Daddy Type

Published on Jul 6, 2023


Daddy Type - Chapter Six

Chapter Six – {08-2016 – 10-2016}

My phone rang late on the last Saturday of August. I grabbed it without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey, Coulter."

"Luke! I take it your back?"

"Yessir. Are you free tonight?"

"As a matter of fact, I am. Whatcha got in mind?"

"Dinner, a movie, and..."

"Sounds good to me. Come on over, I'm already working on dinner..."

"I wasn't trying..."

I cut him off. "I know, but dinner, a movie on the couch, and snuggling sounds better to me. So, come on over when you're ready."


It was about fifteen minutes later when I heard the doorbell ring. He walked into the house, and it was my turn to pin him to the wall. We stood there kissing for a good bit of time. Ending our kiss, I led him into the kitchen.

"So, how's your dad," I asked after I handed him a drink. He sat on a stool while I worked on dinner.

"He's okay. The doctors said the last round of treatment really worked. He finds out this week whether he needs another round."

"That's great! I'll keep him in my prayers. Hopefully, no more treatment!"

"That'd be great. I'm kinda scared though."

"Scared of what? You said your dad is doing better, weak I'm sure, but better. Why be scared?"

"I'm not sure I'm going to be able to finish school."

"Four more semesters and you're done. Your grades are good..."

"With Dad out of work, money's getting tight and me driving back and forth... it's all starting to add up."

"Don't give up. Have you talked to your folks?"

"I don't want to give up, but I'm not sure I'll have a choice. As far as talking to my folks, it's just one more thing for them to worry about, so I don't."

"It will work out. I promise!" I started thinking of what I could do to help. "Have a Costco membership?"


I grabbed my wallet. "Okay, so here's my membership card. Before you head home, go there and gas up. Is there one down by your folks?"


"So, gas up there. It's not much, but it'll save you 20, maybe 25 cents a gallon."

"What about you?"

"That's my member card. I have my Costco credit card that works too. So, no worries."


"Take your mother shopping while you're at home... with four boys to feed."

"What do I tell her?"

"Tell her a friend offered to help. A classmate loaned it to you for the weekend. It's up to you. At least the gas will be cheaper."

"Yeah, that will help too." He looked like he was about to cry as he hugged me.

"We're going to make this work. Want to help me with yard work on the weeknights? I'll pay you! I know you have a job on campus, but that's like ten hours a week?"

"Dude, I couldn't take your money."

"I've been wanting someone to help me. What about ten an hour and you help me with mulch and stuff?"


"Luke..." I matched his tone. "I tried hiring some neighborhood kids; that didn't work out. I got that big pile of mulch. I need the help. Just say yes."

"Okay. Yes."

He got up on his toes and kissed me gently.

"You're so good to me."

I said "You're easy to be good to," and then leaned down and kissed him. As I ended the kiss, I took his hand, and pulled him close. His arms wrapped tightly around my body; my hands slid down his back, sealing us together.

"We need to stop this or there won't be any dinner," I warned.

"Who needs food..."

"Let me put the food on hold."

I quickly shifted things so they would hold in the oven.

I moved back over to him and resumed the kissing. After a few more moments of passion-filled kisses, I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started pulling up. He released me and lifted his arms over his head, allowing the shirt to slip off. He did the same to me and we crushed back together, the heat from his chest feeling so warm against me.

I put my hand firmly on his shoulder and stopped him as he began to turn, as if going to the bedroom. His face was an interesting study as he looked back at me.

I put my arm under him a bit and lifted him. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I carried him into my bedroom and gently deposited him on the bed. I pull his shoes and socks off him. He was commando, so as his jeans slipped off his hips, his cock slapped up onto his abs.

I growled at him.

"Get nekkid, Daddy," he urged.

I just about ripped my clothes off and stood at his feet with my cock rising quickly. My body slid up his, my cock rubbing up his legs until it was nestled next to his, both wedged between our bodies.

I put my lips to his and was given a kiss filled with passion. His arms wrapped around me, holding me against him as his tongue pushed between my lips and explored. I sucked on his tongue, tasting him. His eyes had been closed when we started the kiss, but I'd noticed a little moistness in the corners. As his eyes opened and he stared into mine, they were clearly wet.

His legs wrapped around me, crushing my body to his. I could feel the precum oozing out of his cock and flowing into the cracks and crevices between our abs.

I'd felt with Rob a something that if I'd allowed it could have easily blossomed into more. For the first time, I felt something similar with Luke. I'd truly missed him over the summer. I pushed my thoughts back and returned to enjoying this fuckin' hot young man in my arms.

I squirmed a bit, and his grip loosened. I broke the kiss and let my tongue run from his lips to the cute little dimple on his chin. From there, my tongue licked, and my teeth nipped down his neck and onto his chest. I grabbed his left arm, pushed it up over his head, and then started running my tongue through his pit hair. It was just the taste of his sweat, and it was awesome.

I repeated the process with his right arm and then moved over to his tits. I rubbed my teeth across the tops of each and then started nibbling on each, making him squirm.

"You like making me squirm, don't you?"

"No. I love making you squirm!"

He giggled under me. With his nips standing proud like little erasers, I worked my way down licking up all the goo on his abs, in his belly button, and of course, the tip of his dick. Clean up completed, I pulled his dick away from his abs and wrapped my lips around it. I licked all the delicious clear liquid I could before working my way down the shaft. He bucked up a bit as I reached the bottom, my lips pressed against his pubes.

As I worked my tongue up and down his shaft, I wrapped my hand around his balls and pulled them down some.

"Oh, fuck!" he groaned.

I kept up my assault on his cock, knowing he would be good for multiple loads, I wanted this one out of the way first.

"Oh, man..."

I was increasing the suction as I worked up and down. His body continued to squirm... close, but not quite there. I brought my left hand up and let some of my spit coat a finger, then slowly inserted it into his hole.

"OH! FUCK!" he screamed as his cum coated the back of my mouth.

I let him fill my mouth, swallowing some. As he finished, I licked the last drops from his slit and then moved up to share a cummy kiss with him.

"Damn, that was something else."

"And it's only the beginning, fucker."

We broke for dinner after I'd pulled a second load from his nuts and flooded his ass with one of my loads. We plated and ate at the speed of the starved!

"I'll load the dishwasher," he said.

"Screw that, throw the dirties in the sink. Help me get the food in the fridge and let's get back to bed!"

We scrambled through what had to be done. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway. He pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top. He positioned his ass over my quickly rising dick and lowered himself down to my pubes.

"Ride'em cowboy!" I encouraged.

He laughed as he started working his ass up and down. I would pull my ass down as much as I could as he lifted and then thrust up to meet his lowering.

"Fuck yeah, riding a Daddy Bull! Come on, Coulter, pound that hole!"

I took him at his word and started slamming up into his ass as he rode down. We hit a great pace and the looks on his face were something else.

"Shoot in me," he urged. "Flood my hole!"

"Fuck yeah!" I bellowed as I shot.

My cum must have triggered him as his cock started spraying my chest. After we had both shot, he collapsed on my chest with my cock still buried in his ass.

"That was something else," he said.

"Yup. Our third sticky mess of the night. How about a bath?"


He lifted off my cock and it plopped out. He leaned over and tasted the cummy remains of his hole. With a good bit in his mouth, he gave me a deep kiss, letting me enjoy the flavors.

He climbed off the bed and offered me his hand. I followed him into the bathroom and got the water running for the tub.

"I didn't think you used it," Luke commented.

"Yup. Every time my muscles get too sore from yard work, it's nice to submerge myself to the neck and let the water and some Epsom salts do their work. Do you want bubbles, salts, or plain water?"

"I haven't had a bubble bath since I was really little."

"Bubble bath it is," I said, grabbing a bottle from the vanity.

"That smells good."

"It has eucalyptus and spearmint. Supposedly, they relax and relieve muscle aches. I just like the smell."

I climbed in the tub with the water running. It gave me a good idea of how much more would be needed. Luke climbed in and sat across from me.

"What?" he asked. My face must have shown a bit too much emotion.

"I was thinking you could snuggle up over here."

He stood, turned, turned off the water, and then sat down between my legs. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest.

"This is relaxing," he said. "I'm a bit worn out after doing so much catch up."

"Being at home cramped your sex life a bit, huh?"

"Some," he admitted. "How was your summer?"

"It was... good. Work's been busy. I got a lot done in the yard. I only had to deal with James once during the summer, and my co-workers really helped me out. Oh, and I competed with two other guys in a karaoke contest. We were first runners up. You?"

I let my hands wander around his chest as he responded.

"Work, helping Mom with Dad, and taking Dad to the doctor were the big three. I did get to hang out with some friends from time to time. Oh, and taking care of my brothers so Mom could have break."

"Good Son!"

"I tried."

I let my hands run down his chest, across his abs, and bumped into his hard dick.

"This was supposed to relax you," I teased.

"Umm... I have this fucking hot daddy rubbing his hands and body all over me. It's hard to relax."

"Stand up!" I said.

He did as I requested.

"Turn around."

I lifted a bit and took his cock to the root.

"Oh, FUCK!" he moaned.

I put a hand on each ass globe and pulled his dick deep into my throat.


I started giving him my best blow job as my hands massaged his butt cheeks.

"Oh, that's so fuckin' good," he cooed.

I could tell I was working up a fourth load for the night, but I wanted him to pop big! I took my hands off his ass, squirted a bit of conditioner on some fingers and worked first one, then a second into his hole.

"Coulter! Fuck! Daddy! Oh, FUCK!" he yelled as cum shot down my throat.

As the convulsions from his orgasm ended, I could tell his legs weren't going to hold him up long.

I spun him around fast enough that he was able to collapse between my legs.

"Now I'm relaxed," he said quietly. Luke shifted a bit, turned his head hard. I leaned forward and shared a slightly cummy kiss with him.

The next morning, I woke at my usual, the break of dawn. Knowing this was way too early for Luke, I needed to figure out how to detangle myself before my bladder demanded relief. My left arm was pinned under Luke, his head on my chest, his left arm and leg both draped over me.

I tried to roll away from Luke but couldn't get enough leverage with my arm under him. Next, I rolled toward him ever so slowly. Working, I thought as he shifted in his sleep. Both his arm and leg started to ease their hold on me. I continued to roll toward him and started pulling my arm from under him. Almost... Crap! Just as I thought I was free, he rolled back and pinned me further. Now my bladder was demanding attention.

I started pulling my arm out from under him and rolling away with as much force as I could.

"Mmmph..." Luke groaned. "What time is it?"

"Six o'clock," I said quietly.

"Too early," he muttered.

"Gotta pee."

I ran for the bathroom and relieved the huge pressure on my bladder. I cleaned up and tiptoed into the bedroom. Luke was curled up on my pillow and clearly back to sleep. I debated rejoining him, but the urge for coffee was stronger.

"Morning," Luke said as he entered the kitchen.


"Thanks for having the press ready for me," Luke said as he turned on the tea kettle. "Smells good, French vanilla?"

"Yup. I remembered you liked it and bought some the other day."

"Thanks. How long have you been up?"

I looked at the clock. "About two hours. What would you like for breakfast?"

"I'm starved," he admitted.

"I think we more than worked off the dinner we ate."

"You cleaned up from last night already?"

