Daddy Issues

By Bill Drake - Laureate Author

Published on Nov 6, 2015


Daddy Issues Bill Drake (

The usual disclaimers apply: this is a made-up fictional story for adult readers only. As the title suggests, this story has some strong incest themes, but no actual relations between family members.

Thanks a4f101 and other writers who inspired this one. And thanks to the readers who've emailed me. There are five more installments after this one.

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Daddy Issues


Four days after their anniversary a FedEx package arrived for Josh at the condo. Legal documents. They weren't real, they couldn't be, but they looked it. Papers for adoption. Josh's name and where it said adoptive father was typed "Ryan Miller." With their address.

Ryan was traveling, so Josh called him up. "I got the package."

"Oh." He was unsure of Josh reaction. "I just wanted it to be real between us, son. It's as close as official as I could make it."

"It is real between us," Josh said. "But I gotta think about it, Dad. That's a big step. A real big step."

"I know, son," Ryan replied. He should have known better. He was basically asking to take the place of Mike Carter, in a way. "I should have talked to you about the idea before doing anything."

"Yes, Dad, you should have."

"You mad?" This was the most contrite that Josh had ever seen Ryan.

"No. A little overwhelmed, but I'm flattered that you'd want this."

"You know I want it, Joshie."

"I just gotta think about it, Ry." Then, realizing his slip, he added. "Is it OK if I use your first name, Dad? I don't mean any disrespect, sir."

"That's all right, son." Ryan let out a deep breath. This wasn't how he expected the conversation to go when he talked to a lawyer buddy of his, one he felt he could trust. But he was starting to see it wasn't the best idea.

"I love you, sir. But I got two dads in my life now, you and Daddy Mike. And it's great. But it's also a lot to deal with."

"We're not going to rush anything, Joshie. I want what's going to make you happy. That's what made me become a dad to you in the first place. How much it turned you on. To give you a chance for what you'd been missing."

"I know, Ry, sir, I do. It's been the most awesome, most amazing thing I could imagine. To have sex with my dad, day in and day out. I think it's become something for you, too. More than just making me happy. Am I right, Dad?"

"Your father thought he was too old to learn anything new until you came along, Josh."

Ryan was becoming more like his biological father.

Josh noticed the simple changes first. Ryan was letting his chest fur grown in real thick now. It was just like his biological father's, thicker even. Josh always liked Ryan's power chest, but the hair made it even more magnificent. The cherry on the sundae was a patch of gray hair growing into the dark brown, just below the neck, matching the patches that had come in on his temples over the last year. Josh's libido was always active, but given Ryan's habit of walking around and hanging about their place shirtless, he was nonstop horny and would take any opportunity to run his hand along Ryan's beefy, hairy torso or to nuzzle his face between the hard muscle mounds and lick the fur till he worked his way all around to the man's nipples..

"Little buddy likes the fur, huh?" Ryan would laugh as Josh went to town, motorboating the ex-jock's best assets. When he couldn't take any more Josh would lean over to the end table and reach for the trusty lube. Standing up, he'd straddle Ryan and pump a thick wad all over the man's chest.

"Now I'm going to have to take another shower, buddy," he said to Josh, winking to let him know he wasn't perturbed. Living with Josh had spiked his sex drive, but his younger partner's was through the roof. He still didn't know how the kid could come 2, 3 times a day on a regular basis.

"Why don't you leave it on you, Dad? Let everyone smell my scent on you..."

Ryan looked at him in surprise. He'd never seen the territorial Josh, never seen his boy turn the tables on him, but he decided he kind of liked it. Playfully, he started smearing the sperm all over his torso, letting the musky liquid matt down his chest and ab hairs. Already he could feel the jism drying and crusting up.

"Fuck," Josh growled with satisfaction. "You're going to do it, aren't you? Keep my dried sperm on you all day."

"If my boy wants it, then yeah." He was giving Josh an impish smile now.

