! I don't need pink clothing!"

"Sorry," Luke said with a sheepish tone.

"I caught it, but sometimes I might not."

"We can help with the laundry," Cody offered.

"We can help out with a lot of things," Luke said.

"I'd appreciate that, but studies come first."

"We don't study all the time," Cody admitted. "We can help by setting the table, picking up things, and doing some laundry. You know, like we help our folks."

Luke just shook his head in agreement.

"That sounds great. One more thing..." Again, I got looks of concern. "If there is anything that I do that drives you nuts, you need to speak up."

"But..." Cody started and stopped.

"Officially, I'm the landlord. I'm the old man. Your folks are going to be paying rent. But from now on this is our house, so we will all be comfortable. I might get all type-A about some things, but there are a lot of other things that are just the way I've always done them; it doesn't have to be that way."


I had to laugh.

"You obviously haven't had a psych class Cody. Type-A people are neat nuts who are orderly, methodical, and sometimes control freaks."

"My MOM!" Cody exclaimed. "My dad and I drive her nuts. We leave piles of stuff around, and she freaks out. Hell, the living room carpet must be vacuumed in this one way, and only she can do it."

"I'm not that bad. But I do like the house to be neat and clean. It's gonna be a process. Just remember, if we're going to make this work, we all need to talk about things."


Sunday evening, I called the guys for dinner. They'd been studying in their rooms.

"One more week," I mentioned as we sat down.

"Yeah... five exams and we're done," Luke said.

"What's your schedule?" I asked.

"Two tomorrow, two Tuesday, and one Wednesday," Luke answered.

"One tomorrow, two Tuesday, one Wednesday, and one Friday," Cody explained.

"Were you thinking of heading south Friday afternoon, Saturday, or Sunday morning?"

"The dorms close on Saturday, so we'd need to leave then so my folks don't get suspicious," Cody said. "I told them I'd pack some, but that school came first, and I needed to move stuff to the new place Saturday morning in Luke's car. We can probably stay until early afternoon."

"I know you don't cram for tests," I said to Luke. "What about you?"

"I'll need to review notes for my Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning exams. Otherwise, nothing too serious, no worse than a normal night's homework."

"I just don't want to interrupt your studies and kill your grades."

"Not going to do that," Luke said. "This is like studying in the library, but more comfortable!"

"And with snacks and drinks, and sex afterwards!" Cody said.

"Yeah! Sex! Sex! Sex!" Luke chanted.

"It can be your reward for good study habits!" I replied.

"I plan to study hard! Really hard," Cody teased. "Every inch of your bodies!"

"You're going to ace that test," I joked.

We got the food on the table and sat down for dinner. The conversation focused on exams, their departure, and the coming week.

"Thanks for helping me clean up," I said.

"I'm done studying," Cody said.

"I'm almost done," Luke yelled from down the hall.

I hadn't realized I was so loud.

Cody and I went into the den and cuddled up, watching a bit of television. Luke joined us about an hour later.

"I hate to break up this cuddle session," Luke said. "Sex. Sex now!"

"He's hard to argue with," Cody agreed.

"It seems like it."

I dislodged Cody and started for the bedroom. Cody and Luke were right behind me. We were all naked quickly and piled onto the bed.

Luke started working my dick with his mouth while Cody presented his to me. We kept this up for a few minutes, and then Luke and Cody swapped positions. I could feel my balls tightening and didn't want to come so quickly. I pushed Luke back a bit and then moved Cody off.

"I was too close," I warned.

The guys moved again, and I started sucking Luke while he sucked Cody. We kept switching off for a bit.

"Guys, someone's got to fuck me," Luke pleaded.

"Up on all fours," I replied.

Luke repositioned himself, and I got behind him while Cody moved in front. I put my hands on his ass, noting that his hair was getting denser and more noticeable. I spread his cheeks and started working my tongue into him, trying to open him up.

I looked up and saw that Cody was working his dick in and out of Luke's mouth. Once I had Luke's hole primed, I signaled Cody to swap places.


"You're wet. Fuck him!"


Cody and I swapped places, and he slipped into Luke's ass. Luke started moaning around my cock. It was clear that being spit-roasted was getting to him.

After fucking Luke for several minutes, Cody said. "Swap."

I pulled out and moved around to Luke's hole while Cody moved around so Luke could eat his ass.

I grabbed Luke's hips and started working his hole hard. Luke's grunts were loud even though his tongue was working Cody's hole.

Once Cody's hole was primed, he flipped over onto his back and pulled his legs up.

"Let Luke fuck me, while you fuck him."

I pulled out and let Luke reposition himself. Once he was buried in Cody's ass, I slid my dick back into his hole. I pulled back a bit and then let Luke do the work of fucking Cody while fucking himself on my cock.

