Daddy Ceo

By Stallion

Published on Feb 9, 2017


I had only been working in my new job for 3 months. So far, I really liked it. It felt like a good fit, at least for now. My co-workers were pretty chill and easy to get along with. Even though it was a big corporate giant, the work culture was relaxed for the most part. I worked in IT which I really enjoyed. It meant I got to work with a lot of people throughout the company and they generally seemed appreciative of my talents. That's one of the cool things about IT...I had skills and knowledge that others lacked, even the corporate bigwigs who were way higher up the food chain.

Generally, I had a good deal of freedom at work. I could relax and fuck around if nothing major was going on so long as I was there when something did happen that needed my attention. I worked an early morning shift starting at 5am, which meant that I often had a lot of down time and not a lot of people around. It was great because I could sometimes get a little of my homework for school done. I had just started my first college class and I was really trying to stay ahead of things as best I could. I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I knew I needed a good solid education to help me move ahead. I guess I would consider myself ambitious. I mean, I didn't really stress about the future or my career, but at the same time I knew I wanted more than this and I was wiling to do whatever it took to move ahead.

I had just gotten to work that morning, quiet as always. I was nursing my second cup of coffee, trying desperately to wake up. On mornings like this I really appreciated that I was alone for the most part...I wasn't really up for social interaction. I was on my cell, just checking Facebook to see what was going on the world when I heard the help desk queue buzz with an incoming request. It caught me by surprise because we so seldom got requests this early. There weren't many people at work yet. I logged on to the system to retrieve the ticket and couldn't help but smile when I saw it:

Time Employee Location Request Status 5:06am Walden, Gary Executive Suite Computer won't start New

I quickly claimed it before anyone else could see it in the queue, and got up to get my stuff together. The Executive Suite was in a different building from us peons, so I'd have to walk over and it was pretty damn cold. I grabbed by coat, pulled on my hat, grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. I realized I had forgotten my coffee, but didn't want to go back for it. I needed to make a good impression.

Mr. Walden was pretty high up in the company. Let's see...he was my boss's boss's boss's boss. No, wait. My boss's boss's boss's boss's boss. He was a Senior Vice President, and reported directly to the CEO. Most people considered him the second in command and the eventual CEO when Mr. Grayson retired (which had to be soon...Grayson had to be 100 years old!) I smiled thinking about my assignment as I walked briskly through the cold darkness. I had only seen Mr. Walden a couple of times. He came to our new hire orientation and spoke about the company. And then I had resolved a few help desk tickets for his assistant. Even though he had to be making close to 7 figures, he seemed like a really nice genuine guy, very down to earth. I mean, it isn't like I had spoken to him or anything, but he just seemed...ah, hell. He was hot. That was it. He was fucking beautiful.

I got to his building pretty quickly. The parking lot was empty and there weren't a lot of lights on as I swiped my badge to get in. There was a security guy at the desk, so I flashed my badge and he waved me in. I got on the elevator and pressed 8. As the doors closed I took a moment to kind of pull myself together. I wanted to make a really good impression. I looked at myself in the mirrored walls of the elevator...not bad, you know. I was wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black jacket vest, with a nice pair of jeans that fit really really well. I had gotten a haircut yesterday...a Mohawk, with the sides shaved really close. Trimmed beard. Yea, looked pretty hot if I do say so myself. I stared at my nose ring for a moment, wondering if I should take it out. It was okay to wear at work, but a lot of the more conservative executives frowned on them. The doors opened. It was too late, so I just left it in.

I exited the elevator, and headed to the executive suite. It was deserted. Only a few people worked on this floor even during peak hours...executives and their assistants, mostly. I came to the doors to the suite, and swiped my badge but it wouldn't work. Well, of course not. Probably don't want low level people like me just coming and going from the ivory tower. I didn't see anyone in the suite, but pressed the buzzer. After a moment I heard a young male voice respond.

"Good morning, may I help you?"

"Hi, it's Michael from IT, here to help Mr. Walden with a computer issue."

The door clicked, and I pushed it open. I stood just inside trying to decide where to go, when a guy about my age came around the corner. He was dressed in a shirt and tie, clean cut, wholesome. Thin. Probably somebody's bitch.

"Good morning Michael, thank you for coming so quickly. Right this way please."

