
By AP Webb

Published on Jan 6, 2021


All the characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at:



D'n'M Part 4

From Chapter 2:

Dan took a look around the gym to check that no-one else was aware of the growing bulge in his shorts. He was thankful to suddenly realise that one unexpected benefit of wearing a jock was its ability to keep his expanded dick under control and pretty much invisible to anyone and everyone else who might be choosing that moment to look his way. Luckily no-one was, at least, no-one he could see. He had just slipped a hand down into the soft warm pouch intent on settling his dick and balls into an equally discreet but more comfortable position when he was startled by a voice close behind him.

Chapter 3:

"Hi, I'm Eddy. I'm ..."

Dan spun around, completely spooked by the unexpected greeting, his hand still cupping his balls and an unmistakably guilty look on his face. His mouth opened but no words came out. The stranger looked first at Dan's face, then down to his groin, then back to Dan's face which was rapidly emptying of colour.

"Hey man," said the stranger, his green eyes shining and his mouth smiling widely, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump like that." He held out his right fist to be bumped but quickly withdrew it when he realised that Dan's hand was still busy inside his jock and therefore unavailable for polite social contact.

Dan finally found the ability to speak, just. "Shit!" He genuinely had no idea what else to say or do. It was as if every nerve, every muscle, every instinct had short-circuited. Had he ever been so embarrassed? This must be the photographer guy Tye had told him about. No camera though.

It took Eddy less than a second to recognise Dan's discomforture and even less to realise that it was down to him to ease the situation. He decided to plunge right in.

"Jocks are great, yeah? But aren't they also good at giving your junk ideas? I'm forever having to adjust myself -- just like you!"

Dan was shocked. Here was a complete stranger openly talking to him about jocks and junk and ... He was just about to be outraged when he saw the funny side and his face broke into a smile.

"Yeah, just like me. You caught me moving things around a little. I've not worn one before." Had he really admitted that to a total stranger? "I'm Dan, by the way."

"Oh, the famous birthday boy. I've heard all about you from Tye."

"What! Really? Oh shit!" Dan was half shocked and half embarrassed. He couldn't look Eddy in the eye. Had he told everyone about today? They'd all think he was such a child. What a jerk.

"Don't sweat it. Tye told me how keen you are on coming to the gym and how today was your first solo visit."

"Yeah," replied Dan. "My parents promised me a year's junior membership if I stuck at it. I don't do any regular sports at school any more so I come here and I also run and do martial arts. I want to keep fit and stay in shape." He couldn't understand why he was being so open and chatty with someone he'd never spoken to before. It wasn't like him at all. He realised that Eddy was looking him up and down with an appreciative expression. Colour flooded back into his face.

"Well it's definitely working. You looked really good when I saw you on the bench press. You were shifting a fair amount of weight for someone of your build."

"You mean you were watching me?" Dan's cheeks were flushing now.

"For sure," Eddy replied. "Tye must have told you about a photographer being here today. Well, that's me. This is my first professional assignment since leaving art college. From what I've already seen I'd really like to take some trial shots of you."

"Me? You're kidding. Why me? There are plenty of guys who come here who are way more built than I am. Surely it's them you should be taking pictures of. I'm just a kid."

"Exactly," said Eddy. "There's any amount of muscle jocks here but the owners want to attract a younger crowd. They know lots of kids are put off by the those really big guys and they want to show that the gym can be for anyone. You'd be the perfect example." It almost sounded like he'd rehearsed it -- which he had.

Dan was far from convinced. "I don't know. It sounds a bit `out there' for me -- being on posters and the internet."

"Look," Eddy said, putting a reassuring hand on Dan's forearm. "There'll be no pressure from me. We could try a few `natural' shots, you know, on the treadmill, lifting some weights, that sort of thing. If you're not comfortable we'll ditch the whole idea. Besides, you're under age so we couldn't take the pictures any further without parental permission." He sounded very persuasive.

"We-ell. If I could really say no at any time ..." Dan was clearly weakening.

"Of course. I promise you'd have complete control. At the very worst you'd have a few action shots to impress your girlfriend."

"I wish," sighed Dan.

"What? A great looking boy like you with no girlfriend? All the girls round here must be blind."

"I don't know about that. I just haven't put myself out there much. I've had stuff going on, you know?" There he was again, opening up to a complete stranger. What had got into him today?

"Okay, that seals it. We can't have a young stud like you going to waste. If you agree I promise that you'll end up with a bunch of pictures that will have every girl in this town wetting herself to go on a date with you." Eddy was smiling. "Deal?"

Dan smiled too, thinking about girls wetting themselves over him. (Not literally, you understand.) He became aware that Eddy's hand had moved up to his shoulder and was gently rubbing up and down. It felt nice. Maybe if he went along with what Eddy was proposing his target of losing his virginity would be achieved way sooner than his next birthday. His answer to the question burst out of him.


"Really? That's great. When are you free to start?"