"Yup. The dishwasher's running with the dinner dishes."


"Now, back to breakfast."


"Biscuits, pancakes, or waffles," I started. "Bacon, sausage, or scrapple."

"Biscuits and bacon sound good."

I got started on breakfast.

Later that morning, I showed Luke my game plan for yard work.

"All the tools are in the shed," I explained. "I keep the key on the hook next to the back door. Here's a spare key to the house. Let yourself in, go down, grab the key, and out you go."

He gave me a concerned look. I decided to ignore it. Yes, I was giving him the key to my house.


Getting home Monday afternoon from the train station, I pulled my truck in beside Luke's car. The pitchfork was in the mulch pile at the top of the driveway, and there was a reasonable dent in it. I went into the house and changed into a pair of ratty old cargo shorts and an old t-shirt.

I looked out front and saw him loading up the wheelbarrow. I went downstairs, grabbed my gloves, and walked out to see how far he'd gotten. He had piles of mulch deposited but had not started spreading it. I grabbed the rake and got to work.

"Hey," he said, as he walked up with another load.

"You've been here working a long time!"

"About an hour," he admitted. "I had to do some things at the library before coming over."

"That's a lot of mulch moved in an hour. I'm impressed!"

He gave me a grin, turned the empty wheelbarrow, and headed back for another load. We worked until sunset, swapping who brought the mulch and who spread it a couple times.

"I didn't think this would go so fast," I admitted as we put the tools in my shed.

Again, that smile spread across his face.

"Shower then dinner?" I asked.


We went into the gym shower, and I got the water started. With the utility room next to it, it didn't take but a moment for the shower to steam up. We stripped quickly and got under the heads. I pumped a little bit of shampoo into my hand and started lathering up Luke's hair. I switched to gel and started working my hands up and down his back. My hands would stray down to his ass from time to time.

"Feels good," he admitted. "My turn."

We turned, and Luke did my hair and then soaped down my back. His hands spent a lot more time working on my ass and then slipped around to my crotch. My semi-hard cock firmed up quickly under his touch. Luke moved closer, letting his body rub up against me as his hands soaped up my chest and groin. I turned to face him, dropped my head a bit, and kissed him. My arms wrapped around him and pulled him tightly to me.

The water streaming over us rinsed off the soap. I pulled away slightly and dropped down to my knees, taking Luke's hard dick between my lips and licking. I got a little flavor of precum before I slid it into my throat. I worked up and down the shaft as my hands massaged his ass cheeks.

"You're gonna fuck me," Luke said. It came out half question and half command.

I pulled off his cock.

"Sure! But let's get out of the shower."

As we dried off, we took the time to touch and explore each other's bodies. Afterward, he grabbed my hand and led me out to the gym. I stopped him as we went by the vanity and grabbed some lube.

He lay on the bench, and I positioned myself so my cock dropped between his lips. He started sucking while I pulled his legs back and started eating his ass. His moans told me I was priming him for a good fuck.

His efforts on my cock had me ready. I pulled up and out, moved to the other end of the bench, added a bit of lube, and started to slide in.

"That's it," Luke groaned. "Work it in deep, Coach!"

I kept pushing with gentle pressure until my pubes hit his balls.

"Fuck! That feels good!"

I praised, "your hole is nice and tight."

"Didn't get much use while I was home," he admitted.

I pulled almost completely out, then slid back in. I got a good rhythm of long strokes that I varied with bursts of fast, short strokes. I bent forward and gave Luke a kiss, feeling his cock leaking between us.

"Fuck me, Coach!"

I popped my dick out of his hole.


I pushed it in and buried it quickly. Luke let out a grunt. I repeated the process a few times, rewarded with more grunts.

"That's it, coach, fuck me!" he urged.

I pushed his legs a bit and started sliding in and out at a new angle. I found his prostate and rubbed it well. Luke's cock started leaking across his abs. As I watched the clear liquid spread, I noticed that his chest showed more black hair than I recalled. He also had a darker line of hair running between his abs and belly button.

I shifted a bit again and started hitting this prostate, poking at it.

"Oh, fuck!" Luke exclaimed. His cock gushed a dollop of precum.

He reached up and took hold of the weight stand poles. I moved his legs a bit lower to change my angle again.

"I'm getting..." was as far as he got as his cock started firing cum across his abs, chest, and face.

His hole spasmed around my cock, which triggered me.

"Fuck!" I let out as I shot deep into him.

As I finished shooting, I let his legs down carefully, then leaned forward and started cleaning the cum from his body. Each time I got a mouthful., I shared it with him in a kiss.

"Shower?" I asked

"As soon as I feel like I can stand."

I offered him a hand and he got up. We walked into the bathroom, and I got the shower started. I was glad he was back.


Tuesday morning, I woke at my regular time with Luke snuggled against me. Damn, I'd missed having someone so close to me. It felt good. Unfortunately, it was time to get a move on. I climbed out of bed, feeling a bit sad for leaving him there asleep. I grabbed a mug of coffee and went into the bathroom.

"Morning," Luke grumbled, as he walked into the bathroom.

"Good morning, Sunshine!"

"Eh, too early, no coffee, no shower!"

"Coffee's ready, go grab a mug," I responded. "I'll get the shower going."

He came in as the shower dinged.

"This is good," he said, taking another sip.


I climbed into the shower and Luke quickly joined me.

"I like this," he said as he scrubbed my back.

"Me too!"

We took time to enjoy a sensuous shower, but it was not as fun as I really wanted. Clean and dry, we both got dressed and I led us into the kitchen.

"You don't have to feed me," Luke said. "I am on a meal plan."

"It's as easy to heat two portions as one," I said.

"Thanks, Dude."

I was about to ask if he wanted lunch. Fortunately, my brain worked long enough to stop me.

"I should be here at about three," Luke explained.

"Cool. Would you like anything in particular for dinner?"

"You don't have to feed me," he said. "I can go back and eat at the JC."

I admitted, "I like the company."

Luke gave me a smile. "Whatever you want to make."


"I need to head out. Are you ready to go?"


We grabbed our stuff and headed out.

It was an uneventful day at work, and I pulled in beside Luke's car at about four-thirty. The pitchfork was in the pile, but he and the wheelbarrow were not there. I assumed he was in the woods working. I went inside and changed into yardwork clothes. I looked out front and saw he was loading mulch. I went downstairs and out the back door. I found the rake and started spreading the piles he'd already brought around.

"Hey," he said as he dumped the next load of mulch.

"Hey! Want to trade and have me get the mulch while you spread it?"

"No, this is a great workout for arms and legs."

"Fair enough."

With that, he headed back to the front of the house.

"I'm glad it's downhill with the mulch load and uphill empty!" Luke said with a laugh.

"True. The reverse would be killer."

He dumped the load and trotted back up.

"How was school?" I asked when he reappeared.

"Not bad. Nothing special, just lectures."

With the latest load dumped, he turned and headed back. We did the quick questions for a few more loads.

"You've got almost everything spread that I brought down, and my legs are feeling it. Swap?"

"Sure. Or we can stop, and I can work on dinner."

"That sounds better."

We put the tools in the shed, grabbed a quick shower, and then he helped me prep an easy dinner. Plates in hand, we sat in the den and watched a bit of television while eating. With dinner out of the way, Luke snuggled up next to me as we relaxed for the evening.


"Home tonight?" Luke asked, as we got ready to leave Wednesday morning.

"Yup. Normal time. I'm mostly a homebody. My only real activity is meeting the gang for karaoke."

"Still on Thursday nights?"



"Coming over tonight?"

"As long as no one piles on the homework."

"Great, I should be home before five."

Wednesday night was a repeat of Tuesday; yard work, clean up, dinner, and snuggling. It was an easy and comfortable routine.

Thursday morning, as I put breakfast together, Luke asked. "What are you going to sing?"

"I haven't thought about it. I tend to pick it out at the last minute."

"What do you tend to sing?"

"Anything, everything, country, pop, classic rock, whatever hits a mood."

"Do you like Sam Smith?"


"How about Lay Me Down?"

"That would work, I'd have to do it an octave lower."


I sang, "if I can't be with you tonight, lay me down tonight, lay me by your side."

"Damn, great voice. That sounds even more sexy, deeper."

"Do you sing?"



Luke gave me a smile.

I asked, "you going to do yard work tonight?"

"I've got some research I need to do before I head home."

"That's understandable."

We talked for a few more minutes as we ate. I went to work and he went to school shortly after that.


"That was very different," Phil said as I sat back down.

"We're going to have a fifteen-minute break," George announced before I could respond.

"It's from Sam Smith's debut album."

"Oh, I recognized it. Just not what I've come to expect from you."

I admitted, "Luke suggested it this morning."

"So, he's back."


"Cool. How's dating going?"

"Fun. Plus, he's been helping me out with yard work. He has a fear that money's going to get tight even though his dad is getting better and back to work."

"Getting serious?"

"I don't think so. He doesn't seem to want more than dating."

"Fair enough, he's what twenty?"


"He is really cute. And..."

"He is and..."


Friday, I got a text as Luke headed out of town, thanking me again for the Costco card, as it had saved him a couple dollars filling the tank. He sent me another text on Saturday saying his mom sent her thanks for the card. I got a third text on Monday night asking if I was busy.

He arrived as I was finishing up the dishes.

"Happy Labor Day," he said. "Can we hit the gym? I haven't gotten to work out in a while."

"Sure, and happy Labor Day to you!"

We went downstairs I grabbed my gear out of the locker and he pulled his out of his duffel. I did my normal cardio warm up while Luke stretched and went straight to the weight machines. We each did our own workout, with him finishing up with cardio while I did legs.

As we finished, he looked at the door to the playroom.

"Am I too sweaty?"

"Fuck no. You smell good to me," I admitted, grabbing his hand, and pulling him into the playroom. "Sling time, boy!"

I pulled his tank top off him; he slipped his shorts off and started to pull his jock down. I knocked his hand away.

"Leave it."

I put my arms under his and lifted him into position in the sling. I hooked his ankles and wrists into the appropriate straps.

"Full access," I said, looking down at him, and an evil grin spread across my face.

His look went from a bit scared to downright horny.

I leaned down and began licking - random spots, random timing; just enjoying the salty sweet flavor that was one hundred percent Luke. I worked my tongue up his inner thigh on one side and then down it on the other.

My hands worked their way up, rubbing his abs and then finding his tits and twisting just a bit. This elicited a sharp intake of air, followed by the moan of a horny boy.

I played with his body, finding the spots that made him squirm, made him shiver, made him feel good; each of these I filed away for future fun as well. After getting him pretty wound up, I decided to move in for the kill; I pushed my goatee between his cheeks and prepared to eat out his hole.

"Oh, FUCK!" he groaned as my tongue swiped up his ass.

I put a hand on each of his hips to hold him still and started running my tongue up and down. He would moan, groan, or hum a little with each lick. As his hole started to twitch, I let my tongue push in just a bit.

"Damn dude! Eat me!"

With his permission, I started going to town on that little hole. Licking, plunging, and slurping to get it ready for the main event. I let go of his hips and put a finger on either side, pulling him open a bit more so I could work more spit into that hole.

"Coulter, you gotta fuck me, man, please fuck me... come on, stand up and fuck me!"

