Dad Son Roleplay

By Greg Stevens

Published on Aug 14, 2018


Dad/Son Roleplay

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Dad/Son Roleplay -- Chapter 2

I drove home and managed to get into the house and cleaned up before my wife got home. We had dinner and watched some tv, but I could not focus. I kept thinking about what I had done with Rob. Part of me felt guilt and another part was craving more. In the past after an encounter with a guy, I would leave semi satisfied and that feeling would satisfy the need for a while. This time it wasn't enough, I wanted more.

As my wife got ready for bed I snuck onto the computer and sent Rob an email. "Hey man I enjoyed our encounter today. I would love to do it again. Maybe more? I was not sure what to expect. Would he want to get together again? Was he even interested.

Friday morning, I checked email and sure enough there was a reply from Rob; "Hey boy, that was fun. I can do Tuesday same time if that works for you" Again he was calling me boy. What was up with that I thought as I read the email. Did he mean to say "bud"? "I will see you on Tuesday" I replied quickly.

The weekend and Monday passed painfully slowly. I played over and over in my head my encounter with Rob and what would happen on Tuesday. I also re-read his last email where he called me "boy" and how he addressed me as "boy" and "son" when we were together. I thought about asking him about it.

I arrived at Rob's place just before lunch at 11:30 like we discussed. Rob was in slacks, a dress shirt, and tie. Very different from our last encounter where he wore jeans and a t-shirt. "Sorry to be so formal, I just came from a meeting" he said smiling at me. I did not mind at all as he looked hot. There was something about the mature masculine look that I liked. He nodded towards the staircase and I followed him up to the sitting room where we started our last encounter.

He sat down next to me and loosened his tie. I sat quietly, still nervous but excited. Finally, I got up the nerve to ask. "Mind if I ask you a question" I started timidly. "Nope, go ahead" he replied. "Well it's just that you called me `boy' a few times and..." I trailed off not knowing how to finish the question. "Yeah I did" he said and paused. "I have a thing for roleplay, like I said in my post online. I really like younger guys and dad/son roleplay." I heard the words but wasn't sure what that meant. "What is dad/son roleplay?" I asked feeling dumb for not knowing. "Well some guys like older guys to be their father figure. They have a fantasy of being with an older dad, stepdad, or uncle, just a guy old enough to be their father figure" he explained. "I think it's hot" he added.

I sat and thought about it for a moment; "You like to be the dad? And you want me to be your son?" I asked trying to work it out. "I think that could be hot, but only if you want to try it" he said smiling at me. His leg pressed against mine and the feeling of being touched by an older man who was a father figure, seemed exciting to me. "Have you ever had sex with an older man before me" he asked? I shook my head no. "Do you want to try some roleplay" he asked moving even closer to me and placing a hand on my chest.

I took a deep breath. My dick was hard in my pants as I sat there. "Do you want to give it shot?" he asked again, his lips close to my ear. I nodded a yes and his lips touched my cheek sending a chill through me. "good boy" he said softly.

Rob moved away from me and sat back on the sofa. "Take your cloths off boy" he said in a deep voice. "Ok" I said feeling awkward. "What did you say, boy" he asked. "I said Ok" and looked at him. "I think you mean Ok Sir or Ok Dad." He said looking up at me. "Ok Dad" I said thinking that sounded the best. I took of my jacket, my shirt, shoes and pants. I was about to take off my underwear as well when Rob stopped me.

"Let me see my boy" he said looking me up and down. "Turn around son" he ordered, and I turned my back to him. I could feel his hands on my ass rubbing up and down over the white briefs. My dick was rock hard and tenting the front of my briefs. "Face me boy" he demanded. "Yes Dad" I said this time the words coming more naturally.

Rob looked me up and down his eyes covering every inch of my body, then he patted his lap "Sit here" he said indicating I should sit on his lap. I awkwardly straddled him, my legs on either side of his. His hand cupped my ass and my hands rested on his shoulders for balance. Rob leaned in and kissed my torso. A shiver ran through my body. Rob's hands moved up my back slowly. I could feel the warm masculine hands caressing as they climbed and pulling me closer into him. Rob's lips slowly kissing and licking up and down over me.

