
By AP Webb

Published on Sep 15, 2020


Part 3 of the story of D'n'M, just like Parts 1 and 2, includes sex between teenage boys, some of it non-consensual. As before, it is the characters themselves and how they react to events that are key to whatever success the story achieves.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at:



D'n'M Part 3

From Chapter 15:

As he came down from his second jerk-off high of the morning Milo watched his ejaculate slide down the glass and spread out in a line as it hit the edge of the frame. Glancing up he saw a huge smile being reflected back at him. If that was what wearing boxer briefs did for you, he was a convert. Perhaps he could persuade D to part with a couple of pairs, or would that be too weird? Yeah, probably.

Chapter 16:

Dan was having a very difficult morning at school. He'd lost count of the number of members of the swimming team who had come up to him to ask why M hadn't been at morning practice. Hadn't he realised how important it was? Didn't he know that Ms. Boyeda was finalising the team on the basis of their performance that morning? Didn't he care whether the team did well in the tournament?

Dan had fended off these increasingly persistent questions with increasing irritation. Finally, he'd snapped at someone he recognised as a pretty good freestyler and told him in very explicit terms that he, Dan, wasn't interested in the problems of the swimming team and that he, the freestyler, should go away and perform a sex act on himself. So when, towards the end of lunch, he saw Dods walking towards him, Dan was just about ready to punch anyone who so much as mentioned Milo, swimming or the tournament. To avoid such a violent reaction Dan turned around and started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Hey, D. Wait up."

Dan increased his pace.

"I need to talk to you. It's important."

Dan turned. "Not to me it isn't. If you want to know why M wasn't at practice you'll have to ask him yourself." He made to go but, by this time, Dods had caught up with him and was holding him by the arm so he couldn't get away.

"I've tried but his phone goes to voice mail every time."

"Then maybe he doesn't want to talk to you. Neither do I." Dan tried to end the conversation as emphatically as he could.

"Listen D, I've been hearing some pretty weird shit about Milo."

"Well, you should know all about it, after all, you were there when it happened."

Dods looked completely nonplussed, because he was.


"In the showers? The circle jerk he wouldn't join in with?"

"That? That was just a misunderstanding. Nothing for him to get stressed about. No, I'm talking about some serious shit with a cousin of his."

Dan quickly looked round, trying to see if anyone else could have heard what Dods had just said. "Sshh. Not so loud. If we're gonna talk, we need to go somewhere no-one can hear us."

He led Dods out of the school building and over towards the bike storage cages. They could generally be relied on to be quiet at lunchtime because they were locked so no-one could access their bike to get off campus. Once safely out of sight Dan turned to Dods and fired a volley of questions at him.

"What have you heard? Who told you? Who else knows?" He could feel the blood pumping in his ears.

"Whoa man, one question at a time. But I'm not wrong, there is something serious going on?"

"I'm not saying there is or there isn't until you tell me what you know and how you found out. So spill!"

Although he didn't know it, Dan could be very intimidating when he was focused and fired up. That was probably what had made him such a difficult and respected opponent on the soccer field and why Dods was looking back at him with something more than concern in his eyes.

"Okay dude, but cool it. I'm not the enemy. I'm worried for M."

"Sorry, but Milo is my brother and we look out for each other. He's an awesome guy and I won't hear anything bad said about him."

"I understand and it's cool. But what I heard is pretty fucked up."

Dan felt calmer now that they'd each established where they stood regarding Milo. "Okay. Start at the beginning and tell me everything you heard."

"Well, see, Parker, my kid brother is a real basketball nut and he hangs round with the team all the time. So last night he's down at the practice court. You know it?"

Dan nodded. He knew where it was but didn't spend a great deal of time there as he wasn't much into shooting hoops though he knew that it attracted a lot of local kids on summer evenings and at weekends.

"And last night some of the guys from the other two teams were there, you know, for the tournament this weekend? They must have come down early or skipped school or something."

Again Dan nodded. So far what Dods was telling him had an air of truth about it. So far.