I followed him towards the back. He stopped at Mr. Walden's door and knocked.

"Come in" called a deep, husky voice from inside. God, I remembered that voice. During orientation, I barely heard a word he said because I was kind of mesmerized by his masculine bass sound. Well, that and his pronounced bulge. The assistant guy opened the door and stepped partway inside.

"Mr. Walden, Michael from IT is here."

"Send him in."

I walked in, suddenly feeling a few butterflies in my stomach for some reason. Weird.

"Good morning, Michael. Sorry to call you out so early today but I am trying to get a report pulled together in time for a meeting this morning, and of course everything has gone to hell. Never fails, right?"

"It's fine, sir. That's why I'm here. I'm sure I can take care of you quickly and get you back to work." Hmm. That had been an odd choice of words, and I suddenly felt my face flush. Glanced quickly at him to see if he had noticed anything, and could swear I saw a little bit of a sparkle in his eyes. God, those eyes. Piercing blue. They would've been the first thing I'd notice if it weren't for, well, everything else. He was probably in his early 50's and I really had a thing for older daddy types. His head was shaved, and he had an amazing beard with just a little bit of gray. He was a big guy, probably like 6'4". Rocking a dad bod, for sure. He was wearing a gray pinstripe suite with a navy blue tie and let's just say it all fit him really well. And yea, there was that famous bulge I remembered so well.

"So..." he said, his words jarring me back into reality. I realized I had been standing there staring at him for a few seconds. Ugh. Pull yourself together, Michael.

I asked him a few quick questions about the computer issue and got to work. I came over behind his desk and sat in his of those giant leather executive chairs. Wow, this was a different world entirely. He came over and stood next to me as I started to run through my usual checklist. Cables, power, etc. It was all pretty routine, so my mind wandered around a bit. I noticed several framed photos on his desk. A beautiful woman, must be his wife. I had asked around, and damn it, yes, he was straight and married. Figures. There were lots of kid photos and a really cute drawing that said "I love my daddy" that had been framed. There was a photo of the family at the beach, the happy couple, 3 kids, a was the first time I had seen Mr. Walden out of a suit. He was wearing a really tight fitting swimsuit and it showed off his bulge to perfection. No wonder his wife looked so happy. Damn, bitch. And he had ink! Wow, I never would have guessed he had a tattoo. He had this awesome tribal sleeve on his right arm. So fucking hot.

I was glad to see he was hairy. Like, covered in hair. Okay. That's it. I've found my dream daddy. Everything I want in a man, well, except for the straight married part. Fuck. Never fails. Although, truth be told that just made him even hotter.

I glanced over my right shoulder to where Mr. Walden was standing. He was checking his phone, slightly irritated at something. His crotch was right at eye level, so I enjoyed the view for a moment. I was trying to decide if it was all balls, or what. I mean, it was significant. That was like a full meal for a boy like me. He moved slightly and I quickly looked back to my work.

"Michael, I'm going to get a cup of coffee...would you like one as well?"

"Yes sir, I would...if it isn't too much trouble."

Mr. Walden picked up his phone and asked his assistant to come in.

"Rick, can you get us two cups of coffee please?"

Rick hurried away, and was back in a moment with two cups of coffee... smelled amazing. He put them down on the bar (yea, he had a bar in his office!) and went back out to his desk.

"Michael, do you like cream?"

Okay, I admit I choked a little on that one. I was trying to suppress a giggle. Yea. Coffee. He means coffee, idiot. But I couldn't help myself.

"Yes sir, a lot of cream." I swear to god I think he smiled a little.

The coffee was great. I'm a bit of a coffee addict, so I know my stuff. I decided I would show off a little.

"This is great coffee. Is it Kona?"

"Actually, yes it is. You know it well?"

"Yes sir, it's my favorite."

"Mine too. We have a place in Hawaii, so I try to stock up while I'm over there so I always have it on hand. Glad you like it."

So yea, Hawaii. Of course he has a place there. And of course now I can't stop thinking about him in that swimsuit, splashing me in the surf, pushing me down in the sand, mounting me right there on the beach, the sand on my back, his dick in my...

"So do you think it can be fixed?" Damn. Back to reality.