Rob's lips reached my right nipple and he start to suck it. Softly at first but soon with more intensity. My hand wrapped behind his head and pulled him into me. "Suck it Dad" I found myself saying without any reservation. The idea of having sex with a man old enough to be my dad became hot to me. I never really knew my dad as he died when I was 4. I have some vague memories of him only. I had no brothers and my mom did not remarry until I was 19 and in college so there were no older men in my life.

Rob continued sucking on my nipple for a while longer. I loved every minute of it. Without realizing it, I was grinding my hard cock into Rob as he suckled me. Rob moved his lips to my other nipple and gave it similar attention. The excitement and slight pain was driving me crazy as he worked each nipple in turn.

Rob pulled his face off my nipple and looked up at me. His hair was tousled, and he had a look of pure sex on his face. In a heart beat I bent down and placed my mouth on his. I opened my mouth eagerly to receive his probing tongue. Rob placed one hand behind my head and pulled me into him, his other hand trailed down my back and into my undershorts. Soon I could feel his strong masculine fingers running down the crack of my ass to my hole.

Rob placed the tip of his finger on my hole and started to enter. My breath caught, and I breathed in breaking the kiss with Rob. Pain shot through me, but Rob did not relent. "Easy son, just breath and relax" he guided. "Dad will take care of you." I looked down at him, he had a calm, sexy look but there was something behind it. There was a look of pure lust and that look was sexy to me. As I looked into his eyes, I started to breath and allowed myself to relax. Soon the feeling of pain turned to pleasure.

I was not a virgin. I had been fucked by men before, though not recently and not without significant preparation. Rob wanted it and was going to take it. Rob's finger was making my ass feel great. I knew I wanted his dick inside me. I placed my hands on his head and brought my forehead to his. "Fuck me Dad" I said softly looking at him. "You want Dad's cock in you Boy?" He asked. I nodded yes.

"Stand up" Rob said pulling his finger from my ass leaving me feeling cold and empty. I climbed off Rob and watched as he got to his feet. The dark trousers were not able to contain the outline of his cock. "Follow me" he said brushing past me. Rob led me to the bedroom and over to the large, high king-sized bed.

"Do you want to see your Father's cock boy?" Rob asked looking at me. "Yes Dad, I do" I shot back. "Ok boy while Mom is out I will let you see it." He said getting into the roleplay. "Get on your knees" he ordered pointing to a spot on the floor. I kneeled and looked up at Rob. He slowly unzipped his trousers and reached into fish out his hard cock.

Rob's cock was rock hard, and I was close enough to see the veins and feel the heat coming off it. Without touching it, he forced blood into it making it swell in front of my face. Precum formed on the tip and he just looked down and watched me with a grin. I took hold of his cock and immediately put it into my mouth. "Did I say you could suck it, Son?" Rob said roughly pulling his cock out of my mouth. I looked up at him, he had an intimidating look on his face. "No Sir" I said timidly.

"You have to do as you are told Son" he said. "Yes Sir, I just wanted to taste it, Dad" the words came out of my mouth but sounded like they were coming from someone else. Rob smiled "I know Son, you can taste me."

I approached his cock more cautiously this time. I took the shaft in my hand and moved in closer with my mouth. My eyes were looking up at Rob waiting for him to stop me. When he didn't I took the full cock into my mouth sliding it as far in as I could get. Rob let out a breath and his hand went behind my head. "That's my boy. Suck your Dad's cock." The words drove my passion and I started to really suck hard. I was able to take his thick cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. My hand reached up to cup his balls. "Yeah son, you know how to make Dad feel good." He moaned.

Rob started to face fuck me, matching my sucking to his pumping into my mouth. His dick swelled, and I was certain he would be filling my mouth with his seed. Then once again, he pulled it out of my mouth almost knocking me over. He reached under my arms and pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around me. His lips mashed into mine and we kissed. As we were locked in the embrace Rob maneuvered my body back towards the bed. My ass was resting on the edge of the high bed.