"Guys, I'm not gonna last long," Luke warned.

His thrusting, back and forth, got faster and faster. Finally, he buried himself in Cody and shuddered.

Spent, Luke collapsed on top of Cody. I took the opportunity to pound his hole. t only took a few minutes for me to blow a massive load into his hole.

I pulled off Luke, so I wouldn't crush Cody. Luke pulled out of Cody and started sucking him. As I recovered, I came around and helped bring Cody to an epic cum shot.


"You're done," I said to Luke.


"Don't rub it in," Cody said.

"But it's your easiest class," Luke reminded him.

"I know..."

"You'll have most of your grades by the time you leave," I said.

"Which will be good! Show my folks how well I'm doing," Cody replied.

"Still worried about them accepting the move?"

"Well, they agreed, but I'm sure I'm going to hear about it. Neither of them seemed that happy."

"It's going to work out," I said.

"Damn right, we're going to make it work out," Luke added.


"I don't want to go," Luke said.

"Neither do I," Cody agreed.

"It's winter break, and your family expects you in four hours," I said. "I'll miss you both tremendously, but we knew this was coming. You're gone for three weeks, and we'll get through this. I love you both. Now, get on the road and drive safely!"

"Love you," Cody said. He gave me a big kiss.

Luke gave me a kiss. "Love you!"

"Take good care of each other," I said.

They got in the car, and Luke backed out of the driveway.

"Okay," I said to myself. "I can understand why parents get so emotional when kids leave for college."

I walked back into the house. I wanted to cry.


Phil's response came fast. `No. What's up?'

`Need company. Wanna do something?'


`I'll be over soon'

`Sounds good'

I climbed into my truck and headed into Arlington. I found a parking space and headed up to Phil's apartment.

"What's up?" Phil asked as he let me in.

"The guys left for home, and I need a diversion."

"The first of many, I'm sure."

"Three weeks' worth!"

"Dinner and a movie?"

"That would be great."


"Happy Holidays, everyone," Lucinda said at the start of the Monday morning staff meeting. "I want to thank everyone for another fantastic year! A quick reminder that our holiday party is tomorrow. We'll shut down the office at noon and head over to the restaurant for a luncheon on me and some fun together. I don't want to hear of anyone trying to return to the office!"

That got a big round of applause and laughter from the staff.

"I am also pleased to announce we have a new client. The initial meetings will be at their offices in San Francisco. Those of you interested in being part of the team, please let me know."

"When's the visit?" Gio asked. His face showed stress.

"They would like us there on the third, which would mean flying out on the second. I know that means cutting into the holiday since New Year's Day is on a Sunday, but I will offer another day off. I also know it's short notice, but they seem very anxious to get things moving, and from a business standpoint, I want to strike while the iron is hot. Please email me your availability, and I'll set up a site team," Lucinda responded.

She went on to explain the client and their expectations. It was straightforward, and the trip would take up time! When I got back to my desk, I drafted, revised, and re-revised my request to be part of the team. I wanted to go so that I could provide more distractions.


Christmas morning, I sent a text, figuring it should be discrete.

`Merry Christmas!'

A few minutes later, I got back `Merry Christmas!' from Cody.

It was about ten minutes before Luke chimed in `Merry Xmas'

`Any good presents?' I asked.

`Nah, clothes, stuff, nothin' fun' Cody replied.

`Same' came Luke's answer.

`We didn't give you anything' Cody sent.

`No worries, I'll get my present when you return'

`???' came from Luke.

`Us' Cody sent.


We kept up the chat for a few more minutes until they had to return to family duties.


"Merry Christmas," I said to Stephen as he opened the door.

"Merry Christmas to you. You're the first to arrive."

"Thanks for hosting this year."

"Welcome. What'd you bring?" he asked, looking down at the large bag I was holding.

"I had dessert, so I made a gingerbread and lemon trifle."


"I also made Scottish shortbread cookies."

"You're gonna make me fat!"

"Naw, it's just one day."

I followed Stephen back to the kitchen, where Chris was busy.

"It smells good," I said.

"Thanks. I decided to do a tenderloin roast this year instead of the traditional turkey or ham."

"Sounds good to me."

"How's life?" Chris asked.

"Lonely at the moment," I admitted. "But I've got a trip coming up, so that'll knock out a week."

"Both your college boys went home?"


"Not looking for other dates at the moment?"

"Well, no. Our relationship is evolving and..."

"Wait," Chris said. He turned and looked at me with a bit of concern. "Our relationship? Evolving?"

"Well... so... hmm..."

"Take your time," Chris came over and put his arm around my shoulder. "We're friends. What's up?"