"Yes sir, I think the power cable is damaged. Just need to replace it and hopefully it should work." I got down on the floor and crawled under his desk. I quickly replaced the cable and made sure everything was connected. As I did so, Mr. Walden moved over towards the desk and was standing just beyond my feet. I could see him from the waist down, standing there facing the desk. That bulge. Damn, how does he get any work done???

As I sat there under his desk admiring that package, I saw his hand reach down and adjust it. He sort of shifted everything to the right slightly, and oh my god he was getting an erection. Let me just say, no, it was not all balls. Holy shit. I wasn't entirely sure what to do, but decided to sit there and enjoy the view for a moment. His suit pants fit really well, and showcased his growing cock nicely. I don't think he was completely hard, but pretty close to it. It had to be 8 inches and from the faint outline, it looked really thick. Of course, now my dick was raging hard. I wasn't sure how I'd explain that away when I emerged.

I sat there for a moment trying to decide what to do. I mean, I knew what I WANTED to do, but seriously. I wonder how I could signal my interest, just, you know, in case. But no, I knew he was married and straight, And hell, even if he did fool around, he could fucking get anyone he wanted, anytime. I thought about his assistant Rick. I wonder if Rick performs "other duties as assigned."

As I was thinking all of this, I heard him pick up his phone again.

"Rick, I don't want to be disturbed for now so please hold any calls or visitors until I let you know."

Hmm. That was odd. Maybe he is going to focus on his report? But why would he say that now. Unless...well, because of his position I knew he couldn't really act first. That could be bad if it backfired. So I needed to somehow let him know I was open to, well, anything. God. Anything. Seriously. Anything.

I twisted around and began to crawl out form under the desk. He was still standing right there. I maneuvered so that my face came out from under the desk right where his crotch was located. I paused, my face inches away from his massive meat.

He reached down and adjusted it slightly, making sure I could see it in all its glory. I kept my eyes focused on it, licking my lips hungrily.

I heard a deep, quiet voice, almost in a whisper "Go ahead son, take it."

My hands were shaking. I reached up and unzipped his suit pants. I looked up at him to make sure I wasn't dreaming any of this. Those beautiful blue eyes were staring down at me and he was smiling. I reached my hand into his fly and felt the warmth of his cock through his underwear. I pulled the waistband down and slid my hand down the shaft...goddamn, it was massive. I needed two hands for this. I managed to get his dick and balls out of his underwear, and coaxed them out of his fly. Shit. There it was. God, if he knew how many times I had jerked off dreaming about his cock...

He was now standing there in front of me in his suit, his zipper down, and a fat 8 ½ inch slab of meat standing straight up. And god was it thick. It surpassed all of my fantasies. I touched it, caressed it, tweaked it. It was an incredibly pretty dick, if that makes sense. A perfectly shaped cock head, a thick meaty shaft, fat nuts, a hot ginger bush... incredible. I leaned in and nuzzled my face into his pubes and took a deep breath. The smell of his manhood was intoxicating. I rubbed my beard all over it, trying to take on his smell. He groaned a little, and arched his back.

His hands found their way to my head, and he grabbed my hair. A Mohawk has distinct advantages! He pulled me to face his hard cock, and rubbed the thick head across my lips. I whimpered a bit...I was so hungry for this. My lips parted slightly and the tip of my tongue reached out and tasted his cock. Holy fuck, it was amazing. The smell, the taste, the size...god, this was a fucking fantasy some true.

I opened my mouth and began to take his cock. It was a bit of a challenge. I mean, I'm no novice. I've been told I'm a damn good cocksucker. A lot of guys tell me they just can't get off with a blowjob, but I am always happy to prove otherwise. But this was thick. It pushed deeper and deeper into my throat. He held me grasping my hair. It was kind of a weird combination of forceful and gentle. He kept slowly pushing in until my nose hit his pubes. He held it there for a moment. Honestly, I couldn't breathe. It filled my throat. I really couldn't breathe. Oh god. But just as I started to get anxious, he began to pull out slowly. He fucked my mouth like that for a good 4 or 5 minutes, just loosening up my throat, getting me all worked up and used to the size.

I moved out from under the desk a little further. He backed up as I did, until his back was against the window. I got slightly more aggressive and began to take charge of his cock. I hungrily swallowed it, using my tongue to caress it as it plunged down my throat. He groaned loudly as I took it all, every inch.