"What? I thought you meant we'd be doing it now." Dan was disappointed. Now that he'd bought into the idea he wanted to get on with it straight away.

"Sorry man, that's not possible," explained Eddy. "For one, I've not got all the gear I need with me today and two, it's way too busy with people coming and going. We need the place to be less busy and much less noisy."

"So when?" Dan couldn't keep the frustration out of his voice.

Eddy realised there was a danger that Dan was going to get cold feet and back out. He really needed to keep the ball rolling. "How about nine on Monday evening? Tye says Mondays are usually fairly quiet and there's restricted access to the gym then to allow the cleaners to get in so it should be even quieter. We could be done and dusted in less than an hour. That suit you?"

Dan was half inclined to change his mind. Three minutes ago he'd been totally up for it but the prospect of waiting more than 48 hours completely took the sense of immediacy and fun out of the idea. But then, as he said to himself, it wouldn't be fair to Eddy to go back on his decision.

"Okay, nine on Monday. I can come in at eight to do my work-out first."

"That," said Eddy approvingly, "would be great. That way you'll be really pumped so that'll make the pictures even more convincing. I can't wait. Let's swap numbers so we can keep in touch." They swapped and high-fived.

"Okay. See you Monday." Eddy detected a hint of residual doubt on Dan's face and decided that some final reassurance wouldn't go amiss. "And don't get stressed. It's gonna be fun. Just think of all those girls queueing up once they get sight of the fantastic pictures of you all pumped, sweaty and gorgeous."

Dan grinned. He liked the sound of that.

"Mum? Dad? I'm home." Dan announced his arrival as he walked into the kitchen. He was not expecting what happened next. With no warning he found himself staggering under the sudden weight of someone jumping onto his back. He only avoided barrelling into the centre island unit by throwing out his hands to prevent the collision.

"What the f ..."

"Language!" came the voice of his attacker.

"Milo!! You fucker! What the fuck?" Dan had been genuinely scared by Milo's ambush and was way past the point of worrying about his choice of vocabulary. "Are you trying to kill me? I nearly had a heart attack there."

Milo slid off Dan's back and turned him around. He saw the residual fear in Dan's eyes and was instantly remorseful.

"Oh D, I'm really sorry. I was just so happy to see the birthday boy. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?"

"I will be as soon as ..." Before he finished the sentence he had Milo in a headlock just like the one that his dad had held him in just a few hours before, scraping his knuckles across Milo's skull, again just like his dad had done to him.

"Ooowww!" shrieked Milo, desperately trying to wriggle out of the headlock.

"Payback's a bitch, my friend. Take it like a man."

The horseplay ended with Helen's arrival in the kitchen. "Okay you two, out of here. There's a lot to do to get ready for the party. Dan, you stink! Milo, get him upstairs and in the shower. Then the two of you can help Roger set up in the garden. Go!"

So they went.

Once inside his room Dan began to peel himself out of his work-out gear. Just as he was about to drop his vest on the floor he remembered jock Number 2 which was still a cummy mess in exactly the same place where he'd thrown it earlier.

"M, I've got a favour to ask," said Dan.

"Yeah, and I've got something to tell you, too. But first, how was the solo gym experience? Was it as good as you expected?"

"Oh yeah, it was great, so much better than having to go round with the Old Man watching every move."

"Oh, that's harsh. He only been looking out for you."

"Yeah, I know. It's cool really. But I bet if he'd been there today I wouldn't have been offered my own, private photo-shoot." Dan dropped his shorts, revealing jock Number 1.

The jock and a photo shoot? - Milo was hit by a double whammy of surprises. "Huh?" was the best response he could muster. Then, "A jock eh? Cool."

Dan raised his arms in a `muscle-man' pose. "Yeah, I know, he's not so bad. This jock was his special father-son birthday present. Cool, eh?"

Cool was only one of a long list of adjectives, most of them X-rated, that Milo could think of to describe the picture of D, standing in the middle of the room and posing in just jock Number 1 and his socks. The `f'-word flashed across one half of his mind and for once the other half didn't disagree. "Photo-shoot?" he queried.

Dan pulled off his socks and led the way into the bathroom, turning on the shower and all the while explaining to M about his meeting with Eddy and the resulting offer to be photographed for the gym's revamped publicity. When they'd been back in the bedroom, the first sight of Dan in the new jock had quickly got Milo's dick chubbing up, seeing him now naked, wet and soapy in the shower instantly transformed slightly chubbed into a full hard-on. He hoped that fact was hidden by being sat on the toilet. He knew that D was still speaking, telling him what presents he'd received that morning and more about the gym visit, but most of his attention was fixed on the image of D's beautiful naked body, and thoughts of just what he'd like to do with it. Those thoughts did nothing to ease the tension in his underwear.

Dan was still talking as he shut off the water and stepped out of the shower and Milo still wasn't really listening. Dan reached for a towel.

