
By AP Webb

Published on Jan 16, 2021


D'n'M Part 4

From Chapter 5:

Never mind the last three years, it looked to Dan like a lot more was about to happen in the days and weeks to come, with M deciding to come out (he, D, was going to do everything he could to make that work out for him), and who knew what might be in store if he really did hook-up with Christy? He certainly knew what he wanted to happen, he could picture it in his mind -- things getting hot and horny and ... Fuck! He was chubbing up again. Definitely time to get some sleep before chub turned to hard-on and he had to rub one out in order to get any rest at all. Images of steamy times with Christy would have to wait till his next solo jerk-off which, as he knew very well, was only a few hours away.

Chapter 6:

It was a little after 7.30 on Monday evening when Dan arrived at the gym. Tye was, once again, the duty receptionist.

"Hi D. So tonight's the big night." It was a statement, not a question. Dan looked puzzled. "Eddy told me, you know, about the photos," explained Tye. "Cool."

"It's no biggie, just a few action shots." Dan remembered the term Eddy had used. He tried to hide how excited he actually was and to play down the entire thing. "If I don't like them he says we can just ditch the whole idea." He chose not to mention anything to Tye about having girls wetting themselves over photos of him, it was way embarrassing, although the idea of Christy getting excited, well, that was a different matter. He'd spent a lot of time on Sunday going back over their conversation at the party and imagining how it would be to hang out with her some more -- and maybe more than hanging out. Making out sounded good. Having got her number late on Saturday night Dan made sure to text her back suggesting they meet up the following weekend, maybe Friday evening, at a local independent burger restaurant that was popular with students at Greenside Community High. She had been very quick to message back saying she was looking forward to it already. Dan grinned, febrile imagination and teenage lust working overtime.

He and M had decided on a slow morning on Sunday, neither having anything specific to get up for. Yes, there was the after-party clean-up to get stuck into, but the mess would still be there even after a couple of leisurely hours hanging out and chilling. Dan had gone down some time after nine to rustle up something to eat. M wasn't at all surprised when he returned with orange juice and cereal with chocolate milk. D might now be sixteen and almost fully grown but in some ways he would always be a little kid. Breakfast was followed by a short burst of barely-serious gaming, but neither boy could muster much in the way of competitive energy so they soon gave up, slumped back on the bed and resumed the conversation that they'd started the night before but which had been interrupted by the mutual jerk-off.

"So, your mum and dad," began Dan, "What happens next?"

"Apparently mum's got a cousin who lives somewhere on the west coast. Turns out they were really close as kids though they haven't seen each other much for years. Well, she's gonna go and stay with her while the details of the divorce are sorted. After that? No idea." Milo's voice gave little hint of just how he felt about this plan. As he'd told D the night before, he hadn't visited his mum since being assaulted and thrown out of the house, and only spoken to her, briefly, on the phone a couple of times. The truth was, he had no idea how he felt. Getting things back on track with his dad was taking up most of his emotional energy, there wasn't much left for his mum. Maybe that would change with time, but for now he was concentrating on himself, and that included building up the strength to follow-through on his decision to come out.

"And you and your dad are staying here? Definitely no talk of moving away?" The possibility of Milo being taken away from him, for that was how he thought of it, was Dan's worst nightmare. They were each other's life-support systems and the idea that they might be separated brought him out in a cold sweat. He knew he'd asked the same question the night before but he needed to hear M give the same answer.

"No, not moving. Staying here. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not."

"Damn!" teased Dan, pretending to be disappointed. "For a minute there I thought I might finally be shot of you. Maybe I can get your dad to change his mind. Or, better still, send you off to boarding school. Bound to be lots of gay-boy action there."

Milo smiled, partly at the typical D leg-pulling but also at the image of teenage sex that his mention of boarding school had instantly conjured up. Nifty was full of such stories and Milo often chose them as good unloading stimulus. Then a picture of Grey flashed into his head. There was a corresponding thickening down below.

"Come off it," M responded, "As soon as you hook-up with the lovely Christy you won't want me around. You'll ..."

The words were hardly out of Milo's mouth and the sentence unfinished before Dan rounded on him, his voice full of emotion. "Don't ever, ever say that M, not even as a joke. You and me are stronger than that. No girl will ever be more important to me than you."

Milo was genuinely taken-aback by the vehemence of D's declaration. Surely they both knew that there would come a time when their friendship would have to make way for other relationships. The only way that wouldn't happen would be if the two of them were in a relationship together, and that was never going to be the case, however much he might wish for it. D had made it abundantly clear that there was a line that was never to be crossed and he, M, had learnt to live with it -- almost.

"Okay D. Okay. Sorry. Of course I know that. I was just joking. Chill!"

"Yeah, well," responded Dan, most of the heat now absent from his tone, "It's not something I want to joke about. We've been through too much together to let some girl, or boy, come between us. When we both hook-up we'll be the fantastic four instead of the terrific two." He smiled to prove that he was, indeed, now in a more chilled frame of mind. "So, tell me more about you coming out. What's the plan?"