"Cody's roommates found out he was gay and into daddy types."

"Not good," Chris admitted.

"They were giving him so much shit that he was stressed. So..."

"You moved him into your guest room?"

"Well... sorta."

Chris gave me an odd look.

"I moved him in, but he doesn't sleep in the guest room."

"Ah, that's what you meant about evolving."

"That's part of it. See, it was Luke that brought him over to ask for help."

"Okay. You mentioned they dated off and on."

"Yeah. More off than on, but Luke does have strong feelings for Cody."

"Love triangle?"

"It was. But..."

"I imagine things got awkward when you moved Cody in."

"More awkward than you're guessing. You see, Luke..."

"Wait a second, Cody, Luke, both?"

"Yup. It's a full bed now."

"Holy shit..." Chris stopped and thought for a bit. "I'm not sure I could do it."

"Which part - the age difference, college guys, polyamory?"

"I guess all of the above," Chris admitted.

Stephen nodded. The doorbell rang, and he left to greet the next guest.

"I hope all my friends won't think I've gone off the deep end. I do honestly love them both."

"Well, this is the gay community, with daddy-boy, threesomes, and more, but many of us are traditionalists."

"True, and I've known some guys in traditional who do `open'."

"Yeah, not for Stephen and me, but I try not to judge. And I won't judge you either. Just be careful."

"I appreciate the concern. We'll see how this goes."

"Hey!" Phil said as he walked in. "Where can I put this?"

"On the counter," Chris said. "You make them?"

"No. There's a little bakery around the corner," Phil explained.

"Fair enough," Chris said. "Coulter and I were talking about concerns."

"As your counselor," Phil said with a laugh. "I recommend taking things slowly."

"Well, at this point, I think I'm a bit over the speed limit."

"Just make sure you don't push the pedal through the floorboard."

"I won't. For a while, things will be awkward. Plus, there is a built-in slowness."

"Why's that?" Stephen asked.

"Luke's a junior, and Cody's a sophomore. They are both dependent on their parents to a large extent."

"So, for breaks, vacations, and such, they will probably go home."

"Yep! That will keep things slow, I figure."

The looks on my friends' faces told me their concerns were still there.

"I'll be careful," I said.


The doorbell rang, announcing more guests. With that, the subject changed to getting our Christmas dinner out and enjoying the holiday.

I got home around eight, turned on the tree, turned on some Christmas music, and sat in the den. It was ironic; after leaving James, I'd grown accustomed to living alone, being alone, and relishing solitude. But now I couldn't stand the silence, the emptiness, or the loneliness.


"I'm glad I hired you," Lucinda said while I was packing items for the trip.

"I'm glad you hired me too."

"I appreciate your willingness to be both the PM and the lead designer for the trip."

"Well, I can't blame Gio for planning his vacation around New Year's weekend."

"True. Do you have everything you need?"

"I think so; I have all the templates downloaded onto my laptop. I have certain things on my tablet. I can't think of anything else."

"What time is your flight?"

"I'm taking an eight-a.m. flight out of Dulles, and I get there before eleven."

"Awfully early."

"I wanted time to visit and look around. I think everyone else is arriving around three, but they have a layover in Chicago."

"Makes sense. Well, have a great trip and message me if anything comes up. Have a great weekend and a happy New Year!"

"Will do! Happy New Year to you!"

I was on a later train, which was deserted this holiday week. Driving home from the train station, there was little traffic. I got stuff in the house, changed, and went down to work out. I finished my routine, grabbed a quick shower, and then heated up leftovers. I needed to clean out my fridge before the trip.

I was sitting on the sectional watching TV when my phone buzzed.

`Whatcha doing?' Cody's message read.

`Bored... watching TV,' I replied.

Seconds later, my phone rang.

"Happy New Year!" Cody's voice rang out.

"Happy New Year to you."

"Happy New Year!" Luke said.

"Are you two spending the evening together?"

"Yeah, Luke picked me up, and we're just hanging out at the beach."

"Outside in this weather? What's it like down there?"

"We're not outside!" Luke replied. "We're at the Pancake House having dinner."

"Ah, that makes sense. Not very busy, I assume."

"Nope." Cody answered.

"Big plans for New Year's Eve?"

"No," Luke said.

"Some church thing," Cody explained. "What about you?"

"Having dinner with some friends and then home. Nothing exciting."

"Not hitting the clubs?" Cody asked.

"Not dealing with the crowds, the drunks, or the long drive home alone."

"Aw, poor Coulter," Luke said.

"Hold up a minute," Cody said, and the phone went silent.

About a minute later, I could hear the background noise again.