I wanted to play a bit more, but he begged so nicely. I stood up, my dick hard and dripping precum. I looked down on Luke, and I'm sure any outside observer would have wondered if I was horny or about to get the best Christmas present ever! Both!

I let some spit drip down onto my dick and then pushed the head right against his hole. I leaned into the chains just a bit and then, as my dick popped his hole pulled them toward me.

"Oh, damn!" he yelped. I was using the sling to pull him onto my dick.

Once his ass was fully impaled, I held still for a few moments. I let him adjust and simply enjoyed the view. Damn, this handsome young man...

I let go of the supports and the sling started sliding him off my cock. I stepped forward at the last minute to make sure the head stayed in.

"Daddy FUCK ME!" he ordered.

I wanted to laugh when the thought `your wish is my command' came to mind; but instead, I just pushed my hips forward and sunk back into that deep, warm hole.

Okay, I admit it, I'm a horny guy, and fucking this incredibly hot young man was working every fiber of my being. I plunged my dick in and out of his hole like a man possessed. My thrusts were amplified as the sling started swinging in a motion, pushing my dick deeper and harder into his hole.

"Oh..." he started to say when I bottomed out. "Fuck!" he yelled as I pulled back. "That feels good!" he got out while my dick was all the way back.

I looked down, starting with his face, and letting my eyes come down to his jock pouch which was barely containing his cock and was turning translucent from all the precum seeping into it.

"My fuckin' hole!" I growled at him.

"Damn right, Daddy!"

"Daddy likes your ass son and he's gonna plow it long and hard." After I said it, my brain stopped and thought for a millisecond – this Daddy thing works – back to fucking!

Luke's hole was gripping, hell, it was milking my dick as it worked in and out.

"I'm gonna blow!" I warned him.

"Bury it deep!" he growled.

I pushed my dick in as deep as it would go and felt it fire cum into him. "FUCK!" I said in a long, deep growl.

"Oh, damn!" he bellowed. I felt his body convulse and, as my orgasm subsided and my mind cleared a bit, I noticed that his jock was now soaked in cum as well.

"That was fuckin' awesome," he said, as my dick finally slipped out of his battered hole.

"Not over yet!" I warned him. I got down on my haunches and started eating my cum out of his ass. I left enough in my mouth to let him get the full flavor as I kissed him.

"Shower time?"


I helped him out of the sling, and we moved over to the showers. We took turns washing each other, with most of the shower heads hitting us.

That night, Luke decided to stay at my place. From his tone, it sounded like he was no longer worried about what he called the walk of shame.


Tuesday morning, I woke with Luke's head laying in the crook of my left arm. I was surprised as he'd been on my right when we went to bed. The system shifted to the second peaceful song with the volume up just a bit. I started playing with Luke's thick, black hair. It was a little longer than last semester and it was easy to twirl around my fingers.

"Morning," he said a bit groggily. "You get up way too early."

I countered "we slept eight hours."

"Still too early!"

The third song started, and the volume increased a bit more.

"One more quiet song, right?"

"No, you slept through the first one. This is number three."

"Can you turn it off and we roll over and get more sleep?"

"I can turn it off. You can roll over and go back to sleep. I have to get ready for work. You can just let yourself out."

"Naw, I'll get up."


Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, Luke did a good bit of yard work after school. He let himself in, changed, and continued moving the mulch from the pile at the end of my driveway back into the woods. I got home from work a bit later than normal on Wednesday, so I wasn't able to help out.

"You've made a lot of progress," I commented as Luke put things away.

"Yeah, it's been good exercise too."

"I like the variation; the gym works some areas, but manual labor really gets the body going."

"Yeah, this is weight and cardio combined."

"You get cleaned up and I'll get dinner started."

I headed upstairs while Luke got a shower.

"Hope you don't mind leftovers," I said as he joined me in the kitchen.

"It's fine. My mom does that a lot. Can't afford to waste food. What's that?"

I looked at the stack of money on the counter.

"Your pay."

"Dude," he started.

"You worked fifteen hours; it's what I owe you."

"Coulter," he started a second time.

"Not gonna work; put the money in your wallet. I'm not going to argue about this."


I was glad that he accepted it so easily.

After dinner, we snuggled on the couch, watching mindless TV.

"Bedtime," Luke said, as the show ended.


He stood up and then offered me his hand. I held onto it as we walked down the hall to the bedroom. We quickly stripped, then I pushed Luke onto the bed. I straddled him and started nibbling on his tits.

"Your hair is thickening and showing more."

"Yeah, I guess I am going to have a hairy chest like Dad."

His tone didn't sound overjoyed.

"Nothing wrong with that. I find it sexy."


I returned to playing, nibbling and otherwise enjoying his chest. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the massage oil. I slicked up my hands and started rubbing his chest.

"Feels good," Luke said quietly.


After working on his chest for a while, I moved down – skipping his hard cock – and worked first his left and then his right leg.


He complied and tucked his cock under his abs.

I spent a good bit of time working the backs of his legs and then got started on his ass. I let my oily hands work through his ass crack a few times. I moved my body up and nestled my cock between his oily cheeks. I started working from the small of his back and worked up to his shoulders. Each time I leaned forward to work towards his shoulders, my cock slid up his crack.

On one of the deeper strokes up his back, my cock nudged his hole, then slipped up towards his spine. On the next stroke, the same thing happened. On the third stroke, my oiled-up dick pushed into his pucker and I was quickly buried in his hole.

I kept massaging his back with my hands as my cock worked in and out of his ass. Luke let out a series of groans and moans as I kept the massage going while fucking his ass.

After a long period, I pushed myself up and then pulled him into the doggy position. I reached under and started stroking his cock with my oily hand.

It didn't take long till the combination of my fucking and stroking had him on edge.

"I'm gonna... oh fuck... so fucking close... harder! Fuck me harder!"

I threw myself into high gear and started pounding, letting go of his cock and grasping his sides. Luke reached under himself and replaced my hand with his, holding himself up on one elbow.

"That's it, Coulter... fuck me... fuck me... fuck me... argh..." he groaned, as he shot.

His ass started to clench, making his already tight hole a warm, moist glove that started pulling the cum out of me.

"FUCK!" I groaned as I flooded his hole.

Luke collapsed into the sheets, and I collapsed onto him.

"Damn, that was something else!" Luke said.

"Damn right, that was next level!"

"I love..." Luke started, stopped, and then continued. "loved that a lot."

"Good, baby. It was really good. How about a shower?"

"Yeah, I'm covered in cum."

I climbed off Luke and the bed and offered him a hand up.

"You get the shower started, I'll strip the bed and grab fresh sheets."


A few moments later, I joined him in the bathroom. Our shower together was sensual with a lot of touching, kissing, and groping.

Clean and dry, Luke helped me get the fitted sheet on the bed, tucked in the flat sheet and blanket, and then climbed in with me. He curled up next to me and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Night," he said, turning and kissing me.

"Night, handsome," I said giving him an extra kiss on the nape of his neck.


Thursday night, I met the gang at karaoke. This time the group was larger, and we pulled an extra table over. I chose Night of Your Life by David Guetta, which featured Jennifer Hudson. In this club hit, Jennifer promises to make it a night to remember if he loves her and treats her right.

"Damn," Chris said as I sat down. "You sound like you're in heat!"

"Hehehe, then I got it right."

"I'm sure there are a few guys here that would like to treat you right. That is, if you wanted," Darryl teased.

"I'm doing pretty good in that category."

"Is the college boy back?" Stephen inquired.

I was a bit surprised that he knew I was dating. I gave a quick look at Phil and Darryl, both of whom smiled.

"Yep," I said, trying not to sound defensive.

That got me a raised eyebrow from Stephen.

"Luke's back and we're dating. More importantly, we're both enjoying ourselves, and isn't that what life is all about!"

The conversation was cut short as the next performer got started. I admit, I was a bit defensive about dating Luke. I didn't want others to focus on his age; it helped me not think about it.


Friday, I got a quick message from Luke again, thanking me for my Costco card, as he took off for home after class.

I'd made plans for dinner with Geoff on Saturday night. The two of us had a good time together, and I got home around ten.

Sunday, I worked on cleaning the house, doing laundry, you know, those wonderful domestic chores. Just before six, my phone chirped, and I found a text from Luke.

`Too much reading'


`See U tomorrow'



Monday was another day at James' office. I decided not to use blockers every time I went. It wasn't fair to my coworkers, and it only delayed the inevitable. Once we got into the conference room, I found a good spot and pulled out my stuff. I'd been seated for about thirty seconds when someone sat down next to me.

"Morning," James said.


"How are things going?"

"Very well. We have the latest sprint down, user stories prioritized for the next few sprints and a few ideas we want to pitch to you and your team."

"That wasn't what I meant," his voice sounded exacerbated.

"That is the extent I'm willing to discuss," I responded quietly.

"We spent ten years together. Doesn't that mean anything?"

I turned in my chair slightly, as I didn't want to raise my voice.

"I think what I walked in on tells me how little ten years meant to you. From your remarks to your partner that morning, it wasn't the first time, or the only time. Yes, ten years did mean something to me; but that is gone." There was an icy quality to my tone.

Before James could respond, Gio announced, "We're ready to start whenever you are."

The meeting was uneventful, and James' team liked the ideas we pitched. They would add good value through the customizations without significant cost. I didn't speak to James as we left, and he avoided me as well.

When I got home after work, I was surprised that Luke wasn't there doing yard work. I was in an uneven mood, so I threw myself into my workout. I wanted to eliminate the stress, and more importantly, the negative emotions that had festered during the day. I kept expecting Luke to show up while I was working out. Workout done, I grabbed a quick shower and then went upstairs to make dinner.

I was forming the burgers when my phone chirped.

`Too fuckin' much homework tonight. Need to spend some time in the library.'

`Okay. See you tomorrow. I'll make something special for dinner.'


`If schoolwork gets in the way of the yard work, no worries. I'll have dinner ready at seven.'



Tuesday at work was a routine day. We had our SCRUM at nine. I met with my boss about some basic issues at ten. Otherwise, I just tried to get through the pile of work on my desk.

I got home a bit after four-thirty and was, again, a bit surprised to find that Luke's car wasn't there. Like Monday, I worked out, cleaned up, and then headed to the kitchen to make dinner. I was forming crab cakes when the doorbell rang.

Luke had a key, so I was a bit confused. I opened the front door to find a tall, handsome, young man with light blonde hair and deep green eyes. He stood there, shifting uncomfortably, in jeans and a snug, compression t-shirt.

"Can I help you?"

"Well... umm... I... umm..."

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No, Sir. My buddy Luke, he umm... Well, we played on the lacrosse team in high school together and well, he... he umm... he told me about you and then tonight."

"Ah, he's supposed to be over in an hour. Are you joining us for dinner?"

"Umm... he had something come up and sent me over to sub in for him. I'm Cody."

The poor guy was stumbling over this so badly. I really wanted to laugh; in fact, I clamped down hard so as not to chuckle.

"Well, that was nice of him. Why don't you come on in?"

I stepped away from the door and Cody got a good look at me, compression shorts and a compression t-shirt snuggly fitting my muscles. He gulped a little when he got the full view and started shifting from foot to foot; making it easy to see just how nervous he really was.

"I hope you like crab."

"Umm... yeah. I do..."