That was a neat way of D changing the subject and switching the spotlight away from himself thought Milo, although he was still surprised at how naïve D was being about the future. No point in keeping on about it though, best to simply let things develop in whatever direction life had in store and avoid saying `I told you so' when the chance of having his lust-fuelled way with Christy was way more appealing to D than having M hanging around. That was gonna be a difficult day, but best to start preparing for it now rather than being torn apart by it when it actually happened. Hopefully Grey would provide a suitable distraction.

Yeah, so what about the plan for coming out? "Well, like I said last night, the idea is that it starts with the team and we take it from there. Dods says he'll back me 100% and he's sure he can get Ms. B to come down heavy on anyone who says anything negative."

"Or live up to her nick-name and break their balls," quipped Dan.

"I hope it doesn't come to that. If the guys on my own team won't back me then there's not much hope for the rest of the school." Since speaking to his dad over the weekend and finally making the decision to go public with his sexuality, half of Milo's mind had been repeatedly asking whether this really was such a good idea. After all, straight teenage guys didn't have to announce to the world that they fancied the pants off every girl who walked within five yards, neither did they risk social rejection or a spell in the local hospital for doing so. How unfair was that, half his mind wanted to know?

"But it's all still pretty vague, the when and where, you know? Dods and me haven't worked out any details." If he was honest with himself, Milo was having cold feet about the whole idea. When he was swimming the last lap of the relay, and when he was talking it through with his dad, it had all seemed perfectly doable and straight forward. Now, though, trying to explain it to D, the whole idea of coming out, even to his team-mates, looked like an impossibly high mountain to climb.

"Remember to count me in when you do, talk to Dods I mean. I'm wanna be with you every step of the way."

"Thanks man, that means a lot," said Milo, and he meant it. He knew there was no way he'd get anywhere near the top of the mountain without D's support and encouragement, and even then there was every chance of running out of oxygen before reaching the top.

Dan was thinking back over this conversation as he worked through his programme at the gym. He often used time on the rower and cross-trainer to allow his mind to range over problems and unresolved issues, usually to do with school or fretting over his on-going virginity. Recently he'd done a lot of thinking about the notion of a `new Dan' that Please Call Me had managed to lodge in his head, but today it was M's big news that needed a lot of thought. It was gonna take a ton of guts for him to come out, even to the swimming team where there was already a good deal of goodwill. More, in fact, than he knew.

Thinking of M reminded Dan than he owed him a huge favour for taking the cummy Number 2 jock and the Mickey Mouse towel home with him to put them in with his own laundry. How many guys had a friend who'd do that, with no complaints and with no questions asked? M was a star, no doubt about it. And the present? How cool was that? The two tags hung round his neck as he rowed. He couldn't imagine ever taking them off, just like he couldn't picture a time when he and M wouldn't be together. What he was saying about being pushed out of the picture as soon as he, Dan, hooked up with a girl, well, that was just a pile of crap. M should know better.

Leg curls needed maximum concentration, as did his reps on the chest press (they also produced maximum sweat), so it wasn't until he was working on his biceps that there was room in Dan's head to think some more about the swimming team, and one guy in particular who Dods had told him about. They had agreed that this kid, also firmly in the closet, would be perfect for M, but they had also promised, both of them, that they wouldn't reveal either one's sexuality to the other, or to anyone else for that matter. If they hooked-up well, that would be great, but they weren't going to interfere in any way. That's what Dan and Dods had agreed. What neither knew about the other was that both had secretly decided to help things along in any way they could. What a pair of double-dealers!

As he pushed himself through the dumbbell squat pain barrier Dan's thoughts moved away from M's potential sex life and focussed in on his own or, more importantly, his hopes for fast-tracking it up the scale from its current position of zero, after all, jerking-off with M didn't really count as sex.

Dan was breathing heavily having just finished a double set of crunches and was wiping the sweat off his chest with his vest when he was startled by a clicking, whirring sound, followed by a voice declaring,

"Hot or what?"

Dan quickly lifted his head to see Eddy a few feet away from him, camera in hand and with various other pieces of photographic paraphernalia slung around his neck.

"I knew I'd made a good choice. You're gonna be perfect for the new website." Eddy was smiling broadly. "Hi there, Dan," he added as an afterthought.

"Hi to you too," responded Dan, standing up and half covering his bare chest with the sweaty vest. "If I'd known you were there I'd have been prepared and posed for you properly."

"Exactly. And then I wouldn't have got such a great natural shot. Come and look." Eddy held out the camera to show Dan who walked over to see. Standing directly behind him, Eddy turned the camera over so they could both see the display screen which showed Dan seated astride a padded gym bench, one bent arm above his head revealing the damp, sparsely-haired pit. What caught the attention, though, was the smooth, 4-packed torso and one coin-sized nipple peeping out from behind the crumpled vest that was being used to dry his sweat-glazed pecs. As Dan looked at himself, liking what he saw, he could feel Eddy's forearm pressed against his tummy. At the same moment he became aware of his dick beginning to thicken inside his shorts. What the ...?

