
By AP Webb

Published on Jan 14, 2021


D'n'M Part 4

From Chapter 4:

Milo had plenty of opportunities to appreciate Grey's near naked body in and around the pool, and now he had to admit that the boy looked pretty special fully clothed, too. If only... Well, if things panned out the way he hoped, maybe a hook-up with Grey wasn't impossible. There was just the small complication of having absolutely no clue about Grey's sexuality. In all the time they'd been spending together recently in the pool, he had never given any sort of hint that he might be gay, much less interested in Milo, although he had noticed the younger boy stealing shy glances at him, in the locker room as well as on pool-side. But then, guys often scoped each other out, usually for comparison purposes, so he probably shouldn't leap to any wildly optimistic conclusions. Crap! Why was life so complicated? It would be so much easier, M thought, if one of them was a girl and they were both straight. D and all the other guys there at the party had no idea how lucky they were.

Chapter 5:

Ending the day, as they so often did, lying side by side on D's bed, both stripped down to boxer-briefs, Milo with his hands behind his head and Dan casually fondling his balls inside his underwear, there was a lot of sharing to be done before they were ready to sleep.

"So, Christy, huh?" queried Milo as D came to the end of his enthusiastic description of his new `friend'. "Friend of Jamal's, yeah?"

"Well, of his girl Melissa. He must have given her my number cos she sent hers to me pretty much as soon as she got home. Says we should hang out."

"Keen then. Must need her eyes testing!"

That remark earned Milo a sharp dig in the ribs, followed up by Dan suddenly stretching up, rolling over and straddling M's torso who then glanced down at D's rapidly-tenting underwear.

"Looks like you're pretty keen too."

Dan followed the direction of M's gaze. He grinned.

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely gonna need to rub one out before I get any sleep tonight. You gonna join me?"

"Does Goldilocks like porridge? But I need to tell you something first."

M's surprisingly serious tone and failure to immediately follow-up on the jerk-off invitation instantly shifted Dan's mind away from thoughts of Christy and his speculation on exactly what her definition of hanging out might be. He moved off Milo's tummy and lay down on his side, head propped up on one hand, looking directly at his friend.

"What, something else about your mum and dad?" There was a pause. "Fuck!" A terrible thought had crashed into his head. "Your dad's not moving away and taking you with him? M, you can't let that happen." He sounded genuinely appalled. Milo turned to look directly at him.

"Hey, D," he said, evident concern in his voice. "Chill. It's nothing like that. I'd never let that happen and my dad just wouldn't think it. Besides, he knows I'd never agree." Dan fell backwards and lay looking up at the ceiling. He exhaled deeply.

"But it is to do with my dad -- sort of," Milo continued. "We had a long talk about it last night. At least, I talked, he listened." Dan's eyes gazed directly at him, a questioning look on his face, but he said nothing, waiting for M to continue.

"It's something I've been thinking about for a while, well, since the tournament and all that stuff with Zephan and my mum."

At the mention of those two names Dan stiffened, a wave of emotion flooding through him - anger at Milo's cousin and mother, and protectiveness towards M. But he willed himself to remain silent.

"It came to me when I was swimming that final leg of the relay. Something Dods said to me just before the race." He glanced over towards D to check that he was still paying attention. He was.

"He said being gay is just part of who I am, not all of what I am. He said who I want to have sex with doesn't make me less of a person and that I'm better than all that Zephan stuff. That's what I was thinking all the way up that final leg of the race. I think it's what gave me the strength to win it. I was doing it for the `gay boy'."

Dan was tempted to jump up and pull M into the biggest hug, but from the anxious look on his face it was obvious that there was more to come. "You've always been more than just `the gay boy'. Haven't I always told you so?" he asked. "So, now you've finally realised that I was right all along, what about it?"

Milo took a large gulp of air and then breathed out, his words coming out in a rush. "So I think I'm gonna, no, I am gonna, come out at school, but I need you to be there for me."

If Dan was surprised by what he'd just heard, he certainly didn't show it. "Way to go, M, WAY TO GO!!" This time he did lift Milo into a hug, pulling him tight. "That is so cool, man. I'm so proud of you. Excellent."

"And you will help me? I won't be able to do it without you."

"Every step of the way. I'll have your back, never doubt it."

The relieved grin on Milo's face almost went the whole way round his head. He hadn't really doubted that he'd have D's support but having him say it made most of his fears about finally going public fade away -- most.

Dan broke the hug. "So what's the plan? How're we gonna do it?"

Hearing D use the word `we' chased even more of Milo's fears back into the shadows. With D on side there was nothing that couldn't be achieved.

"We're thinking of starting with the swimming team. Dods reckons they'll have my back, especially with Ms. Boyeda on board."

"Dods eh?" said Dan, teasingly. "So he knows about this already -- before me?"

"Yeah, well, I er ...," Milo wasn't 100% sure that D was teasing.

Seeing the doubt in M's eyes, Dan moved quickly to reassure him. "That's a great idea, especially Ms. Boyeda. She won't put up with any negative stuff."

