By AP Webb

Published on Sep 28, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. It's main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part1

From Chapter 5:

"Okay D. That's good. Well done. Now open your eyes. Keep your hands where they are if you like, but open your eyes."

Dan did as he was told, and as he opened his eyes he couldn't stop his mouth from falling open too. Tom was magnificent. He had looked pretty amazing before, but now, with no clothing on at all, he really did look like the Greek god he had joked about just a few minutes before. The pale band around his middle was beautifully offset by the tanned skin above and below it. And the jewels in the crown were Dan's nearly man-sized dick and balls which hung between his legs, framed by the white skin. Just above his dick was a small area of dark blonde hair, just a couple of shades darker than the hair on his head. Dan was amazed, and the admiring expression on his face made that very clear. Tom smiled, enjoying his young brother's obvious admiration, proud of the strong, athletic body he had worked so hard to achieve.

Chapter 6

"It's okay, D," said Tom gently. "Check me out as much you like, `cos this is how you're gonna look in a few years' time. And believe me when I tell you that, from what I can see, you've made a pretty good start."

Hearing Tom's voice brought Dan crashing back to the here and now as he realised his hands were no longer strategically placed in front of him, and that his own meagre boy-parts were now exposed to Tom's gaze.

"I think you're bigger than I was at your age, and you've got more hair. Your balls definitely hang lower."

Moving his right hand to the area just above his wil... his dick, Dan discovered that he had, indeed, got more of the soft, straight hairs than he had been aware of before. He thought it must be because they were so pale that he hadn't realised how they had multiplied.

"That's it, now move your hand down to your dick and start stroking it. Like this." Dan watched as Tom began to gently pass his hand up and down the length of the limp four inches of his neatly-cut teenage dick. Without realising he was doing it, Dan began to copy his brother's actions, letting his fingers run the full length of his boyhood, first down towards the tip, then back again to the base. It felt good, and the more he did it the better it felt. Gradually he became aware of a thickening and lengthening sensation, as his fingers stopped their gentle stroking and began to grip the hardening tube of flesh.

"That's it D. Now start rubbing, but not too hard. You want to make it last as long as you can."

Dan had no real idea what Tom meant. What he did know was that his dick had grown in length and that a warm and tingly feeling was beginning to spread from the tip, down the shaft, into his ball sack and up into his lower tummy.

"Now hold out your hand," said Tom. "And take some of this."

"What is it?" asked Dan, seeing Tom holding a small plastic bottle containing, what looked to be, a clear liquid. Where it had come from he couldn't think. Maybe Tom had got it from somewhere in his room while Dan had been concentrating on the amazing feeling that was coming from his, now throbbing, boy dick. This was like nothing he had ever experienced before and he instinctively knew that this would be just the first of many such times.

"It's called lube and it makes the rubbing easier until you start making your own pre-cum, and even then it helps make the feeling better, more intense." Tom squirted some of the liquid into Dan's outstretched hand. "Now wipe it over your dick, especially the head, then keep on with the rubbing. If you like you can start going at it a little harder and faster."

With his now sticky hand, Dan did as Tom suggested, increasing both the grip and the speed of his rubbing. He became aware of a new sensation, just behind his ball sack. At first it was almost like he needed to visit the bathroom, but then warm waves of pleasure began to flood through his body.

When Tom heard the quiet whimpering sounds Dan had started to make, he stopped his own dick action to concentrate on what was happening to his little brother. A knowing smile spread across his face. This, he knew, was just the start of a very special relationship between boy and dick that was going to keep them both happy for a long time to come.

Dan couldn't believe what he was experiencing and how out-of-this--world-wonderful it felt. His whole body was alive with warmth and pleasure, and it was his dick that was the centre of this amazing universe. An unbelievable crescendo of tingling, throbbing pleasure was building and he had no idea where it was going to take him, he just knew that he'd want to go there, time and time again. Suddenly he felt as if his legs were going to give out from under him and he staggered towards the bed, at no time taking his hand from his new-found best friend.

Through his haze of pleasure Dan heard Tom's voice. "That's it D, you're nearly there. Go for it."

Dan increased the speed of his rubbing even more as the crescendo moved to an ever-higher peak. Just when he thought the pleasure was about to turn to pain; just at the moment when he felt he couldn't take any more, his whole body went into spasm, his dickhead throbbed and, first one, then a second and a third drop of a pearly-white liquid spewed out of the end of his dick and dribbled onto his hand.

"Way to go D! Way to go!!"

Dan collapsed back onto Tom's bed, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

"Oh wow. Oh wow! That was amazing." His hand stopped moving and he looked down to his rapidly-shrinking and softening boy dick. He became aware of his sticky fingers. "Hey, this feels like the stuff in my underwear this morning."

"Got it in one D. That is your cum."


"Yes, cum, sperm, jizz, splooge, ejaculate, semen, call it what you like, it has just arrived direct from your balls and is the stuff that will, one day, make you a dad. You, my little brother, have just experienced your first ever jerk off. Congratulations."

"It was absolutely awesome. When can I do it again?"

Tom laughed. "Slow down stud. Your balls need time to build up their reserves. Give it some time. At least an hour!"

"And is this the strategy?"

"The `Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy'? It sure is. As long as you make sure you rub one out every night before you go to sleep, your chances of waking up in a sticky mess are pretty much zero. You have my big brother guarantee."

A great wave of relief flooded through Dan. The thought that he wouldn't ever again have to suffer the humiliation and embarrassment of another awful wet dream was just great. And the fact that the way to prevent it was so amazingly wonderful was almost unbelievable. He raised himself from the bed and walked over to his brother who was still standing in the middle of the room.

"Thank you, Tom. Thank you," he cried, wrapping his arms round his brother's bare torso. "You're the best big brother anyone could ever have." As he was speaking Dan suddenly realised that they were both still stark naked. He quickly dropped his arms and took a couple of steps backwards. Glancing across at Tom he saw that his brother was still sporting a respectably hard dick.

"No probs, D. And remember you can always come to me to ask any questions you like. But I can't believe you've never done it before. By the time I was thirteen I was banging one out at least twice a day. Don't you ever get a boner?"


"Jeez, how green you are. A boner; a stiffie; an erection?"

"You mean my wil.. my dick?" Dan quickly corrected himself.

"Yes, your dick. Doesn't it ever get hard?"

Dan hesitated over his answer. "Well, yes." Even after the events of the last hour or so, Dan still wasn't sure he was comfortable talking about this sort of stuff with his brother. "It happens a lot but I just try to ignore it and hope it'll go away. It usually does -- eventually."

Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing. "And haven't you ever played with it. Rubbed or stroked it?"

"Not really. I just thought it was some short-term thing `cos of puberty, you know, and that it would sort of stop after a while. I know better now though." He grinned. "And I'll pay more attention to what the other boys at school are saying. They never stop talking about sex stuff."

"That's good to hear. But now it's my turn. I really need to get off. Feel free to hang around to watch a star jerker in action!"

As ever, my thanks to those readers who have taken the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 7

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