"So anyway, Parker's playing some one on one with one of our guys when this older kid comes over and muscles in, pushing Parker out of the way. Park says he's never seen this guy before so knows he must be from one of the other teams. Anyway, this guy starts mouthing off saying Greenside Community High is gonna be a push-over especially if all our guys are faggots like his cousin."

Fuck! That didn't sound good, didn't sound good at all. It was already beginning to look as if things were worse for M than either of them had begun to imagine, and Dods clearly had more to say. Fuck!

"Okaay. So what happened then?"

"Apparently this guy, name of Stefan?"

"Zephan," corrected Dan.

"Whatever. Well, he started saying that his cousin Milo was a faggot with a really good mouth and that he'd face-fucked him the night before. He said that Greenside must be really desperate if they have to pick pathetic pussies like him for their swimming team."

This all sounded horribly convincing to Dan and so hard to listen to. He started pacing backwards and forwards, his anger and frustration translated into action.

"What happened then? Did he say anything else?"

"I dunno. Obviously Park knows I'm on the team and he's heard me talk about Milo so he came straight home and told me everything I've just told you." Dods looked Dan directly in the eye. "Is it true?"

"Is what true, exactly?" Dan needed to play for time. Anything he might say in response to Dods' account had the potential to make things even worse for M.

"Don't give me that crap. Is what I've just told you true or not?" Dods was sounding pretty pissed off.

"Well, I wasn't there so I don't know if what your brother said was true." Dan knew this wasn't the answer Dods wanted but it was Dan's best attempt at a stalling tactic. He needed more thinking time.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." Pretty pissed off had changed to very pissed off. "Look, if you think I go along with anything this Zephan jerk said then you've got it all wrong. I'd like to think that M and me could be good friends. Whether he's gay or not makes no odds to me. He's a good guy and a really good swimmer. We need him on the team this weekend and we don't need loud-mouthed homophobes like his cousin shouting their mouth off and bragging about stuff like that."

Dan heard the sincerity in Dods' voice and it moved him more than he could explain.

"Listen, whether M is straight, gay or half way down the middle is no-one's business but his and I'm definitely not saying one way or the other." Dan knew it was really important to get that message across right from the start.

"Fair enough, and that's cool, but what about any of the rest? Is this Zephan guy really M's cousin and did something happen like he said, whether Milo wanted it to or not?"

"Yeah, Zephan is M's cousin and he's also a first class asshole who gets off on forcing other people to do stuff. From what M has told me he thinks he's the big man and that he can get away with just about anything and everything." Dan took care not to directly confirm what Dods had told him but hoped the other boy would be able to read between the lines.

"Fair enough. I get it that you won't say anything negative about M -- that you've got his back -- but, when you see him, I want you to tell him that the other guys on the team wouldn't let what this Zephan jerk says affect them or change their opinion. He can come back to the team and no-one will think any less of him. Can you do that?"

Dods sounded so genuine, so supportive, that it almost brought Dan to tears. It sounded as if M was genuinely liked and respected by the rest of the team. So cool.

"But you've got it all wrong, the reason he wasn't at practice this morning has got nothing to do with what happened with Zephan ... or didn't happen." - he had to correct himself very quickly in case he'd given too much away.

"Huh? Then what?" Once again Dods was confused by what Dan said.

"It's because of what happened in the shower. He was totally embarrassed about blowing off the circle jerk and felt that he'd made a complete dick of himself. He's convinced the rest of the team think he's a useless waste of space." There was no way Dan was going to paint the full picture by explaining that M believed the rest of the team had worked out that he was gay and wanted nothing more to do with him. "And what you've just told me makes it even worse. Once he knows what Zephan's been saying about him it'll be a miracle if I can get him back into school, much less back on the swimming team."

"What?!! No dude, he's got it all wrong. Sure, some of the other boys in the shower yesterday didn't understand why he went off like that, but most of them were disappointed more than anything, I'd given him a big build-up, see, about how he cums like a stallion. They wanted to see if I was making it up and whether they could match him. So like I say, they were disappointed, not pissed off."