"You're right. He said she was great that time Tom saw off the homophobe bullies when he was captain. Totally backed him up. And besides, I'm pretty sure she's sussed me out, you know, the gay thing, and that didn't stop her making me vice-captain." It was obvious that M was working hard to convince himself almost as much, if not more, than D.

Dan looked into M's eyes. He couldn't have been more proud if he'd tried. M was so strong, so real, so cool. There was nothing he wouldn't do for him, and the great thing was that he knew that the feeling was entirely mutual. Of course he'd be there for M, completely and unquestioningly, but right now there was a more urgent need.

"Hey, double celebration," declared Dan, leaning backwards. Milo looked puzzled. "Me and Christy; you coming out. Big news!"

"So?" Milo was still puzzled until he saw D edge backwards on his knees and lower his boxer-briefs to reveal his very stiff six plus inches. Now he understood.

"What are you waiting for, man? Get naked!"

Milo needed no further encouragement to release his limp dick from the confines of his boxer-briefs, happily anticipating the pleasure to cum. He was, however, completely unprepared for D's next move which was to take hold of his, M's, dick and begin to massage it to hardness.

"What ...?"

"It's not every day you decide to come out of the closet," Dan explained. "This is your reward, but it's a one-off, a special treat. I won't be making a habit of it."

"Suits me," Milo replied, nodding. Habit or not, this was the second time D had initiated a move to get very close and very personal with his dick and, yes, he'd most definitely be making the most of it. He could feel his boyhood responding to D's touch, lengthening and thickening, determined to take full advantage of this unexpected treat. All his earlier thoughts of Grey were forgotten as Milo allowed himself to revel in the touch of D's fingers along his now rigid shaft. Ripples of pleasure washed through his body. This was D making the choice to handle his dick -- again, with no pressure or expectation coming from M himself. Definitely a special treat. Half Milo's mind was in D-induced heaven and the other half had the good sense to keep a low profile until, that is, D made another move right out of left field.

"Fair's fair," said Dan as he took hold of Milo's right hand, pulled it forward and placed it firmly on his own steel-hard rod. Instinctively Milo's fingers wrapped themselves around the pulsing warmth and, oh-so-reverently, began to explore - up, down and all the way round. The skin was smooth but tight, almost covering the head but just stopping short of the tip, allowing the pee slit to peep out. This was Milo's first experience of an uncut dick and it sent shivers up his spine. He was gently zoning out, almost overcome with the power of the moment, when half his mind sent a sneaky message down to his hand and, before the other half had time to react, Milo had pulled back that mobile covering of skin to reveal D's purple dick-head, shiny with the pre-cum that had beaded there. Moving his now sticky hand back down towards the root of D's dick, over the ridge of the helmet-shaped head and gathered fore-skin, along the length of the rigid shaft, he could feel the slightly raised lines of the pattern of veins and, right at the base, felt the bush of short, soft hairs at the point where D's dick joined his drum-tight torso.

Knowing that this was an opportunity that was unlikely to come again, Milo directed his other hand to move to D's balls, cupping them in his palm. The sack was more or less hairless, just a few short wisps, and the elliptical shape of the gems within could be easily traced by M's intel-gathering finger tips. After a minute or so of this gentle massage Milo was surprised to feel D's balls begin to dance inside the sack, up and down, first one and then the other, almost like puppets, just like his sometimes did when he was enjoying a particularly satisfying jerk-off. Oh wow! How amazing to be having that identical effect on D's balls. He hoped it would have the same outcome he generally experienced himself -- a truly outstanding cum.

Milo, of course, had no idea what thoughts were going through D's mind during these minutes of mutual stimulation, in fact he was barely aware of having any thoughts of his own, so blown away was he by the waves of pure pleasure which were surging through him. Somewhere at the back of his mind he knew that he was still massaging D's dick and that he was gradually increasing the speed and pressure. He could also feel the oh-so familiar tingling sensation building up behind his own balls and the deliciously increasing sensitivity of his enflamed dick-head. Moments before producing what he could guarantee would be a monumental load, even by his standards, he felt volleys of something warm and wet hitting him on the chest and abdomen. It came four or five times in total and he didn't need to look down to see what it was. Besides, he had no time to spare for looking at himself, his focus was on D's upper body as it was painted with blast after blast of freshly-minted boy-cum -- Milo's own.

Seconds later Milo gently eased D's hand off his now way-too-sensitive, quivering, sated rod. He knew he should do the same for D but he was reluctant to let go. After all, he'd been longing to get his hands on D's body, particularly this part of his body, for years. He had never forgotten the time, back when they were a couple of thirteen year-old kids, when they'd measured each other using a ruler and string. Nor had he forgotten the feel of D's nearly four inch, skinny boy-dick and the thrill of pubescent excitement that had passed through him at the time. Well, what he was experiencing now, as he held the expanded six plus inches, was way more intense, more wonderful, more meaningful than back then. No wonder he was reluctant to let go.

"Fuck's sake, M, let go now, it's really sensitive."