Then there was Ryan's hair. He'd been growing it out for a while, but it wasn't until he got back from the barber that Josh realized why. The man who walked in the door had the same haircut, the exact same haircut as Mike Carter. Medium-short, a little longer on top, trimmed on the side. On Ryan, the gray temples really stuck out, and his brown was a shade darker than Mike's. But the resemblance was stunning.

"Whoa," Josh said.

Ryan was a little nervous. Maybe it was too much, like those adoption papers.... So he was relieved when Josh got up from the couch, already throwing hard in his shorts and walked over and met Ryan in a passionate kiss.

Ryan broke the kiss at last. He peeled off his shirt. "I gotta shower off all the stray hairs," he teased knowing the effect his hairy chest would have on the boy.

If anything, he underestimated the effect. Josh pretty much attacked him, manhandling his jeans enough to work out his rapidly hardening cock then going to town on it. Deep steady throat strokes, bobbing his head furiously on that hard daddy spike.

Josh's throat was opening right up, letting that fat stalk in. Ryan knew if there was a time he could go rough, this was it. He gripped the young man's ears and held the head steady. "Daddy's gonna drive this time, OK, Joshie?" he growled while his cock started a slow steady fuck motion. In and out, gentle at first then picking up in intensity. Then harder, punishing thrusts that pounded Josh's gullet. Involuntary tears were streaming down Josh's face as he struggled to accommodate the face fuck but his young cock was fully boned and leaking in his jeans.

"Goddamnit, taking Daddy's motherfucking sperm!" Ryan yelled as his prick unloaded in a furious spray of his salty seed, right down Josh's throat.

"Christ, you're good to me," he said softly as he patted Josh's head and wiped away a tear.

He pulled out and hoisted Josh up, using his superior upper body strength to toss the kid on the couch. Within seconds, he'd undone the jeans and shucked them. Josh's cock was reddened and dripping, as hard as it had ever been.

"Why don't you take it out on Daddy, now, son?" Ryan said as he swallowed that staff and felt Josh's hands grip his ears, steadying him for payback.

One week, Ryan and Josh were finishing up dinner and washing up before settling in to watch TV for the evening.

"I found out today I have to go to Florida for work," Ryan said, relaying the news he'd gotten from his boss. "Jerry wants me to stay there throughout Spring Training. Or at least most of it. I'll be gone at least a week and a half."

"Yeah?" Josh said. "I'll miss you, Dad."

Ryan leaned forward and kissed the young man. "I'll miss you too son. I feel particularly bad breaking my promise."

"Your promise?"

"I promised my son I wouldn't make him wait a week for sex ever again. Remember?"

Josh recalled now. Their argument and the make-up sex at the beach. Until then he couldn't recall a time they'd gone more than 3 days without sucking or fucking, and even those times were when Ryan travelled.

"Oh this doesn't count, Dad."

Ryan shook his head. "A promise is a promise."

"We can skype. Or phone sex," Josh said. "If you have time."

"I'll make time. Of course. But I was thinking Josh...." He hoped his boy wouldn't take this the wrong way. "I want you to be free to find someone for a little fun while I'm gone."

"Oh Dad, I don't need...." he started objecting.

"No, hear me out," he said in a stern voice that eerily reminded Josh of his biological father's. "I'm not talking about about anything other than get-your-rocks-off, blow-a-load sex. I can trust you, and I want you happy. It'll be like the threeways, only I'll be there in spirit, cause I've given you permission."

"Dad, I'm not going to want that."

"Please Josh, don't say no. Don't decide now. Just know I say it's OK."

"This is about more than the sex isn't it, Dad?"

"It's hard to explain, but yes."

"I'm a pretty good listener," Josh said, pulling up a chair.

"Actually you're a lousy listener," Ryan winked, "but you deserve an explanation. When I was with Andy I was all gung-ho with the monogamous relationship thing and thought guys who cheated were scumbags of the earth and who could do that?" He'd told Josh about his longest relationship , including the details of how it ended, including the cheating. But he hadn't ever talked about the emotional side. "Then all of a sudden I was one of those scumbags. I was swept away by emotions and pure fuckin' lust that I didn't know I had. I'll own up to my mistake and my failing. But looking back, I knew I was so susceptible cause I'd repressed a lot. Didn't even let myself so much as look at another guy. And then one day all that pent up sexual energy came roaring back with a vengeance."