I pulled off of it, and licked the head. I could tell it was driving him crazy. I slid my tongue inside the slit, teasing him. I bit gently on his cockhead, making his entire body quiver. I worked it over good, alternating patterns and rhythms. I could see him getting hotter and hotter. He was moaning and breathing heavy. I could feel his body tense, so I knew I was getting him close. I picked up the pace, and began to slam down on his cock hard. I had him against the wall and put all of my weight into taking his fat dick down my throat. I knew I had him where I wanted him and it was time to make him deliver. I grabbed him by the waist, and pulled him in deep...I felt his hands grabbing at me wildly, one hand grasping my hair again, and the other grabbing the side of my face. His moans grew louder. Louder. He was almost there.

I relinquished control and let him take charge again. He grabbed my hair with one hand and my throat with the other, fucking my face as hard as he could. He was pounding me.

"Fuck yea, bitch. Swallow that fucking cock. Take that fucking big dick down your throat like a goddamned whore."

He was getting into it now. I could tell it was driving him crazy.

"You're gonna drink that fucking load for me. Drink every fucking drop, baby."

His body was heaving, heavy breaths, back arched. He thrust in one more time and screamed out "fuck yea, bitch, drink it like a goddamned whore..."

With that, he erupted in my throat. His load rushed from his cock, and I hungrily swallowed as fast as I could. It was amazing. There was so much cum. He kept pushing it in, with each blast of juice, forcing it down my throat. I kept sucking, trying to get it all. He slowed down the thrusts and his breathing quieted down. He kept his hand on my face as I nursed the last drops from him. I finally pulled back, and he gasped as his cock popped from my mouth.

That taste was incredible. And his smell was all in my beard. I sat for a moment, savoring what had just happened. He was still leaned back against the window with his eyes closed. I stood up, and awkwardly wondered what I should do, or if I should say something. I got my stuff together quickly, and started to walk towards the door.

"Michael, where are you going."

"Um, well, I was going back to work. Your computer is fine now, and well, we're done and all, so..."

"Michael, you're not done."

"I'm sorry sir? Did I forget something?"

"Come over here."

I walked back over to the desk, suddenly worried that I had screwed up something. I was pretty sure the computer was fine. Was he haven't straight remorse? Suddenly regretting that he let me suck him off? Was I going to be in trouble for this? I knew it wasn't my fault, but I also knew that if shit goes down, the little guys always take the fall.

I got over to his desk where he still stood, leaning against the window. His dick was still hanging ot of his suit pants, sticky and wet from the blowjob. I felt my dick surge at the sight of it. I have no idea how, but that fat monster was still as hard as ever.

I stood in front of him for a moment, taking it all in. God he was hot. And yea, see that dick? I sucked that! I sucked off the soon-to-be CEO and I did a damn good job if I say so myself. So, why was I still here?

"Come here, son." Hearing him call me son made my insides melt. That was my thing. I was totally a daddy's boy, and hearing this hot, powerful man call me son made me feel incredible.

I walked up closer to him, and his hands reached out to my neck. He pulled me into him, and his mouth devoured mine. T\It was the most aggressive and sensual kiss I had ever felt. One of his hands closed tightly around my neck...almost too tight. The other hand was behind my head, holding me right where he wanted me. He kissed me with a fiery, masculine passion that was driving me crazy. His tongue thrust into my mouth and down my throat. His lips sucked on mine, and his teeth grazed gently across my mouth. I bit his lower lip lightly, and felt his grip tighten around my neck as I did. He clearly liked it. I could feel his hard, fat cock pushing up against my crotch, and my hands found their way down to it. I squeezed the fat meat with one hand, and stroked his balls with the other.

"Take off your clothes, son" he whispered into my ear. I've never undressed so quickly in my life. I practically ripped my clothes off while he just stood there, watching. Smirking.

I stood before him, completely naked. I think I looked pretty damn hot. My dick was sticking straight up in the air, with my nuts swinging below. I'm more of a cub, I guess...a little bit of hair on my chest, but not a lot. Still, I've never had any complaints. I'm pretty proud of my body.

"You know, son...we look a little bit alike. I noticed that the first time I saw you in orientation."