Rob reached under my legs and pulled them up, forcing my back down onto the bed. He moved forward and pulled my legs up. He tucked his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and pulled them up over my legs then pulled them off, then rested my legs on his shoulders. I could feel his hard dick between my legs and anticipation filled my body.

"Do you want your Dad's dick inside you son? Do you want me to breed you like I do Mom?" he asked. Part of me felt weird, but at the same time it was so hot and exciting. "Dad I want to feel you in me" I replied without reservation. He smiled at me and maneuvered his cock head at my ass. "Good boy"

Rob reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom. He ripped open the package with his teeth, pulled it out and rolled it down the length of his hard cock. Rob ran his cock up and down the length of my crack teasing my whole. Then without warning Rob's covered cock popped past the outer ring of my asshole. There was no pain but there was a feeling of fullness. Rob continued pushing slowly into me. Soon I could feel his body against mine and I could feel his dick fully up inside of me.

"Fuck me, Dad" I said looking up at Rob. I could not recall the last time I was fucked, and I could never recall wanting to be fucked as much as I did in this moment. Rob placed his hands on the bed on either side of me and started to grind his cock slowly into me. Soon he had built up a rhythm inside of me. Each trust driving me into the bed. I reached for my hard cock and Rob brushed my hand away roughly. "Did I say you can touch yourself?" he asked still fucking me. "No Sir" I replied. I wanted to touch myself so badly. My dick was so hard it hurt. Rob reached up and untied his tie and slid the silk material around my cock, like a snake circling it's prey. The soft material felt good on my hard cock. Rob tied it around the base and under my balls. It was not too tight but tight enough so that I could feel it.

Rob continued pumping into me. Sweat formed on his forehead and he grunted loudly as he continued to use my ass. His face was filled with heated passion as his orgasm started to build. Rob's panting came faster and harder as his fucking became more erratic. Rob wrapped his fingers around my cock and started to pump it. "Oh yeah boy, Dad is going to fill your ass. I am going to fuck my boy good" he grunted out.

My cock was so hard, and the feeling of the tie wrapped around the base seemed to intensify the feeling. I writhed on the bed as he simultaneously fucked me and jerked me off. I could feel my orgasm coming on quickly. I wanted to grab it and manipulate it my way, but I dared not touch it again not to anger Dad.

"Uuhhh fuck Dad, I'm cumming" I cried. It was too late to stop my dick from unloading. A fountain of cum shot straight up and then back down coating dad's hand as he continued to jerk me off. I squirmed as my whole body experienced the intense orgasm. My cum flowed down over my cockhead and down over Rob's hand. Rob continued to fuck me as I unloaded. Soon he pulled his cock out leaving my hole with a plop, he ripped the condom off and grasped his cock. He aimed it at me. "You want Dad's cum?" he asked. I nodded not taking my eyes off his cock head.

"Do you want my cum boy?" he asked again still gripping his cock. "Yes dad, please give it to me. Please give me your cum" The anticipation was driving me crazy. Rob started to pump his cock and then as if in slow motion, the tip of his cock opened and a shot of white creamy cum arced out and splattered against my chest.

Rob's body tensed for a while, then relaxed. He looked down at my soaked body, some of his cum mixing with mine. A proud smile crossed his face as if to say, "That's my boy". I felt a sense of accomplishment a sense that my Dad was proud of me for doing a good job.

Rob took my legs off his shoulders and slowly returned them to the floor, this forced me to stand up. Cum began to slide down my body and I placed my hands below it trying to avoid getting in on the carpet. Rob grabbed a towel from the bathroom and handed it to me. "Don't get your cum on my carpet son I do not want to have to explain to mom" he said with a grin.

I felt a tremendous sense of relief with a bit of embarrassment. The idea of getting fucked by my dad now seemed somehow dirty. I removed the tie from my cock as carefully as I could trying not to get cum on it. I handed it to Rob and he dropped it on the bed. I cleaned up in silence and Rob grabbed my cloths from the sitting room. Rob stood and watched as I got dressed, then leaned in to kiss me. "Thanks, that was really hot."

Rob led me to the front door and thanked me for a great time. I walked out into the cold afternoon to return to work.

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