
By AP Webb

Published on Jan 24, 2021


All the characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at:



D'n'M Part 4

From Chapter 7:

"But what I still don't understand," Dan went on, a degree of suspicion and annoyance still evident in his tone, "Is why you were so keen on the pictures of me almost naked, soaked in sweat and with my jock on show through my shorts. That's at least borderline pervert territory if you ask me. And anyway, there's no way I could use anything like that on FaceBook or Instagram, it's against the law."

Okay, so the moment of truth had arrived. It looked to Eddy like he really couldn't avoid telling Dan what he'd actually been hoping for and planning.

Chapter 8:

"You probably won't like what I'm gonna say so please just sit and hear me out. Okay?" Eddy tried to sound as insistent and in control as he could but he knew that Dan held all the cards, all the important ones at least.

"Okay, you've got two minutes to convince me everything you've said and done is legit before I'm outa here." Eddy heard what Dan was saying but he was still trying to decide whether it would be safer to try spinning him a convincing line or better to come clean. His internal debate was brought to a sudden end by Dan's voice breaking into his thoughts.

"Let's hear it then. It had better be good." Dan sat on the seat of a nearby chest press machine and waited.

"Everything I've told you is true," Eddy began, "Right from when I first spoke to you at the weekend. I just haven't told you everything. I have just left college, and taking pictures for the new website and stuff for the gym is my first proper paying job."

Eddy's mouth was suddenly very dry. He reached for his water bottle but it was empty. Dan threw him his own bottle. Eddy gulped gratefully.

"And picking me out of all the guys who come here to the gym, and all that stuff about me being perfect to front the whole publicity revamp?" Dan's tone was both forthright and expectant.

"Yeah, absolutely true, every word of it. As soon as I saw you I knew you were the one. The owners really would be insane not to use you, and there are pictures in there," he pointed to the camera, "that will totally seal the deal."

"And what about all that crap about helping me get a girlfriend? That was just a load of bullshit. You just wanted to get me naked so you could ..." Dan, even the new Dan, was unable to finish the sentence. Memories of Mr. Roberts and what happened in his office flooded his mind. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! How could he be so pathetic? He thought he'd moved on, got over it, the new Dan and all that shit. He slumped back on the seat, a look of total defeat on his face.

"No Dan, no. You've gotta believe that I have 100% no interest in having sex with you. Yes, you're a good looking kid but you are a kid. Besides, I get all the sex I need from my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Dan's head jerked up.

"Yeah, boyfriend. I'm gay. Is that a problem?"

"What? No, absolutely not." Dan was keen to quickly make his acceptance of Eddy's sexuality clear. "I've got good friends who are gay. Anyway, who you love, or have sex with, that's no business of mine." His mum would be proud of him. He was tempted to tell Eddy that the dog-tags around his neck had been given to him by his gay best friend but he knew that that was not an option, not even remotely.

"But what about the girlfriend stuff?" Dan was determined to push the point and to leave no questions unanswered.

"I admit I wasn't totally straight with you about that." Eddy couldn't look Dan in the eye, but he was glad they'd got over the I'm gay' hurdle without any major grief. Dan was definitely a really good kid, just like Tye had said he was. "The truth is I'd really like to send some of your pictures to those magazines I was telling you about but I didn't think you'd agree to that, not straight off the bat, but I hoped you'd agree once you saw how good you look in the girlfriend' pictures." There, he'd said it. The big question now, was how would Dan react?

The expression on Dan's face gave no clue to what he was thinking and Eddy wasn't sure what more, if anything, he could say. He decided to go the whole nine yards. "I think, no, I'm sure, that some of the big agencies would snap you up. The health and fitness people would be all over you. And we could both be in the money."

Dan began to laugh and shake his head at the same time. "Now you're just bullshitting me. The guys in those pictures you showed me are really fit and good looking, even I can see that. There's no way I'm in the same league." Then another thought struck him, "And anyway, why weren't you upfront about all that to start with?"

"I suppose I thought, if I put everything out there from the start, well, I thought you'd react just like you have and you'd never let me take any of the sort of shots that would get the big players interested. The girlfriend idea came to me when you said you hadn't got one. I thought that could be the way to get you to let your guard down. I'm sorry. It was a shitty thing to do. But believe me," he continued, "You're easily as good looking as the guys in those photos. And you're a complete natural in front of the camera," he concluded.

Dan was looking at Eddy with a sad, almost weary, expression. Again his head began to shake despondently. Eddy immediately closed the gap between himself and Dan, and squatted down on his haunches in front of him. Instinctively he put out a reassuring hand but, just as he was about to touch Dan's shoulder, he thought better of it.

"Hey. Dan. What's up man? What did I say?" There was genuine concern in Eddy's voice.