"Great, I'm working on crab cakes, green beans, and rice pilaf. Why don't you join me in the kitchen while I finish up?"


"Are you a junior as well?"

"No, Sir. I'm a sophomore. Luke's a year ahead of me in school. I kinda followed him here."

"Interesting. I remember Luke mentioning he was the first kid from his school to come here. Let's see Luke's twenty, so that makes you nineteen?"

"Yeah, I turn twenty soon. When I was little, my folks thought I wasn't ready for school so, I started a year late. After Luke graduated, well, umm... we were... tight in school and I missed him a lot. He was like a brother to me. I only applied here and followed him."

My brain woke up for a moment. A memory came forward, Rob teasing Luke about his friend that followed him to college. Did two plus two equal four in this case?

"That's nice. What's your major?"

"I'm in the Cyber Security Engineering program."

"Very cool."

"I wanted to do something with computers, and this seems like the hot part of the field. What about you? I mean, not your major, what do you do?"

"I'm in software development for a small, growing company."


Cody seemed much more comfortable after that and started asking a lot of questions about software development and the security needed in design. As we chatted, I took a chance to check him out.

I plated the food and led him to the dining room, where the questions continued. After dinner, Cody helped me clear the table and get the kitchen cleaned up. The funny thing was that he became as nervous as he'd been when I opened the door. With everything done, I turned to him.

"It was nice of you to come over and join me for dinner since Luke couldn't make it."

"Well, he did ask me to come and sub-in for him tonight."

I found his phrasing a bit odd. Sub-in, he was supposed to substitute for Luke tonight. How far was this supposed to go? Where the fuck was Luke?

"Did Luke tell you our entire plans for the evening?" I asked.

"You mean that you're this dad-guy. Y'all hang out, workout, and do things together."

"We do. I've already worked out tonight, so I figured we could do other things tonight."

"You mean like..." His pause lingered for a few moments. "You were going to fuck him. He said, you're a great fuckin' top."

"I guess that sums it up. I'd figured we'd go downstairs for fun tonight. I guess those plans have changed. Would you like to watch a movie? Some TV? Talk more?"

He started shifting from foot to foot, and I could tell he was becoming more uncomfortable by the moment.

"He... he didn't mention anything about downstairs." I could tell Cody was very leery at this point. "But I am supposed to sub-in for him."

Now it was my turn to be uncomfortable. "You want to have sex?"

"Um. Yeah. You're hot as fuck and, from what Luke says, hotter in bed." He got closer to me and leaned in, gently kissing me on the lips. We were, as I'd thought earlier, evenly matched in height. As the kiss continued, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in deeper.

I was panting when he finally let go of me.

"I'm fine with just heading back to the bedroom."

"Has Luke been downstairs? I guess I don't really understand."

"Yes, he has. He seems to enjoy it."

"What's downstairs?"

"Well, my gym is down there, but behind that is my playroom."

"Oh..." he blushed at that. It was kinda cute.

"Well, since this is your first time here, let's just play in the bedroom."

I could see him relax a little more each time I called him son. He followed me through the main space of the house.

"Have you been with an older guy before?"

"No... never..."

"Don't be scared... I won't hurt you... this is about pleasure... yours and mine."

I put my arm around his shoulder, and he gave a little nod.

"You're awfully tense. Do you need something to drink? Want to sit and talk a bit, you know, get to know each other to help relax?"

"No, I'm just nervous."

I decided to press forward, taking his hand, and leading him into the bedroom.

"Why don't you strip down."

"Guess that is why I'm here, huh?"

"That it is..."

I watched as he pulled his shirt off, slipped off his sneakers, and then dropped his jeans. Fuck! He was wearing a jock that made him look so fucking cute. He looked a bit nervous, so I joined him, taking off the t-shirt and shorts. We're facing each other in our jocks.

"I heard you liked jocks."

"I like guys in jocks, that's for sure. Tell you what, why don't you climb up onto the bed, face down? I'll give you a good back rub."

He crawled up onto my bed, laid on his stomach, and pushed his ass up ever so slightly.

I reached into my nightstand and grabbed the lotion. I straddled his mighty fine ass, letting my packed jock nestle between his cheeks.

I leaned forward so I could get my hands up to the base of his neck. I slid them down either side of his spine, massaging all the way down across his lower back and over his butt. I then reversed course, working my way back up to his neck, across the shoulders, down his arms to his fingers. I repeated this several times, checking with him to make sure my pressure wasn't too much.

I then kneaded his shoulders and the small of his back, eliciting quiet groans and moans. With his back well worked, I finally moved down to his ass cheeks. I continued the kneading, working the muscles to relax him well. I would stray from time to time, letting my cream-slicked hands slide between his ass cheeks.

"More relaxed?"

"Uh huh!" His head nodded with his agreement.

I leaned forward letting my mustache start to nuzzle between his ass cheeks. I could tell it tickled by the way he squirmed. I kept working... my hands separating his cheeks, my face nuzzling in, my tongue tasting that boy musk.

Cody let out a long groan, his hands gripping the sheets as my tongue pressed into his hole. I used my hands to spread his cheeks apart allowing my tongue to work deeper into this hole. Cody continued to groan, his body flexing and arching as I ate out his hole. Each swipe let me push more and more spit into his hole.

It seemed like he was trying to speak, but all that came out were moans as he writhed more and more.

"Fuckin' hot ass, boy!"

"Oh... God... never... never that good!"

"Like your ass eaten, huh, son?"

"Oh...fuck...y-yes...God dad...m-more.

I hawked up more spit, working it into his hole with my tongue. I kept up the relentless tongue fucking, eating his hole, opening his hole, lubing his hole for the hard fuck to come.

"Eat... eat... me..."

I put a finger on either side of Cody's hole, pulling it open a bit as I got in deeper, tasting that boy ass.

He let out a deep, low moan for a long time as my tongue opened him right up.

I pulled back a second, spit into my hand, reinserted my tongue into his hole and lubed up my dick. I inched my body forward, finally allowing my tongue to pull off his hole.

" learn do t-that??!

I pushed the head of my dick against his hole. "Lots of experience son."

Cody looked back to see what he was about to get and started squirming. "Go easy, Daddy! I've never had anything that big."

The head of my dick slipped into his ass and he groaned.

"Oh god, you're big! Please go easy..."

He shuddered a few times as the head worked around the top of his ass. Finally, I felt his ass give way, allowing me to slip deeper into his hole.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dadddddddddddddddd"

"That's it boy..."

He groaned as my cock worked itself deeper and deeper into his jock ass. I felt my pubes against his cheeks, leaned over and nibbled at his neck."

"You've got it all," I said quietly. "Fuckin' tight hole."

"FUCK! Mounted! So full, fuckin' full."

I started working in and out in slow, gentle strokes. Cody pulled his knees forward a bit, his ass lifting slightly. His moans became a constant stream as I fucked him more. I worked my cock in and out until I discovered his love nut. Shivers ran up and down his body as my cock rubbed his prostate. I grabbed his hips and worked the head of my cock against that little nut, hard!

I stopped. Something wasn't quite right. I pulled my cock out of his hole. "Flip over..." He obligingly rolled onto his back. I grabbed his legs, pushed them towards his chest, and reinserted my dick into that fuckin' velvet furnace.

He stared up at me with those deep green eyes and groaned. I leaned down, took his left tit between my teeth, and nibbled. When I took the right nip into my mouth, he groaned loudly.

"Dad, sir, fuck me!"

I increased the speed and force of my fuck strokes. I let my tongue work its way up his chest, up his neck, and over his chin. I got to his lips and started kissing him deeply.

I lifted my head for a moment. "Feeling good now, son?"

Instead of answering, Cody wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me back into a kiss. FUCK! The boy could kiss. As he kissed me, his ass started working, twitching, squeezing, and milking my cock.

"Aw, fuck," I moaned into his mouth. "Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!"

I unloaded into his hole, blasting cum deep. I worked my spasming dick in his hole till I found his prostate, and I worked that little love nut hard.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned, as cum pumped from his dick, soaking our abs.

"Fuck boy, you have one amazing ass."

"Thanks, Daddy."

I lay there, trying to keep my weight from crushing him, unwilling to let him go. Finally, my softening cock plopped out of his hole.

I pulled us apart, scooted down a bit and started licking his chest. I licked the cum off him, occasionally moving up to kiss him and share the load.

Finally, I got up, ran into the bathroom, soaked a rag in hot water, and cleaned both our chests off. We laid there cuddled up for a little bit when I heard his stomach growl.

"Sounds like you need something to eat." I was amazed, as I'd fed him only an hour before.

"I'm okay." Another growl.

"Son, that stomach of yours disagrees. Come on. We can have a little desert."

I started to head out of the bedroom, noticing that he wasn't following.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at me from head to toe, then at his own body. I got the point.

"Naked is fine. No one is going to see you except me, and I like looking at you naked."

He smiled and followed me to the kitchen, where I put a small slice of angel food cake in a bowl, covered it with some fresh raspberries, and then squirted on a bit of whipped cream.

"You um... said something about um... downstairs..."

"Wanna take a look?"

"Sure!" I was startled by his boost of confidence.

I put the bowls in the dishwasher and led him down the stairs.

"FUCK!" he said as I flipped on the lights. "This place is cool."

"I wanted a great workout space."

"You've got, umm... great selection!"

His head was turning as his eyes tried to see everything in the gym.

"Lockers? Damn, they look like they should be in the team's locker room."

"Yeah. I figured it would make the space more authentic. I found an old set, sanded them down, painted them and then added the logos."

"Very cool. I really like the mirrors. The only thing you're missing are the showers."

I pointed to the door. He followed my direction, walked over, and opened it.


He gazed around my downstairs bathroom, toilet, urinal, and, of course the gang shower with space for five guys.

"Planning a party?"

"I didn't really know if anything would ever happen, but it went along with the theme."

"So, this is what you meant by downstairs?"

"Well, this is one option. The other would be through another door." I said, leading him back out of the bathroom and into the other room.

I flipped on the light switch as we walked in.


"Yeah, I tell friends this is storage."

"Holy crap!"

The spotlights were illuminating my sling and fuck bench.

"It's not meant to be scary," I said, taking his hand and leading him over.

I let him look at the sling closely before I hopped in.

"The guy gets in and see how accessible his ass is. Great for giving a rim job or for getting fucked."


I climbed out and led him over to the fuck bench.

"I think this one is self-explanatory. Just climb on, arms here, and legs here, let your chest rest here." He followed instructions, and I moved around behind him. "Again, I can take advantage of your position to rim your hole and then fuck it."

With that, I bent forward and started lapping at his hole. I started getting hints of my first load buried in his hole. A moan escaped his lips as my tongue started digging deeper and deeper. A different flavor than before, with the musky flavor of a young jock enriched by the taste of cum.

"Oh, damn! You can bring me downstairs anytime you want if you're gonna eat me like that."

"You've got a deal, boy."

I put my tongue back into his ass trench and licked some more. He was already lubed from the first fuck, and his ass was open, so this was all about pleasure – his and mine.

"Daddy, it feels so good... Please don't stop!"

"Grrrr..." I growled into his ass. I renewed my efforts to eat his hole, tongue darting where it could, mustache working around to tickle his cheeks; everything I did to make him squirm, moan, and enjoy!

