
By AP Webb

Published on Jan 20, 2021


D'n'M Part 4

From Chapter 6:

So Dan looked. What he saw both surprised and impressed him. Eddy was right, he did look great. What he could see, and what potential gym clients would also see, was a lean, strong, well-knit young man who obviously took care of himself. His long, smooth quads looked really good on the cross-trainer and, with his vest off, the definition of his pecs and abs was pretty impressive too. He began to fantasise about how he'd look on the gym's new website. Maybe they'd make a big poster of him or, better yet, a cardboard cut-out to go in reception. That would be something else. Everyone who came in would see it -- see him -- and that included all the hot girls who worked-out there. The idea of it was getting his dick excited, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Eddy.

Chapter 7:

"Right Dan," said Eddy, "Let's get moving. That is, as long as you're happy to keep going."

At that precise moment Dan definitely didn't want to get moving or keep going, not because he had decided against having any more pictures taken, but because the thought of hot girls seeing his half naked body blown up to life size meant he now had a full-on boner. Thank fuck for the restrictions of his jock for keeping things under control and more or less hidden.

"Oh, er, yeah, sure," he stammered. "Just let me take another slug of water and put my vest back on, then I'll be good to go."

With the vest back on Dan took a drink of water. He could feel things calming down inside his jock. Maybe it would be safe to stand up now. He gathered his stuff together and stood, making some necessary personal adjustments, hopefully without Eddy noticing. As he rearranged things into a more comfortable position his shorts slipped an inch or so onto his hips revealing a good proportion of the waistband of his jock. Had he been looking at Eddy at that moment he would have seen the photographer smile in anticipation. What Eddy could see more than convinced him that he'd made the right choice by singling Dan out from all the other young guys he could have picked.

"Nice. Very nice."

"What? What's very nice?"

Eddy had no idea he'd spoken out loud. He thought he'd been talking inside his own head. Shit! He needed to think fast.

"Er, the dog-tags, they're a nice touch. They'll look good in the pictures." He hoped his thinking was fast enough.

"Thanks," said Dan, pleased that the tags had been noticed. "They were a birthday present. From a friend," he added.

"Nice friend. Now, let's go back to the dumbbells -- fire up those growing guns of yours." Eddy was keen to move the conversation on.

Dan nodded and they walked the few yards across the gym to the free-weights area. Thankfully, once they got there, Dan's hard-on had had time to fully subside. Phew! Major embarrassment avoided.

Satisfied with the light, the position and the backdrop of gym equipment, Eddy was ready to continue shooting.

"Before we start with the weights, how about some flexes? Upper body shots always look good, and in your case they'd be pretty much perfect for attracting some younger clients to join the gym. Girls and boys," he added.

"Okay, you're the expert," replied Dan, smiling, not sure whether it was okay to enjoy the compliment. Apart from Mr. Roberts, no-one had ever before made approving comments about his body. As usual, being reminded of that horrific experience made him feel instantly uncomfortable. No amount of time with Please Call Me had made him immune to that, although she had helped him develop coping strategies and, as she had explained to him, build his resilience. On this occasion Dan calmed his unsettled mind by telling himself that Eddy was viewing his body from the standpoint of a professional photographer. That made it okay.

For the next few minutes Eddy directed Dan into a whole series of standing poses emphasising his upper body -- arms flexed, arms folded, hands behind his head. A sequence of poses with the dumbbells followed, all designed to emphasise his biceps and his pecs outlined through the vest.

"Okay Dan, that gives us a good range of shots of you working-out so there's bound to be enough choice for the gym revamp. What do you say we move straight on to the girlfriend stuff?" Eddy wanted to keep the momentum going.

"Sounds okay to me. What d'you wanna start with?" The new Dan Reed may have been winning all sorts of internal battles but he still had to defer to Eddy's expertise as regards the technicalities of getting the perfect picture.

"How about some head and shoulders shots? That way you'll get more used to holding a pose with the camera up close and personal."

"Fine. You're the boss," replied Dan, at the same time wondering what sort of personal Eddy had in mind.

For the next ten minutes or so Dan adopted a whole series of poses - looking out, looking up, looking down, he posed with his hands on his shoulders, on his waist, on his head, he posed in profile, full-face and shot from behind. Eventually Eddy told him to relax so they could review the pictures so far. He was super enthusiastic about what they saw in the camera's view-finder, and even Dan had to admit that he looked pretty good. The full-face shots were the best, accurately capturing the balanced proportions and even spacing of his features. His blue-grey eyes held the viewer's attention and, although perfectionists might say his nose was a little too straight and his chin a tad too square, no-one could say that Dan didn't have great bone structure and Eddy was particularly impressed by the unblemished skin with its total absence of spots, moles and birthmarks.