My heart skipped a beat. He had noticed me in orientation. Oh shit.

"You're probably, what, 24? 25?"

"I just turned 26, sir."

"Nice. About half my age. That's what I figured. We have similar builds, and similar features. I saw you there and thought you could totally pass for my son."

"Well, um, thank you sir. That's quite a compliment coming from you, sir. I had to admit, I was, um, kind of distracted while you were talking to us."

"Distracted? How so?"

"Well, sir, I kept thinking about, well, um...kind of what we just did..."

"Well then, I'm glad we were able to make that happen. I know I enjoyed it."

All this time I was standing there, naked, while he stood there with his dick hanging out of his pants. I still had no idea what I was doing, or where this was heading. He started to move towards me. I backed up slightly, until I was up against his desk.

"Sit down, son." I moved towards the chair when he stopped me. "No, on my desk. Sit down."

I sat on the edge of his desk. It was pretty damn cold against my bare ass, but I didn't complain. I had been sweating so much, it was a nice relief.

He moved in closer to me and was standing between my legs. He leaned in and pulled my head to his chest. Even through his suit, I could smell him. He didn't wear cologne or deodorant or anything, that I could notice. It was just a raw, hot, manly smell. It was fucking amazing. I breathed it in deeply, wanting to get under his shirt to rub my face in it. God, this was incredible.

He lifted my face up and began to kiss me again, with one hand tight around my neck. He clearly enjoyed that choking sensation and I have to say it was kind of hot. It scared me a little, but also turned me on. His other hand came down and spread my legs. His fingers pushed back to find my hole.

I felt his index finger stroking my tight pink ass, making me crazy. He continued to kiss me forcefully, as his fingers began to tease my ass.

"Fuck, that boy cunt feels tight" he moaned. He pushed in lightly, feeling me open up to accommodate him.

He pushed me back so that I was lying on his desk with my ass pushed to the edge. He pushed my legs up so that my ass was exposed. I closed my eyes, trying to savor this moment, It all seemed so unbelievable. My head rolled to one side, and I saw the photo of him and his wife. "Yea, bitch, that big daddy dick is mine now" I thought to myself.

I was bracing myself, expecting his fat cock to rip my hole apart. I was intensely surprised when instead I felt his wet tongue push into my hole.

"Holy fuck, daddy!" I cried out, catching myself too late. Would he think it was weird that I just called him daddy? Shit.

Instead, it seemed to make him a little hornier. He was eating my hole furiously, burying his face in as far as he could get. His beard felt amazing scratching against my hole. My ass was puckering wildly.

"Fuck yea, son...give daddy that pussy. Let daddy see that hot boy cunt open up."

I felt like I was losing my mind, it was so hot. Honestly, I never liked it when a guy used feminine terms like pussy and cunt with me. But for some reason, I didn't want it any other way with him. It made me feel incredibly hot.

He stood up and took his tie off. He was standing between my legs, while I continued to lie on his desk, my legs wrapping around him. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. God, there was that hairy daddy chest. This was fucking heaven. And the tattoo was amazing. So sexy, so masculine. He dropped his pants and underwear to the floor, and I finally could see him completely naked. This was the guy of my fantasies. This was exactly what I pictured when I jerked off. A true dad standing here in front of me, exuding masculinity. The beard, the eyes, the hairy body, the belly, the cock, the smell...god damn it, this was everything.

I looked at him as he moved back in. Those eyes. I swear he could've done anything to me, as long as he looked at me with those eyes. He spit into his hand, and rubbed it on his fat cock. I felt that monster head up against my asshole, waiting to go in. My ass was dripping wet from his mouth so it was more than ready. I was just a little worried about the pain. I hadn't been fucked in a while. Lately I had been mostly topping guys, and it had been at least a year since I got fucked. Bit god, I needed it! I certainly wasn't going to stop him...I doubt he would've let me anyway. So I braced myself and prepared for the shock. I felt the helmet of his manhood penetrate the opening of my hole. He groaned loudly as he entered me. "Oh god son. Goddamn that is a tight cunt."

He stopped for a moment, savoring that first entry. I tried to squeeze my ass a little, just to show off. He smiled, and arched his back slightly. Then he began to push in.