Finally, I'd had enough. I wanted to fuck his tight hole again. I stood, lined my cock up, and started pushing in. It didn't take long till every inch was buried deep.

"Fuck, Dad... fuck, fuck, fuck! That feels fucking good!"

"Damn right, son, your hole is so fucking hot, so tight, so good wrapped around my cock!"

I started working in and out, banging his ass with abandon. With Cody on the fuck bench, I was able to work his hole deeply, sawing in and out fully with each stroke.

He moaned and groaned as I cut loose. My hands worked up and down his flanks as I pushed deeper and deeper.

"Fuck me! I've never been fucked like this! Ever! It feels so good!"

"You've got a fucking amazing ass," I complimented, as my dick buried itself deep, deep, deep into his hole.

"Thanks, Sir!"

I pulled out of his ass and tapped him on the shoulder. "Up, son..."

Cody looked over his shoulder, and his face showed his disappointment.

"Come on!" I urged.

He climbed off the bench, I guided him into the sling, and I pushed his legs up into the holders. I buried my cock back into his ass and started fucking him.

I leaned over and started kissing him while I fucked him. That was the best; he was a passionate kisser. Fuck, he was the complete package when it came to passion.

I was exhausted when we were done and had cleaned up. I led him upstairs and back to my bedroom.

"I guess I should head back to school."

"Need to get back?"

"Not really. I'm done with my homework, but I have class at seven thirty in the morning."

"How'd you get here?"

"I walked."

"Well, you're not walking back this late at night. How about I drop you off on my way to work tomorrow morning?"


"Climb in bed, sleep, have breakfast, and I'll drop you off in the morning."

He looked a bit surprised, so I took his hand and led him to the bed.

The next morning, when my alarm system woke me playing a soft, gentle Gershwin song, I found Cody curled up against me. His head lay on my shoulder. I carefully reached over, grabbed my phone, and shut off the system. Knowing I had a few minutes before I had to get up, I started running my fingers through his hair. It was peaceful, relaxing, and, most of all, wonderful.

"Morning," Cody said. His green eyes were looking up at me.


"Don't stop."

"I don't want to either; but I have to get ready for work soon."

"Can I come back?"

"I'd like that."

"Or maybe we could go do something?"

"Want a date, huh?" I said with a chuckle. "I think I'd like that. Whatcha got in mind?"

"I don't know. Dinner? Movie? I mean, I'm not old enough for bars and such,"

"How about some breakfast before I take you back to school?"

"You don't have to bother."

"It's not a bother. I have to make breakfast for myself."

"Ok, cool."

"Let me show you the bathroom so you can get your shower while I get things started in the kitchen."

I gave him fresh linens and helped him get the shower started. I went into the kitchen, turned on the oven, and got two big wedges of a breakfast casserole out of the fridge. I put them on a pizza tray, in the oven, and set the timer.

I hurried back and found Cody just stepping out of the shower.

"All yours. It's really nice!"

"It was one of the upgrades I did when I bought the place."

"I've never had so many jets hitting me."

I hopped in the shower and cleaned up quickly. I had just dried off when I heard the timer go off. I hurried to the kitchen, naked, to pull out breakfast. I plated it and left to get dressed. I found Cody almost dressed when I got back.

"There's a plate in the kitchen ready for you. The coffee is in the press, and the mug is next to it. If you prefer juice, grab a glass, and there are several to choose from in the fridge."

I dressed quickly khakis, a polo shirt, and a sweater and then joined Cody in the kitchen.

"This is really good."

"Thanks. It's a high-protein, low-carb, breakfast casserole I developed. I'm a diabetic, so I'm careful with how many carbs I eat."

We chatted a bit about my diet and exercise as they related to my health goals. With things ready, we headed out, and I dropped him off on campus before going to the train station.

Work was quiet, so my mind had time to think about what had happened. First, my mind spent too much time on why I'd done what I'd done with Cody. Then I started wondering what was going on with Luke. By lunchtime, I'd really started laying a lot of guilt on myself. You know... I shouldn't have fucked with Cody; I shouldn't have enjoyed it so much; I shouldn't have invited him to stay the night; I should have stopped the situation; I should have said no. Fuck, I `should' all over myself.

I took a long walk at lunch to clear my head. I was standing at a light waiting for the crosswalk when my mind thought correctly for a moment.

`We need to talk' I texted Luke.

I waited for a response, knowing he wasn't in class. I got back to the office and dove into work, trying to catch up on what I hadn't accomplished in the morning. My mind was easily distracted, so I focused on things where a mistake wouldn't have a significant impact.

Around four, I was sitting at my desk working through a user story when my cell chirped.

`Thnks 4 a gr8 time last night'

`I enjoyed it too'


`Sure. When?'


`Sure. What you got in mind?'

`No car. Dinner.'

`I can drive. What time? I should be home at five-thirty.'



Okay, so now I am going on a date with a second college guy. Yes, he's younger, but he is a man. My mind was working hard to rationalize things.

I sent a quick email to Phil to see if he was free. He got back to me quickly, so I called.

"What's wrong?"

"So, you know how I've been dating Luke."


"So... last night... umm..."

"Spill it," Phil insisted.

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "I was supposed to have a date with Luke last night. The doorbell rang, but Luke wasn't there. He sent a friend."


"Yeah, Cody. Tall, blonde, and fuckin' sexy."


"We had dinner..."


"I dropped him off at school this morning. Evidently, Luke sent him as a substitute. But you've gotta understand that he wants to go on another date."

"FUCK! You devil. Not one, but two college boys."

"College men"

"Ok, so how old is this man?"

"He's twenty."

"Ok, so legal..."

"Of course! By the way, please don't tell Darryl."

"Why not?"

"He's the one that keeps getting obsessed over the ages."

"Ok, I'll let you tell him. And, speaking of obsessing over the ages, I don't believe Darryl is alone."

"You're right about that. On the serious side, HELP!"

"Help? What? Why? You're dating two hunky college boys! Is it their ages?"

"Dude! I'm old enough to be their father. Am I being stupid? Am I crazy? Should I just stop this?"

"Coulter, you're not stupid, you're not crazy. Are you in love?"

"No. I just met Cody. I thought I had feelings for Luke, but I haven't figured them out."

"Then chill and enjoy it. If you get to the point where you want to propose to one or both, call me and we'll talk."

"Thanks man. I'm just a bit freaked out. You know, it throws me when I go on campus to pick up my date."

"That would be freaky, dude."

"Yeah. I have a date tonight with Cody."

"He's picking you up?"

"No. He doesn't have a car. Yes, I'm going onto campus to pick him up."

"It's fine, dude. You seem to enjoy these guys, so perk up and deal with it. I'll only be a little jealous. When do I get to meet this Cody?"

"We'll see. Let's get past date number two."


Phil provided some other helpful feedback and really helped me settle my fears. I was defensive about the age thing, because it was playing with my head.

I headed out of the office a bit early and was able to catch an earlier train. At home, I grabbed a shower, changed into something nice, and got myself calmed down. I drove over to campus and was out in front of Cody's dorm at seven.

Cody had chosen a little Greek-Italian place in downtown. I chuckled as we walked in, as it was a place I went to frequently. We grabbed a booth, ordered, and sat there for a moment.

"Thanks for asking me out."

"Thanks for driving."

I gave him a big smile. "Tell me about Cody." His look told me he wasn't sure what I was getting at considering how much we'd talked the night before. "I mean, I know you're a student at Mason studying cybersecurity. I mean, what makes you tick?"

He sat quietly for a moment. "Lacrosse! I loved playing it in high school, and my freshman year I played with the lacrosse club. I was a midfielder in high school, and I loved it. The club, at Mason, it's a club sport but competes against other colleges. Anyway, they moved me to defense, and I didn't do as well. I decided to focus on school this year, so I'm not going to play. Let's see, if I weren't into sports, I guess I'd be called a nerd or a geek..."

"I don't really see you as a nerd or a geek."

"Oh, I mean, I'm not the stereotypical nerd; but I love computers, comic books, and other nerdy things. In high school, I hung out with the jocks after school; but ate at the geek table at lunch."

"A hybrid!" That made him laugh.

"Is that a nock, geck, jord, or joek."

"I think I'll call him Cody." That made him laugh again.

"Tell me about you."

"Well, I'm thirty-nine and a Mason alum for both my bachelors and my masters. I've been in a few different parts of the IT world in my career and am loving working at a small software start up. I was married."


"I met James not long after my twenty-seventh birthday. We had been together for almost ten years when I found him cheating on me. We'd gotten married, so yes, I'm a gay divorcee. That was the starting point of my redefining myself. On the day I caught him, I found out I was a diabetic, so life is about treating my body better, treating me better, and hoping to find someone to love again."


"To be honest, you're the third guy in his early twenties I've had dates with."

"So just Rob and Luke?"

"I wasn't sure you knew about Rob."

"Oh yeah! Luke was fucking jealous of Rob."

"Why'd he send you instead of coming?"

"For the same reason he keeps..."

The pause was almost painful.

"So how old were you two when you started messing around," I asked.

"He and I went to different middle schools that fed the same high school. We met on our first day of lacrosse practice, it was my freshman year," Cody said very quietly. "We've messed around a lot since then, on and off, but mostly off. Every time I get kind of close to him, he pulls away.."

"Afraid of commitment?"

"I think he's more afraid of dealing with his family if he had to come out than anything else."

"Gotcha. What about you and your family."

"I'm not scared. I'm terrified. There's no way I want to tell my dad, ever. But I'll deal with it after I graduate from college and can stand on my own."

"My mom knew before she died."

"What about your dad?"

"He died before I was ready to come out."



We continued chatting through dinner and then walked around the block and grabbed some ice cream at Woody's.

"Back to the dorm? Or back to my place?" I asked as we climbed into my truck.

"I'd really like to go back to your place."

"I hear a but in that."

"Well, I don't have a way back to school, and I'm afraid what my roommate will say."

"He'll be jealous you're scoring."

"I guess."

"I can drop you off on campus just like this morning."

With that, his face lit up. "Your place then."

The sex that night was more intimate, more passionate, and less lust driven than the night before. The next morning was comfortable, and Cody followed the same pattern as the previous day – easy.


I kept my mouth shut Thursday night at karaoke. Phil gave me a couple looks, but with the entire gang there, we didn't get a chance to talk privately. I covered Me and My Gang, which got a lot of comments from my friends when I got back to the table.


Cody called Friday night and asked about a date for Saturday night. He suggested a movie, and I countered with curling up on my couch and watching something on demand. I had found that he was very snuggly.

"How was your week?" I asked.


"Anything special going on?"

"Not at school," he admitted. "Today's my birthday."


"I turned twenty today."

"You should have said something. I would have taken you out somewhere special, gotten a cake, something!"

"My family doesn't celebrate birthdays."

"Huh, what?"

"It was the way my father was raised and it's the way our family operates. We don't celebrate birthdays. I was always a bit jealous of the kids whose parents brought cake to school when I was little."

"No presents, nothing?"


"Tonight, we're celebrating your birthday! Unless you don't want."

"I'd like that."

"I've got dinner almost ready. But I have an idea."

"I like your ideas typically," he admitted with a shy smile.

We sat down and at dinner together. Cody helped me clean up afterwards.

"Let's go," I said.


"It's your birthday!"

"Ummm... okay."