"So...." Josh started, skeptically, "You're afraid I'm going to cheat on you if I don't go out and bang a bunch of guys?"

"Whoa, whoa...who said anything about a `bunch,' Mister?" Ryan joked. "You're a good kid, Josh, and no I don't expect you to cheat. But I also know this is the first long-term relationship you've had. On top of that you're 24 with a sex drive that should be bottled and sold in a pill. I thought this might be away of removing some of the tension between what your body wants and what your minds wants."

"How do you know what I want, deep down?" Josh countered. Not hostile but challenging Ryan a little.

"A guess, that's all. I don't know for sure. That's why it's got to be your call. Next week, you'll know if you need it. If not, great."

"Is that what you want, too, Dad? To fuck someone on the road?"

"Nope. That's not what I want, kid. I have a few years on you in playing the field and I think I got a lot out of my system in those years."

"I still don't know where you're coming from with this, Dad," Josh said, resigning himself. "But the crazy thing is, I kind of want to know."

"Then it's a deal? You want say no to the idea yet?"

"If it makes you feel better, I won't say no. Yet. Happy?"

"Yes," Ryan smiled.

"Never a dull moment around here with you, Dad," Josh finally said as they settled in front of the television.

Then later, Ryan spoke up. "By the way, if it's OK with you, I thought I'd invite Mike to a couple of the games while I'm down there."

"Yeah, that's great." Josh was continually surprised how well Ryan and Mike got along. "I'm sure he would love that."

  • Josh was coping all right with Ryan's absence at Spring Training. He's had a couple of really nice jerkoff sessions and on the second night, he and Ryan had a long two-fer session by video chat.

Moreover, he decided to use the extra time at the gym. He'd always maintained his body, but over the last year he'd probably been slacking a little. Besides, Ryan was right, Josh had a natural metabolism and always managed to look great.

When he was a teenager, his goal, with his father's encouragement, was to bulk up for football. When he was in college he went for all around muscle and general fitness. After, as he moved to New York and came out of the closet, it occurred to Josh that his body was a sex object for other men. All of a sudden he had found himself doing more body sculpting. Priming up his biceps, and pumping that favorite part of his, his chest. He got a trainer, too, who finally told him to stop with that shit, it was going to lead to an imbalanced look. "Trust me, guy," Matt had said. "You got a perfect body, don't go fucking it up because you're trying to be something else. We'll work on some goals and get you there."

Josh tried to keep that in mind since, and it was his guiding principle in the gym. Only lately, he thought of Ryan. What this Daddy figure liked in Josh. It gave Josh motivation to go the extra mile. To spend even more time on these areas. So for the last month, Josh had gone gung-ho on core, core, and more core. And he'd doubled his leg and gluteal workout.

The results were paying off. Josh Carter had a naturally beautiful set of bubble buns, the perfect proportion. Mostly hard muscle but a layer of cushiony baby fat. The new workouts were making his ass balloon out further and stick out like a shelf from his lower back. He wasn't sure if Ryan had noticed or not, but the man sure seemed to be extra grabby with his butt lately. And Josh had been learning what Ryan could do with his tongue back there. Ass eating was never high on either man's agenda when they first started dating but now it was like they were both discovering or maybe rediscovering it. Some nights it wasn't the warm up but the main event.

Maybe Josh was getting too lost in thoughts cause he noticed he'd started chubbing out in his gym shorts. Reclining on the leg press machine, he was boning up. Not full-on fuck hard but certainly a night stiff cock poking up. He blushed a little, particularly as he saw a man was staring off and on at Josh, his eyes directed at the young man's crotch. Josh's admirer was mid-40s, textbook DILF. Medium height, dark haired with silver flecks, brown eyes, Italian American looks, real attractive face that seemed to belong to a suburban married dude rather than an urban gay guy. The body, though, was pure Chelsea: gym toned sinewy muscle kept honed by hours at the gym and in yoga. For Mr. DILF, too, this was a legs day and he was resting up at the squat rack, staring down Josh through the mirror.

