
By AP Webb

Published on Feb 1, 2021


All the characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at:



D'n'M Part 4

From Chapter 9:

Dan's smartphone went quiet and he reached over to drop it on the floor by his bed, but instead of switching out his bed-side light and settling down to sleep he reached down under the waistband of his sleep shorts to grab hold of the serious hard-on that had been growing throughout M's description of the events in the locker-room that evening. For some reason that he really couldn't get his head around he found the story of M's coming-out and his pairing up with Grey to be a total turn-on. If he was going to get any sleep that night he had to get rid of his stiff inches, and there was only one way guaranteed to do that. Five very satisfying minutes later he was mopping cum off his quivering torso, a vivid picture of M and Grey doing the same thing to each other still clear in his mind.

How weird was that?

Chapter 10:

"So." Pause. "Grey?"

It was after school on Wednesday afternoon and, as usual, Dan and Milo were lying side by side on Dan's bed. To anyone walking in on them it would have seemed that both boys were fully occupied with their smartphones. Appearances, however, don't always tell the truth.

"Huh?" Milo had known that Dan would find a way to bring up the subject of Grey but hadn't expected him to be so blatant about it. He tried looking busy by scrolling through his WhatsApp messages, but he was failing -- Dan knew him way too well.

"Grey - he seems like an okay kid." Dan's attention was split approximately 50-50 between his intention of winding M up on the subject of Grey while reading the latest in an on-going text conversation with Christy about their date on Friday.

It had been earlier that day that Milo had been forced into introducing his new shave partner to his best friend when Grey had stopped by Dan and Milo's lunch table. He'd been hoping to agree a time and place for their mutual shaving, a rendezvous he was looking forward to with a mixture of embarrassment, dread and barely-suppressible sexual anticipation. He'd been told by his cousin Jamal, who was good friends with several members of the swimming team, much of what went on during these shaving sessions (so much for `What goes on in the locker-room stays in the locker-room') and hadn't believed his luck when Dods had paired him with Milo who'd been the leading, in truth the only, character in his jerk-off fantasies for weeks. He'd been waiting since Monday's practise for Milo to message him with a time and place, but no message had been received. In the normal run of things Grey wasn't the sort of boy to make himself the centre of attention, but the turmoil caused by the churning cocktail of emotions had, after a day and a half of mounting inner tension, uncharacteristically propelled him to approach his vice-captain and secret crush.

"What? Oh, yeah, he's okay."

"Just `okay'? Come off it, M, and the rest."

"Well, yeah, he's a good swimmer, I'll grant you that, and getting better." This apparently casual assessment of Grey's improvement in the water was based on the evidence of Milo's regular coaching sessions with him in the weeks since the three-schools' tournament. What he failed to mention, and was keen to keep off Dan's radar, was how those same sessions had provided many opportunities for Milo to assess Grey's other, mostly physical, attributes, several of which were instantly conjured up in one half of his mind, and that had the inevitable knock-on effect on his dick. The other half sighed in disbelief -- did everything always have to come down to sex?

Dan noticed M's attempt to adjust his chubbing junk. No prizes for guessing why that was necessary. "And?" Dan was enjoying this opportunity to pull M's chain. It didn't happen very often. For months it had been the other way round, with M teasing him about Beth Harper, but now the boot was well and truly on the other foot and Dan was determined to make the most of it.

"And what?"

"And you can't fool me, M -- you're desperate to get inside his Speedos!"

"What! Of course I'm not. He's just another guy on the swimming team. I've been giving him some extra coaching and now Dods has paired us up as shave partners, that's all." Milo was flustered. He knew he'd been caught out but there was no way he was going to admit it without a struggle.

"So how come, at the mere mention of the kid's name, you've gone the colour of a dinner-ready lobster?" Which was true. "And how come you've been re-reading the same two or three messages for the past five minutes?" Also true.

Milo heard what D was saying and knew that he knew what he, himself, had barely dared to admit to himself, and that was that he was crushing on Grey big time. (I know, awful sentence. It makes sense on about the third reading!) But it went further than that. Based on all the time they'd spent together in the pool and more time spent talking before and after each coaching session, Milo had a suspicion that his feelings for Grey might go further and deeper than a simple desire to get inside the boy's swimsuit. He'd come to realise that Grey was a really nice kid and Milo had been more than a little impressed that he'd had the balls to come up to him at lunch and pretty much demand, in the nicest possible way of course, confirmation of their shave-date.

"It's okay M, you don't need to keep it a secret. You can tell me. You know it won't go any further." Which, as Milo well knew, was also true, but that didn't make it any easier to admit, even to himself, that his hopes for Grey went beyond the level of a quickie jerk-off or even a b-j in the showers after practise. Crap! Being a teenager was hard enough, being a gay teenager was way harder.

Dan allowed a couple of minutes' silence, during which time four more messages were exchanged with Christy, before returning to the attack. "You do know he's gay, don't you? And before you accuse me of outing him against his wishes, he told Jamal who's his cousin, Jamal told Dods and Dods told me, so it's pretty much out in the open and common knowledge."