"Sorry, the waitress came over to check on us, so I muted the phone," Cody explained.

"Makes sense."

"Poor Coulter, all alone."

"Yup, poor me. I'm going to San Francisco next week, so I'll have some distractions."

"WHAT?" Cody was loud.

"We have a new client, and I'm leading the team for the onsite visit."

"Oh. I thought..." Cody started.

"You thought what? That I was going to the gay Mecca to cure my hornies? Why would I do that when I could simply get a hotel in Virginia Beach!"

"You should have done that!" Cody's voice was loud once again.

"I think I'll just wait till you two get home. Save it all up!"

I could hear Luke snickering. "Horny man!"

"Damn right, especially around you two. My friends are more than a bit jealous of how much my libido gets cranked!"

That made them both bust a gut!

"We should get going," Luke said. "Love you!"

"Love you!" Cody echoed.

"Love you both!"

With that, the call ended.


The flight out Monday morning was long but uneventful. With over five hours on the plane, I got a lot of reading done. I spent the first half of the trip reading the results of the initial customer survey and setting up my templates so that the team and I could dig into their short-term and long-term needs. For the second half of the trip, I listened to tunes while reading my latest book.

I grabbed a cab into the city and got to the hotel just before noon. They didn't have a room ready, so I stashed my bags with the valet and found a place for an afternoon nibble. The flight served lunch, but the airline food was neither filling nor all that good.

I arrived around two o'clock and unpacked. Yes, I'm one of those type-A people who unpacks and organizes their room to fit their specifications. I'm also one of those people who doesn't have the maid clean while I visit; I don't want them disturbing how I set things up. I make my bed each day, and being the only person in the room, I can survive on the towels provided for a long time.

The meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday were great. The design templates that Lucinda created and that evolved as we used them with each new client let us capture a lot of information. This client's use of the software would be like others', and many of the customizations would be simple GUI changes. We'd show them how we'd set something up for an existing customer and then discuss their exact needs. Wednesday night, the team went out for dinner and then walked around Fisherman's Wharf.

We wrapped up early on Thursday, finishing just before lunch. I sent the team back to the hotel while I stayed to receive the official sign-off on the system design documents. I got texts from the others on the team saying they'd been able to switch flights and were heading for the airport. Since this was so much about distracting me from home, I decided to enjoy the evening alone.

I got back to the hotel, cleaned up, and changed into jeans and a thermal Henley. I threw on my coat as the temperatures were in the low fifties and supposed to drop. I hopped on the streetcar and rode it down to Seventeenth and Castro.

The first thing I noticed was Hot Cookie, which was featured in a porn I'd jacked off to a few times. I decided to get a cookie first.

"What'll it be?" the young man behind the counter asked.

"Hmm. So many choices. It's my first time here."

"Nuts? No Nuts? Chocolate?"

"I like it all. Something different."

"Try the Boy Scout cookie. It's a snickerdoodle with graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate."

"Wow, a smore on a snickerdoodle! Yes!"

I paid, and he handed me the cookie.

"It's as good as it sounds," I said after taking the first bite.


I walked out and started to explore. I found a little place for dinner, finished the cookie as dessert, and then walked around more. I explored a few of the shops and, of course, enjoyed the eye candy; for a bit. To be honest, I didn't want eye candy; I wanted Luke and Cody. As I thought about them, I decided to head back to the hotel. As I sat on the streetcar, I sent them a text.

`Hoping your New Year is starting well'

`S'ok' Luke responded quickly. `Miss U'

`Miss you too" I responded.

`8 more!'

It was about fifteen minutes later when the phone chirped again.

`8-2 long' Cody's text said.

`Not that bad, I hope.'

`Miss you!'

`Go spend time with Luke!'

`I am, I am.'

Back at the hotel, I played a little on my laptop before going to bed.

The flight back was uneventful, and it left only a week to go.

Work was a bit hectic as we geared up to add the new customer to our development plans. It was clear that we'd be growing again to support the expanding customer base.

Each night when I got home, I'd tackle a room, giving it a thorough cleaning. I wanted the place to look as good as possible when the parents arrived.

With two days to go, I hit the Korean grocery store in town. I found the store to have the best variety of fruits and vegetables at the best prices. Then I went to the deli and bakery. The house was prepared for their arrival.

Copyright 2023 BndgDawg ( Do not reproduce or distribute this story without the author's permission.

This is Chapter Four of the third story I have written. I look forward to positive comments, constructive criticisms and otherwise pleasantly worded feedback. Flames and attacks will be ignored and addresses blocked. (

My other stories on this site are Double Trails (Beginnings/Rural - December 8, 2016) and Homeless (High School - July 30, 2017).

Next: Chapter 8

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