
By AP Webb

Published on Oct 2, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. It's main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part 1

From Chapter 6:

"Yes, your dick. Doesn't it ever get hard?"

Dan hesitated over his answer. "Well, yes." Even after the events of the last hour or so, Dan still wasn't sure he was comfortable talking about this sort of stuff with his brother. "It happens a lot but I just try to ignore it and hope it'll go away. It usually does -- eventually."

Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing. "And haven't you ever played with it. Rubbed or stroked it?"

"Not really. I just thought it was some short-term thing `cos of puberty and that it would just stop after a while. I know better now though." He grinned. "And I'll pay more attention to what the other boys at school are saying. They never stop talking about sex stuff."

"That's good to hear. But now it's my turn. I really need to get off. Feel free to stay to watch a star jerker in action!"

Chapter 7

Tom moved towards his desk chair and Dan returned to the bed. He could hardly believe that he was about to have a front row seat as his brother jerked off. But then again, maybe it was only fair, given that Tom had just watched him.

Dan settled on the bed and Tom turned the chair to face into the room and sat down on its front edge.

"Right D, watch and learn. Here `cums' lesson number two."

Tom sat with his lithe and tanned legs spread wide, his feet planted squarely on the floor and his smooth ball sack hanging down over the front edge of the seat. His dick was rapidly returning to its full length and hardness. Dan could see that the exposed head was wider than the shaft and was a deep red, almost purple, in colour. Tom picked up the bottle of lube and squeezed some directly onto the head of his dick. He then took hold of the seven-inch shaft and began to rub, smearing the lube up and down its whole length. With his other hand he cupped his sack and began, gently, to manipulate the plum-sized balls.

Dan watched, spellbound, as Tom started to squirm around on the chair, his hips rotating and his butt repeatedly clenching then relaxing. He saw Tom's eyes glaze over and then close, before his head dropped backwards as if his neck no longer had the strength to hold it up.

Tom's left hand moved from his ball sack to his nipples, circling first one and then the other. Then, as the speed of his rubbing increased, Tom's breath started to change, becoming faster and shallower. Just when Dan thought Tom was about to reach the climax of his jerk-off journey, his brother's head snapped back up and his rubbing hand suddenly stopped. Then, using his feet to propel himself forward, Tom positioned his chair close enough so that he could put his feet up on the bed, one on either side of where Dan was sitting on its edge. Tom then shuffled forward so that Dan was presented with a totally amazing view. Tom was splayed out in front of him, leaning right back in the chair, his balls hanging down, his dick lying flat against his tummy with its blue-veined underside facing up, leaving his butt crack exposed to Dan's stunned gaze.

Dan couldn't take his eyes away from Tom's butt. What should have been totally gross and disgusting was, Dan discovered, completely fascinating. He could see why it was called a crack. It really looked like one, or a wrinkled vertical slit. Tom's was surrounded by a nest of blonde hairs, while the skin of his butt cheeks was hairless and smooth.

Tom's dick quivered up from his tummy, throbbing with the beating of his heart. He gripped himself with his right hand and with his left he scooped up some of the clear liquid that Dan could see was oozing out of the pee slit at the top. As he resumed the steady, determined dick massage -- down, up, around the head and down again -- Tom brought his left hand down to his butt crack. Dan watched in amazement as Tom began a circling motion around the hole with his slicked-up middle finger. He was moaning now, quiet grunts of pleasure and his hips had begun to thrust up from the chair. Dan saw Tom increase the speed of his rubbing as his breath became fast and shallow once more. The grunting got louder, his head lolled backwards and his hips thrust higher. The head of Tom's dick was so red now it looked as if it was on fire and the clear liquid Dan had noticed before was oozing down the shaft. With one final, desperate effort, as if he was coming to the end of a world record- breaking sprint, Tom's rubbing became a frenzy, his abs tightened and Dan saw him thrust his finger up into his butt hole. Suddenly cum came spurting out of the end of his dick -- one, two, three shots, each one of them reaching up to his neck and chest.

"Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh ...."

Tom gasped and grunted as he gently milked two or three more blobs of thick, white cum which made their way down the shaft of his dick, over his fingers and down into the well-trimmed hairs that framed the base of his gradually softening teenage boyhood. He pulled his finger from his butt hole, Dan seeing with surprise, that it was slimy but clean. Tom lifted his other hand away from the still-pulsing dick and took it to his mouth. He licked it clean.

Dan was on reaction overload. Not only had he been taught the unbelievable delights of the `Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy' (for which he would forever be in his brother's debt), he had then been witness to that same brother put on a jaw-dropping sex show, just for him. His head was spinning. He had so many questions.

"Fuuuuuck! Who knew that having an audience would be so hot? Thanks D for helping me blow the biggest load ever."

Apologies for the shortness of this chapter. It seemed to `cum' to a natural ending.

As ever, my thanks to those readers who have taken the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 8

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