Talk about coming back to earth with a bump. Milo instantly dropped both hands by his side and stared fixedly at his cum as it slid down D's tummy and began to gather in the cute semi-circle of pubes above his rapidly deflating dick. There was a time when he would have been desperate to apologise for such a breach of teenage-boy etiquette, but not today, not now when he was so much surer of his own sexuality and 100% confident of Dan's acceptance of it. Besides, it was D himself who had initiated the whole `touching' thing this time so there was definitely nothing to be sorry for.

"D, that was awesome, totally awesome. What a great cum! Made a mess of your pubes, though." As Milo spoke about his own spectacular unloading he was, totally subconsciously, smearing D's cum-load across his tummy and down towards his own, regularly manicured, pubic hair.

"Small price to pay for such a brilliant jerk-off. Thanks man. I didn't think you'd mind it being an `I'll jerk yours if you jerk mine' occasion. I can definitely see the appeal."

"Does that mean you might be up for doing it again?" asked Milo, hopefully.

"Don't push your luck. Don't forget I said I wouldn't be making a habit of it. Now hurry up and get Mickey out from under the bed before all this cum starts to drip onto the sheets. I don't wanna be sleeping on a wet patch." Dan shuddered at the memory of his experiences before Tom had taught him the Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy back when he was thirteen years old.

Milo pulled D's long-standing cum-rag out from under the bed, and `long-standing' was entirely the right description. Mickey Mouse was so encrusted with multiple cum loads, so stiff with teenage boy jizz, that it felt to Milo as if it could literally walk out of the bedroom.

"For crap's sake, D, don't you ever wash this thing? If I try using it to wipe your cum off my stomach it'll take the skin off too! It's gross."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've been thinking for a while that I ought to try to get it in with the laundry. Maybe next time my dad does it. He'd understand." Dan sounded half apologetic, half proud, the state of the towel was, after all, a testament to his prowess in the jizzing department.

There was no way Milo was going to risk doing himself actual bodily harm so he got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Seconds later he returned with a damp wash cloth which, once he'd used it to wipe himself down, he threw to Dan.

While D was busy doing a similar clean-up job Milo turned to him and said, "I'll take this with me as well when I go home tomorrow," as he grabbed the near-rigid towel and stuffed it into his backpack, along with D's hidden and still sticky jock-strap. When he withdrew his hand it was holding a small package which he took care to make sure D couldn't see.

"Thanks M, you're a star."

"Yeah, well, this is a one-and-only time. You need to grow up and start doing your own laundry. Deal?"

"Okay, I hear you." Dan sounded more than a little unimpressed with the idea.

"Deal?" repeated Milo, more insistently this second time.

"Yes Mr. Bossy Boots. Deal. Now come to bed. I need to get some sleep."

"Me too. But I've something for you before we do."

Milo produced the package he'd taken out of his back-pack a few seconds before. As he placed it on Dan's chest he said, "Happy Birthday D. I'm really pleased you've had a good day."

Dan lifted the parcel from his chest then sat up with it held in one hand. "What is it?" he asked.

"Try opening it. That's often a good way to find out what's in a parcel," replied Milo sarcastically.

Dan flashed a mock disgruntled glance in M's direction and then set about unwrapping the gift. Tearing off the wrapping paper revealed a small, black, lidded box, the sort of thing that generally contained an item of jewellery. Dan lifted the lid and let out a hiss of pleasure when he saw what was inside. Held securely in the padded lining was a pair of silver dog-tags attached to a thirty-inch silver chain. Dan was briefly lost for words but the smile on his face spoke volumes.

As he carefully lifted the tags from the box he saw that they were both engraved. He held them nearer the bed-side lamp so he could read the inscriptions. On one side of the first tag he read Dan P Reed and, on turning it over, he saw Milo de Beer. On one side of the second tag was the date -- Dan's birthday -- and on the other was written Love to my best friend, now and always.

"What an unbelievably cool present. Thanks M, they're, they're great." There was a catch in Dan's voice. "Will you put them on for me?"

Dan held the tags out to Milo and, as he took them, turned away to present his neck and bare back. Milo shuffled over, held one end of the chain in each hand and then hung it around D's neck, carefully bringing the two parts of the fastener together. Then, just before Dan turned around, Milo placed a gentle kiss on the back of his neck and said, "Okay, now you can sleep."

But sleep did not descend on Dan straight away. The Mickey Mouse cum rag triggered a whole stream of memories which just had to be picked over, and those mental reminiscences turned into thoughts of what a long way they'd come since the days of the TRWDPS, cum rags, dick-measuring and all the other `firsts' of early puberty. D couldn't help thinking that a huge amount had happened to both of them in the last three years, not all of it good.

And never mind the last three years, it looked to Dan like a lot more was about to happen in the days and weeks to come, with M deciding to come out (he, D, was going to do everything he could to make that work out for him), and who knew what might be in store if he really did hook-up with Christy? He certainly knew what he wanted to happen, he could picture it in his mind -- things getting hot and horny and ... Fuck! He was chubbing up again. Definitely time to get some sleep before chub turned to hard-on and he had to rub another one out in order to get any rest at all. Images of steamy times with Christy would have to wait till his next solo jerk-off which, as he knew very well, wasn't more than a few hours away.

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Next: Chapter 67: D N M IV 6

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