"No girl's gonna be able to resist," he declared, giving Dan a friendly punch on the arm. Dan turned away, embarrassed but secretly hopeful that, in case things didn't work out with Christy, Eddy was right about his irresistibility to girls more generally.

"Okay, some body shots next. Time to take the vest off again."

The vest, dark now with teenage-boy sweat, clung to Dan's upper body in all the right places. He didn't have pecs like slabs but they were well-defined and their contours were definitely visible through the fabric. Being sleeveless it gave maximum opportunity for the broad shoulders and pretty-good-for-a-sixteen-year-old biceps to be admired. Eddy was liking what he could see, even with the vest on.

Dan was feeling pretty comfortable with Eddy by now, and also with the whole modelling process, so he stripped off the vest without a second thought and happily adopted the various poses and positions requested. He particularly enjoyed it when he was asked to tense various muscles or to imagine himself as a boxer and field athlete -- javelin and discus thrower in particular. He even felt more or less comfortable when Eddy asked for some soccer poses and, once again, he was impressed with how the new Dan coped with the pressure.

As the session went on, so did the amount of effort required. It wasn't long before there was sweat beading on Dan's back and chest and Eddy moved in to take some close-ups. As he moved round to shoot the moisture trickling down between Dan's shoulder blades, making tracks down to the shallow depression in the small of his back, his shorts had, once again, slipped down to reveal the waist-band of the number 1 jock.

"Great. Hold that position."

Dan did as instructed.

Eddy had the shutter of his camera working overtime, capturing dozens of shots of Dan's tense muscles and his now damp and see-through, white work-out shorts.

"That's it, hold that pose. You look amazing."

And he did, look amazing that is. The past hour had caused Dan's muscles to become more defined, especially his chest, abdomen and across his shoulders. The individual beads of sweat stood out against his tanned skin, and even better, from Eddy's perspective, was the outline of the Number 1 jock which could be easily seen through the wet fabric of the shorts. He could not have asked for a more perfect image. The shutter clicked on over-drive.

"You're like a model for one of those up-market Caribbean resorts," he enthusiastically exclaimed. "These shots are fantastic. You're such a good looking kid and your body is perfect. And your jock looks great through those shorts."

His jock? Dan glanced down. He was shocked to see that his shorts had become more or less transparent, with the result that the jock and the teenage boy bulge it contained were very clearly visible. Almost more alarming was the way his wet shorts were moulded to his naked butt which could be seen through the fabric, leaving very little to the imagination. His face was instantly flushed with embarrassment and the dumbbells dropped to the floor as his hands immediately moved to cover his groin.

Dan's shock rapidly turned to anger. What the hell did this guy think he was doing, getting him half naked and then taking pictures of him covered in sweat and with virtually everything on show? Had he deliberately set this whole thing up? Was he some kind of pervert, tricking young guys into having sex by blackmailing them with the photos? It was Roberts all over again.

"What's with you, man? Getting me wet and naked and taking pictures of me. Are you some kind of pervert?" The questions and accusations poured out of Dan almost faster than he could think them.

This outburst took Eddy by surprise. He needed to get Dan to calm down, and fast. He really, really didn't want word getting round that he had any sort of unnatural interest in young guys. That would not be good for business.

"What? No, of course I'm not a pervert," he spluttered. "You've got it all wrong. You're a really good looking boy and I just want to show you off the best way I can. Get the girls interested, you know, like we agreed." He hoped he'd done enough to convince Dan. He hadn't.

"You think I'm good looking but you're not a perve? What the fuck? Are you kidding me? I've been the target of a paedo before and it sure as fuck isn't gonna happen again." Anger blazed from his eyes and his hands moved from protecting his junk to ball themselves into fists. The new Dan Reed was not gonna be fucked with for a second time. Oh no, the old Dan may have been a naïve little victim but the new version knew a whole lot more about how the world worked and was strong and determined as a result. If nothing else, Please Call Me had helped him realise that. Maybe all those hours with the coloured hair and the ever-changing paintings had been worth it after all.

As far as Eddy was concerned the situation was rapidly spinning out of control. Somehow he had to persuade Dan that his suspicions were unfounded. He had to limit the damage.

"Okay," he began, "I can see how this could look bad, but honestly, it's all legit and above board."

Some of the tension eased out of Dan's shoulders as he picked up his towel and began to dry off. "I'm listening," was his terse reply.

