Daddy Issues

By Bill Drake - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 3, 2015


Daddy Issues Bill Drake (

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The usual disclaimers apply: this is a made-up fictional story for adult readers only. As the title suggests, this story has some strong incest themes, but no actual relations between family members.

Thanks to the writers who inspired this one, and thanks to the readers who've emailed me.

Daddy Issues


They decided to tie the knot in May, nothing too big.

Ryan tried to beg off the bachelor party his buddies wanted to throw him, but Josh insisted he go.

"When was the last time you hung out with some of those guys?" Josh asked and Ryan realized he was right. So Ryan booked his ticket to San Francisco and coordinated with his buddies. It was going to be his baseball friends from his past and his New York gay buddies, and he wasn't sure how that would all go down, but it'd be fine. He was looking forward to it, he decided.

As March came along and the date drew nearer, Josh asked if he was ready.

"I've been ready since November, son," Ryan said.

"That's because I've been making most of the arrangements," Josh quipped.

"And doing a bang-up job of it, son. I appreciate it. I really do."

"I do have one request, Dad."


"Would you consider getting your haircut?"

Ryan looked at him a little off guard. Ryan kept his hair appointments frequent and though medium short in length, it was alway perfectly groomed. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Something wrong with it?"

"No, I love it. I have loved it since you grew it out. But it's Mike Carter's haircut. At least for the wedding, I want it back to the way you had it when we first met."


"Yessir. I'm going to be marrying Ryan Miller, not Mike Carter. My real dad, not my biodad. And I don't know, I like the symbolism of having the old Ryan Miller haircut back."

"I'm speechless, J.R." He looked at Josh with a heavy gaze. "We've been through a lot, and that's the most incredible, amazing thing you've ever said to me."

"Dad..." Josh was embarrassed now.

"No, I'm touched. I never knew, never know, how far to mimic Mike."

"Oh, it's a real turnon, Dad. I mean, like an unbelievable, crazy turnon. Takes me back to my youth in some fucked up way. And so, yeah, keep that in the mix, but I'm doing this to become Josh Miller, not have you become Mike Carter."

Ryan thought a bit. "I can lose some of my padding," he said, patting his daddy gut that now clung tenaciously to his muscle frame. "Get back to my old fighting weight."

"That's up to you Dad. I love it either way. Honest."

Ryan smiled. That's it, he decided. Diet and exercise straight on out, until the bachelor party at least. Slim up to fit back into some of his old clothes. "Anything else you can think of? You know, to get the old Ryan Miller back?"

"Well," Josh blushed. "You don't have to... but I was thinking. Maybe we can shave your chest, back to the way it was."

"You miss your daddy smooth, huh?" Ryan grinned.

"At least for the wedding," Josh clarified, not sure he wanted to relinquish the fur for the future.

"And by `we' I take it you want to help your dad shave off?"

Josh nodded eagerly, and was nearly gasping as he watched Ryan pull of his shirt, revealing his large, muscular torso.

"That's a lot of hair," Ryan said.


"One last feel?"

Josh's hands were on the pelt, in the hairs, running his fingers along the chest and stomach, taking in every inch.

"You sure about this?"

"Yeah, Dad."

"OK, off to the bathroom we go."


"Sure, why not," Ryan smirked. "You need a smooth-chested daddy to get married to."

The shaving his Daddy was one of the most erotic things Josh had done. Ryan let him do all the work, first with clippers, then Josh coated the massive expansive of muscle and beef and gut with shave gel and started running the razor blade over the surface, denuding his father's chest and abdomen. By the time he was done, both men were hard as iron in their shorts.

Ryan didn't even bother to rinse off. He and Josh fucked right there on the bathroom floor, face to face, with only some shave gel as lubricant. Josh got off on the smooth bulk rubbing against his naked torso. Ryan had bulked up since he was last smooth and to Josh it was like experiencing the extra size anew. His cock rubbing the extra mass of beefy dadbod, along that beer belly that was the carbon copy of Mike Carter's, till it spewed between his dad's smooth belly and his own rippled abs.

"Joshua Riley Carter Miller, I love you," Ryan said as he entered his own orgasm, deep inside his boy.

Ryan had to travel again for work to Spring Training and this year Josh decided to go as well, in order to visit his parents. His mother was doing well, with a new boyfriend Hank, a 50-something widower, who was coming to the wedding. She'd gone from being upset with Josh to being his biggest fan. Funny how time heals wounds, Josh thought and he enjoyed spending a couple of days with Mom and Hank before meeting up with his bio-father.

It was hard all around to break the news that he was changing his name. His mother wasn't fazed much - after all she'd probably be changing her name again when she and Hank got married. Dad took it harder and the look of disappointment on his face broke Josh's heart.

"Dad, I'll still be a Carter. Just Carter-Miller now."

"I didn't know that two men did that. Took each other's names."

"They don't always do that," Josh said. "Maybe not even usually. But that's what I'm doing."

"Is Ryan doing the same thing?"