"And so I really, really want you to put it in with your laundry. Will you do it M? I'd be a life-saver."

By now both boys were back in Dan's room and he was pulling clean clothes out of his dresser. Milo, on the other hand, was still miles away, very happy on his own imaginary film set where every day was one long series of mind (and cum) blowing sexual adventures featuring himself, Dan and a large cast of walk-on characters such as Tye and Dods and several other members of the swimming team. He wasn't thinking at all about laundry, mostly because, in the film he was mentally shooting, no-one wore anything that needed to be washed.

"Milo? Are you listening to me?" D's voice finally broke through onto the sound stage of M's imagination.


"About the jock."

"Oh, yeah, you look good in it."

"Not that one, you dork! The other one." Dan's tone was half amused and half exasperated. "You've not been listening to me at all. You were on Planet Zonkville."

"Other one. What other one?" Milo was very confused.

"The one I was telling you about. The one I cummed into."

Now that got Milo's full attention. He still didn't know exactly what D was talking about, but it sounded more than interesting. "Tell me again."

So Dan explained, again, about jock Number 2 and how he'd filled the pouch with a tremendous cum and that there was no way his mum could be allowed to know about it and how M would earn his, D's, never-ending gratitude by putting it in with his, M's, laundry. Would he do it?

Would he do it? Would he take charge of a jock still holding the shape of D's junk? Still sticky with D's cum? Would the sun rise tomorrow? Of course he would. What are friends for?

"Of course I will. What are friends for? Where is it?" Milo asked, trying to sound as nonchalant and uninterested as possible, whilst, at the same time, working very hard to not let his dick chub up again.

"Over there," replied Dan, casually pointing to the corner where jock Number 2 had been abandoned. "You could take it home with you tomorrow, after the party. You are staying here tonight?" Dan decided he ought to check what both boys had, independently, already decided. Milo nodded, trying not to make it too obvious that he was looking to see if he could locate the jock.

"Great, then you can tell me all your news. You said you had something to tell me." Milo nodded, still with half an eye looking to make sure that the jock hadn't somehow vapourised in the last few seconds.

"Okay, I'm ready," stated Dan, closing the drawer and turning towards Milo. "Time to go down and help the Old Man set up in the garden. Tonight is gonna be so fun. I can't wait."

"Yeah, I'll be down in a couple. I just need to pee. See you down there."

It was true that Milo desperately wanted to get his hands on his dick but it wasn't for the purpose of urination. Oh no, he had quite another activity in mind. As soon as he could hear D thundering down the stairs he turned, bent to grab the waiting jock and made a bee-line for the bathroom. There he leant against the closed and locked door, taking a first, proper look at the prize. To Milo, even without being filled by its owner, D's new PUMP! jock looked incredibly sexy. He held it up in front of him and saw, just as he'd hoped, the moulded outline of D's dick and balls. He also saw the unmistakable stain, a darker blue than the paler shade around it, where D's cum had erupted into the cotton fabric. Hesitantly he lifted the jock towards his face. He sniffed. Oh yes, cum. D's cum. And it was still slightly damp. Milo closed his eyes and sniffed again. He felt almost dizzy with sexual excitement.

He knew exactly what he wanted, no, had, to do. Holding the jock in one hand he quickly pulled down his black basketball shorts and boxer briefs (he'd abandoned his old Jockey briefs after trying on a pair of D's underwear that time) and kicked them off. With both hands now on the waistband of the jock he carefully put one foot, then the other, into the leg holes. Deliberately, almost reverently, he pulled the jock up his long legs. He pulled the waistband outwards and away from his lower torso. He wanted the first contact between the jock and his body to be the moment when his dick and balls came to rest in the damp, cummy pouch. It was only as that moment arrived that Milo became aware of just how hard he was, hard and throbbing and oozing pre like a Nifty tap.

"Wow!" The word was nowhere near sufficient to do the moment justice, but it was the best he could manage. His dick, his balls were being cocooned by exactly the same fabric, in exactly the same position, as D's, the boy he'd been trying so hard not to be in love with for so long. The wetness he could feel so acutely was a wonderful combination of that boy's explosive cum and his own natural lubrication.

"Wow!" One hand moved to gently trace the outline of his steel-hard dick, the other went round to explore the large opening at the back of the jock, quickly homing in on his exposed butt crack. This was, by any measure, a gay-boy's dream cum true. He knew D was out of reach, knew that best friendship was the most he could ever expect from him, knew, too, that this moment was probably the most awesome solo experience of his life and that it wasn't going to last for long. His hands got busy, both front and back, with one rapidly rubbing up and down his encased dick and the other urgently exploring his waiting hole.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" The moans escaping from his mouth were the outward evidence of the incredible feeling that was building to its inevitable climax. "Uh! I'm, I'm ..."

A voice from downstairs shouted, "Me and dad are waiting, M. Are you ..."

"... CUMMING!!"

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Next: Chapter 65: D N M IV 4

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