And suddenly, it clicked. What Ryan had told him. The permission Ryan gave him. It gave Josh the freedom to act ballsy. Just knowing this was a possibility made his cock expand to full size and hardness, on full display of this guy. He locked eyes with the man and felt a rush of lust course through his 24 year old body. He felt sexual and powerful and as in-control as he ever had. His eyes traveled down Mr. DILF's backside, to the gorgeous daddy buns that were framed by a pair of nylon shorts. The buns were pert and round, not like Ryan's ex-jock ass, but there was still a bulk and give that gave them away as belonging to a forty something. They were turning Josh on and adding fuel to the fire of his hardon.

Mr. DILF looked at Josh with a gaze of incredulous lust, not quite believing this young stud was displaying himself in the gym, seemingly just for him. He watched as Josh lowered himself in the leg press and started banging out a set, straining with the high weight but also powering through. The whole time with a large hardon in his floppy shorts. He himself had worn boxer briefs and was both glad they were keeping his boner in check and uncomfortable with the constrained lump of his crotch. He knew he'd have to wait a minute before another set of squats if he wanted to be safe. At this rate he'd have to wait for this kid to finish up and move one.

Instead, Josh shook the ache out of his legs and stood up. There was no one else in the room at the moment, so he strode over to Mr. DILF. Hardon throwing proud and high. "Hi. Need a spot?" he offered, his eyes boring into the man's as he stood, legs spread, arms on his waist.

Jesus Christ, the man thought. This is like a porn movie. "Um sure," he stammered and before he knew it, the twentysomething stud's body was pressed to his back. He could feel that erection against his ass all right and it felt even more magnificent than it looked. Steel hard like only a young guy's cock gets hard. And those hands on his waist, gripping on loosely but snug enough.

"How many you going for?" Josh asked.

"Eight," Mr. DILF replied.

"We'll do ten," Josh said. And as the man started his set, sure enough he found the energy within to pump out a couple extra reps. He needed a little assist from the young man on the last one, but most of it was him. Trying to impress this satyr of a gym stud.

As he reracked the weights, Josh's bod pressed against him closer, just for a second, but fuck, it felt hot. "Man, you got a great ass," Josh whispered in the man's ear.

"Thanks," he replied dumbly, his heart racing. He couldn't remember being hornier. Not in a long time at least.

"Listen," continued Josh. "I gotta go over and do some stretches to get this boner to go away. But what do you say we go somewhere after?"

"Hell yeah," Mr. DILF said, trying to think of what he could do to cool his jets. "I'd like that. A lot."

It was nearly 8 o clock when Josh left Mr. DILF's condo, two loads lighter and with an extra spring in his step. He hadn't eaten dinner and was now starving, but it was worth it. Maybe more than he realized, Josh missed topping. At least it felt right the way this bottom daddy had come on to him at the gym and the way he'd taken the guy twice, first in doggy position, the second time on his back. Fucked two loads out of the man and gotten off both times himself. High on post sex endorphins, Josh felt like king of the world.

He was glad he didn't know the dude's name. It was like Ryan said, just pure drain-the-balls sex. Taking the edge off. Josh would have to tell Ryan he was right. Yet again.

And, as he'd tell Ryan later, maybe because he took the top role it didn't substitute for what he had with Ryan. Not only literally - Josh's hole was Ryan's and Ryan's only, he decided - but also psychologically. Only Ryan punched those emotional buttons with him. Sometimes it seemed like too much, but the next moment they drew the young man into a bond that was more intense, more sexual, more deeply emotional than he ever imagined possible.