Dan couldn't help but smile at the `stallion' comment. M would enjoy that when he told him about it later. But for now there was the problem of how to sort out the mess that M was in, not only with things at home (and Jesus only knew what a huge mess that was) but now the confusion over the non circle-jerk in the shower. Before he could offer any sort of suggestion for a way forward Dods spoke again.

"I really need to talk to M, to get him to change his mind about the tournament, convince him that no-one believes a word his cousin said. You must know how I can get hold of him."

Shit. How much to tell him? There was no way Dan wanted to make things worse for M, especially regarding him being gay and about the truth concerning what had happened with Zephan, but encouraging him back to the team would be a really positive move. M loved swimming, and not being involved with the team would be unbelievably hard for him. Dan knew he had to make a decision.

"Listen Dods, you seem like a good guy," Dods smiled, "And M seems to rate you. He told me about the CB's ..." Dods eyebrows shot up, "... - we don't have secrets - so this is what I'll do. I'll tell him exactly what you said about the circle jerk, see if that's enough to get him to think again about the team. As for Zephan shouting his mouth off, well, that's gonna take a lot more thinking about so you've gotta promise me that, if you do get to speak to M any time soon, you won't tell him anything about what was said at the practice court without getting the go-ahead from me first. That's the deal. Take it or leave it."

"I'll take it. From what I know about you and M, if anyone can get him back in the pool, you can. Just keep in touch, okay?"

Dan nodded and they both made their way back to the school building deep in their own thoughts, Dods trying to work out exactly what it was that Dan had told him without actually telling him, and Dan hoping he hadn't told Dods too much while trying to tell him just enough. Shit, it was hard being a teenager.

When Dan arrived home he was more than ready to shake off some of the stress that had built up throughout the day. A good workout and a decent run were exactly what he craved. But before he did either of those things he needed to check in with M and also speak to a parent. There were things about his day that he needed to share with an adult.

"Hi, it's the favourite son. Anyone home?" he shouted on entering the kitchen.

The reply came from the lounge. It was his dad, "The favourite son is in here with me."

Puzzled, Dan walked through to the adjoining room. There, sitting on either side of the coffee table were his dad and M, halfway through a game of chess. It was an activity that Dan had no time for but, ever since being taught how to play, Milo had been an enthusiastic competitor, much to Roger Reed's delight.

"Hi guys. So you're calling this working from home, eh, dad? Nice! Who's winning?"

"This man here is beating me hollow. If he carries on like this his favourite son status is seriously at risk," replied Roger.

"Good. That'll put me back at the top of the pile where I belong." Dan turned to Milo. "How's your day been, M? The Old Man been driving you crazy?"

"Less than you do, dude. Way less." This was said with a wide smile which was reflected on the faces of both Dan and Roger. Once again Milo was grateful for the safety and acceptance of the Reed home.

"Yeah, well I reckon some reps and a few miles round the park will wipe that smile off. Why don't you go up and find some work-out gear to put on, bottom drawer of my dresser. I'll be up in a few minutes once I've caught up with Mr. Working From Home -- Not."

Milo got up from the sofa. "We can pick up the game again after dinner, Mr. R, so no moving the pieces or any other of your little tricks."

Roger Reed adopted a mock affronted expression and pointed a finger at himself.

"Yes you, dad," laughed Dan, "M has definitely got you sussed." He and Milo high fived then Milo left the room. Dan glanced over his shoulder to check that he was gone. "How's he really been?" he asked his dad.

"Quiet. A bit unsettled, maybe. I've not seen much of him to be honest -- I've been working too hard!"

"Yeah, as if. Any excuse to slack off, that's you."

Roger made to grab Dan in a headlock but his son moved too quickly so he missed, almost overbalancing and knocking over the chess game in the process. He recovered and asked, "And how was your day?", a question that provided Dan with the perfect opportunity to explain what Dods had told him about Zephan and how he'd been publically bad-mouthing Milo.