"Oh god yes, daddy. Please give it to me" I cried. I had never felt anything that thick inside me. It completely filled my ass, and stretched me open. It hurt like fuck, but at the same time it was driving me crazy.

"Yea, boy. You ready for daddy's fat cock?"

"Yes sir. Please, sir. Please give it to me."

He pushed it the rest of the way in. Every inch was inside me now. Holy fuck it felt intense. He looked down at me as he pushed in, and we locked eyes. He slowly pulled out and then rammed it back in.

"Oh my god, dad. Yes. Please fuck me hard. Harder daddy. Please."

He began to thrust, pushing it in as deep as he could. My legs were up on his shoulders so that he could get easier access to my hole. Deeper. Deeper. He pushed in, driving me wild. He was sweating profusely, and I could smell his scent. That made me even crazier, and I begged for it.

"Oh daddy, please give it to me. I need you to breed me. I need you to give me your seed."

"Fuck yea bitch. Dad is gonna pump his DNA into you, and knock you up like a goddamned whore."

He was fucking me furiously now. Thrusting in, faster. Harder. Pounding me like a bitch. I arched my back, raising my ass slightly to give him more leverage. He took it and got in even deeper.

His dick easily found my prostate, and every time the head of his cock pushed against it, I felt my body surge with a kind of intense internal heat. No guy had ever done that to me before. Holy shit, this is what I've read about in porn stories. So fucking intense!

He knew he was driving me wild, and that made him even more intense. He reached down and grabbed my throat as he buried his meat in me again. He tightened his grip, while pounding my ass with all of his strength.

He was looking in my eyes the entire time. It was kind of animal like. It was an intense, burning look like he almost wasn't there. His hand around my throat scared me a little, but also felt amazing. Honestly, there was a moment when I felt like I couldn't breathe and would pass out...but it was hot. It made the intensity of his thrusts even more incredible.

This entire time I had focused entirely on him. I hadn't even touched my own dick, which was harder than I had ever seen it. Every time he thrust into me, it plopped against my stomach.

"Son, I want you to come for dad. I want to see your boy juice explode from your dick while I'm breeding you."

"Yes sir" I replied, as I grabbed my cock. "I'm really close, I said." I knew it wouldn't take long...I was so hot, it probably would be out before I knew it.

"I'm close too, son, but I want to see you shoot first."

That was all it took. I grabbed my dick in my fist, and began to stroke.

"Yea bitch, show daddy what you got. Show daddy that boy juice."

I felt the heat surging through my body. His grip tightened around my throat, as I groaned...

"Oh my god, oh my fucking gooooooood..." With that, I exploded. My load shot up into the air, hitting dad's beard. Then his shoulder. Then his chest. Then his stomach. Then my stomach. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. I don't think I had ever shot that much. There was cum everywhere. I looked up at dad, and there was cum dripping from his beard. He was grinning wildly at me.

"Holy fuck, son. That was amazing. I'm so fucking..." With that he let out a loud, beastly groan "ohhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuck!" He slammed into me and I felt his fat cock expanding. His load erupted into my ass, and I could feel it rush deep inside me. He continued to push it in, making sure every drop stayed inside me.

"Oh god, son, oh god...fuck yes. Fuck yes." He collapsed onto my chest and released his grip on my throat. His cock stayed in my ass as he kissed me again.

He stood up and his dick finally exited my stretched hole. It wasn't completely erect, but damn, it was still pretty fucking hard. How the fuck did he manage that?

I couldn't help myself. I slid down off the desk onto my knees, and took his cock in my mouth. It tasted so fucking incredible. It easily slid down my throat now, and I savored the taste.

"Oh fuck yes, son. Clean dad's cock good."

He slowly moved his hips, lightly fucking my face. I cupped his balls in my hand and squeezed them lightly. It tasted fucking amazing, and I had this insatiable hunger. I just couldn't get enough of him!

He collapsed back into his chair, and I fell with him, my mouth staying on his meat. I gently licked and sucked, enjoying the last moments with that beautiful dad cock.

I looked up at him. He had his eyes closed, and was smiling. It made me hot to see him enjoying it.

I kept sucking, and felt a twitch. Honest to god, his dick was completely hard again. What the fuck kind of voodoo medicine is this guy on? Damn. He's fucking 50 something, and has the dick of a 20 year old. Shit.