Milo could hardly believe what he was hearing D say, especially when he'd guaranteed the secrecy of anything Milo chose to tell him. Grey being willing to share a confidence, especially something so major, with a close relative was one thing, but Milo would bet a lot of money (if he had it) that Grey had no expectation of that confidence being shared, much less being kicked around like an empty can that no-one really considered to be of any value.

"D, you can't go round saying something like that, not even to me. At best it's gossip, and you're way better than that, and at worst it's malicious stirring that could get Grey into more trouble than you can imagine. You know what some folks out there are all too capable of doing. I can't believe that that's what you want, in fact I know it isn't. I'm ... I'm so disappointed in you." He couldn't understand why D would repeat such an allegation. Even if it were true (and half of his mind certainly hoped it was), that didn't justify betraying Grey's confidence or idly repeating something passed on second or third hand. He made to get up from lying on the bed but Dan, all too aware that he'd overstepped the mark, put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Hey, slow down M. Look, I'm sorry. You know I would never do anything to put anyone in danger, gay or straight, pink or green. I just thought you'd like to know, cause I'm right when I say that you like him. Really, really like him."

"Even if I do, I'd never so much as hint that I knew that about him until either he told me flat out or after he'd chosen to make it public knowledge. Otherwise it's his business and no-one else's."

"Did you just admit you like him?"

"No, of course I didn't, cause I don't, not the way you mean." Milo was suddenly fighting a fierce rear-guard action.

"You did! You just fessed up to wanting to get it on with your team-mate. Your face is a total give-away. Nice one!" Dan was jubilant and Milo was red-faced, but before Dan could load on any more embarrassment he realised he needed to pee.

"I need to pee. Don't go anywhere, we haven't finished with this."

Dan was half way across the room when his open laptop flashed up that a new email had been delivered. Thinking it might be from Christy, something bigger than a brief text message, he detoured towards his desk.

"Oh," he said over his shoulder, "It's some pictures from Eddy of the photo-shoot. Me and mum and dad have got to look them over to decide if we're happy to go ahead with the gym publicity stuff. See what you think." With that he clicked to open the file and continued to the bathroom.

Having not yet heard much from Dan about the famous photo-shoot, and intrigued as to what sort of pictures had been taken, Milo got up from the bed and ambled across the room. Sitting at D's desk he clicked on the opened picture file. He was quickly engrossed in the images that opened up on the screen, so much so that he wasn't aware of D's return until he felt his breath on the back of his neck.

"Shit!" Dan liked what he could see. "I look not too bad, not too bad at all. Eddy's a pretty good photographer in my opinion. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, and you haven't even seen the best of them. Some are really hot, but I can't see how they'd be okay for the gym, unless the owners have got plans to go private and for gays only. I'd join!"

"Huh?" Dan had no idea what M was talking about and the expression on his face demonstrated the fact. Was this a wind-up, pay-back for the teasing about Grey? The pictures on the screen showed him posing, bare chested, yes, dressed simply in loose white shorts, socks and trainers, with biceps, abs and pecs all highlighted and handsome face in profile. But, as far as he could see, there was nothing overtly sexual or gratuitously provocative about them. "They look perfectly innocent to me," he said. "Just my natural good looks and perfect body photographed by a discerning professional," he joked, smiling. "He told me he was sure the gym owners would be pleased with them and it looks like he was right."

"I agree," responded Milo, scrolling towards the end of the file, "But what about these?"

As Dan looked at the new images on the screen the smile dropped from his face like a boulder off a cliff and his stomach felt as if it was travelling in the same direction. There on the screen were several altogether different and anything but innocent pictures of Dan -- Dan again bare-chested but with his pecs and abs coated in a sheen of sweat; Dan wearing soaking and transparent shorts with his jock-encased teenage bulge clearly visible; Dan, in close-up, those same wet shorts clinging to his smooth, pale butt, emphasising the toned and hairless curve of both cheeks outlined through the near-invisible fabric. These were pictures he hadn't seen before but he immediately worked out that they must have been the ones that had caused Eddy to make comments about Dan's body which, in turn, had provoked Dan into challenging Eddy, forcing him to admit to his less-than-honest ulterior motive. Milo, of course, knew nothing of this and he was totally impressed by these very sexy images, so he was completely taken aback by the vehemence of Dan's reaction.

"The fucker! The lousy, lying fucker." Dan began pacing backwards and forwards, criss-crossing the room. "How dare he? He promised that he wasn't gonna take advantage." One balled hand smashed into the palm of the other. "Or try to sell the pictures on to any magazines or agents." His voice was becoming really loud and the language more and more aggressive. "I'll show him where he can shove his fucking camera, and you can bet it's gonna hurt -- a lot."

Milo had never heard D speak like this before, not ever. D hated confrontation. D was one of life's peace-makers. D had never used violence to resolve an argument or settle a difference.