Ryan had noticed the changes in Josh's gym routine, and the changes to Josh's already body. He almost hated seeing the men's magazine model perfection being tampered with in any way, but damn, that ass was insane. Bulging, hard, ripe, and begging for attention. And pay attention Ryan did. He couldn't keep his horny hands off Josh's behind. He was wanting anal more and more. And instead of having Josh go down on him those quiet weeknights for a post-work or pre-bedtime blow-and-cum session, he was just as often bending Josh over for a deep tongue rim job. Or having Josh sit on Ryan's face while both guys whacked off furiously. The thought alone that Ryan was eating out his son's jock ass was enough to make the man spew one of his bigger loads.

It all gave Ryan extra incentive to push his own build. Though had a large muscular, even beefy, build, Ryan lacked the football player body that Mike Carter had. He had a more balanced, compact frame than Mike, who was simply bulging in his upper body and not as trim in his midsection. So Ryan tracked down a strength conditioning coach for the NY Giants he knew and arranged for some training sessions with some specific goals in mind. He showed the trainer one of Josh's pics of Mike shirtless by the pool as an example. Bigger shoulders and arms, really work the back, and draw on the strengths of his already powerful chest. At his age, his body was taking longer to respond, but sure enough, he was gradually adding more bulk. He was losing the tightness of his midsection and now what had been the nascent love handles had grown into about five, and eventually ten pounds of ex-jock padding, but that was the price to pay. Ryan was slowly looking more like an ex-football player. More like Mike Carter.

Even now, this whole week he'd called a favor and finagled off-hours access to the Royals' weight training facility. Doing his early morning workout, he looked in the mirror and rubbed out the ache that was building in Ryan's shoulders. A couple more sets, he could do it. For Joshie.

Hanging out with Mike the previous night was a reminder of what he was going for. Ryan did get a slight pang of conscience. Here he'd actually grown to be on real good terms with Josh's father. Mike treated him like a buddy, an equal, rather than a son-in-law or whatever. Maybe that made the age difference between Ryan and Josh less awkward. Maybe it was the natural consequence of the men having so much in common. Mike reminded Ryan of his buddies back in his ballplaying days before they'd all got married and Ryan had come out. Reminded him of the rapport he had with friends like Greg.

So yeah, the Royals-Cubs game had been a fun time in an otherwise hectic workweek. Both men had drunk a beer or two too many and were feeling buzzed by the end but it was all good. It was great to see Mike let his guard down a little, talk about his sons, or the latest college girl he was dating. Talk freely, like to a buddy.

"You know, Ryan, you're all right" he leaned over in the eighth inning, slurring his words a little. "I was real pissed off when Josh told me he was dating a 44 year old. I didn't want some guy taking advantage of my son. But I decided not to be such a goddamned hypocrite. Christ, I was fucking an 18 year old at the time."

"Besides," he continued, "the minute I met you, I knew you were on the up and up. I can tell a stand up guy when I see him."

"Thanks, Mike," Ryan said. He could definitely see where Josh got his headstrong sense of ethics from. "That means a lot coming from you."

"I think Josh needed someone in his life like you." He turned to look at Ryan intently, then added. "You know, I might not know much about gay stuff, but I'm not dumb. Christ, of all the guys in the New York City, my boy had to pick that one who almost looks like me."

Ryan's heart pounded a mile a minute. He started to say something but didn't know what to say. The alcohol was clouding his mind, but he knew he stepping in a minefield and that one false move would make it all blow up.

Only Mike clasped his hand on Ryan's meaty shoulder. "But it's all good. Josh and I went through a rough patch and it's great to see him happy now. And I got you to thank for that. It's like having my old Joshie back." One more pat on the back, and he leaned back and held up his empty cup.

"One more beer? Whaddya say?"

Throughout the evening, Ryan was in the back of his mind watching Mike. Studying the man. Learning what made him tick. Memorizing his mannerisms and the way he'd speak. Watching the way he'd sit or carry his body when he walked.

When he got back to his hotel room, drunk and feeling pleasant, he looked into the mirror and practiced talking like Mike. "You know, Ryan, you're all right," he said aloud in a pretty good imitation of Josh's father. Then slipping back to his normal voice, he said, "You're all right, too, Mike. You're all right, too."

Next: Chapter 10

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