He followed me out to the truck and I headed east. I took him to an Indian restaurant I know that sold cake by the slice.

"Which do you want?"

"I'll have," he said and paused. "The black forest cake looks great, but I do love mango."

"I'll get one you get the other and we can share."


We got our slices and found a table. He picked up his fork, but I put my hand up. I pulled a lighter and a candle out of my pocket. I lit the candle.

"Happy birthday to you," I started singing. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Cody. Happy birthday to you."

I looked up and he had tears in his eyes.

"That's the first time anyone has sung that to me. My first candle to blow out."

"Make a wish and blow it out."

He leaned forward a bit and blew out the candle.

"I hope you get your wish."

"Me too!"

We shared the cake, bussed our table and headed out.

"You're under age so we can't hit bars, but it's a great night. Let's keep the celebration going."

"I'm game."

I drove us to the waterfront in Alexandria and found a parking space. We got out and started walking around. We looked in different stores, watched a few street performers and walked along the river.

"This has been an amazing night," Cody said as we got into the truck.

"You deserve a happy birthday."

He leaned over and kissed me.

"It's been the best!"

"And there's one more present to go!"


Sunday morning, I woke to find myself tangled up with Cody. I considered the day ahead; nothing was planned; there was no agenda, so there was no reason to rush out of bed. I lay there just a moment before his eyes opened.

"Morning," he said in a soft tone.

"Morning to you."

I moved my head forward just a bit and kissed him. He moved slightly, wrapping me in a big hug and pulling me to him. He started the next kiss, and I felt his tongue working across my lips. I opened my mouth, and his tongue quickly darted in. I started sucking on it a bit, no morning breath on this guy.

I broke the kiss and rolled over on top of him. I licked his chin, down his neck, and over to one of his pits. I took the time to taste his flavor, licking his pit with my tongue swiping across his body to the other pit, and then zeroing in on his nips.

I licked his tits till they were like the eraser on the end of a pencil: hard, red, and erect! Once I had their attention, I started nibbling. Cody started to squirm under me. I could feel his cock twitching with each bite and lick I made. A few moments later, I realized he was oozing precum between us.

I lifted a bit and started rubbing my fingers over his tits.

"You seem to like this," I said quietly.

"You seem to like playing with them," he laughed.


After paying a bit more attention to his tits, I ran my tongue down the center of my abs to his belly button and started licking it. This caused him to squirm.


"I like making you squirm."

"Do I get to make you squirm?"


I licked my way down to his crotch, cleaned up a lot of the precum, ignored his dripping dick, and started on his balls. I licked and then sucked each of his nuts into my mouth.

"Come on, dude, let me do something."

I lifted his dick from his abs and started working down the shaft. As I got about halfway down, I lifted my body and started spinning around, presenting him with my hard dick. He quickly started licking the head, lapping off the precum I was leaking.

After breakfast, I asked Cody, "Plans for today?"

"None really, hang in my room, I guess."

"How `bout hanging with me?"

"I'd like that. What's your plan?"

"Nothing planned, but I'm flexible... movies? reading? It's supposed to rain, so most outdoors stuff is out. Museum?"

"Movie sounds good."

He followed me into the den. "I have some DVDs in the cabinet, watch what's on TV or Netflix."

"What's this?" he asked as he pulled out a DVD box set. "Coupling?"

"It was a British sitcom. They tried to Americanize it, and it flopped in one episode. It's pretty darn funny to me."

"Oh, yeah, you've seen it before." He seemed a bit down.

"Yeah, but that was, hmmm... ten, twelve years ago. Let's watch it!"

I got things set up and headed for the sectional.

"Pillow or lay-er?"

"You're the pillow first. We can swap later."

I got into position, and he snuggled in, laying his head against me, `the pillow'.

"Comfy," he said.

I hit play on the remote, and we started watching. Throughout the first few episodes, it was clear Cody liked the show as he would laugh, chuckle, and giggle.

"Want some lunch?" I asked when I noticed the clock was showing 1300 and we'd finished another episode.

"I've never binge watched like this," he admitted as he stood.

"I've done a few movies but never a TV show. Agreed. What do you want for lunch?"

"Umm... whatever. I'm flexible."

I dug around in the fridge, but I didn't have a lot of leftovers.

"Any objections to omelets for lunch?"

"Not at all."

I grabbed ingredients and got started on the eggs.

"How about grating cheese?" I asked.

"Sure, where's the grater?"

I pointed, and he got started. I got the ham diced and then thought for a moment.

"Onions? Bell Peppers? Just ham and cheese?"

"Onions are fine, not sure about bell peppers in my omelet."

I diced an onion, sauteed it, and then used the buttery pan to cook the omelets.

"Grab two of the biscuits out of the breadbox and stick them in the toaster for a couple minutes," I asked.

We were soon back on the couch, watching Coupling.

"This is nice," he said. "Second breakfast!"

After finishing our second breakfast, I got to use Cody as a pillow for a while. We took a break as we finished season two, and finally, part way into season three, I stopped us for dinner.

"I should probably get back to campus," Cody said.

"Hmm... I think a shower and getting dressed might be a good first step if you really want to. But how about dinner and a bit more Coupling? I could order a pizza, or Thai, or Chinese."

"I do like Chinese! How about we have dinner and do our own coupling."

"That works for me."

I grabbed my phone, got dinner ordered, and we snuggled up for another episode. We finished one more as we finished eating.

We got things cleaned up and headed to the bedroom. Our coupling was X-rated.


`Free tomorrow night?' the text read. I was standing on the platform, waiting for the train to take me home after a long Monday.

I thought for a moment. `Sure'

`Dinner & Movie?'

`Sounds nice'

`B @ UR Place @ 7'

`I can pick you up earlier. Save you the walk.'


And so, I had my next date with Cody. My mind started in on me, and that wasn't a good thing. I sent Phil an email asking if he would have time to talk any time soon. I got a response about fifteen minutes later that he was free to talk at any time.

"Operations, Phil," he answered.

"Very professional," I teased.

"I figured it was you, but I at least have to keep up the pretense. What's up? Let me guess, Luke, or Cody."

"No Luke, more Cody."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing really. We're having nice dates. He's cuddly and entertaining, and I'm having a good time with him."

"But you're feeling guilty."

"Yes! Luke won't respond, no text, no email, no calls."


"And there's the age thing."

"But you're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Damn right. He came over Saturday evening. Dinner, sectional, movie, snuggling, then he stayed all day Sunday and we binged on Coupling."

"I bet you did some coupling of your own."

"That we did. I dropped him off at school this morning."

"That's the crux of the problem. You're thirty-nine, he's twenty, and that nineteen-year difference is messing with your head."

"Like so many other things that are instilled in you as you grow up. Cougars and sugar-daddies and the whole May-December relationships. They are all painted as wrong."

"Coulter, you're a gay man. Your lifestyle is wrong, according to those same people. You're not taking advantage of him, are you? Forcing him? Grooming him?"

"Not at all."

"Then stop worrying about it."

"Thanks! I appreciate this!"

"My bill for counseling services will be in the mail."

"I'll be glad to pay it."

"It's what friends are for."


"Talk to you soon, bye!" And with that, he hung up.


Friday afternoon, I was trying to wrap up a few loose ends at work when I had a thought.

`Wanna workout this evening?'


`Pick you up at five?'


`Will text when I'm almost there'


I finished up my work, grabbed the train home, and queued up to leave the parking garage. When I got to the light at Braddock Road, I sent a quick text.

`Five minutes'


Cody met me at our drop off and pick up location. He threw his bag into the back seat and climbed in.


"Hi, handsome."

"I'm looking forward to working out."

"Super. How were classes?"

"Fine. Same ole, same ole."

We continued the discussion of school and work as I navigated across campus and into my neighborhood. At home, Cody followed me into the house and dropped his bag in the master. We changed into our workout gear and headed to the basement.

I did my stretching and a short bit of cardio, and then got to the weights.

"You're not doing heavier?" Cody asked.

"I'm in my TUT phase," I explained.

I got a very puzzled look.

"Time Under Tension," I went on. "Instead of using heavier and heavier weights, you use a reasonable weight and slow things down. You spend more time with your muscles under tension, which is supposed to make them work harder and optimize strength and endurance."


"From my research, there's no proof that it helps muscle growth, but I see positive effects, so I keep it in my rotation."

Cody stopped what he was doing.

"You put a lot of effort into how your workout is designed."

"Damn right," I replied. "I'm pushing forty, and I know that I could easily fuck up my body and cause problems for the rest of my life. For me, this isn't about bulk or mass, it's about health, looking good, feeling good, staying in shape, all that."

"Well, it's working," he admitted. "You have great definition, you look fantastic, and I believe you have the perfect amount of bulk!


"Would you help me with my workout?"

"I can, but remember, I'm not a trainer or certified. I just did a lot of research and worked with a fantastic trainer when I first started. She helped me understand how to make the most of each work out. That I shouldn't feel pain, tired, maybe a little sore, but not in pain. The most important factor was that I enjoyed working out, so I continued. Unlike you, I wasn't a high school athlete. I didn't grow up enjoying sports or exercise. I had to develop a new mindset."

"Sounds like you have it!"

We got back to working out. I was doing a full range while Cody seemed focused on legs.

"Shower before dinner?" he asked.


I grabbed fresh towels from the locker and led him into the bathroom. I got the water going and pulled him under the jets. I pumped some shampoo into his hair and began washing it.

"I haven't been bathed since I was little."

"I hope you enjoy!"

"I am."

I switched to soap and worked the washcloth over his body.

"My turn," he said after rinsing off.

He took his time shampooing my hair and then washing my body. He was standing behind me, scrubbing my back. I felt his body move against mine; his arms reaching around and rubbing the washcloth across my chest. His cock was nestled between my ass cheeks, and I felt it firming up. Cody's hand slipped down and wrapped around my cock.

"Someone's enjoying this," he said with a chuckle.

"From the hard log between my cheeks, I think we both are."

"Yep. Time to rinse off."

I moved a bit, and the soap got rinsed down the drain. Cody spun me around and crouched down, using my hips to stabilize. He slipped my cock between his lips and worked his way down. He gave me a quick blow job, then I dropped to my haunches and returned the favor.


Saturday morning, I woke up with Cody entwined with me. I'd awoken at about two a.m. and drained my bladder, so nothing was pushing me to get out of bed. I lay there thinking. Well, really, my mind was should-ing on me. I should do this. I shouldn't do that. The guilt trip was going to get to me.

"Stop it," I said to myself. "Positive thoughts only."

"Good morning," Cody said to me. "Mumble mumble..."

"I was just psyching myself up a bit. You know, positive thoughts only! Sorry to wake you."

"You didn't, I've been lying here a short while trying to figure out if you were awake. Your mumbling let me know you were."

"Good morning," I said. I moved a bit so I could kiss him.

"I'm sure I have morning breath."

"Fresh as a daisy!"

"Yeah, right!"

"I enjoyed it." And with that, I leaned forward and kissed him again.

As the kiss ended, he separated himself and ran for the bathroom. I followed him at a more leisurely pace.

As I brushed my teeth, he came up and washed his hands. He then followed suit and brushed.

"What's on the agenda today?" he asked as we walked into the kitchen.

As I made coffee, I started thinking about plans for the day.