"Whoa D, whoa. Calm down." Milo stood up and moved to the middle of the room where D was now standing, still slamming his fist into his other hand. He reached out and put his hands on Dan's shoulders but they were forceably shrugged off.

"No I won't fucking calm down. Eddy and me had it out and he agreed he wouldn't use anything that wasn't appropriate for the gym publicity re-launch. And then he sends me these. The fucker. Just wait `til I catch up with him. Aaagh!"

Dan threw himself down and sat on the side of the bed in anger and frustration. Milo moved to sit beside him. Tentatively he started to rub D's back. Gradually he felt the tension begin to seep out of D's shoulders as, eventually, he began to describe the photo-shoot and its agreed outcome.

So Milo heard that the original arrangement between Eddy and Dan had included photos for the gym and others for D's private use in helping him find a girlfriend and, hopefully, get laid. Milo had to suppress a snort of disbelief when he heard this -- how could D be so naïve? Was he really so desperate to pop his cherry? Didn't he know that his best friend would be very happy to co-operate in achieving that objective? (Okay, okay, he knew that was fantasy land but it was, as if you hadn't guessed already, one particular half of his mind that offered that, unspoken, suggestion.) As D continued his re-telling of the evening's events, Milo was immediately hyper-protective when he heard how Dan had started to feel as if the whole Roberts scenario was playing out again when Eddy began taking the photos of him stripped to the waist, dripping with sweat and with his jock-encased junk and muscular butt clearly visible through the transparent shorts. Milo experienced a reflection of D's anger when he heard about Eddy's secret plans to sell the photos but this anger turned to pride when D described how he'd challenged Eddy and called him out, forcing him to back down and agree not to try to sell any of the photos to magazines or agents.

"And that's how you left it, with Eddy agreeing only to use the photos for the gym and to get your go-ahead before he even did that?"

Dan nodded.

"And you believed him?"

"Yeah. He seemed 100% genuine. That's what makes this whole shitty situation so much worse. He promised me. We shook on it. The guy's a lying bastard." Dan's anger was still very real and Milo could totally understand why.

"So what does his email message actually say? Does he explain why he's gone back on the agreement?" Milo was desperately trying to find some sort of explanation or justification for Eddy's betrayal.

"I dunno," replied Dan, "I just opened the picture file. Didn't read the message."

Milo stood up and crossed to D's desk and the open laptop. He clicked on Eddy's email.

"D, I think you'd better come over here and read this.

Dan crossed the room and peered at the screen over M's shoulder.

Hi Dan, here are the best of the photos. I hope you like them. You look great. Let me know which ones you and your folks are happy to have go forward to the gym and I'll do the rest. At the end are some shots you'll probably not want your mum and dad to see but I thought you might like them so you can impress whichever lucky girl gets to hang on your arm (and maybe other body parts. Lol.) I've deleted them from my camera so you've got the only copies. Enjoy!!



Dan sighed with relief. "I take it all back, he's an okay guy after all."

"You moron!" exclaimed Milo, punching D on the arm. "If you'd bothered to read it from the get-go you'd have known that. One day you'll learn to get your brain on side before jumping to conclusions." He was only half pretending to be angry.

Dan rubbed his arm. M's punch had not been gentle. "Yeah, you're right, but I saw those pictures and something just snapped. You know that's not like me."

Yes, Milo did know that D's reaction had been uncharacteristic and it made him realise that his friend still wasn't 100% over the Roberts abuse. He'd need to be more on the ball to spot any more danger scenarios before they blew up like this one had with Eddy over the photos. It was a shame D had stopped seeing the counsellor woman, because he seemed to listen to her. The `New Dan Reed' stuff, in particular, had really got him thinking.

"Okay, so now we've got over that crisis you need to decide which photos you're gonna show your mum and dad. Do they know anything about the whole gym publicity plan yet?" Milo had his suspicions about the likely answer to that question. D's shaking of his head confirmed them.

"I thought not. Well, good luck with persuading them to get on board with it, especially your mum. Now I gotta get home."

"What?" Dan was surprised. "Aren't you staying over? I thought you could help me with choosing the pictures."

"And telling your folks?"

Dan nodded. Milo smiled.

"No my friend, you're on your own with all that. My dad's expecting me home, and besides, I don't wanna be a spare part twiddling my thumbs while you spend most of the evening swapping more sloppy messages with Christy." Already, as Milo had predicted, D's prospective girlfriend was beginning to monopolise his attention and that was something Milo had yet to come to terms with. And it was true, his dad was expecting him home for dinner, and although Milo knew it wouldn't be a problem if he sent a message to say he was staying the night at the Reed home, he had his own very particular reason for wanting to get back.

Half an hour later he was lying on his own bed, naked from the waist down, stiff dick in hand and with pictures of a near-naked, sweaty and pumped D playing in a loop on the inside of his closed eyelids. It was only a matter of a very few minutes before those images, added to the actions of his right hand, had the desired effect as several blasts of hot, thick boy-cum shot enthusiastically over his face, chest and tummy. Hmmm. Nice.

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Next: Chapter 72: D N M IV 11

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