Eddy knew that he had to tread very carefully if he was going to keep Dan on board with his plan. He decided to keep it simple.

"Like I told you," he said, "I graduated from art school this year and this is my first professional assignment, thanks to my buddy Tye."

"You told me some of that before and it doesn't come close to explaining you taking pictures of me virtually naked." Dan was still in attack mode and his voice clearly indicated just how sceptical he was. "And all that crap about me being good looking," he added as an afterthought.

"Believe me, Dan, you really are a strikingly handsome kid."

Dan's eyes narrowed and once more took on a dangerous glare.

"But that doesn't mean I want to trick you into having sex with me." Eddy hurried to offer reassurance.

"So what does it mean?" There was still no softening in Dan's tone.

"It's like this," Eddy began, thinking fast and on the spot. "My parents are okay financially but they don't have lots of spare cash. They supported me as much as they could through college but, like a lot of kids these days, I've graduated with pretty sizeable debts. Don't get me wrong, this job for the gym is great but it's not paying megabucks so I need other ways of making some cash. All through college I've worked part-time at a photography studio here in town. I worked there two evenings a week and alternate weekends as the photographer's assistant, you know, general dogsbody stuff. It wasn't great but it helped pay the bills."

Eddy noticed that Dan had stopped drying himself and was now sitting on the bench, obviously listening carefully to the story. That had to be a good sign, didn't it? He carried on.

"When I told Dave, he's the photographer I worked for, that I wasn't really interested in commercial photography, you know, adverts and stuff, he put me in touch with some magazine editors who he thought might be worth contacting." Eddy was now approaching the trickiest part of his story, the part that had the potential to torpedo his whole plan for what he hoped to do with Dan's photos.

"What sort of magazines?" asked Dan, now fully drawn into what Eddy was telling him.

Right, so, how, exactly, to reply to that question? Skirt round the truth -- tell some but not all of it -- or be completely up-front and hope Dan was mature enough to handle it? He'd chosen, before, to keep it simple, so maybe that was the best course of action again now.

"Men's fitness and health publications mostly." Would that be enough to satisfy the boy's curiosity?


Shit! Clearly not.

"And some art stuff. Black and white shots mainly, posed, atmospheric lighting, that sort of thing."

Eddy paused, keen to gauge how Dan was reacting to what he was hearing.

"I don't know anything about how the photography business works but that sounds sorta believable," Dan reluctantly conceded, "But how do I know any of it's true? And what's it got to do with me? None of that proves you're not secretly wanting to force me into having sex with you." The new Dan Reed was no push-over. There was no way he was just going to roll over and accept whatever Eddy chose to tell him.

"The proof is all here, on my camera. Just take a look. You can see some of the pictures I've managed to sell. Everything I've said is true." He pressed a couple of buttons on the camera and held it out to Dan. "Start there and swipe from left to right."

What Dan saw was not what he was expecting. For a start, most of the pictures were in black and white, also they contained a wide variety of people. There were both men and women, mostly, but not exclusively, young (including two or three kids), black, white and Asian. The figures were mostly posed, some full body shots, others just head and shoulders. There was lots of mood lighting which created stark contrasts and dramatic shadows. Something else Dan wasn't expecting was the amount of flesh on show. Most of the female figures were partly draped in softly flowing fabrics which subtly revealed their curvy shapes while the males were dressed to show off their muscular, toned bodies. These, he supposed, were the `art stuff' that Eddy had talked about. Yeah, pretty cool. There was no complete nudity but enough nakedness to rouse Dan's interested and, in response to some of the models, rouse his dick too. Dan began to believe that these pictures were, indeed, the proof of the good intent that Eddy had claimed and was just about to hand back the camera. He looked up.

"Okay," he said, taking one last swipe, "It looks like you were telling the truth. I'm sorry if I over-reacted. And the stuff about being a pervert, well, that was way out of line."

Eddy let out a sigh of relief. It looked like he was off the hook.

"Don't sweat it, man -- though that doesn't look very likely, you're drenched in the stuff!" He hoped a little flippancy would help to lighten the mood. "No, I can see how bad it must have looked, but it really is all above board."

"But what I still don't understand," Dan went on, a degree of suspicion and annoyance still evident in his tone, "Is why you were so keen on the pictures of me almost naked, soaked in sweat and with my jock on show through my shorts. That's at least borderline pervert territory if you ask me. And anyway, there's no way I could use anything like that on FaceBook or Instagram, it's against the law."

Okay, so the moment of truth had arrived. It looked to Eddy like he really couldn't avoid telling Dan what he'd actually been hoping for and planning.

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Next: Chapter 69: D N M IV 8

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