"I have a couple errands I need to run; otherwise, I'm free to spend time with you. Do you have a lot of homework?"

"Nope. A little reading to do, but nothing much."

"Well, I can offer you the excitement of grocery shopping and going to the Bird Center to get seed."

"And after that, maybe some fun and excitement!"

"Well, we could find something," I admitted. "How about breakfast, shopping, and then something fun."

"What's for breakfast?"

"I have a breakfast casserole. Or we can go grab something."

We ended up going out for breakfast and then driving to Mount Vernon. We spent part of the day exploring the house, gardens, grist mill, and distillery. After wrapping up the tour, we walked up the trail next to the Potomac River a bit.

Before heading home, we completed the two errands I'd planned. At home, I put together a light dinner.

"This is really good," Cody said.

"Thanks. Staying tonight?"

"If that's okay."


After helping me clean up, Cody cuddled up next to me while we watched a movie. It was a peaceful way to end the day.


Monday, I was on the train home when my phone vibrated.

`Got big assignment, 2day'

`Slammed till Friday'

`No worries' I replied.

After arriving home, I got in a good workout and then had a salad with chicken for dinner.

Thursday, I took a later train into work and stayed later to compensate. This allowed me to arrive at the club in time for dinner before karaoke. I'd been sitting at our usual table when folks started to show up.

"Evening!" Phil said.


"How are you holding up?"

"Six dates so far. Not a peep from Luke."

"Easy and simple?"

"Definitely, no drama, just great times talking, enjoying each other's company, and..."

"And fuckin' hot sex, I bet."

"Damn right."

"How's your mood or is it your mind?"

"Positive thoughts only. It's trying to play those guilt games on me, but I'm not letting it."

"Good man," Phil replied.

"Are you sure about that?" Stephen asked as he and Chris sat down.

"You don't think I'm a good man?" I asked with mock indignation.

"You? You?" Stephen said it with a bit of a sneer. "You're not a good man! You're a great man!"

"Why thank you, kind sir. What's up?"

"Work, work, and more work," Chris said.

"No rest for the wicked!" Phil teased.

"Well, it's not a hot market, but the housing inventory is good, and buyers are plentiful now. You make your money while you can and..."

"And save the excess for a rainy day!" Stephen finished.

"Smart! Very smart," I said.

"How's tricks?" Chris asked.

"Not too bad," I said.

"I've got a date for Saturday," Phil said.

"Do tell!" Stephen replied.

"One of my co-workers set me up with her brother-in-law's brother."

"What do you know about him?" I asked.

"From the pictures she showed me, he's cute. He's about the same age. He just moved to the area and is single."

"Well, have fun!"

The waiter arrived and took our orders. The conversation moved around a bit while we ate and drank.

We'd just finished up when Georgia walked up to the table. "Boys!"

"Georgia!" we replied.

"Lots of good songs tonight?"

"You don't want me singing," Phil said. "Can't carry a tune in a bucket."

"Oh, sometimes those are the best performances! Pure comedy."

"I'll let folks get their laughs elsewhere."

"What about you, handsome?" she asked, looking at me.

"Somewhere on a Beach," I replied.

"Oh... Dierks Bentley. Yummy!"

It was a great evening.


Friday afternoon, I was on the train home. I pulled out my phone.

`Pick you up at 5:15?'

`Works need anything special?'

I thought about plans for the weekend. No going to the club, maybe dinner out but that wouldn't be fancy.

`Workout, dinner out clothes, hard dick!'

`reverse order of importance!'

I tried not to chuckle too loudly as I was on the quiet train. We eventually pulled into the station, and I made my way to the truck and queued up to get out of the parking lot.

I sent, `10 min warning'.

I drove through the neighborhoods over to campus and then pulled as close to Cody's dorm as I could. He was standing out front, threw his stuff in the back, and then climbed in next to me. He leaned over and give me a quick kiss. I threw the truck in first and headed home.

We both dropped our stuff at the door. I turned and pinned him to the wall. After a few minutes, we finally separated.

"Damn, that was some good snogging," he said.

I started chuckling.


"Coupling! You picked up the lingo!"

"Yup. I need more snogs!"

I grabbed my bag, he picked up his, and we headed to the bedroom. I started stripping down, and he followed suit. We were entwined on the bed in seconds. It was nearly seven when we finished licking each other clean.


"Yup! We need fuel for round two!"

"And three, and four, and five," I said with a laugh.

"Damn right!"

We went into the kitchen naked.

"You ever worry about burning something important?" he asked.

"I have aprons if there's going to be splattering grease. What do you want for dinner?"

"What are my options?"

"I have beef filet, broth, and French bread. I could make French dip sandwiches. Reheat some carrots done in butter and some palak paneer. Another option is that I have sauce, meatballs and I could cook some pasta or meatball subs."

"What's the plock stuff?"

"Palak paneer is an Indian dish with spinach, spices, and paneer, which is a white Indian cheese."

"Sounds different. Let's do the first option."

"Grab the bread and get it ready for the sandwich while I get the other things going."

We teamed up and had dinner ready quickly. One thing I noticed with Cody, he seemed to sense what I was doing or going to be doing. We never ran into each other. He handed me things as I needed them, or at least was searching for the item when I asked for it. We were very in synch in the kitchen.

"I like this plock stuff," he said with a laugh.

"Palak paneer."

"Plock stuff!"

"I take it you haven't had much Indian food."

"I don't think I've had any. Going to that place for cake was my first time in an Indian restaurant."

"I know where I'd like to take you for dinner tomorrow. That is if you're willing."


After we finished eating and cleaned up, I looked at him.

"Round two?" I said, motioning toward the bedroom.

"Round two!" he responded, pointing to the basement.

"Grab your jock!"

We were off. When we got into the gym, he had on his Bike Original jock. I was wearing my green jock.

"I need to get one of those," he said. "School colors!"

"It's still sold."



"Damn right! On that bench, Coach!"

I sat on the bench, and he pushed me back. He got down between my legs and started licking my jock pouch.


He spent considerable time licking, nibbling, and otherwise enjoying my crotch. Finally, he lifted a bit and let his tongue move up my abs. Cody licked and nibbled at my tits for a bit, then swiped his tongue up my neck. He ended up, lying on me, giving me a deep kiss.

While the kissing continued, he ground his pouch into mine. We were, of course, both hard. After a time, he reversed his journey down my body. This time, he freed my cock out of the pouch and started licking it.

"That's it, jock boy. Suck coach's cock and get it ready for your hole!"

Cody put his lips on the head of my dick and worked it into his throat.

"Fuck!" I said, as he hit bottom. "Flip around!"

He lifted and spun a bit; his ass was perfectly framed in those straps and perfectly positioned for my tongue.

Cody started groaning around my cock as I licked up and down his crack. I grabbed his cheeks with my hands and spread them, getting better access to his crack.

"Mrmph," he groaned, as I plunged my tongue into his hole.

I spent a good bit of time prepping his ass for a good fuck, while he got my dick well coated with his spit. After a good while, he lifted himself off me, spun around, and took my cock in hand. He got the head lined up and quickly lowered himself on me.

Cody started rising and lowering, fucking himself on my dick. I took hold of the bench and started thrusting up as he lowered himself.

"Damn! That's it, Coach! Fuck my ASS!" he demanded.

My thrust pushed into him deeper.

His ass slammed down on my prick harder.

Our rhythm sped up and became more and more forceful.

Suddenly, Cody let out a scream. As he ground down on my cock, his cock began spraying cum fucking everywhere.

"DAMN!" I added. I started flooding into his hole as it pulsed around my dick.

I wasn't sure how Cody stayed upright after all the energy he expended. Meeting my expectations, he collapsed forward, gluing us together with his cum.

He was panting, and so was I.

"That... was... amazing... Coach!"

He looked into my eyes. My heart wanted to skip a beat. There was something in those eyes.

"You ain't kidding, Jock Boy!"

He started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him tighter to me. I felt my cock slip out of his hole.

Finally, my level of discomfort started to rise.


"Sure, Coach!"

We traipsed into the bathroom, and I got all the jets going. With the heat on, the shower became extremely steamy.

"This is so relaxing," Cody said.

"Lemme wash your back."

"Let me wash you, period."


He gave me a very luxurious scrub from my head to my toes. I returned the favor, adding nibbles to his neck, tits, and, of course, butt cheeks.

"Bedtime?" he asked, while we dried off.

"Yup, I'm exhausted."

Curled up together in bed, I realized he fell asleep almost instantly. It wasn't a minute or two later before I was out.

I rolled a bit in that half-asleep, half-awake state.

"You awake?" Cody asked.



"Horny again?"


"Gentlemen, start your engines! Round three!" I announced.


"Can I ask you about Luke?" Cody said. We were sitting at a table in my favorite Indian restaurant, waiting for our food to be delivered.

"What about him?"

"Well, you were umm."

"I was dating him."

"And I showed up..."

"I was dating him. We'd agreed not to be exclusive. He didn't want to be pressed into making a commitment. What about you?"

"Dating him, I guess. Maybe a better term is friends with benefits."

"What about me?"

"I'm dating you."


"Umm, no, at least not yet."

"Fair. How were you with Rob."

We stopped for a moment as the waitress delivered our food.

"Honestly, it was exclusive, but we knew there was a hard end date. I didn't get to date much before I met my ex. College, grad school, and starting a new job kept me busy. Oh, I had a few dates, truly dates. Dinner, movie, done. And that's exactly what happened: they were usually one-time events; at most, we went out twice. And then I met James."

"Why was that different?"

"We worked for the same company, stupid of me. He pursued me. Looking back at it, I'm not sure if I want to say he manipulated me. Some might call it grooming me. In a lot of ways, he molded me into what he wanted."


"What music, what clothes, what car I drove. You name it, he had an opinion, and my choices were not up to his standards."


"Once I left him, I was able to reboot my life! All sorts of music re-entered my life. Flannel, cowboy boots, and Wranglers re-entered my wardrobe. I got rid of a stupid Econobox that he wanted me to drive and got the truck. I grew facial hair. I got the tattoo. The list goes on and on."

"And you lost weight and worked out more."

"That's more because I'm a diabetic and I want to be healthy!"

"Smart man. This is really good, by the way."

"I'm surprised you haven't had Indian before."

"In my household, the variety is very limited. Standard American fare is the primary menu. A little Italian, well pizza or Chef Boyardee; La Choy for Asian, that's about it."

"No Thai, Vietnamese, Greek, Korean, Afghan, or Japanese?"

"No, no, and more no."

"I'll be glad to introduce you to all of them. I didn't get started until college. My mom did Scottish food, pasta with sauce, American. We didn't have a lot of options for restaurants back home.

"We have the options," he said. "They just aren't an option."

After we finished eating, we went back to the house.

"TV? Movie? Something else?" I asked.

"Hmmm... Gentlemen, start your engines!" he said, with a giggle. "Round six."

"Bedroom? Den? Gym?"


I followed him down the stairs, and we were shedding clothes as we ran through the gym. I grabbed the key from the top of the door frame, and we were in.

Cody hopped into the sling. It was over an hour later before we ended up showering together, our cocks nicely drained.


I dropped Cody off on campus Monday morning on my way to the train station. I got into work and got prepped for my day.