Dan looked up. "It's nothing," he lied. "I just feel so lame for believing all your crap." He looked away feeling a complete fool. If he'd been Milo at that moment, with a half and half mind, the sensible side would have been telling him that he wasn't a fool because he hadn't allowed himself to be taken in by Eddy's bullshit (though it probably wouldn't have used that word), at least, not completely. The other half would have been thinking how much fun this whole modelling business could be, especially if there was money in it.

But he wasn't Milo and it wasn't fun anymore. First he gets targeted by Mr. Roberts and now Eddy picks him out for ... for what? Not sex, apparently, if he could be believed, but a different sort of exploitation. Had he got some sort of glowing sign on his back, or maybe on his forehead: VICTIM. EASY MEAT. He'd been thinking that the new Dan Reed had moved on, but clearly not. His shoulders slumped, his head dropped. Dan could feel himself close to tears.

This time Eddy did reach out and put a hand on Dan's upper back. The skin was warm and still slightly slick with sweat. Eddy patted a few times then began to rub up and down.

"I'm sorry you think it was all crap," he began. "I didn't mean to do anything to weird you out or upset you. Like I said, I just didn't think you'd go for the whole truth from the off. And if I'd known you'd been targeted in the past I never would have approached you in the first place. I feel like a complete shit!" He did sound very remorseful.

"I'm surprised Tye didn't say anything. He knows all about what happened to me before."

"Tye would never tell tales, and definitely not about something like that. He's the boyfriend I mentioned and he's one of the good guys. That's one of the reasons why I love him, that and the fact he's horny 24/7, if you know what I mean." Eddy waggled his eyebrows. Dan blushed. "He did mention he'd met your friend Milo. He was impressed by his `performance'!"

Dan looked up with a questioning and slightly shocked expression on his face.


"Yeah. He sounds like a good guy too." There was a pause. "Is he the dog-tag friend?"

Dan nodded, not realising that he was also smiling.

"Tye was definitely happy to have met him and he was especially pleased to have been able to give him a helping hand."

Again Dan shot out a questioning look, knowing precisely what sort of `helping hand' Tye had provided.

"Helping him find the right compression shorts. What did you think I meant?" There was a cheeky half smile on Eddy's face. It was obvious he also knew what had gone on between M and Tye that day at the sports store. Dan's blush deepened.

It looked to Eddy as if changing the subject by talking about Tye and Milo had lifted Dan's mood. His shoulders were no longer quite so slumped and his mouth still held the hint of a smile. Time to get back to the question of the photos. He pretty much knew he had no hope of convincing Dan to allow any of the `arty' shots to be sent off to any of the magazines he'd talked about, however innocent and above board the suggestion had been, but he was still keen for the publicity shots for the gym to get the go ahead.

"You look like you're feeling a bit brighter."

Dan nodded.

"So, about the photos, I was thinking ..."

Dan cut Eddy off before he could explain what he was thinking.

"Sending any of those shots off to a magazine is a complete no-no." Dan looked directly at Eddy as he spoke. "I need to know that that's not gonna happen. I'm sorry, but that's just not for me."

Just as he'd predicted. Eddy nodded.

"And the girlfriend idea is a non-starter too. Always was, really."

Eddy looked surprised.

"My mum would have me fried. She's always going on about how young women get objectified all the time. She'd go ballistic if she found out I was doing it to myself, especially if she knew it was all part of a plan to get laid. I'd be lucky to end up with my dick and balls still intact to get laid with!" He squirmed at the very thought.

"Sounds like a fearsome lady, your mum," observed Eddy.

Dan nodded.

"And what about the gym pictures? What do you wanna do about those?" Eddy asked. The worry that Dan would not want to go ahead with the publicity revamp stuff was clear in his voice. "I honestly do think you'd be perfect for that gig." There was nothing more he could say.

Dan was silent for several seconds. To Eddy it seemed like hours. Eventually Dan replied.

"I guess it's pretty flattering that you think I'd be right for it, and I did enjoy the modelling. At least, some of it." He sent Eddy a meaningful look. "So, yeah, I think it would be okay to go ahead with it. I still like the idea of the life-size cardboard cut-out!" This was said with a smirk on his face.

"That's fantastic. You won't regret it." Eddy's relief was very evident. "Like I said before, your parents would have to agree, you being only sixteen, and there'd be legal stuff to sign."

"The gym owners might not like me anyway, so all this could have been a waste of your time."

"I guarantee there's no chance of that. They're gonna think you're as perfect as I do. Shall we shake on it?"

And shake they did, before Eddy pulled Dan into a non-threatening, non-sexual bro-hug.

"Thanks man, I really appreciate it. And I'm so sorry I caused you any grief."

"Don't sweat it," replied Dan. "Like they say, if it doesn't kill you then you're strengthened by it, or something like that." The truth was he was feeling pretty good about himself at that moment. He felt like he'd been sent a nasty curve-ball and he'd batted it away for a winner. New Dan rules ok!