"Neat camera," he blurted out, suddenly keen to come up with a distraction. It worked. At the mention of the magic word, Eddy sat down on the bench and began to detail the main features of his Nikon D500. He explained about its dual memory cards, touch-sensitive autofocus and 30-megapixel sensor. Dan tried hard to pay attention, hoping that concentrating on the tech spec of Eddy's camera would lull his dick back to its dormant state. It worked. Time to get on with the reason why they were there.

"Hey, you really know your equipment," he commented. "When are we gonna get on with taking the proper pictures? We don't have much time before the maintenance staff get here."

"Oh yeah, about that. Tye told me to say that there's no hurry. The gym's closing at nine tonight so all the computer software can be migrated across to a new operating system. We can take as much time as we need. Good, eh?"

"Oh, yeah, well, sort of," Dan hesitantly replied, "But it's a school night and I can't be too late home. Mum would not be impressed."

It was true, Helen Reed would take a dim view of Dan being out late on a school night, but the truth was that he was more concerned about not having to go into a detailed explanation of why he wanted to visit the gym at this time of the evening rather than straight after school, as was usual. He was 100% sure that being photographed working-out in the hope and intention that it would help him get laid would not be appreciated. He remembered the fuss his mum had made about the birthday card from Tom.

"Okay then," said Eddy. "Let's get on. Where do you wanna start? How about on the rower?"

"Fine," replied Dan, moving back towards the cardio machines, putting on his vest as he went.

"You won't be keeping that on for long," Eddy called out from behind him. "We don't wanna go hiding your assets from all those lucky girls."

Dan grinned as he had yet another steamy mental image of himself and Christy and not much clothing, but then he realised that the picture was having the inevitable enlarging effect on his dick. Fuck! Would it never behave itself? Shit, he needed to get laid!

Dan lost count of the number of action shots Eddy took of him on the rower and cross-trainer. By the time they moved on there was sweat running off his hair and down between his shoulder blades. There was a lot more posing once Dan started on the free weights, particularly the dumbbells, with Eddy shooting him from every possible angle. Dan had never worked-out so hard. He was hot and dripping but also incredibly pumped.

Push-ups followed and then on to the bench press.

"Let's move things up a little. Time to lose the vest," Eddy instructed.

Dan had to peel the sodden vest away from his back before pulling it over his head. He could hear the repeated click of the camera even when his face was covered. Eddy certainly wasn't missing any opportunity to grab off-the-cuff action shots he thought.

Lying on the bench, as he had done countless times before, dressed only in shorts and trainers, Dan felt suddenly exposed. He still couldn't believe that the gym would want pictures of him to front the new publicity campaign. Alternatively, the thought of these shots being posted on his FaceBook and Instagram accounts seemed equally unreal. Eddy's voice grabbed his attention.

"That's great Dan. Hold the bar up for as long as you can. I wanna get some different angles."

Dan strained to keep holding the bar with its two 20 kilo weights as high and straight as possible. He could feel his shoulders and biceps bulging with the strain.

"Yes, that's great. Fantastic. Just a couple more."

From the sound of Eddy's voice Dan worked out he must be on or close to the floor at the end of the bench furthest from Dan's head. That meant he was taking pictures of him lying flat and with his open legs nearest the camera. Which meant that he was taking pictures with his bulge in full view. Not something the gym owners would be interested in, surely? He bent his arms to drop the bar onto the support brackets and sat up. He was right, Eddy was crouched down aiming the camera directly at his junk. Dan shot him a questioning look.

"What's up, Dan? Why'd you stop?" He sounded genuinely puzzled.

"Those last few shots, I'm not sure about them. There's no way they'd be any good for the new publicity."

"True that," Eddy agreed. "But I was thinking more about your own personal use." He winked. "Posted on Instagram or FaceBook. Get the girls interested. Know what I mean?"

Dan did know but he wasn't sure how he felt about it. His confusion must have shown on his face because Eddy was quick to put him at ease.

"Like I said when you first agreed to do this, you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with and any shots you don't like get deleted, no arguments from me. Fair enough?" Like before, Eddy knew when to turn on the persuasive charm and on this occasion he was, indeed, being totally genuine. There was no way he wanted to scare Dan off at this stage.

"Why don't we take a short break -- wipe down, get some water -- and take a look at what we've got so far?"

That sounded ok, and besides, he, Dan, was keen to see how he came across on camera. He swung his legs over so he was sitting sideways on the bench where Eddy joined him, offering him some water and already scanning through the collection of pictures he'd shot.

"These are great, Dan. The gym would be nuts not to use them. Take a look."

So Dan looked. What he saw both surprised and impressed him. Eddy was right, he did look great. What he could see, and what potential gym clients would also see, was a lean, strong, well-knit young man who obviously took care of himself. His long, smooth quads looked really good on the cross-trainer and, with his vest off, the definition of his pecs and abs was pretty impressive too. He began to fantasise about how he'd look on the gym's new website. Maybe they'd make a big poster of him or, better yet, a cardboard cut-out to go in reception. That would be something else. Everyone who came in would see it -- see him -- and that included all the hot girls who worked-out there. The idea of it was getting his dick excited, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Eddy.

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Next: Chapter 68: D N M IV 7

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