"And I really don't know what to do for the best. What do you think dad?" Dan had decided on his way home from school that he'd say nothing about the circle-jerk unless that became unavoidable. Not only was it something that M felt really badly about but Dan had no idea if his dad knew that M was gay and there was no way he was gonna let that cat out of the bag. So, best to focus on the Zephan issue. It was, when all was said and done, a much bigger problem, on the face of it, than whether or not M wanted to jerk-off in public.

Roger was genuinely horrified by what Dan had just told him. How on earth could M's own cousin be such a monumental jerk? He'd thought what Helen had told him about Grace had been horrendous but Zephan had taken things to a whole new level. He was appalled. The sooner Gerry got back and got a grip on things the better. And talking of Gerry, Roger didn't have an instant answer to Dan's question about what to do but he did have some news to pass on.

"I managed to speak to M's dad today. I filled him in on the basics of what had happened and why M is staying here for now. If I told you he was angry I'd be seriously understating the situation. Spitting blood would be nearer the truth. He's out of the country on a business trip but he hopes to get a flight back tomorrow and be back home by Saturday. We agreed that M should stay here until Gerry is back and able to get the facts first hand."

That sounded like good news to Dan but it didn't help solve the immediate problem of what to do to get M swimming again in time for the tournament. His disappointment must have shown on his face.

"I know that's not what you wanted to hear, son, but at least it means that M will be safe here with us until his dad gets back and starts to make sense of things. It's not for us to try to sort out any difficulties inside M's family, but we'll be here to support him, like always, and I know I can trust you to do your very best to keep him positive. You're a good boy -- not the favourite, but not bad!" The last comment was thrown in to lighten the mood and make Dan feel less responsible for not being able to magic M's problems away. "Now I thought you said something about a work-out and a run." He turned Dan around and gently pushed him towards the door. "Don't worry, D. It'll all get sorted. Really."

That was easy for him to say thought Dan, especially when he doesn't know the full story. When he got up to his room he found Milo sitting on the bed dressed in a pair of black running shorts and a white soccer shirt that he, Dan, hadn't worn since he'd turned his back on the game.

"How about we skip the work-out and concentrate on the run? By the time we get back it should be dinner time and I'm hungry already." Although what Dan said was perfectly true, the real reason for his suggestion was that he was still hoping to get M to take part in the competition and he knew that heavy gym-based training ahead of a race was not recommended.

"Yeah, whatever," was Milo's half-hearted response, "but you need to get changed before we go anywhere. I left some stuff out for you when I was getting things for myself." He pointed to the top of Dan's dresser where he'd put the kit he'd chosen. Dan quickly stripped down to his boxer briefs and this gave Milo the opportunity to assess how he looked and to compare it to the remembered image of himself, similarly dressed, reflected back at him earlier in the day. Nice! Milo wondered if D felt as sexy wearing this underwear as he had himself. If he did, well crap, D must have a near-permanent boner. No wonder he had the constant hots for Beth Harper.

The run was good for both of them, it went a long way to easing the stresses of Dan's difficult day and it gave Milo the opportunity to stretch his legs after a day spent indoors and inactive. It was also a chance for them to talk, well, for Dan to talk and Milo to listen. Running side by side meant there was no potentially awkward eye contact as Dan repeated Dods' explanation of the circle-jerk incident. He sneaked a crafty side-long glance across at M when he mentioned the `stallion' comment, the smile on M's face confirming that he was pleased. By the time they got back to the house and the smell of Roger Reed's home-made lasagne, Dan felt he was well on the way to convincing M to swim in the tournament, assuming Ms. Boyeda was willing to have him back after he'd missed that morning's final practice. But there was still the unspoken matter of Zephan and what he'd been saying. When he heard about that, Dan was sure that M would majorly freak and they'd be back to square one.

Thanks to all those who have taken the time and trouble to write to tell me how they feel about this story. As ever I am very grateful for all feedback and promise to respond.

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Next: Chapter 57: D N M III 17

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