"I'll get your email address from Tye and I'll send a file of the best pictures for you and your parents to look at. Once you're all happy with them we can get things really moving. K?"

"Sounds good. Now I need to grab a shower and get home before curfew. See you around." Dan gathered up his things and moved towards the door. Just as he put his hand out to push it open he turned. "And thanks Eddy, it's been an interesting experience. I've learnt a few things about myself tonight." Before Eddy could respond, Dan was gone, leaving him to collect all his equipment together before going in search of Tye to get him to give him a hand loading up his car.

Dan was soon showered, dressed and unlocking his bike ready to get home in good time before curfew. As he was riding away from the gym, thinking back over the events of the last couple of hours, he was suddenly aware that something was missing - the dog-tags weren't round his neck. He remembered taking them off before showering but had no memory of putting them on again afterwards. He must have left them in the locker room. Idiot! Thinking about it now, he couldn't work out why he'd taken them off in the first place. It wasn't as if they'd come to any harm from getting wet. Idiot! If he went back now he'd almost certainly be late home and that would not please his mum. He could, of course, wait until his next visit to the gym and collect them from the lost property cupboard in reception. But what if they didn't get picked up and handed in? What if someone found them and decided to keep them? Milo would never forgive him. He'd never forgive himself. He had to go back and get them, even at the risk of his mother's displeasure. Oh well, it couldn't be helped. Idiot!

Back at the gym, Dan dumped his bike without bothering to chain it up -- he was only going to be a few minutes at most -- and pushed his way into reception. No sign of Tye. No matter, it wasn't as if he needed to sign in -- he was just going to pick up the tags. Moving down the hallway, he reckoned he still stood a chance of getting home in time, as long as he could locate the tags without having to spend too long searching for them.

He'd turned into the locker-room lobby, with the actual changing area just around the corner, when Dan first heard the unexpected sound of voices. That made no sense. Eddy had told him that the gym was closing early, something to do with the IT system. The last gym-goers would have left nearly an hour ago, so who was still here? Not a good idea, though, to go barging straight in. He'd no idea who or what might be, literally, around the corner? Dan crept forward to the opening through to the lockers and showers and peered round.

Fuck me! Or, more accurately, fuck Eddy, because that was exactly what was happening. No more than ten feet away from him and in technicolour 3-D, Dan watched Tye as he repeatedly buried himself balls-deep in Eddy's butt hole. Dan recognised Eddy's voice as one of those he had heard before, and it was Eddy's voice he could hear now.

"Oh you're big. Oh fuck you're big. So deep. Sooo deep."

And he wasn't wrong. Dan became increasingly mesmerised as Tye plunged several inches of impressively thick dick into Eddy who was kneeling, doggy-style, on a bench in the middle of the locker-room. Obviously they hadn't been expecting anyone to disturb or interrupt them. Obvious, too, that they'd been in quite a hurry to get hot and heavy -- Tye was still dressed in his gym uniform of T-shirt, shorts and trainers, the waistband of the shorts being tucked under his balls, and Eddy had got no further than lowering his cargo shorts to allow Tye unimpeded access to his jock-strap framed bare butt. Dan was aware of all these details but 99% of his attention was fixed on Tye's dick as it slickly advanced and retreated, advanced and retreated, accompanied by his heavy breathing and occasional sighs of, "So tight. So fucking tight!" as he held onto Eddy's exposed hips.

Dan knew, somewhere at the back of his mind, that what he was watching was something private and special and that he should quietly creep away and leave Tye and Eddy to it. That was at the back of his mind and a long way from being of immediate priority. At the front was the sheer, animal fascination with the scene in front of him and the powerful effect it was having, particularly on his right hand which had found its way inside his sweat pants and into his boxer-briefs. It took several jaw-dropping minutes of fascinated observation before Dan realised he was fervently jerking himself off in time to Tye's thrusts, and that moment of realisation coincided with the eruption of the first of four explosions of cum which got no further than coating the inside of his underwear and the fingers of his jerk-off hand.

Fuck me!' were, once again, the first words to occur to him, quickly followed by, Oh shit!' as he pulled his hand out from where it had been so enthusiastically exercising and realised it was dripping with cum. What the fuck to do with it? Oh well, nowhere to wipe it so nothing for it but to lick it off. Not bad, not bad at all. That was a surprise. He'd have to try it again next time he had the opportunity which, as he well knew, was likely to be in the very near future, as soon as he got home in fact. Oh shit! Home! He was definitely going to be late, and what on earth was he going to tell his mum? `Oh mum, sorry I'm late, I stopped to watch two guys going at it like fuck in the locker-room at the gym. It was way hot. I shot four times!' He didn't think so.

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Next: Chapter 70: D N M IV 9

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