"I haven't asked him about it. Probably not. This is on me." Josh bit his lip, unsure what to say. "Listen, you told me once not to apologize for going my own way. Well, I'm not apologizing for this. I mean, it kills me to disappoint you, but this is right for me and I know it."

"Oh Joshie," Mike said, a little perturbed. "You're not disappointing me. You're an amazing son. But it's hard to explain. When you're a father, you get attached to things. Silly things like names. But it's all secondary." He seemed unusually pensive. "I'm your father and I'm here for you, when and how you need me. I'll be cheering you and Ryan on in May and I love you both."

Josh was getting choked up. He'd seen his father emotional, even supportive before, but this felt raw. "Thanks, Dad," he said. It was about all he could say or else he knew he'd start crying.

"You know, made me happy when you chose your brother as your best man," he continued.

Josh had considered asking Darren to be his best man, but in the end realized Zach was the one. "I knew there was no one else I'd want standing up there with me. Worst part of New York is not being around for all of Zach's success."

"I always got the feeling you were jealous of him," Mike said.

"I was. A lot. But I'm over it, honest. You know how when I was a kid and I thought it was the coolest thing that my dad was a professional football player?"

"Yeah," Mike smiled. "I remember."

"Well, it's gonna be like that again. I'm gonna be able to brag about my baby brother and his pro career and watch him every Sunday."

"He's not in the pros, yet," Mike said.

"We will be. You know it too."

The corners of Mike's mouth turned up in a sly acknowledgment. "You're probably right, Joshie."

The next night, Ryan had gotten the three tickets to a Mets game. Him and Josh and Mike. And once again, Mike and Ryan were thick as thieves, gabbing the whole night.

When Ryan went to get them some more beers, Mike clapped his hand on Josh's shoulder. "If you're gonna take anyone else's name, son, Ryan's as good a guy as you could find."

Ryan was starting to trim down and the effect was stunning. He still carried the heaving muscle in his bulking shoulders, giant arms, and that massive chest, but his midsection got flatter.

The night before Ryan left on his bachelor party trip, Josh gave him an extended blowjob to remember, alternating between feeling Ryan's big body and servicing the man.

After Ryan had come in Josh's mouth, the younger man leaned up, a smile on his face.

"That gonna last you a couple of days?"

"Jesus, J.R. It better. You're the best, man."

"Well," Josh said. "While you're away... I want you to enjoy yourself."

"Those guys can drink me under a table, but yeah I'll have a good time."

"No, Dad. I mean like when you go away and let me have my fun. I want it like that for you."

"J.R.," Ryan said. "I told I don't need that."

"Dad, you're marrying me, and I want you to have one last time to fuck a guy like that. Alone, no-strings fucking." Then copying Ryan's earlier words, he said, "I'm not asking you to do it, Dad, I'm asking you not to say no."

"Jesus. How did I raise such a persuasive kid?" Ryan winked. "All right, I'm not saying no."


The party was a blast, but Ryan woke up the next morning with a hangover to beat all. A light streamed in through a crack in the curtains of the hotel room, streaming right in into his eyes. He groaned as he roused up and stood. Every muscle in his body hurt, particularly his throbbing head. He wasn't in his 20s anymore, that's for sure. He padded over and shut the drapes, then went to piss, and then drank down a couple of slugs of water with a couple of aspirin.

It wasn't until he got back to the bed that he noticed the nude thick-muscled form sleeping on the other side of the king. It was all coming back to him now. Steak dinner and cigar bar with the fellas, followed by whiskey shots, until his gay friends finally stole Ryan away to the Castro for some gay nightlife.

The man sleeping away was a college kid, a Stanford baseball player in fact, who'd come up to SF for some fun and, well, to get laid. Ryan fit the bill and then more. Some small talk, some flirting, and Ryan felt he was back playing one of his favorite games, one last time. Pursue, charm, pick up, fuck. And that's what he did. The two men went at it back in Ryan's hotel room, drunkenly, but with enough sexual energy for two rounds.

Ryan would have to deal with this dude later. For now, his head pounded and he was still groggy, so he crawled back under the sheets, his nude body sliding next to the college kid's as he lay his arm over the kid's midsection in a spoon position.

He didn't wake for a couple more hours, when he felt the kid's meaty ass humping back at him. "Mmmm..." he murmured.

"Someone didn't get enough last night?" His morning wood roared with a vengeance.

The young man turned his head a little. He was wide awake and horny. "I know you said it would have to be a one-time thing, but... I was hoping this still counts as that one time."

"Sure does, buddy," Ryan said, his voice still cracking as he woke up. He rolled over toward the nightstand where a pile of condoms, a couple of them used, and tube of lubricant lay. He prepped himself, and made sure the kid was prepped. This was not an urgent fuck or rushed, but Ryan wasn't in the mood for foreplay. Thankfully, neither was the Stanford ballplayer. The kid's hole dilated up as Ryan's fat sheathed cock invaded it.

"Yah," he moaned. "Fuck me."