"Good morning, team." Greta's voice always had a calming effect on me. "Day eleven of our sprint is upon us. Integration test is reporting seventy-five complete. There are three unresolved priority one defects, two unresolved priority two defects, and nine unresolved priority three defects. This sprint has an optional load status, but our goal remains to complete all work by Friday evening. Database team, please provide an update on ticket three-seven-six-alpha."

Sebastian came off mute and went through the issue, proposed solution, and status of resolving the defect within the core database schema.

"Thank you," Greta replied. "GUI team, please provide an update on ticket three-nine-zero-alpha."

I hit the unmute button. "The new input screen was putting the data into the correct field names but the wrong table. The relationship has been corrected and in unit testing. The data is now going to the correct fields and correct table. The code is ready for Integration Test. Please note, the GUI team would like to propose a user story to have the fields in the new table renamed such that they do not duplicate the fields in another table."

"Thank you. I captured the story, and we can discuss and prioritize in the next meeting."

"Thank you." I went back on mute.

A face popped over my cubicle wall.

"I can't believe they did that," Kapil said. He, like me, had a one ear headset, so we could semi-listen without really paying full attention.

"Well, with Omar's departure, I don't think the DB team has the historical depth anymore."

The look on Kap's face told me I wasn't clear.

"Think of it this way: Omar was a day one employee. He knew the DB schema like a parent knows their young child. The rest of the team knows it, but more like a more distant relative might. Well, but not every nuance."

"I would have thought they'd have a better schema record. You know a list of all the fields."

"I'm betting that's now a crash priority!"

Kap laughed, and his face dropped behind the wall.

Greta completed the meeting, and I sat there reviewing the user stories for the next sprint. I was trying to get a jump on what was next.

"Got a minute?" Lucinda was standing at the opening to my cube.

"Of course."

She turned, and I followed her to her office.

"Close the door. Have a seat please."

I would have felt like the kid being called into the principal's office, if it wasn't for her tone.

"As you know, I founded this mess, and we keep growing as more clients come on board."

I nodded in agreement.

"With the current management structure, things are getting a bit out of reasonable control. Oh, I don't mean folks are running wild, but I can't manage everything myself."

Again, I nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to start the process of putting in a management layer in. It won't happen overnight, but I sat down a few months ago and started on an updated org chart. We're not mature enough to fill it today, but I plan to start where we have the right people. You are one of those people."

I grinned. "Thanks."

She put a large chart down on her desk, and I scooted up a bit to look.

"I'd like you to become the front-end development manager. You'll still have to code, but..." she stopped.

"Look, that database issue should not have happened. Omar's departure left them floundering. He left for a better opportunity. I don't want you to leave, and I want to make sure my folks understand they have growth opportunities."

"Well, I will say I'm not leaving. I'm not looking. I'm very happy. Your plan makes sense."

"So, you'll take the job? Here's what I'm offering you as a new salary."

I looked at the sheet of paper. My head did the quick math, and it was about twenty-five percent jump.

"Woah! That's awesome. Like I said, I'm delighted to be here, and yes, I accept."

"This starts with your next paycheck. The new management team will start meeting to get things organized, and then we'll make a formal announcement."

"How long are you thinking?"

"Oh, a week, tops. I know how office gossip and such things work. Now that I'm moving forward, folks will figure something is afoot, and I can't avoid announcing it for long."

She stood and extended her hand.

"I've told my husband from time to time how happy I've been that we found and hired you. I'll say it again!"


I walked back to my cubicle on cloud nine! I grabbed my phone.

`Free for dinner?' I sent a group text.

Darryl responded almost immediately, `Sure' about fifteen minutes later I got a similar response from Phil.

`Thai at six?'


With that, I got back to work. At five, I requested a Lyft, and I got picked up, so I was at the restaurant a bit ahead of schedule.

"Hey, Coulter," Phil said as he walked up to me at the bar.


"You've got news."

"Yup, let's wait for Darryl."

"You know him, he's running a bit late. He'll be here eventually."

"Yup, Darryl always runs on Gay Standard Time. He'll be fashionably late to his own funeral!"

Phil laughed at that. Phil ordered a drink, and we sat there chatting about other items.

"Gentlemen, and I use that term loosely," Darryl said as he put his arms on our shoulders.

"He arrived!" Phil teased.

"Sorry, one more thing at work."

"No worries, let's get a table."

I went over to the host and let him know our table was all here. The place wasn't busy, so we were immediately seated.

"So, that's the news," Phil asked.

"News?" Darryl said.

"Hush, he's got news, and I had to wait for your arrival to hear it!"

"I got promoted. I will be the manager for front-end development."

"Congrats, I'm assuming big raise?" Phil said.

"About twenty-five percent!"

"You're buying!" Darryl said.

"I haven't gotten my first paycheck," I replied.

"Oh, okay," he laughed.

"But dinner is on me tonight! I had to celebrate!"

I went on to explain what had happened and why.

"It seems like you made the right choice to go there," Darryl said.

"I think so. I've never been so happy at work."


"How's school?" I asked as Cody climbed into the truck on Wednesday evening.

"Great. I'm doing so well in all my classes."

"That's great."

"How's work?"

"I got promoted!"

"Congrats! Still going to be coding?"

"Yeah, we're not that big. I'm going to be the manager for front-end development."

"We need to celebrate!"

"Well, I have dinner in the crock-pot."

"That's not how I thought we'd celebrate."

"Oh, I like where your mind is going."

Cody gave me a wicked grin.

We got back to the house, dropped our stuff, and got changed for a workout.

"I'm going to try to focus on legs," Cody said.

"It's a leg day for me as well."

I got down on the floor and started my stretches. Cody sat down facing me and mimicked by movements.

"I usually just do a few pulls and then start," he explained.

"You're young, and your muscles will heal for now. I'm a good bit older, and I need to warm them up."

As I went through my routine, Cody followed and did his sets in between mine. We got to the incline leg press, and he climbed on after setting his weight.



"First, don't lock your knees; it should be a fluid motion – up, down, up, down. Second, you want to have a full range of motion, not little quick jerky reps. Finally, put your feet here and here for a better stance."

"Show me."

I got into the machine; his weight was lighter than my norm, so this wouldn't be hard. I've got my posture down pat, with proper leg and foot placement. I lowered the plate until my thighs were nearly to my chest and then pushed up until my knees were almost locked. I got a fluid motion going.

"Oh, and no using your toes."


"You need to keep your feet fully planted on the pad. No finishing your push with your toes."

I finished my rep and turned the machine over to Cody. I watched him for form.

"Much better!" I complimented.

"Thanks, this feels good."

"I've got some videos you can watch."


"Before I ended with my trainer, I paid her to let me tape her for form and such. I watch the videos from time to time to make sure I'm not picking up bad habits."

"Smart man!"

We finished up, grabbed a quick shower, and then went upstairs for dinner. Cody helped me get everything ready, I got some music going at an ambience level, and we sat in the dining room eating. With everything cleaned up, we curled up on the sectional to watch a bit of TV.

"Got any other shows like Coupling?"

"I've got a few series on DVD. Let's see Babylon Five, Animaniacs, Absolutely Fabulous, oh, and Being Human."

"What's that one?"

"It's from the BBC and stars Russel Tovey."


"He's a werewolf, there's a guy who's a vampire and a gal who's a ghost. They share a flat and try to fit in as humans. The show lasted five years."

"Let's start that!"

I put the DVD in the player and hit play. We cuddled up on the sectional and enjoyed.

"Don't forget we have to celebrate," Cody said, softly.

"I haven't forgotten. How about only one episode?"



"Whatcha doing tonight, Honey?" Georgia asked.

"Keep Bleeding Love," I explained.

"Hmmm, sending a message?"

"Yep! To myself, trying to figure out where dating is going."

"Music therapy."

"Cheaper than other options!"

I went back to the table and waited my turn. It was just before the break when I was called up. I felt like I nailed the slow, somewhat somber, wannabe love song. I got a big round of applause.

"Dude, that was great," Chris said.



"You had fun last night?" I asked Cody, as he climbed into the truck Saturday afternoon.

"Yeah, I did. The event was a lot of fun. What's the plan for tonight?"

"I have two options for you. Option one, we continue your exploration of different foods by taking you over to my favorite Korean restaurant for dinner. We follow that up with a little Korean bakery for dessert. Then back to my place. Option two, I take you home we order Chinese delivery. We cuddle up in front of the tele and watch some more Being Human.


I put the truck in drive and headed home.

"Pick out what you want," I said, as I handed Cody the takeout menu.

We got things ordered, cuddled up on the sectional, and got the next episode moving. About a half-hour later, the doorbell rang. I'd pre-paid and put tip money next to the door, so Cody headed there while I went to the kitchen. We quickly had the food plated and were sitting at our TV tables watching the show.

After two episodes, we cleaned up the dishes and headed for bed.

Sunday morning, I woke with my dick hard and nestled between his ass cheeks.

"That's a nice good morning," Cody said quietly. "Someone's horny."

"Well, we fell asleep... and," I replied.

"Let me correct that oversight!"

Cody turned himself until we were in the classic sixty-nine position. I took his dick into my mouth and worked my way down. He had me wet and dripping quickly. I was getting good flavor from Cody's cock, yummy.

I slipped off his cock and paid attention to his balls. He repositioned slightly, giving me access to his ass. I pushed my goatee between those muscular cheeks, letting my tongue start swiping up and down his crack.

Cody continued the migration of his body until he was directly over me with his legs spread nicely. Easy access!

"Fuck!" he said as he came up off my cock. My tongue had plunged in deep!

I had my hands spreading his cheeks, making sure I had direct access.

"You gotta fuck me, Coulter!"

Cody rolled over and pulled his knees to his chest. My dick and his ass were well slicked, but I did reach over and pumped some lube. I put my cock against his hole and started the slow descent into the depths.

"Fuck, that's it," he cooed as I hit bottom.

I rested for a moment, letting him adjust, and then pulled back till only my cock remained inside. With this, I started long, hard thrusts in and out. I found his prostate and started rubbing it with my dick. Periodically, I'd adjust my angle and hit it dead on. From Cody's moans, it was clear I was driving him crazy. The moans and the puddle of precum forming on his abs prove it.

I took hold of Cody's thighs and used them to pull him back into me as I thrust in. I'd push away a bit as I pulled back.

"Oh! My! Fucking! Word!" he yelled.

"It's my ass! Right?" I said.

"Yes, Sir! Now FUCK ME!"

I started varying my pace, depth, and angle. Quick, ins and outs. Then the head popping fully out, followed by a deep plunge. Then a series of long strokes.

Cody reached up, wrapped his hands around my neck, and pulled me into a deep kiss as I continued to thrust in and out. His cock was trapped between us, and I guess my movements finally got to him. He moaned, I felt his cock spasm, and creamy goo squirted between us. Cody's ass tightened up around my cock, triggering my orgasm.

I collapsed on him, continuing the kissing. It was a great start to a great day..

Copyright 2023 BndgDawg ( Do not reproduce or distribute this story without the author's permission.

This is Chapter Four of the third story I have written. I look forward to positive comments, constructive criticisms and otherwise pleasantly worded feedback. Flames and attacks will be ignored and addresses blocked. (

My other stories on this site are Double Trails (Beginnings/Rural - December 8, 2016) and Homeless (High School - July 30, 2017).

Next: Chapter 7

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