I kept sucking him as it grew in my throat. I figured it would be hot, but he had already cum twice. But still, a blowjob can be nice even if the guy doesn't get off. Besides, I was enjoying it. I was stroking my own dick as I sucked daddy.

No sooner had I thought that, when I noticed his breathing getting heavier and louder. His hips started to thrust, and his cock thickened. Damn, I think he was gonna cum again! I pulled back for a moment and looked at his hard cock.

"Holy fuck" he cried as his third fucking load shot form his cock. It caught me by surprise and the first drops went in my face. I quickly got my mouth back on his dick and caught the remaining shots. Goddamn, where was he storing all of this cum! I then shot my own load onto the floor under his chair, keeping his meat in my mouth the whole time.

I pulled back, and looked up at him. He smiled and reached down to rub the cum into my beard and let me suck it off his fingers.

His dick was soft. Finally. Although, I was pretty sure he could fuck again if he wanted to.

"Sir, that was amazing."

"Thanks son. I needed that. I've been waiting for a time when I could get you over here and get to know you a little better."

"Thank you sir."

"Call me daddy, son."

"Thank you, daddy. I've never experienced anything like that before."

"Well, son, it was most definitely my pleasure. It's good to have a hungry boy around."

He stood up, and started to straighten up a little. I took that as my cue to leave. I got my stuff together and looked for something to cleanup with. He grabbed my hand and led me to a door. He had a private bathroom in his office. (Of course he did.) It even had a shower...and not just a little normal shower, but one of those giant 10 person party showers with multiple shower heads.

He turned on the water and got it nice and warm. He pulled me in, and let the warm water run down my body. He handed me the soap and I lathered up my hands and began to wash his body. My hands caressed every inch of his spectacular dad bod. I got my face into his armpits, at last, and licked them clean. I intentionally didn't get any soap near his pits so that his smell would remain. After I scrubbed him dwn, I quickly washed myself off. I went to step out of the shower and he pulled me back in. He pushed me down on my knees in front of him. Oh shit, surely he didn't need another blow job. This guy was a machine!

He pulled my face up to his cock, which even soft was fucking huge.

"Open your mouth, son"

I suddenly knew what was coming I had never done this before. Yea, I had thought about it...but I wasn't really sure it was something I would like. I was trying to decide what to say, when he let loose. He held my head in place as his hot piss poured into my mouth. It tasted...well, not like anything I had ever tasted before. But fuck, it was incredible. I gulped it down, and swallowed as much as I could. The rest poured down my beard and chest. He drained his last drops onto me and released his grip. He pulled me too my feet. Wow. Well, yea, that just happened.

I stepped out of the shower, and he handed me a heated towel. I dried him off first, and then myself.

We both got dressed. It was amazing to see the transformation in him. I mean, for me I pretty much am the same naked or clothed. But for him it was such a contrast. Naked, he was this hot, hairy, beast of a guy. Dirty, smutty, animal. Now, standing there in a suit he was the quintessential professional. You'd almost never know what lurked beneath, except for that glimpse of his tattoo that peeked out form his coat sleeve.

Back in his office, I got my bag and stuff together and headed for the door, wondering what to say. Fortunately, dad took charge.

"Son, I appreciate your time this morning. It was good to finally get you up here. I hope you enjoyed it."

"Yes, daddy. I did. Immensely. It was the hottest. I mean, the most amazing...shit. I've just never had anything like that."

"I'm really glad you had a good time."

"Oh my god, yes dad."

"You may have heard this already...god knows rumors get around...but there will be an announcement coming out soon that I will be moving into the CEO position starting next month when Mr. Grayson retires.

"Congratulations! That is incredible, and well deserved. I think you will be an amazing CEO."

"Thank you, son. You see, I will need to hire a new personal assistant to work closely with me. I need someone who is willing to go the extra mile, work long hard hours, travel with me as needed. I need someone I can trust completely."

"Yes sir, I know that would be important."

"I'd like you to take the job, Michael. I've talked to your supervisors, and I know what great work you've been doing for the company. Your talents are wasted in your current position, and this would be a great opportunity for you. And I have to say, you pretty well just aced the interview." He winked at me

"What do you think, son? Do we have a deal?"

Next: Chapter 2

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