It had been a while since Ryan had done it in a side position, but he was enjoying this. He lifted the guy's leg up in a half-scissor, to allow himself to plow deeper. They didn't talk - Ryan wasn't feeling his normal verbal self that morning - but instead just fucked. Steady, horny, and loving the connection of their muscular bodies. Just as Ryan was picking up steam, and the kid too, he pulled out.

He got up and walked across the room, his rubbered erection bobbing in front of him, while the young jock looked on, confused. Ryan bent over to the pile of clothes they'd discarded the night before and picked it up. A dark red cap with a white S. He tossed over to his fuck partner. "Here, put this on," he said gruffly. "I wanna know I'm fucking a baseball jock."

The kid smiled as he put on the cap, happy to be objectified by this satyr of a daddy hunk. Reclining back, he shimmied his ass down and lifted his thick catcher thighs up. Ryan crawled back in and started fucking without delay. The view was magnificent. He'd have to thank J.R. for this wedding gift. For now, he just fucked and let his pleasure build up. He wasn't even trying to get the kid off but sure enough Stanford Guy started cumming all over his hunky torso. That made Ryan smile and ejaculate into his rubber.

Later, the athlete was all dressed and ready to go, though a look at Ryan's still nude body made him consider angling for an invitation to stay longer. "Thanks for an amazing night," he said as they swapped spit at the door.

"Yeah, you too. You're real hot." For a moment he thought of trading contact information with the jock, in case he and Josh were ever out this way again. Maybe they could arrange a threesome. But he questioned his motives and instead just gave one more kiss and opened the door for the guy. It was better this way: no names, no emotion, just pure sex. Josh had talked about the feeling before, how he's approached his hookups when Ryan was away, and now Ryan was learning from his son.

Josh's bachelor party was tamer, which was fine with him. He wanted to make sure Zach could join and be appropriate for his straight little brother in attendance. Which meant no bars.

"I got a fake ID," Zach objected.

"No way. I'm not having you on the line for breaking any NCAA rules. This isn't Tallahassee," Josh said.

A friend and coworker ended up hosting the party at his roofdeck in Brooklyn. There was in fact a stripper, a cheesy Chippendales-style police officer one, which cracked up the fellows. Even Zach seemed to get into it, mostly because it embarrassed the hell out of his big brother.

As the evening wore on and the crowd thinned out a little, Josh was feeling drunk and satisfied. His friends were the best in the world. He decided to go check on Zach, who was sitting alone at the moment. "Having a good time, bro?" he asked.

"Yeah, Josh. Just admiring the view." They could see a bit of the Manhattan skyline. "You have a pretty good life here in New York."

"Yeah, I'm happy."

"Cool. I wasn't sure, I didn't see of you as much after you and Dad had that fight."

"We didn't fight," Josh corrected.

"Whatever, you weren't talking to each other much. You didn't come home."

"Yeah, sorry about that, buddy. For you."

"Oh I'm fine," he said, seriously. Josh could tell: Zach really was fine.

"Listen... you don't have any weed by chance?" Before Josh could object, he butted in, "Only time this week I'll ask, I promise."

Josh grinned. "I can get Jesse to give us some." His friend was a habitual smoker.

"Really?" Zach's eyes lighting up. "That'd be awesome."

Josh came back with a couple of splifs. "I think I'll join you."

"I didn't think you..." Zach started.

"From time to time. Hell, it's my bachelor party."

The two enjoyed trading the first joint back and forth. They just made small talk but to Josh and Zach it was the best conversation they'd had in a long time, a chance just to be brothers and buddies and talk stupid shit while getting stoned.

It had been a hectic week. Company in town. Arrangements to be made. Dry cleaning to pick up. But Ryan and Josh decided to take a day before the event and have to to themselves. Zach and his girlfriend were staying at their place, so they booked a downtown hotel room for a couple of nights.

"Let's not make it a quickie this time," Josh said as he tossed his bag down and met his husband-to-be in a kiss. The two made out, soulfully, grinding their crotches into one another. Ryan's body was very familiar to Josh and yet he sometimes couldn't believe how hung his daddy was. Just feeling that thick slab against his own spike was enough to send shivers up his body.

They didn't rush it. Instead they collapsed on the bed and rolled around, occasionally taking breaks to talk, check in with each other. "You doing OK, J.R.?"

"Yeah Dad. A little jitters but I'm so ready for this."

"Me, too, big guy." He kissed Josh and pulled the young man on top of him. "I think I know something to get your mind off things. It's been a while since you've fucked daddy."

Josh's cock throbbed and he grinned. "Yessir, it has."

"Think that would make my boy feel better?"

"Yeah, Dad it would." Josh was getting excited.

"Can you wait a little longer?"

Josh sucked in a deep breath. "I'm pretty horned up, Dad. But yeah. I can wait."

"Good. Cause your dad wants a nice, long rim job first."

Josh growled and attacked his father with his mouth, kissing all along the man's neck and upper chest. He practically ripped the button-down shirt open and started sucking the man's large nipples. He wasn't just going to fuck Ryan Miller, he was going to make love to the man.

Next: Chapter 14

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